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SK. No. 92/DIKTI/Kep/1996

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Industri, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Psikologi, Sastra

Program Diploma (D3) Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi Komputer, Manajemen Keuangan
dan Pemasaran T e r a k r e d i t a s i

Program Sarjana (S1) Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Elektro, Teknik
Mesin, Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, Manajemen, Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris T e r a k r
e d i t a s i Program Magister (S2) Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, Teknik Elektro, Sastra Inggris, Psikologi,
Teknik Sipil Program Doktor (S3) Ilmu Ekonomi, Teknologi Informasi / Ilmu Komputer


Mata Kuliah : B.Inggris Bisnis 1 al : 2 Juni 2021
Fakultas : Teknik Industri Waktu : Menit
Jenjang/Jurusan : S1/ Dosen : Nuri Adlina
Tingkat/Kelas : 1 / 1ID02 Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Semester/Tahun : 2 / 2021 Jumlah Soal :

I. Write down five steps to make sure your English emails are perfectly
1. _Begin with a greeting______

2. _ Thank the recipient___

3. _ State your purpose___

4. _ Add your closing remarks_

5. _End with a closing____

II. Choose whether it is true or false.

1. The list of the items are on the desk. (F)
2. A group of people is attacking the house. (T)
3. A bouquet of red roses lends colour and fragrance to the room. (T)
4. Ahnaf or Irfan are not attending the seminar. (F)
5. Neither Panca nor Moti wants to join the Whatsapp group. (T)
6. A cat and a dog are fighting in front of his house. (T)
7. Fauzi and Ade wants to visit Singapore this weekend. (T)
8. Mr. President Jokowi, along with Paspampres, are arriving shortly. (T)
9. There is four tests she has to pass this semesters. (F)
10. Six years are the maximum time for Gunadarma students to finish their study.

III. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Present. Watch the
punctuation and form sentences or questions.

1. They play hockey at school. (to play)

2. She does not write e-mails. (not/to write)

3. Does Puteri has any hobbies? (to have)

4. Ade’s brother works in an office. (to work)

5. Do Aldi and Viccho eat cheese? (to eat)

6. Anna takes care of her sister. (to take care)

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