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‫‪Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radi Allahu ‘Anhu) - Hizb Nasr 1 and Dua Nasr‬‬

‫‪1st Read 111 times‬‬ ‫َيا شَ ْي َخ‪َ ،‬ع ْب ُد الْقَا ِد ْر الْ ِجلَانِ ْي شَ ْي ًئا لِلّٓ ِه‪ ،‬اَلْ َم َد ْد‬
‫اِ ُف ْونَ‪َ ،‬و َلا‬ ‫بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه ال َّر ْح َمنِ ال َّر ِحي ِم‪ ،‬اَللَّ ُه َّم َيا َم ْن َلا َت َرا ُه الْ ُع ُي ْونُ‪َ ،‬و َلا تُ َخالِ ُط ُه ال ُّظ ُن ْونُ‪َ ،‬و َلا َي ِص ُف ُه الْ َو ِ‬
‫اف الد ََّوائ ِ َر‪َ ،‬و َلا تُ ْفنِ ْي ِه الْ َع َواقِ ُب‪َ ،‬ي ْع َل ُم َم َثاقِ ْي َل الْ ِج َب ِال َو َم َكائِ ْي َل الْبِ َحارِ‪َ ،‬و َع َد َد َق ْط ِر ا ْلا ّّ ْم َطارِ‪َ ،‬و َع َد َد‬ ‫َي َخ ُ‬
‫ض‬ ‫َو َر ِق ا ْلا ّّ ْش َجارِ‪َ ،‬و َع َد َد َما اّّ ْظ َل َم َع َل ْي ِه اللَّ ْي ُل َواّّ ْش َرقَ َع َل ْي ِه ال َّن َها ُر‪َ ،‬و َلا تُ َوارِي ِم ْن ُه َس َم ٌاء ِم ْن َس َما ٍء َو َلا اّّ ْر ٌ‬
‫ض َو َلا ِج َبا ٌل ِم ْن ِج َب ٍال‪ ،‬اِ َّلا َي ْع َل ُم َما فِي َو ْع ِر َها َو َلا بِ َحا ٌر اِ َّلا َو َي ْع َل ُم َما فِ ْي َق ْع ِر َها‪َ ،‬وفِ ْي ْاستِ َكا َن ِة‬ ‫ِم ْن اّّ ْر ٍ‬
‫ض اَللَّ ُه َّم ْاج َع ْل َخ ْي َر َع َملِ ْي َخ َواتِ َم ُه َو َخ ْي َر اّّ َّيا ِمي َي ْو َم اّّلْقَا َك فِ ْي ِه اِنَّكَ َع َلى كُ ِّل‬ ‫ات َوا ْلا ّّ ْر ُ‬‫الس َم َاو ُ‬ ‫َع ْظ َمتِ ِه َّ‬
‫شَ ْي ٍء َق ِد ْي ٌر‪ ،‬اَللَّ ُه َّم َم ْن َعا َدانِي َف َعا ِد ِه َو َم ْن كَا َدني َف ِك ْد ُه َو َم ْن َب َغى َع َل َّي بِم َـ ْه َل َك ٍة َفاّّ ْهلِ ْك ُه َو َم ْن ن ََص َب لِي‬
‫َفخًّ ا َف ُخ ْذ ُه َواّّ ْط ِفئ َع ِّني نَا َر َم ْن شَ َّب نَا َر ُه َع َل َّي َوا ْك ِفنِي َما اّّ َه َّمنِي ِم ْن اّّ ْم ِر ال ُّدنْ َيا َوا ْلا ِخ َر ِة َو َِد ِّْق َر َجائِي‬
‫بِال َّت ْح ِق ْيقِ ‪َ ،‬يا شَ ِف ْي ُق َيا َرفـِ ْي ُق‪َ ،‬ف ِّر ْج َع ِّني كُ َّل ِض ْيقٍ ‪َ ،‬و َلا تُ َح ِّم ْلنِي َما َلا اّْ ِط ْي ُق‪ ،‬اِنَّكَ اّّنْ َت الْ َملِكُ الْ َح ِق ْي ُق‪،‬‬
‫َيا ُم ْشرِقَ الْ ُب ْر َه ِان‪َ ،‬يا َم ْن َلا َيخْ لُ ْو ِم ْن ُه َم َكا ُن نِ ْح ُر ْسنِي بِ َع ْينِكَ الَّتِي َلا َت َنا ُم‪َ ،‬و ْك ُن ْفني بِ َك َن ِفكَ َو ُر ْكنِكَ‬
‫الَّ ِذي َلا ُي َرا ُم‪ ،‬اِنَّ ُه َق ْد َت َيق ََّن َق ْلبِي اّّنَّكَ َلا اِلَ َه اِ َّلا اّّنْ َت َواّّنَّي َلا اّّ ْهلِكُ َواّّنْ َت َم َعي‪َ ،‬يا َر ْحم ُن َيا َر ِح ْي ُم‬
‫َاِي‬ ‫َفا ْر َح ْمنِي بِ ُق ْد َرتـِكَ َع َل َّي َيا َع ِظ ْي ًما ُي َر َّجى ل ِ ُك َّل َع ِظ ْي ٍم َيا َعلِ ْي ُم َيا َحلِ ْي ُم َواّّنْ َت بِ َحالِي َعلِ ْي ٌم َو َع َلى َخل ِ‬
‫ين َو َيا اّّ ْج َو َدا ْلا ّّ ْج َو ِد ْي َن َو َيا اّّ ْس َر َع الْ َح ِاسبِ ْي َن‬ ‫َق ِد ْي ٌر َو ُه َو َع َل ْيكَ َي ِس ْي ٌر َفا ْم ُن ْن َع َل َّي بِق ََضا ئِكَ َيا اّّ ْك َر َم ا ْلا ّّ ْك َر ِم ْـ َ‬
‫َو َيا َر َّب الْ َعالَ ِم ْي َن َو َيا اّّ ْر َح َم ال َّر ِاح ِم ْي َن اَللَّ ُه َّم َلا َت ْج َع ْل لِ َع ْي ِشي َكدًّا‪َ ،‬و َلا لِ ُد َعائِي َر ًّدا‪َ ،‬و َلا َت ْج َع ْلنِي لِ َغ ْي ِر َك‬
‫َع ْبدًا‪َ ،‬و َلا َت ْج َع ْل فِي َق ْلبِي لِ ِس َوا َك ُو ًّدا‪َ ،‬ف ِانَّي َلا اّّقُ ْو ُل لَكَ ِضدًّا‪َ ،‬و َلا شَ ِر ْي ًكا َو َلا نِدًّا‪ ،‬اِنَّكَ َع َلى كُ ِّل‬
‫شَ ْي ٍء َق ِد ْي ٌر‪َ ،‬و َلا َح ْو َل َو َلا قُ َّو َة اِ َّلا بِاللَّ ِه الْ َعلِ ِّي الْ َع ِظ ْي ِم‪َ ،‬و َِلَّى اللَّ ُه َع َلى َس ِّي ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َع َلى الِ ِه َو َِ ْحبِ ِه‬
‫َو َسلَّ َم َت ْسلِي ًما َكثِ ْي ًرا اِلَى َي ْو ِم ال ِّد ْينِ َوالْ َح ْم ُد لِلَّ ِه َر ِّب الْ َعالَ ِم ْي َن‪ ،‬ا ِم ْين‬
‫اَللَّ ُه َّم ا ْق َط ْع اّّ َج َل اّّ َم ِل اّّ ْعدَائِي َوشَ تِّ ِت اللَّ ُه َّم شَ ْملَ ُه ْم َواّّ ْم َر ُه ْم َوفَ ِّر ْق َج ْم َع ُه ْم َواّّ ْقلِ ْب َت ْدبِـ ْي َر ُه ْم َو َب ِّد ْل اّّ ْح َوالَ ُه ْم‬
‫ص اّّ ْع َما َر ُه ْم َو َزلْ ِز ْل اّّ ْقدَا َم ُه ْم َو َغ ِّي ْر اّّ ْف َكا َر ُه ْم َو َخ ِّي ْب‬ ‫َاح ُه ْم َو َق ِّر ْب ا َجالَ ُه ْم َونَ ِّق ْ‬ ‫س اّّ ْعلَا َم ُه ْم َو ِك َّل ِسل َ‬ ‫َونَ ِّك ْ‬
‫ا َمالَ ُه ْم َو َخ ِّر ْب ُب ْن َيانَ ُه ْم َوا ْق َل ْع اثَا َر ُه ْم َح َّتى َلا َت ْبقَى لَ ُه ْم َباقِ َي ٌة َو َلا َي ِجد ُْوا لَ ُه ْم َواقِ َي ٌة‪َ ،‬واّّ ْش ِغ ْل ُه ْم بِاّّ ْبدَانِ ِه ْم‬
‫ش بِ ِه ْم َب ْطشَ اً شَ ِد ْيدًا َو ُخ ْذ ُه ْم اّّخْ َذ َع ِز ْي ٍز اِنَّكَ َع َلى كُ ِّل شَ ْي ٍء‬ ‫َواّّنْف ُِس ُه ْم َواّّ ِد ْم ُه ْم بِ َص َوا ِعقِ انْتِقَا ِمكَ ‪َ ،‬واُ ْب ُط ْ‬
‫َق ِد ْي ٌر‪َ ،‬و َلا َح ْو َل َو َلا قُ َّو َة اِ َّلا بِاللَّ ِه الْ َعلِ ِّي الْ َع ِظ ْي ِم‪ ،‬اَللَّ ُه َّم َلا اّّ ْم َن ُع ُه ْم َو َلا اّّ ْر َف ُع ُه ْم اِ َّلا بِكَ ‪ ،‬اَللَّ ُه َّم انَّا ن َْج َعلُكَ‬
‫فِي ن ُُحورِ ِه ْم َونَ ُعو ُذ بِكَ ِم ْن شُ ُرورِ ُه ْم َيا َمالِ ِك َي ْو ِم ال ِّد ْينِ ‪ ،‬اِ َّيا َك نَ ْع ُب ُد َواِ َّيا َك ن َْس َت ِع ْي ُن َع َل ْي ِه ْم َف َد ِّم ْر ُه ْم‬
‫ين‪َ ،‬يا اللَّ ُه َيا اللَّ ُه َيا اللَّ ُه بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه بِ ُح ْر َم ِة‬ ‫ين ا ِم ْ‬ ‫ين ا ِم ْ‬ ‫َت ْد ِم ْي ًرا‪َ ،‬و َت ِّبر ُه ْم َت ْتبِ ًيرا َو ْاج َع ْل ُه ْم َه َب ًاء َم ْن ُثو ًرا‪ ،‬ا ِم ْ‬
‫ُم َح َّم ٍد ِع ْن َد َك َوبِ ُح ْر َمتِكَ ِع ْن َد ُم َح َّم ٍد اّّ ْن َت ْس ُت َرنَا فِي ال ُّدنْ َيا َوا ْلا ِخ َر ِة اِنَّكَ َع َلى كُ ِّل شَ ْي ٍء َق ِد ْي ٌر‪َ ،‬و َلا َح ْو َل‬
‫َو َلا قُ َّو َة اِ َّلا بِاللَّ ِه الْ َعلِ ِّي الْ َع ِظ ْي ِم‪َ ،‬و َِلَّى اللَّ ُه َع َلى َس ِّي ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َع َلى الِ ِه َو َِ ْحبِ ِه َو َسلَّ َم َت ْسلِ ْي ًما َكثِ ْي ًرا‬
‫د ْد ‪111 times‬‬ ‫اِلَى َي ْو ِم ال ِّد ْينِ ‪َ ،‬والْ َح ْم ُد لِلَّ ِه َر ِّب الْ َعالَ ِم ْي َن‪ ،‬ا ِم ْين َيا شَ ْي َخ‪َ ،‬ع ْب ُد الْقَا ِد ْر الْ ِجلَانِ ْي شَ ْي ًئا لِلّٓ ِه‪،‬اَلْ َم َ‬
Transliteration of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani’s - Hizb Nasr 1 and Dua Nasr.
Note there are Two Hizb Nasr’s, of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani, then Dua Nasr and also Hizb Hifz, which makes a total
of Four. Now as for this Hizb Nasr 1 it’s slightly shorter then the other, which ive forwarded a few times before and
there is a YouTube Video of 2nd Hizb Nasr Two.

Before reading ask Help from all Awliya connect your hearts with Your Shaykhs if you have Shaykhs or focus on the
the Maqam of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani's Tomb-(Maqam) or feel make Niyyah you are at his Tomb-(Maqam).
Say: Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad 111 times and then read Dua an-Nasr.
Finish again with Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad 111 times

The Recital of Victory (Hizb An-Nasr one) by Shaikh 'Abdul Qadir (sanctified be his innermost being).
1st read Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad 111 times
In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
O Allah, O He Whom the eyes do not see, and with Whom mere suppositions do not blend,
Allahumma ya Man la tara-hul-'uyun wa la tukhalitu-hud-Dunun:
and Whom the portrayers do not portray, and Who does not fear misfortunes,
wa la yasifu-hul-wasifun, wa la yakhafud-dawa'ir
and Who is not destroyed by dire consequences. He knows the weights of the mountains,
wa la tufni-hil-'awaqib, ya'lamu mathaqilal-jibali
and the measures of the oceans, and the number of the drops of rain, and the number of the leaves on the trees
wa maka'ilal-bihar, wa 'adada qatril-amtar, wa 'adada waraqil-ashjar,
and the number of the things on which the night casts darkness, and on which the day sheds light.
wa 'adada ma aDlama 'alai-hil-lailu, wa ashraqa 'alai-hin-nahar.
Not one of the heavens is concealed from Him, nor any earth, nor any mountain, without His knowing what is in its
very depth,
wa la tuwari min-hu sama'un min sama'in wa la ardun min ardin, wa la jibalun illa ya'lamu ma fi qa'riha
and the heavens and the earth are in submission to His Majesty.
wa fi 'stikanati 'ADamati-hi s-samawatu wal-ardu
O Allah, let the best of my work be its final results, and let the best of my days be the day on which I meet with You.
You are indeed Capable of all things.
Allahumma 'j'al khaira 'amali khawatima-hu, wa khaira ayyami yawma alqaka fihi, inna-ka 'ala kulli shay'in Qadir.
O Allah, if someone is hostile toward me, treat him with hostility. If someone deceives me, deceive him.
Allahumma man 'ada-ni fa-'adihi, wa man kada-ni fa-kidhu
If someone puts my life in danger, destroy him. If someone sets a trap for me, grab hold of him.
wa man bagha 'alayya bi-mahlakatin fa-ahliku, wa man nasaba li fakhkhan fa-khudh-hu
Extinguish for me the fire of him who kindles his fire to harm me, and protect me from what distresses me
wa atfi 'an-ni nara man shabba nara-hu 'alayya, wakfi-ni ma ahamma-ni
in the business of this world and the Hereafter, and confirm my hope with realization.
min amri 'd-dunya wal-akhirati, wa saddiq raja'i bit-tahqiq.
O Tender One! O Gentle One! Relieve me of every hardship,
ya Shafiqu ya Rafiq, farrij 'an-ni kulla diq
and do not burden me with what I cannot bear. You are indeed the Worthy Sovereign!
wa la tuhammil-ni ma la utiq, inna-ka Antal-Malikul-Haqiq.
O Radiant Source of the Proof! O He of Whom no place is empty, protect me.
ya Mushriqal-Burhan, ya Man la yakhlu min-hu makanu nihrus-ni

with Your eye that never sleeps, and shield me with Your shelter, and Your pillar, which can never be dislodged.
bi-'aini-kallati la tanam, waknuf-ni bi-kanafi-ka, wa rukni-kalladhi la yuram

My heart is now fully convinced that there is no god but You, and that I shall not perish while You are with me.
inna-hu qad tayaqqana qalbi inna-ka la ilaha illa Anta, wa inni la ahliku wa Anta ma'i.

O Merciful, treat me mercifully with Your power over me, O Splendid , looked to in hope by every splendid being!
ya Rahmanu fa-'rham-ni bi-qudrati-ka 'alayya. ya 'adiman yurja li-kulli 'aDim:

O All-Knowing One, O All-Forbearing One! You are Aware of my condition,

ya 'Alimu ya Halim wa Anta bi-hali 'Alim:

and Capable of my salvation, and that is easy for You, so treat me with gracious favor in Your judgment.
wa 'ala khalasi Qadir, wa huwa 'alai-ka yasir, fa-'mnun 'alayya bi-qada'ik.

O Most Noble of the most noble, and O Most Generous of the most generous, and O Swiftest of the reckoners!
ya Akramal-akramina, wa ya Ajwadal-ajwadina, wa ya Asra'al-hasibin.

O Lord of All the Worlds and O Most Merciful of the merciful!

ya Rabbal-'alamina wa ya Arhamal-arhamin.

O Allah, do not make my life a misery, and do not cause my plea to be rejected.
Allahumma la taj'al li-'aishi kadda, wa la li-du'a'i radda

Do not make me a servant to anyone but You, and do not plant love in my heart for anything other than You,
wa la taj'al-ni li-ghairi-ka 'abda, wa la taj'al fi qalbi li-siwa-ka wudda

for I do not say that You have any counterpart, or any partner or any rival.
fa-inni la aqulu la-ka diddan wa la sharikan wa la nidda.

You are indeed Capable of all things, and there is no power nor any strength except with Allah, the All-High,
the Almighty.
inna-ka 'ala kulli shai'in Qadir, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa bi'llahil-'Aliyyil-'adheem

May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family, and his Companions, and may He grant them peace in
great abundance until the Day of Reckoning.
wa salla 'llahu 'ala sayyidi-na Muhammadin wa 'ala ali-hi, wa sahbi-hi wa sallama tasliman kathiran ila Yawmid-deen
- Amin.

Finish again with Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad - 111 times
The Supplication of Victory (Dua an-Nasr) of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani
Before reading ask Help from all Awliya connect your hearts with Your Shaykhs if you have Shaykhs or focus on the
the Maqam of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani's Tomb-(Maqam) or feel make Niyyah you are at his Tomb-(Maqam).
Say: Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad 111 times and then read Dua an-Nasr.
Finish again with Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad 111 times
1st read: Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad - 111 times
In the Name of Allah, the All Merciful
O Allah, cause the term of my enemies’ hope to expire and dissolve, O Allah, their unity and their affair,
Allahum-maqta' ajala amali ada'i wa shatti-tillahumma shamla-hum wa amra-hum
and separate their combination, and overturn their management. Alter their conditions, and lower their flags,
Farriq jam’ahum wa aqlib tadbeera-hum, wa baddil ahwala-hum wa nakkis a'lama-hum
and blunt their weapons, and accelerate their ends, and diminish their life spans, and make their feet unsteady.
wa killa silaaha-hum wa qarrib 'ajala-hum, wa naqqis a'maara-hum wa zalzil aqdama-hum
Change their ideas, and disappoint their expectations, and ruin their structure, and uproot their traces,
wa ghayyir afkara-hum wa khayyib amaala-hum, wa kharrib bunyana-hum waqla 'athara-hum
until not a remnant of them remains, and they can find no shelter to protect them.
hatta laa tabqaa la-hum baaqiyatun, wa laa yajidu la-hum waaqiya,
Preoccupy them with their bodies and their souls, and afflict them constantly
Wa ashghil-hum bi-abadaani-him wa anfusi-him, wa adim-hum
with the thunderbolts of Your retribution, and assault them with a fierce assault,
bi-sawaa'iqin-tiqaamik, wa ub-tush bi-him batshan shadidan,
and seize them with a terrible seizure. You are indeed Capable of all things,
wa khudh-hum akh-dha 'azizan, innaka 'ala kulli shay'in qadir,
and there is no power nor any strength except with Allah, the All-High, the Almighty.
wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billahil-'aliyyil-adheem
I cannot keep them at bay, nor can I get rid of them, except through You.
Allahumma laa amna'u-hum, wa laa arfa'u-hum illah bik,
O Allah, we set You at their throats, and we take refuge with You from their wicked ways.
Allahumma innaa naj'aluka fee nuhuri-him, wa na’udhu bika min shururi-him
O Master of the Day Judgment, You Alone do we worship, and of You Alone we seek help against them,
Ya Malika Yawmid-deen, iyyaka na'budu, wa iyya-ka nasta'inu 'alay-him,
so wipe them out completely and destroy them utterly, and turn them into scattered particles of dust.
far-dammir-hum tadmeeran wa tabbir-hum tatbeeran, faj 'alhum habaa'an manshuraa
Amin Amin Amin. O Allah, O Allah, O Allah
Ameen Ameen Ameen, Ya Allahu Ya Allahu Ya Allahu
In the Name of Allah, in honour Muhammad In Your Sight, and in honour of You in the sight of Muhammad,
We Beg You to Shield us in this world an the Hereafter.
Bismillahi bi-hurmati Muhammadin indaka wa bi-hurmatika inda Muhammdin an tastura-naa fid-dunyaa wal-akhira
You are indeed Capable of All Things, and there is no Power nor any Strength except with Allah, the All-High,
the Almighty. May Allah Bless our Master Muhammad and his family and his Companions, and may He grant them
peace. In great abundance until the Day of Reckoning.
innaka 'ala kulli shay'in qadir, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billahil-'aliyyil-adheem wa sallallahu 'ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa 'ala ali-hi wa sahbi-hi wa sallama tasleeman katheeran 'ilaa yawmid-deen
Ya Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Shay'an illah al-maddad - 111 times

‫ اَلْ َم َد ْد‬،‫ َع ْب ُد الْقَا ِد ْر الْ ِجلَانِ ْي شَ ْي ًئا لِلّٓ ِه‬،‫َيا شَ ْي َخ‬

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