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Teacher Ahmad Khalifa

Technology and teaching

How would you describe the three types of instruction (Face-to-face, distance, and
blended) as they relate to classroom continuum?

First of all, the problem with these definitions is that they are devoid of theory and thus
lead to trial-and-error research.

1) Face-to-face learning 

Is an instructional method where course content and learning materials are taught in
person to a group of students .It is the most traditional type of learning instruction.
Learners and instructors are in the same location, at the same time and where technology
is used to enhance or supply the instruction. Learners benefit from a greater level of
interaction between them and the teacher and among the Learners themselves in the
traditional classroom settings. Face-to-face learning ensures a better understanding and
recollection of lesson content and gives class members a chance to bond with one

2) Distance learning
It is an instructional method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a
classroom but use the Internet, e-mail and other platforms to have classes. Simply put,
distance learning is when students are separated physically from teachers and peers.
Distance learning (or distance education) has a long history that goes back two hundred
years. Of course, this education begins with teaching through print media, before the
Internet , at the level of university education.


It is a way of educating students online. Lectures and learning materials are sent over the
internet. Students work from home, not in a classroom. E-Learning (electronic learning)
is its own unique mode of learning; it is also a type of distance learning. It is also referred
as online learning, it can be defined as sometimes including multiple formats and
methods of instruction - CD-ROM, the Intranet, the Internet and audio and video
formats. This learning methodology may vary the most, since program to program
platforms and media differ. As technology continues to evolve, e-Learning also changes.

Distance learning or e-learning falls into two main categories:

A. Synchronous
B. Asynchronous

A. Synchronous
Synchronous means “at the same time.” It refers to a method of education delivery that
happens in real-time. It requires live
communication online. It uses technology, such as
teleconferencing or video conferencing, to achieve
this. Synchronous learning proves less flexible
than other forms of distance learning. After all,
students must meet with their instructor and
sometimes their classmates at pre-scheduled times.
This is a form of synchronous communication.
Using tools like Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate,
Adobe Connect, and Microsoft team or other
conferencing software, teachers and students
interact together no matter where they are
located. Video conferencing enhances student-
instructor interactions and provides a structure for
lesson planning.

B. Asynchronous
Students receive clusters of weekly deadlines. They have the freedom to work at their
own speed. Asynchronous distance learning comes with more opportunities for student
interaction. Students can access course content beyond the scheduled meeting or class
time and interact through online conversations, quizzes, or video comments on their
own schedule .Both faculty and students benefit from the flexibility of asynchronous
learning as it allows them to create and consume content when it’s convenient for them.

How does asynchronous distance learning work?

Instructors send all information to students over the internet. This information may
come in the form of: 
 Online textbooks
 Record lectures
 Screen-recorded videos
 Voice-over slideshow presentations of power points.
 Scheduled chats between students and the instructor
 Set the theme for each week
 Provide topics for discussion 
 Post assignments with detailed instructions. 
Then, students spend the week:
 Watching lectures, videos, or presentations
 Researching discussion topics
 Submitting discussion posts
 Submitting assignments
 Participating in video conferencing
 Corresponding with the instructor via email.

From the combination of both synchronous and asynchronous categories of distance

learning, there is birth of Hybrid distance education. In hybrid distance education
students receive deadlines to complete assignments and exams. Then, they work at their
own pace. They submit assignments through online forums. They maintain contact with
their instructor. Yet, they work at their own pace. As students progress, they gain access

to new modules. 
3) Blended learning also known as “hybrid learning” consists of different teaching
methods to transfer knowledge in the most effective way. The combination of
traditional classroom education" face-to-face" and computer-based or online learning
is considered to be the essence of blended learning. Blended learning represents a
model that integrates technology to boost learning.

Below, we identify and describe 7 different types of blended learning.

Obviously, there aren’t just 7. It could be argued that there are thousands of types of
blended learning varying by content, scale, technology, learning spaces, etc.

The purpose of these definitions is to:

A) Explain the most commonly referred to types of blended learning as most educators
know them.
B) Think more about blended learning as a flexible concept that ideally empowers both
teachers and students to improve learning outcomes.
C) Identify and adapt a blended learning model that’s right for school, classroom, and

This unique blend of traditional and supplementary education through technology offers
an effective solution to the challenge teachers have to face when teaching a diverse
group of students with different knowledge levels and learning preferences. The benefits
of blended learning include ultimate flexibility, effectiveness proven by research,
efficient and quick knowledge delivery and different personalization options. However,
it is important to note that these can only be reaped when the chosen method fits the
needs of the educational institution. Let’s see what the 7 models are:

1. The Face-To-Face Driver Model

In the face-to-face driver model the traditional classroom education is the main method

for knowledge delivery and technology is only used as a supplement to increase success
in educational outcomes. Face-to-face classroom teaching is the main mode of delivery in
this model, but technology is used to supplement learning.

2. The Rotation Model

This model is similar to the learning stations model, the main difference is that here
students both learn from a teacher in a physical classroom and take part in online
sessions. There is a set schedule of real-life classes followed by the virtual sessions.

3. The Flex Model

The backbone of the Flex Model is online learning, teachers are only facilitators and
provide support on an on-demand basis as students move on a fluid schedule among
learning activities. Students still mostly learn in a brick-and-mortar environment with
the teacher on site, however homework assignments are submitted through an online
platform. This model offers much needed flexibility for teachers and students alike by
letting them take more control over how they use their time.

4. Online Lab School Model

Students in this model travel to the school , however education takes place entirely
online through the computer lab of the institution. Teaching takes place remotely online,
however trained non-instructional professionals help students on site and supervise the
facility. Technology isn’t restricted to computers in this case , an online lab model gives
opportunity to harness the benefits of other advanced technologies, such as 3D printers,
VR headsets, and more.

5. Self-Blend Model

This model gives control to the students over what and when to learn, but only as an
addition to their regular classes. Students are able to take courses online supplementing
their traditional in-classroom studies, getting control over what they choose to learn.
Schools can provide these courses through their own learning management system,
which helps them progressing with their online courses in their free time.

6. The Online Driver Model

Out of all the models discussed, the online driver model relies most on technology – in
many cases it doesn’t involve any in-person instruction at all. Students can decide where
they would like to learn from (home, library, on-the-go etc.) and receive all instructions
and materials through virtual channels. Teachers only take a facilitator role and help
students online when needed either on-demand or at agreed times. Students can use
their computer, tablet or smartphone both for submitting assignments and
communicating with their teacher.

7. Project-Based Blended Learning

Blended Project-Based Learning is a model in which the student uses both online
learning—either in the form of courses or self-directed access—and face-to-face
instruction and collaboration to design, iterate, and publish project-based learning
assignments, products, and related artifacts.

Compare a Blended Learning Environment To a Distance Learning Environment.

Learning Environmental Distance Learning Blended Learning

Learning time Synchronous and/ or
Place Any where Class and home
Independence of student High Limited
Number of students engaged High Limited
Cost Less expensive More expensive
Geography covered international Local
Teacher personality has Less impact Higher impact
Class management skills Less required Highly required
Student behavior Doesn’t affect others Affects others
Duration for Feedback
Delayed Immediate
Lab activities engagement Impossible possible
Student motivation Low High
Interaction between students Rare High
Interaction between student
Online Face to face(F2F)
and instructor
Student tracking and control Self Guided
Instruction delivered Part time with brick and
Completely online
Suitable age High school and Elementary classes and
university above
Assessments place Any where At class
Assessments time Any time Scheduled
Community foster Low High
Teacher communicates Digitally Digitally and F2F
Center Student Teacher
Tools used Computer, internet, class
Computer, internet.
Learning environment Learning management (LMS) and brick and
system (LMS) mortar.
Students who benefit All students, workers,
Only local and healthy.
sick, traveling,…
Availability Interrupted by storms,
All time
pandemic diseases, war,…

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