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VUCA in the education sector is described as a new educational normal, referring to the

turbulent, chaotic, complex, and rapidly changing education situations nowadays. To have a whole
picture of the situation, it is necessary and beneficial to identify the volatility, uncertainty, complexity,
and ambiguity challenges in terms of the above analysis on the synergistic factors in application-oriented
higher education. As to the volatility of the application-oriented higher education, the factor of beliefs,
attitudes, and values is given the first concern. Since the challenge is unexpected or unstable and usually
of unknown duration, changing traditional educational values becomes one of the challenges in the
reform of application-oriented higher education. Then, the organizational structure factor, such as
consensus on derived goals and management rules, and external forces, like the digital economy and
globalization, contribute to the turbulence in application-oriented higher education. Specifically, the
following examples of volatility challenges may be taken into consideration:

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