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Effects of Online Education on the Mental and Physical Health of Grade 10 students in
Academia de Mayuga

Joelorie Dabu
Academia de Mayuga
Rose-ann Gonzales gamo
April 2021

Physical health is the well-being of the body and the proper functioning of the organism of
someones. It is healthy if you properly take care of it and if you take a healthy lifestyle and if
you are physically active it also boosts your mental health.
Mental health it is cognitive-behavioral and emotional well-being. It is the feeling and the
thinking of one individual. It affects our daily life and physical health. Stress, depression, and
anxiety is the one that affects can slowly destroy your physical health.
It all started when the pandemic happens and everyone has to depend online completely. And
this have come impact on students health, specifically the over usage of smartphone and sleep
Some students suddenly start to feel eye pain and headache, caused by the gadgets. Because
when we have physical class our eye has time to be away from radiation. But now that we use
online class we have to face our phone or computer 5 more hours.

Now that I have a brief introduction. I have 7 participants that I interviewed and most of them
do feel stress, not because of the class but because of the sudden changes. Recently students
suddenly feel fatigued and eye strain. Because she uses her smartphone for more than 10 hours
a day.
Some students “already experience harm” to their mental health because of the lack of social
communication. Some students say that they miss physical activities, they miss chatting with
their friends in school.
4 out of 7 students say that their mental health worsens for the past month and the rest says
that they are fine.
One student said that “ I would struggle to remain motivated.” And because of the lack of
physical activity, some felt muscle pain. And loneliness because if you are in your online class
we spent most of our time in our room. Because when we are on “face-to-face” we have our
classmates we can talk to.

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