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Effects of Test Anxiety on IABF Students Academic Performance in Accounting Subjects:

A Cross-Sectional Survey

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to observe and analyze the repercussions of test anxiety on
accounting majors at Far Eastern University to perform with excellence and confidence during
the examination period.  

The benefactors of this study are as follows:

School Administration and Instructors 

Awareness is the first step to change. This research account will be the most beneficial to the
educational institution administrators, professors, and instructors to be aware with regards to
the fundamental effects of test anxiety on students. Therefore, they can find alternative ways
and solutions to alleviate the problem. This inquiry paper can also be used for the expansion of
the knowledge of the school heads concerning the matter presented for consideration in this

Accounting Major Students

This study can potentially develop the interest of the business and accounting students with
respect to the keynote topic of this paper. Their curiosity can lead to the future advancement of
this study fundamental in improving and discovering new ideas. 

Through the journey of constant researching, the researchers involved in this study can develop
and foster their logical, analytical, and critical thinking skills. In addition, this research paper can
be utilized to develop their comprehension and consciousness with regard to the subject
matter discussed in this paper. 

Future Researchers
There are tons of revelation that is yet to discover in the field of research and study. Therefore,
this paper of inquiry will serve as a future reference and guidance for the researchers who are
interested in probing topics such as this one. Consequently, it can add innovative and fresh
ideas, concepts, and solutions that can help the appointed subjects of this paper.

From the start, it is necessary for parents to be engaged and aware when it comes to the
education and learning status of their children. It is also their responsibility to protect their
children by providing them the utmost safety and security. Therefore, through this study, they
can recognize the condition of their children regardless of their age. Thus, helping the learners
who are experiencing test anxiety through constant support and encouragement.

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