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Dynamo Industries - Selection Case Study

1. Create a recommendation report giving a rank ordering (1st preference, 2nd preference
and 3rd preference) of your top three choices for the Pittsburgh Plant. Give an in-depth
discussion of why you have created your top three rank (what tests, scores and rationale are
you basing your decision on?).

Two Major issue facing by Pittsburgh plant are extremely high production cost and weak labor
relations. Candidate should have good intellectual & management skill and have experience
and well knowledge about production production process. My three choices in order of

Preference Candidate
First Kathy Joyce
Second George martin
Third Jay Davis

Kathy Joyce is my first preference for the post of plant manager. Currently she is a plant
manager at Dynamo’s San Diego Plant since last 2 year. When we see personality profile so
Kathy have amazing personality result she has the high interpersonal skill as well as high
resolving conflict skill which are the most important skill require for this post but she need to
work on stress handling skill. When we talk about intelligent test so she is on top of the list
although her Handwriting test mark is not up to the mark. Then when we see the interview
rating so Kathy 21/28 which not bad at all. Kathy have third highest work sample score and her
promotion and performance is rate above 5, which mean that her overall performance is up to
the mark. Moreover, her rating state that she can be more likely to succeed as a Plant Manager.
My second preference is George Martin; he is well experience and currently work at of one of
the Dynamo competitor a plant manager. He has excellent personality result as his intellectual
skill and his ability to handle risk is high which mean that he can handle stress very well and
manage the situation. The indicator also show that there is huge chance that he can become
successful plant manager, while his resolving conflict skill is not up to the mark for which he
need to do work on it. When we talk about handwriting tests, He has the highest rating in
handwriting test result although he score third highest score in intelligent test. His interview

Human Resource Management 1

rating show the amazing result as he is on the top of the list moreover, his he also has highest
work sample score among all candidate, that’s is why he is my second preference for the post
of plant manager.
Jay Davis is my 3rd preference for this job. his personality indicator shows that he has amazing
stress management skills and he can he can easily resolve the conflict among the employees
but he need to work on his interpersonal skills which are most important things required in a
manager. His intelligence score is very low but his hand writing rating is highest among all
candidates. The performance of Davis in interview is also up to the mark as he score good
number in his three interviewer rating. Moreover, his work sample score is 19, which is the
second highest score among all candidates.

2. How should the selection process for hiring a plant manager should be changed in the
future? (Include discussion on validity/reliability of selection tools used, should any tests be
dropped? Should some other tests be considered? Be specific in your recommendation.

Following are the method used by Dynamo industries for hiring process

 Intelligence and handwriting tests

 Personality tests
 Interviews
 Performance, promo ability and work sampling tests

The most important skills require in this job are interpersonal skill, resolving conflict skill, cost
management skill, stress-handling skill. In my recommendation, company need to drop
Intelligence and handwriting tests as it is seems like a bit off according to the job description
and the another test which company need to drops promo ability because we can only measure
it for internal employees not for external employees while the rest of the test should be
conduct in future. According to me the new test that should be considered in future for hiring
process are critical thinking and situational judgment test. we can judge the ability of Plant
manager how he can process or work in creative and logical manner in critical thinking test and
in situational judgmental test we can judge how he can manage difficult situation.

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