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Rethinking to operationalize AI in 2021

AI has the potential to drive tremendous business results, but far too many
organizations have used it as an isolated and shiny new tool without
integrating it into their organizations at scale.

 A PwC survey shows that 52% of executives are ramping up their AI

approaches in the wake of Covid-19.

 Despite that, the pandemic has forced executives to rethink how they

deploy a framework to operationalize AI.

Operationalizing AI is all about going from data to insights. Here are three
steps for organizations to rethink how they operationalize AI in 2021:

Automating AI (AutoAI and AutoML)

 AutoML uses machine learning algorithms and real-time data to

continuously improve the target ML model's performance.

 Humans can then ensure that bias is not creeping into the model and
that it maintains certain performance standards.

 As humans and machines continue to collaborate to improve the

model over time, it creates a feedback loop of success.

Make AI Explainable (XAI)

 Responsible AI is a growing field of research within AI.

 Its framework helps build trust in your AI deployments.

 Ignoring such a framework can undermine your relationship with

customers and employees alike.

 One exciting solution that could help identify and root out such bias
is called explainable AI (XAI).

 XAI is a technique that justifies an algorithm's outputs in a simple

and clear way. For example, when it comes to image classification,
explainable AI would classify an image and explain its rationale for
doing so, helping researchers understand how their algorithm works
while increasing trust that the system was bias-free.

Adopt An AIOps Framework

 These platforms help make the entire AI/ML lifecycle more

structured and optimized.

 They streamline AI workflows and benchmark the success of new

initiatives so that organizations better understand their AI operations
and can iterate improvements over time.


 According to PwC's 2021 AI predictions survey, 33% of

companies started implementing limited AI use cases, while 25% had
fully enabled AI processes with widespread adoption.

 It is expected the latter will increase significantly by 2022, as

organizations see the potential of fully integrated AI across their
business units and teams.

 To get there, they must adopt automated processes that can simplify
how they build new AI/ML models, adopt responsible AI techniques
such as XAI, and invest in AI and MLOps.

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