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People often think about creating an ideal society, but most of the times fail in

making this happen. What is your opinion about an ideal society? How can we
create an ideal society?
Opinion is divided as to the definition of a perfect society. In my opinion, it is primarily a
crime-free society, and the provision of free education could make this a reality.
From my point of view, a the utopia that people long for is a place where they could can
live without worrying about potential dangers lurking around. In such a surreal society,
people could leave their house with the doors unlocked, safe in the knowledge that no
one would break into itin and steal their propertyies. Parents could allow their children to
play outside without any fear of child abduction. Women might go out at night and come
home as late as they want. In an this ideal society, there is would be no need for
policemen to patrol around the neighbourhood, and citizens can could make banking
transactions without being apprehensive of fraud.
While the above “perfect” society is remains elusive, I believe that education can partly
help to reduce and minimise the crime rate. It is universally acknowledged that
unemployment begets hunger, and hunger begets crime. If everyone had a job, they
would be less likely to resort to crime. For this reason, education holds the key to crime
prevention. Free access to education means that more people have knowledge and
qualifications that stand them in good stead when finding employment. A perfect
example for this is Germany, a country that is famed for its low crime rate partly
because of the free and comprehensive education system.
In conclusion, I hold a the conviction that there would be no criminals in an ideal society,
and making education freely accessible is a feasible solution to creating it. Good – don’t
forget the final thought just in case – some examiners could bump you down to 7 for TA
without it…

Task achievement: 9
Cohesion/Coherence: 8
Vocabulary: 9
Grammar: 8
Overall: 8.5

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