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Is There an

Invisible Infiuence
Upon Our Lives?

S o m e w h e r e Out T lie r e
A r e O th e r M in d s !
Does m an stand alone in the tideless ocean of space? Is earth the only habitat
of intelligent beíngs? C ertainly the phenom enon of life is not a chance one.
Somewhere in the countless shining orbs are m in d s. . . how puny by com pari-
son in m ental and psychic stature we may be! Those strange, inexplicable
feelings we have at tim e s. . . are they a tugging from the recesses of space
upon our senses? A re they the elTort of Cosmic beings to reach out —to find
a bond of com m unication with earth?
This FREE BOOK Explains
There are two ever exciting, unsolved mysteries
, v —the nature o f self and our Cosmic connections.
Let the Rosicrucians, a centuries-old organiza­
r o n o f learning (not a religión), send you a
; fascinating free book, t h e m a s t e r y o f l i f e . It
casts amazing light upon these things. Find new
pleasure and achievement in this unique knowl-
edge. U se the coupon for your free copy or
write Scribe N.C.K.

Scribe N.C.K.
Rosicrucian Order, (A M O R C)
Rosicrucian Park, San José, California U.S. A.
Kindly send me a free copy of t h e m a s t e r y o f l i f e .
/ am sincerely interested in the mysteries of self and
of the Cosmic.


The R O S I C R U C I A N S ía m o ro . san jó s e , c a l if o r n i a

MAY 1961 19

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