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Upper Extremity Microsurgery

William C. Pederson, M.D.
San Antonio, Texas

Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Understand the indications for free
flap coverage of the upper extremity. 2. Know the advantages and disadvantages of the flaps discussed. 3. Have a basic
understanding of the anatomy of the flaps discussed. 4. Have a variety of options for free tissue transfer.

The application of microsurgical tissue transfer to re- will discuss options for the reconstruction of
construction of the upper extremity allows repair of sig- the upper extremity with free tissue transfers.5,6
nificant bone and soft-tissue defects. Through the years
the approach has changed from one of simply getting the APPROACH
wound covered to primary reconstruction to preserve or
regain function. A wide variety of free flaps offers the The topic of upper extremity microsurgery is
potential to reconstruct nearly any defect of the arm and a wide one, and for the purposes of this discus-
hand. Vascularized bone transfer can be utilized to repair sion, it will be divided into two areas: coverage
large bony defects, while innervated free muscle transfer
and functional reconstruction. Although many
can replace missing muscle function. The total array of
flaps and their indications is beyond the scope of a single situations will be encountered in which soft-
discussion, but this article focuses on a few flaps that have tissue coverage is the only requirement, it
found application for coverage and functional restoration should not be forgotten that coverage and
in the hand and upper extremity. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. functional reconstruction can be accomplished
107: 1524, 2001.) in one step with the appropriate application of
microsurgical tissue transfer. In assessing a
wound of the upper extremity, the surgeon
Since its inception, microsurgery has found should first decide on the ultimate goal of the
wide application in reconstructing the upper reconstruction. This will be predicated on
extremity. Digital replantation, which was first many factors, not the least being the patient’s
performed in 1968,1 probably represents the age, occupation, other injuries, and future
pinnacle of reconstruction in the hand, be- plans. The surgeon should have in mind a plan
cause it allows exact replacement of the miss- in terms of how the initial procedure fits with
ing part. The replacement of missing parts in what else may be necessary in the future. Al-
kind was extrapolated in 1969, when Cobbett2 though soft-tissue coverage may be the first
reported the first great toe transfer to replace a priority in a patient with an avulsion injury to
missing thumb. Although the first successful the hand, the type of flap chosen not only
free flap reported in 19733 was to the lower should allow later surgery but should be per-
limb, the technique of free tissue transfer rap- formed in a way that will maximize later efforts.
idly became incorporated into reconstructive When a patient initially presents with a
surgery of the hand and arm. Through the wound of the upper extremity, the surgeon
study of vascular anatomy of potential donor must carefully assess the wound and make a
sites, the plastic surgical community has given number of important decisions. The assess-
itself a wide variety of available tissues for re- ment of the injury should take into account the
constructive purposes.4 Almost any composite status of the wound (clean or dirty), the pres-
defect of the upper limb can now be recon- ence or absence of fractures (and/or bony de-
structed with a free tissue transfer. This article fects), and the status of neurovascular struc-

From the Hand Center of San Antonio and the Departments of Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery, the University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio. Received for publication April 20, 2000; revised August 25, 2000.
tures (distal vascular supply and nerve there is no proximal injury to the chosen vein
function). All of these considerations are im- to avoid outflow obstruction and thrombosis.
portant in choosing the proper approach to For most free flaps, a two-team approach is
reconstruction. Clean wounds with defects in the most expeditious. The recipient site can be
structures other than soft-tissue coverage debrided and vessels made ready for anastomo-
should be considered for primary reconstruc- sis while the flap is dissected. This may not be
tion. Untidy wounds will usually require de- feasible in some settings, especially if the cho-
bridement and, although they may require free sen flap is to come from the injured arm (i.e.,
flap soft-tissue reconstruction, repair of other the lateral arm flap). If there is inadequate
structures may best be left until a closed wound surgical help for this approach, the wound is
is obtained. debrided and measured, and then an appro-
priate flap is harvested. Once the flap has been
harvested, it is left attached by its pedicle for
PLANNING perfusion while the vessels are dissected on the
Regardless of the type of flap chosen, preop- recipient limb. When the recipient vessels are
erative planning is essential for success. The ready, the pedicle is divided and the flap is
primary issue in microvascular tissue transfer is transferred.
vascular access for vessel anastomosis. Al-
though the upper extremity has a rich vascular COVERAGE
supply, trauma or tumor extirpation may limit The approach to wounds of the upper ex-
the available choices for anastomosis. In most tremity should follow the usual parameters of
patients, the hand will maintain adequate per- soft-tissue reconstruction. Many wounds can be
fusion if only one of the major arteries (radial covered with a split-thickness skin graft or with
or ulnar) is open. If the hand is viable and regional flaps, particularly in the hand. The
either one of these pulses is strong, I think that ultimate morbidity of any local or regional flap
arteriography is unnecessary. If there is any must be considered, however, especially in re-
question regarding the status of hand perfu- lation to later hand function. Because the hand
sion, an arteriogram should be performed, es- is highly visible, the cosmetic aspect of certain
pecially if free flap transfer is contemplated. In local and regional flaps must be considered as
choosing where to perform vascular anastomo- well. Although certain wounds may be ade-
ses, a site out of the zone of injury should be quately covered with a flap from the same ex-
chosen. If one is not sure, the vessels should be tremity, one should consider what offers the
explored and followed proximally until there is best coverage in terms of the overall recon-
no blood staining in the vascular sheath. For struction.7 This will often lead to the use of a
coverage of the hand, anastomosis is usually free flap for many hand wounds. The following
performed to either the radial or ulnar arter- discussion will cover the considerations regard-
ies. For the radial side of the hand and dorsum, ing which flaps may be used for soft-tissue re-
the radial artery in the snuffbox may be used construction in the hand and arm.
for end-to-end or end-to-side anastomosis. If The wound must be considered both in
both the radial and ulnar arteries are patent, terms of its tidiness and size. The first step
an end-to-end anastomosis at this level should before flap coverage is always conversion of a
not compromise circulation to the hand. In grossly untidy wound to a clean one. Debride-
most instances, however, it is probably safer to ment should not be compromised to avoid
perform an end-to-side anastomosis. For cover- making the wound larger, because almost any
age of the forearm, anastomosis can be per- wound in the upper extremity can be covered
formed to either of these vessels or to the with free tissue transfer. This concept was pro-
brachial artery in the antecubital fossa. If there moted by Godina, who coined the term
is significant trauma to the forearm, a proximal “necrectomy”8 to describe the removal of all
end-to-side anastomosis to the brachial artery is nonviable and contaminated tissue. In this ap-
preferable. In the upper arm, most anastomo- proach, intact neurovascular structures are left
ses will be to the brachial system. Venous anas- in place and large bony fragments may be
tomosis is usually best done to one of the su- cleaned and replaced in their anatomic posi-
perficial veins of the forearm, because the tion if adequate coverage can be obtained.
deep venous system is small and anastomosis Once the wound has been debrided, flap selec-
may be difficult. The surgeon must be sure that tion should be considered. Dirty wounds are
usually best covered with muscle, because mus- in patients who must adduct the arm strongly
cle manages infection better than skin only.8,9 (crutch-walkers and paraplegics).
Vascularized fascia also has advantages in terms Rectus abdominis. The rectus abdominis is a
of potential contamination,10 and it may be muscle widely used in microsurgery, primarily
considered in some untidy wounds. The selec- as part of the TRAM (transverse rectus abdo-
tion of flap coverage for a clean wound allows minis musculocutaneous) flap for breast recon-
the use of composite tissue in many cases. Par- struction. This muscle is on the anterior ab-
ticularly in the case of tumor extirpation, the dominal wall and runs from the medial lower
reconstructive surgeon may have the option of ribs to the pubis. It lies in a sheath composed
reconstructing a complex defect with a single anteriorly of continuations of the external and
flap. Although many smaller wounds in the internal oblique muscle layers. The posterior
upper extremity are amenable to local or re- sheath is a continuation of the transversus ab-
gional flaps (i.e., the pedicled groin flap), this dominis, but in the lower abdomen, it is quite
discussion will center on the use of free flaps thin (below the linea semicircularis). This is a
for wound management. fairly large muscle, and it has a reliable vascular
pedicle based on the deep inferior epigastric
system. The pedicle is fairly long (5 to 7 cm),
Muscle Flaps for Coverage and its diameter is fairly large (2.5 to 3 mm).
The selection of which muscle to transfer is The rectus abdominis muscle will cover most
based largely on the experience of the sur- defects of the hand and forearm,15,16 and it will
geon, but the “workhorses” in large wounds of cover large defects of the forearm if most of the
the upper extremity are the latissimus dorsi muscle is harvested and it is placed “barber
and rectus abdominis muscles. Smaller defects pole” fashion around the arm.17 The advantages
can be covered with either a portion of one of of this muscle are that it has a reliable vascular
these muscles or a smaller muscle flap, such as pedicle and may be taken with the patient su-
the serratus anterior or gracilis muscle. pine. The disadvantage of this muscle is that a
Latissimus dorsi. The latissimus dorsi muscle is hernia can result from its harvest if fascia is
a large muscle of the back and shoulder, and its taken (for a myocutaneous flap) or if the an-
vascular supply for free transfer is based on the terior sheath is weak. For coverage of the upper
subscapular-thoracodorsal system.11,12 The pedi- extremity, this muscle is usually harvested with-
cle is lengthy (8 to 11 cm) and has a relatively large out a skin paddle and covered with a split-thick-
diameter proximally (up to 6 mm). This is the ness skin graft.
largest single muscle available for transfer, and its Serratus anterior. This muscle is very useful
area of coverage can be expanded by including a for covering smaller hand defects.13,18 It consists
portion of the serratus anterior muscle through of nine slips of muscle that connect from the
its branch off the thoracodorsal artery.13 It can be ribs at the anterior axillary line to the tip of the
used as an innervated muscle because of the sin- scapula. The lower slips are vascularized by a
gle thoracodorsal nerve,14 but the latissimus is branch coming off the thoracodorsal artery,
generally used to cover large, degloving-type and the upper slips are vascularized by a branch
wounds. Its advantages are that it has a totally of the lateral thoracic artery. The lower three
reliable vascular supply and is very large. Its pri- slips may be taken individually or together as a
mary disadvantage is that the patient must be free muscle flap based on the thoracodorsal
turned in the lateral decubitus position for muscle pedicle. This dissection is tedious because
harvest. If the contralateral muscle is taken, the branches of the long thoracic nerve may be
patient can be turned on the side, and the injured intertwined with the vessels, and damage to the
arm can be prepared simultaneously with muscle nerve supplying the remaining slips of muscle
harvest (assuming that appropriate surgical assis- can lead to winging the scapula.19 The branch
tance is available). It can be taken as a myocuta- to the serratus is usually taken with the proximal
neous flap, but for most indications in the upper thoracodorsal vessels, both to lengthen the
extremity, only the muscle is taken; it is then cov- pedicle and because of the larger diameter of
ered with a split-thickness skin graft. The donor the proximal vessel. This can give a very lengthy
site is easily closed, but seroma formation is a pedicle (15 to 17 cm) with a large diameter (3
common sequelae of this donor site. The func- to 6 mm). The primary advantage of this muscle
tional morbidity from the loss of muscle is mini- is its small size and lengthy vascular pedicle. The
mal in most patients, but its use should be avoided disadvantages of this muscle are the potential
for long thoracic nerve injury and the decubitus ficial veins. This flap may be innervated by anas-
position necessary for harvest. This flap can be tomosis of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous
used to cover the dorsal or palmar hand and nerve, part of which is invariably in the flap. The
first webspace. It has the potential for innerva- quality of sensation in such reinnervated flaps is
tion with a branch of the long thoracic nerve, not great, but it may be useful. If the patient has
but this application would be limited in the a palmaris longus tendon, it may be taken in the
upper extremity. flap as well, and this provides an excellent op-
Although there are certainly other muscles tion for tendon reconstruction, especially on
available for use in the upper extremity, these the dorsal hand. Because the tendon is taken
three will afford coverage for almost any wound. with its surrounding tissue, it has excellent glid-
The gracilis muscle will be discussed below in the ing when transferred as part of the flap. A por-
section on functional reconstruction. tion of the volar radius may be harvested with
the flap as well, and this is particularly useful in
Fascia and Fasciocutaneous Flaps the reconstruction of missing segments of meta-
In the case of clean traumatic wounds or tu- carpal.22,23 The radial artery can be taken with
mor excision, a cutaneous free flap may offer the the fascia only; this provides a thin flap that is
best option for reconstruction. These flaps usu- particularly useful in reconstructing the palm.
ally offer a better cosmetic result than a muscle The advantages of using this flap as a free flap
covered with a skin graft, and they are probably are its thinness, its reliability (based on the radial
better in terms of performing later surgery artery), and the multitude of other tissues that
through or under the flap. This is particularly may be harvested with it. The main disadvantage
true in the case of later tendon surgery, where of this flap is the resulting donor site, which must
the fascia contained in these flaps may offer a usually be covered with a skin graft. The donor
better gliding surface for tendons. In a hand with site is usually aesthetically unpleasant, but it
multiple digital amputations, a cutaneous flap is causes few functional problems. Another relative
better in terms of providing coverage for later toe contraindication to this flap is the loss of the
transfer as well. There are any number of fascial/ radial artery, but studies have shown that signifi-
fasciocutaneous flaps available, but the primary cant problems are unusual. Cold sensitivity is
flaps are the radial forearm, lateral arm, scapular, seen, but this may be related to other factors.
and temporoparietal fascial free flaps. Although Although the radial forearm flap is an excellent
the groin flap is used in some centers as a free free flap, it can usually be used as a distally pedi-
flap and has some definite advantages (primarily cled island flap for hand reconstruction. If this
donor-site cosmetics), the variability and limited flap is not available for some reason as a pedicled
length/size of its vascular pedicle make it a sec- flap, I usually select a skin flap from another area
ond level choice for free transfer in most centers. and do not take a radial forearm flap from the
Radial forearm free flap. This flap offers al- contralateral uninjured arm.
most ideal characteristics for hand reconstruc- Lateral arm free flap. This cutaneous flap
tion.20 Its primary application is as a pedicled from the lateral distal upper arm is based on the
flap based on reversed flow through the distal radial collateral artery, a branch of the profun-
radial artery and venae comitantes.21 Nonethe- dus brachii.24 This vessel runs with the radial
less, it may be used as a free flap in certain nerve in the spiral groove and comes to lie in
instances, and it affords excellent hand cover- the intermuscular septum between the brachia-
age. This flap can be raised anywhere along the lis and lateral head of the triceps. It gives arterial
course of the radial artery, and a skin island supply to the skin overlying the septum and to
from very small to quite large may be taken. The the underlying humerus. Distal to the intermus-
radial artery provides a large caliber vessel for cular septum, the posterior radial collateral ar-
anastomosis, and it may be used for revascular- tery has a rich system of anastomoses with ves-
ization of the distal limb if necessary as a “flow- sels in the proximal lateral forearm, which will
through” free flap. The venous drainage is allow extension of the flap onto the proximal
through the dual concomitant veins of the ra- forearm. The pedicle for this flap is relatively
dial artery, but larger flaps can be drained using short (5 to 7 cm), and the proximal artery has
cutaneous veins. There has been some contro- a small diameter (1.5 to 2 mm) when compared
versy regarding the primary venous drainage of with the flaps previously discussed. The length
these flaps, but the venae comitantes offer re- of the pedicle is limited by the fact that it exits
liable drainage, even in the absence of super- the spiral groove with the radial nerve, and dam-
age to this nerve must be avoided in dissection. nervation. Branches from the primary pedi-
The skin paddle can be based directly over the cle feed the lateral surface of the scapula,
intermuscular septum for a smaller flap or ex- and a portion of this bone can be taken to
tended distally for a larger one. Donor sites up repair bony defects. This bone is quite flat,
to 7 cm in width can be closed primarily, but however, and its primary indication is in the
larger ones will require a skin graft.25 When reconstruction of smaller defects in the
closed primarily, the donor site can be very hand. Donor sites in the 8-cm range can
cosmetic, but in some patients, the scar will usually be closed primarily, but this is usually
widen significantly. The lateral cutaneous nerve limited to the parascapular design of the
of the arm is in the flap, and thus the skin can flap.
be innervated if necessary.26 A portion of the The primary advantages of this flap are the
lateral humerus can be taken with the flap for length and diameter of its pedicle, along with its
bony reconstruction, based on its vascular sup- potential large size. The primary disadvantage of
ply from the overlying pedicle.27 this flap is the need for turning the patient to
The lateral arm flap is purported to be a harvest it. The scapular flap is an excellent choice
“thin” flap, but because of the tissue in the to cover large wounds of the forearm, and it can
intermuscular septum, it is a bit bulky when be used in place of a pedicled groin flap for hand
placed on a flat recipient site (i.e., the back of coverage. It can be combined with the latissimus
the hand). This problem can be avoided by dorsi and serratus anterior muscle flaps on a
using the fascia only, which also decreases do- single pedicle to provide a huge amount of tissue
nor-site problems.25,28 The primary advantages and to cover different surfaces of the hand and
of this flap are that it can be taken from the arm (Fig. 3).33,34
ipsilateral arm (of injury),29 it avoids the sacri- Temporoparietal fascia flap. The temporopa-
fice of a major vessel, and the donor site can rietal fascia offers a flap of specialized tissue that
often be closed primarily. The primary disad- has great utility in hand reconstruction.35 This
vantages of the lateral arm flap are its some- flap is supplied by the superficial temporal ar-
what limited size and the short and small- tery and vein, and it has a pedicle in the 2- to
diameter pedicle. It is very useful in covering 3-cm range that is about 1.5 to 2.5 mm in di-
small defects of the hand and works very well in ameter.36 The temporal fascia lies on the tem-
the first webspace. In thin patients, it can be poral region of the skull, beginning on the zy-
used to cover a degloving injury of the thumb, goma and running superiorly. There is a
with the added benefit of reinnervation by the superficial and deep layer, and both may be
cutaneous nerve (Fig. 1). taken with this flap. The use of both layers of
Scapular flap. The scapular and parascapu- fascia has been promoted for use in wrapping
lar flaps offer a versatile large skin flap to adherent tendons on the dorsum of the hand
cover defects in the upper extremity (Fig. after tenolysis in a scarred bed. The deep fascia
2).30 The vascular supply is based on the can also provide tissue for reconstructing small
circumflex scapular vessels, which branch tendons on the dorsal hand as well. A flap of
from the subscapular system.31 The pedicle moderate dimensions may be taken (in the
for this flap is long (4 to 6 cm) because the range of 8 to 10 cm). The potential for harvest-
subscapular vessels can be taken if necessary, ing vascularized bone with this flap exists, but
and this provides vessels of large diameter at the thin, outer table bone available has few (or
the takeoff from the axillary artery. The ves- no) indications in the hand. Although the do-
sels lie in the fascia with branches to the nor scar is one of the best in terms of cosmesis,
overlying skin. There are two primary the problem of alopecia exists because the su-
branches, thus giving rise to the “transverse” perficial fascia must be dissected from just be-
scapular flap, which is sited transversely neath the hair follicles of the scalp.
across the back, and the “parascapular” flap, The primary advantages of this flap are its
which is sited obliquely down the back. Based potential to provide a gliding surface and its
on this vascular supply, a very large skin flap good donor site (one of the best in terms of
can be designed that will cover most defects cosmesis). The primary disadvantage of this
of the forearm and/or arm.32 Although a flap is that it is very thin and must be covered
number of cutaneous nerves enter the skin, with a skin graft. Temporoparietal fascia offers
there is not a dominant nerve to this area, very nice coverage for defects of the fingers
and thus this flap has poor potential for in- and hand, but the size of the flap is limited.37

FIG. 1. (Above, left) Degloving injury to the thumb in a 23-year-old man. (Above, right) A piece of cloth is used for a template
for a lateral arm flap. (Center, left) The flap is marked on the lateral upper arm. (Center, right) The flap is placed. Note that the
“seam” was placed dorsally, with anastomosis of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm to the ulnar digital nerve of the thumb.
(Below, left) Results at 8 months. Protective sensation had returned. (Below, right) Flexion at 8 months.

This tissue does seem to improve the gliding FUNCTIONAL RECONSTRUCTION

ability of tendons, particularly on the dorsum.
When covered with a split-thickness skin graft, Composite tissue transfer offers the ability to
the temporoparietal fascia flap offers the thin- reconstruct functional deficits with flaps con-
nest coverage available (excluding other fascial taining skin, bone, joint, and reinnervated
flaps). It is probably not the best choice when muscle. Detailed discussion of each of these
later surgery through the flap is contemplated, areas is beyond the scope of this article, but a
however. brief outline of procedures to deal with signif-
associated with recurrent failure to heal may be
candidates for microvascular bone transfer.38
Although there are several flaps available that
can include a portion of vascularized bone (il-
iac crest, lateral arm, radial forearm, dorsalis
pedis), the fibula osseocutaneous flap offers
the best piece of bone for reconstructing sig-
nificant defects of the long bones of the upper
extremity.39,40 Smaller defects, such as those in
the hand, can be managed by one of the pre-
viously discussed flaps, with inclusion of a seg-
ment of bone. Larger defects of the radius,
ulna, or humerus will usually require a piece of
bone such as the fibula.41 The vascular supply
of the free fibula is based on the peroneal
vessels of the leg. These vessels run along the
deep surface of the fibula from just below the
tibioperoneal trunk to the level of the ankle.
Although the peroneal vessels provide a nutri-
ent artery to the medullary canal of the fibula,
they also provide a rich periosteal blood supply
to the cortical surface. The proximal portion of
the fibula can be taken to reconstruct the ra-
diocarpal joint, but this segment of bone gets
its primary blood supply from a branch of the
anterior tibial artery,42 which must be taken to
assure viability of this segment.
FIG. 2. (Above) The hand of a baby with dorsal wrist con- A portion of the skin overlying the fibula can
tracture after a burn. (Below) The hand after scar excision, be taken with the bone, and thus compound
wrist release, and scapular flap.
defects can be managed with this flap (Figs. 4
and 5). The perforators to the skin run around
the posterior aspect of the bone, and thus it is
best to include a cuff of muscle along the
posterior surface of the bone if a skin paddle is
to be included. If a skin paddle is taken, most
donor sites will require a skin graft on the
overlying muscles. The primary advantage of
this donor site is the large amount of bone that
can be taken. In adults, a total of up to 24 to 26
cm of bone may be harvested. The fibular head
should be left in place at the knee level, and 6
cm of the distal fibula should remain to avoid
problems with the ankle. In children, a screw
should be placed across the fibular-tibial joint
FIG. 3. Multiple flaps are available on single pedicle. Here
a portion of serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, and a scapular to avoid proximal migration of the fibula. The
cutaneous flap have been harvested on a single subscapular disadvantages of this donor site are few: the
pedicle. pedicle is relatively short (2 to 4 cm) and there
is some morbidity from harvesting, but these
icant bone loss, muscle necrosis, and digital do not usually present functional problems.
loss will be covered.
Innervated Gracilis Transfer
Free Fibula In some instances, there is a need to replace
Most bony defects in the upper extremity damaged or excised muscle in the forearm or
can be managed with standard bone grafts; upper arm. Although many losses can be ade-
however, long defects (⬎ 6 cm) and those quately reconstructed with standard tendon

FIG. 4. (Above, left) Humeral nonunion in a patient who had undergone seven prior proce-
dures to attempt union. (Above, right) Intraoperative x-ray. Note that the fibula is held in place
with only two screws, while the plate spans the defect at the site of resection of nonunion. (Below)
Arm after vascularized fibular transfer to nonunion. Hemostat points to plate over fibula.

transfers, patients with significant loss of mus- of the appropriate size (both length and
cle substance (such as those with Volkmann’s width), and it has an excellent neurovascular
ischemic contracture) may benefit from recon- pedicle. The gracilis is a muscle in the medial
struction of function with a microvascular mus- thigh that runs from the pubis to the medial
cle transfer (Fig. 6).43 The muscles available for tibia. It has a primary vascular pedicle (a
this include the gracilis, latissimus dorsi, and branch of the profundus femoris) and enters
rectus femoris. This latissimus dorsi can be the muscle at its undersurface about 6 to 12 cm
used in the forearm as a free functional trans- below its origin. The pedicle is rather short (5
fer,44 but it is not ideal. The rectus femoris has to 6 cm) and of relatively small diameter (1 to
been used for this in the past, but again it is not 2 mm). There are usually two or three second-
the optimal muscle. The gracilis muscle, how- ary pedicles that enter the muscle distally, but
ever, is nearly ideal for reconstruction of the the muscle is well-perfused by its primary pedi-
muscles of the forearm. It has adequate excur- cle alone after microvascular transfer. The gra-
sion to provide finger flexion or extension, it is cilis is powered by a single nerve, the anterior
ability to replace in kind a missing digit with a
mobile, sensate toe offers the best type of re-
construction available. Although this is a com-
plex microsurgical procedure that should not
be undertaken without experience,45 it remains
the benchmark for thumb and most digital
reconstructions. There are a number of varia-
tions of toe transfer, and almost any tissue
needed for digital reconstruction can be trans-
ferred. These range from pulp-only transfers to
double second and third toe transfers to recon-
struct the metacarpal hand. Because this is an
overview, the discussion here will be limited to
anatomy and a few technical points.
All great and second toe transfers ideally
have their vascular basis on the dorsalis pedis–
first dorsal metatarsal system. This anatomy is
highly variable, however, and a thorough
knowledge of it is the basis for safe harvesting
of these flaps. The venous drainage is based on
the dorsal superficial veins of the foot, because
FIG. 5. Results from the patient shown in Figure 4 at 2 the deep system that accompanies the arterial
years postoperatively. Note incorporation and hypertrophy of
supply is usually very small. The flaps can be
the fibula.
innervated by the proper plantar digital nerves
branch of the obturator nerve, which enters to the toe(s) and by the deep peroneal nerve,
the muscle at the level of the vascular pedicle which accompanies the dorsalis pedis/dorsal
proximally. The distal third of the muscle is metatarsal vessels.
tendinous, and this tendon is ideal for attach- Joint reconstruction. Destruction of the prox-
ment to the distal flexors or extensors of the imal interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal
digits. The primary advantage of this muscle as joint in a finger remains a formidable recon-
an innervated free transfer is that its size and structive problem. Although arthroplasty with
excursion closely match those of the muscles of artificial joints continues to be an option in
the forearm. The primary disadvantage of this these patients, results are poor in young, active
muscle for free transfers is its relatively short patients. The possibility of reconstructing a
and small pedicle. missing finger joint with a joint from a toe
The primary indication for innervated mus- would seemingly obviate the problems associ-
cle transfer to the forearm is loss of muscle ated with artificial joint replacement.
mass, as in Volkmann’s ischemic contracture There have been a number of reports of
or traumatic avulsion of the muscles. The pre- joint replacement in the hand with toe
requisites for successful innervated muscle joints.46 –50 The metatarsophalangeal joint and
transfer include adequate passive excursion of proximal interphalangeal joints of the second
the distal joints, intact sensation in the hand, toe are used most often to reconstruct the
available neurovascular structures for anasto- analogous joints in the hand. Despite early
mosis, adequate distal soft-tissue for coverage enthusiasm for this procedure, it remains prob-
of the tendon repairs, and lack of a simpler lematic. Extensor lag at the transferred joint is
solution for the problem.43 In certain in- common,49 –52 and complication rates are fairly
stances, some of these requirements can be high and include vascular failure, infection,
modified if the others are present. In general, and late joint destruction.50,52 Active range of
however, this procedure should be reserved for motion for transferred metatarsophalangeal
those patients with a severe problem that is not joints is in the 30-degree range, with less in
amenable to more standard solutions. transferred interphalangeal joints.50 –52 In chil-
dren, transferred toe joints provide some po-
Toe Transfer tential for growth, but reports vary on the
Microvascular toe transfer represents one of amount of growth obtained from the trans-
the pinnacles of reconstructive surgery. The ferred epiphyses.52–54 Although this procedure

FIG. 6. (Above, left) Intraoperative view of the forearm of a 12-year-old boy after a propeller injury. Note the disrupted median
nerve (over background). (Above, right) Intraoperative view after innervated gracilis transfer. The skin paddle for monitoring
is over the proximal muscle. (Below) Extension (left) and flexion (right) at 8 months postoperatively.

certainly has advantages over implant arthro-

plasty and fusion, it is a complex undertaking
and should be used selectively by surgeons with
Thumb reconstruction. Toe transfer in one of
its forms offers many of the best ways to recon-
struct defects of the thumb.55 For reconstruc-
tion of the pulp of the thumb alone, only the
lateral pulp of the great toe is taken; this may be
innervated by the lateral digital and deep per-
oneal nerves. This flap provides excellent re-
construction for the thumb and leaves little
morbidity at the foot. For partial thumb ampu-
tations (those from the mid-proximal phalanx FIG. 7. Patient 1 year after great toe wrap-around recon-
level), a great toe “wrap-around” flap may be struction of the left thumb.
used (Fig. 7). This modification takes only the
distal phalanx and surrounding soft tissue, struct missing joints. Because it leaves the prox-
which is trimmed to approximate the circum- imal phalanx intact, it has the potential to im-
ference of the missing thumb.56,57 This tech- part less morbidity at the foot than whole great
nique requires the use of an intercalated bone toe transfer. Wei et al58 advocate the “trimmed
graft segment between the proximal phalanx of toe” technique to circumvent the lack of motion
the thumb and distal phalanx of the toe. Al- of the wrap-around flap. In this technique, the
though this is arguably the most cosmetic type entire great toe is trimmed, including both the
of thumb reconstruction, it does not recon- soft-tissue and bony structures, to give a recon-
structed thumb of appropriate circumference. CONCLUSIONS
Their report showed a reasonable return of mo- This has been a brief overview of microsur-
tion in the trimmed joints. gical reconstruction of the upper extremity.
In cases of loss of the entire thumb, the The number of flaps available for hand and
entire great toe may be transferred. It should arm reconstruction is large, and only a few
be noted that the metatarsophalangeal joints have been discussed here. There are a number
act primarily in the extension arc. To avoid of flaps other than those discussed that have
hyperextension of this joint when transferred application in the upper extremity, but I hope
to the hand, a dorsal oblique osteotomy is used this overview has given the reader a number of
to place the toe in the proper position on the options that offer a solution for most recon-
hand. The flexor and extensor tendons are structive problems. For further reading, one
taken with a total great toe transfer, and anas- should seek out one of the many texts available
tomosis is ideally performed at the wrist level to on the subject.12,62,63
decrease the incidence of tendon adhesions. William C. Pederson, M.D.
The flexor tendon may be harvested through a The Hand Center of San Antonio
separate incision in the non–weight-bearing 9150 Huebner Road, Suite 290
surface of the arch of the foot and, if more San Antonio, Texas 78240
length is needed, another incision may be
made at the level of the tarsal tunnel. The REFERENCES
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Self-Assessment Examination

Upper Extremity Microsurgery

by William C. Pederson, M.D.


A) Rectus abdominis
B) Pectoralis major
C) Gluteus maximus
D) Latissimus dorsi
E) Trapezius

A) The thoracodorsal nerve
B) The pleura
C) The long thoracic nerve
D) The medial pectoral nerve
E) The axillary artery


A) Facial nerve injury
B) Temporal wasting
C) Temporomandibular joint malfunction
D) Alopecia
E) Necrosis of the scalp

A) Volkmann’s ischemic contracture
B) Electrical burn to the forearm
C) High median nerve injury
D) Degloving injury to the forearm
E) Radial nerve paralysis

A) Great toe wrap-around
B) Whole great toe transfer
C) Trimmed great toe transfer
D) Great toe pulp transfer
E) Great toe interphalangeal joint transfer


A) Only the margins of the wounds are excised
B) All tissues that may have been damaged, including nerves and vessels, are excised
C) All contaminated or nonviable tissue is excised with the exception of major neurovascular structures
D) All deep structures are left intact, regardless of contamination, because coverage with a free flap will take care of any residual
necrotic tissue or contamination
E) Only obviously necrotic tissue is excised

To complete the examination for CME credit, turn to page 1635 for instructions and the response form.

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