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International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

Energy Efficient Parallel LEACH Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor


Santhosh kumar K S, Hanumanthappa J, Chethan Raj

Department of studeies in Computer Science,
University of Mysore,
Mysuru, Karnataka,India.

S.P. ShivaPrakash
Department of Information Science and Engineering ,
JSS Science and Technology University (Formerly SJCE),
Mysusu, Karnataka, India

This paper focuses on exploring most widely used Local Energy Aware Cluster Head (LEACH) protocol in the
field of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN). From the literature it can be found that most of the
researchers have proposed energy efficient protocol for a single core machines. These protocols may work a
efficiently in single core machines but exhibits low performance when applied to multi core machines hence this
work proposes an Energy Efficient Parallel Local Energy Aware Cluster Head (EEPLEACH) protocol that
evaluates and improves network performance considering energy metric in many core CPUs and GPUs. The
proposed protocol is tested on Dual-core, Quad-core, Hexa-core and Octa-core machines. The result shows an
improvement in network performance in the proposed protocol compared to existing protocol.

Keywords: High Performance Computer, Energy Efficient Parallel LEACH, energy efficiency, multipath
clusters, Underwater Wireless Sensor Network.


In Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN), the data generated through sensors are aggregated at the
cluster head. Data aggregation isone of the most important aspects of an underwater wireless routing in
Sensornetworks; it helps in saving energy and avoids collision of datawhich is generated at different nodes. The
techniques employed for Data aggregation are Network Aggregation, Tree based approach and Cluster based
approach, dependingupon the desired requirements. Recently, Multipath routinghas gained lot of attention in
UWSN’s. The main technicalfocuses in this area, protocols find multiple pathswith desired properties [3] this
method helps to split trafficsby involving coding schemes. Underwater sensing systemsare anticipated for stand-
alone applications and control ofautonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and as an addition tocabled systems
[1]. Like, to cover miles of ocean floors and tosupport communication access points engaging cabled
oceanobservatories which were built on submarine cables [2].
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

Fig. 1: Innovative issues for Performance of Underwater Wireless Sensors Network.

Figure Fig. 1 shows the innovative issues for performance of UWSN. They are energy constraints, environment,
hardware constraints, scalability, transmission mediaand frequent occurrence of failure. The rest of the paper is
as follows: Section 2 discusses the related works carried out by various researches, Section 3 states the problem
statement, Section 4 introduce the proposed model design, Section 5 presents the algorithm, Section 6 shows the
experiments results and discussion and Section 7 presents conclusions and future work.


This section presents the most recent works on multipath cluster algorithms for energy efficiency and reliability
using parallel computing on super computer carried out by researchers in the area of UWSN.
D. Asir Antony et al.,[5] proposed a new model for communication called EERCM which makes use of
enhanced network coding and multipath routing. It is found that the proposed model cause decrease in
consumption of energy of acoustic nodes. Multipath routing model uses hop-by-hop transmission method.
Authors have evaluated the energy efficiency of the proposed method wherein, information hops from one node
to other. Fei Hu et al.,[7] reported a method which is cost effective for UWSN system. Their method possess a
circuit which helps to determine temperature, pH and various parameters underwater and it also helped in short
range underwater communication and it is capable of communication based on tree.S. Roy et al.,[8] reported a
cluster-based protocol (SC-ODMRP) to improve performance of network by reducing the delay in transmission.
They have also proposed a link stability method for designing multicast logarithm, which helped in quick
delivery of data. Zaihan Jiang introduced the concept of UANs, deployment to different layers ranging from
energy saving. In an UAN, under water internet is one of the essential applications exchanging information
among nodes. An added on advantage is the, real time communication with UWVs and submarines in network
configurations. Liu et al.,[6] reported a method for efficient exchange of information using physical waves
among nodes from physical fundamentals and engineering implementations in an UWSN. The physical Waves
discussed here are radio, sound and light. The main targets at UWSN are the densities of deployed nodes.
Manjula et al.,[9] discusses that in underwater communication devices for exciting ocean monitoring
exploration application into networking architectures and presents several fundamental key aspects to develop
sensor nodes and development of deployed automated vehicles for proper communication. Yun Li,[4]
proposed a novel protocol known as LEACH, Wherein, time is divided into many rounds, In every round, a
group of nodes are assigned as cluster head according to a well-defined criteria. The advantage of this protocol
is, each node gets an opportunity to serve as cluster head thereby helping in distribution of energy.


Clustering in UWSN’s is very challenging due to several characteristics that distinguish them from
contemporary communication. The different components of energy efficient wireless sensor networks are sensor
node (source node), a sink (Base Station), manager node (user), event detection, function approximation,
periodic measurement. There exist several routing protocols restricted to the serial LEACH. Considering energy
as a metric. Since the current technology used multiple core architectures, there is a need to design and develop
an energy efficient routing that can execute in parallel. Hence in this work a model is proposed that uses energy
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

metric of node a selected cluster head using energy and executes different core architecture in parallel.


This section presents proposed protocol design most popular used LEACH Protocol has been modified from
existing serial to parallel LEACH we first briefly introduce the Energy Efficient Parallel LEACH (EEPLEACH)
algorithm.Figure Fig.2 shows the Architecture of Energy Efficient Parallel LEACH and then elaborates on the
decomposition and task scheduling involved with designing parallel hierarchical-based routing.

Fig 2. Energy Efficient Parallel LEACH Architecture.


This section presents the algorithm of the proposed EEPLEACH protocol. The cluster head for serial and
parallel LEACH consider the available energy of a node during a data transmission between the nodes.The
available energy under metrics used to choose the cluster head is obtained from the model proposed by SP.
Shiva,[10]. The notations used in algorithm are shown in table 1.

Efs Energy Amplification ,D is larger than D0
Emp Energy Amplification ,D is greater than D0
Xd,Yd Nodes distributed in an area X and Y axis
E initial energy of network
E0 Energy in Each node
N number of nodes
Sink.X, Sink.Y Sink distance from base station to network in X and Y axis
rmax number of rounds
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

Algorithm 1: EEPLEACH
input : Dead nodes; alive nodes; Packet to BS; Packet to CH,MVAPICH2;
Result: CH
if s(i)=0 then
for(r=0;1;R max)
if s(i)=0)) then
(mod(r,round (1/p)==0))
Dead = Dead + 1;
Algorithm 1: Proposed EEPLEACH.
The nodes are distributed randomly in an area the node having high energy is selected as a cluster head
depending on number of nodes. MVAPICH2 is used in convert serial LEACH to Parallel
LEACH.Algorithm1 shows the steps involved in choosing the cluster head in energy efficient Parallel LEACH


The parameters used to conducts experiments and evaluates the proposed model is present in this section.

A.Simulation Setup


Number of Nodes n=10,20,………1000.
initial energy of network 0.5
Number of rounds 100
Dead Node initial 0
Alive node N
Simulation area : 400*400
Probability factor of a node being cluster head P=0.1
Distance of base Station from the Network in X-axis and Y-axis Sink X=100m,200m
Sink Y= 100m,200m
Cluster range Range=20m

The Simulation is carried out using matlab. The parameters and its values are shownin Table 2.
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

6.2 Results and Discussion:

Cluster heads change randomly over time in order to balance the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. The
optimal percentage of nodes to be chosen as cluster heads is 5. Each node will randomly select. If the number is
less than some predefined threshold, the node is chosen to be a cluster head for the current round.From the
figure Fig.3 throughFig.5, it can be noticed that proposed EEPLEACH improves the life time at a node there by
reducing the number of dead nodes. Further It can be found that the computation greatly affects the execution
time of the two studied parallel algorithms. Initial partitioning can be very crucial in parallel quick sort with
MPI. So as the number of cores increases the time taken for the amount of work done will be greatly decreased
and also as the data size increase the time decreases.

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)
Fig.3(a) shows the number of nodes distributed randomly (b) selection of Header Node from the randomly
distributed nodes (c)The number of dead nodes per round (d) The Number of Cluster heads Per round (e) The
number of Packets sent to Base Station (f) The number of Packets sent to cluster Head per round respectively
for 10 Nodes.
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)
Fig.4 (a) shows the number of nodes distributed randomly (b) selection of Header Node from the randomly
distributed nodes (c)The number of dead nodes per round (d) The Number of Cluster heads Per round (e) The
number of Packets sent to Base Station (f) The number of Packets sent to cluster Head per round respectively
for 20 Nodes.
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Fig.5 (a) shows the Graph for Results obtained from Dual-Core Machine (b) shows the Graph for Results
obtained from Octa-Core Machine (c) shows the Graph for Results obtained from Quad-Core Machine (e)
shows the Graph for Results obtained from Hexa-Core Machine respectively for 10, 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90
nodes versus 10 attempts.


In this paper, the work focused on implementing LEACH protocol using distributed programming model
considering energy as a metric. MVAPICH2 is a distributed programming standard which is used as a message
passing interface for implementation on Linux platforms. The usage of EELEACH protocol in parallel multiple
core architecture is suggested in this work. The proposed EEPLEACH protocol is implemented using
MATLAB. It is evident from the obtained results that the new implementation seems to become more efficient
with a higher number of processes. Also, from the experiments reveals that the proposed protocol improves the
performance of UWSN. The proposed protocol performance can be investigated considering the parameters
affecting the energy consumption of a node in future.

Author 1 would like to thank the authorities of High Performance computing Lab, Department of
Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore, Mysuru for providing super computer to conduct
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology -2020(ICRTST -2020) April 8th& 9th, 2020, Mysuru, INDIA

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