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Right Click to
rotate view

(Hold left click on

viewing cube to

Space bar to move


Left Click to use

brush viewing
Use this to change the
size of your object. The
numbers represent the
number of pixels in
width, depth, and

In this case 40x40x40

pixels. You can use a
maximum of
126x126x126 pixels.
Change this
depending on how
detailed you want you
creation to be.
“B” - Box Mode

Use this brush to

create boxes.
In this example we
are erasing boxes
from the object.
Box mode

In this example we
are attaching boxes
to the object.
Box mode

Blocks can be
attached and
erased one-by-one
with a single click.
“F” - Face Mode

Face mode will

attach or erase the
face of a surface.
“F” - Face Mode

The surface around

the mug has been
extended with the
attach function.
“F” - Face Mode

The surface around

the mug has been
lowered with the
erase function.
“C” - Centre Mode

Attach or erase a
circle or square by
expanding out
from a centre

Choose circle or
square here.
Odd (O) or even (E)
increments here.

Make a cylinder by
drawing a circle.
Fill in the middle
block with the box
tool, then use the
face tool to extend
the circle.
“V” - Voxel Mode

Attach or erase a
sphere or cube.

Choose sphere or

Choose size by
voxel width.
“L” - Line Mode

Line tool allows

drawing a line.
There are two
types of line.

Project mode: The

line follows the
contour of the
objects behind it.
“L” - Line Mode

Line tool allows

drawing a line.
There are two
types of line.

Straight mode: The

creates a straight
path from one
point to another.
“P” - Line Mode

Pattern Tool allows you to select pre-made models,

and to “paint” them onto the scene.

You can select your own models to create vibrant


There are two modes: Raw and Palette. Raw imports

the model with its original colours. And Palette
imports the pattern in the currently selected colour.
Select the

Palette and
Raw modes
Colour on the palette
corresponds to the
material of an object.

Colour can be
changed in HSV, and
will change the
colour of the object
in realtime.
Changes will be
saved to that
location on the
Colour Picker

If you loose track of
what colour your 3
object is you can use
the colour picker
tool. Press the <
button, select an
object, and it’s
position on the
palette will appear.
Selection Tool

Use this tool to

select voxels as a
group. Here we have
selected the voxel
by colour.
Selection Tool

Here we have
selected the voxels
by geometry.
Selection Tool

Here we have
selected the voxels
by face.
Selection Tool

Here we have
selected the voxels
by all of the same
colour. This mode
will select every
voxel in the scene of
the one colour.
Move Tool

Use this tool to

move the selected
voxels around the
Press this button to deselect any
selected voxels
allows you to
create lighting
effects, and can
turn your objects
into different
materials such as
metal, glass, and
emissive objects.

Use Render to
refine and
finalise your
In the next example the blue coloured object has a
“metal” effect applied to it.

The parameters underneath titled Metal, Rough, and

Spectacular change the properties of the metal
appearance. The Metal slider makes the object more
shiny and metallic. Use this to replicate shiny floors
or surfaces, plastic objects, and anything made from
In the next example the orange coloured object has
a “glass” effect applied to it.

The Glass slider makes the object more transparent.

At it’s extreme the object looses it’s colour and it is
completely see through. Rough effects the surface of
the glass, and the other parameters change the way
light it reflected and refracted through it. You can
use glass to create water, windows, drinking glasses
In the next example the yellow coloured objects
have an “emission” effect applied to it.

Emissive objects glow and can be used as a light

source. Play with the parameters to create the kind
of light that works for you.
Render mode also allows you to
change the lighting of the world itself.

Use this to change the

pitch and yaw angle of Shadow will make the
the sun. Hold drag the shadows sharper or
mouse on the grey bars softer
next to the number to
adjust this in realtime.
The colour and strength
of both the sunlight, and
the sky can be adjusted
here. Fog can also be
In render mode we can
also change the camera
To create a depth of field
(dof) effect, left click on
an object in the scene
that you want in focus. By
adjusting the intensity of
the depth of field, you
can create more or less
blurring of the
foreground and
background objects.

Here I have picked the

flower to be the focal
World mode allows
you to add objects
together to create
much larger scenes.

In this example your

object fits within a box
that is 100x100x100
After pressing “world”
you will see you object
on a plane. You can
use the Tool function
and the + button to
create a new object
box to add to the
If you press Edit,
you can now
create new items
within this new
object. You can
use world mode
to move these
objects around
and create an
expanded scene.

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