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Exercise of Should + simple

Dear students,
Good day for all of you, wish you are healthy II. In this exercise, you need to give your
and blessing. Aamiin. opinion about something.
In this meeting you will Exercise of Should + (Dalam latihan ini, kamu harus
simple (should + V1) memberikan opinimu tentang suatu
I hope you will be more careful to read the
instruction and your material note before Use I think / I don’t think …….
you start doing Exercises. (Gunakanlah kata I think / I don’t think
……… )
I. Imagine the situations below. You are
giving advice to a friend. Use should or Jeremy has just been offerred a job by
shouldn’t. his uncle. You think it would be a good
idea for him to accept it.
(Bayangkan situasi – situasi di bawah
– I think Jeremy should accept the job.
ini. Kamu hendak memberikan saran/
nasehat untuk seorang teman.
gunakanlah kata should atau shouldn’t.
1. You think wearing seat-belts for all
Example: motorists is a very good idea.
– I think
Your friend is always coughing because
he smokes too much. Advise him to stop
2. You don’t think it would be a good
– You should stop smoking.
idea for Jill and Sam to get married.
1. Your friend has a bad tootache. –I
Advise her to see the dentist as soon as ……………………………………………………………
possible. ……………………………..
– You
3. Your friend has a bad cold. Tell him
that you think it would be a good idea
for him to stay at home this evening.
2. Your friend rides a bike without –
lights at night. You think this is very ……………………………………………………………
dangerous. Advise him not to do it. ………………………………..

3. Your friend is going to visit Spain.
Advise him to learn a few word of
Note :
Spanish before he goes.
– - Remember to do the Exercises
………………………. appropriate to the instruction
- There are only code 1 and 2
tasks; there is no summary, info
graphic or audio and video.

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