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Amy Rose F.

Marketing Management Prof. Moyon

Mistine: Direct Selling in the Thai Cosmetics Market

For global strategy, apart from a further penetration of the domestic market
Mistine’s main opportunity lies in the expansion to international markets. Mistine should
therefore focus on neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan
and China. The cultures of those countries are also like the Thai culture and the slogan
“products that are developed and formulated especially for Asian women” will also appeal
to those women. Mistine will face the following difficulties When penetrating international
markets: Consumer Behavior in different countries consumers will respond differently to
advertising, product positioning and the kind of distribution. Also, the willingness to spend
a certain amount of the income for cosmetics differs among countries.

Another important factor is the consumer’s readiness to switch the brand. Second
Purchase Power People living in different nations have a different income. Laws in other
countries have different laws concerning distribution, manufacturing and advertising.
Competition there are companies that are international brands and appeal more to the
upper middle-class section.

The company conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis. Mistine’s strengths are

in its high-quality products, efficiency, selling and marketing techniques. The company
uses international standards in its product and ingredient selection, ensuring quality that
consumers can trust. They build a customer base, trust and encourage product
switchover by offering full refunds or product replacement if dissatisfaction occurs.
Mistine also has several weaknesses it must address to compete in the cosmetics
market. Some of these weaknesses involve the very elements that Mistine has used to
gain a competitive advantage Mistine products accessible to a wide variety of
stakeholders but added to the perception that Mistine products are at lower price and
might be lower quality.

Mistine has significant opportunities for growth in both domestic and international
markets. Direct selling is growing rapidly in other countries, this will likely increase the
demand for cosmetics. Mistine’s BB powder provides the company with the opportunity
to enhance its brand image of quality.

Mistine should focus on how the company will retain its good standing and
improved more in its marketing strategies like Mistine should invest in technological
innovations. However, Mistine faces many challenges as it continues to grow, many
bumps on the road, strong competitors but there’s always a best way to be in the global

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