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Your Body Type

charecteristics A B C
1 skin dry Oily, prone to acne,sun burn Cool, smooth, moist
2 hair Dry, brittle,slightly wavy Fine,straight,premature Thick,dark, smooth
3 thirst Variable,erratic exessive low
4 activity active Moderate ,focused Lethargic,slow
restless, energy comes in average stamina stamina is good
5 weight Loose easily,hard to gain Put on and loose eaily Gain easily and loose slowly
6 Body frame small medium large

7 appetite Variable,low Very strong moderate

8 Voice Fast,rapid,quick Commanding,sharp Soft,sweet,not talkative
9 speech Erratic ,fast ,husky Decisive ,easily audible Slow and deliberate
10 Digestion Often constipated Strong Digestion Sluggish Digestion
evacuation ,bowels more than once bowels regular usually once
11 sleep Light,suffer from insomnia Light,enjoy good night sleep Heavy sound,for long hours
12 temperment Nervous,fearful Irritable,impatient Easy going
13 decision difficulty in making Decisive,Logical,forceful Thoughts &action are well
decisions planned & generally don”t
14 memory Grasp quickly forget quickly Sharp and clear Slow to learn but retain
15 moods Change easily quickly,often Well Relaxed,regular
take on project that don’t organized,perfectionist,enjoy lifestyle,complete project that
complete challenges and achieving start
16 weather Cold,dry weather bothers Heat sun bothers ,perspire Cold damp weather bothers
prefer warm easily Prefer warm
Prefer cold
17 circulation Cold hands and feet Hot hands and feet normal

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