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Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture

Topic: Current Affairs and Digital Media

FULL Senapilo, Francine Rubirose D. SCORE:


INTRODUCTION: As social networks and digital media continue to rise, they offer informative and
digital content through printed word, spoken word, music, photos, news, video games, and even
simulated virtual environments. Young people tend to trust and believe popular opinion. They can be
highly influenced by the information they see and hear, whether it is provided by a teacher, a news
outlet, a friend, or a website. But the information on the web has varying levels of credibility. Thus, it is
important for digital citizens to be ethical and responsible with what they are communicating online.

DIRECTION: Answer the guide questions below on the space provided.

1. “Please do not be fooled by these fake sites and be mindful not to share them.” – Karen Davila.
Based on this recently heard quote by Karen Davila, how can you contribute to stop the spread of

2. What qualities do digital media possess which make them suitable to offer educational content
amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?

3. If you were tasked to promote media literacy, what content would you emphasize?

MATRIX: Scoring Criteria:

• Key points to consider 1. Content – 15%
• Ethical and legal implications 2. Style and Organization – 10%
3. Grammar and Mechanics – 5%

1. In this digital age, people have become more dependent to the internet, or rather to social
media. Other than entertainment, it also became one of the main sources of information. Every
time we use it, we are bombarded with information that can impact the way we think and how
we view things. However, many people have read posts or articles and accept them as facts.
As we tend to believe anything we see on internet, we also tend to share everything now. That
is one of the main causes of disinformation. So before we share anything on the internet, we
must verify the sources. As Ms. Karen says, “let us not be fooled”. With the wide reach of
internet, there would be people who will use this to manipulate information. This is why we must
discern what should be shared and what shouldn’t. Let us check if they’re facts, and if they’re
credible. This is the least we can do to stop the spread of disinformation. Not everything we see
in the internet are true and/or meant to be shared. Let us be sensitive and be mindful of all the
actions we display in digital media—every time we post, we share, or make a comment about
something, we should think of how it can affect other people.

2. With the digital media’s massive reach, not only did it provide easy access to entertainment,
it also became one of the main sources of information. It is so accessible and convenient to
use. Just one click and you can reach a person from other side of the world. The spread of
information is really fast because almost everyone is using it. It also became a platform for
people to exchange thoughts and knowledge in different matters. This became a
communication medium that provides interesting conversational style to interact. In applications
like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, almost all of us rely on these platforms nowadays, not just
for entertainment, but also to gain information. The contents from these networks have help
people become more knowledgeable of the things happening around the world. Educational
contents are widespread in these applications, one just have to use them wisely to find out.
Utilization of digital media in education is paving a way for learners to develop new knowledge
methods amidst the pandemic. It is enhancing the delivery of information, making it more easy
to understand. Although there are negative effects that comes with it, it is still worth using if it’s
utilized properly or wisely.

3. If I were given the chance to promote media literacy, I would like to emphasize the importance
of discerning what content to be shared and what’s not. Not everything we see in the internet
is true, thus not everything is worth sharing. Although we’re not aware, some of us may have
become sharer of fake news at some point. This is why it is important that before you believe
and tell the information to others, verify your sources. The digital world is so massive, we cannot
totally get rid of trolls or manipulators of information. Hence, everyone there can be a victim of
disinformation. So if I were to advocate for media literacy, I would encourage people to be
educated, to be sensitive and be responsible. We cannot have total control of what’s happening
in the media, but all of us share a responsibility for its current state right now. As users of this
platform, the least we can do is to be mindful of the things we share. Before clicking, posting,
sharing, or making a comment, let’s reflect first and ask ourselves: Is it worth sharing? How will
it affect other people?


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