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Running Head: I AM CURIOUS (YELLOW) 1

I Am Curious (Yellow) by Vilgot Sjoman

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I Am Curious (Yellow) by Vilgot Sjoman

[WW] = I Am Curious (Yellow)

[XX] = Andre Bazin’s Ontological Realism Theory

[YY] = The main reason as to why Andre Bazin’s Ontological Realism Theory is best

suited as a theoretical approach to the film I Am Curious (Yellow) since it brings about the

depiction and representation as to what today’s society entails, especially when it comes to its

political and social structure. The realist approach brought about by the director on the social

issues concerning class, moral issues and sexual taboos, were often considered to be main topics

regarding the society, and which can still be seen in today’s representation of what society really


Title: [WW] I Am Curious (Yellow) from a [XX] Andre Bazin’s Ontological Realism

Theoretical perspective.

Thesis or Argument: I think that [WW] I Am Curious (Yellow) can be effectively

argued from a [XX] Andre Bazin’s Ontological Realism Theoretical perspective because issues

such as social class, politics, sexual taboos and morality are considered some of the main topics

that give a clear description or representation as to how the structure is in today’s society.

Through the director’s eyes, one is able to understand the extent of topics such as the broken

system portrayed by the political structure, as well as the degradation is seen through sexual

immorality is present in the society, and is something that is seen to stay, even across societies


BOOK: Allyn, D. (2016). Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History.

In D. Allyn, amke Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History (p.

129). Boston: Routledge. Retrieved from





[ZZ] - (Allyn, 2016): It is evident that form the book, the aspect of ontological realism

within the society, especially when it comes to various aspects in the society such as the position

of sexual immorality within the society. The author points out as to the position of the society

with regards to sexual morality and its depiction, to appoint that it can overshadow various

events such as landing on the moon and the Vietnam War to become a national crisis, especially

in countries such as the United States (Allyn, 2016, pg. 129).

BOOK: Thorsen, J. J. (2015). The Jesus Chronicles. In J. Stevenston, Scandinavian Blue: The

Erotic Cinema of Sweden and Denmark in the 1960s and 1970s (p. 243). London:

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

[ZZ] - (Thorsen, 2015): it is evident that from the book, the aspect of censorship is one

that is considered as integral in ensuring that the societal values are always met when it comes to

the film industry. However, it still would be considered as a major challenge, especially when it

comes to realist theories and their applications since it is often seen that the depiction of what

society is and the values within the society might never be brought up in detail, especially

through mediums such as film making (Thorsen, 2015, pg. 243)


BOOK: McSorley, T. (2014). Screening Sweden. In T. McSorley, A Short history of Swedish

Cinema (pp. 27-30). Retrieved from

[ZZ] - (McSorley, 2014): the author mentions as to how Vilgot Sjoman is considered as

one of the leaders who embraced the use of realism in capturing the social and political realities

of the society within the film industry (McSorley, 2014, pg. 29).

JOURNAL ARTICLE: Smith, C. B. (1969). Review: I am Curious (Yellow). Film Quartlery,

22(4), 37-42. doi:10.2307/1210309

[ZZ} - (Smith, 1969): One of the main aspects that the article is seen to point out is the

attribute that society is being governed by various liberals, conservatives, activists and the likes.

The realist approach embedded within the movie production is one that is aimed at ensuring that

the true or real nature of societal values and differences are addressed accordingly through such a


JOURNAL ARTICLE: Morgan, D. (2006). Rethinking Bazin: Ontology and Realist Aesthetics.

Critical Inquiry, 443-481. Retrieved from

[ZZ} - (Morgan, 2006): The article places an emphasis on the ideology of a realist

theoretical approach, especially when it comes to film making. With this in mind, it expounds on

the ability as to why the ideology of ontological realism would have been considered necessary

in the production of the movie, especially where societal values and meanings have to be put


JOURNAL ARTICLE: Bjork, U. J. (2010). Tricky Film: The Critical and Legal Reception of I

Am Curious (Yellow) in America. American Studies in Scandinavia, 44(2), 113-134.


[ZZ} - (Bjork, 2010): the reception of the Swedish film by the overall American society

is one that would be considered as reserved. The ability of the movie to capture the needed

political satire and the aspects of morality within society was one that was present in American

society during this particular age. Therefore the realist ideology or approach made by the movie

would be considered as one that contradicts the banning law that was made by the overall

government, with relation to the value of the film in society.

PERIODICAL ARTICLE: Froshc, J. (1969, may 20). I Am Curious (Yellow). The Havard

Crimson. Retrieved from


[ZZ} - (Froshc, 1969): The article also portrays the view of the author as to how the

movie was able to capture the conservatism of people within the society, as well as, show the

failures brought about by the welfares of the society. Its ability to capture the shallow sensual

liberation in an unliberated society is seen to be present, even despite the author agreeing to

attributes such as censorship being utilized in such productions.

PERIODICAL ARTICLE: Hall, C. (2015, May Friday, 30). A review of 'I Am Curious

Yellow'. Detroit Metro Times. Retrieved from


[ZZ} - (Hall, 2015): Hall is seen to bring about the review of the movie I Am Curious

(Yellow) vividly since he mentions how the movie and its critical response in its message

portrayal has always been put down. He argues that the realism brought about by the movie is

one that is honest and despite the depiction and commotion it caused, its method of the portrayal

of what the society is like was really captured by the movie generally.

PERIODICAL ARTICLE: Canby, V. (1969, March 11). Screen: 'I Am Curious (Yellow)'

From Sweden. The New York Times. Retrieved from


[ZZ} - (Canby, 1969): the article shows the ideology behind ontological realism,

especially with the acknowledgment of it not be considered as obscene. In addition to the above,

through the eyes of both the director and producers, it is evident that realism in other forms of art

such as statues and pictures in museums should not be considered as different as the movie itself.


Hall, C. (2015, May Friday, 30). A review of 'I Am Curious Yellow'. Detroit Metro Times.

Retrieved from


Morgan, D. (2006). Rethinking Bazin: Ontology and Realist Aesthetics. Critical Inquiry, 443-

481. Retrieved from

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