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Atwood's machine as a tool to introduce variable mass systems

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2012 Phys. Educ. 47 169


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Atwood’s machine as a tool to

introduce variable mass systems
Célia A de Sousa
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade de Coimbra, P-3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal


This article discusses an instructional strategy which explores eventual
similarities and/or analogies between familiar problems and more
sophisticated systems. In this context, the Atwood’s machine problem is used
to introduce students to more complex problems involving ropes and chains.
The methodology proposed helps students to develop the ability needed to
apply relevant concepts in situations not previously encountered. The
pedagogical advantages are relevant for both secondary and high school
students, showing that, through adequate examples, the question of the
validity of Newton’s second law may even be introduced to introductory level

Introduction difficulty to the robust use of concepts in complex

The description of the motion of a uniform rope problem solving. So, it is important to elaborate
over a smooth pulley under the influence of gravity strategies that can help students to employ the
can be used to exemplify the behaviour of systems mathematical knowledge they already possess.
with variable mass. The discussion of variable In a presentation to a group of pre-university
mass problems from the concept of momentum students, we tried a new method to solve problems
flux (e.g. Siegel 1972, de Sousa 2002) or from of ropes or chains; it starts by exploring eventual
the generalization of Newton’s second law (e.g. similarities and/or analogies with the most simple
de Sousa and Rodrigues 2004) is not adequate and familiar problem on Atwood’s machine. The
for introductory physics. However, the inter- versatility of this system has been confirmed by
disciplinarity of this important subject and the many generations of teachers (Greenslade 1985).
relevance of its applications in rocket theory (e.g. It provides a rich source of ideas for experiences
Meirovitch 1970, Tran and Eke 2005), astronomy and problems in the application of Newton’s
(e.g. Kayuk and Denisenko 2004), biology (e.g. second law to the motion of a compound system,
Canessa 2007, 2009), robotics (e.g. Djerassi which is analysed by most physics and engineering
1998), mechanical and electrical machinery (e.g. students.
Cveticanin 2010), etc, justify the introduction of In the present article, the Atwood’s machine
this theme to students in the scientific areas as soon problem is solved by the traditional method based
as possible. on Newton’s second law for particles (method 1).
We observe that sometimes students have After that, we verify the results obtained by
the relevant mathematical knowledge but fail to considering other methodologies, involving the
apply or interpret that knowledge in the context of concepts of centre of mass (method 2) and
physics. This produces a barrier and an additional conservation of energy (method 3), which are

0031-9120/12/020169+05$33.00 © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd PHYSICS EDUCATION 47 (2) 169

C A de Sousa
From these two equations it is easy to find
(a) (b)
m2 − m1
a=g , (4)
m1 + m2
T = 2g . (5)
m1 x m1 + m2
m1 m Equations (5) and (4) satisfy two special
cases: when m 1 = m 2 = m , a = 0 and T = mg ;
m2 if m 2  m 1 , then a  g and T  2m 1 g .
At this point the teacher must remember that,
in principle, equation (1) is not valid for variable
Figure 1. Atwood’s machine. Configuration of the
system at t = 0 (a) and at t ≠ 0 (b). mass systems.

Method 2
appropriate to the more complex problem of a
rope. The solution already obtained can be confirmed
if we substitute one of equations (2) or (3) by
considering the system as being made up of both
The Atwood’s machine problem objects. The tension in the string is now an internal
Two blocks of masses m 1 and m 2 (m 2 > m 1 ) force, and the external forces acting on the system
are connected by a massless string passing over a are the downward force of gravity and the upward
frictionless pulley of negligible mass. The mass force of reaction by the pulley, N , the magnitude
m 2 is released from rest at t = 0 (figure 1(a)). of which is N = 2T .
Find the acceleration of the blocks and the tension Newton’s second law for the translation of the
in the string. centre of mass of the system of particles is given
Method 1 F = m acm , (6)
The traditional analysis of this one-dimensional
where F is the sum of all external forces acting on
motion consists in the use of the Newton’s second
the total mass of the system, m = m 1 + m 2 , and
law for translation
acm is the acceleration of the centre of mass.
F = m a , (1) As the centre of mass moves downward we
can write the following equation of motion:
where F is the sum of all forces acting on the
particle with mass m and acceleration a . (m 1 + m 2 )g − 2T = (m 1 + m 2 )acm , (7)
The free-body diagram for each block
contains the downward force of gravity and the where the acceleration of the centre of mass is
upward tension force T exerted by the string. given by
m2 − m1
As the string is inextensible both masses have acm = a . (8)
acceleration with equal magnitude a . As we m1 + m2
assume m 2 > m 1 , the object m 1 accelerates By insertion of equation (8) into (7), and
upward, and m 2 accelerates downward. As the using one of the equations of motion (2) or (3),
motion of the blocks is one-dimensional in the the results already obtained by method 1 are
vertical direction, there is no need to use vectors confirmed.
Applying Newton’s second law (1) to blocks Method 3
1 and 2 we obtain, respectively, Let us now analyse the conservation of energy.
T − m 1 g = m 1 a, (2) Comparing the configuration of the system at the
instant t with that at t = 0, we easily obtain
and an equation which determines the velocity as a
m 2 g − T = m 2 a. (3) function of x (see figure 1(b)).


Atwood’s machine as a tool to introduce variable mass systems
We consider that the potential energy, U , is
zero in the configuration of the system at t =
0. Assuming that the blocks are initially at rest,
the kinetic energy, K , is also zero at t = 0.
The friction is negligible and the conservation of l/2–x
energy states that I II l/2+x

K 0 + U0 = K + U. (9)
As K = 12 (m 1 + m 2 )v 2 and U = (m 2 −
m 1 )gx , by using equation (9) the squared velocity
at position x of mass m 1 is found to be
Figure 2. Configuration of the system at t ≠ 0.
m1 − m2
v = 2gx
. (10)
m1 + m2
This equation allows the application of a mass) into two sub-systems I and II (variable
mathematical procedure that students already mass). If we want to keep the problem suitable for
know from mathematics classes, but that does introductory level students, we should not consider
not usually apply in classes on introductory method 1 based on Newton’s second law for sub-
physics. In fact, this equation leads directly to the systems I and II. However, some aspects of this
acceleration a by using the identity subject can be discussed a posteriori, following
the methodology presented in the appendix.
1 dv 2
a= . (11) The radius of the pulley, quite large in the
2 dx figure, is supposed to be very small compared
This equation comes from the following with the length l of the rope. This means that
mathematical procedure: the movement is, in good approximation, one-
dimensional in the vertical direction, and, also
dv dv d x dv 1 dv 2 in this problem, there is no need to use vectors
a= = = v= . (12)
dt d x dt dx 2 dx explicitly.
Using equations (10) and (11) we easily Let us start with the conservation of energy.
recover the acceleration a , as we must. For this purpose we define the position of the
A more common procedure to obtain the centre of mass by using the expression
acceleration from equation (10) consists in using x I m I + x II m II
the equations of motion for position and velocity x cm = , (13)
as functions of time: x = at 2 /2 and v =
at . However, the procedure adopted here (less where m I = λ(l/2 − x), m II = λ(l/2 + x),
common for introductory level students) is more x I = l/4 + x/2 and x II = l/4 − x/2. The variable
convenient for cases where the acceleration is not x denotes the displacement of one end of the rope
constant as in the rope problem. from its initial position as indicated in figure 2
(0 < x < l/2).
The falling rope problem The previous equations allow us to obtain
A uniform and flexible rope of length l and mass l x2
per unit length λ hangs almost symmetrically over x cm = − . (14)
4 l
a frictionless and small pulley. Due to a small
perturbation, the rope begins to fall from rest at Equation (14) satisfies two special cases:
x = 0. Find the velocity of the rope when it leaves when x = 0, x cm = l/4; if x = l/2, then x cm = 0.
the pulley, as well as the acceleration of the rope. The mechanical energy initially (x = 0) and
Figure 2 shows the configuration of the system at at a generic configuration of the system (x = 0) is
the instant t . given by
In analogy with the Atwood’s machine l2
problem, we can divide the whole system (constant
K 0 + U0 = λg , (15)


C A de Sousa
and the coordinate x , is consistent with the expression
  for the acceleration in Atwood’s machine (4), i.e.,
1 l2
K +U = λlv 2 + λg − x2 . (16) satisfies the relation a = g(m II − m I )/(m I + m II )
2 4 in the relevant interval of x . However, as the mass
The velocity as a function of x follows of the rope is different from zero, an analogous
explicitly from the conservation of energy (9) equation for the tension in the string is not verified,
i.e., T = 2gm I m II /(m I + m II ) (see the appendix).
2g So, the teacher can also guide students to
v=x . (17) focus on important differences between the two
problems. We point out the following.
Combining the expression of v 2 with equa-
• Sub-systems I and II of variable mass can be
tion (11) yields the acceleration
described by the equation of motion
x F = ma , but F = d p/dt is not satisfied (see
a = 2g . (18)
l the appendix). The blocks of Atwood’s
machine can be described by both forms of
In order to test the validity of the expres-
Newton’s second law.
sion (17) in the interval 0 < x < l/2, we must
• The forces acting on the small piece of rope
calculate the force of reaction by the pulley, N .
over the pulley satisfy the condition
For this purpose we consider method 2 of the
2T − N = 0 in the Atwood’s machine
Atwood’s machine problem.
problem, but 2T − N = 0 in the rope
The velocity and the acceleration of the
problem (see the appendix). This fact also
centre of mass, which moves downward, must be
gives the opportunity to expand the
calculated. We obtain successively
discussion to the concept of tension when the
vm II − vm I x mass of the rope is nonzero.
vcm = = 2v , (19)
λl l In our opinion, the teacher must leave the
and complete analysis of the problem, from the point
of view of a variable mass system, for students in
dvcm x v2 x2 intermediate courses on mechanics.
acm = = 2a + 2 = 8 g 2 , (20)
dt l l l
where equations (17) and (18) have also been used
The Atwood’s machine problem solved by the
to obtain the last equation.
traditional methodology does not require a
Newton’s second law for the system of
sophisticated level of mathematics. However, the
particles (6), applied to the whole rope, allows us
expansion suggested in the present article indicates
to write
that students’ understanding can be probed more
x2 deeply. In this way they will be more prepared
λlg − N = λlacm = 8λg . (21) to re-create the physical situation under study, or
make a model to better visualize the problem, or
Therefore we may obtain the normal force
even think of analogous problems they have solved
  before. This strategy can guide the design of
N = N(x) = λlg 1 − 8 2 , (22) instruction to match the needs and performance of
students in introductory physics.
allowing us to conclude that the solution given In conclusion, the present strategy provides
by equation √ (17) is valid only until the value an elegant way to solve certain aspects of the
x = l/(2 2), where the normal force attains rope problem. However, at the same time,
the value N = 0 (Calkin 1989). This fact can it leaves aside other equally important aspects
be demonstrated to students in the classroom by which may be discussed in intermediate courses
observing some whiplashing behaviour of the rope on mechanics. Finally, we remark that similar
before its whole length goes over the pulley. problems, such as a massive rope sliding freely
It is interesting to notice that the expression over a smooth nail, can be treated along the
for the acceleration (18), although dependent on lines indicated in the present work (de Sousa and


Atwood’s machine as a tool to introduce variable mass systems
Rodrigues 2004). Another example would be the x2
motion of a chain, part of which is hanging off the 2T − N = 4λg = 2λv 2 . (27)
edge of a smooth table.
This result shows that in the interval t the
Acknowledgment momentum of this massive small piece of rope
(λx ) increases by 2λv 2 t downward.
This work was supported by FCT.
Received 20 July 2011, in final form 29 July 2011
Appendix doi:10.1088/0031-9120/47/2/169
This appendix applies Newton’s second law for
variable mass systems. As the motion is one- References
dimensional, this equation of motion can be
written in the form (de Sousa and Rodrigues 2004) Calkin M G 1989 The dynamics of a falling chain: II
Am. J. Phys. 57 157
dp dm
= F +u , (23) Canessa E 2007 Modeling of body mass index by
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is its linear momentum, F is the net external force Cveticanin L 2010 Dynamics of the non-ideal
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is the rate at which momentum is carried into or Comp. Mech. 4 75
away from the system of mass m . de Sousa C A 2002 Nonrigid systems: mechanical and
As in this case the velocity of the mass thermodynamic aspects Eur. J. Phys. 23 433
being transferred between the sub-systems is u = de Sousa C A and Rodrigues V H 2004 Mass
v , and both sub-systems have the velocity v , redistribution in variable mass systems Eur. J.
equation (23) can be re-arranged, confirming that Phys. 25 41
Djerassi S 1998 An algorithm for simulation of motions
a general equation of type F = ma applies to both
of variable mass systems Adv. Astronaut. Sci. 99
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Denoting by T the tension in the rope at the Greenslade T B Jr 1985 Atwood’s machine Phys.
pulley, the equations of motion of sub-systems I Teach. 23 24
and II read Kayuk Ya F and Denisenko V I 2004 Motion of a
    mechanical system with variable mass-inertia
l l
T − λg − x = λg − x a, (24) characteristics Int. Appl. Mech. 40 814
2 2 Meirovitch L 1970 General motion of a variable-mass
flexible rocket with internal flow J. Spacecr.
and Rockets 7 186
    Siegel S 1972 More about variable mass systems Am. J.
l l
λg + x − T = λg + x a. (25) Phys. 40 183
2 2 Tran T and Eke F O 2005 Effects of internal mass flow
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Using the expression of the acceleration (18) we
Adv. Astronaut. Sci. 119 (Issue Suppl.) 1297
easily obtain the tension
1 x2
T = λgl 1 − 4 2 . (26)
2 l
Célia A de Sousa is a professor of
The resultant force on the small piece of rope theoretical physics at the University of
Coimbra, Portugal. Her research interests
over the pulley 2T − N can then be calculated include physics of particles, hadron
using (22) together with the last equation, giving physics and physics education.


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