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Tekla Tedds 2020 Engineering Library - United Kingdom

Tekla Tedds 2020

Engineering Library
United Kingdom

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Tekla Tedds 2020 Engineering Library - United Kingdom

Table of Contents
2D analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Batch design ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Beam analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Beam end connection design (BS5950) ............................................................................................................. 13

Bearing pressures for rectangular footings with biaxial uplift ............................................................................ 14

Bolt group analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Bolted cover plate splice connection (BS5950) .................................................................................................. 17

Boundary column fire design (SCI-P-313) .......................................................................................................... 18

Cold formed thin gauge section design (BS5950) .............................................................................................. 19

Column base plate design (EN1993) .................................................................................................................. 20

Column base plate design (BS5950) .................................................................................................................. 22

Column load chase down (BS6399) ................................................................................................................... 24

Column splice design (BS5950) ......................................................................................................................... 25

Composite beam design (BS5950) ..................................................................................................................... 27

Compound section properties .......................................................................................................................... 28

Concrete industrial ground floor slab design (TR34) .......................................................................................... 29

Concrete specification (BS8500) ....................................................................................................................... 31

Concrete sub-frame analysis (BS8110) .............................................................................................................. 32

Co-ordinate conversion .................................................................................................................................... 33

Crane gantry girder design (EN1993) ................................................................................................................ 35

Crane gantry girder design (BS5950) ................................................................................................................. 37

Cut and fill ........................................................................................................................................................ 39

Dead loading .................................................................................................................................................... 41

Design rainfall (The Wallingford Procedure)...................................................................................................... 42

Drain and sewer design .................................................................................................................................... 43

Footway design (DMRB7) ................................................................................................................................. 44

Foundation analysis and design (EN1992/EN1997) ........................................................................................... 45

Foundations near trees (NHBC)......................................................................................................................... 47

Gabion retaining wall analysis and design (EN1997).......................................................................................... 49

Gabion retaining wall analysis and design (BS8002) .......................................................................................... 51

Gable framing analysis and design (BS5950) ..................................................................................................... 53

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General member safe load tables (BS5950) ...................................................................................................... 56

Hipped end loading .......................................................................................................................................... 57

Historical steelwork assessment ....................................................................................................................... 58

Holding down bolt design ................................................................................................................................. 59

Horizontal and vertical highway alignment (TD9/93)......................................................................................... 60

Infiltration system design (SUDS) Soakaway design (BRE digest 365 / SUDS) ..................................................... 61

Lintel analysis (BS5977) .................................................................................................................................... 63

Masonry bearing design (EN1996) .................................................................................................................... 64

Masonry bearing design (BS5628) ..................................................................................................................... 66

Masonry column design (EN1996) .................................................................................................................... 67

Masonry column design (BS5628) ..................................................................................................................... 69

Masonry wall panel design (EN1996) ................................................................................................................ 70

Masonry wall panel design (BS5628) ................................................................................................................. 72

Normalised compressive strength of masonry (BS EN 772-1) ............................................................................ 73

Notional load chase down ................................................................................................................................ 74

Open channel flow ........................................................................................................................................... 75

Pad footing analysis and design (BS8110) ......................................................................................................... 76

Pavement design (DMRB7) ............................................................................................................................... 77

Pile analysis (EN1997) ....................................................................................................................................... 78

Pile group analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 80

Precast concrete beam design (EN1992) ........................................................................................................... 81

Precast concrete bearing design (EN1992) ........................................................................................................ 83

Precast concrete column design (EN1992) ........................................................................................................ 85

Precast concrete half-joint design (EN1992) ..................................................................................................... 87

Precast concrete stair design (EN1992) ............................................................................................................. 89

Precast concrete wall design (EN1992) ............................................................................................................. 91

RC 2D analysis & design (EN1992) RC beam analysis & design (EN1992) RC beam design (EN1992) ................... 93

RC beam analysis & design (BS8110) ................................................................................................................. 96

RC beam torsion design (EN1992) ..................................................................................................................... 98

RC beam torsion design (BS8110) ................................................................................................................... 100

RC column design (EN1992) ............................................................................................................................ 102

RC column design (BS 8110)............................................................................................................................ 104

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RC corbel design (EN1992) .............................................................................................................................. 106

RC crack width (BS8110) ................................................................................................................................. 108

RC deep beam analysis and design (BS8110) ................................................................................................... 109

RC flat slab design (BS8110) ............................................................................................................................ 110

RC nib design (EN1992)................................................................................................................................... 111

RC pile cap design (EN1997 & EN1992) ........................................................................................................... 113

RC pile cap design (BS8110) ............................................................................................................................ 115

RC raft foundation (BS8110) ........................................................................................................................... 116

RC slab design (EN1992) ................................................................................................................................. 118

RC slab design (BS8110) .................................................................................................................................. 120

RC stair design (EN1992) ................................................................................................................................. 121

RC stair design (BS8110) ................................................................................................................................. 123

RC thermal crack width (BS8007) .................................................................................................................... 124

RC wall design (BS8110) .................................................................................................................................. 125

RC wall design (EN1992) ................................................................................................................................. 126

Reinforcement schedule (BS8666) .................................................................................................................. 128

Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997) ........................................................................... 129

Retaining wall analysis and design (BS8002) ................................................................................................... 132

Retaining wall design (CP2) ............................................................................................................................. 134

Rigid diaphragm force distribution.................................................................................................................. 135

Rolling load analysis........................................................................................................................................ 137

Section properties calculator .......................................................................................................................... 138

Simple column safe load tables (BS5950) ........................................................................................................ 140

Slope stability - slip circle analysis................................................................................................................... 141

Snow loading (EN1991)................................................................................................................................... 142

Snow loading (BS6399) ................................................................................................................................... 143

Infiltration system design (SUDS) Soakaway design (BRE digest 365 / SUDS) ................................................... 144

Steel 2D analysis & design (EN1993) Steel member analysis & design (EN1993) Steel member design (EN1993)
....................................................................................................................................................................... 146

Steel angle design (BS5950) ............................................................................................................................ 149

Steel beam analysis & design (EN1993)........................................................................................................... 150

Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950) Steel member design (BS5950) ........................................................... 152

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Steel beam torsion design (SCI-P-057) ............................................................................................................ 153

Steel column and base plate design (EN1993) ................................................................................................. 154

Steel column design (EN1993) ........................................................................................................................ 155

Steel masonry support (BS5950) ..................................................................................................................... 156

Steel member fire resistance design (EN1993) ................................................................................................ 158

Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950) Steel member design (BS5950) ........................................................... 160

Steel member design (BS5950) ....................................................................................................................... 161

Steel sheet piling design (EN1997) .................................................................................................................. 164

Steel sheet piling design (BS8002) .................................................................................................................. 166

Simple beam analysis and design .................................................................................................................... 168

Steel simple connection design (EN1993) ....................................................................................................... 170

Stormwater drainage...................................................................................................................................... 172

Stormwater attenuation design ...................................................................................................................... 173

Stress skin panel design (BS5268) ................................................................................................................... 174

Strip footing analysis and design (BS8110) ...................................................................................................... 176

Surface wind load (BS6399) ............................................................................................................................ 177

Swale and filter strip design............................................................................................................................ 178

Timber, glulam and flitch member analysis & design (EN1995) ....................................................................... 179

Timber, glulam, composite, flitch and ply web member analysis & design (BS5268) ........................................ 181

Timber connection design (EN1995) ............................................................................................................... 182

Timber connection design (BS5268) ................................................................................................................ 185

Timber frame racking loads (BS6399).............................................................................................................. 186

Timber frame racking panel design (EN1995) .................................................................................................. 187

Timber frame racking panel design (BS5268) .................................................................................................. 189

Timber joist design (EN 1995) ......................................................................................................................... 190

Timber joist design (BS5268) .......................................................................................................................... 192

Timber rafter design (EN 1995) ....................................................................................................................... 193

Timber rafter design (BS5268) ........................................................................................................................ 195

Timber stud design (EN 1995) ......................................................................................................................... 196

Timber stud design (BS5268) .......................................................................................................................... 198

Trial pit and borehole logging (BS5930) .......................................................................................................... 199

Underpinning needle beam design (BS8110)................................................................................................... 200

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Valley beam analysis & design (BS5950) ......................................................................................................... 201

Vertical highway alignment (TD9/93) .............................................................................................................. 202

Vibration of floors (SCI-P-076/AD256)............................................................................................................. 203

Vibration of floors (SCI-P-354) ........................................................................................................................ 205

Vibration of hospital floors (SCI-P-331) ........................................................................................................... 207

Wall load chase down (BS6399) ...................................................................................................................... 209

Wind girder analysis & design (BS5950) .......................................................................................................... 210

Wind loading (EN1991) ................................................................................................................................... 211

Wind loading (BS 6399) .................................................................................................................................. 212

Windpost design (BS5950) .............................................................................................................................. 213

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2D analysis
Tedds calculation version 1.0.30

· Calculation for linear static 2D analysis:

o Model 2D frames with unlimited nodes and elements

o View model geometry, loading and results for shear, moment, axial force, deflection and axial deflection

o Output node results for total base reactions, reactions and node deflections

o Output member or element results for shear, moment, axial force, deflection and axial deflection

General notes
To create an analysis model you must define a series of nodes in 2D co-ordinate space that are connected by elements
with appropriate material and section properties.

Start by entering the nodes, materials, sections and elements that define the geometry of your model. Then define your
load case(s) and loading as required. When your model geometry and loading is complete you can select the Results tab
to view all of the calculated results for the node deflections, base reactions and reactions as well as the
element/member results for axial forces, shear forces, moments and deflections.

Contiguous analysis elements can be grouped to represent the physical design members which provide several key

· Loads can be applied on a per member basis rather than by individual analysis elements.

· Pattern load combinations can be used to pattern load the continuous beams in a model.

· Results are appropriate for design calculation as they will show max/min forces on a member by member basis.

When editing values in a grid you must commit your changes for the entire row being edited by pressing Ctrl + Enter
(Commit row) or just Enter (Commit row and start editing next row), by clicking on another row, or by switching to
another tab. To cancel changes to the current row press the escape key.

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You can edit multiple cells at the same time by selecting all of the cells you want to edit. Click in the first cell and then
drag the mouse to select the range of cells you want to edit. Type a new value and press Enter and all the selected cells
will be updated. You can also select cells that are not in a continuous range by pressing the 'Ctrl' key whilst clicking on
each cell.

To sort a column in ascending order click on the column header, click again to sort in descending order.

Note: If you edit a value for the currently sorted column then the row you're editing may move in the list as a result of
the modified value changing in the sort order.

By sorting columns and editing multiple cells at the same time it is possible to amend a model very quickly for example to
move all the nodes in a single column in one go.

If a numerical value is entered it is assumed to be in the units defined for that column or cell. You can also enter values in
alternative units by simply including the unit, for example you can enter "500 mm" or "8 in" for a length.

Expression editing allows you to enter math expressions, to enter an expression simply type an '=' character followed by
the expression:

· '=1 ft + 6 in' would assign 1.5 ft

· '=L' would assign the value of the variable 'L'

If your expression starts with an operator then the current value will be automatically prefixed to the expression:

· '=+1' would add 1 to the current value.

· '=-2' would subtract 2 from the current value

· '=*2' would multiply the current value by 2

· '=+500 mm' would add 500 mm to the current value

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Batch design
Version 1.0.10

· Excel workbook which allows for the batch design of any Tedds calculation. Input for multiple design cases can be
entered into the spread sheet which when calculated will run each individual design case using the Tedds
calculation specified. You can choose to interact with the calculations normal user interface or for some
calculations you can choose to hide the user interface.

· Working examples are included for the following calculations:

o Bearing pressures for rectangular footings (SI and US units)

o Precast concrete beam design (EN1992)
o Precast concrete bearing design (EN1992)
o Precast concrete column design (EN1992)
o Precast concrete half-joint design (EN1992)
o Precast concrete stair design (EN1992)
o Precast concrete wall design (EN1992)
o RC beam design (EN1992)
o RC beam design (ACI318)
o RC beam design (AS3600)
o RC beam torsion design (EN1992)
o RC column design (EN1992)
o RC pile cap design (ACI318)
o RC nib design (EN1992)
o RC stair design (EN1992)
o Rolling load analysis (SI and US units)
o Steel member design (EN1993)
o Steel member design (AISC360)
o Steel member design (AS4100)
o Steel member fire resistance design (EN1993)
o Steel simple connection design (EN1993)
o Timber member design (EN1995)
o Wood member design (NDS)

· Video demonstrations

o Introduction to batch design

o Batch design of RC beams (ACI318)

Lx Ly Pz ex ey qmax BearingPercentage
mm mm kN mm mm kN/m^(2) %
2000 2000 150 600 550 312.50 36.00
2500 2000 150 600 550 192.98 46.58
3000 2000 150 600 550 139.03 52.59
2000 2500 150 600 550 201.94 44.13
2000 3000 150 600 550 146.94 48.87

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General notes
· The Tedds batch design Excel workbook can be used to batch design any Tedds calculation.

· The workbook contains digitally signed macros which are essential for the batch design process, therefore you
may encounter security warnings in Excel when opening it.

· To determine the input and output variables used in a specific calculation consider the following:

o Read the calculation notes.

o Some calculations will include dedicated documentation of the key input and output variables
used. Using the library access system, open the calculation index and browse to the folder of
the calculation you're interested in and open the "Components" item. If the calculation has
dedicated variable documentation it will be listed beneath the calculation notes item.
o Start the calculation and read through the user interface, some calculations include the names
of the variables used for each input in the user interface.

o Finish the calculation and read through the output, the majority of the input and output
variables will be documented in the full output.
o Finish the calculation and read through the variables listed in the Variable Manager.
· When you want to start batch designing a calculation begin the learning process by starting in Tedds for Word,
assign the input variables you want to pre-define directly in the Word document immediately before the call to
the calculation. Immediately following the calculation insert expressions which query the results you are
interested in. Once you have used this technique to create a working Tedds for Word document then apply the
same principal using the batch design spreadsheet.

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Beam analysis
Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

· Calculation for the linear static analysis of single span or continuous span beams:

o Model beams with an unlimited number of spans

o View model geometry, loading and results for shear, moment, axial force, deflection and axial deflection

o Output node results for total base reactions, reactions and node deflections

o Output member results for shear, moment, axial force, deflection and axial deflection

General notes
This calculation uses a customised version of the 2D analysis calculation which simplifies the user interface so that only a
single span or continuous span beam can be defined. Refer to the 2D analysis calculation notes for detailed
documentation and revision history.

The user interface tab for defining nodes is hidden, all geometry information is entered on the Geometry tab.

The user interface tab for defining elements is hidden, all geometry information is entered on the Geometry tab.

Design Members
The user interface tab for defining design members is hidden, a single design member will be automatically created to
include all spans in the beam.

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Beam end connection design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.16

· Connection design for angle cleat, end plate and fin plate connections for beam to beam (single and double sided),
beam to column web (single and double sided) and beam to column flange configurations

General notes
· For a single connection, the calculations perform a check design in accordance with each of the checks as defined in
the BCSA/SCI Green Book for the applied loads.

· The calculations also consider the forces due to structural integrity if required.

· As appropriate, user defined notches are considered in beam to beam connections

· Joints in Simple Construction Volume 1: Design Methods – 2nd Edition (The BCSA/SCI Green Book) and updated in
June 2000 for BS5950-1:2000.

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Bearing pressures for rectangular footings with biaxial uplift

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Calculation which determines the maximum bearing pressure acting on a rectangular footing.

· The calculation also calculates the bearing pressure under each corner of the footing, the percentage of the footing
area acting in bearing and the location of the line of zero pressure.

· The calculation also generates a sketch showing the arrangement of the footing indicating the position of the
resultant, the bearing pressure at the corners and the line of zero pressure if appropriate.

Lx/3 Lx/3 Lx/3

1 2 1 Ly/4

3 3 Ly/4
Ly/3 2 4 2 Ly
3 3 Ly/4

1 2 1 Ly/4

Lx/4 Lx/4 Lx/4 Lx/4


Figure 1. Numbers represent the number of footing corners acting in bearing

when centroid of applied load is located within that zone.

General notes
· The calculation determines the number of footing corners acting in bearing given the eccentricity of the resultant

· For footings with either one or all of the corners acting in bearing the bearing pressures at each corner are
determined using standard equations.

· For footings with either two or three corners acting in bearing the calculation uses an iterative process whereby the
position of the line of zero pressure is assumed. The eccentricity of the reaction resulting from the assumed line of
zero pressure is determined and compared to the actual eccentricity, based on this the line of zero pressure is
amended and the process is repeated. This process is repeated until the eccentricities coincide and a solution is

· As an option the calculation will also determine the effective bearing pressure assuming that the reaction is carried
uniformly by an assumed equivalent rectangular base centred on the eccentricity of the base reaction.

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· As part of the output a bearing pressure diagram is generated. In this diagram the bearing area is shaded grey, the
bearing pressures at the corners of the footing are indicated and dimensions between the corners of the footing and
line of zero pressure are shown.

· 'Bearing Pressures for Rectangular Footings with Biaxial Uplift' by Kenneth E. Wilson, published in the Journal of
Bridge Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, February 1997.

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Bolt group analysis

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculates the shear force distribution across a group of bolts from an applied vertical and horizontal load.

Centre of gravity of bolt group (Xc, Yc) Point of load application (X, Y)




dx Sx

Origin (0, 0)

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Bolted cover plate splice connection (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.08

· Calculates the capacity of a bolted splice connection between two identical sections subjected to bending, shear and
axial forces, and formed using steel plates bolted to the flanges and web using high strength friction grip (HSFG) bolts.

Plate to outside of top

flange showing four
rows of two bolts on
each side of the joint Web plate showing three
rows of bolts, one bolt per
row on each side of the joint

Plate to inside of bottom

flange showing four rows
of two bolts on each side
Plate to inside of the joint
of top flange

Steel beam section

Plate to outside of
bottom flange

· From British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded
sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Boundary column fire design (SCI-P-313)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Analysis of single or multi-span, symmetrical pitched portal frames in fire boundary conditions under normal loading.

General notes
· The validity of the portal frame geometry is checked, using the ratio L/h > 1.0 (SCI guide cl 5.1)

· The calculations determine the vertical and horizontal reactions and the overturning moment.

· From SCI document ‘SCI P313 – Single Storey Steel Framed Buildings in Fire Boundary Conditions’.

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Cold formed thin gauge section design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.16

· The following sections/loading conditions and applicable combinations are covered:-

o Axial load (tension/compresion) - Plain channel, lipped channel, top hat, back-to-back plain channel,
back-to-back lipped channel

o Axial load (tension only) – Angle

o Major axis bending - Plain channel, lipped channel, top hat, plain zed, lipped zed, back-to-back plain
channel, back-to-back lipped channel

o Minor axis bending - Plain channel, lipped channel, top hat, back-to-back lipped channel

r a

c +ve My
Lipped Channel D


ybar yeff
ybendyn ybendyp

General notes
· Section properties are derived from first principals in accordance with clause 3.5.1.

· If the member is subject to axial compression, ie the axial force, F, is positive the effective lengths used to determine
the buckling capacity can be input directly or the user can opt for them to be calculated from the basic unrestrained
length and the end restraint conditions.

· This calculation is performed in accordance with BS5950-5:1998.

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Column base plate design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.07

· Checks the design of a column base plate for applied moments, compressive and tensile axial forces, and shear.

· Checks the design forces in the steel plate, the connecting welds between the plate and column, and the
concentrated forces in the concrete foundation.

· Design for I sections, H sections, RHS, CHS, Channels, Angles, Back-to-Back Angles, and Structural T's.

· Includes an anchor design check for proprietary metal anchor data from a manufacturers' ETA which is checked for
tension and shear forces as appropriate.

· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The base plate can be designed separately from the anchorage design.

· Shear forces are checked against friction resistance, and failing that the shear resistance of the anchors will be
utilised when applicable. It is assumed that all bolts are located in clearance holes with diameters not exceeding the
values given in Table 4.1 of EOTA: ETAG 001 or EOTA TR029, (whichever is applicable for the type of anchor used).

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings EN 1992-1-1:2004
incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008

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· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-1:2005 incorporating
Corrigenda dated February 2006 and April 2009.

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints EN 1993-1-8:2005 incorporating Corrigenda dated
December 2005, September 2006, July 2009 and August 2010.

· Boverket mandatory provisions amending the board’s mandatory provisions and general recommendations (2011:10)
on the application of European design standards (Eurocodes), EKS - BFS 2015:6 EKS 10

· Finnish National Annex to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004 and SFS EN 1993-1-1:2005

· Irish National Annex to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1 and IS EN 1993-1-1:2005

· Malaysian National Annex to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010 and MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Norwegian National Annex to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004/NA:2008 and NS EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2008

· Singapore National Annex to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008 and SS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· UK National Annex to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1 and BS EN 1993-1-1:2005.

· European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA): ETAG 001 Edition 1997 Guideline For European Technical
Approval of Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete. Annex C: Design Methods for Anchorages - Amended October 2001,
2nd Amendment November 2006, 3rd Amendment August 2010.

· European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA): Technical Report Design of Bonded Anchors. TR029, Edition
June 2007, Amended September 2010.

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Column base plate design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.09

· Checks the design of base plates to BS5950 for the following situations:-

o Axial compression with no moment - I, H, RHS, SHS and CHS sections

o Moment about the major axis - I, H, RHS and SHS sections

o Moment about the minor axis - RHS sections only

o Axial tension with or without moment - I, H, RHS and SHS sections

o For all the above situations the calculation will also check the resistance to an applied shear force.

Dp Dp

2c + T

D Bp B Bp

2c + T
2c + D


2c + B B Bp

2c + t

2c + T

General notes
· For columns with axial compression and no bending moment the calculation determines the minimum size of base
plate required to transmit the force into the foundations. The calculations use the effective area method approach of
BS 5950-1:2000 cl 4.13.2. The calculations incorporate the column section size when calculating the required base
plate size. This means that the required base plate size will always be sufficient to take the footprint of the column
section. The calculation then determines the minimum thickness required for the base plate.

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· For all other loading situations the adequacy of the specified base plate is checked for the applied loading. For bolts in
tension the pull-out capacity is checked.

· Stiffeners can be specified for base plates with bending moments and compression or tension and also for base plates
with tension only.

· From British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded
sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Column load chase down (BS6399)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Calculates the factored axial loads on each stack of an internal, edge or corner multi-storey column due to dead and
imposed loading.

Y1 Internal column

Y1 / 2

Corner column Edge column

X1 / 2 X1

General notes
· Imposed loads can be reduced in accordance with clause 6.2 of the code, or the full imposed loads can be applied
with no reduction. If the option to include reduction factors is selected, they are set by default to the values in Table
2 of the code. The default reduction factors can be overridden with values chosen by the user. The calculations
always assume that the top ‘floor’ is a roof, not qualifying for reduction, and that all floors below this do qualify.

· If the top floor is not a roof, the calculations should be run for a number of floors equal to the actual number plus
one, and all the roof loads set to zero.

· The term ‘stack’ is used in these calculations to denote the length of a column between one floor and the next. Stack
F-1 is the column length between the foundation and the lowest suspended floor (termed floor 1), stack 1-2 is the
length between the lowest two floors etc.

· BS 6399: Part 1: 1996 - Loading for buildings: Part 1. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads.

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Column splice design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.08

· Checks the design of the following connection types:

o bearing

§ internal

§ external (no division plate)

§ external (with division plate)

o non-bearing

§ internal

§ external

General notes
· For a single connection, the calculations perform a check design in accordance with each of the checks as defined in
the BCSA/SCI Green Book for the applied loads.

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· From Joints in Simple Construction Volume 1: Design Methods - 2nd Edition (The BCSA/SCI Green Book) and updated
in June 2000 for BS5950-1:2000.

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Composite beam design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the design of simply supported primary or secondary composite internal or edge beams with perpendicular or
parallel decking.

b1 Primary
Beam b1
Primary Beam
for design Secondary Beam
for design



General notes
· Primary beams can be loaded with up to 3 sets of point loads and a series of beam loads. Secondary beams can be
loaded with a series of slab area loads.

· Longitudinal shear can be resisted using no, discontinuous or continuous decking options and with bars, mesh or no
additional transverse reinforcement.

· Checks include for both construction stage design checks, including lateral torsional buckling for parallel decks, and
composite stage checks with additional deflection and natural frequency calculations.

· BS 5950-1:2000 - Structural use of steelwork in building: Part 1. Code of practice for design - rolled and welded

· BS 5950-3.1:1990+A1:2010 - Structural use of steelwork in building: Part 3. Code of practice for design of simple and
continuous composite beams.

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Compound section properties

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Calculates the section properties of one of three possible combined section shapes:

o Two I sections (at 90 degs),

o RSC on an I section

o Plate on an I section.

General notes
· The section properties calculated are;

o Second moment of area about x & y axis - I xx & Iyy

o Plastic section modulus about x & y axis - Sxx & Syy

o Elastic section modulus about x & y axis - Zxx & Zyy

o Radius of gyration about x & y axis - r xx & ryy

o Torsional constant - J and x

o Buckling parameters - u and g

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Concrete industrial ground floor slab design (TR34)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Calculation which checks the design of a concrete industrial ground floor slab subject to point loads, line loads and
uniformly distributed loads.

· The concrete slab can be designed for fabric, fibre or fibre and bar reinforcement.

· In accordance with Technical Report 34, Concrete Industrial Ground Floors. A guide to design and construction - Fourth

· Watch video

General notes
· For a single slab any number of load cases can be specified, of which, each load case can consist of single, dual or
quadruple point load(s), a line load or a uniformly distributed load.

· For point loads the punching shear at the face of the load and at 2d are also checked.

· For each load case the ultimate capacity of the slab is compared to the applied loading.

· For edge and corner point loads, load transfer can be included which can take the form of dowels, fabric
reinforcement or proprietary systems. All transfer types can also include a percentage of aggregate transfer.

· In accordance with Technical Report 34 the design analysis principles for point loads are in limit state format, in line
with Eurocode 2. UDL's and line loads on ground supported floors are designed using a permissible stress approach,
with a global factor of safety being applied to the material properties of plain uncracked concrete.

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· Technical Report 34, Concrete Industrial Ground Floors. A guide to design and construction - Fourth Edition.

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Concrete specification (BS8500)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.14

· ‘Designed’ or ‘designated’ concrete specification. Calculates the exposure class or classes for the concrete element
under consideration.

General notes
· From the exposure class or classes the calculation determines, as applicable, the minimum concrete requirements
including cover, strength class, maximum water/cement ratio, minimum cement content, allowable cements and
combinations and allowable aggregates.

· The calculation covers reinforced, unreinforced, normal or lightweight concrete with intended working life of at least
50 or 100 years. The concrete may include air-entrainment or not.

· The minimum concrete requirements for the exposure classes are displayed in the interface. Using this information
the actual concrete can be specified or, alternatively, the minimum requirements may be returned to the document
without an actual specification.

· BS 8500-1:2015+A1:2016 incorporating Corrigendum No. 1.

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Concrete sub-frame analysis (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Analysis of a simplified sub-frame consisting only of a beam, the columns attached to the ends of the beam and the
beams on either side, if any, using BS 8110: Part 1: 1997 cl.

Col B Col C
B_upper BS 8110:Part 1:1997 cl C_upper

Span 1 (hl x bl ) Span 2 (h x b) Span 3 (h2 x b2 )

Beam to be designed
s1 s2 s3
B_lower C_lower

h xb h xb

General notes
· The calculations firstly determine the geometry of the three spans (including area and second moment of area), the
stiffness of the end beams is modelled by applying a stiffness factor to the second moment of area (the fixity of the
beam remote ends determine the stiffness of the beams on either side of the central beam). The calculations use the
sub-frame geometry and properties within the continuous beam analysis program, where the loads can be added in
order to determine the design shear force and moment. These forces can then be optionally used in the RC beam
design calculations, to design span 2 (the central beam). The RC beam design calculations cover one moment check so
whether the check is for sagging or hogging must be determined before the design calculations are run.

· The size and stiffness of the columns are translated into vertical and rotational spring stiffnesses for the supports
used in the continuous beam. The moments generated in the supports are then used to determine the moments in
the columns of the sub-frame.

· The analysis produces a set of design shear forces and moments, which can then be used in the RC beam design

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Co-ordinate conversion
Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· This calculation is based on the first principles of setting out co-ordinates, given the co-ordinates of a base station it
will determine either:

o The coordinates of the target if the bearing angle from north and distance along the bearing are known.

o The bearing angle from north and distance along the bearing to the target if the coordinates of the target
are known.


Station (E,N)
Target (ETarget,NTarget )

General notes
· If you specify the bearing from north to the target and the distance along the bearing to the target the calculation will
calculate the co-ordinates of the target.

· If you specify the co-ordinates of the target the calculation will calculate the bearing from north to the target and the
distance along the bearing to the target.

· In practice coordinates are used for checking as well as setting out. As an example say bolt positions for structures
the Engineer can work these out from general setting out measurements if two positions on the site are known. See
the drawing below as an example of setting out the corners of a building to a coordinates.

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1000.000E, 110 deg E

1 40.0
00 m

2 1037.588E,

00 m
989.739E, 4



· From the information shown in the sketch above, position 2 can be calculated from the coordinates of station 1
(1000E, 1000N), the bearing angle to position 2 (110 degrees) and the distance to position 2 (40m).

· When position 2 is known, position 3 can be calculated by adding 90 degrees to the previous bearing (110 degrees)
and the distance (30m) which is known from the geometry of the structure.

· This procedure can then be repeated until position 1 is found (closure) which also serves as a check.

· In practice the information given for setting out curves is the coordinates of centre point, the coordinates of the start
of the curve, the coordinates of the end of the curve and the radius of the curve. The radius can often be too long and
therefore too far to sight and be used as a station. Even with a small radius this can often be impractical as the centre
point is theoretical and may not be on the site or maybe within an existing building.



1086.824N E

· From the information in the drawing above the bearing angle can be found from the centre point to the start
coordinate and from the centre point to the end coordinate. Taking the centre point as the base station the bearing
angle can be incremented to the number of setting out points required along the curve using the radius as the
distance along the bearing.

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Crane gantry girder design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Checks the design of simply supported gantry girders comprising of either a plain I section, an I section with a capping
plate or an I section with a capping channel, carrying a conventional overhead or an underslung travelling crane.

· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annex for the UK, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Watch video

General notes
· The calculation can be used in three different ways as specified below

o The crane dimensions and details are input and the calculation determines the wheel loads to obtain the
maximum vertical and horizontal moments, shears and deflections together with torsional effects and
the section is checked for each of the applicable load group combination specified in Table 2.2 in EN1991-

o The design maximum vertical and horizontal moments, shears, deflections and torsional effects are input
and the section is checked against these forces.

o The nominal vertical and horizontal wheel forces are input and the calculation determines the maximum
vertical and horizontal moments, shears and deflections together with torsional effects and the section is
checked for each of the applicable load group combination specified in Table 2.2 in EN1991-3.

· The calculation determines the position for the maximum moments, shears and deflections using the rolling load

· When the load group combinations are checked the preview results default to the critical combination but all the
combination results can be shown in the interface. The output only shows the critical combination (the highest
overall utilisation for all combination checks).

· The analysis deflection diagrams for horizontal loads should be considered as indicative as these are based on the
major axis second moment of inertia. However the values used in the calculation are adjusted to compensate for this.

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· Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures
Part 3:Actions induced by cranes and machinery - EN1991-3:2006 incorporating corrigenda December 2012 and
March 2013

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures

Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings - EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and April
Part 1-5:Plated structural elements - EN1993-1-5:2006 incorporating corrigendum April 2009
Part 6: Crane supporting structures - EN1993-6-2007

· NCCI - Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling - SN003

· NCCI - Mono-symmetrical uniform members under bending and axial compression - SN030

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1991-3:2006, SFS EN 1993-1-1:2005, SFS EN 1993-1-5:2006 and SFS EN 1993-

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1991-3:2006, NS EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2008, NS EN 1993-1-

5:2006/NA:2009 and NS EN 1993-6:2007

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1991-3:2006, SS EN 1993-1-1:2010, SS EN 1993-1-5:2009 and SS EN 1993-


· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1991-3:2006, BS EN 1993-1-1:2005, BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 and BS EN 1993-6:2007

· SCI Publication P385 - Design of Steel Beams in Torsion

· Torsional Section Properties of Steel Shapes - CISC 2002

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Crane gantry girder design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.06

· Checks the design of simply supported gantry girders comprising of either a plain ‘I’ section (UB or UC), an ‘I’
section with a capping plate or an ‘I’ section with a capping channel carrying a conventional overhead travelling
crane i.e. not an underslung crane.

Crane Bridge

Gantry Girder
Safe Working Load, Wswl
Crab weight, Wcrab Crane bridge weight, Wcrane

Minimum hook approach, a h

Span of crane bridge, L c

Elevation on Crane Bridge

Bogie wheel centres, a w2

= = aw1 - a w2
Wheel centres, aw1
Bogie centres, aw1

2 Wheel End Carriage 4 Wheel End Carriage

General notes
· The user can select to input the values of the ultimate vertical and horizontal shear forces and bending moments or
the calculation can be used to determine the maximum wheel loads from the basic crane data input by the user ie.
crane and crab weight, safe working load, span of crane bridge, minimum hook approach, number of wheels and class
of crane in accordance with BS2573-1:1983. Alternatively the maximum static and dynamic vertical wheel loads and
transverse surge wheel loads can be input directly. For the latter two options, based on the number of wheels, their
spacing and the span of the gantry girder, the calculation determines the wheel arrangement giving the maximum
shear force and bending moment before proceeding to calculate them.

· For the case where the calculation is used to determine the bending moments and shear forces it can accommodate
one crane only on the simply supported span but covers the cases of the end carriage having two or four wheels.

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· If an ‘I’ section with a capping plate or channel is selected the calculation determines both the elastic and plastic
section properties for the compound section.

· For the user specified girder, the calculation checks the vertical and horizontal shear capacity, the biaxial bending
capacity, the web buckling and bearing capacity beneath the concentrated wheel load, the capacity of the weld
connecting the plate or channel to the ‘I’ section and the vertical and horizontal deflections.

· Two dynamic factors are required. The first, from BS2573-1:1983 Table 4, is applied to the lifted load only. The
second factor, which should have a value of 1.25 unless better information is available, is applied to the total crane
load and is the ‘traditional’ factor originating from BS449. The calculation determines which factor produces the
maximum dynamic wheel load and proceeds with this value to determine the vertical shear forces and bending
moments. Values of the first dynamic factor for typical types of crane are included in the interface.

· The proportion of the crab and SWL contributing to the surge forces acting perpendicular to the crane rail and the
proportion of the static wheel load contributing to the braking forces acting along the crane rail are required to be
input. The default values for these are set at the ‘traditional’ BS449/BS6399-1:1984 values of 10% and 5%
respectively. These values are no longer included in BS6399-1:1996 and therefore care should be taken to ensure that
sufficient allowance is made for horizontal loading. The braking load is not actually used in the design check of the
girder, however, it is likely that its value will be required for the design of the end connections and the supporting
structure and is therefore included.

· The effective length of the girder can be input directly or can be calculated from the length and depth factors
contained in Table 13 of BS5950-1:2000. Attention is drawn to clause 4.11.3 of BS5950-1:2000 which states that the
wheel loads need not be treated as destabilising unless the rails are mounted on resilient pads.

· This calculation is performed in accordance with BS5950-1:2000.

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Cut and fill

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Calculates the area of cut and fill of cross sections where existing and proposed profiles are specified. If more than
one cross section is present and all the cross sections are valid, a quantity distribution table is calculated to determine
the cumulative cut or fill volume.

General notes
· There are several ways the coordinate data for the existing and proposed profiles can be input within the calculation.

o Inputting the coordinates within the user interface

o Importing from a text file

o Defining a template

· Coordinates can be entered using the user interface where a sketch will be produced detailing the profile as the
coordinates are input. The calculation will determine the cut and fill areas when the first and last x coordinates of the
existing and proposed profiles match. The levels of these matching coordinates do not have to be the same so a
retaining wall or similar can be taken in to account.

· Profiles can be imported from a text file which must be written in the correct format. The cut and fill areas will be
calculated when the chainages and the proposed and existing cross sections exist. The first and last x coordinates of
the existing and proposed profiles must match in order for the areas to be calculated.

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· A predefined template can be used for the proposed profiles which can be used in conjunction with the input or
import methods for the existing profiles as described above. The predefined templates comprise a typical single
carriageway, a typical dual carriageway, a cutting/embankment or a trench. The dimensions, levels and an x offset
relative to the template centreline can be specified. Each template except the trench has a slope to each side in
which the gradient of this slope is specified. These slopes are then used to determine an intersection point with the
existing profiles. It should be noted that the calculation will determine if the slope is required to be positive or
negative and only a positive gradient is needed. If the coordinate limits of the existing profile lie within the main
template (not including the slopes) the section is deemed to be invalid and the areas will not be calculated.

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Dead loading
Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Calculates the unfactored dead loads of a series of composite constructions.

General notes
· The composite constructions are intended to represent the various floor, wall and roof components of a building or

· When using SI units the calculation includes a data list of typical material densities as well as a datalist based on
Tables A.1 to A.12 from annex A of Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions - Densities, self-
weight, imposed loads for buildings.

· When using US units the calculation includes a data list of typical material specific weights.

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Design rainfall (The Wallingford Procedure)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.01

· Calculates design rainfall.

General notes
· The design rainfall intensity is calculated in accordance with the Wallingford Procedure and BRE Digest 365 by
defining the appropriate storm length and return period and the ratio, r, of a 60 minute to 2-day rainfalls of 5 year
return period appropriate for the geographic location.

· The Wallingford Procedure is limited, by the value Z2, to 100 years. When selecting a return period of 200 years the
calculation uses linear extrapolated values from the 50 year and 100 year values.

· The Wallingford Procedure for Europe - Best Practice Guide for urban drainage modelling. Version 1.1 (Dec. 2000)

· BRE Digest 365 - Soakaway Design.

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Drain and sewer design

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Checks the design of a surface water drain or foul sewer.

General notes
· The calculations use the Chezy and Escritt equations to determine a value for the design pipe diameter based on a list
of commonly available sizes.

· The calculations use the Colebrook-White equation to determine the flow rate and flow velocity of the design pipe
flowing full.

· The proportion of the design flow rate to the full flow rate is used in conjunction with design tables to determine the
design flow velocity and depth of flow when the pipe is running at the design flow rate.

· The calculations check that the maximum flow rate of the selected pipe exceeds the design flow rate. If specified they
also check that the design velocity exceeds the required minimum design flow velocity. If selected the calculations
also check that the design depth is less than 0.75 times the full depth.

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Footway design (DMRB7)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Checks the design of new footway and foundation construction.

General notes
· The calculations allow the design of footways classified as pedestrian only, light vehicle, light vehicle with very
occasional heavy vehicle and heavy vehicle.

· The calculations include a method of estimating the CBR value of the formation level.

· From the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Volume 7

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Foundation analysis and design (EN1992/EN1997)

Tedds calculation version 3.2.21

· The calculations check the analysis and design or analysis only of a pad or strip foundation in reinforced or plain

· The foundation may be subject to vertical loads, horizontal loads and moments applied at the base of the columns
and walls. It may also be subject to surcharge loads applied as area loads directly to the top of the foundation.

· The analysis calculations check the stability of the base with regard to uplift and sliding as well as checking the
maximum base pressures.

· The design calculations check the foundation in flexure, plane shear and punching shear as appropriate.

· In accordance with EN1992, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

Pad footing example Strip footing example

General notes
· The calculation generally uses design approach 1 with the soil and structure checked against the effects of the applied
loads subjected to two separate load combinations.

· Net ultimate bearing capacity is calculated for either the drained or undrained condition using the sample analytical
method for bearing resistance included in annex D.

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· Alternatively the calculation will check a presumed bearing resistance against unfactored SLS base pressures.

· Where a pad foundation features a single column or a strip foundation features a single wall, and the foundation is
only subjected to simple axial loads it will first be checked to see if it can be designed as a plain, unreinforced
concrete footing.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings EN1992-1-1:2004
incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1997-1:2005.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· 'Bearing Pressures for Rectangular Footings with Biaxial Uplift' by Kenneth E. Wilson, published in the Journal of
Bridge Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, February 1997.

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Foundations near trees (NHBC)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Provides guidance on meeting the technical requirements and recommendations of the NHBC with regards to
foundation depth when building near trees, hedgerows and shrubs, particularly in shrinkable soils.

· Multiple trees can be defined so that they may be analysed, checked and the results presented in a single output

· Designs foundation depths in accordance with Clause D6 of the NHBC Standards - Chapter 4.2.

General notes
· The depth calculations take into account the effects of soil desiccation caused by previous or existing trees,
hedgerows or shrubs and trees, hedgerows or shrubs which are scheduled to be planted.

· Clause 4.2 - S3(a) of the NHBC Standards contains 3 figures, (figures 5, 6 and 7) which show the level from which the
foundation depth is to be measured for various cases of reduced and increased levels. These figures are reproduced

Figure 5 - Levels from which foundation depths are measured

where trees or hedgerows are to remain

Tree to remain

Tree to remain Original ground level


· Use the lower of:

o a - foundation depth based on appropriate tree height, or

o b - foundation depth based on mature height of tree

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Figure 6 - Levels from which foundation depths are measured

where trees or hedgerows are removed

Tree to be removed

Tree to be removed Original ground level


· Use the lower of:

· a - foundation depth based on appropriate tree height, or

· b - minimum foundation depth

Figure 7 - Levels from which foundation depths are measured

where trees or hedgerows are proposed

Proposed tree
Proposed tree

Original ground level

a b

· Use the lower of:

o a - minimum foundation depth, or

o b - foundation depth based on mature height of tree

· NHBC Standards - Chapter 4.2, 2014 edition.

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Gabion retaining wall analysis and design (EN1997)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Checks the stability of a gabion retaining wall against sliding and overturning, and determines the maximum and
minimum base pressures beneath the wall.

· In accordance with EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The soil surface to the rear of the wall may be inclined at an angle b.

· The retained material to the rear of the wall may have different properties to the material beneath the base of the

· Active and passive pressure coefficients are either calculated using the Coulomb equations or determined using
extracts from the Kerisel and Absi tables which were used to establish the graphs in BS EN 1997:2004 Annex C.

· The presumed allowable bearing capacity of the soil is compared to the applied bearing pressure calculated using
characteristic soil properties and characteristic loads assuming a trapezoidal pressure distribution

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· BS EN1997-1:2004 incorporating corrigendum February 2009: Geotechnical Design

· NA to BS EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No. 1: UK National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

· NA to I.S. EN1997-1:2005 Irish National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

· NA to SS EN1997-1:2010 Singapore National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

· NA to SFS EN 1997-1-1:2004 Finnish National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

· NA to NS EN 1997-1-1:2004 Norwegian National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

· NA to SS EN 1997-1-1:2004 Swedish National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

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Gabion retaining wall analysis and design (BS8002)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.01

· Checks the stability of a gabion retaining wall against sliding and overturning, and determines the maximum and
minimum base pressures beneath the wall.

General notes
· The soil surface to the rear of the wall may be inclined at an angle b.

· The retained material to the rear of the wall may have different properties to the material beneath the base of the

· The presumed allowable bearing capacity of the soil is compared to the applied bearing pressure calculated using
characteristic soil properties and characteristic loads assuming a trapezoidal pressure distribution

· Active and passive pressure coefficients are either calculated using the Coulomb equations or determined using
extracts from the Kerisel and Absi tables which were used to establish the graphs in BS EN 1997:2004 Annex C.

· BS8002:2015 - Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures

· BS EN1997-1:2004 incorporating corrigendum February 2009: Geotechnical Design

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· NA to BS EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No. 1: UK National Annex to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

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Gable framing analysis and design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

· This calculation covers the overall structural analysis and member design checks for gable framing arrangements
typically adopted for single-span portal-framed buildings. The structural concept for the gable frame bracing is as
shown in section 9.7, fig. 10, of the ISE/ICE 'Manual for the design of steelwork building structures' (Nov 1989

General notes
· Member design checks can be carried out for the following members:-

o Gable posts, corner posts, gable rafters, roof bracing, wall bracing and eaves strut/tie.

· One run of the analysis calculations covers one loading condition, i.e. one combination of simultaneous loads, for
which all the specified loads are applied. Thus several runs of the calculations will be required to determine the
critical load combination and wind direction for the design of each member.

· For each run of the analysis calculations, one particular intermediate gable post is chosen by the user and the
member load effects are calculated for this particular gable post. Typically, this will be the post directly below the
apex, but any post can be chosen. If restraint conditions or other factors indicate that another post may be critical,
additional calculation runs should be made for that post.

· A parapet with a horizontal top edge can be specified in the definition of the structure. Parapet posts are assumed to
coincide with the gable posts and to be continuous cantilever projections of the gable posts. The parapet posts
themselves are not analysed or designed.

· Using Tedds for Word the calculation allows for the design of multiple members without having to re-run the anaylsis.
Once the initial calculation has been run additional members can be designed as follows:

o After the main calculation add a new calc section and insert the ‘Member design calcs’ item.

o Repeat the above step for each additional member.

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Structural arrangement
The analysis and member design checks are based on the following assumptions:

· Each gable end of the building is provided with a separate, independent bracing system.

· The gable posts are evenly spaced, and there is a post directly under the apex.

· The gable posts are simply supported at their bases and along the rafter lines.

· The gable rafters have simple connections at the eaves and apex and are simply supported by the gable posts. The
rafters may be continuous from eaves to apex, or discontinuous with simple splices directly over the gable posts.

· The horizontal reaction supporting each post at the rafter line is developed by a wind girder in the roof plane,
spanning between the side walls. The gable rafters and the rafters of the adjacent portal frame provide the chords of
this wind girder. They are linked by M or W configuration bracing members forming the web of the wind girder and
intersecting with the gable rafters at the top of every gable post.

· The horizontal reaction at each end of the wind girder is transferred to the foundations by N, K or X configuration
bracing between the corner post and the stanchion of the adjacent portal frame on each side of the building.
Depending on the orientation of the roof bracing and the side wall bracing members, there may be an eaves strut/tie
member on each side to transfer the load from the end roof bracing member to the top of the side wall bracing.

· In-plane sway of the gable end frame (principally due to wind on the side wall end bays spanning onto the corner
posts) is resisted by N, K or X configuration bracing in the plane of the gable wall, between the corner post and the
adjacent gable post at each end of the gable wall. These braced bays are designed to act independently, each set of
bracing resisting the full wind load from the adjacent side wall bay.

· If K-configuration bracing is used for either the side wall or gable wall bracing (or both), it is arranged so that the
diagonals do not meet on the corner post. They meet instead on the adjacent gable post or portal stanchion. Thus
there is no intermediate support to the corner post between foundation and eaves levels.

· The structure is idealised to line elements on the centrelines of the true members. All the dimensions entered should
therefore relate to the intersections of member centrelines where relevant.

Buckling restraint
· Up to three intermediate restraints can be specified within the height of each gable post and within each rafter span.
By default, for a member bending about its major axis, these restraints are assumed to prevent lateral-torsional and
y-axis strut buckling. These assumptions can be changed through the General Member Design user interface which is
displayed before the member design checks are carried out. For a member bending about its minor axis, no
assumptions are made about the type of restraint provided, so the appropriate restraint details must be set via the
General Member Design user interface.

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· Pattern loading is not considered. The wind load is assumed to be constant over each element of the structure.
Conservative values or equivalent uniform loads will need to be determined separately to take account of the
variations in pressure over the different zones of each element, as defined in the wind loading codes.

· All loads are input as unfactored dead, imposed and wind loads determined in accordance with cl. 2.2.2 of BS 5950-

· Determination of the values for the wind loads is not covered here, so separate calculations are required. (See the
'Applied loading' set in the Tedds library.) The wind loads to be entered into these calculations are the net element
loads due to the combined internal and external surface pressures.

· Vertical loading on the gable rafters is applied as a uniformly distributed line load. All horizontal loading on the gable
wall is assumed to be transferred directly to the node points of the roof bracing system, so there is no bending about
the vertical axis of the rafters.

· The factored moments and shear forces for rafter design are derived from elastic analysis of the rafter as a simply
supported continuous or single-span beam, as appropriate.

· The applied moments calculated for a rafter continuous over two or more supports are the worst values (sagging or
hogging) occurring within the end span and at the first internal supports, which will be the worst values occurring
anywhere within the length of the rafter.

· BS 5950-1: 2000 - Structural use of steelwork in buildings - Part 1. Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded

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General member safe load tables (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design of beam and column elements using safe load tables.

· The types of design available are major axis bending and shear, using UB or UC sections or the ultimate UDL capacity
for a fully restrained RSC or RSJ.

· The types of design available are simple column check (UC only), tie check (angles only) and strut buckling checks (all

· For details on the Simple column check please refer to the Notes for this item (either from within the calculation or in
the Library Access System).

· For both element types, the relevant input information is entered and then a suitable section can be selected from
the relevant safe load/ultimate capacity table.

General notes
· When exiting the safe load tables, if there is a dialogue asking which table the values should be returned from - both
tables must be selected (to include the section properties).

· For the safe load tables for beams with bending and shear, if high shear is present the values of Mcx and Mcy must be
reduced, see cl 4.2.6.

· From BS 5950-1:2000.

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Hipped end loading

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Calculates the loading on a gable frame, flat top portal and first portal frame resulting from a hip extending over two
frame centres.

Portal Frame


Portal Frame

Jack rafters
Flat Top Portal Frame

Hip raker
Gable Frame
0 1 2 3
a = Crsg =
Point loads


General notes
· In the case of there being an odd number of jack rafters (ie there is a jack rafter at the centreline of the portal
building span), the calculations, which consider only a half frame span, also include loads on the central jack rafter
from the other half span.

· In the case of there being an even number of jack rafters (ie there is no jack rafter at the centreline of the portal
building span), there is a small approximation in the calculations - it is assumed that the hip raker connects to the jack
rafters (simply supported) throughout its length.

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Historical steelwork assessment

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design / assessment of historical steel sections. The calculations use the distinction of whether the section
was designed pre or post 1900.

General notes
· The sections can be checked for shear and moment capacity, and axial capacity. For compression the checks use
either, for pre 1900 - Euler formula, Rankine formula or the American formula, for post 1900 - Moncrieff, LCC 1909 or
BS 449 (1937/48). For sections post 1900 it is also possible to check lateral torsional buckling and overall buckling.

· The section data is provided for sections including Dorman Long (1887), beams to BS4 (1903,1921,1932), UB’s to BS4
(1962), broad flanged beams to BS4 (1959), UC’s to BS4 (1962) and channels to BS4 (1932, 1962) and BS6 (1904).

· The material stress are provided for both pre and post 1900 and are provided for cast iron, wrought iron and mild

· From BCSA publication number 11/84 - Historical Structural Steelwork Handbook.

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Holding down bolt design

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Calculates the embedment depth of one of a pair of holding down bolts, and using table 1 from the BCSA/Constrado
guide, calculate whether the effective conical surface area and concrete shear stress is sufficient to withstand the
tension (pull-out) force applied.

· The calculations also check that the bolt tension capacity for the bolts selected is adequate to resist the tension force

L_proj (Clear projection of bolt above nut)

t_was (Washer thickness) t_p (Base plate thickness)

t_gr (Thickness of bedding)

L_bolt (Overall length of bolts) Concrete

· From 'Holding down systems for steel stanchions' BCSA/Constrado guide to holding down systems.

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Horizontal and vertical highway alignment (TD9/93)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Horizontal curve –Checks the design of a circular horizontal curve (no transitions). The calculation uses a 'generic
number of chords' method, which calculates the optimum chord length based on the criteria of the length of chord
required to approximate the arc length of the curve, or a standard set of 7 points. As well as either the 7 points, or
the generic number of points, the start and end point of the curve are calculated.

· Optional calculations are:

o The minimum stopping sight distance.

o The minimum full overtaking sight distance.

o The transition curve length.

o A conversion of the input in degrees, minutes and seconds into decimal format.

· Vertical curve – Checks the design of a vertical curve and provide the setting out information (reduced levels at the
relevant chainage points). This calculation can be phased with the horizontal curve design, to enable the same
setting out points to be used.

General notes
· For phasing of the horizontal and vertical curves, a reference point on the horizontal curve must be given. The
chainage points are then calculated in relation to this reference point. The chord length (or frequency of levels)
should also coincide with the chord length used in the horizontal alignment calculations. Where applicable the
appropriate default values are given.

· From Part 1 TD 9/93 - Highway link design.

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Infiltration system design (SUDS)

Soakaway design (BRE digest 365 / SUDS)
Tedds calculation version 2.0.04

· Calculates the maximum storage required for each rainfall duration over a return period of between 5 and 200 years.
In order to allow a range of return periods to be selected, table 2 has been extended to include Z2 growth factor
values for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 years using figures taken from “The Wallingford Procedure for Europe -
Best Practice Guide for urban drainage modelling”, published in 2000. The Z2 values have then been further
extrapolated from the 50 and 100 year values to obtain a return period of 200 years.

Circular ring pit soakaway

Incoming invert dia


w w
Rectangular pit soakaway Pit is depth - d

General notes
· The design of the soakaway can be calculated using either the BRE method or the SUDS manual method.

· The design of an infiltration blanket and infiltration pavement can be calculated using the SUDS manual method.

· Using the BRE method either the required minimum pit depth, width and length can be calculated by selecting the
appropriate required dimension and specifying the remaining ones.

· Using the SUDS Manual method the calculation will determine the minimum required depth for a suitable storage

· The calculations also check that the soakaway/infiltration system discharges from full to half volume within 24 hours.

· These calculations determine the M5 rainfalls using table 1 and then calculate the growth factor for table 2 and, using
this, calculate the relevant rainfall for each rainfall duration. Using these values the inflow for each duration is
calculated along with the outflow (given the soil infiltration rate)

· The calculations can (optionally) determine the soil infiltration rate - from trial pit size and the test results for the
time taken for the water level to fall from 75% to 25% of the effective storage depth in the pit.

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· If the soil infiltration rate is to be calculated, the trial pit size and the test results for the time taken for the water level
to fall from 75% to 25% of the effective storage depth in the pit are required, otherwise the soil infiltration rate must
be entered.

· The Wallingford Procedure is used to calculate the rainfall and is limited, by the value Z2, to 100 years. When
selecting a return period of 200 years the calculation uses linear extrapolated values from the 50 year and 100 year

· BRE digest 365 - Soakaway designs for either rectangular or concentric ring soakaways (2016).

· CIRIA C753 The SUDS Manual (2015)

· The Wallingford Procedure for Europe - Best Practice Guide for urban drainage modelling. Version 1.1 (Dec. 2000)

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Lintel analysis (BS5977)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.00

· Analysis of lintels with solid or cavity walls, four floor loads, two roof loads and either three point loads or the load
effects of up to four openings. Results are calculated for the maximum shear, bending moment and end reactions.

· The calculation provides a converted UDL load, in line with Appendix A: Use of assessed loads for design or selection
of lintels, BS5977-1:1981.

General notes
· By default the calculation excludes the self weight of the lintel, this load may be added if required.

· British Standard: Lintels - Part 1: Method for assessment of load BS5977-1:1981 incorporating Amendment No. 1.

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Masonry bearing design (EN1996)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.11

· Checks the bearing design of concentrated vertical loads and allows multiple loads to be applied to a single
masonry wall panel.

· Walls may be designed using Wienerberger Porotherm blocks a unique precision-engineered clay block walling
system designed to provide a faster, dryer, safer and more sustainable building process. Designs are in accordance
with Ceram Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK (incorporating
Eurocode 6 guidance): Special Publication 148 June 2011, (Porotherm performance values are set out in SP148
June 2015).

· Checks the localised bearing resistance of the masonry directly beneath the load and will determine if a spreader
is required. The spreader can be designed as either a concrete padstone or a steel spreader plate.

· Checks the stability of the wall for mainly vertical loading, at the half height beneath the concentrated load.
Where multiple loads are sufficiently close together their combined effects will be determined.

· An additional vertical uniformly distributed load may also be applied to top of the panel.

· In accordance with EN1996 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Demonstration video

General notes
· Panels may be constructed of clay, calcium silicate, aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured
stone and dimensioned natural stone masonry units.

· Multiple loads may be applied to a single panel so that their combined effects may be checked.

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· Net moment effects are taken into account. Therefore, loads may be considered to act eccentrically in either
perpendicular directions of the panel.

· The designer can incorporate a spreader under the concentrated load and may choose either a concrete padstone or
steel spreader plate.

· When a spreader is to be designed it may be assumed that the concentrated load acting on the spreader as a point
load or uniformly distributed over the entire bearing area.

· Wall types may be either single leaf panels or cavity walls. For cavity walls the checks are carried out on the loaded

· The effective height and thickness of the wall can be calculated where unknown. Masonry piers can be added which
will be used when calculating the effective thickness.

· A full or summary report can be selected, which may or may not include the design sketches.

· Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structuresEN1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and July 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1996-1-1:2005

· BS EN 772-1:2011 - Methods of test for masonry units Part 1: Determination of compressive strength

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Masonry bearing design (BS5628)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.07

· Checks the design bearing stress at the bearing of a beam to determine the requirement for a concrete spreader
or padstone. If required the calculation will check the design bearing stress beneath the concrete spreader. The
calculation will finally check the design bearing stress at a depth of 0.4 ´ h below the beam bearing level.

Beam Beam


Masonry Masonry
wall wall

General notes
· The beam may be aligned either in the plane of the wall or perpendicular to it.

· Walls may be designed using Wienerberger Porotherm blocks a unique precision-engineered clay block walling
system designed to provide a faster, dryer, safer and more sustainable building process. Designs are in accordance
with Ceram Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK (incorporating
Eurocode 6 guidance): Special Publication 148 June 2011, (Porotherm performance values are set out in SP148
June 2015).

· Where the spreader is loaded eccentrically the user may specify the type of stress distribution as either triangular
or similar to a semi-infinite beam on an elastic foundation.

· From BS5628-1:2005

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Masonry column design (EN1996)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the designs of masonry columns subjected to horizontal wind loading and/or vertical eccentric loading.

· In accordance with EN1996 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Columns may be designed using clay, calcium silicate, aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete,
manufactured stone and dimensioned natural stone masonry units.

· Combinations of partial safety factors can be used to calculate the worst case vertical load on the column, which are
based on either Eq 6.10 or Eq 6.10a and Eq 6.10b from BS EN 1990:2002 and the appropriate National Annex. In the
user interface the results will default to the critical combination but the other combinations can also be selected for
viewing. The output will be related to the critical combination. Alternatively a single set of partial safety factors can
be defined.

· Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structuresEN1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and July 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1996-1-1:2005

· Eurocode: Basis of structural design EN1990:2002 + A1:2005

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1990:2002

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1990:2005

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· BS EN 772-1:2011 - Methods of test for masonry units Part 1: Determination of compressive strength

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Masonry column design (BS5628)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Checks the design vertical load resistance of a single leaf masonry column to BS 5628: Part 1: 2005. It calculates the
design vertical load resistance and compares this against the applied factored vertical load on the column.

· The calculations also check that the column is within the slenderness limits given in cl 24.1.

· From BS5628-1:2005

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Masonry wall panel design (EN1996)

Tedds calculation version 1.2.17

· Checks the designs of masonry wall panels and sub panels of single-leaf or cavity wall construction, either with or
without bed joint reinforcement and with or without masonry piers, subjected to horizontal and/or vertical loading.

· In accordance with EN1996 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

1 2 4 1
2 4

General notes
· Walls may be designed using clay, calcium silicate, aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured
stone and dimensioned natural stone masonry units.

· Walls may be designed using Wienerberger Porotherm blocks a unique precision-engineered clay block walling
system designed to provide a faster, dryer, safer and more sustainable building process. Designs are in accordance
with Lucideon Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK: Special Publication
148 June 2015.

· Depending on the aspect ratio of the panel and the external support conditions the calculation uses either yield line
analysis or simple elastic analysis to determine the appropriate bending moment coefficient.

· Wall panels may include up to three openings, the calculation automatically divides the panel into two sets of sub
panels, arrangement A where the panels predominantly span vertically and arrangement B where the panels
predominantly span horizontally. The results reported in the calculation are based on the more favourable of the two
arrangements. Where the panel is only supported on three edges sub panel arrangements spanning toward the free
edge are automatically ignored.

· Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structuresEN1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and July 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1996-1-1:2005

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· BS EN 772-1:2011 - Methods of test for masonry units Part 1: Determination of compressive strength

· Lucideon Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK: Special Publication 148
June 2015

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Masonry wall panel design (BS5628)

Tedds calculation version 1.2.15

· Checks the design of masonry wall panels and sub panels of single-leaf or cavity wall construction, either with or
without bed joint reinforcement and with or without masonry piers, subjected to horizontal and/or vertical loading.

1 2 4 1
2 4

General notes
· Walls may be designed using brick, concrete block, natural stone or random rubble masonry.

· Walls may be designed using Wienerberger Porotherm blocks a unique precision-engineered clay block walling
system designed to provide a faster, dryer, safer and more sustainable building process. Designs are in accordance
with Ceram Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK (incorporating Eurocode
6 guidance): Special Publication 148 June 2011, (Porotherm performance values are set out in SP148 June 2015).

· Depending on the aspect ratio of the panel and the external support conditions the calculation uses either yield line
analysis or simple elastic analysis to determine the appropriate bending moment coefficient.

· Wall panels may include up to three openings, the calculation automatically divides the panel into two sets of sub
panels, arrangement A where the panels predominantly span vertically and arrangement B where the panels
predominantly span horizontally. The results reported in the calculation are based on the more favourable of the two
arrangements. Where the panel is only supported on three edges sub panel arrangements spanning toward the free
edge are automatically ignored.

· BS 5628-1:2005 Code of practice for the use of masonry - Part 1: Structural use of unreinforced masonry

· BS 5628-2:2005 Code of practice for the use of masonry - Part 2: Structural use of reinforced and prestressed

· Ceram Technical Report and Design Guidance for the use of Porotherm Blocks in the UK (incorporating Eurocode 6
guidance): Special Publication 148 June 2011, (Porotherm performance values are set out in SP148 June 2015).

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Normalised compressive strength of masonry (BS EN 772-1)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· The calculation determines the normalised compressive strength of masonry units in accordance with the method
described in Annex A.

General notes
· The calculation converts the compressive strength of masonry units to the normalised compressive strength.

· BS EN 772-1:2011 - Methods of test for masonry units Part 1: Determination of compressive strength

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Notional load chase down

Tedds calculation version 2.0.00

· Calculates the notional horizontal loads at the roof and each floor level of a multi-storey building.

Wb Db Hb

Lb Lb


Lb Lb

General notes
· The floor area and perimeter wall lengths can be calculated for a range of building shapes, or values for these
parameters can be entered directly, by selecting the user-defined shape option.

· Notional horizontal loads are calculated at 1.0% of the factored dead load and at 0.5% of the combined factored dead
and imposed loads. The partial safety factors used are 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 for imposed load.

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Open channel flow

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Calculates the discharge of an open channel which may consist of multiple sections.

General notes
· The calculation uses the Manning equation in the following form:

Q= ´ R 2 / 3 ´ S0
1/ 2

· It is possible to calculate the discharge of compound sections by adding the total flow of a series of partial sections, as
shown in the following sketch and corresponding equation.

A1 , n 1 A3 , n 3
A2 , n 2 P3

æA A A 2/3 ö
Q = çç 1 ´ R1 + 2 ´ R2 + 3 ´ R3 ÷÷ ´ S 0
2/3 2/3 1/ 2

è n1 n2 n3 ø

· The compound channel may consist of up to four separate sections, each with a different set of properties.

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Pad footing analysis and design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.07

· Checks the design of a pad footing in either reinforced or unreinforced concrete.

H xA H yA
H xB
H yB

General notes
· The footing may be subjected to axial and horizontal loads and moments as indicated in the sketch above.

· The calculations check the stability of the base with regard to uplift, sliding and overturning. They also check the
maximum and minimum base pressures.

· The reinforced concrete design calculations check the design of the base in bending and shear as appropriate.

· Soil properties for granular soils may be calculated in accordance with BS8002 using a mobilization factor m applied
to the representative strength values for the soils to give a design soil strength value. A value of m should be selected
that is appropriate for the requirements of the design, BS8002 suggests values of 1.2, 1.5 or more.

· The calculations are in accordance with BS 8110-Part 1:1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice for
design and construction.

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Pavement design (DMRB7)

Tedds calculation version 2.1.00

· Checks the design of new pavement and foundation construction.

General notes
· The calculations allow the design of flexible pavements with an asphalt or HBM bound base and rigid CRCP or CRCB

· The foundation can be designed using the ‘Restricted’ or ‘Performance’ methods.

· The calculations include a method of estimating the CBR value of the formation level.

· From the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Volume 7

· IAN 73/06 Revision 1 (2009) (Draft HD25)

· MCHW1 Series 900

· BS EN 13108

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Pile analysis (EN1997)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Static analysis of the resistance capacity of single piles, driven or drilled, in multiple geomaterial strata.

· Steel, concrete, or timber piles can be analysed for compressive and tensile axial loads and lateral loads.

· This calculation should only be used for preliminary evaluation, it should not be used for final design. Please refer to
the assumptions and limitations below for details.

· In accordance with EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Sweden, Norway
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Multiple geomaterial strata may be defined. The calculation assumes that friction and bearing values for each stratum
are valid for the entire strata depth.

· Geomaterial may be defined as cohesive soil, cohesionless soil, or rock. The calculation of axial resistance capacity is
capable of analysing multiple strata of different geomaterial types. The design resistance value can be adjusted by a
model factor as set by the National Annex. If a National Annex is not selected, the model factor defaults to 1.0.

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· An 'alternative procedure' per EN 1997-1, based on characteristic ground parameters, is utilized to determine
geomaterial capacities.

· Additional information required for lateral analysis are defined in the ‘Lateral Analysis’ dialog. Lateral capacity and
deflection are determined according to the Brinch Hansen method. The Brinch Hansen method is simple analysis
applicable to cohesive or cohesionless soil, either uniform or layered. See below for limitations of Brinch Hansen

· Plugging action may be assumed for steel piles. Steel pipes and tubes can be defined as closed or open ended.

· Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1997-1:2005.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Tomlinson, M. J., Foundation Design and Construction, Seventh Edition

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

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Pile group analysis

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculates the reactions of a series of piles subject to one or more loads assuming distribution through a rigid pile

General notes
· If required, the pile cap self weight should be added manually as an additional load applied through the centroid of
the pile cap.

· The calculation adopts the following procedure:-

o 1. Calculates the centroid and total value of all applied loads. Take moments about the origin in the x and
y directions and divide the resultant moment values by the total load to get the coordinates of the

o 2. Express all pile reactions in terms of the reaction of the first pile P1 plus a rate of increase in the X-
direction, rateX and a rate of increase in the Y-direction, rateY.

o 3. Take moments about the resultant load in both the X and Y direction, expressing the results in terms of
P1, rate X and rateY – eqn.1 and eqn.2.

o 4. Sum all the pile reactions in terms of P1, rateX and rateY and equate them to the total load. Express P1
in terms of rateX and rateY – eqn.3.

o 5. Substitute eqn.3 into eqn.1 and express rateX in terms of rateY – eqn.4.

o 6. Substitute eqn.3 and eqn.4 into eqn.2 to solve rateY.

o 7. Substitute rateY back into eqn.3 to solve rateX.

o 8. Substitute rateY and rate X into eqn.1 to solve P1.

o 9. Use rateX, rateY and P1 to solve remaining pile reactions.

· The calculation output lists the co-ordinates of the centroid of the total loads and the co-ordinates of the centroid of
the total pile reactions. If the centroid of the loads does not match the centroid of the pile reactions the output
includes a note warning that the pile group is not in equilibrium.

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Precast concrete beam design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 3.3.00

· The calculation checks the design of rectangular, T, inverted L, inverted T and L beams section subject to major axis
bending, torsion and shear. A transverse bending check on the flange outstand and shear between the web and
flange are included for T and inverted L beams and a boot check is included for L and inverted T beams.

· The calculation allows for the design of a single precast reinforced concrete unit which can be checked at multiple
design sections. A lifting check is included where a lower strength of concrete can be selected and various factors
added to account for de-moulding and lifting.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· When using this calculation it is the Engineer's responsibility to assess the reported results and ensure that the
calculation has selected all the appropriate locations on the beam where critical results occur and that all of these
locations have been designed. If there are any locations on the beam where critical results occur which have not been
designed then the results at these locations should be checked using a separate design calculation.

· The calculation checks that the beam passes the appropriate bending, shear, torsion, crack, spacing and lifting checks.

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· For flanged T and inverted L beams a transverse bending check on the flange outstand and shear between the web
and flange is included.

· For L and inverted T beams a check on the boot capacity is included. If the boot depth is less than 300mm a simple
bending check will be used to determine the capacity. If the boot depth is greater than or equal to 300mm the strut
and tie method will be used to determine the required reinforcement.

· The torsion calculation checks two interaction formulae. The first is a check on the capacity of the concrete struts of
the section subject to torsion and shear, if this interaction check is greater than 1.0 the section is deemed
inadequate. The second is a minimum reinforcement check, if this interaction check is less than or equal to 1.0 only
minimum reinforcement is required and no further torsional checks are performed. If the section is adequate and
additional reinforcement is required the additional longitudinal torsional reinforcement and the shear reinforcement
is determined.

· The torsion links should be closed torsion links and anchored by means of laps or hooked ends and should form an
angle of 90deg with the axis of the structural element. The area of longitudinal torsion reinforcement required is
additional to that required for bending. This reinforcement should be evenly distributed around the inside of the
perimeter link with the bar spacing not exceeding 350 mm. A minimum of four bars should be provided, one in each
corner of the link. At the locations of the bending tension and compression reinforcement, the longitudinal torsion
reinforcement can be provided for by the spare capacity of these bars or, if they are fully stressed, by increasing their

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian Nation Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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Precast concrete bearing design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the minimum bearing length and design concrete bearing stress and calculates the nominal length of a simple

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration



General notes
· The calculation determines the minimum required bearing length based on the supported precast concrete member
type and the relative bearing stress.

· The design compressive strength of concrete is calculated using the weakest concrete grade from either the support
or supported member.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete - A Manual for Best Practice - IStructE

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

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· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD 6687, background paper to the National Annexes to BS EN 1992.

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Precast concrete column design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.4.00

· The calculation checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender, rectangular and circular precast
columns including the effects of biaxial bending if applicable. The capacity of a column splice can also be checked.

· The calculation allows for the design of a single precast reinforced concrete unit. Two separate lifting checks are
included, where a lower strength of concrete can be selected for factory lifting and various factors added to account
for de-moulding, lifting or impact.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The calculation checks the capacity of the specified column against the specified axial load and end moments. The
capacity of a column splice can also be checked against the axial force and design moments specified at the splice
section along with the bonding of the projecting bars.

· Column effective length may be input directly, calculated from end restraint factors, calculated from predetermined
end rotational restraint flexibilities or calculated from the adjoining beam/slab geometry in accordance with PD6687.

· Minimum cover for bond and fire resistance is determined automatically.

· When using this calculation it is the Engineers responsibility to assess the reported results.

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· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian Nation Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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Precast concrete half-joint design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design of a precast concrete half-joint subject to vertical and horizontal forces using a strut and tie model.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The half-joint connection can be designed to represent either the upper (supported) half-joint or the lower
(supporting) half joint. In both cases the strut and tie model is essentially the same, just inverted in the case of the
lower half-joint.

· The forces on the half-joint connection are resolved at the bearing assuming a diagonal compression strut in the
concrete and a horizontal tie, usually in the form of a u shaped bar. At the other end of the compression strut the
vertical force is taken by a series of equally spaced links over a distance equal to the depth of the half-joint

· It may not be possible to use a u- shaped bar to form the horizontal tie, either because the bending radius of the
selected reinforcement is too large to be accommodated in the available beam width, or because more than two legs
are required to provide the required area of reinforcement. In either of these cases the selected bars should be
provided as vertical L-shaped bar or a straight bar butt-welded to a steel plate cast into the beam end.

· A horizontal and vertical force may be applied at the beam end.

· The calculation checks capacity of the main tension reinforcement and the horizontal/vertical link reinforcement to
resist vertical/horizontal forces.

· The calculation determines the angle of inclination of the compression strut, q, and checks if it is within the
recommended limits, approximately 21.8° - .45°.

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· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete - A Manual for Best Practice - IStructE

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD 6687, background paper to the National Annexes to BS EN 1992.

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Precast concrete stair design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design of a reinforced straight flight of stairs. The stairs span longitudinally between supports at the top
and the bottom of the flight and are unsupported at the sides. Supporting beams are located at the outside edges of
the landings.

· The calculation allows for the design of a single precast reinforced concrete unit. A lifting check is included where a
lower strength of concrete can be selected and various factors added to account for de-moulding and lifting.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

Lift Lift

819 2847 819

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General notes
· Supports at each end of the stair maybe defined as "simple end support", "monolithic end support", "first interior
support" or "interior support".

· Ultimate bending moments and shear forces are obtained from one-way spanning slabs coefficients which are
deducted from sections 5.3 & 5.4. These coefficients may be used under certain conditions so you must decide
whether to use the suggested value or to input directly a different coefficient.

· The self weight of the flight of stairs is applied to the whole span.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete.

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Precast concrete wall design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.00

· Checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender precast walls.

· The calculation allows for the design of a single precast reinforced concrete unit. Two separate lifting checks are
included, where a lower strength of concrete can be selected for factory lifting check and various factors added to
account for de-moulding, lifting or impact.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Calculation can be used in three basic ways

o 1 - to check the capacity of the specified wall against the specified axial load (including tension) and
minor axis end moments.

o 2 - to produce the interaction diagram about the minor axis for the specified wall.

o 3 - to determine the design bending moments for the specified wall, axial load and end moments.

· Approach 3 is automatically included with approach 1. Approach 3 may be included with approach 2 if required.

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· Wall effective length may be input directly, calculated from end restraint factors, calculated from predetermined end
rotational restraint flexibilities or calculated from the adjoining beam/slab geometry in accordance with PD6687.

· Minimum cover for bond and fire resistance determined automatically.

· Crack widths may be calculated and checked against specified limits.

This calculation has been optimised for automation using the Tedds Application Programming Interface (API) which
allows anyone with Windows programming experience to integrate Tedds with existing in-house software applications or
applications and services from other 3rd parties.

For information on this calculations input and output variables refer to the separate "Variables" documentation which is
accessible from the calculations Calc Set.

When used for automation the "_CalcUI" variable can be defined to specify how the calculation will operate:

· _CalcUI = 1

The calculations user interface will be shown and the user must interact with the user interface to satisfy all the input
validation checks in order to complete the design and produce the required output variables and document.

· _CalcUI = -1

The calculations user interface will not be executed at all, therefore no input validation will occur.

Warning! - The design will be completed automatically according to the specified input regardless of whether that input
or the calculated results are valid.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD6687:2006 - Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1.

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RC 2D analysis & design (EN1992)

RC beam analysis & design (EN1992)
RC beam design (EN1992)
Tedds calculation version 3.3.02

· The calculations checks the design of rectangular, flanged T and flanged L section subject to major axis bending and

· The ‘RC 2D beam analysis & design’ and ‘RC beam analysis & design’ calculations are integrated with the separate ‘2D
analysis’ calculation therefore please also refer to the calculation notes for that calculation.

· The ‘RC beam analysis & design’ calculation allows for the analysis and design of a single beam. The ‘RC 2D beam
analysis & design’ calculation allows for the analysis & design of multiple beams which are defined in a single 2D
analysis model. Beams can be a single span or a continuous span beam consisting of an unlimited number of spans.
Each span in the beam is checked according to the specified zones which can be amended in the design process.

· The ‘RC beam design’ calculation can be used to design multiple sections based on defined values for bending
moment and shear force.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Watch videos
RC 2D analysis & design
RC beam analysis & design
RC beam design

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General notes
· For the beam analysis and design calculations various reinforcement styles can be selected for the main longitudinal

· For the beam analysis and design calculations for moment design the beam is separated in to 3 top and 3 bottom
zones which can be adjusted in the design process. A design check will be carried out for any zone where a moment is
present. Additionally a design check will be carried out for a monolithic beam on an end support even if the elastic
moment in that zone is zero.

· For the beam analysis and design calculations for shear design the beam is separated in to 3 zones which can be
adjusted in the design process. A design check will be carried out for all zones which are greater than zero length. A
minimum area for shear reinforcement is displayed on the interface together with the minimum length of end zones
can be in order to accommodate the maximum amount of minimum reinforcement.

· The beam analysis and design calculation includes an option to redistribute the moments and shears in a member.
The redistribution is undertaken on a combination by combination basis at each applicable support. If the 'calculated'
option is selected the calculation will determine the maximum moment at each support and redistribute that
combination to the maximum allowable. All the other combinations at that support will then be redistributed down
to the value of the first, unless it is already lower and will not be adjusted in this case.

· When using this calculation it is the Engineers responsibility to assess the reported results and ensure that the
calculation has selected all the appropriate locations on the beam where critical results occur and that all of these
locations have been designed. If there are any locations on the beam where critical results occur which have not been
designed then the results at these locations should be checked using a separate design calculation.

· Both calculations check that each member passes the appropriate bending, shear checks, crack and spacing check. In
addition the member analysis and design calculations also check that the member passes the span to depth ratio

· In the beam analysis and design calculation once the reinforcement has been specified for the first designed span this
reinforcement will be copied across to all the other spans and include any multiple layers specified.

· In the analysis if a load combination type of 'none' is specified the calculation will treat this load as a strength load.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian Nation Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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RC beam analysis & design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 2.1.13

· These calculations check the design of reinforced concrete beams of rectangular or flanged cross-section.



h d h d

b b

Rectangular section Flanged section

General notes
· The design and analysis calculation allows you to analyse beams of up to 10 spans with up to 20 loads per span, 20
loads per support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

· The calculation includes a moment redistribution option.

· The beam section may be designed at the middle of each span and at each support.

· The beam section is designed for applied bending and shear, further calculations check the span to effective depth
ratio and reinforcement spacing.

· Multiple layers of reinforcement may be specified to either face.

· The design only calculation allows you to design a single section based on defined values for bending moment and
shear force.

· Reinforcement maybe specified explicitly to the top and bottom of the beam or as an alternative it is possible to input
the total area of reinforcement to the top or bottom of the beam with the associated depth to the centre of the
reinforcement area.

· Multiple layers of reinforcement may be specified to either face.

· To design all spans and support in a beam select each in turn and specify the required design details. If a span or
support is not designed they will not be included in the output.

· When using this calculation it is the Engineers responsibility to assess the reported results and ensure that the
calculation has selected all the appropriate locations on the beam where critical results occur and that all of these
locations have been designed. If there are any locations on the beam where critical results occur which have not been
designed then the results at these locations should be checked using a separate design calculation.

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· British Standard: Structural use of concrete – Part1: Code of practice for design and construction BS 8110-1:1997
incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

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RC beam torsion design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Calculates the quantity of torsional reinforcement required, if any, for a solid rectangular section subjected to a
combination of direct shear force and torsional moment.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The calculation checks the torsional resistance, for the applied shear force and torsional moment, of a solid
rectangular section and calculates the area of shear reinforcement and the additional longitudinal torsion if required.

· The calculation checks two interaction formulae. The first is a check on the capacity of the concrete struts of the
section subject to torsion and shear, if this interaction check is greater than 1.0 the section is deemed inadequate and
the calculation will stop with no further checks. The second is a minimum reinforcement check, if this interaction
check is less than or equal to 1.0 only minimum reinforcement is required and no further checks are performed. If the
section is adequate and additional reinforcement is required the addition longitudinal torsional reinforcement and
the shear reinforcement is determined.

· The links should be closed torsion links and anchored by means of laps or hooked ends and should form an angle of
90deg with the axis of the structural element. The area of longitudinal torsion reinforcement required is additional to
that required for bending. This reinforcement should be evenly distributed around the inside of the perimeter link
with the bar spacing not exceeding 350 mm. A minimum of four bars should be provided, one in each corner of the
link. At the locations of the bending tension and compression reinforcement, the longitudinal torsion reinforcement
can be provided for by the spare capacity of these bars or, if they are fully stressed, by increasing their size.

· The lever arm, z, is taken as 0.9 ´ d.

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This calculation has been optimised for automation using the Tedds Application Programming Interface (API) which
allows anyone with Windows programming experience to integrate Tedds with existing in-house software applications or
applications and services from other 3rd parties.

For information on this calculations input and output variables refer to the separate "Variables" documentation which is
accessible from the calculations Calc Set.

When used for automation the "_CalcUI" variable can be defined to specify how the calculation will operate:

· _CalcUI = 1

The calculations user interface will be shown and the user must interact with the user interface to satisfy all the input
validation checks in order to complete the design and produce the required output variables and document.

· _CalcUI = 0

The calculations user interface will be hidden and progression through the user interface will be simulated automatically,
if the input validation checks fail then the user interface will be shown and the user must interact with the user interface
to satisfy all the input validation checks in order to complete the design and produce the required output variables and

· _CalcUI = -1

The calculations user interface will not be executed at all, therefore no input validation will occur.

Warning! - The design will be completed automatically according to the specified input regardless of whether that input
or the calculated results are valid.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian Nation Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004

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RC beam torsion design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculates the quantity of torsional reinforcement (links and longitudinal bars) required, if any, for a solid rectangular
section subjected to a combination of direct shear force and torsional moment.

b Longitudinal torsion reinf't at max

300 ctrs (but see of
BS8110-1:1997) is additional to
that required for bending.
Perimeter link only is
considered in the design.
This link to be a closed
torsion link.

Internal links not included

in the design but may be h
required for spacing rules
(see of
Area of steel at this level
includes that required for
L dia bending and torsion
c nom
c nom

General notes
· The calculation checks the input link properties for the applied shear force and torsional moment and also calculates
the area of longitudinal torsion reinforcement required.

· The longitudinal tension bar diameter (D) is used to calculate the effective depth of the section. Therefore, if this
diameter increases, for example to accommodate the longitudinal torsion reinforcement, it is recommended that the
calculation is re-run with the correct diameter applied. Failure to do this will result in a slightly unconservative design
being performed due to the discrepancies in effective depth.

· The area of longitudinal tension reinforcement (As) is used to calculate the shear strength of the section (vc). It is not
recommended that the area of longitudinal torsion reinforcement provided at the level of the flexural tension steel is
included in the value of As because, strictly speaking, this is not tension reinforcement. For example, if the area of
tension steel required for bending is calculated as say 1223 mm2, it may be appropriate to provide three 25 mm
diameter bars (1473 mm2). Say the area of longitudinal torsion steel required to be distributed to the location of the
tension steel is 110 mm2, then the value of As used to calculate the shear strength of the section should not be taken
as greater than 1473 - 110 = 1363 mm2.

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· In accordance with BS8110-2:1985, the links should be closed torsion links and should follow the perimeter of the
section. The area of longitudinal torsion reinforcement required is additional to that required for bending. This
reinforcement should be evenly distributed around the inside of the perimeter link with the bar spacing not
exceeding 300 mm (note, however, that for beams deeper than 750mm, side bars are required at 250mm maximum
spacing - see of BS8110-1:1997). A minimum of four bars should be provided, one in each corner of the
link. At the locations of the bending tension and compression reinforcement, the longitudinal torsion reinforcement
can be provided for by the spare capacity of these bars or, if they are fully stressed, by increasing their size.

· This calculation is performed in accordance with clause 2.4 of BS8110-2:1985.

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RC column design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.4.01

· Checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender rectangular and circular columns including the
effects of biaxial bending if applicable.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

y y h h

f f
f v
c nom
f v
c nom
c nom

General notes
· Calculation can be used in three basic ways

· 1 - to check the capacity of the specified column against the specified axial load and end moments.

· 2 - to produce the interaction diagram about both axes for the specified column.

· 3 - to determine the design bending moments for the specified column, axial load and end moments.

· Approach 3 is automatically included with approach 1. Approach 3 may be included with approach 2 if required.

· Column effective length may be input directly, calculated from end restraint factors, calculated from predetermined
end rotational restraint flexibilities or calculated from the adjoining beam/slab geometry in accordance with PD6687.

· Minimum cover for bond and fire resistance is determined automatically.

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This calculation has been optimised for automation using the Tedds Application Programming Interface (API) which
allows anyone with Windows programming experience to integrate Tedds with existing in-house software applications or
applications and services from other 3rd parties.

For information on this calculations input and output variables refer to the separate "Variables" documentation which is
accessible from the calculations Calc Set.

When used for automation the "_CalcUI" variable can be defined to specify how the calculation will operate:

· _CalcUI = 1

The calculations user interface will be shown and the user must interact with the user interface to satisfy all the input
validation checks in order to complete the design and produce the required output variables and document.

· _CalcUI = -1

The calculations user interface will not be executed at all, therefore no input validation will occur.

Warning! - The design will be completed automatically according to the specified input regardless of whether that input
or the calculated results are valid.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD6687:2006 - Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1.

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RC column design (BS 8110)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.08

· Checks the design of columns of solid rectangular section, symmetrically reinforced about the major axis.

More highly
compressed Minor
faces Axis Y

Compression steel
h h'

Shear steel

"Tension" steel
(Ast) Y
Rectangular Column
Note for design D is the section depth,
d the depth to "tension" steel and is
dependent upon axis of bending under

General notes
· By selecting the relevant material factors, the calculations can also be compliant to BS 8110 Part 1: 1985.

· Crack checks are performed to BS8110:Pt 2, Cl. 3.8 & BS8007 Cl 2.6 & Appendix B.

· Braced and unbraced columns can be defined under axial load with or without uni/bi-axial bending.

· Columns are automatically classed as short or slender. For slender columns, additional deflection-induced moments
are calculated in accordance with section 3.8.3 of the code.

· Shear perpendicular to the major axis and crack width checks can be included if required.

· The effective height of the column is defined by entering the effective height factors, bx & by, these factors should be
determined by reference to code clause

· Estimated values are required for the bar diameters of the main tension steel (Dtry) and the shear links (Ldia_try), before
the required area of main tension steel is known. These are used to determine the effective depth (d) so that the
required area of main steel can be calculated. If different diameters are selected in the datalists which appear during
the calculations, the revised effective depth is not re-calculated, because the calculations assume that the cover will
change and the effective depth remain constant. If a larger bar size is selected from either of the datalists, and the
reinforcement cover check is selected, a show statement will indicate that there is insufficient cover. To avoid this,
the calculations should be re-calculated, with Dtry and Ldia_try set to the chosen bar diameters.

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· British Standard: Structural use of concrete – Part1: Code of practice for design and construction BS 8110-1:1997
incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

· British Standard: Structural use of concrete – Part2: Code of practice for special circumstances BS 8110-2:1985
incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 and 2.

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RC corbel design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Checks the design of reinforced concrete corbels subject to vertical and horizontal forces following a strut and tie
system of design.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Watch video

General notes
· The forces on a corbel produce a complex combination of stresses due to bearing, shear, direct compression, direct
tension and bending concentrated into a small area. The strut and tie system combined with good detailing is used to
simplify the design.

· Forces can be applied either directly on the top of the corbel surface or on a bearing above it. For the former it is
assumed that the vertical load is applied uniformly on the full top of the corbel but is idealised as a point load at the
mid-point of the bearing width for the purposes of the design model

· The calculation checks capacity of the main tension reinforcement and the horizontal/vertical link reinforcement to
resist vertical/horizontal forces.

· The calculation determines the angle of inclination of the compression strut. Then it checks if value of the angle is
within the limits recommended. Angle is limited to a maximum value of 68.2 °.

· According to Annex J.3 and PD-6687, if ac < 0.5 hc , closed horizontal links should be provided in addition to the main
tension reinforcement (Figure J.6(a)).

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· According to Annex J.3 and PD-6687, if ac > 0.5 hc and FEd > VRd,c, closed vertical links should be provided in addition to
the main tension reinforcement (Figure J.6(b)).

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD 6687, background paper to the National Annexes to BS EN 1992.

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RC crack width (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculates the design surface crack width to the tension face of a reinforced concrete section.

fc .b.x / 2 S
Neutral axis f
h z
c acr
es fs .A s
Beam Stresses /
section Strain forces Key dimensions

· From BS8110:Part 2:1985 clause 3.8

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RC deep beam analysis and design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design of rectangular reinforced concrete deep beams

General notes
· The methodology for the reinforcement design and the analysis loading are taken from Ciria Guide 2.

· The analysis and design calculation allows you to analyse deep beams of up to 5 spans with uniformly distributed
loads and point loads to each span.

· The calculation will produce reinforcement sketches which show the main areas of reinforcement specified in the
calculation. The areas defined are the dimensional limits of the reinforcement required and in most cases where
overlapping occurs the reinforcement is only required once. Areas where no reinforcement is shown explicitly are
required to have nominal web steel only.

· Main tension zones in the beam are required to have a minimum reinforcement for crack control. In many cases this
minimum reinforcement will be enough to satisfy the shear check calculations and as such the reinforcement
required for cracking can be designed for and applied to the whole beam and augmented in areas found to be

· The design of shear resistance for top loaded beams will always use the supplementary rules to include the strength
of steel as well as the unreinforced concrete strength of the beam.

· British Standard: Structural use of concrete – Part1: Code of practice for design and construction BS 8110-1:1997
incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

· Ciria Guide 2 – The design of deep beam in reinforced concrete

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RC flat slab design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.06

· Analysis of a reinforced concrete flat slab on a regular grid of concrete columns using yield line theory.

Span x
l x1 lx
l y1
Span y


General notes
· The slab is considered to be a one way continuous slab analysed and designed separately in both x and y directions.

· The calculations determine the optimum requirements for top reinforcement over each support to satisfy bending
criteria and bottom reinforcement for each span to satisfy bending and deflection criteria, based on the specified
default reinforcement diameter.

· The calculations include the option to check the slab for punching shear at each of the supports, calculating the
requirements for shear reinforcement at successive shear perimeters around each support.

· Once the calculation has determined the initial reinforcement design there is the option to amend the reinforcement
diameter and spacing at any point within the slab.

· Top reinforcement over the internal supports is concentrated in a strip half the width of the span, this arrangement
provides a better performance with regard to punching shear. Top reinforcement over the external supports is
concentrated in a strip one fifth the width of the span. The reinforcement is designed by using an appropriate
multiplier in the calculation of the support moment.

· British Standard: Structural use of concrete – Part1: Code of practice for design and construction BS 8110-1:1997
incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3.

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RC nib design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Checks the design of a reinforced concrete nib subject to vertical and horizontal forces.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

450 200
80 100



3 x 8 links

8 links @ 150 c/c*

25 bars* 2 x 16 bars
From column design

General notes
· A horizontal and vertical force may be applied to the nib.

· The calculation uses a bending design model rather than a strut-and-tie model

· The calculation checks the compressive stress beneath the bearing, the area of tension reinforcement and shear link
reinforcement in the nib.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete - A Manual for Best Practice - IStructE

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD 6687, background paper to the National Annexes to BS EN 1992.

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RC pile cap design (EN1997 & EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

· Calculation which checks the design of pile caps supporting a single column with up to 9 piles.

· The column may be subject to axial compression or tension, shear loads, and biaxial bending. Possible load cases
include Permanent, Imposed, Snow and Wind for all load types. Permanent and Imposed surcharge loads may be

· Steel, concrete or timber piles can be defined with compression, tension, and shear capacity. Defined capacities are
compared to analysis results.

· The pile cap design calculations check positive and negative bending in the pile cap, shear, column punching shear,
pile punching shear, punching shear for pile pairs, and corner pile shear as appropriate.

· In accordance with EN1992, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland,
Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Pile cap geometries are automatically defined based on the number of piles defined. Pile edge distance and spacing
can be modified. Individual pile locations and pile dimensions can be altered as necessary.

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· STR and GEO load combination may be used to check pile capacity, so factored loads on piles are compared to
allowable pile loads. For the pile cap design, STR load combinations apply.

· The column can be defined anywhere within the pile cap area.

· A pedestal can be defined. Any additional loads from self weight of the pedestal or eccentricity of load is
automatically calculated.

· Adverse tolerance effects are included in the design.

· The critical section for the column shear check is defined at a distance av, which is the dimension from the column
face and the face of the pile plus 0.2 times the pile diameter.

· For steel columns, a conservative approach is taken so checks are performed based on the actual steel column
dimensions and not at the edge of the stiff bearing of baseplate.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings EN1992-1-1:2004
incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1997-1:2005.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2010

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1997-1-1 (draft)

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Reinforced concrete design to Eurocode 2 - 6th edition by Bill Mosley, John Bungey and Ray Hulse.

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RC pile cap design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.10

· Checks the designs of a two, three or four pile cap, subject to vertical axial loading from a concentric or eccentric

w2 4 Pile Cap, height h

s with eccentricity
e f e
3 Pile Cap, height h 2 1

P3 e
P1 P2

Loaded width - y,x f
case 3 shear plane
3 3

ex case 2 case 1
0.866s s s
L b y ex
x Loaded width - x, y
P2 P3 f/5 x
w1 s w1
case 4 shear plane
4 4

P1 P4
2 L 1

3 pile cap 4 pile cap

General notes
· The calculation for tension reinforcement is based on the truss analogy method. Reinforcement provided is
calculated for one truss member between two pile heads.

· For three pile caps, due to the likelihood of reinforcement banding between piles and subsequent absence of fully
anchored reinforcement crossing parts of the punching shear perimeter, the default value of 100A s/bd used in the
calculation of vc is taken as zero. During the running of the calculation the user is able to adjust this by selecting an
appropriate value from Table 3.8 however an approximate hand calculation, taking into account the specified
reinforcement and proposed detailing approach, will be required to determine the appropriate value of 100A s/bd.

· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 2. Code of practice for design and construction.

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RC raft foundation (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.12

· Assesses the ability of elements of a raft to support various loading arrangements without exceeding the allowable
bearing pressure. It also determines the quantities of reinforcement required to support the loads whilst spanning
over theoretical circular depressions in the sub-soil which are assumed to form beneath the raft.

A sedgetop Asslabtop

Asedgelink hslab

hedge h hcoreslab

h boot aedge A sslabbtm


bboot bedge

General notes
· It is considered that the calculation is appropriate to low-rise type structures founded on relatively poor ground.

· The user has the option to input the basic diameter of the depression manually or to allow it to be determined by the
calculation. The calculated value is based on the number of sub-soil types present and their densities and ranges in
value from 1.5m to 3.5m. It should be noted that the calculated value is approximate only and the user should verify
that the value obtained is appropriate to their particular situation.

· The raft may comprise of a plain uniform thickness slab or may have edge thickening beams and optional internal
thickening beams. There is the option for the edge beams to have a boot to the outer face and/or a chamfer to the
inner face. For the internal beams there is the option to have chamfered sides.

· The slab element of the raft must be reinforced with square mesh. The mesh may be located in both the top and
bottom faces or in the top face only. The beam elements must be reinforced in the top and bottom faces with loose
bar reinforcement and in addition must have vertical shear reinforcement. If inclined reinforcement is provided, for
example in the chamfered face of a beam, this should not be included as part of the shear reinforcement.

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· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 2. Code of practice for design and construction.

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RC slab design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.18

· Checks the design of one or two-way spanning reinforced concrete slabs.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· For two-way spanning slabs the bending moments are obtained from coefficients based on the panel dimensions and
support conditions. For one-way spanning slabs the bending moments may be obtained from coefficients based on
the number of spans, the span dimensions and end support condition or alternatively they can be input directly from
a separate independent analysis.

· The slab section is designed at the middle of each span (bending only) and at each support (bending and shear).
Further calculations check the span to effective depth ratio and reinforcement spacing.

· Minimum cover for bond and fire resistance are determined automatically.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

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· Singaporean National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Designer’s Guide to EN1992-1-1 and EN1992-1-2 by R. S. Narayanan & A. Beeby and published by Thomas Telford

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RC slab design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Checks the design of solid slabs supported by beams or walls. The calculations will check one way spanning or two-
way spanning slabs and cater for simply supported or continuous support conditions.

h dx

A sy N o m in a l 1 m w id th A sx

S h o rter S p a n

h dy

A sy N o m in a l 1 m w id th A sx

Longer Span

T w o -w a y s p an n in g sla b
(s im p le )

General notes
· The checks performed are, optionally, moment, shear, punching shear, deflection and a cover check.

· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 2. Code of practice for design and construction.

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RC stair design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the design of a reinforced straight flight of stairs. The stairs span longitudinally between supports at the top
and the bottom of the flight and are unsupported at the sides. Supporting beams are located at the outside edges of
the landings.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Supports at each end of the stair maybe defined as "simple end support", "monolithic end support", "first interior
support" or "interior support".

· Ultimate bending moments and shear forces are obtained from one-way spanning slabs coefficients which are
deducted from sections 5.3 & 5.4. These coefficients may be used under certain conditions so you must decide
whether to use the suggested value or to input directly a different coefficient.

· The self weight of the flight of stairs is applied to the whole span.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

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· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008.

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010.

· Finland National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norway National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Sweden National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete.

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RC stair design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the design of a reinforced concrete stair subject to a uniformly distributed load.


General notes
· Supports at each end of the stair may be classified as simple end supports, continuous end supports, first interior
supports and interior supports.

· From BS8110 Structural use of concrete - Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction.

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RC thermal crack width (BS8007)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Calculates the estimated maximum crack width in each surface zone of wall, suspended or ground bearing slab
elements resulting from thermal shrinkage induced direct tension.

General notes
· The calculation also checks the users input reinforcement against the minimum requirements of BS8007:1987. The
reinforcement can be different in each face of the element and can be either loose bar or mesh but not a
combination in a single element.

· This calculation is performed in accordance with BS8007:1987.

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RC wall design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Checks the design of braced and unbraced walls in simply supported or monolithic construction under axial load with
or without transverse shear and bending.

Compression steel

Horizontal steel

Tension steel
(Ast) 1000 mm

(assumed symmetric)

General notes
· Walls are automatically classed as stocky or slender. For slender walls, additional deflection-induced moments are
calculated in accordance with section 3.8.3 of the code.

· Crack width checks can be included if required.

· The effective height of the wall is defined by entering the effective height factor b. This factor should be determined
by reference to code clauses and for walls in simple construction and Tables 3.21 and 3.22 for walls in
monolithic construction.

· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction.

· Crack checks are performed to BS8110:Pt 2, Cl. 3.8 & BS8007 Cl 2.6 & Appendix B.

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RC wall design (EN1992)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.03

· Checks the design of braced and unbraced, slender and non-slender walls.

· In accordance with EN1992 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Calculation can be used in three basic ways

o 1 - to check the capacity of the specified wall against the specified axial load (including tension) and
minor axis end moments.

o 2 - to produce the interaction diagram about the minor axis for the specified wall.

o 3 - to determine the design bending moments for the specified wall, axial load and end moments.

· Approach 3 is automatically included with approach 1. Approach 3 may be included with approach 2 if required.

· Wall effective length may be input directly, calculated from end restraint factors, calculated from predetermined end
rotational restraint flexibilities or calculated from the adjoining beam/slab geometry in accordance with PD6687.

· Minimum cover for bond and fire resistance determined automatically.

· Crack widths may be calculated and checked against specified limits.

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· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1:General - General rules and rules for buildings
EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Malaysian National Annex NA to MS EN 1992-1-1:2010

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· PD6687:2006 - Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1.

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Reinforcement schedule (BS8666)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.07

· Compiles a reinforcement schedule and calculates the total weight of steel listed in the schedule.

General notes
· The calculation determines the length of reinforcement based on dimensions entered in the interface and the
equations provided in table 3 of the code.

· From BS8666:2005 – Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for

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Retaining wall analysis & design (EN1992/EN1996/EN1997)

Tedds calculation version 2.9.11

· Checks the analysis or analysis and design of a reinforced concrete or masonry retaining wall.

· The retaining wall stem may be either cantilevered or propped and may feature either stepped or inclined faces.
The retaining wall base may also be propped.

· The retaining wall may be subject to vertical or horizontal loads applied at any point to the base or wall stem. It
may also be subject to surcharge loads applied as area loads directly behind the wall.

· The analysis calculations check the stability of the retaining wall with regard to sliding and overturning as well as
checking the maximum base pressures.

· The design calculations check the stem and base in flexure and shear and will include crack width checks if

· Masonry stem design includes unreinforced as well as pocket, hollow or cavity reinforced masonry options.

· The design output includes an indicative reinforcement arrangement sketch.

· In accordance with EN1992, EN1996, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland,
Sweden, Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.
· Video demonstration



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General notes
· Net ultimate bearing capacity is calculated for either the drained or undrained condition using the sample
analytical method for bearing resistance included in annex D.

· Alternatively the calculation will check a presumed bearing resistance against unfactored SLS base pressures.

· The calculation uses two sets of soil properties, retained soil for the soil to the back of the retaining wall and base
soil for the soil beneath and to the front of the retaining wall. Active and at-rest pressure coefficients are
calculated using the retained soil properties while the passive pressure coefficient is calculated using the base soil

· The design of the stem can be carried out at multiple locations but must include the foot of the stem for cantilever
walls and the point of maximum moment for propped cantilever walls.

· The design of the base is carried out once for the maximum and minimum moments generated in the heel and toe
of the base.

· The design of a key, if included is carried out at a single location for the worst moment induced in the key.

· The design of transverse reinforcement is carried out once for the stem and once for the base. For the stem the
calculation is based on the maximum overall stem thickness.

· Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN1992-1-1:2004
incorporating Corrigendum dated January 2008 and November 2010.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2008

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1992-1-1:2004.

· Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1: General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry
structures EN1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and July 2009.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1996-1-1:2005 + A1:2012

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1996-1-1:2005

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1996-1-1:2005.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1996-1-1:2005.

· Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated
February 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1997-1:2005.

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2010.

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· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1-1:2004.

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Retaining wall analysis and design (BS8002)

Tedds calculation version

· Checks the stability of a retaining wall which may feature a sloped or stepped back or face with or without a
downstand, either propped or unpropped, against sliding and determines the maximum and minimum base pressures
beneath the wall.

· The calculation allows the design of cantilever retaining walls in either reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry.


Moist retained Virtual
material back
of wall
Water level

h stem

h eff

h wall
Depth of
excavation retained

h water
dcover d exc

t base Toe
d ds
Base material
t ds
l toe t wall l heel
l base

General notes
· The reinforced concrete design calculations allow the design of the retaining wall toe, heel, downstand and stem for
bending and shear as appropriate.

· The reinforced masonry design calculations allow the design of the stem as a reinforced cavity, pocket reinforced or
reinforced hollow blockwork retaining wall.

· BS8002:1994 - Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures

· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction.

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· BS 5628 Part 2: 2000 - Code of practice for the use of Masonry: Part 1.Structural use of reinforced and prestressed

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Retaining wall design (CP2)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Retaining walls may be cantilever or propped cantilever and constructed of reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry
or masonry.

· The calculations check the stability (sliding and overturning) and base pressures of vertical stem retaining walls (T- or

· The calculations design the toe, heel and stem masonry/reinforcement for bending and shear as appropriate.

ws kN/m^2 ws kN/m^2 ws kN/m^2

W (surcharge)
W (surcharge)
W (surcharge)

q deg
q deg
t w.oa
q deg

hn tf
h2 tr
h stem h h stem h tw h stem h

tc tc tc
ltoe lheel ltoe tw l heel ltoe lheel
t t t
b b b

l o.a l o.a l o.a

RC/Propped masonry Unpropped masonry Reinforced masonry

General notes
· The provision of a new interface for the retaining wall calculations has offered the opportunity to improve the way
the calculations work. Since the new interface is very fast to run and re-run, we have removed the approximate
calculation methods previously adopted which advised lengths of heel and toe.

· The result is that we can now compute stability at the end of the heel (the virtual back of the wall) more accurately,
since we know how long the heel is.

· The net result is that for walls retaining sloped surfaces, soil pressures are higher when considering stability, base
pressures and base design.

· CP2 1951 reprinted 1975 - Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures

· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction.

· BS 5628 : Part 1 1992 - Code of practice, for the use of Masonry, Part 1 Structural use of unreinforced masonry.

· BS 5628-2:2000 - Code of practice for the use of Masonry, Part 2 Structural use of reinforced and prestressed

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Rigid diaphragm force distribution

Tedds calculation version 1.1.02

· Determine the distribution of rigid diaphragm lateral forces to supporting lateral resisting elements.

· Define multiple types of lateral elements including steel columns and concentric braced frames, concrete columns
and shear walls.

· Define any type of lateral element by defining element stiffness directly.

No. fxf fxm fx fyf fym fy

(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
SW1 15.87 -13.53 2.33 0 0 0
SW2 15.87 -6.01 9.86 0 0 0
SW3 0 0 0 75.56 -47.56 27.99
SW4 34.27 19.54 53.81 0 0 0
SW5 0 0 0 94.44 47.56 142.01

General notes
· Lateral force resisting elements can be defined as:

o Columns (steel or concrete)

o Braced bays (steel concentric braced frames)

o Individual shear walls (concrete)

o Other elements

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· Other elements may be defined with section properties and stiffness will be calculated assuming a continuous cross
section OR element stiffness may be defined directly allowing any type of lateral element to be defined.

· The lateral loads are distributed to each lateral load resisting element based on the applied loading and its position
relative to the centroid of rigidity.

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Rolling load analysis

Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

· Rolling load analysis of a continuous beam with unlimited spans and a load train with unlimited wheel point loads.

· The beam self-weight can be included or excluded from the analysis.

· An optional beam UDL can be applied.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The sequence of wheel loads is defined in the opposite direction to the sequence of spans, i.e. the first defined load is
at the front of the load train. For non-symmetrical load trains, the analysis should be repeated with a mirror image of
the load train (where this is physically possible in the real structure) to obtain the worst load effects at each location.

This calculation has been optimised for Batch design and Automation using the Tedds Application Programming Interface
(API) which allows anyone with Windows programming experience to integrate Tedds with existing in-house software
applications or applications and services from other 3rd parties.

For information on this calculations input and output variables refer to the separate "Variables" documentation which is
accessible from the calculations Calc Set.

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Section properties calculator

Tedds calculation version 2.0.07

· Calculates the section properties of a section constructed from rectangles, triangles and circles, with or without holes.

General notes
· The calculated section properties are returned to the Tedds document as variables for use in further calculations.

· Standard section types can be designed quickly from within the calculation user interface by specifying the
dimensions of the section.

· Custom sections can be created by using the Section Designer application. This application allows a section to be
designed using a simple CAD style user interface. Sections can be saved for re-use at a later date.

· Sections can be imported from Tedds data lists either as a starting point for new sections or to create combined
sections (such as a channel on an I section). Sections are available for the UK, USA, Canada, Japan, South Africa,
Singapore and Australia.

· The properties calculated include:

o Area

o 2nd moment of area

o Radius of gyration

o Plastic section modulus (only shapes with all rectangles at 90 degrees)

o Distance to combined centroid

o Distance to equal axis area (only shapes with all rectangles at 90 degrees)

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o Elastic section modulus

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Simple column safe load tables (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the design of a column in simple construction using the appropriate safe load tables. The column can be
based on one of three levels - top (column below), intermediate (columns above and below) and bottom (column

RC Labove



General notes
· Initial sections are selected for each applicable level and used to determine the moment distribution factors.
· Using the calculated moment distribution factors (determined from the section’s properties), the entered loads
and eccentricities of the incoming elements, the calculations determine the x and y axis moments for the column.
· The loads also include for up to 4 incoming beams at both top and bottom of the column section being designed
(dependent upon which level is selected).
· The moments and axial load can be used to determine the optimum section from the safe load tables. For the
easiest selection of a section use the search facility in the safe load tables to narrow down the range of sections
that can be selected. The values used for the final check are the buckling resistance Mbs, and the minimum of the
compressive resistances for major and minor axes - Pcx and Pcy.

· From BS 5950-1:2000 cl 4.7.7 - columns in simple construction.

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Slope stability - slip circle analysis

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculates the factor of safety for the stability of a slope assuming a circular slip failure.

q R



y WA



A B b

General notes
· Auto analysis allows a number of trial circles to be analysed in a single process.

· Undrained slopes are analysed using a total stress analysis, this approach is appropriate to newly cut or constructed
slopes in fully saturated clays. Drained slopes may be analysed using either the Fellenius (Swedish circle) method or
Bishop's simplified method.

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Snow loading (EN1991)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.10

· Calculates the undrifted and drifted (where applicable) snow loads on flat, monopitch, duopitch, multispan and
cylindrical roofs as well as a roofs abutting taller buildings.
· In accordance with EN1991 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian or the
recommended Eurocode values.
· Video demonstration

General notes
· Additional local loads can be defined in the form of an obstruction or a parapet on flat, monopitch and duopitch
roofs. Canopy loading can also be considered when allowed in the applicable national annex.

· Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General actions – Snow loads EN1991-1-3:2003+A1:2015

· UK National Annex NA+A1:2015 to BS EN 1991-1-3:2003+A1:2015 incorporating corrigendum no.1

· Irish National Annex NA+A1 to IS EN 1991-1-3:2003

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1991-1-3:2003+A1:2015 + NA:2017

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1991-1-3:2003+A1:2015 + NA:2015

· NowegianNational Annex NA to NS EN 1991-1-3:2003+A1:2015 + NA:2015

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Snow loading (BS6399)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculates the uniformly distributed and redistributed snow loads on a flat, monopitch, pitched or curved single
span roofs as well as the snow load resulting from the local drifting of snow on multiple span roofs and roofs
featuring canopies, parapets and other projections and obstructions.

a a

m1 m1

Uniform loading Asymmetric loading

General notes
· Loads determined using this calculation are unfactored/characteristic loads.

· From BS6399:Part 3:1988 - Code of practice for imposed roof loads.

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Infiltration system design (SUDS)

Soakaway design (BRE digest 365 / SUDS)
Tedds calculation version 2.0.04

· Calculates the maximum storage required for each rainfall duration over a return period of between 5 and 200 years.
In order to allow a range of return periods to be selected, table 2 has been extended to include Z2 growth factor
values for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 years using figures taken from “The Wallingford Procedure for Europe -
Best Practice Guide for urban drainage modelling”, published in 2000. The Z2 values have then been further
extrapolated from the 50 and 100 year values to obtain a return period of 200 years.

Circular ring pit soakaway

Incoming invert dia


w w
Rectangular pit soakaway Pit is depth - d

General notes
· The design of the soakaway can be calculated using either the BRE method or the SUDS manual method.

· The design of an infiltration blanket and infiltration pavement can be calculated using the SUDS manual method.

· Using the BRE method either the required minimum pit depth, width and length can be calculated by selecting the
appropriate required dimension and specifying the remaining ones.

· Using the SUDS Manual method the calculation will determine the minimum required depth for a suitable storage

· The calculations also check that the soakaway/infiltration system discharges from full to half volume within 24 hours.

· These calculations determine the M5 rainfalls using table 1 and then calculate the growth factor for table 2 and, using
this, calculate the relevant rainfall for each rainfall duration. Using these values the inflow for each duration is
calculated along with the outflow (given the soil infiltration rate)

· The calculations can (optionally) determine the soil infiltration rate - from trial pit size and the test results for the
time taken for the water level to fall from 75% to 25% of the effective storage depth in the pit.

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· If the soil infiltration rate is to be calculated, the trial pit size and the test results for the time taken for the water level
to fall from 75% to 25% of the effective storage depth in the pit are required, otherwise the soil infiltration rate must
be entered.

· The Wallingford Procedure is used to calculate the rainfall and is limited, by the value Z2, to 100 years. When
selecting a return period of 200 years the calculation uses linear extrapolated values from the 50 year and 100 year

· BRE digest 365 - Soakaway designs for either rectangular or concentric ring soakaways (2016).

· CIRIA C753 The SUDS Manual (2015)

· The Wallingford Procedure for Europe - Best Practice Guide for urban drainage modelling. Version 1.1 (Dec. 2000)

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Steel 2D analysis & design (EN1993)

Steel member analysis & design (EN1993)
Steel member design (EN1993)
Tedds calculation version 4.4.02

· The 'Steel 2D analysis & design' and 'Steel member analysis & design' calculations check the design of rolled I and
H sections, channel sections and rectangular and circular hollow sections subject to major axis bending, shear and
axial tension or compression. They also check rolled asymmetric sections and slimflor sections subject to positive
major axis bending, shear and axial tension, and rolled T sections, angles and double angles and flats subject to
axial tension.

Steel member analysis & design

· The 'Steel member design' calculation incorporates the same design checks as the analysis & design calculations,
plus rolled I and H sections, channel sections and rectangular and circular hollow sections may also be subject to
minor axis bending.

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Steel member design

· The 'Steel 2D analysis & design' and 'Steel member analysis & design' calculations are integrated with the separate
'2D analysis' calculation therefore please also refer to the calculation notes for that calculation.
· The 'Steel member analysis & design' calculation allows for the analysis and design of a single member. The '2D
member analysis & design' calculation allows for the analysis and design of multiple members which are defined
in a single 2D analysis model. In either case each design member is checked at multiple points across all spans to
ensure that the worst combination of moments, shears and axial forces is considered.
· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Sweden,
Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.

General notes
· For the member analysis & design calculations the deflection calculations are based on the selected load
combinations and include the option to define the criteria used to check each combination. No deflection check is
included in the member design only calculation.

· For the member analysis & design calculations the moment distribution factor k c is calculated automatically based
on the values suggested in table 6.6 and an option is included to define the values used for each segment. In the
case of the member design calculation this value is specified manually.

· The calculations always check that each member passes the appropriate bending, shear and tension or
compression checks. In addition the member analysis & design calculations also check that the member passes the
selected deflection checks.

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings - EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and April
Part 1-5:Plated structural elements - EN1993-1-5:2006 incorporating corrigendum April 2009

· NCCI - Determination of non-dimensional slenderness of I and H sections - SN002

· NCCI - Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling - SN003

· NCCI - Effective lengths and destabilising load parameters for beams and cantilevers - common cases - SN009

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· NCCI - Mono-symmetrical uniform members under bending and axial compression - SN030

· Boverket mandatory provisions amending the board’s mandatory provisions and general recommendations
(2011:10) on the application of European design standards (Eurocodes), EKS - BFS 2015:6 EKS 10

· Czech National Annex NA to CSN EN 1993-1-1:2006 and CSN EN 1993-1-5:2008

· Danish National Annex NA to DS EN1993-1-1 DK NA:2015 and DS EN 1993-1-5 DK NA:2007

· Estonian National Annex NA to EVS EN 1993-1-1:2005 + A1:2014/NA:2015 and EVS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2008

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and SFS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and IS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· Italian National Annex NA to UNI 1993-1-1 and UNI EN 1993-1-5

· Malaysia National Annex NA to MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2008 and NS EN 1993-1-5:2006/NA:2009

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1993-1-1:2010 and SS EN 1993-1-5:2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and BS EN 1993-1-5:2006

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Steel angle design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Checks the design of single equal and unequal leg angles subjected to compression or tension and/or uni/bi-axial

F +ve

Mx +ve My +ve

y x

b d

General notes
· Effective length for compression capacity calculated in accordance with either clause (single angle struts)
or using Table 22 end restraint factors.

· Tension capacity is calculated either as a simple tension member in accordance with clause or as a general
tension member in accordance with clause 4.6.1.

· Section may be restrained or unrestrained against lateral torsional buckling when subjected to bending. The
buckling resistance moment is calculated using the ‘basic method’ given in clause

· From British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and
welded sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Steel beam analysis & design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 3.0.14

· Checks the design of rolled I and H sections, rolled asymmetric sections, slimflor sections, rolled channel sections,
rolled T sections, rolled rectangular hollow sections and rolled circular hollow sections subject to major or minor axis
bending, shear and axial tension or compression..

· The calculation allows analysis of beams of up to 10 spans with up to 20 beam loads, 20 loads per span, 20 loads per
support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

· The section is designed for worst case applied moment, shear, compression or tension and deflection across all spans.

General notes
· The calculations were prepared with the aid of the following NCCI documents published on the Access Steel website:

o SN002 - Determination of non-dimensional slenderness of I and H sections

o SN003 - Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling

o SN009 - Effective lengths and destabilising load parameters for beams and cantilevers - common cases

o SN030 - Mono-symmetrical uniform members under bending and axial compression

· The design can include up to 5 sections working together to support the load.

· The calculation includes the self weight of the beam by default although this load may be removed if required.

· Axial compression and tension should be entered as a fully factored design loads on the 'Design options' dialog.

· Deflection calculations are based on unfactored loads with the option of manually defining which load types are
included; by default dead loads are automatically excluded.

· Moment distribution factor kc is calculated automatically based on the values suggested in table 6.6, with the option
of manually defining the values used for each segment.

· The calculation checks that each section passes bending, shear, tension or compression and deflection checks as

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings
EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

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· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1993-1-1:2005

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Malaysia National Annex NA to MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-5:Plated structural elements

EN1993-1-5:2006 incorporating corrigendum April 2009

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· SCI P360 - Stability of Steel Beams and Columns

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Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950)

Steel member design (BS5950)
Tedds calculation version 3.0.07

· These calculations check the design of rolled I and H sections, rolled asymmetric sections, slimflor sections, rolled
channel sections, rolled T sections, rolled rectangular hollow sections and rolled circular hollow sections subject to
major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression.

· The analysis and design calculation allows you to analyse beams of up to 10 spans with up to 20 beam loads, 20
loads per span, 20 loads per support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

· The section is designed for worst case applied moment, shear, compression or tension and deflection across all

· The member design calculation can be used to design a single section based on defined values for bending
moment, axial compression or tension, and shear force.

General notes
· The design can include up to 5 sections working together to support the load.

· The design and analysis calculation includes the self weight of the beam by default although this load may be
removed if required.

· Axial compression and tension should be entered as a fully factored design loads on the 'Design options' dialog.

· Deflection calculations are based on unfactored loads with the option of manually defining which load types are
included; by default dead loads are automatically excluded.

· The design and analysis calculation checks that each designed section passes bending, shear, tension or
compression and deflection checks as appropriate.

· The member design calculation checks that the section passes bending, shear and tension or compression checks.

· British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded
sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Steel beam torsion design (SCI-P-057)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Checks the design of a single span, simply supported, straight steel beam loaded normal to the major axis.

· Full torsional restraint at both ends of beam.

General notes
· At each end, the section may be may be free to warp or fully fixed against warping.

· No intermediate lateral, torsional or warping restraint.

· No axial loading or applied loading perpendicular to the minor axis. (Induced minor axis moments are covered.)

· Hot-rolled RHS, SHS, CHS, UB, UC, RSJ or Channel section.

· One load combination, comprising any number and arrangement of concentric loads, acting simultaneously with
one pattern of eccentric loading, from the following:

o an eccentric uniformly distributed load;

o one eccentric point load, at midspan;

o two eccentric point loads, at third points; or

o three eccentric point loads, at quarter points.

· BS 5950-1: 2000 - Structural use of steelwork in buildings - Part 1. Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded

· Design for torsion, and combined effects including torsion, follows the guidance in the Steel Construction
Institute's publication SCI-P-057 Design of Members Subject to Combined Bending and Torsion.

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Steel column and base plate design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculation which integrates the Steel column design and Column base plate design calculations to provide a
single design for both a column and a connected base plate.

General notes
· This calculation integrates two other calculations, the "Steel column design (EN1993)" and the "Column base plate
design (EN1993)". Pleases refer to the calculation notes for these calculations for detailed documentation and
revision history.

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Steel column design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.05

· Checks the design of a steel column using rolled I, H, channel, rectangular and circular hollow sections subject to
biaxial bending, shear and axial compression or tension.
· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway,
Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· The flexural buckling length may be input directly, calculated from defined end restraint factors or, for rigid
jointed frames, calculated from the frame geometry in accordance with document SN008, 'Buckling lengths of
columns: rigorous approach'.
· The elastic critical torsional buckling force, Ncr,T, and the elastic critical torsional-flexural buckling force, Ncr,TF are
both calculated in accordance with document SN001, 'Critical axial load for torsional and flexural torsional
buckling modes'.

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings - EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and April
Part 1-5:Plated structural elements - EN1993-1-5:2006 incorporating corrigendum April 2009

· Boverket mandatory provisions amending the board’s mandatory provisions and general recommendations
(2011:10) on the application of European design standards (Eurocodes), EKS - BFS 2015:6 EKS 10

· Finnish National Annex to SFS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and SFS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· Irish National Annex to IS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and IS EN 1993-1-5:2006

· Malaysia National Annex to MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Norwegian National Annex to NS EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2008 and NS EN 1993-1-5:2006/NA:2009

· Singapore National Annex to SS EN 1993-1-1:2010 and SS EN 1993-1-5:2009

· UK National Annex to BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and BS EN 1993-1-5:2006

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Steel masonry support (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Checks the bending, deflection and fixings where applicable in a masonry support beam.

· If selected the main/torsion beam can be checked for torsion and combined effects in accordance with SCI-P-057
Design of Members Subject to Combined Bending and Torsion.

General notes
· Steel masonry support beam section:

o The masonry support beam can be designed as either a stainless steel cold formed angle in accordance
with SCI-P-157, a mild steel angle using simple bending or a flat plate welded to the underside of the
beam in accordance with SCI-P-110.

o Checks will be undertaken for the bolts and minimum weld lengths calculated where applicable.

· Steel beams in torsion section:

o If the torsional beam is selected to be designed the torsional moment from the masonry and support
beam, assuming a UDL, will be calculated and used for the torsional checks. An additional torsional
moment can be added to include any other uniform load not specified in the main user interface.

o At each end, the section may be may be free to warp or fully fixed against warping.

o No intermediate lateral, torsional or warping restraint.

o No axial loading or applied loading perpendicular to the minor axis. (Induced minor axis moments are

o Hot-rolled RHS, SHS, UB, UC, RSJ or Channel section.

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· BS 5950-1: 2000 - Structural use of steelwork in buildings - Part 1. Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded

· Steel Construction Institute - SCI-P-057 Design of Members Subject to Combined Bending and Torsion.

· Steel Construction Institute - SCI-P-110 Slim Floor Design and Construction.

· Steel Construction Institute – AD 187 – Update to P-123 Concise Guide to the Structural Design of Stainless Steel.

· Steel Construction Institute - SCI-P-157 Stainless Steel Angles for Masonry Support.

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Steel member fire resistance design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculation which checks the capacity of a single steel member subject to bending to maintain its required mechanical
resistance in case of fire during the required time of exposure.

· The member being designed may be unprotected (bare steel) or protected.

· The steel member being designed may be supporting a composite or concrete slab, i.e. the member is only exposed on
three sides.

· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Sweden, Norway
or the recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

Fire resistance chart


General notes
· The required fire resistance time (R30, R60,...) must be specified by the user.

· The calculation checks the load-bearing function (criterion R) of a single steel beam by using a simple calculation
method as permitted in EN 1993-1-2, cl 4.1(2).

· The verification is carried out in the temperature domain by using the critical temperature method as described in EN
1993-1-2, cl 4.2.4.

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· Simple calculation models are simplified design methods for individual members, which are based on conservative
assumptions (EN 1993-1-2, cl 4.1(3))

· Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
Part 1-2:Actions on structures exposed to fire - EN1993-1-2:2002 incorporating corrigenda May 2009 and February

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures

Part 1-1:General rules and rules for buildings - EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating corrigenda February 2006 and April
Part 1-2:General rules – Structural fire design - EN1993-1-2:2005 incorporating corrigenda December 2005,
September 2006 and March 20019

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1991-1-2:2002, SFS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and SFS EN 1993-1-2

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1991-1-2:2002, IS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and IS EN 1993-1-2

· Singaporean National Annex NA to SS EN 1991-1-2:2002/NA:2008, SS EN 1993-1-1:2010 and SS EN 1993-1-2

· Malaysia National Annex NA to MS EN 1991-1-2:2002, MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1991-1-2:2002/NA:2008, NS EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2008 and NS EN 1993-1-2

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1991-1-2:2002, SS EN 1993-1-1:2010 and SS EN 1993-1-2

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1991-1-2:2002, BS EN 1993-1-2:2005 and NA to BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 and BS EN 1993-


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Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950)

Steel member design (BS5950)
Tedds calculation version 3.0.07

· These calculations check the design of rolled I and H sections, rolled asymmetric sections, slimflor sections, rolled
channel sections, rolled T sections, rolled rectangular hollow sections and rolled circular hollow sections subject to
major axis bending, shear and axial tension or compression.

· The analysis and design calculation allows you to analyse beams of up to 10 spans with up to 20 beam loads, 20
loads per span, 20 loads per support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

· The section is designed for worst case applied moment, shear, compression or tension and deflection across all

· The member design calculation can be used to design a single section based on defined values for bending
moment, axial compression or tension, and shear force.

General notes
· The design can include up to 5 sections working together to support the load.

· The design and analysis calculation includes the self weight of the beam by default although this load may be
removed if required.

· Axial compression and tension should be entered as a fully factored design loads on the 'Design options' dialog.

· Deflection calculations are based on unfactored loads with the option of manually defining which load types are
included; by default dead loads are automatically excluded.

· The design and analysis calculation checks that each designed section passes bending, shear, tension or
compression and deflection checks as appropriate.

· The member design calculation checks that the section passes bending, shear and tension or compression checks.

· British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded
sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Steel member design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

Status – General Release

This calculation is still applicable for designing the following sections types:

· Tees – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

· Angles – axial (T/C)

· Double angles – axial (T/C)

· Flats – axial (T/C)

Status – Superseded
This calculation has been superseded for designing all other sections types, we recommend that you use the following
calculations in preference to this calculation:

· Steel member design (BS5950) – Version 3.x or later.

· The following section types and design loading can be checked:

o UB, UC, RSJ – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

o RC, RC(P) – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

o SHS, RHS – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

o CHS – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

o Tees – axial (T/C), with or without bending (X and/or Y)

o Angles – axial (T/C)

o Double angles – axial (T/C)

o Flats – axial (T/C)

General notes
· Member definition and loading

o Each run of these calculations covers a single combination of simultaneously occurring load effects.

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o The load effects entered should include allowance for any minimum tensile loads on members for
avoidance of disproportionate collapse (

o Normally, one run of the calculations will cover the full length of a member between supports. All the
relevant calculations for both cross-section checks and member buckling checks will be performed within
one run.

o The member being considered can be sub-divided into up to four Tedds segments. Separate moments
and shear forces are entered for each segment, and all the relevant check calculations are carried out for
each segment separately.

· Buckling checks

o Buckling restraints can be specified between each segment, but it is not essential to have any restraint
between the segments. Thus, for example, one segment length LLT, as defined in the code, could be
divided into two or more segments in the calculation. (One reason why this might be done is so that
shears and moments can be more accurately associated with each other for the moment capacity checks,
instead of having to combine the maximum shear near a support with the maximum moment near

o Buckling check calculations are carried out for each Tedds segment, and the relevant segment lengths for
buckling (LLT, LX and LY) are determined automatically by adding up the Tedds segment lengths between
the relevant restraints. If there is no restraint between two Tedds segments, the buckling checks for the
two Tedds segments become identical. Similarly, the appropriate moments for buckling checks, MLT, MX
and MY, are determined automatically by taking the maximum values from all of the Tedds segments
within the buckling segment length.

o Restraint against lateral torsional buckling is specified independently to restraint against y-axis buckling.
This allows account to be taken of a restraint which prevents y-axis buckling but does not comply with cl. for restraints against lateral-torsional buckling.

o If a member is defined with just one Tedds segment, the effective lengths for buckling are automatically
determined from the end restraint conditions, by reference to Tables 13, 14 and 22, as appropriate.
Alternatively, instead of entering the end restraint conditions, effective length factors can be entered

o An overriding assumption of the calculations is that the axial load is constant over the member length
being considered.

o As an extra precaution, the Tedds formulae for the equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural
buckling (Table 26) have an additional lower limit of 0.4 on the value of the factor, m, which does not
appear in the code. This is analogous to the lower limit of 0.44 which appears in the code formula for the
lateral-torsional buckling factor mLT.

· High shear

o The calculations do not cover situations where the shear force along either axis of a CHS section or a T
section, or parallel to the major (x) axis, is classified as 'high shear'. In these cases, a warning message will
be displayed and no further calcs will be carried out.

· Holed sections

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o For members under tension only, bolt holes can be specified and the tension capacity will be determined
from the effective net area as defined in section 3.4. Bending checks can only be applied to sections
without holes and holed sections where, in accordance with cl., no allowance for holes is

· Members with combined moment and axial force

o Options are provided within the input dialogs for using either the simplified or the more exact methods
for checking cross-section capacity and member buckling. If the 'more exact' option is chosen for either of
these checks, the calculations will automatically revert to the simplified method in those situations where
the more exact method is not applicable.

o If, due to the combination of load effects specified, the member requires a buckling resistance check in
accordance with code section, the member cannot be specified as fully restrained against buckling
about one of its axes (or against lateral-torsional buckling). If full restraint exists in reality, this can be
recognised in the calculations by choosing to enter the effective lengths directly, and entering a suitably
small value for the appropriate segment length or effective length factor.

· BS 5950-1:2000 - Structural use of steelwork in building: Part 1. Code of practice for design – rolled and welded

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Steel sheet piling design (EN1997)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· The calculation checks the stability of either a cantilever or a propped/tied steel sheet pile wall by determining the
required minimum embedment length and checks the seleted pile capacity where applicable. Where appropriate
the calculation will determine the tie/prop force.
· In accordance with EN1993-5, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden,
Norway or the recommended Eurocode values.
· Video demonstration

General notes
· This calculation uses the Limiting equilibrium method (LEM) to design either a cantilever or propped-cantilever
sheet pile wall. This method assumes that the ground surrounding the wall is in a state of collapse, with its
strength fully mobilised on both sides of the wall. The wall is assumed to rotate as a rigid body about a fixed point,
which for a cantilever lies below formation level and in the case of a propped cantilever wall is coincident with the
location of the prop/tie.

· Water table may be added at any level on the retained side. When the water level on the retained side is higher
than ground level on the unretained side, there is an option to have different water levels to both sides of the
wall. The lowest water level on the unretained side in this case is limited to the lower ground level.

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· The maximum bending moments in the piles are determined using the Tedds 2D analysis engine with the piles
being analysed as vertical beams. The applied loads used in the analysis are the active and passive pressures as
determined in the calculation. Hence the balanced pressure diagram is effectively the loading diagram used in the
analysis. There are two methods of analysis available for the design of sheet pile walls and are governed by the
restraint conditions imposed by the soil at the bottom of the embedded length.

o Free-earth conditions assume that the wall has insufficient embedment to prevent rotation at the toe but
the wall is still in equilibrium.
o Fixed-earth conditions assume that the wall is sufficiently embedded and the soil stiff enough to prevent
rotation about the toe.
The design of a cantilever wall assumes fixed earth conditions and is analysed as a vertical cantilever beam. The
design of tie/propped walls can be designed by either fixed or free earth conditions, and are analysed as a
propped cantilever or simply supported vertical beams respectively.

· The calculation can be used either to design a new wall or to analyse an existing wall. For the design of a new wall
an initial estimated total length of pile is required and the calculation will determine the actual length of pile
required to satisfy equilibrium. The fixed earth method also calculates a total minimum required length based on a
20% multiplier to the embedded length below the point of contraflexure, due to the simplification of the fixed
earth method. A minimum plastic section modulus is calculated which can then be compared to manufactures
information to determine the type of pile required. If an existing wall is to be analysed the total length of pile is
input in to the calculation and the required minimum height will be calculated and compared to the actual,
resulting in a pass or fail statement.

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February

UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1997-1:2005.

Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2010

Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1997-1:2004

Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1997-1:2005

Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1997-1:2004/NA:2008

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 5: Piling EN1993-5:2007 incorporating Corrigendum dated May 2009

UK National Annex NA + A1:2012 to BS EN 1993-5:2007

Ciria C760: Guidance on embedded retaining wall design (2017)

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Steel sheet piling design (BS8002)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· The calculation checks the stability of either a cantilever or a propped/tied steel sheet pile wall by determining the
required minimum embedment length and checks the seleted pile capacity where applicable. Where appropriate
the calculation will determine the tie/prop force.
· In accordance with BS8002, EN1993, EN1997 and the national annex for the UK.

General notes
· This calculation uses the Limiting equilibrium method (LEM) to design either a cantilever or propped-cantilever
sheet pile wall. This method assumes that the ground surrounding the wall is in a state of collapse, with its
strength fully mobilised on both sides of the wall. The wall is assumed to rotate as a rigid body about a fixed point,
which for a cantilever lies below formation level and in the case of a propped cantilever wall is coincident with the
location of the prop/tie.

· Water table may be added at any level on the retained side. When the water level on the retained side is higher
than ground level on the unretained side, there is an option to have different water levels to both sides of the
wall. The lowest water level on the unretained side in this case is limited to the lower ground level.

· The maximum bending moments in the piles are determined using the Tedds 2D analysis engine with the piles
being analysed as vertical beams. The applied loads used in the analysis are the active and passive pressures as
determined in the calculation. Hence the balanced pressure diagram is effectively the loading diagram used in the
analysis. There are two methods of analysis available for the design of sheet pile walls and are governed by the
restraint conditions imposed by the soil at the bottom of the embedded length.

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o Free-earth conditions assume that the wall has insufficient embedment to prevent rotation at the toe but
the wall is still in equilibrium.
o Fixed-earth conditions assume that the wall is sufficiently embedded and the soil stiff enough to prevent
rotation about the toe.
The design of a cantilever wall assumes fixed earth conditions and is analysed as a vertical cantilever beam. The
design of tie/propped walls can be designed by either fixed or free earth conditions, and are analysed as a
propped cantilever or simply supported vertical beams respectively.

· The calculation can be used either to design a new wall or to analyse an existing wall. For the design of a new wall
an initial estimated total length of pile is required and the calculation will determine the actual length of pile
required to satisfy equilibrium. The fixed earth method also calculates a total minimum required length based on a
20% multiplier to the embedded length below the point of contraflexure, due to the simplification of the fixed
earth method. A minimum plastic section modulus is calculated which can then be compared to manufactures
information to determine the type of pile required. If an existing wall is to be analysed the total length of pile is
input in to the calculation and the required minimum height will be calculated and compared to the actual,
resulting in a pass or fail statement.

BS8002:2015 Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures

Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 5: Piling EN1993-5:2007 incorporating Corrigendum dated May 2009

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February

UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

UK National Annex NA + A1:2012 to BS EN 1993-5:2007

Ciria C760: Guidance on embedded retaining wall design (2017)

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Simple beam analysis and design

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

Status – General Release

This calculation is still applicable for the elastic analysis and design of the following beam types:

· Steel beams with torsion (BS5950-1:2000 and SCI publication SCI-P-057)

· Historical steelwork (BCSA 11/84)

Status – Superseded
This calculation has been superseded for designing all other beam types, we recommend that you use the following
calculations in preference to this calculation:

· Steel beam analysis & design (BS5950:Part1:2000) – Version 1.x or later.

· Steel beam design only (BS5950:Part1:2000) – Version 1.x or later.

· RC beam analysis & design (BS8110:Part1:1997) – Version 1.x or later.

· RC beam design only (BS8110:Part1:1997) – Version 1.x or later.

· Timber beam analysis & design (BS5268:Part2:2002) – Version 1.x or later

· Timber beam design only (BS5268:Part2:2002) – Version 1.x or later

· The elastic analysis and design of simple beams.

+ve Sign Conventions

loads P P P

reaction R
a x b
deflection d L

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General notes
· The design may be run directly with no analysis should design shear forces and moments already be known. In this
instance, no analysis results are returned to your document.

· Steel beams with torsion (BS5950-1:2000 and SCI publication SCI-P-057)

· Historical steelwork (BCSA 11/84)

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Steel simple connection design (EN1993)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.00

· Checks the design of simple beam to beam and beam to column partial end plate steel connections and fin plates.
· Checks the connection for shear and tying design forces.
· Automatically sizes the connection for the given beam sizes.
· When connecting to a supporting member web, up to 2 supported beam connections may be designed.
· In accordance with EN1993 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Finland, Norway,
Sweden or the recommended Eurocode values.
· Video demonstration

General notes
· This calculation follows the design method as set out in SCI publication P358 Joints in Steel Construction: Simple
Joints to Eurocode 3. This guide provides UK best practices for simple joints as is compliant with EN1993-1-8.

· SCI publication P358 Joints in Steel Construction: Simple Joints to Eurocode 3.

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 incorporating Corrigenda
dated December 2005, September 2006, July 2009 and August 2010.

· Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings BS EN 1993-1-1:2005
incorporating Corrigenda dated February 2006 and April 2009.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1993-1-1:2005

· Singapore National Annex NA to SS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Malaysia National Annex NA to MS EN 1993-1-1:2010

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· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1993-1-1:2010

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1993-1-1:2010

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Stormwater drainage
Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Calculates and plots the Energy Grade Line (EGL) and the Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) for a pipe line and
determines if they conform to freeboard requirements.

General notes
· The EGL and HGL are calculated to take in to effect, frictional pipe losses according to the roughness of the pipe
material and local losses relating to the type of structure that is present along the pipe line.

· The frictional pipe losses are based on the Colebrook-White formula.

· The diameter of the pipes and the flow within them can be altered along the length of the pipe. Adjusting the flow
along the pipe can be used to model additional flows, say from an inlet or branch line, within the system.

· The calculation will determine structure loss coefficients but these can be overwritten with user defined values if

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Stormwater attenuation design

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Calculates typical storage volumes due to stormwater events for development sites.

General notes
· The calculation of storage volumes can be undertaken using three methods as detailed below

o Joint Defra/EA - this method will follow the procedure as detailed in the document 'Joint Defra/EA Flood
and Coastal Risk Management R&D Programme - Preliminary rainfall runoff management for
developments Report W5-047/A/TR/1 RevE' to estimate the infiltration, attenuation and long term
storage volumes for a given site. The results can be given for either 1yr, 10yr and 100yr return periods or
1yr, 30yr and 100yr return periods. The actual site attenuation will be taken as the 10yr or 30yr return
rainfall period respectively.

o Allowable discharge - this method calculates the attenuation storage for a return period of 30 years
assuming that the permitted discharge is set for the 2 year return period.

o Pre post runoff - this method will determine the storage requirements for a range of return periods by
calculating the additional volume of runoff for a site in a greenfield state, using the method from the
Institute of Hydrology Report 124 Flood Estimation for Small Catchments, and the runoff post
development using the Modified Rational Method.

· All design methods use the Wallingford Procedure to estimate the estimated site discharges for the required
return periods.

· When calculating the rainfall intensity the Wallingford Procedure is limited, by the value Z2, to 100 years. When
selecting a return period of 200 years the calculation uses linear extrapolated values from the 50 year and 100
year values.

· Joint Defra/EA Flood and Coastal Risk Management R&D Programme - Preliminary rainfall runoff management for
developments Report W5-047/A/TR/1 RevE

· CIRIA publications Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems - Design Manual for England and Wales, Sustainable Urban
Drainage Systems - Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland C753.

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Stress skin panel design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Checks the design of a single span stress skin panel subjected to a UDL and a point load.
· The stress skin panel consists of plywood sheets attached to longitudinal timber web members by glue and nails
to form a composite unit similar to that shown here.

End blocking

Plywood splice

Top skin

Splice plate
End blocking

Web member Bottom skin

General notes
· Panels will be either double skin with plywood sheeting top and bottom, or single skin with plywood sheeting to
the top only.

· The calculations generate the panel section properties.

· Panels may be specified as being constructed with flush or flying ends as shown in the sketch below.

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Double-skin panel with flush ends Single-skin panel with flush ends

Double-skin panel with flying ends Single-skin panel with flying ends

· If required the calculation will include the length of plywood splice plates needed to ensure continuity of the top
and bottom plywood sheets.

· The panel may be checked under two separate load cases, one where the panel is subjected to an imposed UDL
and one where the panel is subjected to an imposed point load.

· For each load case the panel design is checked against applied bending and shear stresses. Further calculations
check the panel deflection.

· Panel deflection is limited to 0.003 times the effective span.

· BS5268-2:2002 incorporating Amendment No.1 – Structural use of timber – Part 2: Code of practice for
permissible stress design, materials and workmanship.

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Strip footing analysis and design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.07

· Checks the design of a strip footing in either reinforced or unreinforced concrete.

· The footing may be subjected to axial and horizontal loads and moments as indicated in the sketch below.


General notes
· The calculations check the stability of the base with regard to uplift, sliding and overturning. They also check the
maximum and minimum base pressures.

· The reinforced concrete design calculations check the design of the base in bending and shear as appropriate.

· Soil properties for granular soils may be calculated in accordance with BS8002 using a mobilization factor m
applied to the representative strength values for the soils to give a design soil strength value. A value of m should
be selected that is appropriate for the requirements of the design, BS8002 suggests values of 1.2, 1.5 or more.

· The calculations are in accordance with BS 8110-Part 1:1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice
for design and construction.

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Surface wind load (BS6399)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Using the hybrid method, this calculation will determine the dynamic pressure (qs) and the unfactored net surface
pressure (p) on a wall or roof surface.

General notes
· One wind direction is considered for each run of the calculations.

· The directional method implemented in these calculations is the hybrid method suggested in BRE Digest 436,
whereby the terrain and building factor from table 4 is replaced by the value obtained from equation 28 or 29,
using a standard value for gt of 3.44, and applying the size effect factor Ca determined from clause

· BRE Digest 436 presents three basic options for determining the effective dynamic pressure for the orthogonal
load cases used in the standard method of BS6399:2. These calculations may be used with any one of these

o Method 1: One calculation combining the worst all-round values of all the direction-dependent factors
and dimensions.

o Method 2: One calculation for each of the four orthogonal cases. Each calculation uses the worst
direction-dependent factors and dimensions in a range of direction 45 deg either side of the orthogonal

o Method 3: Twelve calculations for exact wind directions at 30 deg intervals around the building, using the
actual values of the direction-dependent factors and dimensions for the each direction. The dynamic
pressure for each orthogonal case is then taken as the worst dynamic pressure in the direction range 45
deg either side of the orthogonal case.

· BS 6399: Part 2: 1997 - Loading for buildings: Part 2. Code of practice for wind loads. Including Amendment No. 1.

· BRE Digest 436

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Swale and filter strip design

Tedds calculation version 2.0.03

· Checks the design of swales and filter strips.

· A filter strip is an area of vegetated land through which run off water is directed, they usually lie between a hard-
surfaced area and a receiving stream, surface water collector or disposal system. Filter strips can take any natural
vegetated form, from grass verge to shrub area.

· A swale is a linear grassed drainage feature in which surface water can be stored or conveyed. Swales have a
significant pollutant removal potential and can be designed to allow infiltration under appropriate conditions.
They are particularly suitable for diffuse collection of water runoff from small residential or commercial
developments, paved areas and roads.

General notes
· The critical rainfall intensity can be defined directly or calculated in accordance with BRE Digest 365 / The
Wallingford Procedure by defining the appropriate storm length and return period and the ratio, r, of a 60 minute
to 2-day rainfalls of 5 year return period appropriate for the geographic location.

· When calculating the rainfall intensity the Wallingford Procedure is limited, by the value Z2, to 100 years. When
selecting a return period of 200 years the calculation uses linear extrapolated values from the 50 year and 100
year values.

· CIRIA publications Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems - Design Manual for England and Wales, Sustainable Urban
Drainage Systems - Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (C753),

· BRE Digest 365 - Soakaway Design (2016)

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Timber, glulam and flitch member analysis & design

Tedds calculation version 1.7.04

· Checks the design of solid timber, glulam and flitch members.

· The analysis and design calculation allows for the analysis of beams with up to 10 spans, 20 loads per span, 20
loads per support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

· In accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland or the recommended Eurocode values.

h h hs

b b b b

Lb Lb

Timber beam Flitch beam

General notes
· Flitch design methodology is in accordance with the TRADA guidance document GD9 - How to design a bolted
steel flitch beam.

· For solid timber and glulam members it is possible to include an axial compression or tension load as well as a
minor axis moment.

· For solid timber and glulam members it is possible to define notches to either the top or bottom of the member
section at either one or all of the supports.

· For solid timber and glulam members there is an option to rotate the member section as if it were set on an
incline as may be the case in the design of a purlin.

· If required it is possible to define grade stresses and moduli for timber and glulam materials.

· The member section is checked against applied bending, shear and bearing stresses, further calculations check the
member deflection and axial compression or tension if appropriate.

· The member design calculation allows you to design a single section based on defined values for reaction, bending
moment in both major and minor axis, shear force and compression or tension.

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· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules and rules for buildings
EN1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating Corrigendum No.1

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Structural timber - Strength classes EN 338:2016

· Timber structures - Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber - Requirements EN
14080:2013 incorporating corrigendum June 2014

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Timber, glulam, composite, flitch and ply web member

analysis & design (BS5268)
Tedds calculation version 1.7.02

· Checks the design of solid timber, glulam, structural timber composite, flitch and ply web members.

· The analysis and design calculation allows you to analyse beams of up to 10 spans with up to 20 loads per span, 20
loads per support, 8 different load cases and 20 load combinations.

h h hs

b b b b

Lb Lb

Timber beam Flitch beam

General notes
· Flitch design methodology is in accordance with the TRADA guidance document GD9 - How to design a bolted
steel flitch beam.

· For solid timber, glulam and structural timber composite members it is possible to include an axial compression or
tension load and a minor axis bending moment.

· For solid timber, glulam and structural timber composite members it is possible to define notches to either the top
or bottom of the section at either one or all of the supports.

· For solid timber, glulam and structural timber composite members there is an option to rotate the member
section as if it were set on an incline as may be the case in the design of a purlin.

· If required it is possible to define grade stresses and modulii for timber, glulam and timber composite materials.

· The member section is checked against applied bending, shear and bearing stresses, further calculations check the
member deflection and axial compression or tension if appropriate.

· The member design only calculation allows users to design a single section based on a defined values for reaction,
bending moments in both major and minor axis, shear force and compression or tension.

· In accordance with BS5268:Part 2:2002 Amendment No.1

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Timber connection design (EN1995)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.07
This calculation was developed in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University and part funded by:

· Calculation which determines the load carrying capacity of timber connections using metal dowel-type fasteners.

· In accordance with EN1995 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
Simplified method of analysis for load-carrying capacity within timber-to-timber and steel-to-timber connections.

Main to side member connection

This connection consists of two members, one of which is connected into the end grain. The calculation allows you to
fully specify member properties, dimensions for both members and the second member can be rotated in two directions
in order to calculate penetration lengths, spacing’s and the maximum number of allowable fasteners.

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Multiple member connection

This connection consists of a minimum of two members and a maximum of five. The calculation allows you to fully
specify member properties, dimensions for all members and each member can be rotated in one direction. Axle and
external actions can be applied to all except the final member.

In multiple shear plane connections the resistance of each shear plane should be determined by assuming that each
shear plane is a part of a series of three member connections. To be able to combine the resistance from individual shear
planes and a multiple shear plane connection, the governing failure modes of the fasteners in the respective shear planes
should be compatible with each other and should not consist of combinations of failure modes (a), (b), (g) and (h) from
figure 8.2 with the other failure modes.

For an explanation of the calculation method used for determining the angle of the shear plane and design force in the
shear plane, please refer to "Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5" by Jack Porteous and Abdy Kermani published by

Tension splice
This connection consists of two categories of members: main members and splice members. The main members are
restricted to being timber where the splice members can be timber or steel, where the properties can be individually
specified. The fixings can be nails screws or bolts and the minimum splice member length is automatically calculated
based upon fixing end distance spacing’s.

Axially loaded fixings

This calculation consists of a point and head side members and can be used to calculate withdrawal capacity of a fixing.
Avoid can be specified to represent a physical void or materials that are not to be calculated for withdrawal capacity. For
example PIR insulation boards on a warm deck roof system.

· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures

Part 1-1:General - Common rules and rules for buildings - EN1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating Corrigendum

· Published Document PD 6693-1 as UK Non-Contradictory Complementary Information to Eurocode 5: Design of

timber structures (2012 Publication).

· Boverket mandatory provisions amending the board’s mandatory provisions and general recommendations
(2011:10) on the application of European design standards (Eurocodes), EKS - BFS 2015:6 EKS 10

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1995-1-1

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1992-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex NA to NS EN 1995-1-1:2004/NA:2010 + A1:2013

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Structural timber - Strength classes - EN 338:2016

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· Timber structures – requirements for dowel type fasteners - EN 14592, Edition 2012

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Timber connection design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.10

· Checks the design of a simple bolted, nailed, screwed or toothed-plate, timber-to-timber or timber-to-steel
connection consisting of two members.

Connected member Connected member

Main member Main member

General notes
· Groups of fixings may be aligned either with the main member, the connected member or both members as per
the sketch below.

Connected Connected Connected

member member member

Main Main Main

member member member

Fixings aligned with main member Fixings aligned with connected Fixings aligned with both members

· From BS5268-2:2002 incorporating Amendment No. 1.

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Timber frame racking loads (BS6399)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.08

· Calculates the racking forces due to lateral wind loads for a dwelling of up to seven storeys in height or a non-
dwelling with an eaves height no greater than 12 metres.

· BS6399 Loading for buildings – Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads.

· BS5268 Structural use of timber - Part 6: Code of practice for timber frame walls

· Section 6.1: Dwellings not exceeding seven storeys

· Section 6.2: Buildings other than dwellings not exceeding four storeys

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Timber frame racking panel design (EN1995)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.07
This calculation was developed in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University and funded by:

· Calculation which determines the structural shear capacity of a sheathed timber frame wall panel in platform
timber frame buildings acting as elements of a lateral wind force resisting system in accordance with the design
provision contained within the Published Document 6693-1:2012, UK Non-Contradictory Complementary
Information to Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures.

· The calculation determines the resistance of a single wall panel with no storeys above. In order to determine the
total racking resistance of a wall assembly as shown in the below figure, several single wall panel calculations must
be manually added.

· Video demonstration

Door discontinuity Window discontinuity

Wall panel 1 Wall panel 2 Wall panel 3
L1 L2 L3

Racking wall assembly

General notes
· Simplified method of analysis for shear wall in platform timber frame buildings. The panels consist of timber
framing connected on one or both sides to a wood-based sheathing material or solely of plasterboard. A racking
wall panel may comprise of a single wall diaphragm, if the panel contains any discontinuity, for example a door or
a large opening then the panel is considered to have multiple diaphragms.

· The full length of the building wall is referred in this document as “building side wall”. The building side wall may
comprise of one or more racking wall panels. A racking wall panel with discontinuities is formed by two or more
shear wall diaphragms. Normally, a building side wall corresponds to a racking wall panel.

· For overturning and racking calculations, additional permanent load can be added from both returning walls and
holding-down straps from the bottom rail of the shear wall diaphragm.

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· The user can select three different sole plate fixing detail. Shear resistance per metre run can be altered by
selecting different fastener spacings and the number of fasteners in the direction perpendicular to the sole plate.
In case that closed panel sole plate detail is selected, this detail shall comply with BS EN 12436:2002 – Adhesives
for load-bearing timber structures.

· For racking wall subjected to service class 3, a fibre saturation factor of 2/3 is applied to the characteristic pull-
through and withdrawal strength values.

· Published Document PD 6693-1 as UK Non-Contradictory Complementary Information to Eurocode 5: Design of
timber structures (2012 Publication).

· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures (BS EN 1995-1-1:2004, Edition 2008) and UK National Annex incorporating
Corrigendum No. 2.

· Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – General actions (BS EN 1991-1-1, Edition 2010) and UK National Annex.

· Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Wind actions (BS EN 1991-1-4, Edition 2011) and UK National Annex
incorporating Corrigendum No. 1.

· Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design (BS EN 1990, Edition 2010)

· Structural timber – Strength classes (BS EN 338, 2009).

· Wood-based panels for use in construction (BS EN 13986, 2004).

· Timber structures – requirements for dowel type fasteners (BS EN 14592, Edition 2012).

· Code of practice for dry lining and partitioning using gypsum plasterboard (BS 8212).

· Gypsum plasterboards – Definitions, requirements and test methods (BS EN 520).

· (Lancashire, R. and Taylor, L., 2011) Timber frame construction. 5th Edition, High Wycombe, TRADA Tech. Ltd,
October 2011.

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Timber frame racking panel design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Calculates the racking resistance of one or more timber frame panels constructed of timber studs at centres not
exceeding 610 mm sheathed on one or more sides with plywood, medium board, particleboard, tempered
hardboard, OSB, bitumen impregnated insulation board or plasterboard.

Masonry cladding

Secondary sheathing
Panel height

Primary sheathing

el l

· From BS5268:Section 6.1:1996 – Dwellings not exceeding seven storeys, and BS5268:Section 6.2:2001 – Buildings
other than dwellings not exceeding four storeys.

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Timber joist design (EN 1995)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculation checks the design of a solid timber or glulam joist subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point
load. Line loads can also be included at the end of cantilever spans.

· Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected.

· The joist may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous multispan beam.

· The 'Timber joist design' calculation is integrated with the separate 'Timber 2D analysis & design' and '2D analysis'
calculations therefore please also refer to the calculation notes for those calculations.

· In accordance with EN1990, EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Permanent, imposed, snow and wind UDLs can be defined depending on the load duration selected, as well as an
additional imposed point load.

· Line loads can be included at the edge of a cantilever span.

· The load duration class determines the loads that can be input, e.g. if 'Long-term' duration is selected then only
permanent and imposed loads are enabled. However 'user–defined' load duration option allows the user to input
loadcases without restrictions.

· A cantilever span may be defined at either ends of the joist.

· By default, SLS combinations are generated according to the ULS combinations selected. QUASI combinations may
also be generated if requested.

· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules and rules for buildings
EN1995-1-1:2004 + A2:2014 incorporating corrigendum June 2006

· Finnish National Annex to SFS EN 1995-1-1

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· Irish National Annex to IS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex to NS EN 1995-1-1:2004/NA:2010 + A1:2013

· UK National Annex to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Swedish National Annex to SS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Structural timber - Strength classes EN 338:2016

· Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber- Requirements EN 14080:2013

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Timber joist design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.04

· Checks the design of a solid timber joist of between one and five spans subjected to a uniformly distributed load
and a point load. End spans may be cantilevered with an additional line load applied across the end of the


Multiple joists




C le


General notes
· If required notches can be defined to either the top or bottom flanges at the supports.

· The calculations generate the section properties of the individual joists.

· The joist is checked under two separate load cases, one where the joist is subjected to an imposed UDL and one
where the joist is subjected to an imposed point load. Multiple spans are checked for pattern loading.

· For each load case the joist section is checked against applied bending, shear and bearing stresses. Further
calculations check the joist deflection.

· Joist deflection is limited to the lesser of 0.003 times the joist span or 14 mm. For cantilever spans only the
allowable span to deflection ratio may be user defined, the default value is span / 180.

· In accordance with BS5268-2:2002

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Timber rafter design (EN 1995)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculation checks the design of a solid timber or glulam rafter subjected to uniformly distributed loads and a point

· Permanent, imposed, snow and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected.

· The rafter may be either a simply supported single span or a continuous multispan beam propped by purlins.

· The 'Timber rafter design' calculation is integrated with the separate 'Timber 2D analysis & design' and '2D analysis'
calculations therefore please also refer to the calculation notes for those calculations.

· In accordance with EN1990, EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· Permanent, imposed, snow and wind UDLs can be defined depending on the load duration selected, as well as an
additional imposed point load.

· The load duration class determines the loads that can be input, e.g. if 'Long-term' duration is selected then only
permanent and imposed loads are enabled. However 'user–defined' load duration option allows the user to input
loadcases without restrictions.

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· The end of the rafter may overhang so the first span works as a cantilever.

· Different wind zones may be defined in the UI.

· By default, SLS combinations are generated according to the ULS combinations selected. QUASI combinations may
also be generated if requested.

· Supports orientation may be aligned with the vertical and horizontal global axes or to be aligned with the member
local axes

· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules and rules for buildings
EN1995-1-1:2004 + A2:2014 incorporating corrigendum June 2006

· Finnish National Annex to SFS EN 1995-1-1

· Irish National Annex to IS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex to NS EN 1995-1-1:2004/NA:2010 + A1:2013

· UK National Annex to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Swedish National Annex to SS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Structural timber - Strength classes EN 338:2016

· Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber- Requirements EN 14080:2013

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Timber rafter design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Checks the design of a solid timber rafter subjected to a uniformly distributed load and a point load.

· From BS5268:Part 2:2002 Code of practice for permissible stress design, materials and workmanship, and
BS5268:Part 7:Section 7.5:1990 Structural use of timber - Domestic rafters

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Timber stud design (EN 1995)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

· Calculation checks the design of a solid timber or glulam stud subjected to uniformly distributed and point loads.

· Permanent, imposed and wind loads can be defined depending on the load duration selected.

· The 'Timber stud design' calculation is integrated with the separate 'Timber 2D analysis & design' and '2D analysis'
calculations therefore please also refer to the calculation notes for those calculations.

· In accordance with EN1990, EN1995 and the national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

600 600 600 140

General notes
· Permanent, imposed and wind UDLs can be defined depending on the load duration selected, as well as permanents
and imposed point loads.

· The load duration class determines the loads that can be input, e.g. if 'Long-term' duration is selected then only
permanent and imposed loads are enabled. However 'user–defined' load duration option allows the user to input
loadcases without restrictions.

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· The studs may be braced in the weaker axis by a suitable sheathing fixed to one or both faces, or by the use of
dwangs tied into a bracing system or support

· By default, SLS combinations are generated according to the ULS combinations selected. QUASI combinations may
also be generated if requested.

· Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1:General - Common rules and rules for buildings
EN1995-1-1:2004 + A2:2014 incorporating corrigendum June 2006

· Finnish National Annex to SFS EN 1995-1-1

· Irish National Annex to IS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Norwegian National Annex to NS EN 1995-1-1:2004/NA:2010 + A1:2013

· UK National Annex to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 incorporating National Amendment No.1

· Swedish National Annex to SS EN 1995-1-1:2004

· Structural timber - Strength classes EN 338:2016

· Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber- Requirements EN 14080:2013

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Timber stud design (BS5268)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

· Checks the design of a timber stud or group of timber studs in a timber frame panel. The studs are subjected to
vertical uniformly distributed loads and point loads applied to the top rail from floor, roof and other panel loads,
and a horizontal uniformly distributed load applied to the panel from wind loads.

Beam bearing on top rail


Top rail

Bottom rail

Multiple studs

General notes
· The stud section is checked against applied bending, and compression for different load durations. Further
calculations check the stud deflection and compression on the bottom rail.

· From BS5268-2:2002 Structural use of timber - Code of practice for permissible stress design, materials and

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Trial pit and borehole logging (BS5930)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· Creates simple trial pit and borehole logs for inclusion in site investigation reports.

General notes
· The interface offers guidance on the field identification and classification of soils, automatically building up
composite soil descriptions.

· Excavation records include an excavation reference, excavation type, ground level at the site of the excavation, an
optional record of water level if appropriate, and any additional notes relevant to the excavation. Each excavation
can then have any number of soil records added to it to build up a cumulative excavation log.

· Soil records are built up using a series of drop lists and edit boxes to describe the basic soil type, secondary soil
constituents, compactness/strength, particle texture, shape and size, soil colour, structure and strata depth. A
further input allows the addition of any other details such as the presence of any minor constituents or a stratum
name if appropriate. The composite soil description is automatically compiled and added to the excavation record.

· Adapted from BS5930:1999 - Code of practice for site investigations, principally from section 6 - Description of
soils and rocks.

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Underpinning needle beam design (BS8110)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.00

· This calculation allows the geometry for a needle (ground) beam to be entered. This information is used to set up
the beam analysis calculation. The analysis results are then used by the RC member design calculation to perform
checks on the pre-defined element size and reinforcement details. For more details on the RC member design
please read the appropriate notes for that calculation.


exg. foundation
ground beam, width - b

eo e mini piles


· BS 8110 Part 1: 1997 - Structural use of concrete: Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction.

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Valley beam analysis & design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.00

· Calculates the forces on a valley beam from the basic geometry and loading. The calculations also optionally allow
the design of the valley and optionally calculate the stiffness of the beam (see Assumptions and limitations below).

· The number of spans available are 1 to 5 which equates to 2 bays to 10 bays.

General notes
· The calculations take the geometry and loads entered and set up the correct information in the continuous beam
analysis program for analysis. At the point of analysis the input data can be edited.

· The design of the beam can be via the Tedds general member design (recommended) or by linking the data
provided manually to the S-Steel scratch pad.

· From British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and
welded sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Vertical highway alignment (TD9/93)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Horizontal curve –Checks the design of a circular horizontal curve (no transitions). The calculation uses a 'generic
number of chords' method, which calculates the optimum chord length based on the criteria of the length of chord
required to approximate the arc length of the curve, or a standard set of 7 points. As well as either the 7 points, or
the generic number of points, the start and end point of the curve are calculated.

· Optional calculations are:

o The minimum stopping sight distance.

o The minimum full overtaking sight distance.

o The transition curve length.

o A conversion of the input in degrees, minutes and seconds into decimal format.

· Vertical curve – Checks the design of a vertical curve and provide the setting out information (reduced levels at the
relevant chainage points). This calculation can be phased with the horizontal curve design, to enable the same
setting out points to be used.

General notes
· For phasing of the horizontal and vertical curves, a reference point on the horizontal curve must be given. The
chainage points are then calculated in relation to this reference point. The chord length (or frequency of levels)
should also coincide with the chord length used in the horizontal alignment calculations. Where applicable the
appropriate default values are given.

· From Part 1 TD 9/93 - Highway link design.

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Vibration of floors (SCI-P-076/AD256)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Calculates the natural frequency of a floor system using the deflection method.

· Checks the natural frequency of the floor system and the corresponding response factor.

Case 1 Case 3


Case 2 Case 4

W l L
W W2

General notes
· The user can specify their own analysis results from an analysis model. The input data required will be the natural
frequency of the floor system and the relative flexibility of the main beam (ie. the ratio of the deflection of the
primary beam to that of the whole system if it was used to establish the system natural frequency) which can be
worked out from an analysis model. For cases 1 and 2, the slab inertia value will also be required and for cases 3
and 4 the secondary beam inertia will be required for calculating the effective area.

· The natural frequency of the floor system can be calculated using the deflection method from user defined inertia
values. This option also allows the user to apply the options given in section 4.1 of SCI Publication 076 and to use
their discretion and judgement using the SCI guidelines.

· The natural frequency of the floor system can be calculated using the deflection method from calculated
composite beam inertia values and the calculated slab inertia.

· Default values for the response data are taken from the SCI guidance.

· The SCI recommend that 10% of the imposed load is considered to be permanent.

· If the option to calculate the natural frequency is chosen the two following modes with the following boundary
conditions will be worked out and checked for the lowest value:

Mode A – Secondary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

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The primary beams are not included in this mode. (They do not vibrate and therefore are assumed to have zero

Mode B – Primary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be fixed-ended.

The primary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

· In AD256-Part 3 the SCI recommend an absolute minimum fundamental frequency of 3.0Hz to avoid the possibility
of continuous resonant excitation. The calculation will fail if the natural frequency is below 3.0Hz.

· If the fundamental frequency is greater than 3.55Hz then the Fourier coefficient an = 0.1 is used, if it is less than
3.55Hz the Fourier coefficient may be taken as a constant of an = 0.4.

· If the fundamental frequency of the floor system is less than or equal to 7.0Hz the floor will be classed as a low
frequency floor. If it is greater than 7.0Hz it will be classed as a high frequency floor. The calculation will check for
this and calculate the response accordingly. Under the guidance of AD256 the threshhold for low frequency floors
is 8.0Hz.

· If the option is chosen to calculate the section properties no allowance is made for the effects of partial
interaction because it is assumed that the response of the beam dynamically is over such a short period of time
that the potential for slip in the connectors can not be mobilised (see SCI publication P078 for further details).

· From the Steel Construction Institute publication “Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors” P076.

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Vibration of floors (SCI-P-354)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.04

· Calculates the natural frequency of a floor system using the deflection method.

· Checks the natural frequency of the floor system and the corresponding response factor.

Secondary beam Primary beam Tie

ny Ly

Span of

Lx Secondary beam
W = nx L x

General notes
· If the option to calculate the natural frequency is chosen the two following modes, with the following boundary
conditions, will be worked out and checked for the lowest value:

Mode A – Secondary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

The primary beams are not included in this mode. (They do not vibrate and therefore are assumed to have zero

Mode B – Primary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be fixed-ended.

The primary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

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· Floors should be designed to have a natural frequency of over 3.0Hz because the fundamental harmonic of
walking has a significantly larger amplitude than higher harmonics, and by making the natural frequency of the
floor sufficiently high, the off-resonant vibration of the floor from this first harmonic is avoided. The calculation
will fail if the natural frequency is below 3.0Hz.

· If the fundamental frequency of the composite floor system is less than or equal to10Hz the floor will be classed as
a low frequency floor. If it is greater than 10Hz it will be classed as a high frequency floor. The calculation will
check for this and calculate the response accordingly.

· If the option is chosen to calculate the section properties no allowance is made for the effects of partial
interaction because it is assumed that the response of the beam dynamically is over such a short period of time
that the potential for slip in the connectors can not be mobilised (see SCI publication P078 for further details). The
response of the floor is checked against the limiting values given in tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.6 of SCI P354.

· If the maximum response factor is greater than the allowable the floor will fail for continuous vibrations. In most
situations continuous vibrations will not be applicable and the effect of intermittent vibrations can then be
considered. If the floor fails in continuous vibration the calculation will work out the maximum allowable number
of events that can occur in a time period, with a specified vibration dose value which can be found in Table 5.4 of
SCI P354. The engineer can then select if the floor passes or fails based upon whether the calculated number of
events is likely to occur.

· From the Steel Construction Institute publication “Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors” P354 incorporating
Corrigendum 2.

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Vibration of hospital floors (SCI-P-331)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.01

· Calculates the natural frequency of a floor system using the deflection method.

· Checks the natural frequency of the floor system and the corresponding response factor.

Secondary beam Primary beam Tie

ny Ly

Span of

Lx Secondary beam
W = nx L x

General notes
· If the option to calculate the natural frequency is chosen the two following modes with the following boundary
conditions will be worked out and checked for the lowest value:

Mode A – Secondary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

The primary beams are not included in this mode. (They do not vibrate and therefore are assumed to have zero

Mode B – Primary beam mode

The slab is assumed to be fixed-ended.

The secondary beams are assumed to be fixed-ended.

The primary beams are assumed to be simply supported.

· As shown in figure 3.1 of SCI in P331. 3.2.2 of the SCI guide recommend an absolute minimum fundamental
frequency of 3.0Hz to avoid the possibility of continuous resonant excitation. The calculation will fail if the natural
frequency is below 3.0Hz.

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· If the fundamental frequency is greater than 3.6Hz then the Fourier coefficient an = 0.1 is used, if it is less than
3.6Hz the Fourier coefficient may be taken as a constant of an = 0.4.

· If the fundamental frequency of the floor system is less than or equal to10Hz the floor will be classed as a low
frequency floor. If it is greater than 10Hz it will be classed as a high frequency floor. The calculation will check for
this and calculate the response accordingly.

· If the option is chosen to calculate the section properties no allowance is made for the effects of partial
interaction because it is assumed that the response of the beam dynamically is over such a short period of time
that the potential for slip in the connectors can not be mobilised (see SCI publication P078 for further details). The
response of the floor is checked against the limiting values given in table 4.3 of P331.

· From the Steel Construction Institute publication “Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors in Hospitals” P331.

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Wall load chase down (BS6399)

Tedds calculation version 1.1.00

· Calculates the factored and unfactored design loads on the foundations under the walls in consideration for a
multi-storey building, based on the loading from the floors either side of the wall on each level and the self weight
of the wall.

· These calculations also calculate the factored wall design load at each level of the building, again based on the
loading from the floors above the wall on each level and the self weight of the wall. The total load includes the
whole self weight of the wall on the level at which it is being considered.

Roof h3
3rd floor

2nd floor

1st floor

h grnd
Ground floor

h below
Wall load chase down

General notes
· The dead loads are built up from the separate elements of each area, such as the roof, including sensible default
values e.g. under roof loading the total dead load is built up from Tiles, Battens, Felt and Rafters etc., all of which
have default values but which can changed to suit.

· The wall types that can be considered are party, internal or cavity walls.

· The roof can be timber or steel and sloping or flat. Each floor can be timber, in-situ or precast concrete.

· From BS6399:part 1:1996.

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Wind girder analysis & design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 2.0.02

· Calculates the design forces for a 3-6 bay wind girder.

· The loading can be entered as point loads at each girder node position, or as a UDL across the whole girder.

Leeward boom



aL aR Windward boom

Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3




Wind Girder Sketch - 3 bays - concept applicable up-to 6 bays

General notes
· Optionally the calculations will design the elements using the safe load tables. The user is presented with the
forces in the member and can then select an appropriate section from CHS, RHS or SHS, depending upon what was
chosen originally.

· From British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and
welded sections BS5950-1:2000 Incorporating Corrigendum No.1.

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Wind loading (EN1991)

Tedds calculation version 3.0.23

· Calculates the net wind pressures and net forces on the walls and roofs of a building that is rectangular in plan and
has a flat roof with either sharp, curved, mansard or parapet eaves, a monopitch roof, a duopitch roof or a hipped

· In accordance with EN1991 and the national annex for the UK, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Norway or the
recommended Eurocode values.

· Video demonstration

General notes
· You can use multiple load cases where the wind direction, internal pressure coefficient and the external pressure
coefficients can be varied.

· Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions EN1991-1-4:2005 + A1:2010.

· UK National Annex NA to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + A1:2010.

· Irish National Annex NA to IS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + NA:2013

· Finnish National Annex NA to SFS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + NA:2017

· Swedish National Annex NA to SS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + NA:2015

· NowegianNational Annex NA to NS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + NA:2009

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Wind loading (BS 6399)

Tedds calculation version 3.0.17

· Calculates the net wind pressures and net forces on the walls and roofs of a building that is rectangular in plan.

· You can use multiple load cases where the wind direction, internal pressure coefficient and the external pressure
coefficients can be varied.

General notes
· The wind direction can be defined as being at 0 or 90 degrees to the building.

· The calculation uses the hybrid method to determine wind loads which utilise a gust factor and size affect factor
both of which are based on the external dimension of the appropriate loading face.

· If the height of the building is greater than the width of the windward face, the ‘division by parts’ procedure
detailed in Clause will be applied to the windward face.

· The scaling factor is based on the total height of the building.

· British Standard: Loading for Buildings – Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads BS 6399-2:1997 incorporating
Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No.1

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Windpost design (BS5950)

Tedds calculation version 1.0.02

· Checks the design of a windpost or parapet post supporting a masonry panel subjected to a uniformly distributed
wind load.

Angle windpost built into inner leaf Channel windpost in cavity

· From BS5950:Part 1:2000 - Structural use of steelwork in building.

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