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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, my beloved Members of Muslim Community Association (MCA).

(CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This communication is only for the Members of MCA – please do not
circulate it to anyone who is not our Member. Please read it yourself, and share with only the Members of
MCA to know the truth. Please translate it in Bangla and share with Members only.)
Why should you read this document?
This document lays out all truth behind the recent injustices against me (Dr Emran) by Br. Musleh Faradhi
and his aides. I would like to thank those many of you who have offered me your sympathy and made
du’aa for me at this difficult situation of my life. Your du’aas gave me the strength to stand against
injustices these brothers have been doing to me, and many of you in the name of Islam. My Barrister has
sent a pre-action protocol letter to Br. Musleh Faradhi on Wednesday, 11 November 2020, which has been
tracked online to have been received by his office on Thursday, 12 November 2020.

You will find here all the events and communications between these brothers and me along with the
evidence and witnesses of their injustice, grouping, campaign, character assassination, illegitimate secret
meetings, and twisting of Islamic principles according to what suits their purpose. This document will help
you form your own judgement regarding these brothers, save our organisation and make us significant
contributors to the Muslim community and broader society.

I believe this organisation is not the property of these few brothers; instead, this is our organisation, the
organisation of all Members, Associate Members, Supporters and Well-wishers. Each of us has got a
significant contribution to bring our organisation to the current level. So, its ownership lies to all of us.
They can no more abuse and utilise the organisation, and it’s assets and resources for their own benefit
only if we all become aware of what they have been doing.

I believe that all our Members should know these as they form the highest body, the Members
Conference, above CP and Shoora Council, according to the following clause of MCA constitution:

8.1 A Members’ Conference must be convened at least once a year.
8.2 The Members’ Conference must approve the following:
a) Annual report of MCA activities;
b) Finance report.
8.3 Members are entitled to ask questions and discuss issues related to MCA activities, policies and practices,
whilst observing Islamic etiquettes.
8.4 The Members’ Conference shall resolve any difference of opinion between the Central President and the
Shoora Council.

Reading this whole document will help you bring these brothers to accountability and justice within the
organisation inshaAllah. Please read and share this document with our Members only. If necessary, please
translate it in Bangla, and share with our Members only. Please keep it confidential to our Members only,
and do not circulate it to anyone who is not our Member.

May Allah help and guide us to establish truth, justice and fairness in the organisation by bringing all the
perpetrators to justice. Ameen.

Dr Emranul Haque
13 November 2020

My Letter to all my beloved Members of Muslim Community Association:
Dear Members of Mulsim Community Association (MCA),
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
(CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This communication is only for the Members of MCA – please do not
circulate it to anyone who is not our Member. Please read it yourself, and share with only the Members of
MCA to know the truth. Please translate it in Bangla and share with Members only.)
I hope this communication finds you with the best of your imaan and health. I am writing to inform you
that I have appointed a Barrister to look into the injustice done against me by Br. Musleh Faradhi and his
aides. My Barrister has issued a pre-action protocol letter to Br. Musleh Faradhi on Wednesday, 11
November 2020 (attached below). Online tracking confirmed that the office of Br. Musleh has received it
next day.
In my earlier correspondence, I have requested Br. Musleh Faradhi to forward to all Members my
responses (attached below) to him regarding the illegal and illegitimate suspension and termination of my
Membership of MCA. Since I am the accuser and Br. Musleh Faradhi and his aides are accused by me, I
demanded a third party (preferably Members Conference) to hear my case to uphold justice and fairness.
However, he and his aides have failed to do so. Instead, they – the accused ones – have decided on
terminating me for my accusation. I am now forwarding to you all my communications with Br. Musleh
Faradhi and my lawyer’s pre-action letter with the consultation with my lawyer so that you do not
misunderstand me.
Abusing the central broadcasting channel/WhatsApp, Br. Musleh Faradhi has communicated the news of
the illegal and illegitimate suspension and termination of my Membership with utterly defamatory
language to all Members in the UK and affiliated organisations in Europe. This has damaged my reputation
to all our beloved Members who have been part and parcel of my life for the last 22 years. Since the news
of Membership suspension/termination has never been communicated to all Members in the history of
our organisation, I requested him that my responses should also reach to all who received his
communication for the fairness. And as he didn’t do it, I had to seek assistance from a barrister to establish
justice and fairness.
Below are the remedies demanded by my Barrister to Br. Musleh Faradhi:
• To seek an injunction for the current committee (Shoora Council) not to hold any more Members’
conference without publishing to all Members the report by Investigation Committee on election
campaign and grouping (that violated 16.2 of the constitution). The investigation report on election
campaign and grouping must disclose to the Applicant’s legal representative as soon as possible.
• To seek an injunction on the current committee (Shoora Council) not to suspend/terminate any
Member for raising concerns about the illegality of the current committee (Shoora Council), while the
court proceedings and internal investigations are taking place.
• To seek an investigation on the illegitimacy of the election procedure in 2019 AGM and declare the
election null and void.
• A court order that it is illegal for the current committee (Shoora Council) to suspend/terminate any
Member while the court proceedings and the internal investigation is taking place.
• The termination of the Applicant should be withdrawn or declared as null and void, and
communicated to all Members.
• The termination/suspension of any Members by this committee (Shoora Council) should be
withdrawn or declared null and void.
I urge all of you to read the whole document if you want to know the truth entirely, even though this
document is quite long. However, if you don’t have much time, and want to read the summary bullet

points, please read pages 7 – 10 to get the REMEDY asked by my Barrister and the bullet points on the
sequence of events along with the flaw in the decision making process on my termination; and pages 11 –
20 to get the claims made by Shoora Council to terminate me and all my points refuting their claims.
For those of you who would kindly intend to read the whole document, the index of headings is as follows:
Headings Pages
Why should you read this document? 1
Forwarding Letter 2–3
Pre-action Protocol Letter to Br. Musleh Faradhi from my Barrister 4–9
Very brief bullet points on the Sequence of Events 9 – 10
Summary of the “Flaws in decision-making” 11
My letters to Br. Musleh Faradhi and Shoora on 29 August 2020, and 02 September 2020: 12 – 46
All my points refuting Shoora Council’s claims for my Termination 12 – 21
Part A: Evidence on the illegitimacy of Br. Musleh Faradhi and some Shoora members 21 – 26
Part B: Background & evidence on what I claimed in my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi 26 – 44
Evidence 1: Secret meeting in Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu’s house on 3 October 2017 27 – 29
Evidence 2: 2018 AGM Disruption 29 – 33
Evidence 3: Propaganda and non-cooperation throughout the session 2017-19 33 – 35
Evidence 4: Campaigning and Grouping throughout the session 2017-19 35 – 40
Evidence 5: Shoora responsibilities 40 – 41
Evidence 6: Group under the leadership of Br. Musleh Faradhi and Br. A R Zilu 41 – 42
Evidence 7: Br. Musleh Faradhi implementing the Manifesto of 2 October 2019 defamation 43 – 44
letter by THE COMMITTE
Part C: My conclusion 44 – 46
My Response to Appeal hearing invitation by Br. Musleh Faradhi, only after my Termination 47 – 52
My Protest to Appeal hearing 53 – 55
Appendix: All email correspondences between Central President and me since 25 July 2020 56 – 67

Please note that I have not included in this document anything on the injustices these brothers have done
on me immediately after I was elected as Central President in 2015, which I accepted only with the hope
that the organisation will be saved by my sacrifice from the position of Central President.

I had to resort to this extraordinary step as Br. Musleh Faradhi and his aides have crossed all moral and
spiritual boundaries, and Islamic principles prescribed by Quran and Sunnah. This has left me with no scope
to resolve it within the organisation.

I would like to assure you that my steps are not against the organisation; they are against those who did
injustice against me, and many other Members. I also urge you not to allow these defendants (Mr. Musleh
Faradhi and his aides) to spend any money from our beloved organisation’s funds while defending
themselves. Because, I firmly believe that our organisation’s fund comes from the hard-earned money of
our Members, Associate Members and well-wishers to spend only for fi sabilillah.

May Allah help all of us to bring justice, fairness and truth in the organisation. May Allah cleanse our
organisation from all character assassination and corruption so that together we can become the
contributors to the society at large for the sake of Allah.


Your brother in Islam,

Dr. Emranul Haque, 13 November 2020

Mr Musleh Faradhi
Central President
Muslim Community Association (MCA)
3rd Floor London Muslim Centre
38-44 Whitechapel Road
E1 1JX
11th November 2020

Dear Mr Faradhi

Re: Pre-Action Protocol Letter regarding the termination of Dr Emranul Haque’s Membership of the
Muslim Community Association (MCA).

We act for Dr Emranul Haque, the prospective Applicant, in relation to his prospective application for an
order to reinstate his membership and his position in Shoora Council of the Muslim Community

Please treat this as a formal pre-action letter before the claim in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules
Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. In particular, your attention should be drawn to paragraph 4 of
that Practice Direction concerning the Court’s powers to impose sanctions for a failure to comply with the
Practice Direction. Ignoring this letter may lead to our client commencing Court proceedings and may
increase your liability for paying our client’s legal costs. It is strongly advised that you obtain legal advice.

Dr Emranul Haque: The prospective Applicant (“the Applicant”)
The Muslim Community Association (“the Respondent”) – Mr. Musleh Faradhi, and Mr. Hamid Hossain

The Applicant’s Legal Representative

Barrister Abu Sufian
160 Fleet Street Chambers
154-160 Fleet Street

Time to respond
We would be grateful for a response to this pre-action protocol letter within two weeks from the date of
this letter, by no later than 25 November 2020.

The Applicant has been a Lecturer and a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Manchester for
the last 15 years, who was also Chair (Central President), a Member and Chair of the Executive Committee
(Central Shoora) of MCA. Within the MCA, the applicant subsequently was elected as a Shoora Member
since 2009, became General Secretary for two terms 2011-13 and 2013-15, was elected as Central

President in 2015, and finally was elected and served for the term 2017-19 as the Central President of the
MCA, an unincorporated non-profit making organisation.

During the period of the election, there were rules in place that as a religious organisation, no individual
member is allowed to campaign or canvass for themselves or another member of the MCA. Similarly, no-
one can declare that they want to be President. Members are only allowed to elect the Central President
and Shoora Council members by voting. In direct contravention of these rules, several members of the
MCA campaigned against some of the Executive Committee members and the applicant in particular of the
session 2017-19.

Despite this being prohibited, these members campaigned for themselves to be President and Shoora
Council members, which is in clear violation of the MCA’s constitution. Therefore, these members came to
power by illegal means which violated the election rules of the organisation’s constitution.

The committee (Shoora Council) broke the constitution and committed the procedural impropriety in every
step of the decision making on the applicant’s suspension and termination of Membership, and thereby
termination of Shoora Council membership, as below:

1. After the new committee (Shoora council) had been appointed by the illegal means alluded above,
while Members Conference elected an investigation committee to investigate their campaign and
illegal means (campaigned for the President) to come to power, they continue doing major
restructuring and changes of policies. As the applicant raised these concerns in a private
conversation with another Shoora Council member, they suspended the applicant’s Membership
and subsequently terminated his Membership and appointment as a Shoora Council Member.
2. This suspension and termination were implemented on account of a telephone conversation that
the applicant had with one Shoora Council member of the MCA, during a break time of a Shoora
Council meeting. This was meant to be a Shoora Council’s confidential concern. The applicant raised
legitimate concerns with regard to certain members campaigning in contravention of the MCA’s
Constitution and Code of Conduct and he believed that this was a private conversation. However,
this was not the case as the applicant had forgotten to press the mute button. Some of the
members who the applicant had raised concerns over, heard the entire conversation. These
individuals were upset over what they heard and immediately demanded that the applicant be
removed from the organisation, along with threatening him.
3. The Chair (Central President) didn’t give the applicant any opportunity to defend himself. Instead
he listened to these alleged Shoora Council members and took a onesided biased decision then and
there and suspended the applicant.
4. Many of these individuals have been campaigning throughout the session 2017-19 against the
applicant in contravention of the MCA’s constitution since the applicant became Central President
in 2017. This has resulted in incorrect accusations being made against the applicant that have
damaged his reputation. The Chair (Central President) refused to listen to the applicant’s
explanation of the incident despite the applicant having ample evidence regarding the
conversation. Instead, without having any opportunity to defend himself, the applicant was
immediately suspended for 3 months, on the ground of gross misconduct that breached the MCA’s
membership criteria and broke the Membership oath of staying away from major sins.
5. The Shoora members (including the Central President) who the applicant was accusing in the
conversation of using illegal means and campaigning to come to power took the suspension
decision while they were emotionally upset to hear the accusations against them, and they have
continued to be part of the meetings to decide the termination of Membership of the applicant,
even though they have been conflicted on the matter.
6. The Central President specifically instructed the applicant to cut all social ties with MCA members:
(i) to delete contact numbers and email addresses of all members of the MCA from his mobile and
all other devices;
(ii) to delete all WhatsApp groups where MCA members are also on the group;
(iii) not to contact or receive any calls from any MCA members.
7. Despite the applicant complying with all of their above requirements (though unlawful and in
contravention of human rights), the President and Committee (Shoora Council) circulated the news
of the applicant’s suspension to all of the 600+ MCA members. The news stated that the applicant
had committed gross misconduct along with other allegations. Further, they have informed all
Members of all affiliated organisations in European countries regarding this matter.
8. Central President Musleh Faradhi asked to provide the transcript of the conversation without
asking to provide the explanation of the accusations/concerns raised by the applicant in the
conversation. By doing this they wanted to trap the applicant, instead of giving him the opportunity
to defend himself before making a decision to terminate.
9. On 15 August 2020, the Committee (Central President and General Secretary) sent a letter to the
applicant that they terminated his membership, saying “after carefully listening to the record, they
think that the offence was more grievous than initially thought.” The termination letter also
mentioned: “Please keep in mind you are not allowed to discuss details of your membership
termination with anyone inside or outside of MCA.”
10. It is only after terminating the Membership, they called the applicant for appeal hearing. As the
applicant doesn’t accept their legitimacy and as they didn’t follow the correct procedures, the
applicant demanded a third party to look into it (preferably, the Members conference). As they are
the “other party” against the applicant, he refused to appear for appeal hearing. Instead, he
provided responses refuting each of the allegations to terminate him.
11. The central president Musleh Faradhi of the MCA circulated contradictory information to the
applicant and the Members of MCA. Mr Faradhi informed Members that the suspension decision
was unanimous by Shoora Council members, but the suspension letter sent to the applicant stated
that it was by a of Shoora Council.
12. According to MCA constitution, CP should suspend, but here Shoora Council suspended the
applicant. Therefore, the decision was procedurally unfair. It didn’t follow the constitution. As a
result, the termination decision is a breach of MCA constitution.

Legal Framework:

There are three separate claims that the applicant intends to submit.

Firstly, the committee who terminated the applicant’s Membership of the MCA came to power illegally, by
breaching MCA constitution. According to the Code of Conduct for MCA Members:
“Some important requirements of MCA Members’ conduct are codified in MCA Constitution to maintain
organisational discipline. Breach of the points mentioned below will be considered a serious disciplinary
• Not to seek position directly or indirectly (by election or otherwise)
• Direct and indirect canvassing is not allowed for any MCA elections.
• The creation of any groups in favour of or against any person is also not allowed.”

Therefore, the Members of the MCA who campaigned against the applicant and some members of the
Executive Committee, have breached the terms of the MCA Constitution. This means that the whole
election procedure of the current committee was a sham and that the current Executive Committee were
campaigning illegally.

Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger [2010] EWCA Civ 1472 stated that a person who knowingly enters into a
contract with an improper object cannot enforce rights under the contract. The election of the committee
should be declared null and void and their appointment has put the MCA into disrepute in the eyes of the
public and the other members of the MCA. As a result, the termination of the applicant’s membership was
unlawful and should be immediately withdrawn.
Secondly, the Constitution and your letter breach the applicant’s right to a fair trial and to legal
representation, as stated in Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights and the Human Rights
Act 1998. In your letter, you clearly instruct the applicant not to contact anyone regarding both his
suspension and termination from the MCA. This is clearly unlawful. In the letter of suspension that was
sent to the applicant, you wrote:
“1. Your Membership - with immediate effect your MCA membership is being suspended for a period of
three months. I advise you to use this time for tawbah, istighfar and reflection.
2. You were instructed:
a. For the duration of the suspension, not to contact any manpower of MCA or answer any call from any
manpower of MCA.
b. To delete all social media groups that you belong to where any manpower of MCA are included
c. To come out of and delete all MCA groups that you are in.
d. To delete all contact numbers and email addresses of MCA manpower from your mobile and all other
e. The only person you are allowed to communicate with in MCA is me as the CP.
f. If you have any scheduled talks or organisational activity, you must immediately decline them and not
commit, take or be involved with any MCA activity during your suspension.”
You followed this up in the letter of suspension with:
“…I, with a heavy heart have no option but to terminate your membership with immediate effect.
However, the terms and condition imposed during the suspension of your membership will remain
unchanged until the process mentioned in the next paragraph, with an exception of contacting your family
and relatives who are with MCA, for family and personal matters. Please keep in mind you are not allowed
to discuss details of your membership termination with anyone inside or outside of MCA.”

These are the type of requirements, a criminal court would make an order for, pending a full trial. It is
entirely inappropriate for these requirements to be made during civil proceedings. Furthermore, the MCA
has no jurisdiction to impose such restrictions because these constraints breach the applicant’s Article 6
right to a fair trial. In order for this right to be seen as "practical and effective" early access to legal advice
is considered important and should only be delayed in compelling circumstances, and where the essence of
the right is not destroyed. Therefore, it was unlawful for you to require the applicant to not discuss the
suspension and termination of his membership with anyone.

Relevant factors that the court are concerned with regarding the admissibility of evidence will be the
manner in which the evidence was obtained, the nature of the violation of a Convention right (where this
has occurred) and, importantly, where the rights of the defence to challenge the evidence has been
respected. Based on the facts, the evidence has been gained in breach of the applicant’s private life, as set
out by the European Convention of Human Rights. The applicant was not warned that other members
were listening. If the applicant had been made aware of this, he would have stopped this conversation.
Instead, he was unaware that some members were listening and that an individual member, who was not
a moderator also made a recording of the conversation without the consent of the applicant.

The applicant should be given adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence. What amounts to
adequate time and facilities is dependent upon the complexities of an individual case. It is important that
procedural rights are not abrogated to satisfy a need for a speedier process. Adequate facilities include the
ability for the accused to consult with his legal representative which is considered to be a fundamental
aspect of the preparation of a defence. It is very unclear as to whether this criterion has been satisfied by
giving the applicant just 14 days by 29th August to submit the transcript of the conversation (what he
discussed), and not the explanation on the concerns he raised in the conversation. By doing this they
wanted to trap the applicant, instead of giving him the opportunity to defend himself.

There was no oral hearing, nor was there an opportunity for the applicant to defend himself.
Thirdly, in line with the concept of “audi alteram partem” as outlined in Council of Civil Service Unions v
Minister for the Civil Service [1984] UKHL 9, the defendant should be given the right to defend himself in
person or through legal assistance of his own choosing. If this requirement is not met, then the decision to
terminate the applicant’s membership would be held to be procedurally improper.

The legitimacy of the Committee’s (Shoora Council’s) decision is not unbiased as the decision-makers were
illegally elected (or beneficiary), in contravention of the MCA’s constitution, and the applicant accused the
committee (Shoora Council) members in his conversation. Many of the Committee members have openly
criticised the applicant and thus it is impossible to conclude that their decision to terminate the applicant’s
membership was fair and unbiased. Similarly, the applicant has been critical of you and challenged the
legitimacy of other members, all of whom were involved in this decision-making process.


The remedies the Applicant seeks in this matter is:

• To seek an injunction for the current committee (Shoora Council) not to hold any more Members’
conference without publishing to all Members the report by Investigation Committee on election campaign
and grouping (that violated 16.2 of the constitution). The investigation report on election campaign and
grouping must disclose to the Applicant’s legal representative as soon as possible.
• To seek an injunction on the current committee (Shoora Council) not to suspend/terminate any Member
for raising concerns about the illegality of the current committee (Shoora Council), while the court
proceedings and internal investigations are taking place.
• To seek an investigation on the illegitimacy of the election procedure in 2019 AGM and declare the
election null and void.
• A court order that it is illegal for the current committee (Shoora Council) to suspend/terminate any
Member while the court proceedings and the internal investigation is taking place.
• The termination of the Applicant should be withdrawn or declared as null and void, and communicated
to all Members.
• The termination/suspension of any Members by this committee (Shoora Council) should be withdrawn or
declared null and void.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

In terms of alternative dispute resolution, the Applicant has instructed Counsel to draft the letter and
seeks to recover this cost from you. Any further legal costs in this matter will also be sought from you. The
Applicant has instructed us to draft particulars of claim and lodge this claim at the County Court in the
event you do not respond in the next 14 days.

There will obviously be a substantial amount of work entailed in bringing this matter to court, thereby
increasing the Applicant’s total legal costs. If the matter proceeds to court, the Applicant will seek to
recover from you all the costs incurred thus far together with the costs which will be incurred in pursuing
court action. You can avoid a costs order being made against you by settling the matter now. The applicant
is willing to settle the matter now by way of the Committee reinstating his membership and Shoora council
position, complying with the remedies alluded above and informing all members of the MCA of this
reinstatement. Furthermore, the applicant requires there to be an investigation with respect to the
election of the committee (Shoora Council). This would negate the need for the applicant to apply for a
remedy. If you fail to respond confirming the same, then the only proportionate and meaningful discussion
should occur in Court.


For all of the above reasons, it is stated that if the Applicant’s termination is not withdrawn then the
applicant would take this matter to the court for justice and would seek injunctions and court rulings
mentioned above if necessary. As such, we have been instructed by the Applicant to pursue an order for
remedy and injunction through the Court process if we do not receive a satisfactory response within two
weeks of the date of this letter, by no later than 25 November 2020 . Please note that the Applicant will
also be recovering their legal costs as provided for in the Agreement, and interest under section 69 of the
County Courts Act 1984 to be assessed by the Court.

You are hereby put on notice that unless the terms set out above in the remedy are satisfied within 14
days of the date of this letter, the Applicant will commence legal proceedings against you.

Please contact Barrister Abu Sufian on 07828841515 and if you have
any question, please do not contact the Applicant directly.

Yours sincerely

Barrister Abu Sufian

160 Fleet Street Chambers


1. On 25 July 2020, Saturday, during break time of our online Central Shoora meeting, I was having a
private conversation with one of our senior-most (founding member) Murabbis and currently
another Shoora member. But unfortunately, by mistake, I kept the online meeting window
2. There was an agenda of reorganising our Regional set up throughout the UK, which I was not happy
with. I could see their objective of creating a voting pattern by this to secure their leadership
position in future. I called that brother (Murabbi) to express my resentment only.
3. But he started asking me “Who are they? Can you tell me”? As he is a senior Murabbi and a current
Shoora member, I was telling the names that include the current Central President, and what they
have been doing.
4. Some of them were listening to it without our awareness and without warning us.
5. One of them recorded the conversation without our awareness or permission.
6. Then after the break, as they are significant in number, most of them started howling at me in such
a manner that I was scared and felt that they would have physically attacked me if this meeting was
a face-to-face one.
7. Couple of them demanding to the President saying: “either he will stay in this organisation, or we
shall stay in the organisation” – in a revengeful manner.
8. Before even they started giving the witness and playing the record, I said: “I said it but not in the
way they are saying, and I asked for unreserved forgiveness for the wrong timing and placement of
my conversation. But whatever I said is the statement of facts, on which I have ample evidence.
They have been harassing and character assassinating me since I became General Secretary of this
organisation in 2011”.
9. They – including the Chair (Central President) – were not interested in listening to my side of the
story or explanation. I have ample evidence to prove what I claimed in the private conversation.

10. Instead, without giving me any opportunity to defend myself, they immediately suspended me for 3
months, stating that it is gross misconduct, breaching Membership criteria and breaking the
Membership oath of staying away from major sins.
11. To suspend my membership, they played the record (made without our awareness or permission),
and considered it as the evidence – I want to know if this is admissible legally.
12. Then Central President instructed me the followings: (i) to delete contact numbers and email
addresses of all manpower of the organisation from my mobile and all other devices; (ii) to delete
all my WhatsApp group where any manpower of MCA is there; (iii) to come out of any WhatsApp
group involving any manpower of the organisation; (iv) not to contact or receive any calls from any
manpower of the organisation. Can they instruct me to cut all my social ties? Didn’t they violate my
legal and human rights? Whereas, most of the manpower of this organisation have become my
friends and family over the last 22 years of my membership in this organisation, and many of them
came to this organisation through me.
13. Out of spiritual loyalty, I followed what they instructed above.
14. But they didn’t stop there. Instead, they have done something unprecedented in the 30-year
history of this organisation. They circulated the news of my suspension to all our Members (more
than 600 of them) stating that I have done gross misconduct and grouping who respect me as their
leader. – by doing this, they defamed me to a group of people who have been a part and parcel of
my life.
15. They have informed all Members of our affiliated organisations in European countries – again
defaming me to the people who have been a part and parcel of my life.
16. Finally, on 15 August 2020, they have sent me a letter of my Membership termination, saying “after
carefully listening to the record, they think that the offence was more grievous than initially
thought.” – Can they punish twice for the same offence (according to them)?
17. They also mentioned the following in the termination letter: “Please keep in mind you are not
allowed to discuss details of your membership termination with anyone inside or outside of MCA.”
– can they do it?
18. Before taking the decision of terminating my Membership, they didn’t invite me to present my
case. They took this decision by taking one-sided witnesses ( most of whom were accused by me in
the conversation, and thereby being “the accused party”).
19. Central President invited me only after terminating my Membership to appear for an appeal
hearing. Isn’t it injustice that they terminated me without hearing my side of the story?
20. As already they (Br. Musleh Faradhi and his aides in the Shoora) breached many clauses of our
constitution, and policies including conflict of interest policy and Muhasaba policy, and violated
many of my human rights and legal rights by terminating my Membership without giving me any
opportunity to defend my case, and accused parties (conflicted persons) have been part of the
decision making on my termination, it was not worth for me to attend an appeal hearing. As a
result, I claimed to reject their decision and demanded a hearing of my case by a “third party”
(preferably giving me the opportunity to present my case to our Members Conference). They
haven’t given me any of the fair and just opportunities to defend myself.
21. However, I responded to my termination letter refuting each of their claims for my termination.
22. Moreover, I raised many queries and challenges to their decision making process and biasness, and
asked for their responses. To date, they didn’t respond to me on any of my queries on the injustice
they did on me.

10 | P a g e
The summary of what I believe “THE FLAW IN THE DECISION MAKING” that I raised to my
1. None of them (those Shoora members listening) warned us that they were listening and we should
stop this conversation. Instead, without our awareness, some of them were listening.
2. Without our awareness, one person has recorded it, who was not even a moderator. And there was
no declaration of anyone recording the meeting.
3. I have ample evidence to support what I said. But they were not ready to listen to it.
4. They have used the inadmissible record in taking decisions on my suspension first, and then
termination after two weeks.
5. They have violated my legal and human rights by trying to shut down my public/social life that I
have developed over the last 22 years.
6. They have defamed me to a large section of the Members of our community in the UK and Europe
who revere me.
7. I do not accept their decisions on the matter as they do not have the legitimacy and they cannot be
unbiased as
a. they (all the brothers including the Central President, I mentioned in the conversation) are
the perpetrators of character assassination and campaign for our last election in October
2019 – I have evidence;
b. they all were part in the decision making, whereas I was raising my concern and frustration
in the conversation about these brothers – I have evidence;
c. this Central President and the brothers I mentioned are illegitimate as they came through
the campaign and grouping, which are major two prohibitions in our Constitution – I have
d. they all bullied me on the day and decided out of emotion. They cannot do it while keeping
the CONFLICTED persons (including the Central President) who I accused in the
conversation. Now all of them have become ONE PARTY against ME.
e. Already there is an investigation going on about this campaign, grouping and character
assassination by an “Investigation Team” outside of Shoora, elected by all Members in a
Special General Meeting. Members formed this committee outside Shoora as the Shoora is
on the question mark.
8. I cannot expect any justice from this Central President and his group as they would try to get rid of
anyone who challenges their legitimacy.

They consider me as one of their competitors, as I have been a General Secretary of this organisation
twice, and I got elected as the Central President twice. How can they be fair and unbiased in making a
decision against me?

I also want to inform all our Members (as they did) my side of the story, their corruption and misconduct.

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Dear Brother Musleh Faradhi and all Shoora Members,

Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful

I am writing my response below with the understanding that Allah is witnessing it all. May Allah grant
barakah to the truth I am saying, and may He forgive me if there is any mistake in my sayings; May Allah
bring the TRUTH out of it and cleanse our beloved organisation from those corrupt leaders and their
followers who have brought us into this mess with character assassination and backbiting.

For those among you who are in doubt about my ideology, let me first declare that I am Mohammad
Emranul Haque, son of Late AKM Habibur Rahman (Rahimahullah) – Founding President of Islami Chatra
Shangha, 1958-1962. So, I am not someone who understood Islamic cause just recently. I am the son of an
Islamic Organisation family. Islamic work is in my vein. Even if you UNJUSTLY remove me from the
organisation, you cannot eradicate my longing to serve the Islamic cause from me. I will continue to do
da’wah for Islam inshaAllah.

I did not create any GROUP or do not belong to any GROUP within the organisation, be it FIQHI, or ETHNIC,
or STRATEGIC. I don’t have any personal loyalty to any person or any GROUP (who have been doing
GROUPING) within the organisation, no matter how senior the person/GROUP is.

It is so ironical that the brothers (led and approved by you, Br. Musleh Faradhi) who were doing
GROUPING, backbiting, slandering and character assassination of the then CP and certain Central brothers
and sisters, and NON-COOPERATING in the last session (2017-19), they (the same GROUP of brothers) are
now deciding to SUSPEND and TERMINATE me. Moreover, they are SUSPENDING and TERMINATING me
for merely stating the facts that these brothers (including Br. Musleh Faradhi) were the PERPETRATORS
and they are the ones doing all the GROUPING and terrorising others.

The irony is that the backbiters and slanderers are TERMINATING the one who they slandered and
character assassinated for the last TEN years, with an increased INTENSITY in the previous session. May
Allah decree a judgement on them.

To my understanding, you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and the current Shoora have NO LEGITIMACY to decide
anything SIGNIFICANT (such as, reorganising the Regions, restructuring the English work, etc.) as you are
under investigation on CAMPAIGNING. Instead, this Shoora can maximum do the routine jobs until the
investigation completes. Insteady, you (Br. Musleh Fardhi) are acting as if nothing happened and you have
all the LEGITIMACY to make all these SIGNIFICANT changes. And that is what I was expressing to Br.
Mamoon Azmi over the telephone in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION (not expected to be heard by someone

As you didn’t discuss in the Shoora the allegations Maolana Nasir brought about this same GROUP of
brothers and forwarded them to the Investigation Committee, you should have referred this incidence to
another third party as the whole conversation was regarding allegations about campaigning and character
assassination, and it was about you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and your GROUP. How can you judge someone
who is alleging you to be the perpetrators? So, I OUTRIGHTLY DENY your judgement, and this Shoora also
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doesn’t have the LEGITIMACY to make any judgement on the matter as (i) you were part of the nasty
campaign in the last election (please see below for detailed evidence): (ii) many of you are conflicted as I
have alleged against many of you (including you, Br. Musleh Faradhi); (iii) currently this Shoora is being
investigated about its legitimacy; (iv) you don’t have any right to SUSPEND or TERMINATE not only me but
also no other Members while you and this Shoora are under investigation; (v) it is evident that you are
doing it to INFLUENCE the ongoing investigation and the outcome; (vi) when you asked all Incharges from
Central Departments and Regions in the Central Plan Induction meeting on 17 November 2019 if they have
CONFIDENCE on you and your Shoora, more than 90% didn’t approve your LEGITIMACY and (vii) Members
have already rejected your request for NO INVESTIGATION in the Special Members Conference on 15
December 2019, when you and your GROUP tried it by overriding the RESOLUTION of AGM 2019 and
Shoora decision; (viii) you have become a party, against me.

ONLY a THIRD PARTY neutral to this Shoora can hear my appeal. Otherwise, I am happy to be heard by all
Members of the organisation.

To my understanding, it was merely a PRIVATE CONVERSATION between an Ex-CP and one of our most
senior Murabbis and a current Shoora member, sharing the actual observation about CAMPAIGNING,
GROUPING and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. Even if it may hurt those who I mentioned in the
conversation, or even if some of you may not like it, this was a mere statement of FACTS. And as a believer,
I believe I have the duty to warn people about your ongoing CAMPAIGN and CORRUPTION, which has
already been established when our Members voted to investigate it.

You know in your heart that it is a clear ZULM (OPPRESSION), and you cannot SUSPEND or TERMINATE me
for this incidence. As a result, to JUSTIFY YOURSELF IN YOUR HEART, you tried to bring the following
numerous UNJUSTIFIABLE allegations against me. I outrightly REJECT all your claims. Please see my
STATEMENT for my claim of REJECTION of all your allegations:

You alleged FALSELY My STATEMENT to REJECT your allegations against me

1. You claimed that I Why don’t you follow the conversation (record or the transcript) closely? It says
did GROUPING by in two places where I mentioned about TWO GROUPS, and for both of them I
saying “Our said:
Conservative group.”
“Our Jono Akhakha Group”

“Our Conservative Group”

It means that by saying the above, I was merely informing Br. Mamoon Azmi that
we have major two GROUPS within OUR organisation at the moment, and some
among them are jointly involved in CAMPAIGNING, BACKBITING, and
CHARACTER ASSASSINATION for the last year’s election.

Then why are you quoting one and pushing me into one of the GROUPS? I
definitely do not belong to Br. Zilu’s nasty campaign group, neither do I belong
to the other group. So, how can this saying constitute GROUPING?

About Jono Akangkha – in the conversation:

Are You, Br. Musleh Faradhi and your MURABBI part of Jono Akankha? Are you
not using these MASTANS in the field who are going around, terrorising and
playing SYLHETI-NONSYLHATI RACECARD within the Organisation?
Already this point was raised by Br. Abdullah Faliq in the presence of current CP
(you, Br. Musleh Faradhi) as follows: “Now that we have two organisations in

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Bangladesh, the situation has become volatile. So, we need to come out with
policies on how to support both of them”.
I immediately protested asking wherefrom he is getting this idea. Then
immediately Br. Musleh Faradhi said: “Abdullah, this is not relevant for
discussion in this committee”. The discussion took place in the meeting with the
presence of other Research, Policy and Strategy committee members.

Where then this discussion is taking place? Our Members need to know.
2. You claimed that I I stand by my claims. The brothers who I mentioned in the conversation have
degraded some of been doing “Mastani., meaning terrorising our beloved manpower in the field
the Shoora members for quite a long time, and they have intensified their effort of character
by calling them assassination and slandering in the last session. You can also find this claim in
Mastans. Maolana Nasir’s letter. For example, (i) Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu was claiming his
group as CROCODILES and was warning Br. Nasir not to fight with CROCODILES
while staying inside the water; (ii) Br. Abdul Mumin threatened him saying “I will
beat you by taking you inside my office in ELM”; (iii) Br. Abdul Mumin calling me
Shaytan; (iv) Br. Musaddiq Ahmed calling me “Liar”, and many more (please see
more evidence below).

I was merely stating the fact. These brothers have done such disruptive
behaviour in the AGM 2018 (please see details below in EVIDENCE 2 in PART B),
which was nothing short of being Mastans (please see details below). It went to
the extent that Br. Musaddiq was calling all Members in the AGM 2018 to
boycott the CP. Br. Nurul Matin threatening saying “we shall not approve this
Finance Report”. When he said “WE”, who was he referring? – wasn’t it a clear
GROUPING? They were repeatedly saying they would not let the budget be
approved by the Members, whereas Members overwhelmingly approved it,
except 10-12 of them form their group. That was GROUPING. When I brought
their cases to Shoora, Shoora considered this behaviour to be against the Islamic
principles and Constitution, you and your allies fought hard not to discipline
them – instead asked for mercy. And I accepted and showed Ihsan. But now, it
looks like you were waiting for an opportunity to remove me – so much double
standard and DISCRIMINATION against me.

Our Members are sincere in trying to do the dawah work for the satisfaction of
Allah, and they fear losing their honour and dignity through the character
assassination by these brothers. Most of the time, they keep quiet.

The irony is that these brothers have ample time to do so, even their leader Br.
Atiqur Rahman Zilu gets paid (more than £20,000 per year, NET) for the last 20
years to go around in different cities and character assassinate anyone who he
doesn’t like for the moment. And none of our Shoora members was safe from
the character assassination by him and his GROUP.
3. You alleged that I You are UTTERLY MISQUOTING the word. It is an utter misinterpretation of what
am RACIST, because I said. It looks similar to the incidence against our beloved Maolana Delwar
of the word “Sylheti” Hossain Sayeedi in the late 1990s when some haters of the Islamic Organisation
in the conversation. was misquoting him and claiming that he was RACIST. But the saddest part of it
is that in that incidence, our haters were spreading that rumour. But in my case,
I am already hearing you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and your GROUP are doing it ABUSING your leadership
that your GROUP has position of our beloved organisation.
begun spreading this
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When Mamoon Bhai (I believe he is the most innocent and neutral person in our
organisation) was asking “who are they”? To identify, I said: They are some
Sylhetis, they will be no more than 20-25 (please see below the list with
incidences during my session, where I continued showing mercy. And that is
what we are here for, to rectify brothers). The rest of the Members of our
organisation are not with them. Because they have been playing this Sylheti-
Non-Sylheti card against me (which is evident in the defamation letter of 2
October 2019 by self-claimed THE COMMITTEE), that is what I was trying to
explain to Mamoon Bhai. Please refer to the issue of Br. Faruq’s incidence where
they were claiming that I was doing nepotism as I was from the same district of
Br. Faruq (please see the 2 October 2019 letter).

When I was telling Br. Mamoon, I believe he understood that I was not talking
RACIST. According to the long track record of Br. Mamoon Azmi we all know that
he would have protested if he felt it to be RACIST. Instead, I was referring to the
RACISM of these SIX brothers as they have been playing RACISM card against me
and some other brothers and sisters, particularly in the last session (please see
the DEFAMATION LETTER by self-claimed THE COMMITTEE on 2 October 2019).

And I wonder how someone from MINORITY can be a RACIST against those who
belong to the MAJORITY.

Most interestingly, when I came to know in the last session that they (the
brothers I mentioned in the conversation and their followers in their GROUP) are
playing “Sylheti-Non-Sylheti CARD” against me, I discussed it in the Central Exco.
Only then to my surprise, we discovered that “all but myself in the Central Exco
are from the Sylheti background. Had I been RACIST, would I have formed such
4. You alleged that I I stand by my claim. I just said “instigator” to make Br. Mamoon understand, as
dishonoured a he wanted to know – which merely means that “mastermind”, “initiator”. And
Shoora member by this is what my conclusion is about that brother.
calling him as
“Instigator.” But these brothers called me “Shaytan, and liar” (please see Br. Nasir’s letter),
and that didn’t bother you. Because you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and your GROUP
allowed it and had tacit approval in these brothers humiliating me, and to you,
nobody can be worthy of being witness if they are not our Member (you shut Br.
Nasir’s mouth by terminating his Membership and instructing our Members not
to believe him. Whereas, in Islam, any sane man can be a witness. I fear that you
will do the same in my case.

When they humiliated me, you didn’t feel hurt. But when I am just mentioning
their names, you are taking it as if something grievous. Do you not consider me
your brother? Only they are your brothers? Isn’t it a clear GROUPING,
DISCRIMINATION and double standard?

Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury has been instigating many Shoora members against
me since I became General Secretary. He was made Deputy General Secretary in
the 2011-13 session to deputise me. I clearly remember when I was made GS, I
proposed to have two posts to help me as I was from outside London – a Deputy
General Secretary to deputise me to help me for London manpower and an
Organising Secretary to help me for organising the manpower throughout the
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country. And the Shoora kindly agreed and made Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury as
the Deputy General Secretary and Br. Siraj Salekin as the Organising Secretary.

But in the first 1-2-1 contact with me, Br. Nurul Matin straightway said he is not
willing to deputise me. I informed the then CP Br. Dilowar Khan about it. But he
didn’t take action against him.

Eventually, the saga of 2015 investigation situation was created by Br. Nurul
Matin Chowdhury along with Br. Siraj Salekin, of which all Members are aware.

Please see below in other sections for more evidence regarding this.
5. You alleged that I SubhanAllah. These two brothers already were GS and Finance Secretary from
appointed Br. Nessar the previous session of Br. A R Zilu. How did they become ineligible when they
Ahmed and Br. Abul were okay in Br. A R Zilu’s session to hold their respective positions?
Hossain Khan to
further my interest Please see below the details of the SECRET meeting of Br. Zilu’s house they
(?) – you concluded attended on 3 October 2019, the third day of my session to discredit the CP.
this from my Thinking of not taking the hard-line for the sake of Allah, I was instead trying to
expression “I thought make a balance by keeping them in their posts to maintain the stability and
they would be harmony of the organisation.
appeased”. You are
just twisting and We discussed in detail in the Central Exco – so, the other Exco members are also
fabricating an aware of it. But you will see in the details below: Br. Nessar and Br. Abul Hossain
impossible Khan were seriously opposing to bring it to Shoora.
To my understanding, I was trying my best to keep the organisation intact. I
believe I would be rewarded by Allah swt for this.

Br. Musleh Faradhi: are you keeping your OATH? Obviously, you cannot. You are
simply not telling the TRUTH about those brothers who you asked why they
wanted to make you CP. SubhanAllah! (please see point (a) of Part A below). Are
you not trying to further your interest instead? By appointing these brothers in
the Central Exco and other Departments?

Please see EVIDENCE 5 in PART B below for details how I allocated

responsibilities with the consultation with Shoora.
6. You alleged that I It is UTTER LIE and TWISTING of my words to divert the decision in your favour. I
said, “the region clearly said that these brothers (particularly the first FOUR brothers I mentioned)
mapping was done are trying to establish a voting pattern. And there was no conversation of
with the instruction “stopping me”.
of Br. Musleh Faradhi Instead, I mentioned my observation: “Br. Musleh Faradhi is managing well with
to stop me”. You them. I didn’t allow them, but Br. Musleh Faradhi is allowing them.”
claim yourself to be
the SERVING CP, BUT You cannot be a LEGITIMATE SERVING CP, when you and your CAMPAIGNING
you are not. GROUP in the Shoora (that I mentioned in the conversation) are under
INVESTIGATION mandated by the Special Members Conference on 15 December
7. You alleged that I On what ground? GROUPING? Please see above my summary response against
broke the it, and the details are below. I was merely mentioning the TWO GROUPINGS in
Membership Oath our organisation who are jointly working to keep themselves in the positions.
And that is not permissible in Islam and according to our Constitution.

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 I will refrain from the major sins.

If you consider our conversation on a brotherly manner, you may think this
being a conversation between an Ex-CP and the most senior Shoora Member (a
Murabbi for all of us) on their observation.

Br. Musleh, why did you consult with your “MURABBI” about taking the CP
position? I want to know now who that MURABBI is? Is he from our
organisation? Or, from outside our organisation? You discussed with him about
the brothers who wanted you to be the CP? Instead of informing the then CP
and Shoora? I believe, my conversation is at least better than yours, as I was
talking to a senior Murabbi within our organisation, who is also a Shoora
Member. And people who were (illegitimately) listening were also Shoora
members. You could have kept it CONFIDENTIAL to the Shoora level, and nobody
would know about it. But instead, as if you are trying to take some kind of
“REVENGE”? You spread it to all Members in the UK and mainland Europe.

Brother, it is not a state/country, it is merely an Islamic organisation where we

all are for “advise each other on Haq and advice each other on Sabr (Sura Asr)”.
It dictates maximum SUSPENSION for rectification under the loving guidance of
an Ameer for what we did in the conversation. What would you have done, if
you were a Prime Minister with a power of HANGING someone if you want? Inna

 I will follow the Islamic Shariah whole-heartedly.

What Shari’ah violation are you talking about? Backbiting (which I don’t I believe
I was doing)? Instead, in the interest of harmony, I already asked for
UNRESERVED FORGIVENESS” immediately, saying that I shouldn’t have had this
conversation even if it was TRUE. And you couldn’t FORGIVE me and SUSPENDED
me – fair enough. But I was following strictly all your UNISLAMIC and ILLEGAL
instructions that have SHUT DOWN my PUBLIC life and even affected my
PRIVATE LIFE. But you did never call me to guide me with love and affection,
which you should have done if you were TRUE AMEER (not coming with

Is it compliant in Shariah or permissible by the UK Law to overhear someone’s

conversation without their permission or awareness? The brothers of your
GROUP could have asked us to stop our conversation. Instead, they overheard
and recorded it ILLEGALLY and used it as evidence and witness, and SPREAD it to
our Members without proper details.

Does it mean that the person(s) who recorded my conversation instructed

others in the past to record my conversation? I have the evidence that one of
the London Region Presidents always recorded my telephone conversation with

I don’t think I have done any SLANDERING (BOHTAN). But these brothers I
referred to have been SLANDERING me for so many years since I was made
General Secretary in 2011, which I vehemently opposed. I VIVIDLY remember
saying: please don’t make me General Secretary before these senior brothers
(e.g., Br. A R Zilu); otherwise they will get hurt, and I will have to live with its
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consequences in my entire life. And exactly, that is what is happening here. For
this, I make Br. Dilowar Khan responsible. He made me General Secretary
ignoring all my PLEAS in the Shoora not to make me, and I gave my all efforts,
but he couldn’t protect my dignity.

Please see below some of the examples of BOHTAN by Br. A R Zilu and Br. Abdul
Mumin about me. Would you dare to TERMINATE them? I don’t think so, as you
know they made you CP through the nasty smear campaign.

 I will abide by the constitution of the Muslim Community Association.

I was trying my utmost to abide by the constitution, and obey you, even after
knowing that you are an ILLEGITIMATE CP, an outcome of a nasty smear
campaign, which you approved.

These brothers did all the GROUPING to bring you as CP, and now you are
FALSELY accusing me of GROUPING. SubhanAllah! I rest my case to Allah swt to
take care of it.

8. You alleged that I Which criteria particularly? And which code of conduct?
Membership criteria I was merely stating the FACT and my OBSERVATION about these brothers. I was
and code of conduct showing my frustration that these brothers (including Br. Musleh Faradhi) are
trying to change the landscape and structure of our organisation while carrying
the allegation of campaigning and character assassination over their head, and
having no LEGITIMACY. Whereas investigation has not finished yet.
9. You alleged that I SubhanAllah. It was a private conversation by two senior-most Shoora members
brought MCA to (an Ex-CP and a senior Murabbi Shoora member). Some of you may not like it.
disrepute. But why were you listening to it? Why didn’t you warn us and ask us to stop such
conversation immediately? Why were you silently snooping and overhearing our
conversation? Why was someone secretly recording it? Was it legitimate from
Islamic and legal perspective to snoop and continue overhearing our private
conversation without our awareness or permission? Was it legally or Islamically
permissible to even secretly record it?
Does it mean that the person(s) who recorded my conversation instructed
others in the past to record my conversation? I have the evidence that one of
the London Region Presidents always recorded my telephone conversation with

You could have resolved it in Shoora by asking me to prove what I claimed in the
conversation. Instead, you SUSPENDED me; spread the message by your CP
circulation to all Members in the UK and all European countries, even Associate
members also became aware of it. You sent the message without giving any
background of the conversation. I believe it was a deceptive attempt to DEFAME
me, bring my REPUTATION down, and SPREADING HATE about me to the
brothers and sisters who I love dearly and who have become my FRIENDS and
FAMILY, and many of whom joined our organisation upon my invitation over the
last 22 years of my involvement with our organisation. So, I demand that my
response also reaches all those who you informed about my incidence with your

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My understanding is that instead, you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) have brought MCA to
disrepute by spreading this message in an unprecedented manner, which could
be kept as a Shoora CONFIDENTIAL matter. But you didn’t want to stop there,
only by SUSPENDING me, as you know in your heart, you are not LEGITIMATE,
and people know about it. Also, you want to get rid of me by any chance to stop
the investigation somehow or hide the outcome of the investigation because
you feared that you could not stop or hide it in my presence in the Shoora.

You (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and your GROUP (led by Br. A R Zilu) already brought
MCA to disrepute. Already everybody is aware that there are people in this
organisation who do a nasty campaign and character assassination of others to
hold and cling to the position. They abuse their position and get benefits in
terms of earning a salary, employment or exercising power in MCA and ELM and
employing their people/relatives in these organisations/institutions. All
Members REJECTED your proposal to STOP INVESTIGATION and sent a SILENT
but FIRM message that you and your GROUP of PERPETRATORS should be
exposed to all our Members.

People in the community already know who are these people, how you are
connected with them. I was trying to save the reputation of our organisation by
bringing all under proper policies and procedures. It became a point of fear for
some of you.
10. You alleged that I How can you even consider yourself to be a LEGITIMATE SERVING CP? You are
discredited the an ILLEGITIMATE outcome of a nasty campaign by your GROUP (lead by Br. A R
serving CP Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin and other brothers I mentioned), and you allowed them to
do so. The worse thing is that you have rewarded each of them according to
their desire.

You (Br. Musleh Faradhi) are playing with fire. One day, it will burn you, in this
world; I leave it with Allah about your hereafter. May Allah expose the TRUTH.

So, you concluded as follows, which I OUTRIGHTLY REJECT:

You concluded based My OUTRIGHT REJECTION of your decisions

on your FALSE
You claim that Who are these Shoora Council members? To begin with, they are ILLEGITIMATE
Shoora concluded – they know it themselves. They should first ask for FORGIVENESS to us (those
brothers and sisters who they character assassinated throughout the session and
at the end of the session, by 2 October 2019 Letter. It seems that you have put
anything and everything to JUSTIFY your decision. Perhaps, your heart is not
SUPPORTING you. So, to satisfy your mind, you are writing anything and
everything –to strengthen your case! Who are you trying to JUSTIFY? Yourself?
You claimed: a) Your Which principles and policies you are referring? Do these brothers (I was
conduct or activities referring to) not backbite/slander? Isn’t that what I was referring? All Members
are found to be should know them. They run around throughout the country and characters
contrary to the assassinate whoever they don’t like for the moment. They did it to you earlier.
principles and And just wait, they will do it again to YOU, Br. Musleh. Just remember: WHAT
b) Your conduct or How? I already explained. It was between two senior-most brothers (one being
activities are severe our SENIOR MURABBI), and unfortunately, some Shoora members overheard
enough to bring the (which they shouldn’t have). It could have been a Shoora CONFIDENTIAL matter.
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organisation into And you could discipline me within the Shoora. Then nobody would have known.
disrepute. Nothing was done publicly to bring organisation into disrepute. Instead, you
made it PUBLIC and brought the organisation to DISREPUTE. Please, GIVE ME A
c) You have It is an UTTER LIE and misinterpretation/exaggeration of what I said. Please see
attempted to create below all the EVIDENCES.
groups within the
d) You violate the Again, HOW? I was not involved in any GROUPING. Instead, I was the victim of
conditions of their GROUPING. And when Br. Mamoon asked me, I just mentioned about this
Membership, either group. I didn’t even say anything about me (please see my response above for
partially or in full. Ground 1)

e) You have breached What else are you trying to bring? Do you want to say that I am no longer a
the oath of Muslim?” Na’ujubillah!
membership and
Shoora Council
You concluded that I OUTRIGHTLY REJECT THIS, as:
all the above FALSE i. You are ILLEGITIMATE
accusations are ii. You were part of the CAMPAIGN and GROUPING to get the CP
OFFENCE iii. You took the decision keeping the ALLEGED persons in the decision
making, which unfortunately include yourself – meaning you didn’t
follow our conflicts of interest policy
iv. This current Shoora doesn’t have the LEGITIMACY to take any
decision related to CAMPAIGNING as they are being investigated and
it is proven that some members of Shoora are involved in the
CAMPAIGNING and GROUPING to come to Shoora.
v. It was a one-sided decision. You didn’t allow me to defend myself and
provide evidence of my claims in the conversation.
vi. You used inadmissible evidence (audio record made without our
awareness or permission)
vii. These Shoora members were snooping (overhearing) without making
us aware or warning us or asking us to stop. Is it permissible in Islam?
viii. You are abusing your position and spreading the message against me,
in an unprecedented manner in this organisation, to all manpower
through the central communication systems.
Again, you instructed Na’ujubillah, are you trying to play GOD? Who has given you the right to instruct
me: me not to talk to even anyone outside of MCA. Is this world YOURS? How big
have you become? Bigger than my Allah swt? I am asking my Allah swt. Expose
Please keep in mind the TUTH, and unfold the JUSTICE.
you are not allowed
to discuss details of
your membership
termination with
anyone inside or
outside of MCA.
You claimed: What interest of the organisation? How harmful have I become all on a sudden
and why, after serving for more than 20 years as its Member, more than 12
years (if I can remember correctly) as a Shoora member, 4 years as a General

20 | P a g e
This was not an easy Secretary, twice elected as the Central President (even after all the propaganda
decision, but one by your GROUP), and 2 years as the Central President of the organisation? How
that had to be taken can I harm this organisation for which I sacrificed in 2015, following the requests
in the interest of the of our MURABBIS (Shaykh Abdul Qayum, Br. Habibur Rahman, Br. Dilowar
organisation. Khan)? They said, if I don’t bend, some brothers are ready to through chairs and
create CHAOS in the Members Conference and if necessary, divide the
organisation. I straightway said; please tell me what I need to do. I didn’t want to
become CP, to begin with, and I didn’t seek this position. Take it. And that is why
everything went so smoothly in the Members Conference on 6 December 2015,
as I kept my word. Was it than an EMOTIONAL BLACKMAILING?
Then why have I become harmful for this organisation?
You further I continuously do so as a believer.
instructed me: I am CONSTANTLY asking Allah to forgive me for all my mistakes, weaknesses
and sins, intentional or unintentional, knowingly or unknowingly, secret or in
I hope you will take public. May Allah forgive me.
this opportunity to I am THANKFUL to my Allah that He didn’t like my small indulgence (compared
introspect, repent to these other brothers, including yourself Br. Musleh Faradhi) into a single
and seek forgiveness conversation that might be disliked by some, and with His utmost love and care
from Almighty Allah for me, He got hold of me. I am finding it to be a very GOOD SIGNAL for me from
Allah swt. Alhamdulillah.

Finally, you said:

May Allah forgive us For the sake of their Akhirah (including Br. Musleh Faradhi and Br. Zilu), may
all, protect our Allah expose all their conspiracy/plot to allow these brothers to rectify. My
beloved organisation understanding is that they will not understand what a grievous sin they are in,
and enable us to and how they are deceiving all our Members until they get exposed.
strive for His cause.



a)_To you, Br. Musleh Faradhi:

You cannot be the judge on the incidence that took place in the break time of Shoora meeting on Saturday,
25 July 2020. I have nothing left to respect you, let alone to trust you. I cannot accept your judgement any
more for the following reasons:

a) you are an illegitimate CP, an outcome of nasty campaign of character assassination, which has gone
below the belt. No decent man, let alone a believer, can fight this low level of nastiness.

b) you were aware of this campaign, but you never informed the then CP and Shoora. Instead, you
approved those who were campaigning for you - this itself is a terminable offence.

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Evidence 1:
On the first Friday after the AGM (11 October 2019), in a 1-2-1 contact in CP's room with me, you said to
me the followings (verbatim):

I knew it. Your Bhabi even didn't come to AGM as she heard that they want to make me CP, and she
didn't like it. They wanted to bring me as CP. When I heard that, I called and asked them why they
want to do so. They said to me: we need you to save the organisation. I (MF) was thinking should I
do it or bar myself? Then I (MF) talked to the same Murabbi who I consulted when I (MF) withdrew
my bar in 2015, following his advice. He (that Murabbi) said if the organisation wants you, you
should go for it. Then I (MF) said, okay, but I don’t think it will work. That's why I didn't bother

Wasn't it a clear violation of the constitution, not informing the then CP and Shoora of the grouping and
campaigning, after becoming aware of who the perpetrators were? Who is this MURABBI you were
referring to? What is his relationship with our organisation?

On second Saturday after the AGM (19 October 2019) during the break time of Shoora, as the discussion
on how to do the investigation was going on, I suggested to you:

Musleh Bhai, why do you have to go for long investigation? Why don't you start the investigation
on those who talked to you as you said last Friday (please see above paragraph)?
With my utter surprise, you immediately said: "Did you record it?"
I said: why should I record? I didn't go that low as yet.
Then you straight away started denying saying: I didn’t say this!

Isn't it a MAJOR SIN and GROSS VIOLATION of our Constitution on so many counts? – (i) keeping the
information on conspiracy/campaigning/ grouping hidden from the then CP and Shoora; (ii) giving them
the approval to do the campaign for you; (iii) boasting by telling it to the person you successfully ousted
through a nasty campaign and character assassination; (iv) Carrying on knowing that it was breaching the
constitution; (v) even after becoming the CP, not declaring it to Members, neither bringing the
perpetrators to justice; (vi) instead, awarding the alleged ones by bringing them to central exco and other
central departments; and (vii) moreover, you are denying what you said earlier, after confirming that no
one recorded the above conversation – doesn’t it constitute LIE?.

For the above two conversations, I am ready to do MUBAHALA.

How can someone like you with the above grievous sins stay as our Member let alone being our CP? How
can you still get the MORAL AUTHORITY to serve as the CP of our belove organisation? You can understand
how difficult it was for me to obey you, but still, I tried my best to do so for the sake of Allah, for the best
interests of the organisation.

Evidence 2:
In the very first London Regional Incharges (all Regional Presidents, Secretaries, and Baitul Maal Secretaries
of last two sessions – around 30 people) meeting (18 October 2019), you said the following:

“Your Bhabi knew that people were campaigning to bring me as CP. She was so upset that she
didn’t even come to the AGM.”

Please interrogate all those who were present there in the meeting. Please ask them to say it upon taking
an oath upon Allah. It has become so necessary as everybody is in fear of losing their honour and dignity,
as you are constantly threatening to discipline (which you openly declared in 15 December 2019 Members
conference, saying, if necessary, you will not hesitate to TERMINATE immediately).

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Moreover, you threatened those members who expressed their innocent views on the nasty campaign,
and demanded apology from them; otherwise, it will be handed over to your newly formed discipline
committee. This is complete in violation of basic freedom of expression rights.

Evidence 3:
I believe it is not only me, but the truth will also come out if the current investigation is not interfered or
tempered. I believe and am aware of many other Members of the organisation who you had the same
conversation with. I will disclose their names if this is investigated by an independent committee.

Evidence 4:
In the Central Plan Induction meeting (17 November, 2019) where more than 100 people of leadership
(central shoora, departments, and regional exco members) were present, the whole audience has given
vote of no confidence in you and the current Shoora on the legitimacy of carrying any investigation on
election campaign. Whe you asked them, “Do you trust this Shoora to deliver?”, the audience (almost all of
them) said, “No”. I was present there. You asked twice and the audience answer both the time, “No”.

Evidence 5 (Circumstantial):
You rewarded all brothers who campaigned for you by appointing them in the Central Exco and Central

Evidence 6: Your illegitimacy

As Members cannot trust you and this Shoora and believe that you are the outcome of the nasty campaign,
and your campaigners are in the Shoora, they overwhelmingly voted for Central Investigation, and elected
a Committee outside of Shoora for investigation, even after you trying using all possible tactics in the
Special Members Conference on 15 December 2019. Wasn’t it enough VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on you
and wasn’t it sufficient for you to RESIGN, if you had CONSCIENCE, INTEGRITY and MORAL HIGH LEVEL? I
believe even a SECULAR leader with CONSCIENCE would resign on that day. Then how can an Islamic leader
show the audacity of still staying and clinging to the position after such a HUGE HUMILIATION by the

5 October 2019 Shoora meeting - why didn’t you inform the Shoora that you knew who were they? And
what was your involvement? Instead you said you were not involved in CAMPAIGN:

In our last emergency Shoora meeting on 5 October 2019, just a day before the AGM 2019, you Br. Musleh
Faradhi kept quiet when I asked if anyone is involved with the DEFAMATION LETTER of 2 October 2019 by
self-claimed THE COMMITTEE and the campaign. Whereas now it turns out that you knew everything, and
you even called some of them those who were campaigning for you to understand why they want to make
you CP. Moreover, in the first round of asking everyone to say if they are involved by taking Allah’s oath,
you Br. Musleh Faradhi said you were not involved. And then before the second round of confession, you
quietly left.

Didn’t it constitute LIE? Wasn’t it an offence of concealing the TRUTH that the campaign was going on?
Isn’t it a gross violation of oath, constitution, and code of conduct of MCA?

My PLEA to you, Br. Musleh Faradhi

Since you called those brothers to ask why they want to make you CP and gave them go ahead,
you will be considered in the history as the LEAD PERPETRATOR, along with your MURABBI

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(whoever you consulted before approving the campaigners). If you didn’t allow them, they
wouldn’t have any place to go. My dear Br. Musleh Faradhi, please declare the names of those
CONSPIRATORS and their followers and RESIGN asap if you have any love left for this Organisation
and the hundreds of our innocent Members brothers and sisters of all backgrounds. Otherwise,
these CONSPIRATORS will increase their base of BACKBITING and SLANDERING within the
Organisation, and our beloved Organisation will become known in the community as the
Organisation of BACKBITERS and SLANDERERS. And for this, you will be held responsible in the
eyes of Allah swt. As I mentioned in the conversation, they are not many, maximum 20-25, and
they are playing SYLHATI-NONSYLHATI RACE CARD. In contrast, the rest of around 600 of our
Members from all BACKGROUNDS (SYLHETI or, NONSYLHETI) are innocent and want to do dawah
work for the sake of Allah swt.


according to our CONSTITUTION):
You have done the following wrongs from both Islamic and legal standpoints, and breached our
CONSTITUTION, and conflicts of interest policy:

(a) I was having a conversation with one of our senior Murabbis, who was our founding Tarbiyah
Secretary, and currently is a Shoora member. I was not discussing it with any Members outside
Shoora. You could have resolved it within Shoora. Instead, you made it public to not only all
Members in the UK, you circulated to all Members in all European countries. Even you have made
the Associate Members aware of it. What are you trying to achieve here by defaming me? Revenge?
(b) I was showing my frustration as I observed the nasty campaign these brothers have done throughout
my session (with the approval of you, Br. Musleh Faradhi), starting from the third day in my session
(please see the details in Section B below). I was not saying anything without evidence. You didn’t
give me any opportunity to prove what I said. You were howling at me, along with the ones I accused.
I felt completely helpless. It simply constituted BULLYING and DISCRIMINATION against me.
(c) I didn’t have any intention of discussing about the persons. I was simply having a discussion with
another Shoora member in the break time of Shoora, showing my frustration about the region
reorganising for which this CP and current shoora have NO LEGITIMACY when they are UNDER
INVESTIGATION by the Investigation Committee elected by MEMBERS. Then I was simply answering
to the questions by one of our very Senior Murabbis Mamoon Bhai, who is also a current Shoora
Member. I had no intention of taking it to outside Shoora levels.
(d) I would not have answered to those questions if they were asked by someone else other than Br.
Mamoon Azmi. Because, I consider him as a “Boro Bhai” for the sake of Allah. I believe most of us
consider him the same, as we all have tremendous respect for him. And I am sure nobody will believe
that he can be part of any GROUPING. I simply called him to say that I didn’t like the decision on
region mapping, as I was clearly seeing the issue of preparing the voting pattern. I am sure all ex-CPs
have tremendous respect for Mamoon Bhai. And none of them would have said “No” to his queries.
Treating Mamoon Bhai like any other Members is really unfortunate.
(e) Only thing is that it was unfortunate for me that I shouldn’t have had this conversation during the
break time of Shoora, keeping the online meeting box UNMUTED. Though whatever I was saying was
TURE, but I should have kept in my mind that this may hurt those people if they hear it. And for this,
but not for what was saying, I immediately asked for URRESERVED FORGIVENESS. I still stand by what
I said in the conversation, for which I have full evidence. But I accept that the time and place was
wrong for this type of conversation.

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(f) When we started the conversation, we were not aware of anyone listening. As a Muslim brother, it
was everyone’s duty to stop us at the beginning. Instead, some of you were listening. It constituted
snooping. Is it permissible in Islam?
(g) The most heinous and illegal task was to record the conversation without our awareness, let alone
permission. And this was recorded by someone who has no permission to record. This proves what I
said in the Shoora last session that I became aware some people are deliberately trying to record my
1-2-1 conversations. And you have used this INADMISSIBLE RECORD for taking the decision.
(h) I stand by what I said. Because, that is what they have been doing. But you kept the aggrieved
persons (INCLUDING YOURSELF, Br. Musleh Faradhi) in the decision making meetings, who have
definitely become CONFLICTED. And this decision can no longer be unbiased.
(i) For that reason, you had gone beyond limit in many counts: (a) you could have forgiven me, as once
someone asks for forgiveness for their conduct, their responsibility is over. Now if the other person
doesn’t forgive, that will not be counted by Allah swt inshaAllah – you couldn’t forgive me; (b)
instead you SUSPENDED me.
(j) The places where you have clearly crossed the limits are: (a) you (Br. Musleh) started trying to shut
down MY WHOLE LIFE (PUBLIC and PRIVATE), which is my GOD given right: You asked me not to
contact anyone within the organisation except yourself; (b) you asked me to delete any WhatsApp
group I created, or move out of any group I am in where any member of MCA is there; (c) you asked
me to delete all contact numbers and email addresses of any Member of MCA and not to talk to any
of them or answer their calls, with whom I have developed DEEP FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY
RELATIONSHIP over the last 22 years – still I tried my utmost to maintain it, as I took it as a TEST from
Allah swt; (d) you didn’t stop there – you informed all Members in the UK and all other countries in
Europe where we have our branches/affiliates – this has tremendously damaged my reputation
among the people who I know for many years – so you have violated my HUMAN RIGHTS; (e) still you
continued, MEMBERSHIP SUSPENSION didn’t satisfy you, you now gave me this TERMINATION
(k) I do not accept your decision as you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and these Shoora members (particularly the
ones I was referring to) are ILLEGITIMATE, you are under investigation, and you do not have any right
to take decision on any conversation related with campaigning. As Members didn’t have any
confidence on you and the current Shoora for the investigation on the campaigning, they elected an
Investigation committee who are currently dealing with it. You could have sent it to that committee
to look into. At least I would have got the opportunity to defend myself by providing evidence on
what I said.

c) About all 6 brothers I mentioned in the phone conversation:

These 6 brothers have continued the campaign against me from the day 1 with their GROUP. Near the end
of session, when campaigners met with Br. Musleh Faradhi (please see above point (a)), you also started
supporting them (please see EVIDENCES 3, 4, and 6). Please see below the detailed accounts of these.
Summary bullet points of what they did are as follows (please see details of each of the EVIDENCES in
SECTION B below):

Evidence Witness
1. After I became CP for the second time in 2017, Br. We discussed it in the Central Exco at length.
Zilu started planning and conspiracy by arranging a Both Br. Nessar Ahmed and Br. Abul Hossain
secret meeting in his house on 3 October 2017, which Khan acknowledged that this meeting took
was attended by all these SIX brothers. place. But they warned us not to take any
In that meeting Br. Zilu and his group took the decision decision against Br. Zilu. Please see below for
to do everything to hamper my work and to discredit detailed account of the discussion that took
me and any of my/exco/shoora decisions during my place in that meeting.
session, and finally replacing me by Br. Musleh Faradhi.
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Wasn’t it a TERMINABLE OFFENCE of CONSPIRACY and You can ask all other Exco members of 2017-
GROUPING by all those attended that meeting, led by 19 session regarding this.
Br. Zilu?
2. 2018 AGM DISRUPTION – Whatever the same group For detailed information on this, please see
of brothers (Br. Musaddiq Ahmed, Br. Nurul Matin the DETAILES IN SECTION B below.
Chowdhury, Br. Mahfuz Nahid, Br. Akhlaq Ahmed, Br.
Alauddin Ahmed, Br. Abdul Munim Karol, while Br.
Musleh Faradhi and Br. Zilu supporting and nodding at
their comments – please see details below) said in the (please see point 5 in THE COMMITTEE
AGM exactly matches with the message in 2 October LETTER, where they mentioned about the
2019 DEFAMATION LETTER by so called “THE alleged group)
COMMITTEE”. For example: they claimed that all their financial
i. CP has a group of his own, and he is bringing all information came from Central Finance
outside London brothers and the brothers who are Secretary Br. Abul Hossain Khan, and he never
not right for the organisation defended himself on this as yet.
ii. CP is spending all money from the organisation, and (please see points 6 to 9 in THE COMMITTEE
there is nothing left in the pot. LETTER)
iii. CP is breaking all the norms and doing all the things (please see points 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 in THE
that are un-organisational. He is not the right person COMMITTEE LETTER: a repeated statement to
to lead this organisation oust Dr. Emran from CP and Shoora, and
iv. This CP cannot be trusted. suspend/terminate his membership)

3. They were waiting for each and every opportunity to Please see EVIDENCE 3 in PART B below for
make propaganda against me, and doing non- details.
cooperation throughout the session.
4. They were GROUPING and CAMPAIGNING throughout Please see EVIDENCE 4 in Part B below for
the last session. You (Br. Musleh Faradhi) were not only details.
aware of it, you knew those brothers, and you called
them to discuss about it, and you gave them a GO
AHEAD. But you never informed the then CP and Shoora
in the last session. You even didn’t mention it in the last
Shoora meeting of the last session on the day before
the AGM (on 5 October 2019).
Haven’t you violated our CONSTITUTION and broken
your oath not to create any GROUPING, or doing any
CAMPAIGNING? Isn’t it an UTTER SHAME that after
serving this organisation as a Central President many
times, you couldn’t stay away from the GREED of
grabbing the Central President position again?
5. These people (including Br. Musleh Faradhi) are Please see EVIDENCE 6 in PART B below for
clearly a GROUP, and Br. Musleh rewarded them by details.
appointing them in different positions in the current
session. This proves that he was part of this campaign.

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The GROUPING started on the 3rd day of the session, 3 October 2017 Tuesday night. Br. Nurul Amin called
me before the secret CONSPIRACY and GROUPING meeting called by Br. A R Zilu and said: Br. Hira is calling
him to go to Br. A R Zilu’s house. He feared that they would discuss the election as to how I became the CP.
He was asking me for my advice on what he should do. I told him to go there and report to me about all
the discussions he would observe there. He gave me the following witness statement:

Br. Nurul Amin went there, and among the brothers attending that meeting were:

Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu

Br. Sirajul Islam Hira
Br. Abdul Mumin
Br. Abul Hossain Khan
Br. Nessar Ahmed
Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
Br. Helal Uddin
Br. Syed Zamirul Islam Babu, and Br. Syed Badrul Alam was on the phone.

This was the team who have been planning to create FITNA throughout the session in different cities.

Br. A R Zilu started asking: how did he (Dr. Emran) get elected? Who voted for him? Has it really
happened? What should we do? We need to go and find out in every city who voted for him.

Br Abdul Mumin was saying (with disgust) things, referring to the then CP with derogatory/disrespectful

Br. Syed Jamirul Islam over the phone was saying: I don’t know why he (the then CP) is continuously calling
me? What does he want from me? - Again in a disrespectful way. I didn’t give him any time as yet.

Then at that point Br. Abul Hossain Khan started asking Br. Zilu by saying: “why did you call us here? He
(the then) has become our CP, we should obey him, even if we don’t like him. And then quoting the verses
from the Quran, he said that calling for this meeting is haram. You shouldn’t call such meetings any more.

Then Br. Zilu calmed down and started putting his tone down saying: anyway we are here to select who we
would want to co-opt. We need to decide here so that he (EH) cannot bring unexpected people in the

Again, someone (I don’t know who) said, we cannot do this either. And then Br. Abul Hossain Khan asked
Br. Zilu to close the meeting and never to call them again for such meetings.

Br. Nurul Amin reported to me verbatim immediate after the meeting.

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Wasn’t it a clear GROUPING, MUTINY and CONSPIRACY against the then CP? Didn’t it constitute

What actions did I take? AND WITNESSES

Then I wasn’t sure what to do. I decided to deal with this later for the following reasons:

i. It was only two days I got elected as CP, and I had to undergo difficulty already and eventually
had to resign in 2015. So, I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate to go hard on this issue.
ii. As all these brothers were very senior (Shoora) members, this might create a big FITNA within
the organisation. I didn’t want to take this risk; instead, I intended to focus more on the positive
work, and forgiveness, hoping that they will eventually accept.
iii. I didn’t want to become the cause for my beloved organisation to get divided again, like in
Dawatul Islam, to IFE creation time. It was the very reason for which I resigned in 2015 as per
the suggestions of our Murubbis (Brs. Habibur Rahman, Dilowar Hussain Khan, Ayub Khan,
Shaykh Abdul Qayum).

Then during the middle of the second year in the session, I raised it in our Central Exco meeting and
wanted to consult with the Exco brothers. I proposed that you the Exco brothers can become the witness
of the meeting and there shouldn’t be any problem coming to you. I categorically mentioned that Br. Abul
Hossain Khan protested, Br. Nurul Amin went there to observe upon my permission. So, if all of you agree
in the Exco, then I want to take it to Shoora. All of them (Br. Abul Hossain Khan, Br. Nessar Ahmed, Br.
Helal Uddin, Br. Nurul Amin) acknowledged that this meeting took place, and the above discussion
happened there. But all of them, especially Br. Nessar Ahmed and Br. Abul Hossain Khan, opposed to the
idea very seriously. Br. Abul Hossain Khan was scared that this will implicate Br. Zilu and that may cause
everybody back home, and around the world in all our organisations to consider us to be culprit type
people. Then I said, I will only take it to Shoora if all of us in the Exco unanimously agree to take it forward.
As they were opposing, I put a stop to this discussion.

I was well aware that they maintained with Br. Zilu’s CAMPAIGN GROUP while they were in Central Exco.
But I never let them understand this, and never disclosed it to anybody for the sake of their reputation and
organisaitonal harmony, until before Mamoon Bhai asked me on that day. These two brothers always
insisted to not take any action against any of the brothers of Br. Zilu’s CAMPAIGN GROUP, and I had to
honour their opinions as they were General Secretary and Baitul Maal Secretary – again for the sake of
organisational harmony.

You may ask all other Exco Members Dr Misbah Chowdhury, Br. Fakhrul Islam, Br. Muhammad Rabbani and
Br. Abu Bokkor for the witness of this discussion in Central Exco, all the above Exco brothers (Br. Abul
Hossain Khan, Br. Nessar, Br. Helal Uddin, Br. Nurul Amin) acknowleding their attendance in that meeting.

The people who attended in 3 October 2017 secret meeting in Br. A R Zilu’s house:

Among the people who participated at this private CONSPIRACY meeting in A R Zilu’s home on 3 October
2017, I can categorise them into two:

Category 1:

You, Br. Musleh Faradhi rewarded those who instigated and fully cooperated with the campaign, from
inside (Br. Nessar Ahmed and Maolana Abul Hossain Khan) and outside (Br. A R Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin, Br.

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Nurul Matin Chowdhury, Br. Sirajul Islam Hira, Br. Syed Jamirul Islam Babu) of Central Exco. They have
been either promoted to Central higher positions or kept in the central.

Category 2:

Those who didn’t cooperate (such as Br. Helal Uddin and Br. Nurul Amin), they (CONSPIRATORS/
CAMPAIGNERS) removed their (Br. Helal Uddin and Br. Nurul Amin) names from the voting list they have
circulated. Even Br. Nurul Amin’s son Dr. Shafiul Amin has become a victim of their malicious campaign.


i. The GROUP of brothers who did indiscipline by ransoming the whole AGM on finance report,
the same group of brothers’ names came in Maolana Nasir’s letter.
ii. All their FALSE accusations in the AGM came in the DEFAMATION LETTER of 2 October 2019
sent by self-claimed “The Committee”.
iii. Hence, it is not difficult to connect them with the above DEFAMATION LETTER.

It never happened in the history of our organisation that a CP is giving his introductory speech and
someone from the floor interrupts him. Br. Musaddiq Ahmed (MA) interrupted in a disorderly manner. As
if it was Parliamentary proceedings, not an Islamic organisation such as ours. I invited Ameers of our three
sister-organisations to develop a further rapport with them. In their presence, it gave a wrong message.

He (Br. Musaddiq) said: stop talking about your Vision 2050. We need to know how many people support
it. It needs to be discussed to get everybody’s views. Then he insisted on dropping “election procedure”
from the schedule, which was a decision from the Shoora. Shoora members were sitting (e.g., Br. Zilu was
sitting two persons next to him, Br. Musleh Faradhi and Dilowar Khan were on my right in the front row
nearby, but no one tried to stop him.

Then when finance secretary (Br. Abul Hossain Khan) started presenting his finance report, the following
brothers severely interrupted his reporting in such a manner that I felt that Br. Abul Hossain Khan was
completely feeling vulnerable.

Br. Musaddiq Ahmed

Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
Br. Siraj Salekin
Br. Abdul Munim Karol
Br. Mahfuz Nahid of BSMS
Br. Akhlaq Ahmed of TMS
Maulana Ziaur Rahman
Br. Alauddin Ahmed of TMS

Then I felt the responsibility as his Incharge to go to the Podium and help him. SubhanAllah, after I went
there, it became evident that it was an attack prepared for me. And with my surprise, without me realising,
Br. Abul Hossain Khan went to the floor and sat there for the whole time without standing by my side
(whereas he was the one who should answer the question on finance and I merely went there to support

It was evident that they came with proper planning to disrupt the AGM. They carefully made a sitting
arrangement. Br. Musaddiq Ahmed sat in front of my eyes, continuously nodding his head showing denial,
29 | P a g e
Br. A R Zilu sitting near. Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury, Br. Siraj Salekin, Br. Mahfuz Nahid and Br. Akhlaq
Ahmed initially sat together on my right front rows. Br. Musleh Faradhi and Br. Dilowar Khan sat by their

Then Br. Siraj Salekin started moving from there and went to the right rear rows and tried to instigate
MYN/EWC brothers (Br. Muhammad Rabbani can give witness) to protest on youth budget. They told him
off by saying that Siraj Chacha, we don’t want to buy your arguments. Then he went to the other side of
the hall, with Oldham brothers, then again moved to the front. It means that he broke all the discipline of
the AGM.
Br. Nurul Matin, Br. Mahfuz Nahid, and Br. Hamid Azad were sitting together throughout, where Br.
Musleh Faradhi and Br. Dilowar Khan (DHK) also sitting beside them. They were not stopping them from
saying all indiscipline-style of questioning.

They were saying the followings aggressively, outside of any Islamic manner and against our Code of
Conduct policy, showing their anger and grudge/hatred, all of which matched the messages in the
DEFAMATION LETTER OF 2 October 2019, by so called “The Committee”:

Name What did they say in AGM 18 Message matching in the

October 2019, by so called “The
Musaddiq Why people from outside London come by Train and Please see point 1 in the letter on
Ahmed spend too much money? “Excessive expenditure in the
Why does CP have to rent a room in ELM? organisation”.
Why can’t he stay in different people’s houses in
their sitting rooms? Why spending £5000 form Please see point 8.
organisational budget?
At some point, looked back and called the whole
audience by a show of his hand to boycott this CP.
No ELM related Shoora Members tried to help here.
Br. Nurul He kept on telling again and again in an aggressive
Matin way: we shall not let AGM approve this finance
Chowdhury report. Please see point 6 (a). It is very
He also said: While we have experienced brothers in objectionable and
London, why taking brothers from outside London in UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Central leadership.
Br. Mahfuz He asked a question that he should have asked in
Nahid either Regional Reporting meetings or Regional
Coordination meeting. It is the first time in the
history of our organisation that a Regional President
was asking a question to CP in the AGM. Our norm is
that Regional Presidents make sure that their
Members observe discipline and they raise their
concerns in the other meetings or in personal
contacts before AGM. Please see point 7
But he aggressively asked this in the AGM:
I want to know why only one region got divided into
three branches and why their Branch Presidents’
oaths took place in the AGM?
“It never happened in our organisation” At that time,
instead of calming him down, Br. Musleh Faradhi was

30 | P a g e
strangely saying it never happened, it is not in the
constitution. Instead of helping as being a Shoora
member, how did he intigate MN by expressing the
above when this is a procedural matter for AGM and
had nothing to do with the constitution?
I said: I attempted to encourage them as they
followed the instructions from Shoora.
Br. Abdul Why can’t people from outside London come by Please see point 1 on “Excessive
Munim Mega Bus for £5? expenditure in the organisation”.
Karol He even said a ridiculous thing ultimately! He was Please see point 8.
trying to calculate, quoting £5000 from Br. Musaddiq In reality, it was £5000 per year,
(MA) above, said if we pay for CP’s room £5000 per and the room was for anyone
month, then we paid £60,000 for the whole year! coming from outside London to
I am sure they knew in their mind that it was wrong stay overnight.
but still wanted to give the connotation that I and
outside London brothers are spending all the money Please see point 5 on their
from the budget. attempt to establish this.
When Br. Mizanur Rashid Shopon of (SEMA East
Region President) said that this is not correct, Br.
Karol stood and said it seems some brothers are CP’s
group. SubhanAllah, AMK was trying to give a vibe
that there are two groups here CP’s group and they
are another group.
Br. Akhlaq He also broke the norm as Regional President – as
Ahmed mentioned above for the case of Br. Mahfuz Nahid.
Instead of asking this in regional meetings or
personal contact, he waited for AGM to ask.
All of them repeated the same phrase “it never
happened in our organisation”.
They wanted to give a vibe that this CP is doing Please see point 6 (b)
something that was never there in our organisation,
he wants to destroy our organisation, and that is the
message they were propagating among the
He said, it never happened, why Central took away
Members from the region to central without
informing the region?
His question was wrong and aimed to humiliate.
In reality, Br. General Secretary (Nessar Ahmed) was
given the task to inform the Regional President. Can
you please ask him if he told him or not?
Maulana He asked an absurd question, again repeating the
Ziaur same phrase “it never happened in our organisation”.
Question: Why are Shoora members blocked from
giving talks in different regions and program?
It was an utter lie, and I felt disgusted by this
question. I was asking Allah SWT to give me Sabr. I
answered saying that I am not aware of such thing,
please let me know who that was and who blocked,
then I will take action. But Br. Ziaur Rahman never

31 | P a g e
came back to me with this query. It proves that he
just asked this question to humiliate me only.
Br. Alauddin He asked with the disrespect: Please see point 2 (a)
Ahmed Why is youth budget not being utilised for youth
Br. Siraj He was challenging the whole Shoora:
Salekin How was this finance report approved?
Were the Shoora Members sleeping while this report
was approved?
At that point, I felt helpless. No Shoora members
came to support.

The extent of their indiscipline was so severe; I had to postpone all other agenda, kept myself calm with
the help of Allah SWT, and linger the AGM until before Esha prayer, and answered all their queries. When I
asked for approval of the finance report, only except all these above brothers (and Br. A R Zilu), all other
present Member brothers and sisters raised their hands to support for approval. It was against discipline
that Br. A R Zilu didn’t raise his hand for approval. Instead, he went for raising hands for not approving.
Whereas, he was in the Shoora when Shoora approved it.

Actions taken:
We discussed in Central Exco and brought to Shoora. With my surprise, everybody (Br. A R Zilu, Br. Abdul
Mumin, Br. Hamid Azad, Br. Dilowar Khan, Br. Musleh Faradhi, Br. Sirajul Islam Hira) was giving the
expression that as if nothing happened and these are very normal. Eventually, the shoora agreed that the
behaviour was against Islamic principles, but you and your GROUP fought hard not to discipline them and
we ended up giving strong nasiha to Br. Musaddiq Ahmed in person and general nasiha to others, and
mention the code of conduct in our next Members conference (which Br. Dilowar Khan did).

Summary of my observations from AGM (with messages matching with 2 October letter):

Observation 1:
Before AGM, I was hearing that these brothers will question in the AGM on the above issues and told many
brothers and sisters that you will see this CP has spent all the money and we don’t have any money left in
our account.
But after the AGM, brothers expressed their surprise saying: “what we heard before coming to AGM, and
what we have found in the AGM, are completely different, we can see that huge money is there in the
account, instead, allocated money couldn’t be spent!”
(please see at the beginning of and throughout 2 October letter, the alleged “Committee” claimed all their
financial information came from Central Finance Secretary)

Observation 2:
They kept on giving the following messages in a concerted way:
1. CP has a group of his own, and he is bringing all outside London brothers and the brothers who are
not right for the organisation (please see point 5, where they mentioned about the alleged group)
2. CP is spending all money from the organisation, and there is nothing left in the pot. (they claimed
that all their financial information came from Central Finance Secretary)
3. CP is breaking all the norms and doing all the things that are un-organisational. He is not the right
person to lead this organisation (please see points 6 to 9 in the letter)
4. This CP cannot be trusted. (please see points 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7: a repeated statement to oust Dr.
Emran from CP and Shoora, and suspend his membership)

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The wordings of all of them were almost the same that it was clear that they came prepared with
necessary and extensive rehearsal!

Observation 3:
Finance Secretary Maulana Abul Hossain Khan (AHK) was not defending his report; instead, he left me
alone when I came to the Podium to help him. By going outside of his character, he appeared to have felt
threatened and scared. It went to such extent that I felt if he was just acting! Because, the same Br. AHK
has been Finance Secretary for many years, and always he would have even shut the Members down when
they ask questions. (the proof that he was involved with the perpetrators of 2 October letter that this self-
claimed “Committee” claimed that all their financial information came from him, he has never defended
himself as yet on this issue)

Observation 4:
Br. A R Zilu was nodding his head all the time when these brothers were doing the above, Br. Musleh (MF)
supported Br. Mahfuz Nahid (MN). These were outside of the norms for Shoora members. (please see
point 5 where it is clear that it was a campaign letter for Br. Musleh Faradhi: they mentioned Brs. Habibur
Rahman and Dilowar Khan alongside Br. Musleh. Out of the three, Brs. Habib and Dilowar had a bar for CP,
so, this left only Br. Musleh).

Observation 5:
Exactly all the FOUR messages above were in the letter circulated on 2 October 2019 by “The Committee”.
It gives us a clear indication that these brothers are the originators of this letter and the so-called “The
Committee” Members.

Observation 6:
Exactly all the FOUR messages above came in the witness letter given by Maolana Nasir of TMS where he
mentioned what these brothers (Br. A R Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin, Br. Musaddiq, Br. Akhlaq, Br. Alauddin) said
about me (Emran).

Observation 7:
They are a syndicate, and they orchestrate it by character assassinating anyone who they don’t like. They
need to be severely interrogated and disciplined.

Evidence 3: They were waiting for each and every opportunity to make propaganda
against me, and doing non-cooperation throughout the session:
These brothers couldn’t accept me as their CP and each and every one continuously showed frustration
and non-cooperated as follows, starting from the day 1 (some witness names are kept confidential to
safeguard them from any social damage, but reported to the Investigation Committee and Shoora Council):

Incidences Witnesses
Incidence 1:
The moment my name was declared as CP, Br. Abdul Mumin Witness 1
showed his frustration saying; if this kind of people become
our CP, I cannot stay in this organisation
Incidence 2:
Immediately after I came down from the Podium after oath
taking, Br. Syed Jamirul Islam (Babu) came to me and said:
“Give me 2 years leave”. Meaning, he doesn’t want to work
at all during my entire session. I said, I want everybody to
33 | P a g e
stay active. I won’t let anyone become inactive. He still kept Br. Abu Bokkor can witness, as he was his
on insisting. Incharge.
That is what he did throughout the session. He simply
denied working in social welfare team with Br. Abu Bokkor.
Incidence 3:
Beginning of the session, in the Unit induction meetings of Witness 2 brought an audio record of
all London regions, Br. Abdul Mumin said: “this type of such speeches to the Exco and
leadership will be destroyed, friend-friend club (referring to demanded to discipline him. But I
Dr. Misbah and Fakhrul being my friends – though I don’t showed mercy.
know how?) will be destroyed soon. Some of the words are
derogatory and disrespectful.
Incidence 4:
Within first two weeks of the session, Br. Atiqur Rahman Witness 3
Zilu told Witness 3: “he (Dr. Emran) couldn’t wait for two
years”, “he (Dr. Emran) couldn’t observe patience”. He could
wait for another two years and come after me.
By saying this, I don’t know what he was implying. I don’t
understand how we can get a position by our own will in our
organisation when Members vote for us.
Incidence 5:
Within first few months of the session, Br. Nurul Matin Witness 4
Chowdhury went to visit Witness 4 and told him that I
(Emran) am not the right person to be CP of this
organisation. Then Witness 4 asked why? Br. Nurul Matin
replied “it is something that I cannot say”.
Incidence 6:
Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu kept continuous communication Witness 5 reported to me that Br. Jamal
with Br. Jamal Uddin in Manchester while he was disrupting would constantly take advise of Br. A R
the situation and Manchester Centre, along with Br. Aminur Zilu over phone in front of them to
Rhaman, Syed Badrul Alam, and Dr. Dilder Chowdhury. disrupt any decision we took from
Br. Jamal caused disruption in the MSN1 region against Br. Central regarding Manchester Centre.
Noman who was Regional Incharge. Br. Zilu once told me
that I made a mistake by making Br. Noman the Regional
Incharge, and Jamal couldn’t accept him as his Regional
Incharge. These two coincide very comfortably.
Incidence 7:
Br. Sirajul Islam (SI) of Swansea. SI once (middle of the first Associate Members sisters of Swansea
year) our sisters in a meeting in Swansea that Br. Zilu Branch.
instructed we are not cooperating with this regime, we are
coming back soon. Then we will work.
Incidence 8:
Br. Mustaqim Pramanik reported to Br. Razi that Br. Abdul Br. Mustakim reported to Br. Razi and he
Munim Karol (his regional in charge) told him: reported to me.
“We are not cooperating with this CP, leave these for this
session ….” when the Central Non-Muslim Dawah team
instructed them to fundraise for Quran Project.
Incidence 9:
Br. Mahfuz Nahid (BSMS Region Incharge): Ignoring central Many a times, it was reported in Exco by
guideline of and without informing Tarbiyah department, he different Exco members.
would always invite Br. Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin and Br. Nurul
Matin Chowdhury in all their regional meetings,

34 | P a g e
conferences, TCs and TSs and they will go there and
continuously spread hatred about me (Emran) in every
speech they make. SIH will also go with them.
Incidence 10:
Beginning of the second year, Br. Mahfuz Nahid called Witness 6 reported to me.
Witness 6 of BSMS, had a 1-2-1. He was asking: what relation
you have with Dr Emran? Why does he meet with you
frequently? What do you think about him as our CP?


Campaign points Witness/Comment

Letter of 2 October:
In the Shoora meeting on 5 October 2019, SEVEN places in the Please see the Shoora minutes of 5
letter got identified to have information that was confidential to October 2019, and the Shoora letter
Shoora (please see Shoora letter attached). sent to all Members and read out in
AGM by Br. Dilowar Khan and Br.
Habibur Rahman
Letter of 2 October was a Campaign letter for Br Musleh. Please see THE COMMITTEE LETTER on
2 October 2019.
At the end of the letter, it said that with different propaganda
some senior brothers (Br. Musleh, Br. Dilowar and Br. Habibur
Rahman) are being hindered for leadership (the letter attached
for the exact wordings, please see the last few paragraphs).

Out of these three, both Br. Dilowar and Br. Habib were barred
from CP position as they are senior responsible brothers of ELM.
So, only Br. Musleh is left. This clearly gives an indication to the
reader of THAT LETTER to VOTE for Br. Musleh only.
Almost everything expressed in the letter matched with what Please see Evidence 2 above for details.
the following brothers said in the AGM 2018 to disrupt the AGM
2018 (please see the point of AGM 2018):
Br. Musaddiq Ahmed
Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
Br. Siraj Salekin
Br. Abdul Munim Karol
Br. Mahfuz Nahid of BSMS
Br. Akhlaq Ahmed of TMS
Br. Maolana Ziaur Rahman
Br. Alauddin Ahmed of TMS
Direct Campaign for Br. Musleh (MF)
Witness 7 reported – Br. Amir Ali was campaigning for MF to her Witness 7
over the phone – She informed her Regional Incharge, Maolana
Saleh, to notify me as the then CP. But Maolana Saleh never told
Witness 8 about Br. Ahsanul Haque – After the AGM 2018, Witness 8 reported to me
sometime at the beginning of 2018-19, Witness 8 said Br.
Ahsanul Haque was campaigning against me to him, saying “We
have seen enough of EDUCATED person”.

35 | P a g e
Br. Ahsanul Haque’s house: Dinner and campaigning meeting – Witness 14
Brs. Zilu (ARZ), Nurul Matin (NMC), Mafuz Nahid (MN)
Beginning of 2018-19, Br. Ahsan called these brothers for dinner
at his house and discussed campaigning.
And then onward, Br. Nessar as well regularly visited him to talk
about the campaign.
Witness 9 has evidence: Br. AR Zillu telling people that Dr Emran Witness 9
is destroying our organisation, we need to remove him and bring
Br. Musleh Faradhi
Br. Zaynal Abedin said: Dr Emran thinks that he can give a better witness: Witness 10 and Witness 11
speech, and show off, Br. Musleh (MF) will be much better as
Witness 12 has detailed information about Br. Nahid and Br. Witness 12
Nurul Matin were doing campaigning.
Br. Abdul Mumin (AM)
Birmingham TC and Last Qiyam ul Layl in ELM in the session – He I was sitting by his side in the stage on
was very openly saying in his talk “ a Leader who has the bad both occasions.
intention, who people cannot trust, and who has pride about his
education, he cannot be a leader”.
He refused to be a speaker with me in the same platform in Please ask Br. Atiq of Walsall
Walsall (threatened Br. Atiq).
He threatened Witness 6 – are you campaigning for Dr Emran? I showed mercy. Witness 6
Then when Witness 6 challenged him, then he backed down.
He was threatening in his speeches of TMS and BSMS at the I showed mercy. Witness 2
beginning of the session – Witness 2 bringing its record to the
Central Exco demanding for his Suspension.
Br. Sumon of PDMS: on the letter of 2 October – he said to Please ask Witness 13
Witness 13 “see what’s happening, we didn’t know – know it
from AM
Revealed in the Shoora:
Mamoon Hasan: Declared in Shoora – all these are happening Please ask Mamoon al-Hasan.
because my father has a problem with CP. I believe Mamoon has
all the evidence of meetings in Br. AR Zillu’s house. He was
pleading in the Shoora for Murabbis to come out, cough off.
Ballot paper tempering/leaking
Br. Hasan Zaman complained to me about Br. Nessar Ahmed Please ask Br. Hasan Zaman
that he steals the ballot paper from the computer in the middle
of the night before elections.
Unprecedented: There was no report of ballot paper count in
the AGM this time, before or after the voting of both Shoora and
Sr. Rahela demanded and took extra 20 ballot papers
Br. Nozmul reported to me during lunchtime in the AGM about
his observation that mobile communication was going on during
Without authorisation, Br. Musaddiq got involved in ballot paper Please ask sister incharges for the
distribution to sisters. sisters floor in AGM.
Non-cooperation in Central Exco
Br. Akhlaq continued blaming me on a Regional Baitul Maal Please ask Central Exco brothers.
issue, which was the responsibility to Br. Abul Hossain Khan as

36 | P a g e
the Baitul Maal Secretary. But he somehow deliberately didn’t
take the ownership, and it kept on coming back to me.
Five regional in charges holding a SECRET meeting and jointly Please ask Central Exco brothers.
sending a letter to CP to stop forming Branches, which was a
decision from Shoora. It was a clear rebel/mutiny as they didn’t
have authorisation to meet together without any central line
management – and the discussion of suspending them came in
the Exco. Br. Abul Hossain Khan and Br. Nessar Ahmed
threatened saying, if we do, the organisation will face
Br. Abul Hossain Khan and Br. Nessar Ahmed used to bring the I was well aware that they maintained
news of disruption by these brothers (Br. A R Zilu, Br. Nurul with Br. Zilu’s group while they were in
Matin, Br. Sultan Ahmed, Br. Musaddiq Ahmed, Br. Akhlaq Exco. But I never let them understand
Ahmed, Br. Mahfuz Nahid) on many occasions in the Exco. As a this, and never disclosed it to anybody
result, whenever I would propose to have a 1-2-1 with them, Br. for the sake of their reputation and
Nessar and Br. Abul Hossain Khan would always warn not to do organisational harmony, until before
so. They argued that if I did so, these brothers will twist my Mamoon Bhai asked me about them on
words. The same thing happened in the case of Darus Salam that day (25 July 2020).
Centre. That is the reason I never visited Darus Salam Centre.
Br. Musleh Faradhi (MF)
Research & Publication Team: Br. Musleh Faradhi along with his I didn’t discipline them, instead,
team members (Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury, Br. ADM Younus) showed mercy.
threatened the then CP that if CP and Central Exco members Br. Musleh coopted ADM Younus to
don’t fulfil their demand, then his team will resign. Shoora in the current session for
Wasn’t it a CLEAR GROUPING? helping him in this regard.
Conversation with Br. Musleh Faradhi on two weekends (First After this confession of knowing who
Friday, and Second Saturday) immediately after this year’s AGM were campaigning for him, and not
– and later denying what he said. Please see in the beginning of informing the then CP and Shoora, and
this letter for detailed evidence. later wholly DENYING (with an utter
lie), how can I trust and respect him,
FOR THIS, I AM READY TO DO MUBAHALA, if he denies. and how can I obey him as CP?
Then I see him rewarding everyone
who campaigned for him.
All Incharges Induction meeting at the beginning of this session: I Why didn’t Br. Musleh resign then?
was present there. How can he continue in the position of
Br. Musleh Faradhi asked: Do you trust this current Shoora on judging others when he and the
these..? current Shoora are not trusted by
Everybody present said “No”. Members.
Do you think this Shoora can deliver? Everybody said “No”.
More than 100 top and mid-tier leadership (Shoora,
Departments and Regional Exco) were attending that meeting.
15 December 2019 Members Conference:
Br. Musleh Faradhi did indiscipline as follows: Br. Musleh Faradhi has created a
1. Without Shoora’s awareness, he took a vote if we cannot terrorising environment in the
decide in the conference, Shoora will decide, we shall not organisation where all Members are
come back again. scared of losing their honour and
2. He said, Br. Habibur Rahman, Br. Dilowar Hossain Khan, dignity at any time, whenever they
and Br. Ayub Khan are the organisation – they are the protest or give their opinion. It has no
most trusted people of this organisation, whatever they longer remained as an Islamic
say, the organisation should follow. Organization.

37 | P a g e
3. He threatened the audience: I formed a Disciplinary
Committee with them, and we have formulated a
Muhasaba policy. We shall discipline everybody if anyone
says anything wrong. I will not hesitate to exercise
constitution, and straight TERMINATE (this is entirely
against our constitution)
4. He said, “in my REGIME” – sounded like an administrator,
and we are a political party.
5. In Shoora, we decided to go ahead with the investigation
and will form an investigation committee in the
Members Conference. But Br. Musleh Faradhi tried his
best to divert by bringing an option of “No Investigation”,
even unnecessarily trying by our Murabbi Maolana
Sayeed Ahmed Saheb giving Naseeha on forgiveness, and
embarrassing him at his such old age.
Br. Musleh Faradhi has awarded those who were GROUPING AND CAMPAIGNING (particularly disruptive
in 2018 AGM) throughout the 2017-19 session, and those who didn’t want the INVESTIGATION to go
ahead (in the 15 December 2019 Members Conference). By doing so, has he not confirmed the
GROUPING? For example:
1. He has brought Br. Zilu, and Br. Abdul Mumin in the Exco (they were the two who were always
threatening in the last session, and causing disruption; Br. Zilu calling the GROUPING/CONSPIRACY
meeting of 3 October 2017 meeting at his house, and Br. Abdul Mumin leading the conversation with
derogatory words against me).
2. The very first name Br. Musleh Faradhi brought to Shoora for co-option was Br. Mahfuz Nahid who has
in an unprecedented manner asked awkward questions (e.g., why Branch Presidents of one region
were taken oath in the AGM?) to CP in the AGM 2018. Please note that Br. Musleh Faradhi was sitting
by his side supporting by saying “it is not in constitution” (please see the details in the point for AGM
2018 above).
3. He proposed for co-option of Dr. Dilder Chowdhury who was part of mass email to all Shoora members
with a GROUPING of four Members brothers regarding Manchester Centre, breaking all the
PROTOCOLS of COMMUNICATION of our organisation.
4. Superceding all the past and experienced brothers of Non-Muslim Dawah Department, he made Br.
Musaddiq Ahmed Incharge of Non-Muslim Dawah Department from out of nowhere, who has got no
history of doing this type of work.
5. He made Br. Sirajul Islam Hira the Chair of Darus Salam Centre.
6. He made Br. Syed Anwar Babu Welfare collection in charge – who was fully non-cooperating.
Double standard of Br. Hamid Hossain Azad
2015: CP’s investigation – He was the one diverting the whole issue in different dimension, demanding the
inquiry in the very first Shoora, saying: “CP is an institution – its integrity needs to be brought back – CP
cannot work while this Br. Akal Miah raised a question against him”. Whereas it should have been the
straightforward case of disciplining Br. Akal Miah for his disruption in the AGM.

Now after Maolana Nasir’s long and detailed letters on allegations against, Br. Musleh Faradhi, Br. A R Zilu,
Br. Abdul Mumin, Br. Musaddiq, Br. Akhlaq, Br. Nahid, Br. Alauddin – where has this INTEGRITY stance of
Br. Hamid gone? If the then CP had to be investigated straightway and eventually forced to resign, why
shouldn’t there be a straightforward investigation on the above brothers, and while doing so, being under
Suspension? Instead, they are running the organisation carrying these allegations over their head, and
terrorising all Members.

Where has his (Br. Hamid Azad’s) INTEGRITY stance gone now when I was alleging the SIX brothers and Br.
Musleh (mainly 4, then upon further query of Br. Mamoon Azmi, saying something about the other 2)?

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Why hasn’t he demanded the same thing as in 2015 incidence that all the works should be suspended and
Dr Emran’s allegations on these brothers should be investigated?

What’s happening with the CONFLICT OF INTEREST now? How can the same SIX brothers and CP be part of
the decision making on my case now when it was clear in my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi that I
was alleging that they are doing all the GROUPINGS and Br. Musleh is managing them? Where has Br
Hamid’s INTEGRITY stance on these gone?
Three brothers were very prominent and active in 2015 CP’s Investigation: Br. Hamid Azad, Br. Nurul
Matin, Br. Siraj Salekin – they were asking most of the questions.
It was simple discussion of disciplining the brother who disrupted the AGM 2015 on 18 October 2015. But
Br. Hamid diverted the whole discussion to the question of MORAL AUTHORITY. Instead of disciplining the
brother who shouted in the AGM, he was insisting on investigating me (the elected CP) as to why that
brother shouted against me. He was insisting that without doing this investigation and clearing this, how
can CP run the organisation with the question of MORALITY on his head.

Br. Hamid Azad has not raised this question of MORALITY this time about Br. Musleh, when Br. Nasir
mentioned about him. Br. Hamid is not raising this question of MORALITY when dealing with my incidence
now, where the same question of MORALITY arisen in my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi.
Everybody in the organisation is aware that Br. Nurul Matin and Br. Siraj Salekin created the whole idea of
DEFAMING me by this issue.

Br. Hamid Azad continuously raised questions on the authority of CP over Shoora in the last session – now
he is not doing so.
Centre Management Committees in Manchester, Darus Salam and Newcastle – letters directly to Shoora
bypassing the then CP, and Central Exco
Manchester Centre
Brs. Syed Badrul Alam, Didler Chowdhury, Jamal Uddin, Aminur As a reward for GROUPING, Br. Musleh
Rahman sent a mass email to all Shoora members without coopted Dr. Dilder in this session.
consulting with CP, or Central Exco, raising the question about
intending Centre Committee formation following the IFT Centre As CP, I rightfully took the initiative in
Management Policy. the Shoora to bring all our assets to our
Charity IFT. But these brothers formed
These four brothers were instructed by Central in 2015-17 groups to make the Centres of their
session to form a private limited company and buy the land (in a own without consulting with the local
private limited company name, not in IFT’s name) adjacent to brothers and sisters. And these SIX
the current Mosque, without making 15 other MCA Members of brothers were supporting them in the
Manchester aware about it. Shoora and Exco.
From Central, IFT team came and formed a Centre Management
Committee, involving all 18 Members of Manchester. They During all these happenings, Br. Zilu
didn’t accept it. Instead, Br. Jamal took signatures of Associate continuously instructed Br. Jamal, over
Members to send to all Shoora Members, which has been found the phone in our Manchester Centre –
TRUE by the Central Investigation Committee. We gave him a for which Witness 5 of Manchester is a
strong Nasiha. witness.

Later on, these four brothers formed a CIO and transferred this
land to that CIO. Still, they didn’t hand over this land to IFT.

I have information that without NOTIFYING the Central, they

(the above FOUR brothers in Manchester) did an AGM in a
restaurant (secretly) and formed a new committee at the end of
the last session – which I came to know later.

39 | P a g e
Darus Salam Centre They mentioned regional racism issue
It was another campaign/disruption centre. Some of the issues in the LETTER, and that is what I was
related with this Centre came in the 2nd October DEFAMATION trying to express in my conversation
LETTER, according to their version making serious derogatory with Br. Mamoon Azmi. These brothers
comments on me. have been playing the Sylheti card
against me.
Austria Issue Br. Abul Hashem alleged that I said
Br. Abul Hashem issue, Shoora members involved – 98% people something derogatory about Br.
gave witness against Br. Abul Hashem – you can ask Austria Chowdhury MueenUddin and Barrister
Branch Incharge and workforce (on a straightforward matter, Abdur Razzaq (whereas none of them
made a big deal on a complaint against CP) – Brs. Abul Hashem is our workforce, or ever been in our
and Habibur Rahman of Austria sending a mass email to all organisation).
Shoora members complaining against CP, and inside Shoora, Br.
Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin, Br. Hamid Hossain Azad, and Br. Sirajul Shoora established that Shoora
Islam Heera raising the severe question of Integrity of CP, members from inside were involved in
instead of looking into from the perspective of indiscipline of this. Br. Abul Hashem referred to
those brothers by not maintaining protocol. Shoora’s CONFIDENTIAL information/
documents in his emails to Shoora.
5 Financial Anomaly complaints by Br. Abul Hossain Khan on Br. Beginning of the session: Maulana Abul
Atiqur Rahman Zilu and Br. Sultan Ahmed – raised in the Hossain Khan raised these complaints.
CENTRAL EXCO at the very beginning of the session. For stability of the organisation, I tried
to ignore them in order to safeguard
the INTEGRITY of these brothers, and
showed mercy.
Sr. Khaleda and Sr. Rahela
Sr. Khaleda and Sr. Rahela – Sunday before 2019 AGM – Residence of Sr. Nazmun Nahar, 70 Members
sisters gathered – some election campaigning happened there.
Sr. Khaleda: demanding the sisters in her Sahih Quran Shikhkha circle not to attend CP’s Zonal Incharge
Sisters meeting saying “you shouldn’t attend CP’ meeting, it is nothing important – it was raised by several
sisters just after the meeting is ended – ask Sr. Rawshan Ara Kabir and Sr. Anzum Ara Beauty
ELM – LMC related issues: ELM BOT, Ex-CPs (Brs. Dr. Abdul Bari, I didn’t want to go outside the Shoora
Habibur Rahman, Dilowar Khan, Atiqur Rahman Zilu, and Ayub decision.
Khan) coming and demanding for changing the Shoora decision

EVIDENCE 5: Shoora responsibilities in my session – I allocated all the responsibilities,

with the consultation with the Shoora, in order to maintain the stability of the
Knowing about the illegitimate meeting that took place in Br. Zilu’s house on 3 October 2017, and the
happenings during 2015-17 session, along with the saga that took place around my resignation in 2015, I
wanted to go slow and for the stability of the organisation, and the up keeping of its unity, I allocated the
responsibilities as follows (with the consultation with Shoora in the Shoora meetings):

i. kept Br. Nessar Ahmed and Br. Abul Hossian Khan in the same positions as they were in Br. Zilu’s
session (2015-17). I thought this would appease this group, and our beloved organisation would be
saved from any FITNA. I have done it for the interest, unity and stability of our organisation – I was

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telling this to Br. Mamoon Azmi when he asked for it. And now you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) are twisting it
to make it like furthering my interest. May Allah guide you.
ii. asked Br. Abdul Mumin twice in the Shoora for two different roles: Mainland’s largest Zone Incharge,
he denied, then Social Welfare Secretary (both of which were big areas of responsibility). For both
cases, he vehemently denied by saying he cannot do it and he doesn’t have time. But he has been
spreading in LEMA that he was not given any responsibility.
iii. Co-opted Br. Nurul Amin in the Shoora, gave Br. Helal Dawah secretary and Br, Nurul Amin Regional
Youth Secretaries’ Coordinator responsibilities, respectively.
iv. Gave Br. Zilu two important responsibilities as he wanted. As he was the immediate Ex-CP, out of
respect, I literally asked him: what do you want? He said he loves to develop new work, so I gave him
the responsibility of “Work development in New areas”.
He asked to work for YOUTH. I made (from Shoora) a high-powered “Youth Advisory Board” making him
the Incharge and giving them the task to meet (at least quarterly) with both youth departments (EWC
and RYSC), review their work and advise accordingly. Br. Zilu never called for a single meeting on this
role. For the other role, it took me 5 months to meet with him to learn what he was doing on work
development in new areas. I repeatedly called him through the GS, but he continuously denied to sit
with me. Then eventually I called him personally, and he came after 5 months. After that meeting, he
never gave me any report of his work for the whole session. But he spent a lot of money in travelling in
cities, even organised a TC in Leicester with new people (took Prof. Mofizur Rahman as a guest
speaker) without even the information of Central Exco.
v. Even in the second year, I wanted to bring Br. Abdul Mumin into Exco. Several times I discussed in the
Central Exco to bring him there. Every time I call him to discuss these, he won’t give me time saying he
is busy.

EVIDENCE 6: These people are clearly a group UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF Br. Musleh
Faradhi and Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu, and Br. Musleh Faradhi appointed them in different
The people who attended the very first CONSPIRECE/GROUPING meeting in Br. Zilu’s house, the people
who did disruption and voted against approving the Finance Report in AGM 2018, the people who
proposed and voted for “NO INVESTIGATION” in 15 December 2019 Members Conference are the same
people Br. Musleh Faradhi has appointed in different Central positions. Let me list their names under the
above three categories and you will see for yourself:

1. People who Br. Nurul Amin saw attending the very first GROUPING meeting in my session on 3
October 2017 in Br. Zilu’s house:
a. Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu
b. Br. Abdul Mumin
c. Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
d. Br. Sirajul Islam Hira
e. Br. Nessar Ahmed
f. Br. Abul Hossain Khan
g. Br. Syed Badrul Alam (over phone)
h. Br. Syed Jamirul Islam Babu (over phone)
2. People who disrupted and voted against the Finance Report in AGM 2018: (as they were not many,
people could see them clearly – about only 10 of them on brothers side)
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a. Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu – nodding his head all the time and supporting those who were
disrupting, and voting againg finance report;
b. Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
c. Br. Mahfuz Nahid – Br. Musleh Faradhi was supporting him sitting by his side (please see
EVIDENCE 2 above)
d. Br. Akhlaq Ahmed
e. Br. Alauddin Ahmed
f. Br. Siraj Salekin
g. Br. Musaddiq Ahmed
h. Br. Abdul Munim Karol
i. Maulana Ziaur Rahman
3. People (out of more than 100 Central Department and Regional Exco leadership present) who
proposed not to go for Investigation on Campaign in the Regional Incharges Induction meeting,
arguing that it will be wastage of money of our sisters’ heard-earned money:
a. Br. Mahfuz Nahid
b. Br. Musaddiq Ahmed
4. People who proposed and voted for “NO INVESTIGATION”: (as they were not many, people could
see them clearly)
a. Br. Musleh Faradhi himself tried his utmost to pass “NO INVESTIGATION”, which option was
not approved in the Shoora.
b. Sr. Khaleda (wife of Maulana Abul Hossain Khan) – proposed for “NO INVESTIGATION”.
c. Br. Atiqura Rahman Zilu
d. Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury
e. Br. Alauddin Ahmed
f. Br. Abdul Munim Karol
5. Br. Musleh appointed in different central positions:
a. Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu – Central Exco; Central Youth Secretary
b. Br. Abdul Mumin – Central Exco; Central Tarbiyah Secretary
c. Br. Musaddiq Ahmed – proposed to co-opt him, and made him Non-Muslim Dawah
Department Incharge
d. Br. Nurul Matin Chowdhury – Central Organising Secretary; given the responsibility to
reorganise London regions (this is what I was referring to very specifically, in my
conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi)
e. Br. Dilder Chowdhury – the lead person in disrupting in Manchester Centre, along with Br.
Jamal Khan and Br. Aminur Rahman; co-opted in Shoora, and given given the responsibility
to reorganise outside London regions (this is what I was referring to very specifically, in my
conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi)
f. Br. Mahfuz Nahid – proposed to co-opt in the Shoora, and I opposed as there is allegations
against him doing campaign.
g. Br. Sirajul Islam Hira – awarded him by making him Chair of Darus Salam Centre, which was
one of the Centre of major disruption.
h. Br. Abul Hossain Khan and Br. Nessar Ahmed: As they didn’t fully cooperate with the
campaign, but they were with them (may be out of social fear), they were kept in the
central roles but demoted.
i. Br. Alauddin Ahmed: was awarded in TMS region by promoting to the Secretary of that

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In effect, it looks like you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) and your GROUP (led by Br. A R Zilu in the
filed) are implementing your manifesto (the defamation letter sent on 2 October
Defamation by self-claimed THE COMMITTEE)?:

What DID this letter claim? Why does THE COMMITTEE LETTER look like YOUR
1. The letter claimed that I overspent But surprisingly this letter was silent about Br. A R Zilu’s
organisational money by paying the salary. Br. Rabbni was appointed only for one year (last year
salary of Br. Rabbani. of the Session 2017-19), and he was paid only £20,000 in
total. Whereas, Br. A R Zilu was paid £27,000 per year for
both years of the Session 2017-19. If it is wrong to pay Br.
Rabbnai for English and Youth work coordination, then why
it is right to pay Br. A R Zilu for Bangla work when there are
sufficient leadership in the Bangla work throughout the
country? Why is there no question about his pay? Is it his
loyalty or CAMPAIGNING reward?
2. The letter claimed that I overspent on The letter provided a ridiculous fictitious amount which was
transport expenditures on the central nowhere near the real expenditure.
brothers travelling from other cities (Dr
Misbah Chowdhury, Maolana Fakhrul
Islam, Br. Raziuddin Ahmed, and myself).
Maulana Abul Hossain Khan neither defended himself nor
They claimed that they got all the ever protested about it anywhere in any platform as yet.
information from Baitul Maal Secretary
Maulana Abul Hossain Khan.
3. The letter claimed that the The irony is that nobody raised the concern why can’t ELM
Organisation had to overspend on provide some rooms for accommodation for our brothers
accommodation for me, by paying £5000 coming from different cities of the UK and countries from
for an ELM room. Mainland Europe? Shouldn’t it be an obvious concern when
brothers and sisters of our Organisation do all the
Br. Abdul Munim Karol was even claiming volunteering in the ELM and provide funds and do
in the AGM 2018 this amount to be per fundraising for ELM?
month, and as a result, the Organisation
spent £60,000 over a year!!!
4. The letter claimed that I am favouring Whereas Br. Nessar Ahmed and Br. Abul Hossain Khan
Non-Sylhetis – for this, they referred to always warned me not to visit that region or centre, and I
the issue of Br. Faruq in Darus Salam followed their advice. How can I do the nepotism when I was
Centre. not allowed to visit that region?
5. The letter raised the concern that Wasn’t it a direct campaign for Br. Musleh Faradhi in that
people in the past made propaganda letter? Please see my explanation in the comparison
against some senior brothers like Br. between their sayings in AGM 2018 and the points raised in
Musleh (and Habibur Rahman) Faradhi the defamation letter of 2 October 2019 by THE
being liberal. It is not necessarily true. COMMITTEE. (please see EVIDENCE 2 in Part B in my
ORIGINAL response). Please see OBSERVATION 4 of
EVIDENCE 2 in PART B in my original response letter.

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6. The letter claimed: Forget about being Don’t your actions of SUSPENDING and TERMINATING me
the CP, or in Shoora, my Membership confirm that you, Br. Musleh Faradhi, are IMPLEMENTING
should be terminated. their MANIFESTO in the LETTER now? - to please your
CAMPAIGNERS and the producers of this letter? Are you not
trying to implement everything that was there in the letter?

I believe I took some bold and necessary steps to make our organisation a mainstream Islamic organisation
to serve the TRUE CAUSE of ISLAM in the UK, which put fear in hearts of some people who are greedy for
position and power, and who have developed employment and financial interest around our beloved
organisation and our Centres (direct or connected, including East London Mosque). The steps I took are as

1. I wanted to bring MERITOCRACY in the leadership of the organisation. This CAMPAIGN GROUP
made propaganda against me saying that if this CP succeeds, only EDUCATED and PROFESSIONALLY
QUALIFIED persons will become leaders;
2. I wanted to develop vision 2050, this put fear in the hearts of this GROUP that they may not survive
in the leadership positions if the initiatives and projects to serve and engage with the community
succeeds. They feared that this would create demand for only QUALIFIED, EDUCATED and
PROFESSIONAL people. Their demand would be reduced in the organisation.
3. I wanted to promote younger generation within the organisation who are born and bred in the UK.
This put fear in the hearts of this ELDERLY GROUP that they may not be able to stay in the position
of leadership any more.
4. I wanted to bring our charity Islamic Forum Trust (IFT) under the COMPLIANCE of Charity
commission by:
a. allowing IFT Board of Trustees to work independently as stipulated by Charity Commission;
b. bringing all our Centres under IFT and managing them efficiently
c. bringing TRANSPARENCY in it’s all transactions since its inception

This has started bringing out a lot of untoward activities you and your allies have been doing. This
has scared some of them in the Shoora as this might affect their positions in the organisation, and
this might affect their interests in terms of salaries and other benefits they have been getting. Some
of them feared that it might expose their wrongdoings in the past.

5. I wanted to bring transparency in the relationship between MCA and ELM so that all our activities
become above board. For example, the election of Board of Trustees of ELM was deferred after the
CP election in AGM 2019 so that they can avoid the MCA Shoora proposal regarding ELM Board of
Trustees election. And when Br. Musleh Faradhi got elected, they changed the original Shoora
proposal by him. When it comes to fundraising and volunteering on a day-to-day basis, the ELM
Board of Trustees always beg MCA manpower, but when it comes to Board of Trustees election,
they want to ignore MCA’s participation.
In a meeting with all London Region Exco members and Central Department members, ELM
Secretary claimed that ELM is not MCA’s project. Hearing this, many of our Regional leaders got
hurt and surprised, and protested. However, Br. Habibur Rahman told me after the meeting in MCA

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office, he became the Chair of ELM Board of Trustees, and if MCA wants, he will resign. All our
Members should know about it.

I summarise below actions and work of your allies which were direct violation of the constitution and
against Islamic principles.

1. You said that you were aware through your wife that something was going to happen during the
election – i.e., the decision to re-elect you as CP. For this reason, she did not attend the
election conference. You also mentioned the same at the Regional In charges meeting in 2019.
However later you denied this. You violated the constitution by not sharing this information
with the then CP and the Shoora of last session. To make it worse you accepted position and
mentioned at your post oath address to the manpower that you had unfinished work at MCA
and that Allah has given you the opportunity to finish that work.
2. You have been unjust with members and have used your position/authority to bully them. You
will recall the incidence of 2010 when members spoke at the Central Conference – however as
you did not like what they had to say you called them to discipline. I wish to respectfully point
out that such conduct is not that of a leader of an Islamic Organisation but that of a secularist
3. You consider yourself to be superior to others and you stated at the Special Members
conference on 15 December 2019 that MCA belongs to five people (You, Br. Habibur Rahman,
Br. Dilowar Khan, Br. Ayyub Khan, Dr Abdul Bari) and that members should go to them with
their problems/issues and that if they were not willing to accept your decisions then it is open
for them to leave MCA. Furthermore, you created a disciplinary committee and gave them the
mandate to discipline Members if they spoke – well anything that you do not approve of will fall
into this category. I need not point out that such conduct is terrorising, dictatorial and
controlling. In summary your leadership along with your GROUP have done nothing but to gag
the manpower into silence.
4. You wanted to utilise your power to stop the investigation in Special Members Conference on
15 December 2020 for incidents that had taken place prior to the election.
5. Last session you threatened the then CP that if CP and his exco members don’t fulfil your
demand than you and your Publication and Research team will resign.
6. You were frustrated regarding the fact that previous CP’s vision was accepted by the manpower
and you expressed your frustration on several occasions’ openly in different places and to
different people. I have witnesses about it.
7. This conspiracy and jealousy started from 2015 when I first time became CP. You and your
followers worked hard to force me to resign from the CP position. This continued further after
my resignation by not giving me any organisational work and you unofficially banned me from
going to any invitations by regions or branches.
8. After the election of 2017 when I became CP again, further planning and conspiracy started by
arranging a secret meeting in Br. A R Zilu’s house on 3 October 2017, attended by al the SIX
brothers I mentioned in the conversation. In that meeting Br. A R Zilu and his followers took the
decision to do everything to hamper my work during the session.
9. Manchester issue: Br Syed Badrul Alam, Dr. Dilder Chowdhury, Maolana Aminur Rahman, and
Br. Jamal Khan wrote a letter regarding IFT policy where they directly accused that the present
shoora made this policy to take over IFT from local manpower. If they had care to read the
policy, they would have noted that this policy was in place since 2013. Sadly, you and your
supporters at the Shoora defended the blatant inaccuracy and stated that they were right.

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10. When four Regional Presidents (in London) arranged a secret meeting and went against the
shoora decision and demanded that the decision to create branches in the London region.
Again, you supported them blindly not to discipline them.
11. Br Musaddeq, Br. Nahid, Br. Nurul Matin and Br. Akhlaq ahmed raised issues in the central
conference repeatedly against organisational protocol and Br Musadde1 went against Islamic
principle and call the members to boycott the CP. In the shoora you agreed that those are
against the constitution and Islamic principle, yet you fought hard not to take any actions
against them.
12. In the anonymous defamaiton letter before election by self-claimed THE COMMITTEE, there
were lots of information only shoora members supposed to know. It indicates you (Br. Musleh
Faradhi and Br. Zilu) and the shoora member from your group leaked this information and
distributed it.
13. You and your GROUP in the shoora have lack of transparency in your activity in different areas.
i.e., Br. Zilu’s salary for the last 20 years (£20,000 per year, NET), Financial damage of IFT
(around 1.2 million pounds), Eurobangla newspaper issue (around £300000.00), using money to
travel Bosnia and other places etc. Using your power to become ELM trustee, employee and
gain other benefits. This information should be available to members and repeatedly you have
chosen to keep this information away from them. It is clear that any kind of changes in the
MCA work system and leadership would hamper all your employments and benefits. For this
reason, to survive from this the election was rigged to keep you and the current shoora
members in your position in MCA and ELM.
14. Furthermore, Character assassination is your regular activity, and you use for your benefit.
Example, the behaviours displayed by Br. Zilu, Maulana Abdul Mumin, and Nessar Ahmed.
Abuse, discrimination, bullying inside the Shoora was a recurring theme. Yet outside of the
Shoora, you all displayed the best of character. You failed to deliver justice to Maulana Nasir–
why – because he highlighted the deficiencies and corruption in the MCA leadership. Your
solution was to terminate him. I put to you is this the behaviour of an Islamic leader.
15. To add further your interpretation of the constitution and Islamic principle are always according
to your way whether it supports the constitution/Islamic principles.
16. MCA is an Islamic organisation, but you (Br. Musleh Faradhi) are trying to make it as a secular
social organisation. Your initiatives were rejected by the members in the 2010 Members
conference, i.e., to abolish segregation between male and female is one of them.
May Allah bring the TRUTH out of it and cleanse our beloved organisation from those corrupt leaders and
their followers (you, Br. Musleh Faradhi, Br. Atiqur Rahman Zilu, Br. Abdul Mumin, Br. Nurul Matin
Chowdhury, Br. Abul Hossain Khan, Br. Nessar Ahmed, Br. Musaddiq Ahmed, Br. Mahfuz Nahid, Br. Akhlaq
Ahmed, Br. Alauddin Ahmed, Br. Syed Zamirul Islam, Br. Syed Badrul Alam – under the leadership and
approval of Br. Musleh Faradhi) who have brought us into this mess with character assassination and

With my sincere and deepest love to all our Members and manpower of MCA,

Dr. Emranul Haque

29 August 2020; and 02 September 2020

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Dear Br. Musleh Faradhi,


SubhanAllah! I don’t know why you are requesting me to attend a hearing. Does it mean that you didn’t
read my emails and responses? I clearly stated in my responses that I REJECT your decision, you and the
current Shoora don’t have the LEGITIMACY to look into my incidence. As a result, there is no question of
accepting your decisions or, attending your hearing. Please refer it to a THIRD PARTY, independent of you
and your CAMPAIGN GROUP, and the current Shoora while the investigation is underway.

Though initially I was fearful that I might have done something wrong in the eyes of Allah, I am getting
CONFIDENT by each day that I haven’t done anything wrong in the PRIVATE CONVERSATION with Br.
Mamoon Azmi as I was simply sharing with him THE TORTURE and ZULM (OPPRESSIONS, INJUSTICE, and
CHARACTER ASSASSINATION) this GROUP has been doing on me for the last 10 years when he asked me in
OUR AWARENESS OR PERMISSION). The more I am studying Quran and Hadith on the matter, I am getting
peace in my heart that I was merely stating (not crossing the limits) what these brothers were doing, with
your approval and under your leadership for a long time, Br. Musleh Faradhi. As Allah swt said:
َّ َ َ َ
ً ‫الل ُـه َسم‬
ً ‫يعا َعل‬ ُ ‫ا‬ َْ ُّ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َّ ُّ ُ ‫ا‬
﴾١٤٨﴿ ‫يما‬ ِ ِ ‫وء ِم َن الق ْو ِل ِإَّل َمن ظ ِل َم ۚ وكان‬
ِ ‫َّل ي ِحب اللـه الجهر ِبالس‬
Allah does not like the utterance of evil words except by one who has been wronged. And ever is Allah
Hearing and Knowing. (4:148)

আল্লাহ ক ান মন্দ বিষয় প্র াশ রা পছন্দ ররন না। তরি াররা প্রবত জুলুম হরয় থা রল কে থা
আলাদা। আল্লাহ শ্রিণ ারী, বিজ্ঞ। (4:148)
ََ َ َ َُ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َّ ُّ ُ َ ُ ‫ا‬ َّ َ َ ََ َ َ َ ََ َ ُْ ٌ َ َ
‫َص َب ْعد ظل ِم ِه فأول ٰـ ِئك َما عل ْي ِهم ِّمن‬ ‫﴾ َول َم ِن انت‬٤٠﴿ ‫ي‬ َ ‫الظالم‬
ِ ِ ‫َو َج َز ُاء َس ِّيئ ٍة َس ِّيئة ِّمثل َها ۚ ف َم ْن عفا َوأ ْصلح فأ ْج ُر ُه عَل الل ِـه ۚ ِإنه َّل ي ِحب‬
ٌ ‫اب أل‬ َ ٌ ‫ول ٰـئ َك َل ُه ْم َع َذ‬
َ ُ ِّ َ ْ ْ َ َْ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ‫ا َ ا ُ َ َ َّ َ َ ْ ُ َ ا‬ َ
﴾٤٢﴿ ‫يم‬ ِ ِ ‫ض ِبغ ِي الحق ۚ أ‬ ِ ‫﴾ ِإنما الس ِبيل عَل ال ِذين يظ ِلمون الناس ويبغون ِ يف اْلر‬٤١﴿ ‫يل‬ ٍ ‫س ِب‬
And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his
reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers. And whoever avenges himself after
having been wronged - those have not upon them any cause [for blame]. The cause is only against the ones
who wrong the people and tyrannise upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful
punishment. (42:40-42)

আর মন্দের প্রতিফল তিো অনুরূপ মেই। তে ক্ষমো কন্দর ও আন্দপোষ কন্দর িোর পুরস্কোর আল্লোহর কোন্দে রন্দেন্দে;

তনশ্চে তিতন অিযোচোরীন্দেরন্দক পেে কন্দরন নোই। তনশ্চে তে অিযোচোতরি হওেোর পর প্রতিন্দ োধ গ্রহণ কন্দর,

িোন্দের তিরুন্দেও তকোন অতিন্দেোগ তনই। অতিন্দেোগ তকিল িোন্দের তিরুন্দে, েোরো মোনুন্দষর উপর অিযোচোর

চোলোে এিং পৃতিিীন্দি অনযোেিোন্দি তিন্দরোহ কন্দর তিড়োে। িোন্দের জন্দনয রন্দেন্দে েন্ত্রণোেোেক োস্তি। (42:40-42)

Sunan Abu Dawud recorded that Abu Hurayrah (R) said that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

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‫ فعَل البادئ منهما ما لم يعتد المظلوم‬، ‫المستبان ما قاال‬

“Whatever words are uttered by those who swear each other, then he who started it will carry the burden
thereof, unless the one who was wronged transgresses the limit” (Abu Dawud: 4894), and (Sahih Muslim).

“েুজন গোতল েোিো েো িন্দল ওর োস্তি িোর উপর রন্দেন্দে তে প্রিন্দম গোতল তেন্দেন্দে তে পেন্ত
য নো অিযোচোতরি িযস্তি
সীমো অতিক্রম কন্দর।“

According to the above, each of my words was way smaller than THE LEVEL OF ZULM these SLANDERERS
have been doing on me for the last 10 years (please see my response against each and every claim in the
TERMINATION LETTER, written in my 40-page response letter, along with the EVIDENCES, which was
followed by a 4-page ADDENDUM). Basic summary of my position is as follows:

1. YOUR CLAIM ON GROUPING: I called both the GROUPS (Jono Akankha and Conservative) as “OUR
GROUP”, which meant “GROUPS IN OUR ORGANISATION”. And I do not belong to either of the
they did in the last session (2017-19)
b. INSTIGATOR: I provided EVIDENCE on how this brother acted as MASTERMIND and
INITIATOR of the CAMPAIGN against me.
3. YOUR CLAIM ON THE WORD “SYLHETI” TO BE RACIST: By this, I meant they are a tiny FRINGE group
among our MEMBERS from SYLHETI BACKGROUND – around 20-25. But the rest of our MEMBERS
(SYLHETI and NONSYLHETI) are not with them. I provided EVIDENCE on how they have been playing
SYLHETI-NONSYLHETI RACECARD against me, while they are only a few even among our Members
I merely kept them in their posts from the previous session in the interest of maintaining STABILITY,
HARMONY and UNITY of our beloved organisation. The irony is that you have appointed these
alleged SLANDERERS in your Exco and Central departments to further YOUR PERSONAL INTEREST.
5. YOUR CLAIM ON DISCREDITING SERVING CP: Here, your claim was false. I have not UTTERED the
words “STOP ME”, neither had I related the REGION MAPPING with you, Br. Musleh Faradhi. Have
you REALLY done it? If not, why is it coming to your mind, without any EVIDENCE, or SUPPRORT
(not even from the ILLEGAL and UNISLAMIC, INCOMPLETE RECORD)? Instead, I said: Br. Musleh
Faradhi is managing well with them. I didn’t allow them, but Br. Musleh Faradhi is allowing them.”
6. YOUR CLAIM ON BREAKING MEMBERSHIP OATH: According to the lessons drawn from the Quran
and Hadith above, I have not broken any of the articles of our Membership Oath (please see the
details in my response letter)
of the Membership Criteria, nor I breached any of our codes of conduct (please see my response
that it was merely a PRIVATE CONVERSATION between two most SENIOR SHOORA MEMBERS, not
meant to be overheard or recorded ILLEGALLY and UNISLAMICALLY. It was intended to stay
CONFIDENTIAL within the Shoora. I instead claim that you, Br. Musleh Faradhi and your GROUP
brought the organisation to DISREPUTE by trying to use me as a SCAPEGOAT by QUICKLY
SPREADING my SUSPENSION NEWS to all our members in the UK and Mainland Europe. Now it has
become public, and the organisation is brought to DISREPUTE because of your action.

48 | P a g e
9. YOUR CLAIM TO BE SERVING CP: I cannot accept you as THE SERVING CP as you led a NASTY
CAMPAIGN OF CHARACTER ASSASSINATION to get the CP position unless the outcome of the
INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE proves YOUR INNOCENCE. Our Members are trying their hard to keep
the organisational harmony and unity by not saying anything before the INVESTIGATION
COMMITTEE OUTCOME is revealed. Because they have given a SILENT BUT FIRM VOTE OF NO
CONFIDENCE on you by electing the INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE outside of current Shoora in the
Special Members Conference (15 December 2019). Even the HUNDREDS of Central and Regional
leaders voiced their VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on you and current Shoora in the CENTRAL PLAN
INDUCTION MEETING when you asked them if you and present Shoora can deliver (17 November
(please see my EIGHT reasons for my REJECTION in my RESPONSE LETTER).
TO MY UNDERSTANDING, you would have done the followings if you were a LEGITIMATE CP, not coming by

1. You would have demanded EXPLANATION and EVIDENCE from me for whatever I claimed in the
2. Instead of you dealing with it, you would have STEPPED ASIDE, and let a THIRD PARTY to deal with
3. You wouldn’t accept any witness from the ones who SNOOPED (listened to our PRIVATE
CONVERSATION without warning us, and without our awareness), and the one who RECORDED
(without our permission or awareness).
4. You would have acknowledged that you shouldn’t continue doing MAJOR RESTRUCTURING until the
investigation outcome is revealed and PERPETRATORS are brought to JUSTICE.
5. If you were a decent person with MORAL DIGNITY, you would have RESIGNED by now. You
shouldn’t have taken the position of CP, to begin with, if you had the MORAL DIGNITY.

Instead, you and your GROUP have taken the following route:

1. You took the FULL ADVANTAGE of it, and twisted every word I said,
2. You didn’t allow me to defend myself or prove what I claimed. Instead, you and your GROUP were
howling at me in such an AGGRESSIVE MANNER that I got scared as if you would physically assault
me if the meeting were not a VIRTUAL one,
3. You didn’t put the ACCUSED ONES (BY ME) under INVESTIGATION. It is not the first time, Maolana
Nasir has ACCUSED the same GROUP of brothers, but you didn’t take any action against them.
Instead, you are running CENTRAL EXCO and CENTRAL DEPARTMENTS by them.
4. Instead, you SUSPENDED me keeping the ACCUSED ONES (BY ME) in the decision making and
spread the message to everybody in the UK and Mainland Europe,
5. Even that didn’t remove FEAR in your heart about me, and as a result, you couldn’t wait. Instead,
you have TERMINATED me to REMOVE A HINDRANCE from serving your PERSONAL INTEREST, and

But this cannot be settled between THE ACCUSER and the ACCUSED ONES accept the involvement of a
THIRD PARTY – and that is JUSTICE. Let me summarise again why we need a CLEAR THIRD-PARTY other
than YOU, YOUR GROUP, and CURRENT SHOORA to make justice on the INCIDENCE ON 25 JULY during
Shoora break time (please read the details in my response document and its addendum):

A. The reasons for the ILLEGITIACY of you, Br. Musleh Faradhi and your GROUP (that I mentioned in my
49 | P a g e
1. My complaints are against you Br. Musleh Faradhi and your CAMPAIGN GROUP. How can the
2. You are NOT a LEGITIMATE CP of our beloved organisation as you led a nasty campaign with
backbiting, slandering and character assassination by your GROUP to get to the position. As a result,
you have NO MORAL AUTHORITY to lead our FI SABILILLAH organisation. It is not another local
SOCIAL/POLITICAL organisation that you can grab its leadership position by a nasty campaign and
character assassination and still hope to carry the hearts of its Members along with you.
3. I have provided extensive EVIDENCE of your CAMPAIGN and character assassination in my
RESPONSE LETTER and its ADDENDUM, where it became explicit that you came to the position of
CP by creating and maintaining a GROUP who not only CAMPAIGNED for you, but also character
assassinated many central brothers and sisters including the then CP in the last session (2017-19).
4. The DEFAMATION (CONCERNS) LETTER on 2 October 2019 by the self-claimed THE COMMITTEE was
a CLEAR CAMPAIGN for you. Please see point 5 in that letter where it mentions THREE Ex-CPs out of
whom only you were outside the BAR to be elected as CP.
5. You used INCOMPLETE, UNISLAMIC, ILLEGAL and INADMISSIBLE RECORD in the decision making, as
that SUITED your purpose.
6. You didn’t allow me to defend myself and to bring my EXPLANATIONS and EVIDENCE of what I
7. Instead, you called for WITNESS STATEMENTS from those who SNOOPED and LISTENED to our
CONVERSATION without our AWARENESS or PERMISSION, and used them in the decision making,
as that SUITED your purpose.
8. You could take it as a WHISTLEBLOWING TO PURIFY OUR ORGANISATION because it was an
excellent opportunity for you to find out the PERPETRATORS WHOM I ACCUSED. Instead, you are
blaming me and trying to get rid of me from the organisation. It proves that you are PARTY to this
GROUP and you are their LEADER.

B. The reasons for INELIGIBILITY of the Current Shoora:

1. As the current Shoora is under investigation about its LEGITIMACY, it cannot decide on or hear my
case either.
2. There are only two newly ELECTED Shoora members among whom only Br. Mamoon Azmi is
not Shoora member for a long time. The rest of us are CONFLICTED either as PERPETRATORS, or
VICTIMS or, acknowledging the INABILITY to identify the PERPETRATORS. That’s the reason why the
current INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE was elected by the Special Members Conference on 15
December 2019 to IDENTIFY the PERPETRATORS who are allegedly in the current Shoora.
3. There are CONFLICTED Shoora members through family relations with the alleged PERPETRATORS I
mentioned in the conversation.
4. One Shoora Member ILLEGALLY RECORDED our CONVERSATION without our awareness or
permission, which is not PERMISSIBLE – ISLAMICALLY or LEGALLY, and acted as a WITNESS using
that RECORD.
5. None of the Shoora Members (INCLUDING THE ALLEGED ONES) – I don’t know how many of them –
had warned us when they overheard our conversation, instead, they were SNOOPING and
It looks like you are ignoring whatever is happening and you are aiming to one single objective of
REMOVING ANY THREAT to SOLIDIFY your position by wiping me out. Because, time and again, you
breached the LAW of the country and crossed the limits of Islamic principles. For example:

50 | P a g e
i. It was a PRIVATE CONVERSATION between an Ex-CP and one of the most SENIOR MURABBI
SHOORA MEMBERS to discuss the concern about rushing to further consolidate the base of your
GROUP through the attempt of MAJOR RESTRUCTURING (of Regions, and English work) for
which you MUST wait for the outcome of Central Investigation mandated by Members
Conference on 15 December 2019. A Shoora consisting of ALLEGED PERPETRATORS of
CAMPAIGN and CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS cannot take any such major decisions. They can
at best, carry on the ROUTINE WORKS until the INVESTIGATION reveals the PERPETRATORS, and
ii. You and your GROUP, even being CONFLICTED, decided to SUSPEND me. You and your GROUP
were howling at me on the day (25 July 2020) with such body language that I was scared and
felt that you and your GROUP would physically ASSAULT ME if the Shoora meeting were not
iii. You didn’t want to hear my defence. Instead, you decided to SUSPEND me with an emotional
set of mind.
iv. In my SUSPENSION LETTER, you wanted to SHUT DOWN my private and public life with lots of
INHUMANE, UNISLAMIC and ILLEGAL injunctions regarding my MUTUAL communications with
my brothers and sisters in the organisation who have been part of my friends and family for the
last 22 years, such as,
a. Deleting their contact numbers and email addresses,
b. Coming out of all WhatsApp groups having them (doesn’t it show YOUR JELOUSY? Do you
have a HIDDEN AGENDA regarding me? Is it LEGAL?),
c. Deleting the WhatsApp groups, I created adding any of them (where I always notified the
people when I added them and they had mutual consent with me for a very long time)
d. Not talking to any one of them – it has gone to such a ridiculous level that your instruction
included my wife!!!
STILL, I was trying my best to follow the instructions for the interest of the harmony and unity of
the organisation.

v. While closing all my doors to communicate with manpower, you abused the Central broadcast
system and in an unprecedented manner spread the message of my SUSPENSION to all
Members in the UK and Mainland Europe without giving any background of the incident. It was
YOUR apparent ATTEMPT to DEFAME me to those brothers and sisters who became AN
IMPORTANT PART OF MY LIFE in the course of last 22 years, who love me from the core of their
hearts, who have NUMEROUS MUTUAL COMMUNICATIONS with me to exchange advice to and
from each other, many of whom came to this organisation through my invitation. That is the
reason why, against your DISLIKINGS, THE MEMBERS KEPT ON VOTING ME as a Shoora member,
and making me CP twice even after the SLANDEROUS CAMPAIGN against me by your GROUP for
the last 10 years since I became General Secretary.
vi. While I was following those instructions, you couldn’t wait for THREE MONTHS. Because, still
you couldn’t remove fear from your heart about me, and you rushed to decide to wipe me out
from the scene.
vii. In my TERMINATION LETTER, your limit crossing has gone even beyond no bound where you put
numerous false, and fabricated allegations by twisting all my words in a PRIVATE
viii. You even asked me not to contact anyone INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the organisation until the
termination matter is closed –leaving me COMPLETELY DEFENCELESS.

51 | P a g e
My earnest request to you, Br. Musleh Faradhi:

1. In the interest of JUSTICE and FAIRNESS, and to save yourself and your GROUP from ALLAH’s
acknowledged to know yourself, and you came to know from Br. Nasir’s WHISTLEBLOWING, and
now from my conversation and my response to your TERMINATION LETTER. Please CLEAN yourself
and establish JUSTICE. If you can take ACTION AGAINST Maolana Nasir and me, why can’t you take
actions against those PERPETRATORS, if you FEAR ALLAH and HIS JUSTICE?
2. You and your GROUP must REVEAL your CAMPAIGN and CONSPIRACY, and RESIGN asap to save
hundreds of our Members and thousands of our manpower from backbiting and character
assassination who are in the organisation to get an opportunity to do DA’WAH FI SABILILLAH in a
3. You and your GROUP MUST STOP SPREADING HATRED among each other within the organisation,
trying to create SYLHETI-NONSYLHETI DIVIDE (as alleged in the CONCERN LETTER by THE
COMMITTEE, which is proving now to be your CAMPAIGN LETTER) within our beloved organisation.
4. Please share my RESPONSES to all those who received your decisions on my SUSPENSION without
My earnest request to all other INDIVIDUAL Shoora Members who are not part of the NASTY CAMPAIGN
GROUP of Br. Musleh Faradhi and Br. A R Zilu:

1. Please read all my RESPONSES thoroughly, even if they might be long, to form your INDIVIDUAL
CIRCUMSTANCES NEUTRALLY so that you can ANSWER TO ALLAH swt instead of fearing the alleged
3. Zulm (injustice and oppression) is Zulm, even if it is on one person or more.
4. Please do not allow Br. Musleh Faradhi and his GROUP to take any major decision (such as major
RESTRUCTURING of REGIONS and ENGLISH WORK) until the investigation outcome is revealed and
the PERPETRATORS are brought to JUSTICE.
5. To establish JUSTICE (one of our work programs) and FAIRNESS among ourselves before working for
JUSTICE in the SOCIETY, please refer this matter to a THIRD PARTY, or Members Conference to
allow me to present my case to our Members who I love dearly, who are part of my life and who
kept on electing me a Shoora member for many years, twice elected me as their CP even after
massive backbiting, slandering and character assassination of me by this GROUP for so many years.
6. Above all, please try to say HAQ even if it may hurt. Because, we all are here to please Allah swt and
accountable to HIM only, nobody else. If Allah is happy with us, and that is the ONLY SUCCESS we
are looking for.
I would look forward to your UPDATES on the above to know that you are deciding with the FEAR OF
ALLAH in your heart.

May Allah help us get the TRUTH out of it, and establish JUSTICE. May Allah forgive us for all our
shortcomings, as we all are created from NUTFA, and we all are created WEAK.

With all the love and du’aa to my beloved brothers and sisters in the organisation,

Sincerely yours, Dr. Emranul Haque

52 | P a g e
Dear Br. Musleh Faradhi,
Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.
It seems that you have not read my responses. I have specifically mentioned that you and the current
Shoora don’t have the legitimacy or moral authority to judge my case (my conversation with Br. Mamoon
Azmi) as you and alleged brothers are accused and conflicted and I am the accuser. There should be a
third-party neutral to me and the current Shoora to deal with my case. Otherwise, as Members Conference
is the highest body of our organisation, I suggested presenting my case to them.
Instead, you are continuing to give the verdicts of suspension, termination, and appeal hearing without
responding to my questions on your judgement. It is an utter denial of justice and fairness.
Why don’t you answer my questions regarding the legal and Islamic basis of your following actions before
sending me any further letter?:
1. Why will it not be just and fair to forward my statements to all Members who you have
communicated about my suspension without giving them its backgrounds, which caused lots of
confusion and suspense? Has it not thrown doubts in the hearts of all brothers and sisters? Doesn’t
it cause them to suspect anything on the issue?
2. Why wasn’t it right for me to raise concerns (in my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi) about your
attempt of a major restructuring (of regions) while the legitimacy of the current Shoora is under
investigation as the alleged perpetrators of the campaign and character assassination are there
within the Shoora (proven by the Shoora statement, which was read and approved by Members in
the AGM 2019)?
3. Why did you decide on my suspension then and there on 25 July 2020 without allowing me to
respond? Why were you and your group howling at me and terrorising me at the meeting? Why did
you let the alleged ones to influence fully and divert the interpretation of our conversation to a
wrong angle, followed by its discussion and the decision making? Why did you decide within the
meeting when you are conflicted? Why didn’t you forward it to the disciplinary committee to at
least hear my explanation, interpretation and background of what I said? Br. Ayub Khan
acknowledged his conflict as he became witness by audio recording the conversation. Still, there
were two other members of the disciplinary committee who could at least hear my case and form a
neutral investigation committee for justice and fairness.
4. Why did you misquote specific words without their proper sentences and the full discussion in the
conversation (to fit your purpose) and divert the discussion towards suspension and termination?
Why did you try to give the wrong meaning to what I said by misquoting words from here and
5. How can a decision be made using the broken sentences from a broken audio record without asking
its explanation and background from the person, and without allowing to provide evidence against
his claims? Hasn’t it become one-sided hearing? Now how can you ask me to respond when you
have already made the judgements by influencing the whole issue in the wrong direction?
6. How can a judgement be made based on a single conversation with its broken audio record,
without looking into its explanations and background, and without allowing the person to give his
description and interpretation?
7. How can you take my basic citizen’s and human rights of freedom, and freedom of expressions
away from me? How can you SHUT DOWN my private and public life with lots of INHUMANE,
UNISLAMIC and ILLEGAL injunctions regarding my MUTUAL communications with my brothers and
sisters in the organisation who have been part of my friends and family for the last 22 years, such
a. Deleting their contact numbers and email addresses,
53 | P a g e
b. Coming out of all WhatsApp groups having them,
c. Deleting the WhatsApp groups I created, adding any of them (whereas I always notified the
people before adding them and they had mutual consent with me for a very long time)
d. Not talking to anyone of them – it has gone to such a ridiculous level that your instruction
included my wife!!!
e. And in the termination letter, you even instructed me not to talk to anyone outside of the
organisation? Did you mean to take away my legal rights as well?
8. You didn’t provide me with the original record made by Br. Ayub Khan. Instead, you provided me
with the two broken audio records and a transcript of the relay of Br. Ayub Khan’s illegal and
unethical recording in the Shoora. Why did Br. Ayub Khan illegally (and breaching the Islamic
principles) record my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi without our awareness or permission?
Who permitted him to do so? Why did he relay it to Shoora? Then when and why did you further
record it in the Shoora?
9. Why were the brothers listening to our conversation without giving us any warning?
10. Why aren’t you taking any actions against those brothers I referred to in my conversation and my
response letters even after I have provided explicit evidence and witnesses? How can they be part
of decision-making while being accused? Why shouldn’t they be investigated about their alleged
campaign and character assassination?
11. How can these decisions be valid while you and the alleged brothers are there in the Shoora?
12. If you are terminating me with the allegations of unconstitutional behaviour, why aren’t you taking
actions against the brothers I alleged for their actions which are more severe than what I said?
13. Why aren’t you responding to my response letters where I demanded to take the alleged
perpetrators to justice? Why can’t my answers to all your allegations about me be valid when I have
provided the evidence and witnesses in all my responses?
14. Have they (you and the alleged ones) not breached all the clauses of our Constitution which you are
imposing on me? Have they not breached the following clauses well before my incidence (a private
conversation between two senior Shoora members) and were they not terminable offences?:
a. clauses 7.2 b and c by breaching Islamic principles, and breaking the organisational
b. clause 9.9.4 by creating a group (for campaigning and character assassination);
c. clause 16.2 by seeking the position, by directly campaigning for you (Br. Musleh Faradhi),
and character assassinating me and some other brothers and sisters;
d. Have they not made terminable offences according to the clauses 18.2 a, b, d, and e?
e. Have you not brought the organisation to disrepute (clause 18.2b) by circulating the news of
my suspension, which was a private conversation between two Shoora members, illegally
and unethically heard by some other Shoora members? Couldn’t this be kept confidential to
the Shoora members only?
15. How can they (you and the alleged brothers) be part of the decision making on my case, or even
any other Shoora decision making until they get cleared of the accusations through independent
third party investigation? Isn’t it a clear breach of the clause 9.9.1 by the current Shoora by allowing
them to be part of decision making? How can they apply the highest ethical standards when making
decisions and formulating policies while they are alleged perpetrators and under investigation?
16. Are you and the Shoora considering these alleged brothers differently than me, as they are in the
Shoora? Do you consider them superior human being than me, and above justice, as they in the
Shoora? Why would their honour be higher than me? Why can they backbite, slander and character
assassinate me and other brothers and sisters, and why can’t I mention that they have done it?
Where did they get this immunity?
17. How can you reject my accusations without answering to my following questions:
a. Do you mean that you didn’t tell me about your awareness and approval of some brothers
trying to make you CP, and you didn’t call them to ask about it? If you have the courage,
why don’t you accept my call for Mubahala?

54 | P a g e
b. Do you mean that Br. A R Zilu didn’t hold any secret rebel meeting in his house on 3 October
2017? How can the brothers sitting in the Shoora who attended that meeting deny it? There
are many witnesses for this meeting, inside and outside of current Shoora. How can they
deny the discussion that took place in the Central Exco on the matter? Doesn’t it constitute
not only “creating a group”, and making campaign, but also telling LIE? How can they tell a
lie about it and still stay as Members of our organisation? Don’t these utterly breach many
clauses of our Constitution as mentioned above in point 14? Are they not terminable
c. Do you mean that the brothers I alleged didn’t disrupt 2018 AGM?
d. Do you mean that these alleged brothers (and some sisters) did not try to stop the
investigation by bringing forward different arguments to help you to make no investigation
as number one option in Members conference on the 15 December 2019 without Shoora
e. Do you mean that you didn’t say in the first London Regional Incharges meeting (18 October
2019) the following?: “Your Bhabi knew that people were campaigning to bring me as CP.
She was so upset that she didn’t even come to the AGM.”
f. Do you mean that some of these brothers didn’t have a secret meeting in Br. Ahsan bin
Mazhar’s house?
g. Do you mean that their sayings on different occasions do not match with the words in
Concerns letter by self-claimed “The Committee” on 2 October 2019?
h. Do you mean that they didn’t do any campaign at all, even after reading all the evidence and
witnesses I provided in my response statement? How can you deny without investigating
i. Do you mean to ignore all the allegations by Maolana Nasir completely?
18. Why wouldn’t it be fair to take it to a neutral third party to hear the whole judgement? Or, why
can’t it be taken to Members conference for members to listen to the basis and the process of your
judgement and my response statements?
19. Why have you threatened me saying “please do not send these documents in full or in part to
anyone. If you do, you will be held to account.”? Please explain to me why I can’t do it when you
are circulating your decisions to all Members.
20. Why wouldn't it be just and fair for me to inform our Members about my side of the story when
you and your group are spreading your versions among the manpower? And these are already in
the field.

For all the above concerns, why wouldn’t all your decisions starting from suspension to spreading it to all
members, then termination, and calling for appeal hearing be unconstitutional, illegal and immoral, and
hence null and void?
I look forward to your concrete answers to all the above questions before sending me any further
communications. Please take it seriously. You will be held to account if you fail to answer and keep on
ignoring the above questions, and spreading your versions of the issue.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Emranul Haque

55 | P a g e
Your Suspension
Musleh Faradhi <>
Sun 26/07/2020 16:23
To: You
Cc: Hamid Hussain Azad
Dear brother Dr. Emranul Haque

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.

I pray that Allah (SWT) helps you to overcome the situation you are in with Sabr and Salah.

I am writing to confirm the decisions the MCA Shoora took in the meeting yesterday (25 July 2020) in your presence,
due to your serious misconduct, violation of the constitution and breach of your oath of MCA membership.

1. Your Membership - with immediate effect your MCA membership is being suspended for a period of three months.
I advise you to use this time for tawbah, istighfar and reflection.

2. You were instructed:

a. For the duration of the suspension, not to contact any manpower of MCA or answer any call from any manpower of
b. To delete all social media groups that you belong to where any manpower of MCA are included
c. To come out of and delete all MCA groups that you are in.
d. To delete all contact numbers and email addresses of MCA manpower from your mobile and all other devices.
e. The only person you are allowed to communicate with in MCA is me as the CP.
f. If you have any scheduled talks or organisational activity, you must immediately decline them and not commit, take
or be involved with any MCA activity during your suspension.

I advise you to take this matter very seriously and strictly conform to the instruction above.

May Allah (SWT) help us, forgive us and enable us to serve His cause. Ameen.

Musleh Faradhi
Central President
Muslim Community Association

From: Musleh Faradhi <>

Sent: 29 July 2020 09:34
To: <>
Subject: Statement of conversation

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Dear brother Dr. Emranul Hoque,

I hope and pray that you are keeping well by the grace of almighty Allah.

I am writing to inform you that the Shoora Council of MCA requires from you a full written
statement of the conversation between you and br. Mamoon Al-Azami that took place on
25th of July 2020 during the break of the meeting. I have been informed that the audio record
might have only captured part of the conversation.
56 | P a g e
Please send this to me by 6pm, Thursday 30th of July 2020.

Brotherly yours,

Musleh Faradhi
Central president
Muslim Community Association

From: "" <>

Date: Thursday, 30 July 2020 at 17:43
To: Musleh Faradhi <>
Subject: Re: Statement of conversation

Wassalam Musleh Bhai,

Unfortunately I cannot respond to this request now.

Please allow me some family time during the Eid days, which any Muslim is entitled to.

I am reflecting on the situation at the moment. As things happened in such a speed, it has traumatised me. At
the moment, I feel that this is going to the level of mentally torturing me. Now I need some time to think it
through peacefully. I will contact you when I will be ready to do so inshaAllah.

Please make du'aa.

Sincerely yours,


Re: Statement of conversation

You replied on Thu 06/08/2020 15:59
Musleh Faradhi <>
Mon 03/08/2020 22:31
To: You
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Dear Dr. Emran,

I hope you have had good time with your family, in sha Allah. Following your request, I have not
replied to your email until after the Eid celebration is over. Though you have informed that you
would come back to me, a date of which is uncertain, I need to inform you that the Shoora Council
of MCA is meeting on 8th of August 2020. It is essential that your statement arrives well before
that. Therefore, I would urge you to send your statement by 6th of August so that the Shoora has it
when discussing the matter related to your suspension.

Jazakallah Khairan for your co-operation.

Brotherly yours,

57 | P a g e
Musleh Faradhi
Central president
Muslim Community Association

From: Musleh Faradhi <>

Sent: 15 August 2020 13:24
To: <>
Subject: Termination of Membership

Dr. Emranul Haque

15th August 2020

Dear Brother Dr. Emran

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah

I hope and pray that this communication finds you in the best of Iman and health.
I am writing to inform you of the outcome of the Shoora Council meeting held on Saturday 8 August 2020
to review the misconduct incident that occurred during the Shoora Council session on 25 July 2020 and the
sanction approved by the Shoora.
Following the suspension of your membership, the CP had communication with both of you -yourself and
Br Mamoon Al-Azami - and has received written statements from several Shoora members who directly
heard your untoward conversation with the latter. Based on the witness statements and a close review of the
transcript of the recording, the Shoora Council felt that the incident was much graver than initially
determined and therefore the decision of 25 July 2020 warranted an immediate review to ensure justice and
fairness and, crucially, compliance with the organisation's constitution and the Code of Conduct Policy.

After a detailed discussion and consideration of the additional evidence, the Shoora Council unanimously
concluded that your conduct was not only totally unacceptable from a member and a senior leader of the
organisation, but the incident constituted a 'Membership terminable offence' on the following grounds:

Ground 1: Grouping

In your conversation with Br. Mamoon Al-Azami you referred to "our conservative group" within the MCA.
You also stated, "they divided our conservative group".
This is a clear violation of the constitution - Clause 7.2 (b) & (c) and Clause 9.9.4.

Ground 2: Calling Shoora Members "Mastans" and "they are all Sylheti"
You called some brothers "Mastan" and referred to them as 'Sylheti".
a. This is an offensive term and is undermining and degrading of a community; worst of all -
this is openly racist which has no place in Islam nor our organisation.
b. This constitutes gross misconduct, a grave offence of character assassination of a fellow
Muslim and also clearly against the basic etiquette of a Muslim.
This conduct is a clear breach of Clause 9.9.4 of the MCA constitution and violation of the criteria of
membership enshrined in its Clauses 7.2 (b) & (c) and 6. (e)
Ground 3: Attacking the honour and dignity of fellow shoora members
58 | P a g e
You have disrespectfully named six brothers and one sister using derogatory words against them. You have
also brought serious allegation against one brother saying that he is the "main instigator".
a. This is a clear character assassination of individuals and use of offensive language which is
against Islam and organisational discipline. This is backbiting which is haram in Islam and
a major sin.
b. This is a serious failure to follow the organisational discipline of keeping the honour and
dignity of brothers and a sister.
c. This is clear evidence of creating and inculcating factionalism in the organisation.
This conduct is again a clear violation of the criteria of membership enshrined in Clause 7.2 (b) & (c) and a
breach of Clause 9.9.4 of the Constitution.

Ground 4: Appointment of members in the Exco to serve personal interest

In the conversation with Br. Mamoon Al Azami, you clearly mentioned that you appointed Brs Imam Abul
Hussain Khan and Nessar Ahmed to the Exco in the last session with a "hope that they would be appeased,
but they were not"
a. It shows that your appointment of Exco members was based on furthering a group interest
and not on merit and clear evidence of creating and inculcating factionalism in the
b. This action was a clear violation of amanah that members entrusted upon you.

This conduct is again a clear violation of the criteria of membership enshrined in Clause 7.2 (b) & (c) and a
clear breach of Clause 9.9.4 of the Constitution. This is also a violation of oath of the Central President, as
you were holding the at the time.
Ground 5. UK and London Mapping
In your conversation, you told Br. Mamun Al-Azami that the mapping of the regions was done and approved
in the Shoora meeting with the instruction of Musleh Faradhi to "stop me" i.e. you.
a. This statement is a clear and major accusation from your part without any evidence and
intended to discredit a serving CP of the organisation who followed due procedures in
developing the structure following the decision of Shoora Council.
b. The statement clearly indicates that you were worried about geographical mapping and
positioning of manpower for your interest in seeking or securing a position in MCA, which
is against the constitution.
This divisive statement is a violation of Clauses 7.2, 9.9.4 and 16.2.2 & 16.2.3 of the Constitution. It is also
a violation of MCA's Code of Conduct.
Membership Oath: All the above conducts are a violation of the oaths of membership and Shoora council,
which includes the following:
▪ I will refrain from the major sins.
▪ I will follow the Islamic Shariah whole-heartedly.
▪ I will abide by the constitution of the Muslim Community Association.
The Shoora Council carefully reviewed all the above conducts/offences and unanimously came to the
conclusion that you have violated the oath of membership on many counts; you have breached Islamic
etiquette and principles, and you have violated the Code of Conduct as a member in all the above counts.
You have also violated relevant clauses of the constitution of MCA in more than one count, as stated above.
With all these shreds of evidence and direct witness of your above-mentioned conducts by many Shoora
Council members, it has been proven beyond any doubt that:
a) Your conduct or activities are found to be contrary to the principles and policies of MCA.
b) Your conduct or activities are severe enough to bring the organisation into disrepute.
c) You have attempted to create groups within the organisation.
d) You violate the conditions of Membership, either partially or in full.
e) You have breached the oath of membership and Shoora Council membership.
All these are Membership terminable offences, and sadly, they happened more than once.
Considering the gravity and the damaging nature of the incident and following a unanimous agreement of
the Shoora Council as per Clause 18.3 (c) of the Constitution, I, with a heavy heart have no option but to
terminate your membership with immediate effect.
59 | P a g e
However, the terms and condition imposed during the suspension of your membership will remain
unchanged until the process mentioned in the next paragraph, with an exception of contacting your family
and relatives who are with MCA, for family and personal matters. Please keep in mind you are not allowed
to discuss details of your membership termination with anyone inside or outside of MCA.

You were not able to submit your statement in two opportunities, therefore, I would like to allow you to
submit your defence (explanation statement) in writing within 14 days by 29 August 2020 to ensure justice
and fairness. I will then call an emergency Shoora where you will get an opportunity to present your case
before the Shoora.
This was not an easy decision, but one that had to be taken in the interest of the organisation. I hope you will
take this opportunity to introspect, repent and seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah

May Allah forgive us all, protect our beloved organisation and enable us to strive for His cause. Ameen.

Brotherly yours,

Musleh Faradhi
Central President
Muslim Community Association

From: "" <>

Date: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 12:48
To: Musleh Faradhi <>
Subject: Re: Termination of Membership

Dear Brother Musleh Faradhi,


In the interest of justice and fairness and to prepare the response to your letter/email, please provide me with
the followings:

1. The transcript of the recording that you referred to in your letters/emails

2. MCA Constitution
3. MCA Muhasaba Policy, and any other documents related to grievances, complaints and
disciplinary procedure
4. MCA Code of Conduct
5. MCA Membership Oath
6. MCA Conflict of Interest Policy
Though I may have some of them, I need them from you to prepare my response. I believe all these
documents are ready at your hand to supply to me.

May I also ask you to provide me with the Islamic and legal basis (any corresponding document, e.g.,
GDPR, or any other legal or policy documents) of instructing me “to delete all contact numbers and email
addresses of MCA manpower from my mobile and all other devices”? How can I do this when:
1. most of them have become my friends and family over the last 22 years, and I have
numerous mutual communications and correspondence with them,
2. many of them came into the organisation through my invitation,
3. many of them called/emailed me for my advice on personal and family matters over the last
22 years,
4. even my wife is included in your instruction as she is also a Member of this organisation

Sincerely Yours,

60 | P a g e
Dr. Emranul Haque


From: Musleh Faradhi <>

Sent: 26 August 2020 22:27
To: <> <>
Subject: Re: Termination of Membership

Please also find the transcript

From: Musleh Faradhi <>

Date: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 23:17
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Termination of Membership

Dear brother Dr Emranul Haque

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Thank you for your email.

Please find attached the documents and policies that were put together under your leadership as the
Secretary of RPS, of which I have received a copy. In addition, please find updated Muhasaba Policy, newly
agreed Social Media Policy, Members Oath and a copy of the Constitution.

In relation to other question, as this condition was stipulated by Shoora, you can include them in you written
submission and raise it directly with the Shoora.


Your brother

Musleh Faradhi

Central President


From: Mohammad Emranul Haque <>

Sent: 29 August 2020 22:54
To: Musleh Faradhi <>
Cc: Habibur Rahman <>; Dilowar Khan_Personal <>; hamid azad
<>; Ayub Khan <>; atiqur rahman1 <>; Sheikh
Abdul Qayum <>; Abul Hossain Khan_Personal <>; Nessar Ahmed, IFE
Finance <>; Abu Bokkor New <>; Rahela Chowdhury
<>; Maolana Abdul Mumin <>; sirajul islam hira new
<>; Muhammad Rabbani <>;
<>; Mamoon AlAzmi <>;
<>; Nurul Matin Chowdhury <>; adm younus
<>; Dilder Chowdhury <>; Abdullah Falik
Subject: Re: Termination of Membership

61 | P a g e
Dear Brother Musleh Faradhi,

Assalamu Alaikum.

Thank you for sharing the transcript of the audio record. However, you provided me with the
record of the relay in the Shoora of original record made by Br. Ayub Khan, which was made
without our awareness or permission.

Please find attached my response to you on the TERMINATION LETTER you sent me.

I am copying this email and the statement to all Shoora members for the following reasons:

1. Even after being conflicted along with the 6 brothers that I mentioned in the
conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi, you were part of the decision making. So, I
cannot trust your judgement and I cannot trust you even at the communication
2. Furthermore, when I asked you about the Islamic and legal basis of asking me to
delete all contact numbers of all our manpower with whom I have numerous mutual
communications over the last 22 years, you said I should ask this to Shoora
members, you cannot answer this. So, my response and statement should go to all
Shoora members.
It happened in Shoora meeting's break time, and it was a private conversation between two
Shoora members. But you spread it to all Members in the UK and mainland Europe. So, for justice
and fairness, my response should reach all Members who received your circular.

I reject your decision as I do not accept you as the LEGITIMATE CP, this Shoora do not have the
LEGITIMACY to decide on the matter related with CAMPAIGNING, GROUPING and
CHARACTER ASSASSINATION when the investigation is taking place about it. My complaints
were about you Br. Musleh Faradhi and the other 6 brothers (I am not sure which sister you were
referring to). So, you are a party against me, and you cannot take any decision about my
Membership. Please read the details in my attached response.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Emranul Haque


From: "" <>

Date: Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 01:51
To: Musleh Faradhi <>
Cc: Rahman Habibur <>, Khan Dilowar Hussain <>,
Hamid Hussain Azad <>, Khan Ayub <>, atiqur rahman1
<>, Sheikh Abdul Qayyum <>, Abul Hussain Khan
<>, Nessar Ahmed <>, Abu Bokkor <>,
Rahela Chowdhury <>, Abdul Mumin <>, sirajul
islam hira new <>, Rabbani IFE <>,
"" <>, Mamoon AlAzmi
<>, Nurul Matin Chowdhury <>, ADM Younus
<>, "" <>, Faleq
Abdullah <>, "Rowshanara Kabir (L West)" <>,
Mamoon Al-Azami <>, "" <>,
syeda anjum ara beauty new <>, "Amanaparenting"

62 | P a g e
Subject: Re: Termination of Membership

Dear Br. Musleh Faradhi and Shoora Members,

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. Please see attached an ADDENDUM to the original response letter.
I am also adding here My original response on 29 August 2020, as I couldn't email to some of you as I didn't
have the emails of everybody.
I believe inshaAllah it will be clear to all of you after reading both the documents thoroughly,



Re: Invitation to hearing

You replied on Sat 05/09/2020 21:26
Musleh Faradhi <>
Thu 03/09/2020 21:49
To: You
Dear brother Dr. Emran,

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

I refer to my email dates 15th of August 2020 regarding the termination of your membership. I stated in the letter
that upon receiving your written statement of defence I will call an emergency Shoora Council meeting where you
will get an opportunity to present your case before the Shoora Council.

Accordingly, upon receiving your written statement of defence, I have now called a Shoora meeting for this Sunday,
6th of September to give you the opportunity to present your defence. Please join us at 12:00 (noon). I will send you
a link via email and WhatsApp in sha Allah.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Musleh Faradhi
Muslim Community Association

Termination of your membership

Musleh Faradhi <>
Tue 08/09/2020 18:01
To: You
Termination letter posted 08.09.2020.pdf
28 KB

8th September 2020

Dear Br. Dr. Emranul Haque

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Re: Termination of your membership

The Shoora Council of MCA, as you know, met on 6th September 2020 to hear your defence against its
decision to terminate your membership. You were asked to send your written response and invited to
attend the Shoora to present your case in person. Whilst you sent in your written response, you declined
63 | P a g e
to attend the meeting. The Shoora therefore discussed the decision to terminate your membership, based
on your written submissions (sent on 29th of August, the addendum on 2nd of September and final email
on 5th of September 2020). All of these documents were directly sent to all Shoora members by yourself.

The Shoora carefully considered the contents in all the documents you have sent. It found quite a lot of it
to be unrelated and therefore not relevant for the discussion. Shoora focused on the grounds for
termination as stipulated in the letter sent to you on 15th August 2020 and your specific responses.

The Shoora Council found no substantial evidence to mitigate the grounds of the termination of your
membership, therefore, concluded that the decision of the termination of your membership taken on 8
August 2020, stands and will be implemented with immediate effect. Therefore, you are no longer a
member of Muslim Community Association. You may request a review of the decision by Shoora Council
and if you wish to do please notify the CP within 7 days from the date of this letter. If a request is received,
Shoora Council will consider whether review should be undertaken or not.

In your documents you have made lots of unsubstantiated claims and accusations, against the organisation
and some of its members that the members denied and rejected outright as untrue, fabricated, twisted
and defamatory.

Please do not send these documents in full or in part to anyone. If you do, you will be held to account.

May Allah give us tawfiq to stay on the right path.

Brotherly yours,

Musleh Faradhi
Central President
Muslim Community Association
From: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 17:06
To: Musleh Faradhi <>
Cc: Rahman Habibur <>, Khan Dilowar Hussain <>,
Hamid Hussain Azad <>, Khan Ayub <>, atiqur rahman1
<>, Sheikh Abdul Qayyum <>, Abul Hussain Khan
<>, Nessar Ahmed <>, Abu Bokkor <>,
Rahela Chowdhury <>, Abdul Mumin <>, sirajul
islam hira new <>, Rabbani IFE <>,
"" <>, Nurul Matin Chowdhury
<>, ADM Younus <>,
"" <>, Faleq Abdullah
<>, "Rowshanara Kabir (L West)" <>, Mamoon Al-
Azami <>, "" <>, syeda anjum
ara beauty new <>, "Amanaparenting" <>
Subject: Re: Termination of your membership

Assalamu Alaikum. Please disregard the last email as there was an error in numbering. I corrected it now.
Dear Br. Musleh Faradhi,

Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.

64 | P a g e
It seems that you have not read my responses. I have specifically mentioned that you and the current Shoora don’t
have the legitimacy or moral authority to judge my case (my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi) as you and alleged
brothers are accused and conflicted and I am the accuser. There should be a third-party neutral to me and the
current Shoora to deal with my case. Otherwise, as Members Conference is the highest body of our organisation, I
suggested presenting my case to them.

Instead, you are continuing to give the verdicts of suspension, termination, and appeal hearing without responding
to my questions on your judgement. It is an utter denial of justice and fairness.

Why don’t you answer my questions regarding the legal and Islamic basis of your following actions before sending
me any further letter?:

1. Why will it not be just and fair to forward my statements to all Members who you have communicated
about my suspension without giving them its backgrounds, which caused lots of confusion and suspense?
Has it not thrown doubts in the hearts of all brothers and sisters? Doesn’t it cause them to suspect
anything on the issue?
2. Why wasn’t it right for me to raise concerns (in my conversation with Br. Mamoon Azmi) about your
attempt of a major restructuring (of regions) while the legitimacy of the current Shoora is under
investigation as the alleged perpetrators of the campaign and character assassination are there within the
Shoora (proven by the Shoora statement, which was read and approved by Members in the AGM 2019)?
3. Why did you decide on my suspension then and there on 25 July 2020 without allowing me to respond?
Why were you and your group howling at me and terrorising me at the meeting? Why did you let the
alleged ones to influence fully and divert the interpretation of our conversation to a wrong angle, followed
by its discussion and the decision making? Why did you decide within the meeting when you are
conflicted? Why didn’t you forward it to the disciplinary committee to at least hear my explanation,
interpretation and background of what I said? Br. Ayub Khan acknowledged his conflict as he became
witness by audio recording the conversation. Still, there were two other members of the disciplinary
committee who could at least hear my case and form a neutral investigation committee for justice and
4. Why did you misquote specific words without their proper sentences and the full discussion in the
conversation (to fit your purpose) and divert the discussion towards suspension and termination? Why did
you try to give the wrong meaning to what I said by misquoting words from here and there?
5. How can a decision be made using the broken sentences from a broken audio record without asking its
explanation and background from the person, and without allowing to provide evidence against his claims?
Hasn’t it become one-sided hearing? Now how can you ask me to respond when you have already made
the judgements by influencing the whole issue in the wrong direction?
6. How can a judgement be made based on a single conversation with its broken audio record, without
looking into its explanations and background, and without allowing the person to give his description and
7. How can you take my basic citizen’s and human rights of freedom, and freedom of expressions away from
me? How can you SHUT DOWN my private and public life with lots of INHUMANE, UNISLAMIC and ILLEGAL
injunctions regarding my MUTUAL communications with my brothers and sisters in the organisation who
have been part of my friends and family for the last 22 years, such as,
o Deleting their contact numbers and email addresses,
o Coming out of all WhatsApp groups having them,
o Deleting the WhatsApp groups I created, adding any of them (whereas I always notified the people before
adding them and they had mutual consent with me for a very long time)
o Not talking to anyone of them – it has gone to such a ridiculous level that your instruction included my
o And in the termination letter, you even instructed me not to talk to anyone outside of the organisation?
Did you mean to take away my legal rights as well?
8. You didn’t provide me with the original record made by Br. Ayub Khan. Instead, you provided me with the
two broken audio records and a transcript of the relay of Br. Ayub Khan’s illegal and unethical recording in
the Shoora. Why did Br. Ayub Khan illegally (and breaching the Islamic principles) record my conversation
with Br. Mamoon Azmi without our awareness or permission? Who permitted him to do so? Why did he
relay it to Shoora? Then when and why did you further record it in the Shoora?

65 | P a g e
9. Why were the brothers listening to our conversation without giving us any warning?
10. Why aren’t you taking any actions against those brothers I referred to in my conversation and my response
letters even after I have provided explicit evidence and witnesses? How can they be part of decision-
making while being accused? Why shouldn’t they be investigated about their alleged campaign and
character assassination?
11. How can these decisions be valid while you and the alleged brothers are there in the Shoora?
12. If you are terminating me with the allegations of unconstitutional behaviour, why aren’t you taking actions
against the brothers I alleged for their actions which are more severe than what I said?
13. Why aren’t you responding to my response letters where I demanded to take the alleged perpetrators to
justice? Why can’t my answers to all your allegations about me be valid when I have provided the evidence
and witnesses in all my responses?
14. Have they (you and the alleged ones) not breached all the clauses of our Constitution which you are
imposing on me? Have they not breached the following clauses well before my incidence (a private
conversation between two senior Shoora members) and were they not terminable offences?:
o clauses 7.2 b and c by breaching Islamic principles, and breaking the organisational discipline;
o clause 9.9.4 by creating a group (for campaigning and character assassination);
o clause 16.2 by seeking the position, by directly campaigning for you (Br. Musleh Faradhi), and character
assassinating me and some other brothers and sisters;
o Have they not made terminable offences according to the clauses 18.2 a, b, d, and e?
o Have you not brought the organisation to disrepute (clause 18.2b) by circulating the news of my
suspension, which was a private conversation between two Shoora members, illegally and unethically
heard by some other Shoora members? Couldn’t this be kept confidential to the Shoora members only?
15. How can they (you and the alleged brothers) be part of the decision making on my case, or even any other
Shoora decision making until they get cleared of the accusations through independent third party
investigation? Isn’t it a clear breach of the clause 9.9.1 by the current Shoora by allowing them to be part of
decision making? How can they apply the highest ethical standards when making decisions and formulating
policies while they are alleged perpetrators and under investigation?
16. Are you and the Shoora considering these alleged brothers differently than me, as they are in the Shoora?
Do you consider them superior human being than me, and above justice, as they in the Shoora? Why would
their honour be higher than me? Why can they backbite, slander and character assassinate me and other
brothers and sisters, and why can’t I mention that they have done it? Where did they get this immunity?
17. How can you reject my accusations without answering to my following questions:
o Do you mean that you didn’t tell me about your awareness and approval of some brothers trying to
make you CP, and you didn’t call them to ask about it? If you have the courage, why don’t you accept
my call for Mubahala?
o Do you mean that Br. A R Zilu didn’t hold any secret rebel meeting in his house on 3 October 2017? How
can the brothers sitting in the Shoora who attended that meeting deny it? There are many witnesses for
this meeting, inside and outside of current Shoora. How can they deny the discussion that took place in
the Central Exco on the matter? Doesn’t it constitute not only “creating a group”, and making campaign,
but also telling LIE? How can they tell a lie about it and still stay as Members of our organisation? Don’t
these utterly breach many clauses of our Constitution as mentioned above in point 14? Are they not
terminable offences?
o Do you mean that the brothers I alleged didn’t disrupt 2018 AGM?
o Do you mean that these alleged brothers (and some sisters) did not try to stop the investigation by
bringing forward different arguments to help you to make no investigation as number one option in
Members conference on the 15 December 2019 without Shoora consultation?
o Do you mean that you didn’t say in the first London Regional Incharges meeting (18 October 2019) the
following?: “Your Bhabi knew that people were campaigning to bring me as CP. She was so upset that
she didn’t even come to the AGM.”
o Do you mean that some of these brothers didn’t have a secret meeting in Br. Ahsan bin Mazhar’s
o Do you mean that their sayings on different occasions do not match with the words in Concerns letter
by self-claimed “The Committee” on 2 October 2019?
o Do you mean that they didn’t do any campaign at all, even after reading all the evidence and witnesses I
provided in my response statement? How can you deny without investigating them?
o Do you mean to ignore all the allegations by Maolana Nasir completely?

66 | P a g e
18. Why wouldn’t it be fair to take it to a neutral third party to hear the whole judgement? Or, why can’t it be
taken to Members conference for members to listen to the basis and the process of your judgement and
my response statements?
19. Why have you threatened me saying “please do not send these documents in full or in part to anyone. If
you do, you will be held to account.”? Please explain to me why I can’t do it when you are circulating your
decisions to all Members.
20. Why wouldn't it be just and fair for me to inform our Members about my side of the story when you and
your group are spreading your versions among the manpower? And these are already in the field.

For all the above concerns, why wouldn’t all your decisions starting from suspension to spreading it to all members,
then termination, and calling for appeal hearing be unconstitutional, illegal and immoral, and hence null and void?

I look forward to your concrete answers to all the above questions before sending me any further communications.
Please take it seriously. You will be held to account if you fail to answer and keep on ignoring the above questions,
and spreading your versions of the issue.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Emranul Haque


Re: Termination of your membership

Musleh Faradhi <>
Thu 17/09/2020 12:22
To: You
Dear brother Dr. Emran,

I refer to your reply email of 15th September 2020 in response to my email letter of 8th September 2020 in which I
offered you an opportunity to request a review by the Shoora council of the decision of your termination. Since you
have not availed the opportunity the matter comes to a close. The decision of your termination that was conveyed
to you by email letter dated 8th September 2020 will be implemented with immediate effect.

Brotherly yours,

Musleh Faradhi
Central President
Muslim Community Association

67 | P a g e

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