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Hyderabad Institute of Arts, Science and



Submitted by: Ghulam Mohiuddin

Submitted to: Ma’am Komal Naz


Task1: what are Client and Server machines? Elaborate

Client Machines: A client can be a device or a program. A client device is a machine the
end users use to access the web. Desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets are some examples
of devices. A client program is a program that allows the user to make requests through the
web. One example is a web browser. A user can request for web page through a web browser.
Moreover, the programs that can get online support, themes etc. can be also considered as
clients. These are some examples of Client Machines
 Desktops  Laptops
 Web browsers  Smartphones

Server Machines: A server is a device that provides services to client requests. These
devices run server programs. A single server can provide services to multiple clients
simultaneously. Usually, servers run continuously. There can be multiple servers in a single
machine. For example, there can be both web servers and file servers running at the same
time to sever different clients. It is also possible to have the client and the server in the same
machine.  Database servers, file servers, and web servers are some examples for servers.

What is the difference between Application Software and
software and
software? Mention
some real time
software with
categories of software.

Application Software: Application Software is a program that does real work for the user. It
is mostly created to perform a specific task for a user. Application Software acts as a mediator
between the end-user and System Software. It is also known as an application package. This type
of software is written using a high-level language like B, Java, VB. Net, etc. It is a user-specific
and is designed to meet the requirements of the user.
Types of Application Software: Here, are some important types of Application Software
 Word-processing Software: I t makes use of a computer for creating, modifying,
viewing, storing, retrieving, and printing documents.
 Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet software is a numeric data-analysis tool that allows
you to create a computerized ledger.
 Database Software: A database software is a collection of related data that is stored
and retrieved according to user demand.
 Graphics Software: It allows computer systems for creating, editing, drawings, graphs,
 Education Software: Education software allows a computer to be used as a learning and
teaching tool.
 Entertainment Software: This type of app allows a computer to be used as an
entertainment tool.
Features of Application Software
Important Features of Application software
 Perform more specialized tasks like word
processing, spreadsheets, email, photo editing,
 It needs more storage space as it is bigger in
 Easy to design and more interactive for the
 Generally written in a high-level language

System Software: System software refers to

the files and programs that make up your computer's operating
system. System files include libraries of functions, system services, drivers for printers and
other hardware, system preferences, and other configuration files. The programs that are part of
the system software include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, system utilities, and
Types of System Software: Here are some Important types of system software
 Operating systems:- Operating system software helps you for the effective utilization
of all hardware and software components of a computer system.
 Programming language translators:- Transforms the instructions prepared by
developers in a programming language into a form that can be interpreted or compiled
and executed by a computer system.
 Communication Software : - Communication software allows us to transfer data and
programs from one computer system to another.
 Utility programs: - Utility programs are a set of programs that help users in system
maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature.

Features of System Software: Important feature of System Software

 System Software is closer to the system

 Generally written in a low-level language
 The system software is difficult to design and understand
 Fast in speed
 Less interactive
 Smaller in size
 Hard to manipulate

What is WWW? Difference between Website and Web page with example

WWW: The World Wide Web (WWW) is a network of online content that is formatted in
HTML and accessed via HTTP. The term refers to all the interlinked HTML pages that can be
accessed over the Internet. The World Wide Web was originally designed in 1991 by Tim
Berners-Lee while he was a contractor at CERN.
The World Wide Web is most often referred to simply as "the Web" The World Wide Web is
what most people think of as the Internet. It is all the Web pages, pictures, videos and other
online content that can be accessed via a Web browser. The Internet, in contrast, is the
underlying network connection that allows us to send email and access the World Wide Web.

Website: A Website is a collection of several webpages linked together using hyperlinks. All
the webpages are linked under a single domain to uniquely identify the website. Websites are
the main source of connecting hyperlinks to different sections, and these sections may further
include other relevant webpages. Like a webpage, people can easily navigate any website using
a web browser and entering the domain address. Websites also follow the same programming
languages for the development, which are required for webpage development. However,
website development is complex and takes more time

Characteristics: The following are the characteristics of the website:

 The website is a cluster of different webpages and can include text, media,
and other content.
 The website is presented by a unique domain address.
 The website takes more time to develop than a webpage.
 The website is comparatively complex to develop.

Page: A webpage is defined as a single document or a solitary page of any website. Every
webpage is attached to a unique URL address used to render or access that particular page.

These URLs and webpages can be private or public, depending on how the developers have
configured them. Any web browser can be used to navigate URLs, which can also be copied and
shared by users. Viewing a website does not usually need any navigation if we have its URL
address. However, most URLs are connected to a website that helps developers create a proper
sitemap and structured user interface. This also helps with search engine optimization (SEO).
Webpages are created using different programming languages depending on the platform used
for the development. Some most common programming languages include HTML, PHP, Python,
and Perl, etc. The HTML webpages are considerably faster in loading and include a simple and
clean appearance. However, CSS and JavaScript help to build more interactive webpages with
validations. Apart from this, the webpages usually include different types of resources to be
more interactive and eye-catching. There are two types of webpages: a 'static webpage' and a
'dynamic webpage'

Characteristics: The following are the characteristics of the webpage

 Being a part of a website, the web page contains several topics linked to the
 Different webpages can use the same name (title name), but they should
reside in different documents having different URLs.
 Webpages take less time to be developed as compared to the website.
 The webpage is relatively easy to develop.


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