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Network Topology

2.1 Introduction
The problem of network analysis is one of finding the currents and voltages in the network elements
when the network and sources are known. We can find these unknown parameters by using different
simplification techniques. These network simplification involves basic Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s’ laws
application, loop analysis, nodal analysis, star-delta transformations source shifting and source
transformation. The mesh analysis and nodal analysis are the most useful techniques for the analysis of
a network. However, in these techniques selections of unknown variables is difficult. The number of
unknown variables increases as the network becomes complicated. Hence in such cases, the network
analysis is made simpler by using concepts in the network topology.

In a network topology, only geometrical structure of a network is considered. Basically any network is
the interconnection of various network elements which are either active or passive. Thus in the network
topology only geometrical pattern is considered and the nature of the elements is suppressed and
simplify the drawing of the network by showing the elements as lines. The resulting drawing is called a
linear graph or simply a graph.

The voltage sources and current sources are to be replaced by their respective internal impedances. If
internal impedances are not known, replace the above mentioned sources by their ideal internal
impedances. The ideal internal impedance of a voltage source is zero; so replace the voltage source in
the network by a short circuit in the graph. The ideal impedance of a current source is infinite; so
replace the current sources in the network by open circuit in the graph.

A linear graph is defined as a collection of various nodes and branches. A node is defined as a common
point at which two or more branches meet together. While a branch is a line joining two nodes which
represents a circuit element. The nodes and branches are normally numbered.

Consider a simple electrical network as shown in the Fig.2.1a.

In the given network, there are 4 nodes and 7branches in which there are network elements. But the
graph will have only 6 branches because the current source without internal impedance mentioned can
be replaced by the open circuit; hence not considered.

Figure 2.1 Network and its Graph

As discussed earlier, all network elements are represented by a short line joining respective nodes. The
graph for a given network is shown in Fig 2.1b. all the branches are also shown excluding the branch (7).

Practically the above graph is called an un-oriented graph. The graph of a network may be either
oriented graph or un-oriented graph.

2.1.1 Oriented Graph and Un-Oriented Graph

Oriented graph is a graph in which the directions of the branch currents are known in the given network
and the same are transferred on the graph. The oriented graph is also called directed graph.

Consider the network shown in Fig.2.2a

Figure 2.2 Network and Oriented Graph

When the directions of the currents are given in the network and the graph is without such currents
directions, such graph is called un-oriented graph. The graph shown in Fig.2.2b is an oriented graph.

2.1.2 Planar Graph and Non-planar graph

A planar graph is a graph drawn on a two-dimensional plane such that no two branches intersect at a
point which is not a node. The planar graphs are shown in Fig.2.3

Figure 2.3 Planar Graphs

A non-planar graph is a graph drawn on a two-dimensional plane such that two or more branches
intersect at a point other than a node on a graph.

The graphs shown in Fig.2.4 are non-planar graphs.

Figure 2.4 Non-planar Graphs

2.1.3 Subgraph
A sub graph is a subset of branches and nodes of a graph. There are two types of a subgraph. If the
subgraph contains branches and nodes less in number than those on the graph, then the subgraph is
called proper subgraph.

The graph and its proper subgraphs are shown in Fig 2.5a and Fig 2.5b.

Figure 2.5 Graph and its Proper Subgraphs

If the subgraph contains all the nodes of a graph and the branches, then a subgraph is called improper

Figure 2.6 Graph and its Improper Subgraph

2.1.4 Path
A set of elements that may be traversed in order without passing through the same node twice is called
a path.

2.1.5 Rank of a Graph

If there exists N number of nodes (or vertices), then the rank R of a graph is given by the relation,

R=(N −1)
2.1.6 Tree
Tree is a set of branches with every node connected to other node, such that any one of the branches
removed changes this property. In other words, we can state that it is a connected subgraph of a
connected graph containing all the nodes of the graph not forming any loop. Thus, tree is a set of
branches with all nodes not forming any loop or closed path. A graph and some of the possible trees
are as shown in Fig. 2.7

Figure 2.7 Graph and Some of Possible Trees

Properties of a tree

i. Tree contains all nodes on the graph.

ii. Tree does not contain any closed path.
iii. In a tree, there exists only one path between any pair of nodes.
iv. Every connected graph has at least one tree.
v. In a tree, minimum end nodes are two
vi. The rank of the tree is the same as the rank of the respective graph i.e. ( N −1).
vii. If the graph has N nodes, then the tree contains ( N −1) branches.

2.1.7 Branch of a Tree (Twig)

A branch of a tree is also called a twig. If there are N nodes on a graph, then the tree contains ( N −1)
twigs. Then referring Fig 2.7b, twigs of a tree can be written as follows:

 For first tree, twigs are T ={ ( 2 ) , ( 5 ) ,(6) }

 For second tree, twigs are T ={ ( 2 ) , ( 4 ) ,( 5) }
 For third tree, twigs are T ={ ( 1 ) , ( 4 ) ,( 6) }

2.1.8 Cotree
A set of branches forming a complement of tree is called cotree.

The number of branches of a cotree equals b−(N −1) where b is number of branches of a graph.

2.1.9 Chord (or Link)

The branches which are not in a tree are called chords or links.
Refer Fig. 2.7b

 For first tree, chord or links are L= { (1 ) , ( 3 ) ,(4 ) }

 For second tree, chord or links are L= { (1 ) , ( 3 ) ,(6) }
 For third tree, chord or links are L= { ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) ,(5) }

2.1.10 Loop
In general, a network consist of N nodes which are interconnected in some way by b branches, then it is
possible to traverse adjacent branches starting at any node and return to the original starting node in
different ways. Such a closed path formed by the network branches is called a loop.

Loop is a connected subgraph of a connected graph such that at each node there are two branches
incident. Fig 2.8 shows different loops.

Figure 2.8 Loops

2.2 Incidence Matrix

2.2.1 Complete Incidence Matrix
The incidence matrix is a mathematical model to represent the given network with all information
available. The information regarding the network is nothing but which branches are incident at which
node and what are the orientations relative to the nodes. All this information is written in a matrix form
which is called complete incidence matrix.

Consider the network and its oriented graph shown in Fig. 2.9

Figure 2.9 Network and Oriented Graph

There are 4 nodes namely A, B, C, D and 6 branches as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The directions are selected
randomly for explanation purpose. For a graph, if there are N nodes and b branches, the complete
incidence matrix a q=q hk is a rectangular matrix of order N ×b . The standard conventions to be
followed while writing the incidence matrix are as given below:

q hk =1 , if branch k is associated with node h and oriented away from node h.

q hk =−1 , if branch k is associated with node h and oriented toward node h.

q hk =0 , if branch k is not associated with node h.

The complete incidence matrix of the network shown in Fig. 2.9 is given below in tabular form.

Nodes = A, B, C, D

Branches = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Branch 1 2 3 4 5 6

A -1 +1 +1 0 0 0

B 0 -1 0 -1 +1 0

C 0 0 -1 +1 0 +1

D +1 0 0 0 -1 -1

The above result can be written in matrix form as follows

In the above matrix, the summation of elements in any column results in zero value.

This is because each of the branch is considered in one column. Each branch connects two nodes. The
current flows towards the node at one end, while it flows away from the node at other end.

Any one row of the complete incidence matrix, can be obtained by algebraic manipulation of the other
rows. For example, in above matrix, the fourth is negative of sum of first three rows. At least we can
eliminate one of the rows as that can be obtained by negative of sum of others.
2.2.2 Reduced Incidence Matrix
When any one row from the complete incidence matrix is eliminated by using mathematical
manipulations, then the matrix is called reduced incidence matrix (or simply the incidence
matrix). It is denoted by simply A.
The reduced incidence matrix is always of the order ( N −1)×b .

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