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LT19A- 19LT701013
Schools concentrate far too much on traditional subjects which do not
adequately prepare students for the realistic demands of the modern working
world. To what extent you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, teaching the traditional subjects has become controversial
argument where everyone has their own valid points. Some people claim that
these traditional subjects are inadequate for learning while others believe that
these are imperative for the future. In my point of view, I completely disagree
with the subjects in school curriculum because at some stage of life, a person can
develop better insight.
On one hand, the subjects for instance, calculus, and derivatives do not
help a student to face world’s reality. In other words, theoretical learning is not
only sufficient to overcome the life’s problem. Furthermore, subjects which
demand our existence like physical education, arts and crafts are which of them
have improved the vision of the education system by forcing them to study, which
they have no interests for. Like if a person wants to become a wrestler, then math
and science have no role in it.
On the other hand, these conventional subjects have their own essence and
significance. It has been on the syllabus since ancient time because it entitled
everything about the world. Instead of focusing only on one field, it’s good to
have an understanding of other fields. Moreover, these subjects will develop
better understanding which prepare students to face any situations in their life.
They can also understand others perspective easily life social skills. For example,
to being a doctor, their subjective knowledge is mandatory as well as he should
also be awarded from others failed to cure patients.
In conclusion, traditional subjects have their personal appeal of culture, city
and the world and even comprise the information of the universe which actually
have improved young person’s mental capacity and give them exposure rather
than to focus only one field.

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