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The Endocrine System – Test Questions

Question 1 – Glands that secrete their product into the interstitial fluid, which flows into the
blood are:

A. Endocrine glands
B. Exocrine glands
C. Pericrintal glands
D. Interocrine glands

Question 2 – Cells that respond to a hormone are:

A. Target cells
B. Affectors
C. Effectors
D. Chromosomal cells

Question 3 – The following is ‘not’ a steroid hormone:

A. Oestrogen
B. Epinephrine
C. Progesterone
D. Cortisol

Question 4 – The endocrine system uses _________ to control and send messages:

A. Electrical signals
B. Hormones
C. Bones
D. Muscles

Question 5 – The hormone that stimulates ovulation is:

A. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

B. Lutenising hormone (LH)
C. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
D. Oxytocin

Question 6 – The gland that does the most to regulate and maintain the function of other
glands is the:

A. Pineal
B. Pituitary
C. Thyroid
D. Parathyroid

Question 7 – Which of the following is ‘not’ a pituitary hormone:

A. Progesterone
B. Growth hormone
C. Prolactin
D. Lutenising hormone (LH)

Question 8 – Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the uterine smooth muscle during:

A. Childbirth
B. Exercise
C. Breathing
D. Singing

Question 9 – The endocrine gland that initiates antibody development by producing

thymosin is:

A. Pineal gland
B. Pituitary gland
C. Thymus
D. Hypothalamus

Question 10 – Which of the following is a response to stress?

A. Decrease in heart rate

B. Increase in urine output
C. Redirect blood from skeletal muscles
D. Increase the respiratory rate

Question 11 – The testes are responsible for the production of:

A. Sperm only
B. Testosterone only
C. Sperm and testosterone
D. None of the above

Question 12 – The mammary glands are situated:

A. In the breast
B. In the testes
C. In saliva
D. In the descending colon

Question 13 – The salivary glands produce:

A. Bile
B. Vitamin E
C. Saliva
D. None of the above

Question 14 – Insulin is produced in the:

A. Ovaries
B. Thyroid
C. Hypothalamus
D. Pancreas

Question 15 – The hypothalamus links the endocrine system to the:

A. Nervous system
B. Skeletal system
C. Muscular system
D. Circulatory system

Question 16 – The following is a condition of the endocrine system:

A. Water retention
B. Addison’s Disease
C. Brittle bones
D. Constipation

Question 17 – Diabetes occurs when a person’s _______ doesn’t produce enough insulin:

A. Pancreas
B. Brain
C. Pituitary
D. Heart

Question 18 – The ovaries are located:

A. In the upper thorax

B. On the left and right side of the pelvic cavity
C. In the cervical area of the body
D. In the lower right quadrant of the body only

Question 19 – The pancreatic endocrine glands are clusters of cells called the:

A. Adrenocorticotrophic hormones
B. PB cells
C. Medulla
D. Islets of Langerhans

Question 20 – The ________ gland is a small oval gland thought to play a role in regulating
the body’s biological clock:

A. Pineal
B. Endocrine
C. Hypothalamus
D. Exocrine


1: A
2: A
3: B
4: B
5: B
6: B
7: A
8: A
9: C
10: D
11: C
12: A
13: C
14: D
15: A
16: B
17: A
18: B
19: D
20: A

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