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Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)

Introduction to Linguistics: LANE 321-Test Bank 1

Part 1: Definition/Short Questions
1. What is Linguistics‫? علم اللغويات‬
‫الدراسة العلمية‬ ‫االصوات التاريخ اللغة‬ ‫المعاني‬
It is the Scientific study of language; history to sounds and meanings.

What is Sociolinguistics‫? علم اللغويات االجتماعية‬

‫كيف تصف‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫بصورة مختلفة تعمل‬ ‫الثقافات المختلفة‬ ‫المواقف‬
It is the study that describes how language functions differently in different cultures and situations.

2. What is Psycholinguistics‫? علم اللغة النفسي‬

‫توضح‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫البشري‬ ‫نفسي‬ ‫سلوك‬ ‫نزعه‬
It is the study that illustrates the language and human psychological behavior and attitude.

3. What is Onomatopoeia‫? المحاكاة الصوتية‬

‫عملية‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫تعلم‬ ‫الكلمات يستخدم‬ ‫يقلد‬ ‫الصوت‬ ‫يدل عليها‬
It is the process of language learning by using words that imitate the sound they denote.

4. What is Neanderthal ‫?االنسان البدائي‬

‫البشر‬ ‫تواجد‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫العصر الحجري االوسط‬ ‫اوروبا‬ ‫قبل اسيا غرب‬
They are the humans who existed during the Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia before
about 35,000 years BC.
‫الفكرة االساسية‬ ‫البدني‬ ‫مصدر التكيف‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫تعلم‬
5. What is the basic idea of The Physical Adaptation Source for language learning?
‫انسان‬ ‫العصر االول‬ ‫هيئة الجسم‬ ‫ساعدت التي تعدلت‬ ‫اعضاء الكالم‬
In the human of the primitive time, the body posture was modified which helped the speech organs
‫من افضل تعمل كي‬ ‫اخر‬ ‫مخلوق‬ ‫العالم في‬
to work better than any other creature of the world.

6. What is innate ‫ الفطرية‬hypothesis‫? الفرضية‬

‫البشر‬ ‫نسل‬ ‫خاصة مزود يولد‬ ‫قدرة‬ ‫للغة‬ ‫يساعدهم التي‬ ‫يتعلم‬
It states that human offspring are born with a special capacity for language which helps them learn
‫لغة اي‬ ‫لغة االشارة حتى بسهولة كبيرة‬ ‫األصم‬
any language very easily, even sign language by deaf.
‫المصدر االلهي‬ ‫فيما يتعلق بـ‬ ‫اصل‬ ‫اللغة‬
7. What is meant by "The Divine Source" in terms of the origin of language?
‫االديان معظم في‬ ‫يقترحون‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫المصدر االلهي‬ ‫تمد‬ ‫مع البشر‬ ‫اللغة‬
In most religions, they suggest that there is "a divine source" that provides humans with language.
‫باختصار صف‬ ‫مصدر االصوات الطبيعي‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫تطوير‬
8. Describe briefly the natural sound source as a language development;
‫حاول‬ ‫يقلد‬ ‫االصوات الطبيعية‬ ‫يسمعها‬ ‫حولهم‬ ‫يستخدمها‬ ‫الى تشير‬
Humans tried to imitate of the natural sounds they heard around them and used them to refer to the
‫األشياء‬ ‫المحيطة‬ ‫البيئة‬
things and objects in the surrounding environment.

9. What is Displacement‫? االزاحة‬

‫القدرة‬ ‫تجعل‬ ‫شيئا ما الى يشير البشر‬ ‫الحاضر الماضي‬ ‫المستقبل‬ ‫بينما‬
It is the ability that makes Human beings refer to something in past, present and future; whereas,
animals can talk about present only‫ الحاضر فقط‬.

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
10. What is "Arbitrariness"‫بديهي‬-‫?اعتباطي‬
‫االتصال‬ ‫بين‬ ‫الشيء‬ ‫شكله‬ ‫لغـوي‬ ‫شكل‬
It is the connection between the object, its shape, and its linguistic form.

11. What is 'Productivity'‫ اإلنتاجية‬in linguistics?

‫البشر‬ ‫باستمرار‬ ‫تعبيرات جديدة يخلق‬ ‫ كلمات‬/ ‫االشياء الجديدة يصف كي نطق‬
Human beings are continually creating new expressions and utterances to describe new objects and
situations‫ المواقف‬.

12. What is cultural Transmission‫التحويل الثقافي‬/‫? النقل‬

It is the process whereby a language is passed on from one generation.

13. Define "Duality"‫ االزدواجية‬/ "double articulation"‫إزدواجية النطق‬:

‫البشر‬ ‫لغة‬ ‫تنظم‬ ‫مستويين‬
Human language is organized at two levels.
‫العناصر المستوى االول‬ ‫مثل‬ ‫الحروف الساكنة‬ ‫الحروف المتحركة‬
The first level is elements such as the consonants (p, b, t, d, k, g/) or the vowels (u, a, i/).
‫تجتمع‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫كلمات وحدات المستوى الثاني‬ ‫مثل‬
They are combined to create the second level; units (words), such big, cat, door.

14. Phonetic Alphabets ‫ االبجدية الصوتية‬:

‫نظام‬ ‫رمز كل حيث‬ ‫مربوط‬ ‫مع‬ ‫محدد‬ ‫تعرف كي يساعد هذا صوت‬
It is a system where each symbol is associated with a particular English sound. This helps to know
‫كيف‬ ‫تنطق‬ ‫كلمة معينة‬ ‫مثل‬
how to pronounce a certain word such as (ɜ: / i: / eə / θ / ð).

15. Phonetics‫ علم الصوتيات‬:

‫دراسة‬ ‫خصائص‬/‫سمات‬ ‫أصوات الحديث‬
The study of the characteristics of speech sounds.

16. Consonants‫ الحروف الساكنة‬:

They are the sounds which are produced with the obstruction of the air passage and then its release
through the mouth cavity or nostrils.

17. Vowels‫ الحروف المتحركة‬:

‫صوت الكالم‬ ‫يصنع‬ ‫ينتج‬ ‫من خالل يمر تدفق الهواء السماح‬ ‫الفـم‬
A vowel is the speech sound that is made or produced by allowing air flow to go through the mouth,
‫اعاقة اي بدون‬ ‫جزء اي اغالق‬ ‫الفم‬ ‫مثل الحلق‬
without any blockage or closing any part of the mouth or throat such as ( ea / ou / oo / æ / ɛ / ʌ / ʊ )

18. Diphthongs‫ إدغامات الحروف المتحركة‬:

‫االدغام‬ ‫خلق حرف متحرك‬ ‫صوت واحد تنتج كي حرفين متحركين الجمع‬
A Diphthong is a vowel created by combining two vowels to produce one sound.
‫الصوت يعني هذا‬ ‫يبدأ‬ ‫كصوت متحرك‬ ‫يتحول‬ ‫صوت اخر الى ينحدر‬ ‫مثل‬
This means the sound starts as a vowel sound and goes or glides to another sound such as (oy) in

the word (oil), the (ow) in the word (cow) or the (ai) in the word (rain).

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
19. Glottal Stop:
‫عندما يحدث‬ ‫الفراغ‬ ‫االحبال الصوتية بين‬ ‫بشكل كامل يغلق‬ ‫مدة قصيرة‬
Glottal stop occurs when the space between the vocal cords is closed completely for a short time
and then ‫ ثم‬released‫ يحرر‬.

20. Phonology‫ علم االصوات الكالمية‬:

‫وصف‬ ‫انماط صوتية‬ ‫نظام‬ ‫مشترك‬ ‫انتاج في‬ ‫االصوات‬
It is the description of sound patterns and system involved in producing the sounds.

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
Part 2: Multiple Choice Questions

1. MacNeilage says that the act of chewing‫ المغض‬, sucking ‫ المص‬and licking resemble human…….
A. Speech ‫الحديث‬
B. Breathing system
C. Cognitive system

2. The scientists think that spoken language‫ اللغة المنطوقة‬was developed almost ……….years ago.
A. 100,000 to 50,000 ‫االقدم‬
B. 50,000
C. 5000

3. The written language‫ اللغة المكتوبة‬was originated almost …(5000)…………….years ago.

A. 100,000
B. 50,000
C. 5000‫االحدث‬

4. The Egyptian pharaoh ‫" الفرعــون‬Psammetichus" tried an experiment ‫ تجربة‬with ………2500

years ago and left them with …………
A. two monkeys, two men
B. two new born babies, "goats and a mute shepherd"
C. two birds, goats and cats

5. The natural sound source theory suggests that early primitive words were the result of human of
natural sounds.
A. Imitation ‫التقليد‬
B. Rejection
C. Alteration

6. The words 'cuckoo, splash, bang, boom, hiss' are the examples of…. theory of language origin.
A. Big bang theory
B. Bow wow theory
C. Yo-he-ho Theory

7. Which of the following theories includes grunts, groans ‫تأوه‬and curses?

A. Big bang theory
B. Bow wow theory
C. Yo-he-ho Theory

8. The upright posture‫ الوضعية المستقيمة‬of human body is a great support ‫ يدعم‬for ……………….
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Vocal tract‫الممر الصوتي‬

9. Which of the following has the teeth more helpful at producing the sounds /f/ and /v/?
A. Human ‫البشر‬
B. Apes
C. Seals

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
10. Larynx ‫ الحنجرة‬is also called……………
A. Human hear box
B. Human sight box
C. Human voice box‫صندوق الصوت‬

11. Which of the following acts as a resonator for increased range and clarity‫ وضوح‬of sounds?
A. Pharynx‫الحلق‬
B. Mouth
C. Larynx

12. Which part ‫ جزء‬of human brain‫ المخ‬controls language and tool making?
A. Left‫االيسر‬
B. Right

13. According to some linguists, human developed as a first step to make complex ‫ معقدة‬messages
A. Naming ability ‫قدرة التسمية‬
B. Noise ability
C. Crying ability

14. Humans seem to have a pre-programmed‫ مسبق اإلعداد‬system of language learning and
A. Language pea
B. Language gene ‫جينات‬
C. Language game

15. In mid 1980s, Deacon observed that…………… may also speak human language.
A. Monkeys
B. Seals ‫الفقمات‬
C. Cats

16. Communicative ‫ تواصلية‬signals‫ إشارات‬are ……………

A. intentional ‫مقصودة‬
B. unintentional

17. Informative ‫ االعالمية‬signals ‫ إشارات‬are ……………

A. intentional
B. unintentional‫غير مقصودة‬

18. 'fixed reference ‫ 'المرجع الموحد‬in animals refers to ……………

A. one sound one object‫صوت واحد لشيء واحد‬
B. one sound many objects
C. no sound no object

19. We do not inherit‫ غير موروثه‬a language. Language is learnt in the culture‫ ثقافة‬one lives in.
The statement refers to ……………
A. Duality
B. Cultural Transmission ‫النقل الثقافي‬
C. Productivity

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
20. 'nib' and 'bin' are examples of in linguistics.
A. Duality ‫إزدواجية النطق‬
B. Cultural Transmission
C. Productivity

21. Sarah used for the purpose of communication with human signs.
A. Plastic shapes‫أشكال بالستيكية‬
B. Pictures •
C. Photos

22. The study of how speech‫ الكالم‬sounds are made‫ يخلق‬is called___________:
A. Articulatory Phonetics ‫صوتيات النطق‬
B. Auditory Phonetics
C. Acoustic Phonetics

23. The study of the physical properties‫ الخصائص الجسدية‬of speech sounds is called ___________:
A. Articulatory Phonetics
B. Auditory Phonetics
C. Acoustic Phonetics

24. The type of phonetics with how speech sounds are perceived is called ___________:
A. Articulatory Phonetics
B. Auditory Phonetics ‫الصوتيات المسموعة‬
C. Acoustic Phonetics

25. The sounds produced in which the vocal cords ‫ االحبال الصوتية‬vibrate ‫ اهتزاز‬are ___________:
A. Voiced sounds
B. Voiceless sounds

26. The sounds produced in which the vocal cords ‫االحبال الصوتية‬do not vibrate‫ عدم اهتزاز‬are _____
A. Voiced sounds
B. Voiceless sounds

27. The sounds which are formed using both the lips ‫ كال الشفتين‬are called___________:
A. Bilabial "‫"شفهي‬
B. Labiodental
C. Dental
D. Alveolar

28. The sounds which are formed with the tongue tip‫ طرف اللسان‬behind the upper‫ االعلى‬teeth are
called ___________:
A. Bilabial
B. Labiodental
C. Dental‫متعلق باالسنان‬
D. Alveolar

29. The sounds which are formed with tongue ‫ اللسان‬and the palate ‫ باطن الفم‬are called _________:
A. Palatal
B. Labiodental
C. Velar
D. Alveolar
Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
30. The sounds which are produced with back of the tongue against the velum is:
A. Bilabial
B. Glottal
C. Velar
D. Alveolar

31. The sounds which are produced by some form of stopping of the airstream and then letting it go
abruptly is called ________:
A. Affricates
B. Fricatives
C. Stops
D. Liquids

32. Fricatives‫ االصوات االهتزازية‬are the sounds which involve blocking the airstream and having the
air push through the very narrow opening and as a result a ________ is produced.
A. explosion
B. friction‫اهتزاز‬

33. The sounds which are produced by brief stopping of air and then obstructed release causing
‫ تخلق‬some friction ‫احتكاك‬/‫ اهتزاز‬are called ________:
A. Affricates
B. Fricatives
C. Stops
D. Liquids

34. Nasals‫ الحروف االنفية‬are produced with ________ raised preventing airflow from entering the
nasal cavity.
A. tongue
B. larynx
C. pharynx
D. velum ‫لسان المزمار‬

35. Glides = semivowel ‫ نص الحرف المتحرك‬start from or to the position of a ________.

A. consonant
B. vowel ‫( حرف متحرك‬r, w, y)

Introduction to Phonetics Pages (1-6)
Part 3: Complete the following with suitable word
1. In "Charles Darwin's" vision of the origins of language, early humans had already developed
musical ability prior to language and were using it "to charm each other."
2. "King James the Fourth of Scotland" carried out a similar experiment around the year 1500
and the children were reported to have spontaneously started speaking Hebrew ‫العبرية‬
3. "Human teeth" are upright, very helpful in making sounds such as f or v.
4. "Human lips" have much more intricate muscle interlacing than is found in other primates and
their resulting flexibility certainly helps in making sounds like p or b.
5. 'Sneezing' is an example of informative signals.
5. "Loud squawking"‫ زعيق‬of a bird is an example of communicative signals.
7. Animal Communication is designed for immediate‫ فوري‬time.

8. The words "small , tall" represent arbitrariness of human beings.

9. English words 'cuckoo, crash, whirr' are the examples of arbitrariness.

10. Vervet monkeys have 36 social calls.
11. Human can produce large number of sound combinations which are distinct‫ مميز‬in meaning.
12. The smallest unit of a speech sound or a distinguishing sound in a language is called a
13. The soft area beyond the hard palate is called soft palate.
14. Soft palate is also known as velum.
15. The space between the vocal cords in the larynx is called Glottis.
16. Approximant is a sound which is produced without the active use of the tongue and other
parts of the mouth.
17. Glides are also known as approximants or Semi-vowels.
18. The pronunciation of 'butter' as budder" is an example of flap.
19. The /L/ and /r/ sounds are called liquids.
20. Phones are phonetic units and appear in brackets.
21. 'writer' as 'wrider' is an example of flap.
22. 't' as 'th' is an example of aspiration.
23. 'fie, wig, big, rig' are examples of minimal sets.
24. The syllables which do not have final consonant are called open syllable.
25. The syllables which have final consonant are called closed syllable.
26. Aspiration is the puff of the air which gives 'hhh' impact on a phoneme.

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