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Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District meeting

December 8, 2020 Minutes

The meeting was held at Dale Singer’s residence, W4762 South Pearl Lake Road and was
called to order by Chairman Dale Singer at 5:02 p.m.

Roll Call: Nick Thomas, Dale Singer, Ed Sheppard, Jeff Swenson and Kevin Kerwin.
The only other PRD member in attendance was Roger Volden.

Chairman Singer called the meeting to order and asked for any public comments.

The only comment was from Nick Thomas when he noted that he believes that this will be a
stocking year according to our previously established schedule regarding fish management and
he will be working on that.

A motion to approve the minutes from the previous PRD meeting held on Labor Day was made
by Jeff and seconded by Nick Thomas. The motion was approved with all present voting to

The treasure’s report was presented by Treasurer Kevin Kerwin, He noted that the transition
from Randy Rucks and to himself has been completed regarding all the financial issues and
responsibilities. Nick turned some money over to Kevin from the Post Office Bar that has sold
a number of the Waushara County Fishing Habitat cards that will be added to the fish habitat
account. There were some other checks that Dale had along with some bills that were given
to Kevin at the meeting.

Treasure’s report for 12/8/20

Associated Bank checking account; $ 20,924.05

CDs with Verve Credit Union $93,593.45

Deposits--$15.00 from Milton and Roberta Scroggins

Bills paid since treasury change: Aquatic Plant Management LLC $5,140, WCWLC membership
renewal $25.00, Wisconsin Lake Membership renewal $250.00

Finally, Treasurer Kerwin noted that he has completed the Wisconsin Department Revenue
(DOR) application of the special district apportionment of taxes (PC-5050 form, posting a tax
levy of $14,375.00 from the Pearl Lake PRD budget.

Motion by Sheppard seconded by Thomas to accept the treasurer’s report. All present voted
to approve. Motion carried.

A lengthy discussion among the commissioners then ensued regarding the Aquatic Invasive
Species Survey that was completed on September 29, 2020.
The question of chemical vs harvesting the milfoil using the DASH system (Diver assisted
suction harvest) or a combination. The one thing that was clear is that since last year we
have made progress with the milfoil eradication. This can be seen in a review of the maps
from last year compared to this year. Jeff Swenson noted that we need to establish a
baseline to work with for each year.

This lengthy discussion made it clear to the commissioners that the PRD still needs more
clarification on some issues. Dale has been working on this for some time and is well versed
on this. Because we will need to finalize a plan soon it was decided that Dale would finalize
the plan for the PRD depending on the answers to some of the questions that were raised.

Motion by Thomas seconded by Swenson that Chairman Singer work within the budget to
determine if the use of chemicals or hand pulling will be more effective or the possibility of a
combination of both actions. Motion carried unanimously. Dale will work with Cason and
Aquatic Plan management to finalize the 2020-2021 course of action regarding the milfoil
response. He will keep the commissioners aware of his actions and report back to the PRD at
the May 2021 meeting.

Motion by Sheppard seconded by Swenson to adjourn the meeting. All commissioners present
voted to adjourn. (Sheppard, Swenson, Thomas, Kerwin, Singer)

The meeting was adjourned at 6:04 p.m. on December 8, 2020.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary, Pearl Lake PRD

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