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January 25, 2015 Minutes

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm by Chairman Rodger Volden.

Commissioners present: Mark Leissring, Randy Rucks and Shelly Tobiasz

Commissioners absent: Dave Paulick, Chris Sorenson

Treasurer’s report: The PRD had received 3 payments from the county.
Checking balance - $4849.42, Water Quality balance - $65923.90
We need to change the signers for the accounts with the bank.

Old business:

Eurasian Milfoil permit and notification: the application for permission to treat Pearl Lake will be
sent to the DNR. Shelly Tobiasz will mail notification of the 2015 treatment to property owners
within 150 feet of the treatment sites. Treatment will occur after the ice is out and the milfoil
begins to grow.

Boat landing improvements: still waiting to hear from the Town of Leon

New Business:

Discussion to change PRD from fiscal year (July to June) to calendar year. Discussion on
change as of December 2015. New year will start January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016.

Clarification on voting rights at public meetings. Shelly Tobiasz will obtain a current list of PRD
members from county.

Motion made and passed to update the PRD bylaws. Changes will be discussed at the May
meeting and vote on them at the Annual meeting in July.

Milfoil – other methods in case DNR does not approve chemical treatments
Hand pulling
Suction machine

Motion made and passed to have Cason apply to treat the Milfoil

Update on the replacement of Joe Piechowski. The land & water committee would be looking to
fill his vacancy.

Clean Boats-Clean Waters: Last summer the PRD spent $2000 for landing coverage. This year
with the 75%/25% grant, the PRD will contribute $1332 for landing coverage. Volunteers are still

Next meeting will be May 23, 2015.

Motion made and passed to adjourn meeting.

Minutes submitted by: Shelly Tobiasz

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