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Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District June 4th, 2020

Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held virtually using Zoom.

Roll Call: Dave Paulick, Dale Singer, Randy Rucks, Ed Sheppard were present.

Acting Chairman Dave Paulick called this special meeting to discuss two agenda items (1) the
selection of a new chairman since the resignation of Roger Volden. (2) discussion and set up of a
PRD financial audit.

The meeting was held on zoom and was noticed. Others participating in the meeting were Debra
Semrad and Donna and Roger Volden.

After a couple of minor technological issues, the meeting was called to order at 6:14 pm on June
4, 2020.

Regarding the selection of a new chairmen there was brief discussion and a motion made by Dale
Singer, seconded by Randy Rucks that Dave Paulick assume the chairman position until his term
expires after the Labor Day annual meeting. Dave did indicate that he would be willing to take
on that position. The vote to elect Dave Paulick was in favor Singer, Rucks, Sheppard and
Paulick. The motion was passed unanimously.

Regarding the second item on the agenda the yearly audit of the PRD finance, Dave Paulick
announced that July 3rd at 5 pm at Dave Paulick’s residence at Pearl Lake the audit would be
done. Dave indicated that conducting the audit would be Randy Rucks, Dave Paulick, Deb
Semrad and Barb Gosenheimer. With this announcement this completed the work on the two
items on the agenda for this special meeting of June 4th, 2020.

Motion by Rucks, second by Singer to adjourn the meeting 6:32 pm. Unanimous vote to adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm on June 4, 2020.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary, Pearl Lake PRD

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