March 13 2016

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March 13, 2016

Committee Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Chairman Rodger Volden.

Commissioners present: Mark Leissring, Randy Rucks, Dave Paulick and Shelly Tobiasz
Commissioners absent: Chris Sorenson

Treasurer’s report: Checking balance - $9753.23, Water Quality balance - $63,835.32.

Discussion on the Lake Management Plan. Goals needed to be added before submitting to
DNR. Goals discussed: minimize or eliminate invasive species, revise boundaries, ensure
shoreline habitat. Motion to approve plan with discussed corrections. Motion passed.

Discussion on expanding PRD boundaries. The current boundaries were established in 1968.
Phase one would be to incorporate both sides of N and S Pearl Lake Rd and both sides of
County Rd EE. Rodger Volden will get maps of the PRD and Watershed boundaries.

Eurasian Milfoil permit and notification: the application for permission to treat 2 acres on Pearl
Lake will be sent to the DNR. Shelly Tobiasz will mail notification of the 2016 treatment to
property owners within 150 feet of the treatment sites. Treatment will occur after the ice is out
and the milfoil begins to grow. There was a diver in 2012, so a diver should be set up for 2017.
DASH divers, divers with suction, will be looked into. Cason will test for Hybrid milfoil during the
fall survey.

Motion to donate $50 to the Waushara County Land Conservation “Field Days”. Motion passed.

Discussion to support the Central Sands Water Action Coalition with their ongoing education
and commitment to watch over high capacity wells. No fees at this time.

Discussion on boat launch fees. Fees would be paid the township and it would be hard to
enforce. Still looking into ideas. Improvements for the launch will be looked into. Grants are
available from the DNR to pay between 50 % to 80 % of launch projects.

Waushara County meeting will be held at the Fish Hatchery on May 14th.

Submitted by:
Shelly Tobiasz

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