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Annual Meeting of Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District Commissioners

meeting September 5, 2020 Minutes immediately following the PRD annual meeting

The meeting was held at Swenson’s Garage, W4655 South Pearl Lake Road. The meeting
began at 9:25 am by acting Chair Dale Singer.

Roll Call: Jeff Swenson, Kevin Kerwin, Dale Singer, Ed Sheppard, and Nick Thomas.

The first order of business was to elect the officers of the PRD. Motion made by Sheppard
second by Thomas that Dale Singer become the new chairman. Dale agreed and was elected
unanimously; in favor Sheppard, Thomas, Kerwin, Swenson, Singer.

Motion made by Singer second by Swenson that Ed Sheppard remain secretary for the PRD.
All in favor, Singer, Swenson, Kerwin, Thomas, Sheppard.

Motion by Singer second by Sheppard that Kevin Kerwin become the treasurer of the PRD. All
in favor: Sheppard, Swenson, Thomas, Singer, Kerwin.

Chairman Singer then introduced the new officers for the PRD
Chairman of PRD Dale Singer, Treasurer Kevin Kerwin, Secretary Ed Sheppard

Dale asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the August 31st annual meeting.
Motion by Thomas second by Sheppard to approve the minutes as published. All in favor:
Swenson, Kerwin, Singer, Thomas, Sheppard. Motion carried.

Public comment was asked for and there was none.

Because the Treasurer’s report was read at the annual meeting a few minutes prior it was

Nick Thomas then spoke briefly about fish stocking and habitat. It is ongoing and next year
will be a year in which we stock fish again.

Roger Volden is continuing to report on water clarity and the results were as follows:
Chairman Singer also noted that we have received the report for this year on the Clean Boat
Clean Water ongoing program and it has been placed on the website.

Dale then asked if there was any new business? None introduced.

Chairman Singer gave brief closing comments stating that he hoped that he and the
commissioners of the PRD can build on the great work that has been going on now for several

Motion by Sheppard second by Swenson to adjourn. All in favor: Sheppard, Swenson, Kerwin,
Thomas, Singer.

Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary, Pearl Lake PRD

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