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Student Name Lakshay Bhargava

Student Number 6211007

Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHCCC013 Prepare seafood dishes
Elements 1. Select ingredients.
2. Select, prepare and use equipment.
3. Portion and prepare ingredients.
4. Cook seafood Dishes.
5. Present fish and shellfish.
Trainer/Assessor Bhaskar

Assessment for this Unit of Competency Details

Assessment 1 E – Learning Checkpoints
Assessment 3 Practical Observation
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment

No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Candidate Instructions

This is a written assessment. Your Trainer/Assessor will set a date and time to complete this Assessment.

In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

• Print Clearly
• Answer all questions
• Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer,
he/she may be able to re-word the question for you


• This is a summative assessment. The learner is to answer all questions and be competent in them. It is an
individual answered open book assessment monitored in a classroom environment under the supervision
and guidance of the Trainer and Assessor.
• The candidate will only be deemed competent after successfully completing all three assessment tasks
required by the unit of competency.
• For information on re-assessment and assessment appeals please refer to the relevant policy and procedure
in the student handbook.


ANIBT accommodates students with reasonable adjustments to training and assessments. This could include
variations in course delivery or assessment methodology and it is the responsibility of Trainer/Assessors to
coordinate this in consultation with the Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities. When making reasonable
adjustments to assessments and assessment processes, assessors need to focus particularly upon validity and
fairness. If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a
reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.


Plagiarism is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without
appropriate acknowledgement of the author or source. To avoid plagiarism – it is that you write your
assignment answers in your own words, but also reference any sources of information using the Harvard
Referencing System ( please ask your Trainer/Assessor if you require support with this).

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole
or in part of unauthorized collaboration with another person or persons.

Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct
and as such both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other students is not
permitted and will result in NYC.

Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be take against students who engage in
plagiarism and collusion as outlined in the schools’s policies. See ‘Student Discipline/Misconduct Policy’ and
‘Assessment policy’.

Assignments must be typed using document software such as MS word; no handwritten assignments will be
accepted (unless prior written confirmation is provided by the Trainer/Assessor to confirm)


Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate competency against all performance criteria
(included in this booklet) and required skills and knowledge outlined in the competency standard. Competency
will be determined after reviewing all of the evidence you have submitted.

Each piece of assessment will be graded Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). When all evidence has
been gathered, your assessor will make a final judgement and sign off with Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent
(NYC). If you have been deemed competent your assessor will advise you of the ‘final judgement’ and
feedbacks. Alternatively, you will be advised what further action you need to take to achieve competency.


For information in regards to how appeals are to be managed and conducted refer to student handbook pages


For information on how the candidate will be re-assessed refer to student handbook pages 38-39.


All assessor instructions and guidelines are detailed in the trainer and assessor responsibilities handbook.

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:

• culinary terms and trade names for:

o ingredients commonly used in the production of different fish and shellfish dishes
o variety of classical and contemporary seafood dishes
o different varieties of seafood and styles of cooking
• contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
• seafood classifications
• characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
o appearance
o freshness and other quality indicators
o nutritional value
o taste
o texture
• preparation techniques for fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
• cookery methods for different varieties and cuts of fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
• equipment used to produce seafood dishes:
o knife care and maintenance
o essential features and functions
o safe operating practices
• mise en place requirements for seafood dishes
• appropriate environmental conditions for storing and thawing fish and shellfish products to:
o ensure food safety
o optimise shelf life
• safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce seafood dishes.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
 ANIBT Brunswick Campus – Unit 2 / 306 Albert Street, Brunswick, Victoria 3056
 Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to address each question in this assessment.
Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Statement of Authenticity
✔ I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me
✔ and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or
✔ referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment

Digitally signed by
Student Signature: Lakshay Lakshay Bhargava
Date: 2021.07.06
Date: / /
Bhargava 22:38:39 +10'00'

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /


(If required)

Due Date: _______________________________ Signature of Assessor: ___________________

Name of Assessor: ________________________

Date of Re-Assessment: _____________________

The Candidate was assessed as: (Please TICK)

O Satisfactory (S) O Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Your task:

Answer the following questions. All questions must be addressed to demonstrate competence.

1. You arrive at work to start your shift. List 3 methods you could use to identify the mise en place and
preparation requirements for your shift:

Methods to identify mise en place and preparation requirements

1.Figure out before start cooking which ingredients I need.

2.Prepare all the ingredients.
3.Place each ingredient in a container, and position all the containers near the cooking work


2. List 4 aspects you need to consider when selecting seafood for a menu and explain how a chef could
contribute to sustainability when purchasing seafood:

4.Dietary requirements


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
3. What are the nutritional values for seafood? Provide an overview of nutrients contained and the
importance of seafood in a balanced diet:

Seafood is a high-protein food that is low in calories, total fat, and saturated fat. They arealso
high in vitamins and minerals.It is important in balanced diet because eating seafood can
decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity, and hypertension. Seafood also provides
essential nutrients for developing infants and children.


4. Which aspects relating to seafood allergies require awareness and care when preparing and serving
seafood to customers?

When staff is preparing dishes for customers that identify themselves as having an allergy to
fish/shellfish, the staff should use clean cookware and utensils, gloves, cutting boards and other
cooking equipment when preparing the dish to minimize potential for cross contact. Once the
dish is prepared, cover it immediately and transport it covered, to keep it away from foods that
may splatter or transfer steam that contains fish/shellfish protein.


5. List the classifications for finfish and provide 1 example for each category:
Classification Example
1.Bony Fish 1. Flathead
2.Cartilaginous Fish 2.Sharks
3.Freshwater and Saltwater fish 3. Trout
4.Flat and Round Fish 4.Deep sea bream
5.White and Oily Fish 5.Barramundi (White),Atlantic Salmon (Oily)

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

6. List the categories for crustaceans and provide 1 example for each category:

Categories Example
Bugs slipper lobsters
crabs bairdi crabs
Prawns king Prawns
scampi nephrops norvegicus
Rocklobster languste
Freshwater Crayfish astacopsis tricornis


7. List the categories for molluscs and provide 2 examples for each category:

Categories Example
bivalves mussels, nz green lip mussels
univalves oyster,abalone
soft-bodied ink fish squid, octopus


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
8. What are the requirements for the correct handling, storage and the killing of live seafood in a humane
To avoid foodborne illness, it is necessary to cook seafood to an internal temperature of 145°F
for 15 seconds until the flesh is opaque and flaky. Use a food thermometer to check the internal
temperature in the thickest part to make sure that it is fully cooked without overcooking

Finfish should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 1 to 2 days after purchase. Shellfish,
such as mussels, clams and oysters that are purchased live in their shells, should be put in a
shallow pan (no water), covered with moistened paper towels and refrigerated.
Humane Killing Procedures
Spiking involves driving a sharp spike into the brain of the fish. The spike should be placed in a position to
penetrate the brain of the fish and then pushed quickly and firmly into the skull. The impact of the spike should
produce immediate unconsciousness. The spike should then be moved from side to side to destroy the brain.


9. List 4 quality indicators for fresh fish and explain what this would entail when inspecting fish for

Quality Indicators
1.Smell: Fish should smell fresh and mild, not fishy, sour, or ammonia-like
2.Firm meat: The flesh should spring back when pressed
3.Reflective eyes: A fish’s eyes should be clear and bulge a little
4.Translucent flesh: Shrimp flesh should be translucent and shiny with little or no odor.


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
10. What are the quality indicators for the following categories of fresh shellfish? Which aspects need to be
considered to prevent food safety hazards, contamination or quality issues?

Lobster tails should snap occasionally, Crabs will wave
their claws.

Shells should be closed or should close when sharply
tapped or squeezed together for bivalves.

Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles,

pipisBrightly coloured, intact, lustrous shells, that are
turban shells and pipis closed or close when tapped or gently squeezed, and a
pleasant fresh sea smell.

Soft-bodied molluscs (ink fish)

Have a clean ocean scent, and it should look shiny and
plump, not deflated.

Aspects need to be considered to prevent food safety hazards, contamination or quality issues
Establish overall SOPs and HACCP systems including cleaning schedules
Minimise handling of seafood
Wash your hands prior to any handling of seafood
Handle seafood carefully and separate according to species to prevent cross-contamination
Never mix cooked and un-cooked, fish and shellfish
Rinse, then store in ice. Keep covered and moist at 0-2°C
Use designated cutting boards (blue) to prevent cross-contamination
Process only small amounts at a time and put it straight back into the coolroom
Clean and then sanitise your work area regularly to prevent any build-up of bacteria - dry wipe and scrub, rinse with warm water to soften remnants, then use a brush and detergent to clean, rinse with clean water, dry
and sanitise


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
11. List 5 aspects of hygienic handling and storage of seafood including the correct procedures for thawing to
prevent contamination. What does this require in terms of labelling?

1.check the sell by or use by date. not use the same utensils or cutting boards with both raw and cooked seafood products.
3.stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator
4.Marinating should be done in the refrigerator
5.keep raw products separated from cooked products

The seafood for sale should be labelled with the type of fishing gear or aquaculture method
used to bring it to the plate.


12. Calculating portion weights and yield

a. You have 0.800kg fresh cuttlefish. Waste and bones are 57%. What is the net yield expressed in kg?

b. When filleting a Dover sole weighing 750g you obtain 405g cleaned fillets. What is the wastage of skin and
bones expressed in %? __________


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
13. In brief, explain the steps for the following preparation methods. Which tools are used?
Preparation Preparation procedure /Steps Tools used
Use a fish scaler or the back of a knife.Hold the fish Fish scaler,KnifeCutting
Scaling firmly by the tail and scrape the knife from the tail to
the head of the fish removing the scales in a stroking
motion.Finish by washing the fish thoroughly.

Insert the fillet knife into the anus near the tail.Draw Fillet knife,Cutting board
Gutting the knife toward the head, splitting the fish to the
base of the gills.Spread the abdominal cavity with
your fingers.Rinse the cavity out with a good stream
of water.

Remove head by cutting at an angle just under the fins near

Filleting round fish the head on each side, and then under the fin on the
Sharp knife,Cutting
underside.Snap the head off, removing any innards.Make an board
incision along the skin on the back of the fish, to one side of
the dorsal fin.Place the tip of the knife in and run from the heat
to tail, along the bones

Place one fillet, skin side down, on a work surface. knife,Cutting board
Skinning round fish Grasp the fillet firmly atthe tail end and, holding the
knife balde flat, work the knife in between the flesh
and the skin, then carefully slide it down the lengthof
the fillet to remove the skin in one piece


14. Match the cuts of fish to the correct descriptions:

Fish Cuts Correct Descriptions Response

Filet Strips cut diagonally across the fillet approximately

Délice Rolled filled. Can have farce on the skin side.
Paupiette Strips cut diagonally across the fillet approximately Goujonette
Goujon Flesh of the fish completely removed from the bone and most
often skinned; it is generally accepted that there will be no
bones, so remove pin bones.
Goujonette Literally translated as “the best”. A larger fillet is cut on a
slant to make it look bigger.
Suprême Folded fillet. Can have fillings or farces. Délice

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15. Match to the correct general preparation requirements:

Prawns Scrub the shell with steel wool or preferably a
stiff brush to remove any barnacles and grit. Pull
the beard to remove it and the mussels are ready
for cooking.
Crabs can be shucked by opening them with a special
knife from either the pointed end or the rounded
front. by inserting the knife and levering the lid
off. If you want to serve these in its natural juices
it MUST be opened from the hinge end to
prevent shell fragments.
Mussels Remove the top shell, remove the gills, cut in half
and remove the intestines and wash off. The
meat can be pulled out using a lobster fork. The
cleaned meat can be prepared and presented in
the crab shell or in a traditional British dressed
style it is presented elaborately with the leg meat
Oysters These are prepared by washing them to remove
any grit, then removing the head by twisting it or
first cutting in the neck area. Cut the tail in half or
use scissors to cut through the sides of the tail
and then peel off the shell to reveal the meat.
The vein is then removed. The shells can be
utilised in bisques and stocks.


16. Match the moist heat cookery methods to the relevant menu examples for seafood dishes:
Boiling Seafood curry, Bouillabaisse, Thai fish curry with
green beans

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Stewing Chilli crab, whole coral trout with Asian spices

Braising Prawns, Lobster, Crabs, Scampi for use in

seafood cocktails, seafood platters, salads


17. Explain the preparation requirements for the following types of shellfish:
Seafood Preparation requirements

Prawns To shell prawns, twist the head off the body. Peel away the shell and
legs in segments until you get to the tail. Pinch the tail and gently pull
the body out. Take the tip of a sharp knife and make an incision to
expose the vein, which will either be down the back or running along
the belly of the prawn.

should have the beard and any barnacles attached to them removed
prior to cooking. Scrub the mussels with steel wool or preferably a stiff
brush to remove any barnacles and grit. Pull the beard to remove it and
the mussels are ready for cooking. Some suppliers have pre-cleaned
mussels which are vacuum packed and only require rinsing.

can be purchased in the shell or pre-shucked. Oysters can be shucked by opening them with an
Oysters oyster knife from either the pointed end or the rounded front. Whichever way you do it, you insert
the oyster knife and lever the lid off. Try to maintain as much natural sea water as possible as this
provides flavour. Opening oysters from the front will result in more shell fragments as the shell is
softer in this region. Always check for any shell fragments or grit and rinse if necessary. If you need
to rinse the oyster you should use filtered water as this has the least impact on taste. If you want to
serve the oyster in its natural juices it MUST be opened from the hinge end to prevent shell


18. Describe how each of the following methods of cookery can be used for seafood, list the suitable species
and provide at least 1 menu example for each method of cookery:

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Process and suitable species Menu example

Poaching is a moist heat method of cooking Poached salmon
where food is submerged in a bath of
flavorful liquid that’s kept just below the
boiling point (160 to 180 degrees). suitable
species: Salmon, Dover sole

A form of cooking that involves dry heat Marinated Grilled Shrimp
applied tothe surface of food, commonly from
above or below.suitable species: salmon,
tuna, shrimp

Cooking of food in a small quantity of Crispy Pan Fried Fish
pre-heated fat or oil in a shallow pan.suitable
species: prawn, clam

Food is submerged in hot fat, most Fried shrimp
commonly oil.suitable species: prawn, fish


19. Provide 3 examples for the use of seafood offcuts, trimmings and by-products to provide for cost-
effectiveness in a kitchen operation:

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

1.Fish head can be used to make soup

2.Grill or roast the bones of salmon and pick off the meat for salmon salad
3.Prawn shells can be used to make stock


20. Which essential factors need to be considered when presenting seafood dishes? How does this impact on
modern trends compared to traditional seafood preparations?

visual appearance
harmony of ingredient
comparative size between dish and garnish
quality and taste

It includes a lot of new techniques in cooking methods and plating of seafood requires
creativity compared to traditional ones.


21. Match the typical preparation methods, garnishes and/or accompaniments for the following preparation

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
À la meunière Seafood poached and served with white wine
sauce Bercy
À l’Anglaise Seafood drawn through a light, corn flour-based
batter, deep-fried and accompanied by an Asian
dipping sauce
Bercy Describes the seasoning of seafood with salt,
À la meunière
pepper, lemon juice and a dusting of flour,
shallow-fried in butter and finished with butter,
lemon juice and chopped parsley
Tempura Crumbed and pan-fried or deep-fried
À l’Anglaise

22. How can you overcome shortfalls in mise en place or if a menu item sells out during service?

Prepare enough stock for the ingredients of the menu and make a proper planning for the menu
to be served.


23. Which aspects must be considered when storing cooked seafood or displaying cooked seafood for sale
(for example on a buffet)?

When seafood is properly handled and cooked, the risk of foodborne illness from pathogens or
parasites is minimal. Poor handling practices, such as failure to prevent raw foods from coming
in contact with cooked or ready-to-eat foods, which lead to crosscontamination.


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

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