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Automatic Control II

Fall 2019
Frequency Response

Azeddien Kinsheel
Frequency Response

Frequency Response of closed Loop

Frequency Domain Specifications
Frequency Response of Second Order
Frequency Response Plots
Frequency Response
 The frequency response of a system is defined
as the steady-state response of the system to a
sinusoidal input signal.
 The resulting output for linear systems is sinusoidal
in the steady-state; it differs from the input waveform
only in amplitude and phase angle.
Frequency Response

A sin(t+i) B sin(t+o)

Frequency Response
0.8 Output








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (msec)
Frequency Response of Closed Loop

 For a single –loop control system configuration

studied in the preceding chapters, the closed loop
transfer function is
C ( s) G( s)
M ( s)  
R( s ) 1  G ( s ) H ( s )

 Under sinusoidal steady state, s=j

C ( j ) G( j )
M ( j )  
R( j ) 1  G( j ) H ( j )
Frequency Response of Closed Loop
 The sinusoidal steady-state transfer function M(j) may be
expressed in terms of its magnitude and phase of its real and
imaginary parts:
M(j)=Re[M(j)] + j Im[M(j)]
The magnitude of M(j) is
G( j )
M ( j ) 
1  G( j ) H ( j )

and the phase of M(j) is

 M(j)=M=G(j)-[1+ G(j)H(j)]
Frequency Domain Specifications

 Resonant Peak Mr:

The resonant Peak Mr is the maximum value of |M(j)|.
 Resonant Frequency r :
The resonant frequency r is the frequency at which the
peak resonance Mr occurs.
 Bandwidth BW:
The bandwidth BW is the frequency at which |M(j)| drops
70.7 percent of or, 3dB down from its zero frequency.
 Cutoff Rate:
Cutoff rate is the slop of |M(j)| at bandwidth frequency.
Frequency Response of Second Order
 For the prototype second order system:
C ( s) n 2
M ( s)   2
R( s) s  2 n s  n 2

At sinusoidal steady state s=j and

C ( j )
M ( j )  
R( j ) ( j ) 2  2 n ( j )  n 2
M ( j ) 
1  ( / n ) 2  2 ( / n ) j
let u   / n , then
M ( ju ) 
(1  u ) 
2 2
 (2u ) 2 1/ 2

M ( ju )   tan 1
1 u2
Frequency Response of Second Order
 The resonant frequency is determined by setting
the derivative of |M(ju)| with respect to u to zero.
r  n 1  2

Mr    0.707
2 1   2
 The bandwidth BW is obtained by setting |M(ju)|=0.707

 
BW  n (1  2 2 )  4 4  4 2  2 1/2
Frequency Response Plots

There are two common plots to describe

the transfer function G(j) in frequency
domain as  varies from 0 to . The plots
Polar Plot
Bode Plot
Frequency Response Plots

 Polar Plot:
The polar plot is a graphical representation of the frequency
response of the system G(j) utilizing the Cartesian form:
M(j)=Re[M(j)] + j Im[M(j)]

 Example :
Draw the polar plot of the first order system given by:
G( s) 
RCS  1
Frequency Response Plots
 Solution Im
1 1
G ( j )  
RCj  1 j ( / 1)  1
1  1 RC
1 Re
1 j ( / 1 )
G ( j )   = =45
1  ( / 1 ) 2 1  ( / 1 ) 2
1 ( / 1 ) j1/2
Re  , Im   =0
1  ( / 1 ) 2 1  ( / 1 ) 2 =1

At =0 Re=1, Im=0 ,|M|=1, =0

Polar Plot
At = Re=0, Im=-0, |M|=0,=-90
At =1 Re=1/2, Im=-1/2 |M|=0.707,=-45
Frequency Response Plots
 Bode Plots “logarithmic plots”:
 is a graph of the frequency response of a system. It is usually a
combination of a Bode magnitude plot, expressing the magnitude
(usually in decibels) of the frequency response, and a Bode phase
plot, expressing the phase shift.
The magnitude and the phase are drawn in semi logarithmic graphs in
two separate plots.
For magnitude plot the vertical axis is
20log|M(j)| in dB. and on the horizontal axis is the frequency .
For phase plot, the vertical axis is the phase (j) and on the horizontal
axis is the frequency 
Bode Plot
 To draw Bode diagram there are four steps:

 Rewrite the transfer function in proper form.

 Separate the transfer function into its constituent parts.
 Draw the Bode diagram for each part.
 Draw the overall Bode diagram by adding up the results from part 3.
1- Rewrite the transfer function in
proper form.
rewrite this so the lowest order term in the
numerator and denominator are both unity.
Some examples will clarify:
2- Separate the transfer function
into its constituent parts
The next step is to split up the function into its constituent parts. There
are seven types of parts:
 A constant
 Poles at the origin
 Zeros at the origin
 Real Poles
 Real Zeros
 Complex conjugate poles
 Complex conjugate zeros
3-Draw the Bode diagram for each part.
Draw the overall Bode Plot
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 The Nyquist stability criterion determines the stability
of a closed loop system from its open loop
frequency response and open loop poles.
 The Nyquist criterion has the following features that
make it an alternative method that is attractive for
the analysis and design of control systems:
1- In addition to providing absolute stability like R-W
criterion , The Nyquist criterion also gives
information of relative stability of a stable system,
and the degree of instability of instable system
Nyquist Stability Criterion
2-The Nyquist plot of G(s)H(s) is easy to obtain.
Especially with the aid of compter.
3-The Nyquist plot gives information on the frequency
domain characteristics such as Mr,r and Bw.
4-The Nyquist plot is useful for systems with pure time
delay that cannot be treated with R-W criterion.
Nyquist Stability Criterion

 Stability problem
Let us consider that the closed loop transfer function of a SISO
G ( s)
M ( s) 
1  G( s) H ( s)
where G(s)H(s) can assume the following form :
k (1  T1s)(1  T2 s)...(1  Tm s) Td s
G ( s) H ( s)  P e
s (1  Ta s )(1  Tb s)...(1  Tn s)
where T's are real or complex conjugate coefficien ts and Td is real
(s)  1  G(s)H(s)  0
(s)  1  L(s)  0
Nyquist Stability Criterion

 Identification of poles and zeros:

Loop transfer function zeros: zeros of L(s)
Loop transfer function poles : poles of L(s)
Closed loop transfer function poles: zeros of 1+L(s)=
roots of chara. Eqn.
Stability conditions:
Open loop stability: A system is said to be open loop
stable if the poles of the loop transfer function L(s)
are all in the left Half s-plane.
Nyquist Stability Criterion

Closed loop stability: A system is said to be closed loop stable

or simply stable if the poles of the closed loop transfer
function or the zeros of 1+ L(s) are all in the left Half s-plane.
Exceptions to the above conditions are systems with poles or
zeros intentionally placed at s=0.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 Definition of Encircled and Enclosed
Encircled: A point or region in a complex
function plane is said to be encircled by a
closed path if it is found inside the path.
Enclosed: A point or region is said to be A
enclosed by a closed path if it is encircled
in the CCW direction. Or the point or region
lies to the left of the path when the path is
traversed in the prescribed direction.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Cauchy’s Principle of Argument
Let F(s) be an analytic function in a closed region of the
complex plane s except at a finite number of points
(namely,the poles of F(s) ). It is also assumed that F(s) is
analytic at every point on the contour. Then, as s travels
around the contour in the s-plane in the clockwise
direction, the function F(s) encircles the origin in
the (Re{F(s)},Im{F(s)})-plane in the same direction N times
with N given by:
where Z and P stand for the number of zeros and poles
(including their multiplicities) of the function F(s) inside
the contour.
Nyquist Stability Criterion

The above result can be also written as

which justifies the terminology used, “the principle of
 Nyquist Plot
The Nyquist plot is a polar plot of the
function D(s)=1+G(s)H(s)
When s travels around the contour
given by Nyquist path shown in the
The contour in this figure covers the
whole unstable half plane of the
complex plane s ,R―›∞ . Since the
function F(s), according to
Cauchy’s principle of argument, must be analytic at every
point on the contour, the poles of D(s) on the imaginary
axis must be encircled by
infinitesimally small semicircles.
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 Nyquist Stability Criterion
It states that the number of unstable closed-loop poles is
equal to the number of unstable open-loop poles plus the
number of encirclements of the origin of the Nyquist plot
of the complex function D(s). This can be easily justified
by applying Cauchy’s principle of argument to the
function D(s) with the s-plane contour. Note that Z and P
represent the numbers of zeros and poles, respectively,
of D(s) in the unstable part of the complex plane. At the
same time, the
zeros of D(s) are the closed-loop system poles, and the
poles of D(s) are the open-loop system poles (closed-
loop zeros).
Nyquist Stability Criterion
The above criterion can be slightly simplified if instead of
plotting the function D(s)=1+G(s)H(s) , we plot only the
function G(s)H(s) and count encirclement of the Nyquist
plot of G(s)H(s) around the point (-1,0j)
, so that the modified Nyquist criterion has the following
The number of unstable closed-loop poles (Z) is equal to
the number of unstable open-loop poles (P) plus the
number of encirclements (N) of the point (-1,0j) of the
Nyquist plot of G(s)H(s) , that is
Z=P+ N
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 Remarks:
Nyquist plot is a plot that
is drawn by mapping
the contour covering
all the right half of S-
plane -excluding the
roots of L(s) at
imaginary axis- to the
plane of L(s).

• In examining the stability of linear control systems using the

Nyquist stability criterion we see that there are several
possibilities can occur:
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 There is no encirclement of the -1+j0 point and
there is no poles of G(s)H(s) in the right half plane.
The system is stable.
N=0 0.15
Nyquist Diagram

P=0 0.1

Then Z=N+P=0 0.05

Imaginary Axis

s 1
G( s) H ( s)  -0.05

( s  2)( s  3) -0.1

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Real Axis
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 There is no encirclement of the -1+j0 point and
there are poles of G(s)H(s) in the right half plane.
The system is unstable.
N=0 0.2
Nyquist Diagram

P=1 0.15

Then Z=N+P=1 0.1

Imaginary Axis

s 1
G( s) H ( s)  -0.05

( s  2)( s  3) -0.1


-0.18 -0.16 -0.14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0
Real Axis
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 There is n number of counterclockwise encirclement of
the -1+j0 point and there are n poles of G(s)H(s) in the
right half plane. The system is stable.
N=-n 1.5
Nyquist Diagram

P=n 1

Then Z=N+P=0

Imaginary Axis 0

6( s  1)
G( s) H ( s) 
( s  2)( s  3)


-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 There is n number of counterclockwise encirclement of
the -1+j0 point and there are m poles of G(s)H(s) in the
right half plane. The system is unstable.
Nyquist Diagram
N=-n 4

P=m 3

Then Z=N+P=-n+m 2

Imaginary Axis
25( s  1) 0

G( s) H ( s) 
( s  2)( s  3)



-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Real Axis
Nyquist Stability Criterion
 There is n number of clockwise encirclement of the -
1+j0 point The system is unstable.
N=n 10
Nyquist Diagram

P=m 8

Then Z=N+P=n+m 4

Z is positive 2

Imaginary Axis

G( s) H ( s) 

s( s 2  s  1) -4



-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Real Axis
Relative Stability
 Phase and Gain Stability
Two important notions can be
derived from the Nyquist
diagram: phase
and gain stability margins.
The phase and gain
stability margins are
presented in the following
Relative Stability
Gain Crossover: the gain crossover is a point on
the L(j) plot at which the magnitude is equal to
Gain Crossover frequency g: is the frequency
of L(j) at the gain crossover.
Phase Margin PM: is the phase angle through
which the GH(j) must be rotated so that the
unity magnitude point passes through (-1,0j)
point in the GH(j) plane.
Relative Stability
Phase Crossover: the phase crossover is a point
on the L(j) plot at which the plot intersects with
the negative real axis
Phase Crossover Frequency p: is the frequency
of L(j) at the phase crossover.
Gain margin: is increase in system gain in (dB)
when the phase is -180 deg. that will result in a
marginally stable system with intersection of -
1,0j point in the Nyquist diagram.

Find the PM, GM and their crossover

frequencies of the following system
L( s ) 
s( s  5) 2
25 25
L ( j )  
j ( j  5) 2 j ( 2  10 j  25)
25  2500 2  25 (25   2 ) j
 
 10  (25   ) j
2 2
100 4   2 (25   2 ) 2

PM is the phase angle when |L(jg)|=1

GM is the 1- gain when L(j)=180º
Nyquist Diagram

System: sys
1 Gain Margin (dB): 20
At frequency (rad/sec): 5
Imaginary Axis

Closed Loop Stable? Yes


System: sys
Phase Margin (deg): 68.2
Delay Margin (sec): 1.23
At frequency (rad/sec): 0.964
Closed Loop Stable? Yes



-1 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
Real Axis

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