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Vasavi College of Engineering (A)

Subject: Quantum Mechanics and Materials Science (2020-21)-II SEM

Short answer type questions: (2M)

Unit: I

1. Define the following i)Space lattice ii) Basis iii) Unit cell iv) Primitive cell v)
Non primitive cell vi) Lattice parameters
2. State Bragg’s law of XRD.
3. Enlist the applications of XRD
4. List out the classifications of point defects.
5. What are the effects of defects on the solid structure?
6. Draw the crystal planes with the miller indices (100), (111), (010), (001)
7. What are miller indices?
8. Distinguish between frenkel and schottky defect.
9. What is Burgers vector mention its significance.
10.Why x-rays are used to probe ctyrstal strucre.
11.Draw NaCl structure and Zns structure.
12.Differentiate between crystalline and amorphous solids.
13.What is the importance of impurity defects in semiconductors?

Unit: 2

14. Energy of a particle at absolute temperature T is of the order of kT. Calculate

wavelength of thermal neutrons at 27oC.
15.An electron has a speed of 400m/s with an accuracy of 0.015% Calculate the
certainty with which we can locate the position of the electron. Given that
h=6.626x10-34J-s, m=9.1x10-31kg
16.Write down the limitations of classical mechanics.
17.What is photo electric effect? On what factors do the emitted photo electrons
depend?Write the properties of matter waves.
18.Mention the physical significance of wave function ().
19.State Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.
20.What is effective mass? Write down its expression.
21.Write the postulates of quantum mechanics.
22.Inference Quantum tunneling in various fields.
23.Calculate the ratio of de-Broglie wave lengths of a helium molecule confined in a gas
chamber at two different temperatures 100oC and 200oC.
24.Write a short note on α –decay.
Unit: 3

25.Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors

26.Distinguish between p-type and n-type semiconductors
27.Write the assumptions of Fermi-Dirac statistics
28.What is Fermi energy level
29.“Electron is fermion “Justify your answer.
30.Draw the Fermi level location for intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
31.Write examples for acceptor and donor impurities.
32.Write law of mass action for intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
33.With increase of temperature the conductivity of semiconductor increases while that
of metals decreases. Give reasons
34.Draw the band energy diagrams of various soilds.
35.What is density of states.

Unit: 4
36.What are various parts of optical fibre?
37.What are the conditions to get TIR
38.Give the difference between SMF and MMF
39.List various losses in optical fibre
40.Mention few applications of optical fibres
41.What is attenuation?
42.What are the advantages of optical fibres over co axial cables?
43.List various types of optical fibres.
44.Name the optical sources used in optical fibre communication sytem.
45.Give the differences between LED and Laser
46.Mention the characteristics of Laser
47.Define i) population inversion ii) meta stable state iii) active medium
iv) Pumping
48.List various types of laser
49.Write industrial applications of laser
50.Write medical applications of laser
51.What is the role of population inversion in connection with laser?
52.List various components of Laser
53.What are the various pumping mechanisms used in laser.

Unit: 5

54.What are the factors responsible for magnetic moment of material?

55.Classify various magnetic materials.
56.List the properties anti ferro magnetic material.
57.Write any four applications of ferrites.
58.Write any four properties of ferro magnetic materials.
59.What are the properties of super conductors.
60.What is Josephson junction.
61.Describe SQUID.
62.Write the applications of super conductors.
63.What is Meissner effect?
64.Distinguish between polar and non polar dielectrics.
65.What are the various types of polarizations?
66.Write the applications of dielectric materials.

Long answer type questions:

Unit I:

67.What are Miller Indices? How are they determined?(5M)

68.What is Schottky defect? Evaluate the expression for equilibrium concentration of
Schottky defects at a temperature T.(7M)
69.Describe Powder Method of XRD to evaluate inter planar spacing of the crystal.(7M)
70.State and explain Bragg’s law of XRD.(5M)
71.What is Frenkel defect? Evaluate the expression for equilibrium concentration of
Frenkel defects at a temperature T.(7M)
72.Distinguish between edge and screw dislocations (5M)
73.Describe various crystal systems with neat diagrams(7M)
74.Explain NaCl structure(5M)
75.Describe Diamond structure. (5M)
Unit: 2

76.Describe the experimental verification of matter waves using Davisson- Germer’s

77.Illustrate GP Thomson experiment to verify dual nature of matter waves.(6M)
78.Arrive at the Schrödinger time independent wave equation for a free particle.
79.The photo electric work function of potassium surface is 2.2eV.When UV-light of
wave length 3200Ao falls on the potassium surface, Calculate the energy of the most
energetic photons emitted. What is the threshold frequency for potassium?
80.Frame the Schrödinger wave equation for a particle in a potential well of infinite
depth and solve it for finding the eigen (energy) values and eigen functions.
81.A particle is moving in a one dimensional box of width 25A o. Calculate the probability
of finding the particle within an interval of 5Ao at the centre of the box, when it is in
its state of least energy.
82.Derive Schrödinger time dependent wave equation for a free particle.
83.What are matter waves? Derive the equation for de-broglie wave length of a proton
of potential V.(6M)

Unit: 3

84.Derive expressions for electrons concentration of an intrinsic semiconductor(7M)

85.Derive expressions for hole concentration of an intrinsic semiconductor(7M)
86.Obtain location of Fermi energy level in an intrinsic semiconductor at room
temperature (7M)
87.Discuss variation of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors with
temperature, doping concentration and effective mass(7M)
88.Discuss variation of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors(6M)
89.Write limitations of Kronig-penney model (5M)
90.Explain the formation of discrete energy levels in solids using Kronig-Penney model.
91.Differentiate between conductors ,semiconductors and insulators on the basis of
band theory(6M)

Unit: 4

92.Differentiate between step index and graded index fibre (6M)

93.What is acceptance angle arrive the expression for Numerical aperture of an optical
94.Explain various losses in optical fibres(8M)
95.With the help of block diagram explain the optical fibre in communication system

96.Describe the construction and working of Ruby laser with its energy level diagram.
97.Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser with its energy level diagram.
98.Describe the construction and working of homo junction semiconductor laser with its
energy level diagram(8M)
99.With the help of neat sketch explain various components of laser.(7M)
100.Difference between spontaneous and stimulated emission(6M)
101.What is pumping? explain various pumping methods in laser(6M)
102.Explain i) absorption ii) spontaneous emission iii) stimulated emission (8M)
103.Describe the construction and working of Nd:YAG laser with its energy level

Unit: 5

104. Arrive the expression for electronic polarizability.(7M)

105. Derive the expression for ionic polarizability
106. What is internel fields in solids? Arrive the relation between Local field and
Lorentz field.(9M)
107. Explain clausius –Mosotti relation.
108. Differentiate between hard and soft magnetic materials on the basis of
domain theory.(8M)
109. Distinguish between type-I and type –II super conductors.
110. Explain B-H curve.
111. Explain Weiss molecular field theory of ferromagnetism

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