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1. Mual : adalah perasaan tidak menyenangkan yang ada sebelum muntah.

Ini biasa
disertai berkeringat, bertambahnya air liur, dan kontraksi ritmis otot-otot dinding
perut. Jika rangsangan cukup hebat, mual akan diikuti oleh muntah.
2. Migrain : adalah sakit kepala yang terasa berdenyut, dan biasanya terjadi pada satu
sisi kepala saja. Serangan migrain dengan rasa nyeri yang mengganggu dapat
berlangsung selama beberapa jam atau beberapa hari. Migrain lebih sering diderita
oleh wanita dibandingkan pria.
3. Hipertensi : tekanan darah tinggi adalah kondisi saat tekanan darah berada pada nilai
130/80 mmHg atau lebih.

1. Apa interpretasi PF dan tanda vital
- TD hipertensi krisis
- Nadi normal sedikit meninggi
- RR takipnea
- Suhu normal
- Kaku kuduk : indikasi gangguan pada otak / pada muskuloskelet, ex meningitis,
tapi disini no heat yaa,
2. Kaitan riwayat migren dan Ht dengan nyeri kepala akut
Very high blood pressure can cause headache but it does not have the same origin as
migraine. Blood pressure headache is usually associated with a hypertensive crisis
such as hypertensive emergency or urgency. Both of these conditions are marked by
dangerously high blood pressure which is typically a systolic blood pressure reading
that is 220 mm Hg or higher and/or a diastolic BP that is 120 mm Hg or higher. The
difference is, a BP emergency results in organ damage while a BP urgency does not
leave any discernible evidence of organ damage.
A migraine starts when overactive nerve cells send out signals that activate the trigeminal
nerve, the nerve that supplies sensation to your head and face. Activation of the nerve
causes release of certain chemicals like serotonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide
(CGRP). CGRP causes blood vessels in the lining of the brain to swell. This releases
neurotransmitters that create inflammation and pain.
P is for pulsating pain
O for one-day duration of severe untreated attacks
U for unilateral (one-sided) pain
N for nausea and vomiting
D for disabling intensity.
INTINYA migrain gk sama sm Ht, trus sbenernya gaada hubungannya, tapi 2’’nya sama
bisa ngarahin ke aneurisma terus bisa pecah  rupture aneurisma gejala khasnya yang
thunder clap ituu
3. Indikasi nyeri kepala akut
Banyakkk, ada migrain, hypertensive headache, cluster headache, sinus headache,
medication headache, bleeding (di kasus ini bleeding)
4. Apa yang menyebabkan rasa mual, ada kaitan dg nyeri kepala akut kah
An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the blood vessel wall, usually
where it branches.
As blood passes through the weakened blood vessel, the blood pressure causes a small area to bulge
outwards like a balloon.
Aneurysms can develop in any blood vessel in the body, but the 2 most common places are:
the artery that transports blood away from the heart to the rest of the body (the abdominal aorta)
the brain
Most brain aneurysms only cause noticeable symptoms if they burst (rupture).
This leads to an extremely serious condition known as a subarachnoid haemorrhage, where bleeding
caused by the ruptured aneurysm can cause extensive brain damage and symptoms.
Symptoms include:

- a sudden agonising headache – it's been described as a "thunderclap headache", similar

to a sudden hit on the head, resulting in a blinding pain unlike anything experienced
- a stiff neck
- sickness and vomiting
- pain on looking at light
Intinya icp naik, menekan CTZ jadi nausea muncul. Nyeri kepala nya sbg gejala tok.
5. Hubungan usia dan jenis kelamin
Perjalanan usia sudah lansia  hipertensi lebih lama, tubuh sudah banyak yang
degenerasi termasuk pd, jadi resiko lebih tinggi
Wanita?? Gatau deh

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