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 Opinion
 Learn about blue light:
 What is blue light
 Sources of blue light in life
 The impact of blue light on the human body
 Ways to reduce the effects of blue light
 Conclude
 Opinion
global eyes strain statistic (thống kê mỏi mắt toàn cầu)
 Learn about blue light:
 What is blue light

More facets of blue light

While short wavelengths in the range of 460 nm are very efficient in
phase shifting of circadian system, intensive blue light in the range
between 400 and 440 nm (see Figure 4) is damaging to the retina via a
photochemical reaction called photoreversal of bleaching

• The impact of blue light on the human body

 Blue light and eyes:
 How Does Blue Light Impact the eyes?

Right here, you have the human eye. There’s the optic nerve, cornea,
pupil, lens, retina. Right here, when the light comes in, it goes
through the eye, goes right here to the retina and then hits. These
photo receptors what allow you to see color.
And there’s four types of these photo receptors. Three of them
being cones. One of them being rods. The cones are red, green and
blue and they allow you to see color in the daytime. Rods allow you
to see at night without any color. The way that I actually memorize
this in med school is C for cones, C for color, rods for dark.

While the cornea and lens of the eye are effective at blocking UV rays from reaching our light-
sensitive retinas, almost all visible blue light passes through these barriers, which could reach
and damage the delicate retina. Over
time, cumulative exposure to the HEV blue light
could cause specific long-term damage to your eyes:
Studies show that the time we spend looking at screens results in eye discomfort
and can lead to lifelong health complications.

Here are 5 harmful effects for your eyes caused by the artificial blue light.

1. Cataract

The cataract is a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes
progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

In other words, it can be explained as the cloudiness that appears in the eye lens
which is often caused by prolonged proneness to blue light emitting monitors.

2. Digital Eye Strain

Also known as Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS), digital eye strain is a term used
to describe the vision discomfort which is a product of the extended use of
computers and other digital devices.
3. Macular Degeneration

This condition is named after the mall area in the back of your eye that’s
responsible for central vision called macula.

Imagine watching a movie but not being able to see what’s actually going on in
the middle.

Having a macular degeneration damages the center of the vision making it wavy
and blurry as well as inflicting blind spots and trouble seeing in low light.

Natural blue light from the sun and artificial LED lights are only part of the many
risk factors that contribute to this disease.
4. Myopia

If it is hard for you to see distant objects and read road signs clearly but you can
go through a magazine or book just fine, chances are you are nearsighted, also
known as myopic.

Symptoms may vary but the most common are headaches, eye fatigue and eye

Myopia is usually developed by spending great amounts of time staring at close-

up objects. Nowadays almost all of these objects have digital screens and displays.

5. Photophobia

Literally photophobia means “fear of light” but it actually refers to light sensitivity
or light intolerance.
The most common cause of light sensitivity are migraines which means that bright
sunlight and indoor fluorescent lights can be harmful for a photophobic person.
The transmission of various light wavelengths varies by age. Children are
especially vulnerable. As people age, a yellowing of the lens changes the amount
of blue light that penetrates the eye.

( Sự truyền các bước sóng ánh sáng khác nhau thay đổi theo độ tuổi.
Trẻ em đặc biệt dễ bị tổn thương. Khi con người già đi, thấu kính bị ố
vàng làm thay đổi lượng ánh sáng xanh xuyên qua mắt)
Bluelight and your sleep

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a natural hormone, that is produced by the pineal

gland in the brain and then released into the bloodstream.
Darkness prompts the pineal gland to start producing melatonin
while light causes that production to stop. As a result, melatonin
helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake
cycle with night and day. In doing so, it facilitates a transition to

and promotes consistent, quality rest

Why Is Blue Light Harmful For Your Skin?
With blue light making waves in the area of sleep and eye health, it’s no
surprise that potentially harmful effects have been discovered for skin
health as well. Unlike other environmental stressors for the skin -  like
sunlight and UV rays - there’s no heat, no burn. However, don’t let the lack
of immediate effects fool you. Visible light, especially in the blue
wavelength, has become a hot topic in skin care, as there is mounting
evidence that supports its contribution to photo-aging, including wrinkles,
worsening skin laxity and hyperpigmentation.

How does bluelight harm the skin?

Inflammation And Free Radicals
Academic studies like the Journal of Investigative Dermatology in 2010 found that
exposing skin to the blue light we receive from the sun caused more pigment,
redness and swelling than when the same person’s skin was exposed to similar
levels of UVA rays. Supporting this is a 2015 study published in Oxidative
Medicine and Cellular Longevity, which concluded that exposure to blue light
could stimulate the production of free radicals in skin, a major cause of premature
visible signs of aging. The free radicals generated create unstable molecules,
leading to inflammation which attacks the cells.
So, if we know that blue light is a danger to our skin, how does it actually cause
harm and what are the effects? When blue light stresses the skin, it reacts by
producing inflammation, leading to swelling and redness. Also, free radicals are
produced which harm the skin by damaging the DNA and resulting in weakened
collagen and elastin. With compromised collagen and elastin, the skin becomes
uneven and forms lines and wrinkles. Free radical damage also
causes hyperpigmentation, leading to more signs of aging like dark spots. In
summary, Brian outlines our body’s alarming reaction to blue light: “The skin
responds by immediately protecting itself with inflammation which gives signs of
swelling and redness … This sets off a chain of other events that presents
symptoms in the skin such as hyperpigmentation and a quicker breakdown of
collagen and elastin.”

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