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Date :2076/12/12

“My Dream to start Live Streaming class at my School”

Live Streaming Education and its advantages

Live Streaming Education is the strong modern technology to draw the attention of the world towards our
organization and Education System with the help of camera , Internet and applications . People can experience
events of the organization on live.

Some of the advantages are described below -

Enhancement of quality of Education

Live streaming education is a powerful technology in educational sector through which an administrator and a
teacher can draw an attention of world towards themselves and their organization. They can stream lessons and
events in their schools, allowing a wider audience to observe and even participate. Streaming technology also
enables educators to send subjects and events around the world and bring essentials into their
Classrooms, which can create engaging, in-the-moment learning experiences.

Use and reuse of lessons

Teachers can stream an activity or lesson from their classroom, so that any participants who are not able to be in
the classroom can still learn. Live streaming lends itself well to close-up demonstrations in the sciences, highly
visual material, and perhaps, lessons that are relevant to wider audiences. Live streaming applications usually
allow interactivity from the viewers, which allows the possibility of a more connected experience, with the
addition of comments and live questions.

For privacy concerns, if a teacher wants to share a lesson that they found particularly important, they can just
set up their camera to only film themselves at the front of the room, and not the entire class.

Flipping the idea around, videos streamed from a variety of sources and locations to the classroom can provide
an incredibly exciting learning opportunity for students.

Global Recognition

School administrators can stream live events at their schools so that parents and others who are interested in
seeing the event, but cannot attend for whatever reason can still experience it like awards, plays talent shows,
guest speakers, etc. Perhaps an entire grade level could connect with a classroom across the globe, and
collaborate as a large group. With teacher-created lessons, teachers and administrators alike can benefit from
these videos, saved for later viewing, for professional development purposes. I have yet to find a streaming
service that doesn't save the video for later viewing.

Sunil Devkota


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