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Certified that this is the bonafide record of work done by

Thiru ____________________________________

ID No.____________________

Submitted for the practical examination held on___________ at the

Department of Poultry Nutrition, Suguna Institute of Poultry
Management, Udumalpet.

Course Teacher

Senior Faculty (HOD)

Student Name: ID Number:

DBBM (106) - Breeder Nutrition and Feeding Procedures

Page Date of Date of

S.No Index Signature
No. Practical Submission

1 Commonly used major feed

2 Proximate Analysis
A Estimation of Moisture
B Estimation of Total Ash
C Calculation of Nitrogen free
3 Estimation of crude fibre
4 Estimation of crude protein
5 Estimation of Ether
6 A Estimation of Calcium
B Estimation of Phosphorus
7 Aflatoxin detection and
Estimation (Demonstration)
8 Feed plant visit
9 Preparation of feed for
different age groups of
10 A Feed formulation
B Feed Manufacturing
C Preparation of Mash,
crumble and pellet
11 Registers maintained in
Feed Mill and Breeder farms
12 Sampling of raw and
finished ingredients for lab
13 Physical evaluation of Feed
14 Adulteration identification
15 Storage of feed ingredients
and precautions

1. Neatness and cleanliness of the individual, his environment, work

table and appliances is essential.
2. Record every stage of experiment in the observation notebook
with date, exercise number and time.
3. Check for the cleanliness of the glass wares and identify
chemicals before use. Replace them in their original place
immediately after use. Glass wares must be rinsed well in distilled
water before and after use. Pipettes and burettes must be rinsed
with the solution to be used.
4. Be attentive, bear in mind that any slight error is likely to spoil
the result.
5. At the end of the experiment get your work attested by the staff.
Clarify the doubts on the spot without postponing.
6. The record should be written neatly without any omission. Draw
diagrams wherever required.
7. Submit the record on due date.
8. The instructions written by the staff after correction should be
carried out before you resubmit the record. Any defects pointed
out should be rectified.
9. Attend all practical tests. Do not neglect revision practicals.
Ex.No:1 Date:

1. Commonly used major Feed Ingredients

Carbohydrate rich

Cereal grains:

Cereal grains are essentially carbohydrate concentrates, the main

component of the dry matter being starch. The crude protein is the most
variable component, usually ranging from 8-12%, deficient in certain
essential amino acids, particularly lysine and methionine. The oil content
varies from 2-5%. The crude fibre content is highest in oats and rice,
which contains “husk or hull”, formed from the inner and outer palsae and
is lowest in the ‘naked’ grains like wheat and maize.

The cereals are deficient in calcium, containing less than 0.15%.

The phosphorus content is higher, being 0.3-0.5%, but part of this is
present as phytates. Cereal phytates have the property of being able to
immobilize dietary calcium. The cereal grains are deficient in vitamin A
with the exception of yellow maize, which is rich in pro-vitamin A. They
are good sources of vitamin E and thiamin, but have a low content in

Commonly fed cereals are maize, barely, oats, wheat, rice etc.

Maize or Corn: (Zea maeyes)

Maize is rich in carbohydrate and is much favoured cereal for

poultry feed. Maize appears in a variety of colours, yellow, white or
red. Yellow maize contains a pigment, cryptoxanthin, which is a
precursor of vitamin A. Though an excellent source of digestible energy,
maize is low in protein. Maize contains about 65% starch, is low in fibre
and has a high metabolisable energy value (ME = 3300 The
crude protein content ranges from 8-13%. The maize kernel consists of
two main types of protein. Zein occurring in endosperm, is quantitatively
the most important but this protein is deficient in the essential amino
acids, tryptophan and lysine. The other protein of maize glutelin occurs in
the endosperm and also in the germ, is a better source of these two
amino acids. Recently plant breeders have produced new varieties of
maize with amino acid components different from those present in normal
maize; one such variety is Opaque-2, which has a high lysine content.
The difference between this variety and normal maize is primarily
attributed to the zein: glutelin ratio. A newer variety Floury-2 has both
increased methionine and lysine content.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
The crude protein ranges from 6-12%, though it is normally
between 8 and 14%. The most important proteins present in the
endosperm are a prolamin (gliadin) and glutelin (Glutenin). The mixture
of protein present in the endosperm is often referred to as gluten.
Glutenin contains about three times as much lysine that are present in
gliadin. The amino acids present in wheat gluten are the non-essential
acids, glutamic acid (33%) and proline (12%). Wheat if finely milled
forms a pasty mass in the mouth, and may lead to digestive upset.

Other carbohydrate rich ingredients


Millets are cereals, which are produced as small grain and have
higher percentage of fibre. e.g. Sorghum, Bajra, and similar millets.

Sorghum (Sorghum Vulgare):

Sorghum is similar to maize in chemical composition except that

sorghum is slightly higher in protein and low in oil than maize. Whole
grain can be given to sheep, pig and poultry but are usually ground
before feeding.

Bajra (Pennesetum typhoides)

It resembles sorghum in its nutritive value and contains 8-12%

crude protein, is rich in tannin content. As the seeds are hard, they
should be ground or crushed before being fed to poultry.

Milling by-products:

Fibre rich ingredients:


It is the outer coarse coat of the grain, separated during processing

e.g. Rice bran, wheat bran, maize bran etc.

Rice bran:

Rice bran is valuable product containing 12-14% protein and 11-

18% oil. The oil is particularly unsaturated and may become rancid very
quickly. Presently the oil is removed from the rice bran and a product
known as deoiled rice bran (DORB) is available in market for poultry and
livestock feeding.
Wheat bran:

Wheat bran is popular food for horses and cattle. It contain more
fibre. Its popularity as a food for ruminants and horses bring due to its
well-known physical property. When made into a mash with warm water,
it acts as a laxative, but when given dry it tends to counter act scouring.
Because of the fibrous nature and low digestibility bran is not commonly
given to pig and poultry.


Soft, finely ground meal of the grains consists primarily of gluten

and starch from endosperm e.g. Corn flour, wheat flour and rice flour etc.
Flour contains about 16% protein and 1 – 1.5% crude fibre.

Grain Screening:

Small imperfect grains, weed seeds and other foreign material of

value as a feed that is separated through the cleaning of grain with screen
is called grain screening. The nutritive value depends on the composition.


A by-product of flour milling industry comprising several grades of

granular particles consisting of varying proportion of bran, endosperm and


By-product of rice, consisting of a fine residue that accumulates

during polishing of rice kernel contains about 10-15% protein, 12% fat
and 3-4% crude fibre. It is an excellent source of energy and vitamin B
complex. Due to high fat content rancidity can pose problem.

Protein supplements:

Protein supplements contain more than 18 % protein. They can be

from animal origin or plant origin.

Animal origin Plant origin

Mostly over 47% protein Mostly under 47% protein

Mostly over 1.0% Ca Mostly under 1.0% Ca

Mostly over 1.5% P Mostly under 1.5% P

Mostly under 2.5% fibre Mostly over 2.5% fibre

Protein supplements of Plant origin:

Oil seed cake/meal:

A number of oil bearing seeds are grown for vegetable oil for human
and for paints and other industrial purposes. In processing these seeds,
protein rich products of great value as poultry and livestock feeds are
obtained. The byproducts left after extraction of oil from oil seeds are
used for feeding all kinds of poultry and livestock. According to the
method of processing, oil content and protein content varies.

Three main processes are used for removing oil from oil seeds.Two
employ pressure to force out the oil (ghani and expeller), while the other
uses an organic solvent to dissolve the oil from the the seed. Only
material with an oil content of less than 35% is suitable for solvent
extraction. If material of higher oil content is to be solvent extracted it
first undergoes a modified screw pressing to lower the oil content to a
suitable level.

Nutritive value:

Protein: 95% of the nitrogen in oil seed meals is present as true protein.
It usually has a digestibility of 75-90% and is of good quality. In general,
oil seed proteins have low cystine and methionine content. As a result
they cannot provide adequate supplementation to the cereal proteins with
which they are commonly used and should be used in conjuction with an
animal protein when given to simple stomached animals and birds.

Fat: The oil seed cakes may make a significant contribution to the
energy content of the diet, particularly where the oil content is high. This
will depend upon the process employed and its efficiency. Digestive
disturbances, however, may result from uncontrolled use of cakes rich in
oil, and if the oil is unsaturated, milk or body fat may be soft and carcass
quality is lowered.

Micro-nutrients: The oil seed meals usually have a high phosphorus

content, which tend to aggravate their generally low calcium content.
They may provide useful amounts of the B-vitamins but are poor sources
of carotene and vitamin E.
Commonly used oil cakes/meal (Plant Origin)

1. Groundnut or peanut oil meal

2. Soybean oil meal
3. Coconut meal
4. Safflower Meal
5. Sunflower seed meal

Groundnut oil cake or peanut oil meal:

1) It is most widely used high protein feed that can be included upto
50% of the ratio n
2) It has about 45% protein and 10% oil in expeller variety
3) It is deficient in lysine, methionine and cystine
4) Particularly in warm rainy season liable to contain a toxic factor –
Aflatoxin a metabolite of fungus Aspergillus flavus.
A wet period around harvest may result in the crop being harvested at
a high moisture favouring mould growth and thereby toxin production.

Soybean oil meal:

1)The protein (44%) contains all the indispensable amino acids, but the
concentrations of cystine and methionine are sub-optimal.
2)The cake is used for all kinds of livestock including poultry upto 30%
of the ratio.
3)As with most other oil seeds, raw soyabeans have a number of toxic,
stimulatory and inhibitory substances. For example
i) A goitrogenic material is found and its long term use may
result in goitre in some animal species.
ii) It also contains antigens, which are specially toxic to young
iii) Of particular importance in nutrition are the protease
inhibitors of which six have been identified.These inhibitors
will interfere with protein digestion, leading to poor growth
rate, egg production and feed efficiency. Since, the trypsin
inhibitors can be destroyed by heat treatment, proper heat
treatment of the feed stuffs like soyabean is essential, before
feeding them to livestock and poultry.
iv) A haemogglutinin, agglutinates red blood cell in rats, rabbits
and human beings.Fortunately, these inhibitors and other
factors like saponins are inactivated by proper heat treatment
during processing.
Soyabeans also contain genistein, a plant estrogen, which may
account, in some cases for part of the high growth inducing properties.
Coconut meal (copra meal):

1. The crude protein content is low (20-26%) and poor in lysine and
2. The oil content of coconut meal varies from 2.5 to 6.5% the higher
oil meals tends to get rancid and thus will cause diarrhoea. Hence
low oil content type should be preferred.
3. Due to poor quality of protein and high fibre,its use should be
restricted in swine and poultry rations. If it is fed to monogastric, it
should be supplemented with lysine and methionine

Safflower Meal:

The meal is produced after removal of most of the hull and oil from
safflower seed. In decorticated form it has about 40-45 per cent protein
while the value goes down to about 18-20 if not decorticated. The 18-20
per cent protein safflower meals contains about 60 per cent hulls which
limits its energy value and utilization in non-ruminants. Even the
decorticated type contains about 14 per cent fibre. Safflower meal is low
in lysine and methionine.

Sunflower seed meal:

1. The meals are useful sources of protein (40%) which is low in lysine
but has about twice as much methionine as does soya protein.
2. The meal is palatable but is laxative and has a very short shelf life.
3. The crude fibre content is higher hence the inclusion level is
restricted in poultry rations

Sesame seed meal ( Til Cake):

Sesame seed meal is produced from what remains following

production of oil from Sesame seed and the meal is extensively used for
all classes of livestock including poultry. Contains about 40% protein rich
in leucine, arginine and methionine and low in lysine. There are three
varities – white, black and red. Nutritive value is highest in white while
lowest in red varity.


1. Fish meal
2. Meat meal
3. Blood meal
Fish meal:

Fish meal is the product obtained by drying and grinding whole fish
or parts of various species.The quality of the protein in fish meal is high.
Processing conditions, particularly the degree and length of time of
heating are probably the major determinant of protein quality. Fishmeal
protein has a high content of lysine, methionine and tryptophan and is a
valuable supplement to cereal-based diet. Fishmeal has high mineral
content (Ca 8%, P 3.5%), good source of vitamin B complex and has an
enhanced nutritional value because of their content of growth factor
known collectively as the Animal protein factor (APF). Fishmeal should be
tested for salt content, as excessive salt may lead to salt toxicity in
monogastric animals and birds. Fishmeal should have minimum amount
of scales, as their nitrogen content is of little value, since the scales are
keratinised tissue. Fishmeal should be tested for E.coli bacteria.

Blood meal:

Blood meal is a product obtained by drying the blood of slaughtered

animals and poultry. Blood meal is a dark chocolate coloured powder with
a characterstic smell contains about 80% protein, rich in lysine, arginine,
methionine, cystine and leucine.

The meal is unpalatable and its use has resulted in reduced growth rates
in poultry so that it is not recommended for young stock. For older birds,
rates of inclusion are limited to about 1 to 2 % of the diet.
Date Notes
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Ex.No:2 (A) Date:




To estimate the water (moisture) present in a feed.


Weighed sample is dried at a temperature just above the boiling

point of water at atmospheric pressure. The loss resulted after drying is
reported as the moisture content of the sample.

Apparatus Required:

1. Petridish
2. Spatula
3. Weighing Balance
4. Hot air oven
5. Tongs
6. Asbestos sheet
7. Desiccator

1. Take a clean dry petridish and find out its weight.

2. Take about 5 to 10gms of substance, place it in the petridish and
cover the petridish. Find out the weight of Petridish with the
3. The temperature of hot air oven should be kept at 105 °C to 110
4. Now, place the petridish in the hot air oven partially opening the lid.
5. The drying is continued for 8 to 10 hours.
6. After this, close the petridish, and remove it to a desiccator for
cooling. After cooling to the room temperature, find out the weight
of petridish with dried material.
7. Again, place the petridish in hot air oven, continue the drying for
another 30 minutes. Cool it in desiccator and find out the weight.
8. If there is further reduction in weight, repeat the process of drying,
cooling and weighing till you get a constant weight i.e, there is no
more water to be driven off by heating.
9. Due to loss of water, there will be a reduction in the weight of
substance. This is taken as moisture content of the feed.

Weight of Empty Pretridish = X (g)

Weight of dish + Feed sample = Y (g)

After Drying:

Weight of dish + dried material = Z (g)

Percentage of moisture in the feed =  100

Dry matter content of feed = 100 - % of moisture

Alternative method:

This is a rapid method for determination of moisture. In this

method the sample is dried at 130 ± 2 °C for only 2 hours. After
drying, the dried material is weighed and the moisture content is

Methods to be adopted for different feed samples:

In case of non-succulent feeds, like concentrates and dry feed the

moisture content is determined at higher temperature of 130 ± 2 °C.
Hence in this case, the dried material cannot be used for further analysis.
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Ex.No:2 (B) Date:



Mineral Matter of a feed is represented by the total ash in the feed.

It is the non-combustible portion of the feed.


Determination of the percentage of total ash of a given feed.


A known weight of a given feed is ignited to ash and the weight of

ash thus obtained is expressed in terms of percentage.

Apparatus Required:

i. Crucible
ii. Tongs
iii. Balance
iv. Muffle Furnace
v. Burner
vi. Desiccator
vii. Asbestos sheet.

1. Find out the weight of a clean dry crucible.

2. Place about 2 to 5 gms of the sample and weigh this to find out
accurate weight of the sample taken.
3. Carefully place the weighed dish over a bunsen burner. Heat the
crucible gradually.
4. The sample will get charged with initial expulsion of smoke. When
the smoke subsides place the crucible inside a muffle furnace.
5. Maintain the temperature of the muffle at 400 °C for 3 to 4 hours.
Now the substance is gradually ashed till it is completely
transformed into whitish ash.
6. If there is still black colour, it means further ashing is required.
Remove the crucible, cool it to room temperature.
7. Weigh the crucible with its contents and record the weight.

Weight of Empty crucible = X (g)

Weight of crucible + sample = Y (g)

After complete ashing

Weight of crucible + ash = Z (g)

Ash content = Z-X x 100


What is obtained after complete combustion of a sample is total

ash. It comprises of two portions. The portion that is soluble in dilute
acids, contain all essential minerals and that is the useful portion of the
ash. Other portion, insoluble in dilute acids consists of mainly silica. For
the most part, if represents impurity or adulteration.

Calculation of organic matter:

Fresh sample - (% moisture + % of Total Ash) gives the percentage

of organic matter.

Dried sample (moisture free) - % Total Ash = Organic matter.

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Ex.No:2 (B.1) Date:




1. Preparation of soluble fraction of the total ash for estimation of


2. To determine the percentage of insoluble ash in the feed.


The total ash is treated with dilute acids to obtain the soluble fraction of
the ash which is separated from the insoluble residue by means of
filtration. The filter paper carrying insoluble ash is ignited and weighed
for finding the insoluble ash.

Apparatus Required: (as in case of Total ash and the following)

i. Glass funnel
ii. Volumetric flask
iii. Stand
iv. HNO3 (1 + 3)
v. HCl (1 + 3)
vi.Whatman No.42 Filter paper.

1. The total ash obtained in the preceding experiment is placed over

the clay pipe triangle kept over a tripod stand.
2. With use of water from wash bottle, gently wet the ash. (Take care
not to blow out the ash while using the jet of water.)
3. Dilute acids are added to dissolve all the minerals. For this purpose
Hcl (1 + 3) and HNO3 (1 + 3) are used.
4. Add first, drop by drop Hcl (1 + 3) with the help of a glass tube.
Now the soluble ash will get dissolved with effervescence will be
noticed wait till effervescence stops.
5. Now add few drops (5 to 10 drops) of HNO3 (1 + 3). This
completes the solubility of the minerals and bring all the minerals
into soluble form.
6. Warm the content, taking care to avoid spurting of the contents due
to excessive boiling.
7. By the time, get a clean volumetric flask (100 ml) fitted with a clean
funnel. Fix a Whatman (No.42) Filter paper.
8. Carefully transfer the contents without any spurting. After all liquid
portion is transferred, wait for complete filtration.
9. Now the beaker is held with glass rod (figure opposite) fence a jet
10. Transfer all residue to the filter paper in the funnel by washing the
11. After complete filtration, the filter paper with the residue is
carefully taken, folded into a compact form and placed in the
original silica dish.
12. This contains the insoluble ash along with filter paper.

Making up the volume of soluble ash:

1. Carefully wash the funnel with distilled water and remove the
2. Hold the volumetric flask parallel to your eye to avoid parallax
3. Now, distilled water is added to make up the solution to known
4. The volumetric flask is then closed with a stopper and labeled with
particulars of date, name of material.
5. This soluble fraction will be used for determination calcium and
phosphorus content of the feed, as described in subsequent

Determination of insoluble ash:

1. The silica dish with filter paper is placed on the tripod stand and the
filter paper with its contents is ashed by the use of bunsen burner.
2. Take all precaution as in case of total ash and continue ashing till
there is whitish ash.
3. Cool the silica dish and weigh. Heat again for few minute cool and
reweigh. If the two weights are almost same, it indicates ashing is
4. Otherwise repeat the process of heating, cooling and weighing till
two consecutive weighings agree.


1. Weight of silica dish + insoluble ash = Z (g)

2. Weight of empty silica dish = X (g)

Weight of insoluble ash = Z-X (g)

Weight of feed taken for ashing = Y-X (g)

(Previous exercise)

% of insoluble ash = Z-X x 100

Significance of insoluble portion of the ash:

The insoluble fraction mainly consists of silica and other impurities.

The presence of high insoluble fraction is measure of impurity and
adulteration. In case of certain feeds like rice bran, the high value of
total ash is due to the large fraction insoluble ash, due to presence of
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Ex.No:2 (C) Date:


Nitrogen free extractive (N.F.E.) is not determined actually. It is only


In conventional analysis, this is found by difference as follows:-

N.F.E. = 100-(% water+%Crude protein+%Ether extractives+ %Crude

fibre+%Total Ash)
N.F.E. represents the soluble fraction of carbohydrate consisting of
sugars, starch, glycogen and to some extent hemicelluloses.

Example: (Yellow Maize)

Proximate Analysis

1. Moisture - 12%
2. Crude Protein - 8%
3. Ether Extractives - 4%
4. Crude fibre - 13%
5. Total Ash - 3%
NFE content of yellow maize is calculated as follows

NFE = 100-(%water+%crude protein+%ether extractives+%crude

fibre+%total Ash)
= 100-(12+8+4+13+3)
= 100 – 40 = 60
NFE = 60%
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Ex.No:3 Date:



To determine the percentage of crude fibre in the given feed.


2gms of feed is accurately weighed and is subjected to boiling in

200ml of H2SO4 (1.25%) and again in 200ml of NaOH (1.25%). The
residue is weighed and then ashed. The loss of weight is reported as the
crude fibre content of feed.

Apparatus Required:

1. Lipless beaker 600 ml capacity

2. Condensing Flask
3. Sand bath
4. Crucible

Reagents Used:

1. H2SO4 1.25%
2. NaOH 1.25%

1. One gram of feed is accurately weighed. Accurately measure 200ml

of H2SO4 (1.25%) in a 600ml lip less beaker.
2. Place in sand bath and keep a suitable condensing flask (round
bottom) over the beaker. See that the condensing flask fixes well
over the beaker leaving no space.
3. The condensing flask is filled with cold water. Now heat the sand
bath with bunsen burner, when the acid in the beaker boils and the
vapour condenses back to the contents of beaker.
4. This maintains the volume of the acid without any reduction.

Digestion in Acid:

1. The feed is subjected to digestion similar to that happening in vivo.

First the feed is subjected to acid digestion.
2. The beaker is heated to bring the acid (H2SO4 1.25%) to boiling
3. When the 2gms of substance is transferred to the boiling acid, the
acid boils and the feed is digested in acid.
4. This boiling and digestion is continued for 30 minutes. (Note the
time with the help of stop watch).
5. After the end of 30 minutes stop the boiling acid and remove the

Set up a funnel in a large conical flask. Fix a linen cloth over the
funnel. Transfer the contents of the flask to the filtering funnel. Wash the
flask with distilled water and transfer the contents to the filtering funnel.
Continue the washing of filtrate till it is acid-free.

Note: This is done by catching one or two drops of filtrate over blue
litmus. If the blue litmus remains blue, that means the residue is washed
free of acid. After complete washing take the filter cloth along with the
residue, squeeze well to remove the water from the residue. Place the
cloth over porcelain slab. Scrub gently the adhering residue from the
filter cloth and keep the residue in the centre of the filter cloth.

Digestion in alkali:

1. The acid digested residue is then subjected to alkali digestion. For

this sodium hydroxide (1.25%) solution is used.
2. As in the acid digestion, pour 200ml of sodium hydroxide (1.25%)
in to a lip less beaker. (600ml capacity).
3. Place over the sand bath and fix a condensing flask over this. Bring
the alkali solution to boiling stage by heating with Bunsen burner.
4. When it starts boiling, remove the condensing flask and transfer the
acid digested residue to the boiling alkali.
5. Replace the condensing flask and continue the heating. The residue
should be digested in the boiling NaOH for a period of 30 minutes.
6. After 30 minutes, remove the condenser transfer the contents of
the beaker to a filtering funnel. The residue is washed repeatedly
with distilled water till it is alkali free.

Note: This is done by catching one or two drops of filtrate over red
litmus paper. If it remains red it indicates that the residue is free from
alkali. When the residue is free from alkali squeeze the cloth well to dry
the residue. Transfer the residue , without any loss, to a clean crucible.

Drying and Ashing:

1. The crucible is placed is preheated hot air oven (110 °C) over night.
This is to drive off the moisture completely.
2. After complete drying, the crucible is cooled in dessicator. It is
weighed along with the residue.
3. Then the crucible is placed over a clay pipe triangle placed on a
tripod stand. Heat the crucible with Bunsen flame in order to ash
the residue.
4. Continue the heating till you obtain a whitish ash. Cool the crucible
to room temperature and find out the weight.

The difference in weight of the crucible before and after ashing is reported
as the crude fibre content of the feed taken.

Weight of sample = X (g)

Weight of Residue = W1 (g)

(Crude fibre + mineral matter)

Weight after ashing = W2 (g)

Percentage of crude fibre =  100

Note: A new unit is available in the laboratory for determination crude

fibre. The principle and procedures are same. The real advantages is
that 6 sample can be done at time. Further there is no need to remove
and replace water in the condensing unit, since there are 6 condensing
units connected and fresh water supplied to all these condensing units.
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Ex.No:4 Date:




To estimate the percentage of crude protein in a given feed.


By the addition of concentrate H2SO4 (A.R) to a feed and digesting it

with a suitable catalyst, all the organic nutrients are split up in to their
components parts. Free ammonia is liberated and unites with H2SO4 to
form a compound. This compound is reacted with excess of alkali and
distilled. Free ammonia is liberated which is received in known amount of
standard acid. After complete distillation, by back titrating the standard
acids with standard alkali the amount of acid titrated with free NH3 is
found. From this the N2 content of the feed is calculated and the protein
is found out as mentioned in the introduction.

Apparatus Required:

i) Glass spatula
ii) Weighing Bottle
iii) Balance
iv) Kjeldahl Flask
v) Funnel
vi) Volumetric Flask
vii) Beaker
viii) Microkjeldahl apparatus


Standard Solution
1. 0.1N H2SO4
2. 0.1N NaOH
3. Phenolpthalein
4. Methyl Red
5. NaOH (40%) solution
6. Catalyst
Microkjeldahl Distillation Unit:

Microkjeldahl digestion system

Catalyst Mixture:

This is used to induce oxidation and also to raise the boiling point
without any boiling up or spurting. This mixture is made up of copper
sulphate, potassium (or) sodium, sulphate and Selenium. Different
proportions are used in practice. In this laboratory the catalyst mixture is
prepared by mixing 95 parts of CuSO4 + 15 sodium sulphate and 1 part
of Selenium.
Preparation of Digest:

1. Transfer about 2gms of substance in to a clean dry Kjeldahl flask.

2. Carefully add through the sides about 20ml of Concentrate H2SO4
(A.R.). Gently rotate the flask to mix well the sample and the acid.
3. Add a pinch of catalyst to the content of the flask. This is then
placed in electric digestion unit.
4. Now the contents of the flask is black due to charring of the
material by the concentrated acid. The sample is then digested by
the use of electric heating mantles.
5. At the beginning, allow the digestion to proceed gradually on a low
temperature. There will be frothing and fuming in the beginning.
Carefully regulate the temperature to avoid frothing and excess
6. When the initial digestion is over the content will be free from
blackness. Now raise the temperature and continue the digestion
till the content is either greenish yellow or colour less.
7. There may be some sediment of catalyst and insoluble residue
which may be ignored. Allow the flask and its contents to cool to
room temperature.

Making up the volume:

1. The next step is making up the volume of the digest to a known

volume. This is done by using a volumetric flask of desired
2. Generally the digest is made up to 100ml. In such case, take
volumetric flask (100ml) and place in a 250ml pyrox beaker.
3. Please ice cubes around the volumetric flask. This is to cool the
volumetric flask when intense heat will be produced during the
digest is transferred and subsequent washings are added.
4. This is because the digest which is concentrated H2SO4 is added to
flask and then distilled water is added to the acid while the flask is
rinsed and washed.
5. Transfer the contents of the digest carefully to the volumetric flask
filled with funnel. Take care not allow any drop of digest outside
the flask or spill up on the table.
6. After the transfer of the initial digest, add, 5ml of distilled water to
the flask. Rotate the flask gently so that the sides may be washed
by the distilled water.
7. Transfer the washing to the volumetric flask. Repeat the process of
washing four or five times. The technique of washing lies in
making small but more number of washing.
8. At the same time take care you do not fill up to the mark.
Complete the washings and fill up the flask far below the mark. (If
you fill up to the mark while the flask is hot, after cooling the
volume will rise above the marking.)
9. After complete washing allow the volumetric flask to cool to room
temperature. Remove the volumetric flask from the ice and place it
on the table. Then label it and keep it for micro distillation.


1. The distillation of NH3 from the digest is the next step in this
procedure. The distillation is done in an apparatus called Micro-
Kjeldahl distillation unit.
2. This is an all-glass unit Consisting of steam generating unit, boiling
casket and condensing unit. Check the apparatus for any leakage.
3. he hot plate or burner is so adjusted that the water boils in the flask
nd steam is produced. Shake and mix the volumetric flask well
before making use of the digest for distillation.
4. Transfer 5ml of the digest through the funnel to the boiling casket.
Now add some distilled water and a drop or two of phenolpthalein.
5. Add 15 to 20ml of 40% NaOH by means cylinder. The colour will be
pink indicating the excess of alkali.
6. Meanwhile place at the distilling end, a beaker (100ml) containing
10ml of (0.1N) standard H2SO4 with a drop of methyl red. Now
check all the connection.
7. Intensify the steam generation. The steam will pass into the boiling
casket and the contents (5ml digest + excess alkali) will boil.
8. This releases the ammonia from the digest which leaves through
the condensing unit and distilled into standard acid kept in the
9. Generally steam distillation for five minutes will do to release all the
bound ammonia. The volume of the contents in the beaker will
increase due to addition of distilling NH3. When the volume is
nearly doubled, stop the distillation.
10. Before cutting of the steam, wash the tip of the distilling end with
distilled water and remove the beaker. (Place a beaker with
distilled water and cut of the steam. All the water from the beaker,
and the content of the boiling casket will sucked back and cleared
through evacuating tube. Repeat this process two or three time to
wash the unit before commencing next distillation.)


1. Keep ready, a burette filled with standard alkali (0.1 NaOH).

2. Boil the beaker containing the remaining H2SO4 and titrate hot,
against standard alkali.
3. When the alkali and acid are of same strength the titre value gives
the amount of acid that remains still are the amount of acid
4. If this quantity is subtracted from the total quantity (10ml) of acid,
we get the amount of standard acid neutralised by NH3.


1ml of 0.1N NaOH = 1ml of 0.1N H2SO4 = 0.0014gm N2


Total feed - 2 gms

Volume of digest - 100ml

Amount of digest for distillation - 5ml

Titrate value:

Initial – 0 ml

Final – 5 ml

4ml of 0.1N NaOH = 4ml of 0.1N H2SO4

The excess of standard H2SO4 remained after distillation is 5ml.

Total amount kept = 10ml

Volume of 0.1N H2SO4 titrated (reacted) with NH3 is 5ml (10 to 5).

1ml of 0.1N NaOH or 1ml of 0.1N H2SO4 = 0.0014gm N2

0.0014 x 5 is N2 content in 5ml of digest.

In total volume (100ml) of digest = 0.0014 x 5 x 100

This is in 2gms of substance

In 100gms , 0. 0014 x 5 x 100 x 100 N2 = 7.0gm N2

5 x 2

Crude Protein = N2 x 100 = 7.0 x 6.25 = 43.75%

Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:5 Date:



To determine the percentage of Ether extractive.


The aliquot of the feed after extraction in the soxhlet apparatus

using petroleum ether is collected dried and weighed.

Apparatus Required:

1. Spatula
2. Weighing bottle
3. Thimble
4. Hot water bath
5. Soxhlet apparatus

1. Set the Soxhlet apparatus in position. Take thimble find out its
2. Transfer about 5 gms of sample and find out the correct weight of
the sample by weighing the thimble with sample.
3. Plug the mouth of the thimble with cotton wool, to avoid the escape
of materials from the thimble during extraction.
4. Slide the thimble with the contents into the soluble extractor. Fix
the lower end of the extractor to the flask underneath.
5. Then fix the condensor above the soxhlet extractor. Take care to fix
the ground surface suitable for easy removal after extraction.
6. Adjust the water circulation for efficient and uniform cooling of the
condensing unit. The Soxhlet apparatus is placed over a hot water
7. From the top end of the apparatus pour about 100 ml of petroleum
ether and plug the mouth with cotton.
8. The water bath is heated either electrically or on sand bath with
bunsen burner. Run the extraction for 10 to 16 hours till the
collecting ether in the extractor is clean.
9. Dismantle the apparatus on the completion of extraction. Remove
the extractor with the flask from the condensor.
10. Remove the thimble with its contents. Please it in the oven for
drying. When dried find out the weight of the thimble with the
extracted residue.
11. Remove the soxhlet flask with the extract. Transfer it to a hot air
oven (80 °C) for evaporating the petroleum ether. Weigh the flask
with the dried residue.

You can find out the weight of ether extractive either by directly
weighing the flask with or without ether extractives or indirectly by
weighing the thimble with substance before and after extraction. The
loss of weight in this case will give the value for ether extractives.

Direct method:

Weight of Flask (Empty) = X (g)

Weight of Flask + Ether Extractives = Y (g)

Weight of Ether extractives = Y-X (g)

Percentage of Ether Extractives = (Y-X) x 100

(W is the weight of sample taken)

Indirect method:

Weight of Thimble + substtance before extraction = X (g)

Weight of Thimble after extration = Y (g)

Weight of the Ether extractivees = X-Y (g)

(Loss of weight represents the ether extractive)

Percentage of Ether extractives = (X-Y) x 100

(W is the weight of substance taken).

Note: Modern equipment with provision for simultaneous extraction of 6

samples is available. The working and demonstration of this equipment
will be shown in the class.
Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:6 (A) Date:


(Volumetric method)


To determine the percentage of calcium in the given feed.


The calcium in soluble ash is precipitated as calcium oxalate by the

addition of saturated solution of Ammonium oxalate. This is then
dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid.

Ca C2 O4 + H2SO4  CaSO4 + H2C2O4 (Oxalic acid)

(Oxalic acid is a reducing agent)

The calcium is determined volumetricly by titrating the solution with

standard KMnO4.

2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2C2O4  2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 10CO2 + 8H2O.

(The reaction involved in titration with KMnO4 and the preparation of

standard KMnO4 are given at the end of this exercise for reference.)

Apparatus and Reagents Reqiured:

1. Pipette (10ml, 20ml)

2. Pyrex beaker 250ml
3. Glass rods
4. Glass tubes
5. Conical flask
6. Filtering funnel
7. Burette
8. Tripod Stand
9. Burner
10. Asbestos sheet.
11. Hcl (1+3) NH4OH (1+3)
12. Saturated Ammonium Oxalate
13. NH4OH(1:50) H2SO4 (1:4)
14. Standard KMnO4 Solution (0.1 N).

1. The soluble ash obtained in previous experiment is used for

estimation of calcium and phosphorus.
2. Pipette out 10ml of the soluble ash into a pyrex beaker (250ml)
pH and Ca precipitation:

1. The quantitative precipitation of calcium is influenced by pH.

2. Complete precipitation of calcium is best achieved between pH 2.5
and 3.
3. In this pH, the interference due to co-precipitation of other metals,
is avoided. Hence, the pH has to be suitably adjusted before adding
the precipitating reagent.

pH Adjustment:

Before the calcium in the soluble ash is precipitated as calcium

oxalate by the addition of saturated Ammonium Oxalate, it is necessary to
bring the pH 2.5 to 3.0. This is done as follows:

Add one or two drops of methyl red to the aliquot in the beaker.
The colour will be pink because of the acids added to the soluble ash. Use
glass tube and add drop by drop dilute Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH
1+3) till the pink colour changes to yellow. Now add using a glass tube
drop by drop dilute HCl (1+3) till the yellow colour is changed to pink.
Now the pH will be between 2.5 and 3.

Precipitation of Calcium:

1. After adjusting the pH, the beaker with its contents is placed over
the wire gauze on a tripod stand.
2. Gently heat the contents of the beaker.
3. Now, take 10 to 15ml of warm Ammonium Oxalate (saturated) in a
test tube.
4. Add the Ammonium Oxalate (precipitant) to the contents of the
beaker slowly, and with uniform stiring of beaker.
5. The precipitation of calcium as calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) takes place
as evidenced by the formation of white granular precipitate.


Ammonium Oxalate should be added very slowly, since fast adding

causes the formation of powder like calcium oxalate which will pass
through the filter paper thus leading to loss of calcium and subsequent
erroneous result. You should get a coarse and granular precipitate for
efficient recovery of the Ca salt. Slow addition of the precipitant
(Ammonium Oxalate) with uniform stirring favours this condition. The
contents of the beaker if changes yellow, add one or two drops of HCl
(1+3) to bring back the pH range indicated by the reappearance of pink
colour. Cool the contents of the beaker to room temperature.
Filtration and Washing:

1. Fit a clean funnel to a clean conical flask (250ml capacity). Fix a

Whatman (No.42) filter paper to the funnel.
2. Start the filtration by transferring the supernatant liquid from the
beaker in small amounts. Take care to avoid over filling the funnel
up to the brim. This will cause difficulty in washing.
3. Transfer and filter all the supernatant liquid from the beaker. The
washing of the precipitate to remove the excess oxalate begins in
the ensuing steps.
4. The excess of oxalate is washed by adding small quantities of dilute
Ammonium Hydroxide (1:50).
5. Add 10ml of dilute ammonia to the precipitate in the beaker mix
well and allow to settle.
6. Transfer the supernatant fluid to the funnel. (No matter if some
quantity of precipitate gets transferred to filter paper in the process
of filtration).
7. Repeat this process till the precipitate is free from oxalate.

Barium Chloride test:

1. To test whether the precipitate is free from oxalate, barium chloride

(5%) solution is used. This is a qualitative test.
2. Take about 5ml (not more than this) in a clean test tube and place
it in the test tube rack.
3. When the funnel is full with washing, fix the funnel in the test tube
in such a way that the filtrate flows throw the side of the test tube
and joins the barium chloride. (Avoid straight dropping of filtrate in
the barium chloride).
4. The appearance of white ring is indicative of the presence of
oxalate, thus necessitating further washing.

Dissolving the precipitate:

1. When the filtrate is free from oxalate, wait for complete filtration of
the contents of the funnel. Remove the funnel and place it in the
2. Empty the conical flask and wash it clean. Replace the funnel with
filter paper over the conical flask.
3. Puncture the filter paper with the aid of glass rod wash the glass rod
and the funnel to flush down the precipitate to the conical flask.
4. Carefully, with glass rod remove the folds of filter paper flush down
the precipitate by forcing a jet of distilled water.
5. Ensure that all the precipitate in the filter paper is washed in to
conical flask.
6. Add dilute sulphuric acid (1+4) to the beaker and warm the
contents. Any precipitate left in the beaker is dissolved in the
added acid. Transfer the warm contents through the funnel.
7. This will dissolve any adhering precipitate in the funnel. Again wash
the funnel and filter paper with distilled water.
8. Watch the contents of conical flask. If there is any turbidity, add
some more warm H2SO4 (1+4) to dissolve the remaining
9. Remove the funnel with filter paper to the beaker. (Don’t throw the
filter paper.)


0.1 NKMnO4 is used in this titration. The reactions involved in

permanganate titration is given in following pages.

1. The contents of the conical flask is heated to boiling stage. When

the first few bubbles appear, take out the conical flask for titration.
2. This is important since the temperature of the contents should not
be below 60oC during titration.
3. Check the initial reading of burette by taking the upper meniscus as
in case of all coloured fluids.
4. Adjust the burette in such a way, that each drop of permanganate is
followed by successive drops.
5. The permanganate will get reduced by the oxalic acid and the end
point is pale pink colour. (Avoid fast addition of the
6. When the end point is reached, take the filter paper and put it into
conical flask. Rotate the flask to ensure thorough mixing.
7. The end point will disappear. Continue the titration as before till
you get the end point. Note the reading of the burette.

Note: If you have thoroughly washed the filter paper, you will get the
pink colour within the addition two or three drops KMnO4.


1ml of 0.1N KMnO4 = 0.002g of calcium.


Example: Weight of substance = 5 gms.

Total volume of soluble ash = 100ml.

Aliquot used = 10ml.

Initial reading = 0ml.

Final reading = 5ml.

Amount of KMnO4 (0.1N) used = 5ml.

This is equivalent to = 0.002 x 5 gms Ca

10ml contains = 0.002 x 5 gms Ca

Volume of soluble ash was 100ml.

Total Calcium in 100ml or in 5 gms of material = 0.002 x 5 x 100


% of calcium = 0.002 x 5 x 100 x 100 = 2%


Overall reaction:

5 CaC2O4 + 2KMnO4 ---------- 5 CaSO4 + K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 1000

Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:6 (B) Date:


To estimate the percentage of phosphorus in a given feed.


Phosphorus is estimated by volumetric method. The phosphorus is

converted to phosphor ammonium molybdate, by the addition of the
reagent Ammonium molybdate. The precipitate is then dissolved in excess
of standard alkali. The amount of alkali titrated with the precipitate is
indirectly found out by back titrating with standard HCl or HNO3.

Apparatus Required:

Similar to calcium estimation.

Reagents Used:

i) Ammonium molybdate Reagent

ii) KNO3 (3%) Solution
iii) NaOH (HNO3) 0.1 N solution
iv) Phenolphthalein
v) Blue Litmus.



1. Take 10ml of aliquot (soluble ash) in a 250ml beaker. Add

sufficient distilled water to increase the volume.
2. The precipitant (reagent causing precipitation) is Ammonium
molybdate in this experiment.
3. 10ml of this reagent is taken in the test tube and gently warmed.
Likewise the content of the beaker is gently warmed. (Caution:- A
temperature rise of 40 °C is sufficient. Never heat or boil the
contents of the beaker).
4. Add the ammonium molybdate slowly to the contents in the beaker
with uniform stirring (Avoid violent stirring or scratching the bottom
of beaker with glass rod.) Complete the precipitation by adding the
reagent and allow to stand.
Filtration and Washing:

1. Keep a clean volumetric flask (as in Calcium experiment) with

funnel and fix a what man (No.42) filter paper in the funnel.
2. Fix the filter paper well before filtration. Transfer the supernatant
fluid to the filter paper.
3. As the filtration proceeds, continue transferring the supernatant
liquid in small portions.
4. When all the supernatant liquid is thus transferred to the funnel
wait for complete filtration. The next step is washing of the

Reason for washing the precipitate:

The reagent Ammonium molybdate is made by mixing concentrated

HNO3 with Molybdic acid and Ammonium hydroxide. When the reagent is
added the excess HNO3, will be physically bound to the precipitate. Since
the estimation involves a reaction between the precipitate and standard
NaOH, the excess acid has to be removed by means of suitable washing.

Washing of the precipitate:

1. KNO3 (3%) is used to wash the acid from the precipitate. KNO3 is
amphoteric in nature (i.e. it behaves both as acid and alkali)
2. Use a 10ml pipette to transfer 20ml of KNO3 to the beaker
containing the precipitate. Mix well. Allow it to settle.
3. When the previous filtration is complete, transfer the supernatant
fluid from the beaker for filtration. (Don’t start a filtration unless
the previous filtration is complete. This is essential for quick
washing and accurate results.)
4. Continue the washing and filtration till the precipitate is free from


Take a blue litmus, wet with distilled water, allow a drop of filtrate
to fall on the blue litmus. If it turns red, the precipitate is still acidic and
further washings needed.

Dissolving the precipitate in NaOH (0.1N):

1. When the precipitate is free from acid, gently take the filter paper
and put it in the beaker. Wash the sides of the beaker with distilled
2. Add sufficient distilled water to immerse the filter paper so that it is
soaked in water.
3. With help of glass rod gently, macerate the filter paper and make it
into pulp. Now wash the sides of the beaker with distilled water.
4. The entire content is now yellowish in colour. Add known amount of
standard NaOH (0.1N) till the yellow colour disappears and the
contents become colourless except for the white filter paper
5. Stir well add a drop or two of phenolpthalein indicator. Pink colour
appears indicating the excess of alkali.

Back Titrations:

1. Of the NaOH added certain amount of NaOH has titrated with

phosphorus precipitate. Excess of alkali gives the pink colour.
2. The amount of alkali neutralised by the precipitate is found out
indirectly by back titrating the excess of alkali with standard HCl
3. From the total amount of alkali added, the excess is reduced and
the actual amount of NaOH (0.1N) reacted with precipitate is found
4. The end point in this titration is colourless (i.e. from pink to
colourless.)Note the initial and final readings.


Precipitation of P

H3PO4 + 12 (NH4)2 MoO4 + 21 HNO3 (Precipitant)  (NH4)3 PO4 12MoO3

+ 21 NH4NO3 + 12H2O

Titration with NaoH (0.1N)

(NH4)3 PO4 12 MoO3 +23 NaOH  11 Na2MoO4 + (NH4)2 MoO4 + NaNH4

HPO4 + 11H2O


1ml of 0.1N HCl = 1ml of o.1N NaOH = 0.0001347g of Phosphorus.


Amount of feed = 5gm

Volume of soluble ash = 100ml

Amount of aliquot taken = 10ml

Titration:- Initial reading = 0ml

Final reading = 10ml

1ml of 0.1N HCl = 1ml of 0.1 N NaOH

10ml of 0.1N HCl = 10ml g 0.1N NaOH

Total amount (0.1N) NaOH added = 20ml

Excess remaining (as indicated by titration) is 10ml.

The amount of NaOH titrated with PPT = 20-10 = 10ml.

1ml of 0.1N NaOH (0.1 N Hcl) = 0.0001347 x 10gm P

This is in 120ml of aliquot (soluble ash)

In 100ml of soluble ash or in 5 gms of feed. = 0.0001347 x 10 x 100


% of P in feed = 0.0001347 x 10 x 100 x 100 = 0.2694

10 X 5

= 0.2694 or 0.27%.
Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:7 Date:



To determine the aflatoxin concentration in the given feed sample.

1. 25.0 grams of feed is added with 100 ml of distilled water. Then beat
in the mixer for 2 minutes.
2. Add 150ml Acetone and beat it again in the mixer for another 2
3. Filter the contents using a filter paper.
4. Take 75 ml of filtrate and add 1.5 grams of Cupric Carbonate in
beaker and designate it as ‘A’.
5. In another beaker ‘B’ take 85ml of 0.2M NaOH + 15ml of 0.41M
Solution of Ferric Chloride, swirl the contents.
6. Add the contents of beaker ‘B’ to ‘A’ and mix it slowly stirring for 5
7. Filter the contents.
8. 100ml of filtrate is added in a separating funnel.
9. Add 100ml of (0.03%) H2SO4 and 20ml of Chloroform mix it slowly.
Allow to settle and filter the Chloroform in a 100ml beaker.
10. Second times also 20ml of Chloroform is added, filter and mixed
thoroughly, allow to settle and filter the Chloroform in the same
100ml beaker.
11. Third time 10ml of Chloroform is added, mixed allowed to settle and
12. In a second separating funnel take 100ml of 0.02M KOH and 1%
KCl. To this add the collected 50ml of Chloroform containing
Aflatoxin mixture mix it slowly. Allow it to settle.
13. Fix a whatman no. 42 Filter paper in a funnel and add anhydrous
Sodium Sulphate over the filter paper.
14. Allow the Chloroform to pass over the anhydrous Sodium Sulphate
drop by drop.
15. Then keep it an oven at 50°C for 4 to 5 hours and dry it.
T.L.C. Plate
15gms of silica Gel/plate is to be prepared. To prepare two plates
30gms of Silica Gel is mixed with 60ml of Distilled water. Using a glass
rod make the slurry. Then use the applicator and prepare the plate.

To the dry extract in the stoppered tube, add 0.5ml of Chloroform,

mix it well and from this 10 micro litre and 40 micro litre are spotted on
the T.L.C. plate respectively.

Keep it in a developing tank containing Chloroform and Acetone

mixture (9:1). Allow 30 minutes for developing. Take it out dry for 5
minutes and view through U.V.Cabinet for blue florescence.

Reasons for adding various chemicals in Aflatoxin estimation :-

Water : To prepare Slurry and to increase the


Acetone : Extraction of Aflatoxin.

Ferric Chloride soluble : To clean up various impurities and to

remove FCl + 2% NaOH all Fluorescent
substance other than Aflatoxin.

0.03% H2 SO4 , KOH & : To clean up impurities and to remove

KCl Soln. water.

Na2SO4 (anhydrous) : To remove moisture from CHCl3

extracted Aflatoxin


Aflatoxin B1 content micro g 

/kg or mg/g 

(S = ul of AFB standard equal to that of material being evaluated on the


Y = Concentration of Alatoxin B1 std in micro g / micro litre or mg /

micro litre.

W = Weight of sample contained in the final extract (in this case 12.5g).

Z = micro litre of sample extract spotted to give fluorescence equal to


V = micro litre of Solvent required to dilute final extract.

Eg: Suppose 10 micro litre spot corresponded to 20 micro litre standard

I,weight of feed in the final extract will be equivalent to 12.5 g.

Aflatoxin B1 =(µg/g or 

Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:8 Date:



A feed mill is a very large investment and new buyers can often be
overwhelmed by the different types of machinery needed, the processes
and uses of each these machinery/equipment, and the components and
parts of these machinery/equipment.

The diagram below shows a rough guide to the layout of a feed mill.
This feed mill could range from anywhere from 2t/h up to 10 t/h.

Interactive feed mill diagram


What equipment do i need to manufacture my own feed?

Bagging Systems,
Bulk Storage,
Anti-bridging devices
Bagged or bulk purchases
Bulk ingredients storage
Handling of feed ingredients
Computerised Dosing Systems,
Conveying Equipment,
Belt Conveyors
Bucket elevators
Drag Conveyors
Screw Conveyors
Pneumatic Conveyors
Elevator legs
Slide Gates

Fat Sprayer
Hammer Mill
Hammer mill perforated screens
Particle size reduction
Hammer mill rods
Liquid Addition Machinery
Pellet Mill
Pellet Dies
Pellet die materials
Compression Ratio
Screening Equipment
Steam Boiler
Feed Mill Scheduling System

Feed mills are quite large factories which produce hundreds of tons
of products on a daily basis in a highly competitive market. Feed is
produced locally, with farmers calling up the mill during the day and
expecting a delivery on the next morning. They can select products from
a large catalog, where each product type is highly specialized for a
particular animal species. The product can either
either be a mixture of ground
and treated raw materials (called meals) or is heated and put under
pressure through a press, where the ingredients bond in forms of
cylindrical pellets or rolls of various sizes.

Feed Mill Layout

A typical layout of a feed mill

mill is shown above, the flow of production
is top down. Raw materials are stored in large bins from which they are
drawn to a grinder/mixer, where a they are broken up and mixed with
other ingredients. The resulting mixture can then either be used as a
meal product or is temporarily stored in a number of pre-press
pre press bins. From
there they are fed into the presses where, under pressure and
temperature, the mix is formed into pellets and rolls.
Feed Pellets


The size of the product is determined by the die size inside the
press, which is part of the press configuration. Changing dies is a long
and personnel intensive process (the dies weigh over a hundred
kilograms), while changing from one product to another which uses the
same die requires much less time.

Not all products can be made on all presses, and some products
have strong preferences for certain equipment, where particular pressure
and temperature settings can be achieved. Machine throughput will
depend on product and press combinations, and the length of production
runs. . For others, the temperature and press settings are so different
that the quality of the product may suffer, creating more scrap material,
and we try to avoid the sequence if possible.

From the presses the finished product is fed through a system of

conveyors and lifts into finished product bins, each holding many tons of
product, or to movable tote bins of much smaller capacity. Not all
connections from presses to bins are possible and/or preferred.

From the finished product bins there is another set of connections to

the loading stations, where product is dumped directly into lorries, or to a
bagging station, where smaller production runs are put into bags for
delivery or distribution.
Date Notes
Date Notes
Ex.No:9 Date:


There are many different feeding programmes in the broiler

industry. Some broiler companies follow four feed and other follow five
feed programmes. To cover the production cycle. 4 feed programmers for
light straight run broilers, 5 feed programmes for heavy straight run

Average time period of feeding:

Feed name four feed programme Five feed programmes

(Days) (Days)

Starter 1-18 1-18

Grower 19-30 19-30

Finisher 31- 36 31-35

Initial withdrawal - 36

Final withdrawal Last 5 Last 5

Nutrient requirements for broiler starter.

Nutrient ISI/ BIS NRC

1. Age 0-6weeks 0-3weeks

2. ME Kcal/Kg 2800 2800

3. Protein % 23 20.1

4. Lysine % 1.20 0.90

5 . Methionine % 0.5 0.44

6. Calcium % 1.20 0.88

7. Phosphorus nonphytin % 0.50 -0.39

Broiler Finisher:

Nutrient BIS . NRC

1. Age From 6(weeks) 3-6(weeks)

2. ME 2900 2900

3. Protein % 20 18.1

4. Lysine % 1.0 0.90

5. Methionine % 0.35 0.34

6. Calcium % 1.20 0.82

7. Phosphorus nonphytin% 0.50 0.32

Broiler chick starter:

Nutrient BIS NRC

Age 0-8 week 0-6 week

ME Kcal/kg 2700 2700

Protein % 20.8 17.1

Lysine% 0.93 0.81

Methionine% 0.31 0.28

Calcium % 1.04 0.87

Phosphorus non phytin % 0.52 --



Age (weeks) 9-20 7-12 13-18

ME Kcal/kg 2700 2700 2700

Protein % 17.3 15.2 14.0

Lysine % 0.65 0.57 0.42

Methionine % 0.27 0.24 0.19

Linoleic acid % 1.08 0.95 0.93

Calcium % 1.08 0.76 0.74

Phosphorus non phytin % 0.54 0.33 0.28


Nutrient BIS NRC

Age In Weeks 19-68 19-68

Protein % 17.31 13.64

ME Kcal/kg 2500 2700

Lysine % 0.63 0.63

Methionine % 0.29 0.27

Linoleic acid % 0.96 0.91

Calcium % 2.88 2.96

Phosphorus non % 0.48 0.23

Nutrient Specifications for Broiler Parent Stock (Five Feed)

Chick Grower Pre Breeder Breeder

S.No starter 22 – 119 breeder –I II 315
0-21 days 120-154 155-314 days +
days days days
1 Crude Protein % 17.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 15.50
2 Metabolizable 2915 2915 2915 2915 2915
3 Fat % 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
4 Fiber% 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
5 Lysine% 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.75
6 Methionine% 0.40 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.31
7 Methionine+ 0.72 0.60 0.58 0.58 0.55
Cystine %
8 Calcium% 1.00 1.00 1.50 3.00 3.20
9 Total phosphorus 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
10 Available 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
phosphorus %
11 Vitamin A .I.U. 4550 4450 7300 7300 7300
12 Vitamin D3. I.U. 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
13 Vitamin E. I .U. 15 15 25 25 25
14 Vitamin k (mg) 1 1 5 5 5
15 Choline (mg) 45 45 140 140 140
16 Linoleic acid % 1 1 1.25 1.25 1.00
Feed formulation in case of hybrid birds like Ross 305 broiler
breeders 5 different kinds of feed to be prepared as per their
specifications of nutrient requirements. The following 5 different rations
are to be prepared and fed to birds.

1. Chick starter feed ----- 000 to 21 days.

2. Grower feed ------------ 022 to 119 days.
3. Pre breeder ------------- 120 to 154 days.
4. Breeder I. --------------- 155 to 314 days.
5. Breeder 2. --------------- -315 + days.

The principle of formulating all the 5 rations are same as stated

later but the ratio of feed ingredients, Vitamin mix., mineral mix. And
amino acids may vary depending upon the Nutrient requirements. The
period of feeding the birds are given then and there.
Some important feed mixes:

Percent ingredient composition of broiler starter feed:

Ingredients Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3

Maize 50 55 47
Ground nut cake 30 25 33
De oiled rice - -9 -8
Wheat bran 10 - -
Fish meal 8 9 10
Mineral mix 2 2 2
Vitamin mix 0.02 0.01 0.01
DL-methionine 0.10 0.10 0.15
L-lysine HCL 0.15 0.20 0.20
Coccidio stat 0.05 0.05 0.05

Percent ingredient composition of broiler finisher feed:

Ingredients Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3

Maize 55 55 55
Ground nut cake 25 25 25
De oiled rice bran 9 5 10
Wheat bran - 6 -
Fish meal 9 6.5 8
Mineral mix 2 2.5 2
Vitamin mix 0.01 0.01 0.01
DL-methionine 0.10 - 0.15
L-Lysine HCL 0.20 - 0.20
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Ex.No:10(A) Date:


FEED FORMULATION (Poultry rations)

The basic components of a ration are
1.cereals 2.cereal by products 3.vegetable proteins 4.animal proteins
5.fats and oils 6.aminoacids. 7.vitamin mixes 8.Mineral supplements and
9.additives such as Antibiotics, antioxidants, colouring agents, enzymes,
pellet binders etc.

There are about 45 dietary nutrients in a ration and most of the

poultry rations may contain 10 to 15 ingredients to supply these

While formulating rations the following points to be considered:--

1. Class of bird for which ration formulated.(chick, grower, layer,

breeder etc.)
2. Requirement of each nutrient computed as number of units /Kg.
(or) percent of the mixture.
3. A knowledge of the nutrient content of available feed stuff.
4. Presence or absence of toxic factors if any in such feeds.
5. Max. and minimum level of inclusion of ingredients
6. Cost of these feed stuffs on the basis of nutrient content.-economic.
7. A knowledge on the interaction of these nutrients.

While formulating rations

1. Energy content of the ration should be given adequate importance.

2. Protein quality to be taken in to account.
3. Calorie: Protein ratio to be calculated.
4. Normally high energy rations are economical and more efficient
than the low energy rations.

FEED FORMULAE:-There are hundreds of possibilities for feed formulae.

Rations for poultry differ depending upon the physiological status, breed,
climatic conditions etc. There are basically two general group rations.
Rations for 1.broilers and 2.Layer birds Nutrient requirements and
specifications for poultry were given in the form of tables by Indian and
International agencies. We can follow any one based on the bird for
which feed is formulated.
1. Indian standards-1. B.I.S.-Bureau of Indian Standards

2. I.C.A.R.-Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

3. C.L.F.M.A.-Compound Livestock feed

Manufacturers Association

2. International standards-1.N.R.C - National Research Council. U.S.

2.A.R.C -Agricultural Research Council. U.K.

3. Amino Dat 1.0-Degussa –Germany.

Broiler:- In general Broiler birds are started on high energy and high
nutrients diet and the level of protein relative to the energy level is
reduced as age advances.
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Ex.No:10(B) Date:


The process of uniform distribution of different feed ingredients in

the compounded feed is known as feed mixing.

Types of mixing:

1. Manual mixing/Hand mixing

2. Mechanical mixing

Manual/Hand mixing:

It is a manual process carried out in small-scale operations.


1. All selected ingredients should be proportionately weighed and

2. A hard and smooth floor is selected
3. A thick polythene sheet is spread on the floor
4. Weighed quantity of various ingredients is piled on the plastic sheet
one over the other.
5. The bulkiest ingredient or ingredient having largest quantity should
form the basal layer e.g. bran.
6. Micro ingredients should first thoroughly be mixed with a diluent or
carrier and then spread as a top layer. E.g. Mineral, vitamin
supplements and additives are first mixed with bran or any other
ground ingredient thoroughly
7. Mixing is carried out from one side-using spade.
8. The mixing process is repeated 4-5 times.
9. For mixing molasses, it is first mixed with the bulkiest ingredient,
followed by mixing it with others.
Mechanical mixing:

Mixers are used for this purpose. There are mainly two types of
mixers horizontal and vertical mixers. Mixers are selected based on their
efficiency of mixing and scale of operation.

For small-scale batch type of operation vertical mixers are

preferred. Horizontal mixers are used for continuous and large scale feed
Vertical mixers Horizontal mixers
Advantages Cheap and so can be used in small Molasses can be
farms. mixed effectively
Power consumption is less Mixing time is short
(5-7 minutes.)
100% discharge of
mixed feed is possible
Disadvantages Longer mixing time 20-30minutes. Consumes more

Cannot be used for liquid supplements if More costly

used more than 2-3% since the liquid
may sticky to the walls and screw along
with other ingredients. Molasses – high
density – difficult to mix.Cleanout is not
100%, 3-4% of material will stick to the
screw and to the walls of the mixer and
cannot be easily recovered.


Irrespective of the type of mixer the following steps should be

followed in the given sequence for uniform mixing.

1. The ingredients are ground and weighed as per feed formula.

2. They are then loaded into the mixer
3. The duration of mixing depends on the ingredients to be mixed.
4. Micro ingredients are mixed with diluents or carrier (generally edible
substances) before being mixed.
5. After a definite period of mixing the mixer is emptied and materials
are packed suitably.
6. In case of liquid ingredients like molasses use of horizontal mixer is
preferable over vertical mixer.
Horizontal mixer

Vertical mixer
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Ex.No:10(C) Date:


Most poultry rations are available in mash, pellet and crumble form.

1. Mash form:
Many feed ingredients are in ground form others may be as whole
grain to be ground prior to mixing of ration –“Bite” of feed each time get
balanced diet.
Finely ground mash  unpalatable, Too dry and sticky

So medium particle size improves bird’s ability to eat them.

Chickens will have a tendency to pick out the larger cereal grains particles
from mash first, leaving the finer material until lost – Feeding Problem.


Prepared mash is conditioned before pelleting. Objective of

conditioning is to optimize nutritional and physical quality of feed.

Live steam is directly injected into the feed to condition the mash
Temperature of steam 120o to 160oC; pressure 1.8 to 3 kg at PRV.
Conditioning moisture level – 12 to 16%.
In the conditioner material to be allowed for 90 to 120 seconds. So
that the steam will cook – Gelatinization (gummy) 75 to 85oC.


Conditioned mash is compacted by forcing feed through a die by a

set of press rollers. The compacted feed thus leaving the die is cylindrical
mass of desired diameter and it is cut through by knife to desired length
in the form of pellet.

Pellet shape - 2.5 to 4.6 mm

Length - 4 to 6 mm
Moisture - 12 to 16%
Pellet hardness - P.D.I above 85%
Cooling Process:

Procedure: when the cooked feed comes out the die in the pellet form
the temperature is about 85oC and above 15% moisture. Temperature to
be reduced to room temperature and the moisture to about 10.5 to 12%
before packing.

The drop in the temperature is termed as cooling. It is achieved

through evaporation of moisture caused by drafts of air.
Crumbling Process:

Procedure: cooled pellet is transferred to the crumblers. The crumbler is

actually a roller mill. The crumbler has 2 cast hardened rolls which are
corrugated. The fast roll which acts as a feed roll cuts longitudinally and
the slow roll cuts circumferentially around the roll. Here pellets are broken
down into required size by crumbler rolls. This crumbled feed is suitable
for young chicks.

II) Pellet Form:

The mash may be compressed by running it through specialized

equipment’s to form pellets of various sizes. The pellet making machines
are composed of a die made of dozens of holes of a specific diameter
through whole feed is forced under pressure. Steam is often added to the
feed just before pelleting to produce firmer pellet.

II) Crumble Form:

When pellets are coarsely ground a probably run through special

cracking rolls, a type of product midway between mash and pellet results.
Because of the smaller size it may be fed to younger chicks (from 1 day
age) so younger ones eat rapidly and prevent cannibalism.
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Ex.No:11 Date:


1. Brooding / growing flock record-updated daily.

2. Laying flock record.-updated daily.

3. Pen wise body weight record. Weekly/ fortnightly

4. Feed stock register-updated daily.

5. Empty feed bag stock register.-updated daily.

6. Vaccine stock register.-vaccinating or receipt date.

7. Medicine stock register.-updated daily.

8. Disinfectant stock register.-prior to disinfection.

9. Hatching egg stock register.-updated daily.

10. Table and crack egg stock register.-updated daily.

11. Instruction note-then and there of instruction.

12. Maintenance-Electrical and plumbing work completion report-daily.

13. Manure dispatch summary.-on the date of removal.

14. Eggs tray stock register.-on the date of issue.

15. Egg box stock register.-on the date of issue.

16. Males management record-daily.

17. Genset log book.-on the date of operation.

18. E.B.Logbook.-on the date of entry and payment.

19. Attendance register.-updated daily.

20. Staff in out register.-updated daily.

21. Staff in and out register.-updated daily.

22. Fixed assets register.-as and when received.

23. Labour in and out register.-up dated daily.

24. Out pass control register.-updated daily.

25. Inpass control register.-updated daily.


1. Maize report register updated daily

2. Slive test entry register “

3. Gate in /out register “

4. Feed sample entry register “

5. Material receiving register (unloading)

6. Raw material stock register Daily updated

7. Materials delivery /out ward register-Feed “

8. Biosecurity register “

9. Genset log book “

10. Power driller maintenance log book “

11. Car wash maintenance log book “

12. E.B. Log book “

13. Letter inward register “

14. Letter outward registers “

15. Material in ward registers “

16. Returnable gate register “

17. Scrap register “

18. Genset log register “

19 .E.B. log register “

20. Feed Material issue slip register “

21. Feed Dispatch register “

22. Feed power house log book “

23. Feed premix daily stock register “

24. Feed raw material arrival register “

25. Shift log register “

26. Shift wise feed stock register “

27. Raw material arrival register “

28. Raw material daily stock register “

29. Daily feed stock register “

30. Daily raw material and medicine stock register “

31. Feed daily stock register “

32. Feed dispatch register “

33. Feed stock register “

34 .Feed gunny bag stock register “

35. Feed hammer mill shift log register “

36. Daily medicine stock register “

37. Premix daily stock register “

38. Shift wise feed stock register “

39. Packing slip stock register “

40. Feed loading register “

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Ex.No:12 Date:


Feed stuffs are not homogenous therefore to obtain representative

sample for analysis systematic methods have to be followed.

The following precautions should be observed while drawing, preparing,

storing and handling of samples.

1. Samples should not be taken in a place exposed to damp, dust,

breeze, etc.
2. The sampling probe should be clean and dry.
3. The samples, material being sampled, sampling probe, sample
container, should be free from contamination.
4. The sample container should be sealed air tight and labelled
5. Samples should be stored suitably to prevent deterioration of the
Straws should be chaffed (3-4
(3 4 cm) and thoroughly mixed before
sampling. Concentrates should be collected from different bags and mixed
thoroughly. The
he samples thus collected must be dried at 65 °C, ground
and stored.



Biological materials are not homogenous in nature. Therefore, to

obtain representative sample for analysis, systematic procedures have to
be followed. The main objective of sampling is to draw small amount of a
representative material from bulk quantity.

The appliance used for collection of samples is called as the

sampler.. Samplers may be of different types: 1. Simple sampler
sampler 2. Probe
type sampler and 3. Vacuum type sampler

Feed sampler
Ingredients And concentrate feed should be collected in random
from different bags and mixed thoroughly and a sub sample should be
drawn. The following procedure can be adopted. Sampling is done based
on total number of bags.
If the total number of bags is 10 sampling is done from all the bags.
10 – 50 bags sampling is done at random from any 10 bags
51 to 100 bags sampling is done at random from 10 % of bags
100 to 500 bags sampling is done at random from 5 % of bags
(minimum 10 bags)

For concentrates stored in bins it is desirable to use suitable probes to

draw out samples. Otherwise random grab samples from 10 – 15 areas in
the bin can be drawn, mixed thoroughly and a sub sample be drawn.
Sampling of ingredients should always be done in the presence of
supplier or his representative. Out of two sealed packets of sample one is
sent for analysis and the other is retained under security.


The samples received in the laboratory after moisture estimation is

dried in a hot air oven at 60 °C, ground in a mill to about 1mm particle
size, mixed thoroughly and transferred into a clean dry air tight container
for further analysis.

Each packet of sample should contain the following information

1. Name of the sample

2. Code number of the sample
3. Date of procurement
4. Date of sampling
5. Batch number in case of processed feeds
6. Signature with date
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Ex.No:13 Date:


In the feed manufacturing process, evaluation of the feed

ingredients is important for production of good quality feed. Only good
quality ingredients the end product (feed) will be good. So we have to
evaluate the ingredients before unloading from truck.

Types of evaluation

1. Physical 2. Chemical and 3. Biological

Physical evaluation: Easiest and fast method of ingredient evaluation.

All the 5 senses may be used to identify the quality of the raw material.

1. Sight:-

a) colour:-Golden yellow colour of maize and some of them are

shiny. Good colour:-Normal and healthy cereals.
Dull in appearance –Storage condition poor, Not matured fully,
contamination due sand.
Sorghum (jowar)-Orange to red colour-High in tannins and not
suitable for feeding birds. Dark varieties –lower in metabolizable
Rice polish normally Light yellow to light brown. All of them are of
same nutritive value. Blackening-Heat damaged material –low in
nutritive value.
b) Size:- of the grains is an indicator of energy value.Smaller the
grains lower the nutritive value (M.E).this is due the increased
portion of seed coat. Test weighment can be done: 100g of grains is
weighed and count the number of grains.
c) Homogeneity:-Usually grains and other ingredients are
contaminated with husk, broken grains, weed seeds and weevil
infested seeds. Usually they are lower in nutritive value. Excreta of
birds and rats may reduce nutritive value but also a source of
Rice polish—Husk adulteration can be easily identified. Husk
adulteration reduces energy values and increases crude fibre level.
Fish meal:-Heating/Exposure to heat due to storage may produce
toxic product GIZEROSINE.
Mineral ingredients:- Clumps, or Crystals are not suitable for

Nutritionist should be familiarized with normal smell of ingredients.

Any change in smell should be viewed with suspicion.

Sour odour—fermenting or mouldy grain.

Musty odour-Indicates presence of boring insects or fungal contamination.

Petroleum odour-Excess of pesticides or fungicides.

Oil rich feeds:-Rancidity –characteristic smell

Heat damaged ingredients-Easily detected even the colour has not


Ghee odour – Good quality and fresh meat cum bone meal

Leathery smell – MBM contamination with leather meal


Each ingredient has its own taste which is different from other.

Bitter Taste: Presence of mycotoxins in soyabean meal, SFC, grains GNC

Salt: level can be easily detected.


Dryness and high moisture of an ingredient can be detected by

feeling or Touch. When dripped metallic sound in maize grains if moisture
level is low/optimum.

Clumps formation – High moisture/ Improper storage

Rice Polish – Shape of a fist if. The crude fibre level is below 12%

High fibre level - Disintegration of Ricepolish

If bran is there in Rice polish ME increases but storing is a problem.


When grains like maize are dripped on the ground it sounds like
spilling of coins- Indication of dryness

Chew it- Characteristic sound heard if it dry.

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Ex.No:14 Date:


Adulteration identification methods

Detection of adulteration:-

a) additives b)drugs c)minerals and d)others

Spot test is done as follows:-

1. Take a clean spot plate.
2. Take drops of the reagent on the spot plate.
3. Sprinkle small quantity of the sample (feed) which is
sieved through 40mm sieve on the surface of the plate.
4. Observe the reaction under microscope at 20x

Reagent Reaction Compound indicated

1.silver nitrate White Common salt
precipitate(soluble in
NH4OH),insoluble in
2.Distilled water White solution Milk products
3.0.5 NHCl effervescence Carbonates
4.potassium ferrocyanide Brown colour Copper salts
5.K.ferri cyanide Blue colour Ferrous salts
6.Ammonium molybdate Effervescence without Carbonates-
solution precipitate ca.carbonate,Na

Effervescence with carbonate. Dicalcium

Yellow precipitate phosphate

No effervescence di/mono calcium

But yellow ppt. phosphate

7.Con.H2SO4 blue colour changes to chlortetracycline

olive green present.

light red colour oxytetra cycline

In the proximate principles we have total ash. This is has two
fractions namely soluble fraction and insoluble fraction.

Significance of insoluble portion of the ash

The insoluble fraction mainly consists of silica and sand (impurities).

The presence of high insoluble fraction is a measure of impurity and

adulteration. In case of certain feed like rice bran, the high value of total
ash is due to the large fraction of insoluble ash, due to presence of sand.

Determination of Common Salt:


Chloride is precipitated as silver chloride with a measured quantity

of silver nitrate. The silver nitrate remaining after precipitation is titrated
against Potassium thiocyanate using ferric alum as indicator.

Detection of adulteration feed ingredient with urea

A rapid qualitative screening test for detection of adulteration of

feed ingredient with urea can be carried out using conversion of urea to
ammonia in the presence of an by colorimetric method.

Urea- phenol red solution is brought to an amber colour by using

0.1N HCL or 0.1N NaoH. About 25 g of soya bean meal is then added to
50 ml of indicator in a petridish. After 5minitues the sample is viewed for
the presence of red particles. If no red particles is seen wait. 2 5%
surface red particles shows over heating of the meal. If red particles
present indicates the presence of urea, i.e. Adulteration.

The percentage of urea present in the feed / feed ingredient can be

determined by using the instrument called spectrophotometer.
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Ex.No:15 Date:



1. Ensure the go down is free from rat and burrows, window damages
and floor damages before unloading.
2. Ensure go down cleanliness before unloading.


1. Spray disinfectant fluid (formalin)

2. Unloading area to be covered with tarpaulin prior to raw material
3. After unloading, the spillage should be cleaned immediately.
4. The unloaded Raw material to be stacked as per the specification.
5. Maize & Deoiled Cake lots must be minimum at 16 bags height.
6. Crushed fish and MBM lots must be maximum at 10 bags height.
7. Premix lots must be maximum at 8 bags height.
8. Other medicines must be stacked maximum at 10 bags height.
9. Raw materials should be stacked on wooden pallet only, for good
aeration and to avoid moisture absorption.
10. Raw material specified board name can be kept in storage area to
avoid relocation of raw material.


1. .Lot to lot and wall to gap must be minimum of one feet.

2. Instead of maintaining single (big) lot for maize &soya DOC,
maintain several small size lots which will help (fist in fist out)
3. Sufficient space should be allotted for raw material shifting trolley to
shift the material.
4. The BIN card should be updated on daily basis.


1. We can avoid one material mix to mix with other material .And also
we can avoid particular material loss.
2. Ensure cleanliness of the raw material Go down at all time.
3. The required quantity of inventory to be maintained and it should
be utilized fully before the date of expiry.
4. Identify the non –moving and slow –moving stock monthly once
.These reports to be consolidated and the same to be forwarded to
Nutrition department for getting advice for liquidating.

1. “NO SMOKING “sign boards to be kept in the unloading and storage

2. Fire hydrant system to be fixed.
3. Appropriate fire extinguishers to be kept in the fire hazard area.
4. Stack height to be maintained based on the type of raw material.
5. House keeping to be maintained good.
6. Nose mask to be weared while unloading the dust material.



1. Ensure the cleanliness of storage bin before the finished feed is

transferred for storage.
2. Ensure that the bin is allotted for the type of feed.
3. Check the bin opening and closing function is proper. If the feed
moisture is above 12%, don’t store that feed in bins.


1. Terminal cleaning to be done as per the cleaning procedure.

When feed temperature is higher than the ambient temperature (i.e

+_5oc) avoid storage of that feed in bins.


1. The floor to be cleaned by broom stick and disinfected before feed

2. Spread the good conditioned tarpaulin / wooden pallets on the
floor for the required area.
3. Stack the bag lot wise. The feed to be despatched as per indent
approval from the authorities.
4. During lotting if any damages /improper stitching are found in bags,
immediately the feed has to be transferred to the new bags. If
stitching is not proper, re-stitching to be done.


1. Lot to be in feed type wise in the allotted area

2. Lot size :2load /250bags
3. If the feed is rejected , immediately place the tag as rejected .The
material to reprocess after receiving the reprocess formula.

1. The gap I feet (minimum)) between wall to lot &lot to lot to be

2. If the feed spillage is found, it has to be collected and sent to
repacking or reprocess immediately.
3. On every lot, the bin card to kept on the lots with the details of
Date of manufacturing, Shift and NO. of bags and batch , expiry
4. Ensure the lot is stacked away from the source of rain water
5. The stored feed to be despatched within 7 days from the day of
production which helps to avoid to feed contamination and quality
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Date Notes

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