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1A Participate in commercial transactions Classified advertisement Supplemental Educational Books and website resources

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
1B Read stories and legends aloud Collage of magical objects Materials

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
2A Participate in formal communicative events Exhibition museum cards Materials

Supplemental Educational
Listen to, read, and record information from Books and website resources
2B News summary Materials
diverse media

Supplemental Educational
Participate in language games with Books and website resources
3A Word game Materials
expressive and aesthetic purposes

Supplemental Educational
Read and record information to solve a Books and website resources
3B Brief illustrated guide Materials

Supplemental Educational
Books and website resources
4A Read and write notes and letters Message mailbox Materials

Supplemental Educational
Read and compare aspects of Mexico and Books and website resources
4B Comparative chart Materials
english-speaking countries

Supplemental Educational
Read and record information to design Books and website resources
5A Questionnaire Materials
questionnaires and reports

Quick guide to walk from one Supplemental Educational

Books and website resources
5B Follow and give directions to go to places place to another within the Materials
SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 1A
SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in commercial transactions
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and Community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Identify and interpret transaction-related expressions in classified ads

• Identifies function, purpose, and Explore classified ads of products for children. • Topic, purpose, and • Identify CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT
intended audience. • Identify function, purpose, and intended intended audience. consequences in
audience. • Graphics components: the use of Stage 1
• Identifies graphic and textual • Identify characteristics of graphics. images, typography, etc. language to
• Textual components: Select a product and determine general
components. • Examine graphic and textual distribution. advertise
text, figures, and products. characteristics, price, and data to obtain
• Reads prices, telephone numbers, and typographic symbols. • Value honesty in it.
Read out loud.
e-mail and/or home addresses aloud. • Repertoire of words commercial Stage 2
• Interpret the message based on contextual necessary for this social transactions. Determine typography, colors and
clues and previous knowledge. practice of the language.
• Dictates and enlist names and • Identify advertised products. images of the advertisement
• Differences in letter-
characteristics of products. • Clarify the meaning of new words and considering its purpose, intended
sound correspondences
phrases. between the mother audience and message, based on a
• Completes sentences to form the • Classify ads according to the product they tongue and English. model.
content of ads. sell. • Adjectives: qualitative. Stage 3
• Identify general characteristics of products. • Conventional writing of
• Writes classified ads. • Read price, telephone numbers, and e-mail Establish order and proportion of
words. graphic and textual components.
and/or home addresses aloud. • Punctuation: upper-case
• Identify the use and proportion of letters, exclamation
Stage 4
typography and punctuation. marks, period, comma, Elaborate the advertisement
• Identify and spell words used to express and hyphen. incorporating all of its elements.
characteristics and qualities of products. • Abbreviations. Stage 5
• Interpret abbreviations and signs that
Check that graphic and textual
indicate price.
information is complete, reliable, and
Write information.
• Dictate and make a list of names and Stage 6
characteristics of products. Display the ads in a visible place in the
• Write prices, telephone numbers, and e- classroom.
mail and/or home addresses.
• Reorganize previously scrambled classified
• Complete sentences to form the content of
• Choose graphic information to make an ad.

Check spelling and punctuation conventions.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Have Ss think of objects they would like to buy. They can be toys or anything valuable Ss have at home or school. Then, explain what an illustrated advertisement is, and its
• Show different advertisements and have Ss look at them in order to identify the object they would like to buy or sell, special features, the price, and the contact details.
Stage 1 • In groups Ss talk about the advertisements they would be interested in buying. Encourage them to explain why. On the board, list characteristics of different products for Ss
to use as references to talk about them (size, colour, etc.). Use the list to introduce vocabulary and have Ss copy the words.

• Ss share their experience on their last purchase, help them by eliciting information from them, e.g. colour, price, etc.
• Bring handouts so Ss look at different ads. Ask Ss to name things they can remember about the elements of ads. Have Ss work in teams to find graphic and textual
components with the pictures of the advertisements (prices, telephone numbers, e-mails, symbols, and other numerical information).
Stage 2 • On a globe or map, elicit different countries and point out the currencies used there. Have Ss research on not well-known symbols such as yens, pounds, or euros. Ask Ss to
draw colourful typography to make currency and other important symbols ($, £, €, @). Have Ss produce language discourse like: “This is England. They use pounds”. Ss will
identify those useful symbols to use in their ads.

• Ask Ss to bring several cutouts from newspapers or magazines from supermarkets or stores they are familiar with. cut outs of symbols from newspapers and ads from
supermarket or stores they are familiar with. Have Ss work in groups and ask them to rank the components they will use in their ads from the most to the least important
(price, description, image, telephone, etc.). Once they have decided on the importance of the elements, ask them to present the graphic components they found in the ads.
Stage 3 Point out the use of different punctuation elements such as exclamation and question marks.
• Have Ss talk about the impact of ads on people, and if the characteristics specified in the ad are true. Reflect with your Ss on the importance of honesty in any kind of
commercial transaction, either if you are the one who sells or buys.

• Have Ss make an advertisement for an object they want to sell, ask them to use attractive illustrations and some effective language. Remind Ss to use appropriate graphic
Stage 4 information, font size and colours to make an impact on the buyer.
• Ask Ss to reflect on the product they will sell, and if the information provided in the ad is accurate and reliable.

• Display all the ads around the classroom and have Ss decide which item to buy. Have Ss interact with each other to buy and sell their products using toy bills. Ask them to
share the reason why they decided to buy that object.
• Ss may also have an assessment instrument such as a checklist to verify if the ads have the elements they have learned about through this social practice (image, description,
Stage 5 price, contact information, etc.)
• For further practice, in case they want to make real transactions, they can display their ads in the schoolyard and invite other Ss to buy their products (candies, popcorn, fruit

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. On Safari

Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: Numbers

e.g. Unit 2: Clothes 1, Clothes 2
e.g. Unit 4: Around Town, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall, At the Restaurant
e.g. Unit 5: In My Schoolbag, Arts and Crafts, Musical Instruments
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: Toys and Games

Thematic Frame
 From the contents that favor the development of this social practice, to invite students to explore and decide which item they would choose to make the ad.
 Identify which products could be announced.
 Retake the content of numbers to write prices and phone numbers.
 It is recommendable that students create a catalogue to verify their learning.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher’s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! five” Fact
pp. 13-25 pp. 6-17
Santillana pp. 58-68
“Do it! 5” Fact
pp. 15-25 pp. 3-9
University of Dayton pp. 5-16
“Play and Play 5” Non-Fictional
pp. 10-21 pp. 6-15
Nuevo México pp. 3-10
“Sunshine 5” Fact
pp. 2-10 pp. 2-10
Pearson pp. 2-7
“Think! in English 5” Fact
pp. 15-24 pp. 5-11
Ediciones SM pp. 5 to 18
“Yes, we can! 5” Non-Fiction
pp. 4-11 pp. 4-11
Richmond pp. 3-10

Online shopping websites:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 1B
SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read stories and legends aloud
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Read legends of interest to students and stimulate creativity

• Identifies plot, climax, body, and Explore children’s legends. • Topic, purpose, and • Understand COLLAGE OF MAGICAL OBJECTS
ending. • Activate previous knowledge. intended audience. legends as a
• Identify topic, purpose and intended • Graphic reflection of the Stage 1
• Uses contextual clues and bilingual audience. components: emotions and
Select a magical object from the read legends
dictionary to find the meaning of • Predict the content of legends based images, typography, experiences of
etc. people and their or suggest one.
words and phrases. on images and titles.
• Associate legends to personal • Textual components: cultures. Stage 2
• Associates elements of legends to experiences. text, figures, and • Appreciate oral Point out the characteristics of the magical
personal experiences. typographic tradition in one’s object and its owner.
Read legends aloud. symbols. culture and in Stage 3
• Completes and writes sentences to • Repertoire of words English-speaking
• Select legends. Describe the magical object orally and in
describe the properties and necessary for this countries.
• Identify and define new words and writing, based on a model.
characteristics of an imaginary object. social practice of the • Show Interest in
phrases. Stage 4
language. the reading aloud
• Mention settings.
• Reinforces knowledge of spelling and • Differences in letter- of children’s Check that the writing is complete and
• Compare differences and similarities
punctuation. sound legends complies with spelling and punctuation
of specific patterns of behavior,
correspondences conventions
values, and settings in English-
between the mother Stage 5
speaking countries.
tongue and English.
• Contrast the setting of a legend with Illustrate magical objects and write their
• Adjectives:
familiar settings. description.
• Read names of magical objects. Stage 6
• Conventional writing
• Identify properties, uses, functions and
of words. Read the description of the magical object
characteristics of magical
• Punctuation: upper- aloud to other classmates.
• Objects.
case letters, Stage 7
exclamation marks, Display the descriptions in a visible place in the
Make a written description of magical period, comma, and
objects in a legend. classroom.
• Write names of magical objects. • Abbreviations.
• Complete and write sentences to
describe properties and characteristics
of magical objects

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Ask Ss to mention what a legend is, its characteristics and structure (setting, narrator, plot, climax, body and ending). Elicit different popular legends, and have Ss
remember if they know different versions of the same legend.
• Have Ss explore the Reader’s book or other sources, and make predictions about the first chapter by looking at the title and images. Ss may express their ideas in Spanish
because they are not able to use the structures. Provide any necessary help to motivate Ss to express their ideas in English.
Stage 1 • Ss work in groups so they can talk about legends and have them share their versions. On the board have some examples of local legends for Ss to use as reference
(Excalibur, La Llorona, The Popo volcano, etc.). Have Ss tell the characteristics of the magic objects mentioned in the legends they have explored; then, look at the visuals
in their books and identify the legends mentioned. Brainstorm new vocabulary and have Ss copy it for further use when talking about legends.

• Ask Ss to mention what a legend is, its characteristics and structure (setting, narrator, plot, climax, body and ending). Elicit different popular legends, and have Ss
remember if they know different versions of the same legend.
• Have Ss explore the Reader’s book or other sources, and make predictions about the first chapter by looking at the title and images. Ss may express their ideas in Spanish
Stage 2 because they are not able to use the structures. Provide any necessary help to motivate Ss to express their ideas in English.
• Ss work in groups so they can talk about legends and have them share their versions. On the board have some examples of local legends for Ss to use as reference
(Excalibur, La Llorona, The Popo volcano, etc.). Have Ss tell the characteristics of the magic objects mentioned in the legends they have explored; then, look at the visuals
in their books and identify the legends mentioned. Brainstorm new vocabulary and have Ss copy it for further use when talking about legends.
• Do a multiple-choice exercise to describe the magic objects seen in previous lessons, e.g. The magic wand can: a) help the prince to convert animals into humans, b) help
the prince to make him invisible, c) help the prince to be stronger.
Stage 3 • Give Ss a matching exercise handout to relate drawings of magic objects with a word or have them draw the object and add notes to make sure all the information is
included, e.g. Name of object ____________ Material___________ Magic powers__________ Drawing__________.

• Organize groups and ask each of them to choose one legend or fairy tale they want to work with for the final product. In their teams Ss find the common elements (main
characters, plot, climax, body, and ending) in the legend or fairy tale they have chosen.
Stage 4 • Ask Ss to design their own magic object. Ask them to reflect why they would like to have it and how they would use it. Ask Ss to write the characteristics and the
description of their magical object, based on the model previously worked in stage 3. Make sure Ss mention name, material and aim.

• Ask Ss to illustrate the magic object they have designed and write its description. Ss exchange their texts to do peer correction.
Stage 5
• Have a competition so that the group chooses the most ingenious magic object. Have Ss read in groups somebody else's description of their magic object. Have Ss guess
who the object belongs to and why. Correct mistakes in any respect when Ss read their descriptions of objects: pronunciation, correctness of vocabulary, structure and
Stage 6 how attractive and convincing their objects seem to be.
• Wrap up this activity with the fact that cultures are expressed through legends according to their origin.

• Display the descriptions around the classroom and if time allows, Ss may make the object out of reusable materials.
Stage 7 • Invite other groups to see their magic objects collection.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Experiment with Magnets

Thematic Frame
 It expresses elementary explanations of natural phenomena and physical observations as magnetism, it also applies scientific knowledge in the context of various experiments and
encourages rational thought using objects from everyday life as evidence (at the end as evidence)

e.g. Recycling Race

Thematic Frame
 It promotes responsible use for items that can be recycled for environmental conservation, it promotes strategies for action in the immediate environment such as home and school
community to reduce, reuse and recycle those objects used by students in use everyday life.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 2: My Family

e.g. Unit 5: Musical Instruments
e.g. Unit 7: Story Time 1, Story Time 2, Toys and Games, At the Fairgrounds, On the Farm, Camping
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands, In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame

 To include the description of magical objects in stories.

 To create own stories, split them according to the structure of beginning, middle and end; to mix the stories and present them to the group.
 To associate personal and fantastic experiences in a creative way from the variety of words chosen for the development of this social practice.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing house Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! five” Stories
pp. 18-27 pp. 18-27
Santillana pp. 5-17

“Do it! 5” Fiction

pp. 26-36 pp. 10-15
University of Dayton pp. 60-71

"Play and Play 5” Narrative

pp. 22-33 pp. 16-23
Nuevo México pp. 5-16

“Sunshine 5” Story
pp. 12-21 pp. 12-20
Pearson pp. 32-37
“Think! in English 5” Narrative
pp. 25-34 pp. 12-17
Ediciones SM pp. 19-32
“Yes, we can! 5” Fiction
pp. 12-19 pp. 12-19
Richmond pp. 3-12


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 2A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in formal communicative events

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and Educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Look for and select information about a topic of interest to make cards and set up an exhibition

• Identifies function and purpose. Explore information cards from a museum • Topic, purpose, and • Use of language as EXHIBITION MUSEUM CARDS
exhibition. intended audience. a means of
• Formulates questions to look for • Determine function and purpose. • Textual and graphic obtaining and Stage 1
information about a specific topic. • Predict topic. components. disseminating
Collect materials that will be exhibited
• Examine order in which information is • Repertoire of words knowledge.
necessary for this • Respect other (illustrations, pieces, etc.).
• Chooses from various information presented.
social practice of the people’s opinions. Stage 2
sources. • Examine distribution of graphics
components. language. • Use language as a Look for and read information about the
• Clarifies the meaning of words using • Type of sentence. means of reaching materials that will be exhibited.
contextual clues or a bilingual • Connectors. agreements Stage 3
Look for information about a topic.
dictionary. • Abbreviations. through dialogue.
• Select suitable topics for an exhibition. Write a museum exhibition card for each object
• Punctuation.
• Identify appropriate reference sources, that will be exhibited, based on a model.
• Identifies main and supporting ideas in based on a list. Stage 4
a paragraph. • Formulate questions about a topic. Suggest a title for the exhibition and write it
• Explore table of contents in various
• Selects and organizes information to down.
printed sources to find information.
make cards. Stage 5
Check that text on cards is complete and
Read informative texts.
• Understand topic and general idea. complies with writing conventions
• Clarify the meaning of words. Stage 6
• Identify main ideas by answering Establish the order of the exhibition objects and
questions. their cards.
• Complete general and specific Stage 7
information orally. Set up the exhibition in an appropriate place.
Stage 8
Record information. Invite other classes to the exhibition.
• Select and organize information.
• Paraphrase main ideas through writing.
• Organize sentences in a paragraph.

Check spelling and punctuation

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Write on the board the word MUSEUM and ask Ss to come up with the names of museums they have visited or heard about. Activate previous knowledge by asking them
about the objects that can be found, the organization of a museum, and the behavior or rules to be followed when visiting one. Stimulate Ss’ curiosity by mentioning some
of the museums that may be attractive for children in Mexico City (Universum, Papalote, MUTEC-Technologic Museum of CFE, Wax Museum, Ripley Museum, Natural
History Museum or Antique Toy Museum). If possible, make knowledge memorable by: 1) Asking them to visit one during the weekend 2) Making a virtual visit at (in case you have access to the media room) or 3) Bringing leaflets
Stage 1 from museums you have already visited.
• Ask Ss about how objects are shown in an exhibition. Point out that objects have exhibition cards; explain the distribution and graphic information, purpose and order in
which information is presented. Bring some examples so Ss can explore them and identify the components of exhibition cards (search for fichas museográficas in Google).
• Have Ss think about materials which can be exhibited in museums. Invite the class to vote for the topic of the exhibition they will present, and ask them to collect the
materials that will be exhibited, e.g. toy dinosaurs.

• Ask Ss to think about what information they want to find about their topic; for example, if the topic is dinosaurs, they can list: weight, height, color, behavior, etc. In a mind
map organize the different sources of information they may consult to elaborate their exhibition cards (books, encyclopedias, magazines or internet).
• Have Ss work in groups so they can choose the topics they want to know more about; each team can have a KWL chart to organize their ideas and thoughts. Ask them to
Stage 2 bring all the necessary information (texts and images). Once they gather the information, ask them to underline the main ideas following the pattern of the exhibition cards
previously explored in stage 1.
• Make sure each team has their material prepared to make their exhibition cards. Encourage Ss to make sketches of cards in order to agree on the size of the cards.

• Provide Ss with different models to be used in their cards. Elicit from them the information they will need: (Name) _________ lived around_______ million years ago in
____________. Make sure that all relevant is included.
• Point out the importance of organizing the information into different paragraphs (introduction, development, and conclusion). Have Ss write the information of the
Stage 3 exhibition cards as a first draft. Monitor around and provide any necessary help.
• In case Ss need to complete the materials, they may find illustrations on internet or make the drawings.

• Have students come up with many different ideas to decide the title for the exhibition, and organize a brainstorming activity. Encourage Ss to find an attractive or catchy
phrase to invite their school community to visit the exhibition. Ss vote for the most original phrase, and decide on the typography, colors and images to be used in the
Stage 4 placard.

• Have Ss revise the draft previously done in stage 3. Focus Ss’ attention to the structure of the paragraph they wrote, analyze if the title indicates the topic of the text, and if
Stage 5 the paragraphs contain main and secondary ideas. Encourage Ss to make a final version of their cards.

• Revise the comprehension and internalization of the knowledge by organizing a contest. Divide the group into three teams: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Write
questions and information related to the exhibition cards on strips of paper, and put them inside small envelopes and stick them on the board. The groups will run, pick up
Stage 6 one envelope, and read the question to the team. If they can answer correctly, they win a point.
• The class decides the order of the exhibition.

Stages • Have Ss set up the exhibition in the classroom, and invite Ss from other grades to the exhibition. Socialize the practice by giving short explanations to the visitors.

7 and 8

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Experiment with Magnets

Thematic Frame
 It expresses elementary explanations of natural phenomena and physical observations as magnetism, it applies scientific knowledge in the context of various experiments and encourages
rational thought using as evidence objects from everyday life.

e.g. Endangered Animals

Thematic Frame
 It promotes participation in actions related to nature-care including five species of animals in danger of extinction; this reinforces students critical thinking to evaluate situations that
modify different ecosystems.

e.g. On Safari
Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

e.g. Recycling Race

Thematic Frame
 It promotes responsible use for items that can be recycled for environmental conservation, it promotes strategies for action in the immediate environment such as home and school
community to reduce, reuse and recycle those objects used by students in use everyday life.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 2: Face and Hair, Body

e.g. Unit 4: Pets at the Vet
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1,Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands, In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert

Thematic Frame
 Focus on the development of one topic or choose different topics and work in teams in order to make it more attractive for students.
 Check different kinds of sources of information, and complement the information of the selected words.
 Use the dictionary to verify the writing of the selected words and clarify meaning.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing house Teacher´s Book Activity Book Readers
"Brilliant! five" Fact
pp. 36-47 pp. 28-39
Santillana pp. 69-78

"Do it! 5" Fact

pp. 18-23 pp. 18-23
University of Dayton pp. 16-30

"Play and Play 5” Informative

pp. 32-41 pp. 28-35
Nuevo México pp. 17-28

"Sunshine 5" Fact

pp. 22-30 pp. 22-30
Pearson pp. 8-13

"Think! in English 5" Informative

pp. 35-44 pp. 20-25
Ediciones SM pp. 33-44
"Yes, we can! 5" Non-Fiction
pp. 20-27 pp. 20-27
Richmond pp. 11-20

Museums: (Smithsoniac Panoramic Virtual Tour)

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019

GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 2B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Listen to, read, and record information from diverse media
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and Community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Identify and comprehend the topic and general idea of news in audio format

• Understands function and purpose. Listen to and explore news on recent topics. • Structure of news: • Use language as a NEWS SUMMARY
• Predict topic. invented pyramid. means of
• Identifies structure of the news. • Identify topic, purpose, and intended audience. • Topic, purpose, and transmitting and
Stage 1
• Identify the structure of news. intended audience. disseminating
• Identifies contextual clues while listening • Sound resources: information. Listen to and select news of
to the news. pauses, sound tracks, • Acknowledge the interest.
Identify contextual clues when listening to the news.
and sound effects. influence of the Stage 2
• Answers questions about main and • Clarify the meaning of words. • Speech register. media in the Formulate questions about the
supporting ideas. • Identify rhythm, voice speed, and intonation. • Repertoire of words community.
• Distinguish the tone used. chosen news using the
necessary for this
• Distinguish pauses that indicate a change of idea. following question words: what,
• Writes sentences to make a note. social practice of the
language. who, why, when, how, where
Understand news in audio format. • Synonyms. and for what.
• Identify and express the main idea. • Acoustic Stage 3
• Identify words with similar meanings (synonyms). characteristics: Write answers to questions to
• Answer questions (orally) about main ideas. rhythm, voice, speed, make the news summary.
• Select a suitable title for a piece of news from a list intonation, and tone. Stage 4
provided. • Question words.
Write the news summary.
• Punctuation.
Stage 5
Write specific information about previously heard news.
• Complete the writing of sentences with main ideas. Check that the summary
• Provide written answers to questions about main complies with spelling
characters, events, places, moment, motives, conventions, that it is complete
objectives, and how the reported event happened. and shows no omissions or
• Write sentences with general information to make a alterations.
note. Stage 6
Record or deliver the news
Check spelling and punctuation conventions. summary in public.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Ask Ss where they can find useful information about events that happen in Mexico City, their neighborhoods or around the world. Invite Ss to come up with many different
ideas about media sources such as newspapers, radio, internet, or magazines. Have Ss explore some of these sources and examine the structure of news.
• Write the words “News programs” on the board, and ask Ss to mention the most famous TV news programs in Mexico. Ask for the names of broadcasters they know.
• Expose Ss to different pieces of news both in newspapers and on tapes. Ss listen once for general gist, and twice to answer specific questions, such as: who, what, when,
Stage 1 where, how, and why. The third time would be to help Ss reconstruct the news in as much detail as possible.
• Have Ss analyze different formats for presenting information. In teams Ss decide about two interesting kinds of news they would like to research about. They can choose
from different categories, such as: sports, culture, entertainment, politics, economy, etc.

• Draw on the board a web diagram with the question words Who?, What?, Where?, When?, How?, Why? Ask Ss to read and underline in different colors the answers to
those questions in one of the pieces of news they brought.
• As an alternative, ask Ss to fill in the gaps an incomplete piece of news (with information related to people, actions, places or time).
Stage 2 • Regarding question formation, help Ss with graphic organizers on the board where they see the visual presentation of word formation: 1st column: question words; 2nd
column: auxiliaries; 3rd column: subjects; 4th column: verbs; 5th column: complements.
• Get short pieces of news on different topics (without a title), and have Ss read them out loud in pairs or trios or small groups in order to think of a title to insert.

• Use Wh Questions to gather information on the news, e.g. where, when, why, what. Have groups of Ss write notes to ask questions using question words under study.
Leave questions words exposed.
Stages • Have Ss work in groups to answer the questions from different pieces of news. Ss can be teamed according to a question word and compete to answer their corresponding
3 and 4 question.
• Ss answer the questions from their own pieces of news in order to write a summary that includes the essential information.

• Have Ss correct the content of their summary by taking care of punctuation, spelling, etc. Monitor as necessary.
• Have groups present their pieces of news before exhibiting them. Together, check that information is complete.
• Ask Ss to look for suitable illustrations for their news summaries.
• Ss exchange their news with other classmates and verify that the structure of their news is complete. Display the news summary around the classroom, and give Ss an
Stage 5 assessment instrument, such as a checklist, so they can walk around and make sure the summaries contain all the elements of news.
• Clarify to your Ss the goals of journalism (inform, educate and entertain). Ask them to identify which category each news corresponds to.
• Monitor and correct any spelling mistakes or omissions in the structure of the news. Ask Ss to pay attention to the details.

• Ss organize themselves in pairs and simulate they are reporters. They choose the type of news they want to share with the rest of the class. It is important that Ss show
their pictorial contents while telling their news. All teams get the chance to come to the front and take turns to present their pieces of news and show their pictures.
Stage 6 • After listening to the news, Ss are encouraged to ask questions to extend, amplify or deepen the information given. Monitor the production of questions.
• Have Ss reflect upon the process and verbalize the steps or procedures they went through.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Wild Windstorms

Thematic Frame
 This material supports the observation of important characteristics of environmental elements and natural phenomena; for example, hurricanes and tornados, it reinforces the protection
actions in emergency environmental situations, it also helps the rational thinking using evidence as natural disasters occurred in other nations.

e.g. Endangered Animals

Thematic Frame
 It promotes participation in actions related to nature-care including five species of animals in danger of extinction; this reinforces students critical thinking to evaluate situations that
modify different ecosystems.

e.g. Experiment with Magnets

Thematic Frame
 It expresses elementary explanations of natural phenomena and physical observations as magnetism, it applies scientific knowledge in the context of various experiments and encourages
rational thought using objects from everyday life as evidence .

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: In, On, Over

e.g. Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, At the Mall, At the Restaurant, At the Daycare Center, At the Construction Site, Jobs
e.g. Unit 5: In My Classroom
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Beach, At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, On the Farm, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame
 To retake the use of a dictionary to choose vocabulary related to news of interest to students and clarify the meaning of the selected words.
 To create own news so that students make use of vocabulary.
 To conduct a newscast so socialize and practice a communicative exchange among participants.
 To develop questions so that students provide answers and develop news from these, preferably recording the conversation from this first moment and retaking them for listening to

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher’s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! five” Stories
pp. 40-56 pp. 40-49
Santillana pp. 18-26

“Do it! 5” Fact

pp. 48-47 pp. 24-29
University of Dayton pp. 16-29

"Play and Play 5” Narrative

pp. 44-61 pp. 36-43
Nuevo México pp. 17-28

“Sunshine 5” Story
pp. 32-40 pp. 32-40
Pearson pp. 38-43
“Think! in English 5” Narrative
pp. 45-54 pp. 26-31
Ediciones SM pp. 45-56
“Yes, we can! 5” Fiction
pp. 28-35 pp. 28-35
Richmond pp. 13-20


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 3A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in language games with expressive and aesthetic purposes
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Identify and practice specific sounds in language games

• Identifies specific sounds in word Explore examples of word games. • Intended audience and WORD GAME
pronunciation. • Identify words in the name of the game purpose. • Use language as a means
to predict what it is about (e.g. hang- • Textual and graphic and purpose of Stage 1
• Identifies regular patterns in word man). components. entertainment. Suggest, select and write plural
spelling. • Identify and describe the distribution of • Repertoire of words • Share activities of common words with s/es/-ies endings.
graphic and textual components. necessary for this social interest among students. Stage 2
• Spells words. • Identify the function of graphic and practice of the language. • Learn to compete with Suggest and select regular verbs
textual components in game • Differences between dedication and respect. in simple past with –ed ending
• Dictates words. mechanics. English and the mother and gerund -ing.
• Understand the purpose of a game. tongue. Stage 3
• Acoustic characteristics. Check that word spelling
Understand the characteristics of words • Verb tense: past (with -ed complies with writing
used in the game. ending). conventions.
• Identify the sounds of words with a • Verb form: gerund. Stage 4
specific ending. • Nouns: plurals (with -s/-es Design graphics for each word
• Suggest words with a specific ending. ending). that will be guessed while
• Classify words according to their • Conventional writing of playing hangman.
ending. words. Stage 5
• Read words with a specific ending • Spelling and punctuation Invite a team to play hangman
aloud to practice their pronunciation. conventions. with previously selected words
• Discriminate sounds of specific
• Spell words.
• Compare the sound of words with
specific endings.

Write words with specific endings (e.g.

plural words with -s/-es, regular verbs in
simple past –ed, and gerunds -ing).
• Divide words into syllables to identify
word stress.
• Dictate and spell complete words.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


 Have Ss go on a scavenger hunt around the classroom looking for nouns they already know or have studied in previous social practices. Make sure each noun has a
plural form, and provide visual support by adding an image to the plurals.
 On the board have a T-chart; label one column with singular nouns and the other column with plural nouns. Ask Ss to give examples of common nouns found on the
Stage 1 scavenger list and write them on the chart. Encourage Ss to identify the plural forms by guessing the rule, give examples like dog-dogs, boy-boys, candy-candies, etc.
 Give Ss a blank T-chart so they can work in groups with new words. After Ss have completed the activity, gather and reflect with them on plural nouns and how they
are formed. Ask Ss to close their eyes. Say a word e.g. “cats,” and ask Ss what sound they hear at the end of the word. Continue saying other plural nouns; enunciate
the word clearly for students to hear and identify the “s” sound at the end of the word.
 Have Ss recognize the formation of past tenses by identifying the verbs that finish with -e or -ed. Expose them to a few irregular verbs like: to be, run, write, read, ring,
write, and sing, in the context of a short narration of a past event. Do the same with the past continuous and objects in the context of phrases or sentences that Ss
identify well.
Stage 2  Have Ss read a story from their Reader or from a provided handout. Ask them to identify the verbs in past tense and copy them in their notebooks. If time allows, add
some kind of illustration or cutout to make the meaning more memorable.
 Set a situation in which Ss can recognize the form of regular verbs in past.

 Play "Six objects" game. Hold up 6 flashcards, one by one, so that all students can see them (make sure Ss know the words for all the objects and verbs). Have Ss write
the name of the objects adding the corresponding ending "-s", "-es" or the irregular plural form that corresponds. The one to have all with no mistakes wins.
 Make a chart with five columns and label them as followed: first column-plurals with “s”, second column-plurals with “es”, third column-irregular plurals, fourth
Stage 3 column-regular verbs in past tense with only “d” and fifth column-regular verbs with “-ed” ending. Ask Ss to write the words or use cards with verbs and nouns. This
activity can be played as if it were “Stop”. Set a time limit and the ones who finish first and have no mistakes, win the competition. Give out little tokens in recognition.
Monitor around and promote peer correction.
 Have Ss work in teams, they must choose words, from all the vocabulary used during the social practice; to organize a contest. Ss will design rules, graphics, and images
for the contest.
Stage 4  Ss verify the spelling and correct if necessary.

 Play "Hangman" using regular verbs and when once they guess the verb, ask Ss to call out the verb with -ing ending and vice versa.
 To upgrade the difficulty of the game, ask Ss to think of a sentence in past including verbs and nouns in plural, e.g. “Yesterday I checked my notebooks.”
Stage 5  Leave a model on the board or lead Ss to discover the order of words in sentences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. On Safari

Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

e.g. Recycling Race

Thematic Frame
 It promotes responsible use for items that can be recycled for environmental conservation, it promotes strategies for action in the immediate environment such as home and school
community to reduce, reuse and recycle those objects used by students in use everyday life.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: In, On, Over

e.g. Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, At the Mall, At the Restaurant, At the Daycare Center, At the Construction Site, Jobs
e.g. Unit 5: In My Classroom
e.g. Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2
e.g. Unit 7: At the Beach, At the Fairgrounds, At the Street Fair, On the Farm, Camping, Sports
e.g. Unit 8: In the Rain Forest, In the Grasslands In the Sea, In the Woodlands, In the Polar Lands, In the Desert, Space

Thematic Frame
 Retake actions of everyday life from pupils to take them back with puns.
 Make games that allow the association between the image and the word.
 Work using the spelling focusing activities towards the achievement of the expected learning.
 To promote interaction among students, encouraging them to practice between them, following each of the dynamics for games that were proposed.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher’s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! five” pp. 57-69 pp. 50-61
pp. 79-88
“Do it! 5” Reader
pp. 58-68 pp. 31-37
University of Dayton pp.30-39

"Play and Play 5” Informative

pp. 44-61 pp. 46-55
Nuevo México pp. 29-40

“Sunshine 5” Story
pp. 42-51 pp. 32-40
Pearson pp. 38-43
“Think! in English 5” Informative
pp.55-64 pp. 33-39
Ediciones SM pp. 57-70
“Yes, we can! 5” Non-Fiction
pp.36-44 pp.36-44
Richmond pp. 21-30

Word games:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019

GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 3B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and record information to solve a problem

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Identify and classify information from an illustrated guide to solve a specific problem

• Distinguishes graphic and textual Explore brief illustrated guides. • Purpose and intended • Use language as a BRIEF ILLUSTRATED GUIDE
components. • Identify purpose and intended audience. audience. means of obtaining
• Identify names of illustrated objects or • Graphic and textual information. Stage 1
• Formulates questions about a problem to devices. components. • Value the acquisition Select an object that needs
solve. • Name places where objects or devices are • Contextual clues: non- of new knowledge to to be assembled or a device
used. verbal language. solve problems. to be fixed.
• Mentions steps to be followed in a guide. • Detect situations where brief illustrated • Repertoire of words • Cooperate to work Stage 2
guides are used. necessary for this on the solution to Complete model sentences
• Identifies the order of steps to be followed in • Name jobs in which objects or devices are social practice of the problems. that describe the steps to be
a sequence. used. language. followed in order to solve
• Examine the order in which information is • Connectors. the problem.
• Writes sentences describing steps to be presented. • Type of sentences: Stage 3
followed. • Identify words similar to those from the interrogative and Create an illustration to
mother tongue. declarative. represent the sentences
• Identify graphic and textual components. • Question words. described.
Interpret information. • Verb forms: auxiliaries Stage 4
• Interpret actions represented through graphic and passive. Match steps by using
means. • Verb tenses: present connectors and ordering
• Formulate questions about a problem to be and past. them in a sequence.
solved. • Punctuation Stage 5
• Associate steps with their illustrations. Check that sentences are
• Clarify meaning of words. legible, provide a solution to
• Complete orally modeled sentences that problems, and make sure
describe steps. that they comply with writing
• Practice pronunciation. conventions.
Write information. Stage 6
• Write sentences that describe steps. Make the final version of the
• Link sentences together, using connectors to guide and images.
order them. Stage 7
• Order sentences based on images. Use the guide to solve the
• Match scrambled images with steps to problem described.
assemble objects or make a device work.
Check spelling and punctuation conventions.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Design an exercise to order texts, follow steps and convey the idea of a sequence, e.g., “How to install a new telephone set.” Join the ideas with first, then, next, after
that, finally, etc. Ss may be given the steps so that they can order them, verbally first, and then into writing. Ss may bring along manuals of gadgets they have bought
 In teams have Ss choose the object they would like to make or a device they would like to repair. Encourage them to be realistic and resort to real objects they have
access to.
Stage 1  In a plenary session and with everybody’s contributions ask Ss to provide ideas on how to change a light bulb or use the previously chosen gadget which is out of order
as an example.
 Show Ss three or four illustrated guides; elicit the purpose, intended audience and the objects or devices in each instructive text. Ask Ss to mention other cases where
instruction guides are required and how they can be useful when repairing items. In order to contextualize, ask them to think and share about real situations they have
experienced and how they managed to solve the problem or situation.

 Elicit from Ss steps to install a bulb. Provide cohesive devices, verbs and vocabulary as needed so that Ss are able to complete the sequence, e.g., A) First, turn off the
light switch. B) Then, unscrew the light bulb. C) After that, unpack the new light bulb. D) Next, place the new light bulb. E) Finally, turn on the light to check the new
light bulb works.
 In pairs, trios or small teams, have Ss play "Guess it with Mimic", whereby some Ss call out the actions in a sequence one by one, while others act them out with mimic.
Stage 2 Make sure Ss take turns so that everyone has the chance to speak, act and have fun.
 Provide Ss with a model, for example: “First, we _______.Then, we ________. After that, we _________. Finally, we __________”. Have Ss complete the sentences
following the correct sequence in order to fix the chosen gadget.

 Have Ss mime out the actions described in stage 2 in a way that is meaningful to them, so that later on they can take these representations as the platform from which
they can reconstruct the sequence in visual forms.
Stage 3  Ask Ss to bring cutouts related to the steps and materials mentioned in the steps for their guide. Have them work in teams to choose the best illustrations, and to
decide on the sequence.

 Remind Ss about the importance of using connectors to make sequencing more meaningful. Provide them with connectors written on strips of paper. Have a 6 image
story or cartoon, and instruct Ss to order them and create a story in six sentences using connectors.
 Have Ss recall the different connectors used and write them on the board. Divide the group in two teams; have one participant from each team choose the first
connector. Make Ss follow the steps in the process or the sequence by selecting the suitable connector. The participant who omits a step on the right sequencing loses
points for the team. Repeat this activity at least one more time so that both teams get the chance to either provide the connectors or the sequences. The team that
does not miss any step wins.
 Introduce the concept of "Edit skills" to Ss. Tell Ss these are very useful in real life because they will always have something to correct or edit. Provide Ss with a handout
4 and 5 of a sequence to fix a broken item (the one Ss have previously chosen and illustrated), that requires revision, analysis and editing. If Ss seem weak in this respect,
attempt the exercise with the whole group as an example of what needs to be done. Ss may then do this individually in their own notebooks. Set a time limit and when
everybody has finished, have Ss exchange notebooks so that they can correct each other’s work. Have Ss provide clear corrections so that when they return this to the
author, he/she may find them easy to understand in order to make the changes.
 Provide Ss with a checklist so that the correction is complete and accurate, e.g., punctuation, capitalization, order of ideas and solutions in the case of problems.

 Display the illustrated guides around the classroom and schedule demonstrations, in which students socialize this social practice by explaining to their classmates or
other members of the school community, how to fix gadgets or solve specific problems according to their age and interests.
6 and 7

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Experiments with magnets

Thematic Frame

 It expresses elementary explanations of natural phenomena and physical observations as magnetism, it applies scientific knowledge in the context of various experiments and encourages
rational thought using as evidence objects from everyday life.

e.g. Recycling Race

Thematic Frame

 It promotes responsible use for items that can be recycled for environmental conservation, it promotes strategies for action in the immediate environment such as home and school
community to reduce, reuse and recycle those objects used by students in use everyday life.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g. Unit 1: Basic words

e.g. Unit 2: Me
e.g. Unit 3: At home
e.g. Unit 4: In the neighborhood
e.g. Unit 5: At school
e.g. Unit 6: Food
e.g. Unit 7: Having fun
e.g. Unit 8: The world

Thematic Frame

 To explore text diversity from which it is possible to identify problems of interest to students.
 To pick any particular problem in the classroom or the school.
 To conduct a brainstorming that allows students to capture ideas to solve the situation in question.
 If there are various alternatives to solve these situations, invite students to the expose them socializing the practice.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Teacher’s Activity
Publishing house Readers
Book Book
“Brilliant! five” pp. 70-78 pp. 62-71
pp. 27-36
“Do it! 5” Fiction
pp. 69-78 pp. 38-44
University of Dayton pp. 84-95

"Play and Play 5” pp. 66-75 Narrative

pp. 46-55
Nuevo México pp. 29-40

“Sunshine 5” Stories
pp. 42-51 pp. 42-51
Pearson pp. 44-49
“Think! in English 5” Narrative
pp. 65-74 pp. 40-46
Ediciones SM pp. 71-84
“Yes, we can! 5” Fiction
pp. 45-51 pp. 45-51
Richmond pp. 21-30

Sequencing activities:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 4A

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and write notes and letters

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Interpret and write notes about everyday life
Explore messages. • Structure of • Use language as MESSAGE MAILBOX
• Identifies purpose, function, intended • Predict topic based on previous knowledge and messages: opening, means of making
audience, and sender. familiar words. message, and requests. Stage 1
• Identify parts of a message. closure. • Make requests with Select an action to
• Identifies parts of messages. • Identify purpose, function, sender, and intended • Topic, purpose, and courtesy. request from someone
audience. intended audience. and determine its
• Reads and interprets the content of notes. • Identify situations in which they are used. • Register. characteristics
• Verbs: modals (moment, place, etc.).
• Identifies expressions that show what is Read aloud and interpret content. (would, could, can, Stage 2
expected by the sender. • Clarify new words or sentences. etc.). Write information about
• Identify allusions to people. • Type of sentence: the intended audience,
• Writes dates and times. • Detect speech register. interrogative. and the date and time
• Identify expressions that indicate actions expected by • Repertoire of words of the message.
• Writes a complete message. the sender. necessary for this Stage 3
• Identify moments or times of the day when the social practice of Write content of the
mentioned actions are expected to happen. the language. message based on a
• Unscramble a previously jumbled message. • Verb form: model and using
infinitive. bilingual dictionaries
Write messages, based on a model and with the teacher’s • Pronouns: personal Stage 4
help. (me, you, it, him, Check that the message
• Determine intended audience and action(s) expected her, them, etc.). has all the necessary
by the sender. • Punctuation. information, that it is
• Answer questions about how or why is the intended clear, and that its words
audience expected to respond with certain actions. comply with spelling
• Complete expressions that indicate actions. and punctuation
• Practice the writing of hours and/or dates and conventions
determine their adequacy in a message. Stage 5
• Write appropriate greetings, and farewell and Send the final version to
courtesy expressions. the intended audience.
• Write a complete message including all of the studied

Check that writing is complete and complies with spelling

and punctuation conventions.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



• Have Ss explore messages including daily routines’ lexis. Show one message to the Ss and make sure they identify purpose, function, sender and intended audience. Ask
Ss to whom they have sent messages and when. Have Ss identify the actions that result from the messages.
• Read several messages to Ss and check comprehension with the whole group. Remind Ss to interpret the contents so that they are in a position to answer comprehension
Stage 1 questions later on or even pose the questions themselves.
• Ask Ss to think individually on requests or invitations they would like to send to their classmates, encourage them to send a note to their teachers, parents or friends for
something nice they have done lately or to thank them.

• With the whole group analyze the parts of messages and talk about how relevant they are for this type of text. Identify opening and closing phrases. Lead Ss to discover
the register used in the text. Introduce could and would for asking favors as well as requesting information; exemplify the type of questions where these words are used.
• In a ludic activity, play with subject and object pronouns so that Ss establish a difference.
Stage 2 • Comment on punctuation marks and their functions. Exercise as required. Compare the use of punctuation and capitalization between English and Spanish.
• Have a short review of months of the year and days of the week by giving them calendar based activities in order to practice the dates they will use in their messages and

• In trios have Ss analyze several messages previously prepared. Ss identify and discriminate different elements in the texts using a checklist on a separate piece of paper.
When all trios have finished, check with the whole class to make sure they have no trouble identifying the elements.
• Organize Ss in groups of four; provide them with pieces of cardboard that they have to divide into 4 columns: greetings, farewell, courtesy expressions and time. Have Ss
Stage 3 categorize a jigsaw message into the columns, and then instruct Ss to organize the jumbled message in a logical sequence. While they are ordering the different elements,
encourage them to talk about what they are doing and why the elements go in the order they decided. Walk around helping only if required.
• Have Ss write a message of their own; intervene only if mistakes interfere with communication. Encourage Ss to use a bilingual dictionary if needed.

• Have Ss design two colorful and attractive messages to exchange with other classmates; monitor around and correct any spelling or grammar mistakes, make sure all Ss
receive a note with a positive message.
Stage 4 • Ss proofread and correct any spotted mistake, either by the teacher or a peer. Then, they write a second draft and include the images or any other visual aid to reinforce
the message they are sending to a classmate.

• Have Ss read the messages they receive, and ask them to reply in the same way. If possible, try to extend this activity (writing positive messages to other classmates) to
the school community.
Stage 5 • As an extension task, have Ss record some reminders for their peers in the classroom. The reminders may be about the uniform, material, entrance schedule, special
activities, etc.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Endangered Animals

Thematic Frame
 It promotes participation in actions related to nature-care including five species of animals in danger of extinction; this reinforces students critical thinking to evaluate situations that
modify different ecosystems.

e.g. On Safari

Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 2: My Family, My Day

e.g Unit 3: In the Kitchen, In the Living Room, In the Bedroom, In the Bathroom, Outside de House, In the Garage
e.g Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall
e.g Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2

Thematic Frame

 To carry out a brainstorm in which situations and aspects of their everyday lives are taken into account.
 To socialize the practice, invite students to role play the situation and give answer to a proposed approach.
 To invite students to make a team competition in ordering the parts of messages clarifying their organization.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! five” Fact
pp. 79-91 pp. 72-83
Santillana pp. 89-98
“Do it! 5” Non-Fiction
pp. 79-89 pp.45-51
University of Dayton pp. 40-49
“Play and Play 5” Informative
pp.78-87 pp.66-75
Nuevo México pp. 41-52
“Think! in English 5” Informative
pp. 75-84 pp. 45-51
Ediciones SM pp. 41-52
“Sunshine 5” Fact
pp. 62-71 pp. 62-71
Pearson pp. 20-25
“Yes, we can! 5” Non-Fiction
pp.52-59 pp.52-59
Richmond pp.31-38


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 4B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and compare aspects of Mexico and English-speaking countries
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Literary and ludic
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Read a short travel story (travelogues) in order to discover aspects of nature and cultural expressions particular to English-speaking countries
• Identifies topic, purpose, and
intended audience. Explore brief illustrated travelogues. • Structure of • Use language as a COMPARATIVE CHART
• Activate previous knowledge. travelogues. means of
• Clarifies new sentences and words • Predict the content of a travelogue based on images and • Purpose and intended discovering other Stage 1
with the help of bilingual titles. audience. people and valuing Read a travelogue.
dictionaries. • Relate travelogues to personal experiences. • Textual and graphic their cultures. Stage 2
• Mention suitable situations for the telling of travelogue components. • Understand Write descriptive phrases to
• Mentions aspects of nature and stories. • Elements of travelogues as a compare and contrast
cultural expressions in the travelogues. reflection of differences and similarities in
travelogue. Do a guided reading. • Repertoire of words emotions, aspects of nature and
• Identify, define, and clarify new words. necessary for this experiences and cultural expressions of the
• Answers questions about the • Read out loud. social practice of the values of people and trip (people, vegetation,
sequence or simultaneity of language. their cultures. weather, clothes, food,
actions. Identify intended audience and purpose. • Verb tenses: past, • Participate with customs, etc.) between
• Unscramble paragraphs from a jumbled travelogue. present perfect, and interest in the English-speaking countries
• Compares aspects and elements of • Point out and name aspects of nature and cultural simple present. reading aloud of a and Mexico.
nature similar and different to expressions. • Punctuation. travelogue. Stage 3
one’s own. • Identify actions, place and moment in which they take • Upper-case letters. Check that the writing is
place. complete and complies with
• Answer questions about the sequence and/or simultaneity spelling conventions.
of actions. Stage 4
Include images to illustrate
Identify and name differences and similarities in natural descriptive phrases.
aspects and cultural expressions in English-speaking countries Stage 5
and in Mexico. Make a chart and complete it
• Write descriptive phrases based on a model. with descriptive phrases.
• Complete a graphic resource with differences and Stage 6
similarities of aspects of nature and cultural expressions. Display the chart in an
• Read the information included in a graphic resource aloud. appropriate place in the
• Check the information included in a graphic resource to classroom.
make sure it is adequate
Check spelling and punctuation conventions.
SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Have Ss explore illustrated travelogues, describing experiences, aspects of nature and culture in English speaking countries. Elicit information about the topic of the text
based on visual and written clues, images and titles.
• Relate travelogues to personal experiences. Mention personal situations that can be narrated in a travelogue.
• Read aloud a travelogue so that Ss get the right pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Stage 1 • Elicit from Ss the different parts of a travelogue: introduction, body and conclusion.
• Have Ss identify cultural differences and similarities between Mexico and some English speaking countries. Mention some aspects of mexican cultural expressions so that
Ss complete the list with their own contributions if they know them. In case Ss cannot provide examples, explain some to Ss. In a plenary session check all the features and
aspects of this type of texts.

• In groups of four, Ss associate vocabulary related to different aspects of travelling, e.g., types of accommodation, means of transport, eating codes and manners, etc.
• In trios Ss prepare a short presentation for the rest of the group about the information which can be found in a travelogue, brought by the teacher or by Ss themselves.
Prepare a handout with columns that Ss have to complete while listening to the presentation of each group. This vocabulary will be used when Ss write their own
descriptive phrases.
Stage 2 • By means of questions or incomplete phrases Ss get the information to put together several facts of the countries under study. Ss are asked to fill out a handout with
incomplete phrases about the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, or New Zealand contrasting Mexico´s facts, e.g., “In Mexico the weather in winter is
_____ but in Australia it is _____. In Mexico people eat at midday but in the USA people eat _____,”

• In small teams Ss complete a chart using a plan sphere or a globe where they point out the countries mentioned and the differences that have been found out and
discussed so far. Ss record the information in the chart while they express the discovered contrasts.
Stage • Have Ss work in pairs in order to complete sentences about Mexico and another country following a model. Monitor and correct only when necessary.
3 and 4 • Ss put together all the information that is relevant taken from the contents, the structure, the different components, and the vocabulary learned, verifying conventions
(punctuation, typography), and core aspects worth checking.

• Have Ss color and paste images to illustrate their written work. Ss create a cover of their writing using a special sentence or phrase.
• Encourage Ss to come to the front in groups and show their charts or posters to the rest of their classmates. Ask Ss to point out, name and describe phrases and images
they created for their travel brochure.
• Help Ss decide on the strategic space to display their brochures around the classroom. Have Ss go round the classroom and compare other Ss’ charts, e.g., “Are they
5 and 6 similar? What similarities and differences between Mexico and other countries are there in the charts?”
• Prepare some meta-cognitive questions that would naturally lead to a reflection upon Ss' own learning process.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. On Safari

Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

e.g. Wild Windstorms

Thematic Frame
 This material supports the observation of important characteristics of environmental elements and natural phenomena; for example, hurricanes and tornados, it reinforces the protection
actions in emergency environmental situations, it also helps the rational thinking using evidence as natural disasters occurred in other nations.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 2: My Family, My Day

e.g Unit 3: In the Kitchen, In the Living Room, In the Bedroom, In the Bathroom, Outside de House, In the Garage
e.g Unit 4: In the Park, At the Library, Pets at the Vet, At the Mall
e.g Unit 6: Fruit, Vegetables, Food 1, Food 2

Thematic Frame

 To invite students to investigate short illustrated travel stories in which from what they observe they be able to recognize natural and cultural aspects of English-speaking countries.
 To make games that allow students to give a coherent sequence to paragraphs of the story, adding an association to a variety of images that illustrate the actions of the story.
 To emphasize the use of punctuation promoting cognitive challenges in which students identify the importance of proper their proper use.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers

“Brilliant! five” Stories
Santillana pp. 92-100 pp. 84-93
pp. 37-46
"Do it! 5" Fiction
University of Dayton pp. 90-99 pp. 52-58
pp. 96-107
"Play and Play 5” Narrative
Nuevo México pp. 88-97 pp. 76-85
pp. 41-52
“Sunshine 5” Story
Pearson pp. 72-81 pp.72-81
pp. 50-55
“Think! in English 5” Narrative
Ediciones S.M pp. 85-94 pp. 53- 60
pp. 99-112
“Yes, we can! 5” Fiction
Richmond pp. 60-67 pp. 60-67
pp. 96-107


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 5A
SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read and record information to design questionnaires and reports
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Academic and educational
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Record information about a topic to design a questionnaire
Explore questionnaires with different types of • Structure of • Value and respect
• Identifies purpose and intended audience questions. questionnaires: questions QUESTIONNAIRE
for questionnaires. • Identify the parts of a questionnaire. instructions and formulated by
• Identify purpose and intended audience. questions sequences. others. Stage 1
• Identifies parts of questionnaires. • Mention uses of questionnaires. • Topic, purpose, and • Cooperate to work in Select a topic of interest
• Distinguish open-ended questions from closed- intended audience. the solution of to ask questions.
• Locates and discriminates sources for ended questions. • Types of questions: problems. Stage 2
finding information. Read questionnaires with different types of questions. closed (true and false, Decide how many and
• Predict topic. multiple choice) and which questions will be
• Uses table of contents, titles, and key words • Identify auxiliaries and question words. open included in the
in sources to locate information. • Identify expressions used to distinguish types of (comprehension, questionnaire.
questionnaire questions (“true and false”, “multiple opinion). Stage 3
• Completes open-ended and close-ended choice”, “comprehension”, and “opinion”) while • Acoustic Find and select useful
questions about the main ideas of a topic. listening. characteristics. information to ask
• Identify the types of questions a questionnaire may • Questions words. questions about the topic.
present. • Verb forms: Stage 4
• Clarify the meaning of words in different questions auxiliaries. Write open-ended and
to understand the expected answer. • Verb tenses: present close ended questions.
• Ask oral questions about aspects of a specific topic. and past. Stage 5
• Answer close-ended questions. • Punctuation. Determine the order of
Find and interpret printed information about a topic. questions and put the
• Activate previous knowledge. questionnaire together.
• Identify consultation sources for the search of Stage 6
information. Check that the writing of
• Use tables of contents, titles, and key words in questions complies with
sources to find specific information. writing conventions.
• Identify key words. Stage 7
• Interpret visual aids that support content. Make the final draft of the
Write questions about a topic. questionnaire, exchange it
• Highlight main ideas. with another team, and
• Complete a pattern to write open-ended and answer it.
closed-ended questions about the main ideas of a
• Classify open-ended and close-ended questions
about a specific topic to design questionnaires.
Check spelling and punctuation conventions.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


• Ask Ss to brainstorm the different texts they can recognize and which have been used in previous social practices, such as: letters, notes, news, ads, exhibition cards, messages
etc. Elicit information from Ss and write answers on the board. Focus Ss attention on questionnaires by asking them to explore their Spanish and English books. Guide Ss to
describe the characteristics, purpose and use of this kind of text. Have Ss find one questionnaire in their English book and verify if it complies with the previously explained
Stage 1 characteristics.
• Group Ss and have them decide on a specific academic topic of their interest; so that they can make their own questionnaire and administer it to other Ss. Use this activity as a
reinforcement of other subjects studied in class, like Science, Spanish, Social Studies etc.
• Introduce Ss to the two types of questions (closed and open), and practice them verbally. Have Ss explore different questionnaires in order to discover the differences and
structure of both types of questions.
• It would be of great help if Ss are provided with several types of graphic organizers to decide the correct word order of questions.
• Have Ss play in teams to practice the structure of questions. Organize a question-answer matching activity. Put slips of paper with questions in a box, and place pieces of paper
with their corresponding answers on the floor. One S takes a slip of paper with a question, while other classmates look for the answer on the pieces of paper. The one who
recognizes the answer first, picks it up from the floor and wins a point.
2 and 3 • Have Ss work with their assigned groups. Monitor around and make sure all members of the team cooperate in the negotiation of the topic and the number of questions their
questionnaire will have.
• Ss work in teams in order to find the information to be used in the design of their questionnaire. Ss work in teams in order to find the information to be used in the design of
their questionnaire, if possible use the ICT lab and/or their text books. Ask Ss to highlight the main ideas of the selected information. Monitor around and provide any
necessary help.
• Design and provide Ss with a questionnaire which include open questions (comprehension and opinion) and close questions (true/false and multiple choice). Guide Ss to
discover how these questions differentiate from one another, and the importance of including some of these types in the questionnaire they will design.
• Provide Ss with a model to write open-ended and close-ended questions and elicit examples from Ss. Model the questions and answer as much as necessary. Model the
Stage 4 questions and have them practice the structure using activities like scrambled sentences or word search provide any necessary help and correct mistakes.
• Have Ss write close-ended questions and open-ended questions for their questionnaires using the model previously provided. If necessary, leave a frame on the board or use
cue cards to help Ss.
• Ss review the questions they have already written in teams in order to determine the order for the questionnaire. Help Ss to consider grouping the questions depending on the
type of question: comprehension, true/false, etc. Encourage Ss to consider what order will imply less time to be answered, and remind them to follow these criteria when
organizing the questions: go from easy to difficult, go from factual to abstract, and start questions relevant to the main subject.
Stage 5 • Ask Ss to look for visual aids that support their questionnaire content; all members of the team may draw and color the illustrations.
• Monitor around and use an assessment instrument, e.g., anecdotal notes, checklist or rubrics, to register if all the members of the team cooperate to work in the solution of
problems and respect others’ opinions.
• Have Ss identify the sources of information used in the design of the questionnaire (books, internet, encyclopedia, etc.), and ask them to integrate this information to their
Stage 6 • Check and correct spelling or grammar errors if needed, clarify doubts related to the formation of questions.
• Provide Ss with a questionnaire handout and ask them to label its parts.
• Have Ss write the final draft of the questionnaire and incorporate the illustrations. When they are ready, have Ss exchange the questionnaires and ask other groups to solve
• Verify with the whole class if the answers to the different questions are accurate. If necessary, contrast the answers with the sources which were used in the design of the
Stage 7 • In a plenary session, analyze the whole process they have gone through for the design, organization and application of the questionnaires. Prepare a series of metacognitive
questions to make Ss reflect upon their own learning processes. Gradually, Ss pose the questions themselves with little or no help from the teacher.
• As extra practice, ask Ss to write a question on a piece of paper for everybody to listen to and state if it is right, wrong, complete or incomplete. The team that gets the most
answers wins the contest. If necessary, have Ss verbalize the rules for question formation.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. Endangered Animals

Thematic Frame
 It promotes participation in actions related to nature-care including five species of animals in danger of extinction; this reinforces students critical thinking to evaluate situations that
modify different ecosystems.

e.g. Wild windstorms

Thematic Frame
 This material supports the observation of important characteristics of environmental elements and natural phenomena; for example, hurricanes and tornados, it reinforces the protection
actions in emergency environmental situations, it also helps the rational thinking using evidence as natural disasters occurred in other nations.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 1 Basic words

e.g Unit 2 ME
e.g. Unit 3 At home
e.g. Unit 4 In the neighborhood
e.g. Unit 5 At school
e.g. Unit 6 Food
e.g. Unit 7 Having fun
e.g. Unit 8 The world

Thematic Frame
 To retake various questionnaires in which students are able to identify their characteristics and components.
 To inquire about a variety of professions in which students depict interest.
 Using the dictionary, to make a connection between the words and their corresponding images.
 To generate oral questions from the professions in which students showed interest, encouraging students to assume roles and socialize the quiz questions.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing House Teacher’s Book Activity Book Readers
“Brilliant! five” Fact
pp. 102 to 113 pp. 94 to 105
Santillana pp. 99 to 110
“Do it! 5” Non-Fiction
pp.101 to 110 pp. 59 to 65
University of Dayton pp. 50 to 58
“Play and Play 5” Informative
pp. 100 to 109 pp.88 to 95
Nuevo México pp. 53 to 64
“Think! in English 5” Fact
pp. 95 to 104 pp.62 to 67
Ediciones SM pp. 5 to 18
“Sunshine 5” Fact
pp. 82 to 91 pp. 82 to 91
Pearson pp. 26 to 31
“Yes, we can! 5” Non-Fiction
pp. 68 to 75 pp. 68 to 75
Richmond pp. 39 to 48


N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

SCHOOL TERM 2018-2019
GRADE: Fifth Grade Elementary School UNIT: 5B

SOCIAL PRACTICE: Follow and give directions to go to places

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and community
SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and ask for directions to walk from one place to another
• Identifies the names of cardinal points and Explore dialogues. • Purpose and • Show
other points of reference, orally and in • Identify, when hearing it, the name of the intended audience. assertiveness and QUICK GUIDE TO WALK FROM ONE
writing. place one intends to visit. • Dialogue structure. confidence in the PLACE TO ANOTHER WITHIN THE
• Identify words used to confirm what another • Graphic resources: use of English. COMMUNITY
• Formulates questions to ask for directions speaker last said in a dialogue (tag maps and sketches. • Use language as a
to get from one place to another. questions). • Tag questions (..., do means to establish Stage 1
Describe immediate surroundings as a point of you? ..., don’t you?, interpersonal Make a sketch of the community.
• Completes sentences to describe a person’s reference to move from. etc.). relationships. Stage 2
location in relation to a point of reference. • Identify the names of cardinal points in • Type of sentences. • Show courtesy and Select locations you want to go to,
speaking and of points of reference (forth, • Repertoire of words respect when considering the school as the point of
• Understands and gives oral and written back, left, right). necessary for this requesting for departure
directions to go from one place to another. • Complete sentences to describe the position social practice of the help. Stage 3
of a person or place in reference to a place language (distance Check natural features or man-made
or a man-made construction. units). constructions that can be used as
Understand oral directions to walk from one • Adverbs: of place points of reference on the map.
place to another. (behind, across, Stage 4
• Identify words that indicate distance to be near, among others). Trace a route to go from the school to
covered in order to reach a point. • Connectors. the selected location on the map.
• Identify words and/or phrases that indicate • Punctuation. Stage 5
locations and near-by points of reference. • Abbreviations: (m.- Write sentences with directions to
• Identify words that indicate distance to a meter; ft.-feet; mi.- follow a route and go from one place
specific point. mile, etc.). to another, based on a model.
• Ask questions to get to a place. Stage 6
Offer directions to move to a different place. Check that directions are clear and
• Identify the place where one starts and the offer the shortest route, that they are
place where one is going to. complete, and that words comply
• Complete sentences that give directions to with
follow a route to move from one place to writing conventions and have
another. accurate punctuation.
Write directions to go from one place to Stage 7
another. Prepare a quick guide with directions
• Complete model sentences to indicate how to move around the community and
to walk from one place to another. present it to the class and other
• Verify directions by tracing the route in a classes.
map or sketch.

SEP. Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua: Inglés. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 3. 5° y 6° de Primaria. Fase de expansión. México, 2011.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

• Put up signs in the classroom indicating north, south, east, west, park, library, bank, etc. Have Ss stand up in a circle and give instructions to play Simon Says, e.g. “Simon says...
move north!” Ss walk towards the north of the room. Once in a while tell them to go somewhere (or move left for example), but without saying “Simon Says”, Ss who do it will
lose and sit down; continue until there is only one S standing.
Stage 1 • Have Ss name the different places and buildings which are near the school community (grocery store, bakery, bank, drugstore, etc.). Encourage Ss to use a bilingual dictionary
to look for unknown words.
• Have Ss work in groups and draw their school and its surroundings on a piece of cardboard.
• Ask each group to compare and contrast with other groups their community sketch to be enriched.
• Ask Ss “Where are you going to go next weekend?” Elicit answers from the class and ask the following questions “Are you going to travel by car? By bus? By subway?”
Encourage Ss to tell which means of transportation they use.
• Divide the group in two teams. Write on the board the prepositions “by” and “on”. Explain the use of these prepositions when you are talking about transportation,
Stage 2 brainstorm means of transport and write the examples on the board, e.g. car, bicycle, subway, foot, etc. Have Ss write the means of transport under the correct preposition
and check answers with the whole class.
• Considering the school as the point of departure, select some places of Ss’ interest they would like to go to from their original sketch.
• Recall how they get to each of those places and provide a model if necessary e.g. “I can go to the subway station by car”.
• As a reinforcement activity, prepare a map of the neighborhood and have Ss recognize: north, south, east, west, and center. Consider beforehand the places Ss would like to
go to. Have Ss practice the vocabulary used to designate different types of buildings, natural features or man-made constructions in their community. Ask Ss to follow the
routes on the map and practice the language verbally.
• Ss are exposed to language used for asking for and giving directions through the use of a map on a handout. Have Ss trace the routes to go to the places which are near the
Stage 3 school and previously identified.
• Think of an activity where the vocabulary needed for this social practice is revised and practiced. For example, have Ss match words to definitions. Have a poster and/or
handout of a neighborhood and label the public places shown on it. Play a guessing game; e. g, “You may buy medicines in this place: drugstore. You buy bread and cakes in
this place: bakery. You deposit money and cash checks: Bank. You buy fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, plants, and flowers: market”.
• Introduce words for location, such as: across: along, around, towards, down, in front of, turn right / left, at, between, behind, in front of, etc. In a short dialogue have a formal
presentation of how to ask and give directions to go to the different places previously identified in their maps. In pairs have Ss practice the dialogues, and then ask them to
compare the routes they traced with their classmates.
• Have Ss trace routes to go to different places from school. Expose Ss to the same exchange of questions and answers for checking.
Stage 4 • In a situation that is common to everybody start with statements Ss know to be true and then display how to incorporate questions into these statements e. g. “We are in
English class, aren’t we?” Point out you are essentially making sure that you are correct about something by confirming what you think or assume to be true. Introduce Ss to
the idea of tag questions guide them so that they discover the grammar behind tag questions.
• Have Ss complete statements with the elements seen so far.
• Move the tables and chairs by rows to simulate real blocks of buildings. To make this more realistic, ask Ss to give the real names to blocks. Have Ss design the facades of well-
known buildings in the neighborhood and take them as reference to give directions. In pairs, Ss simulate they are walking along, across the streets and round the corners so
that they experience what it is like to ask for directions and follow instructions. Have Ss place themselves in front, next to, or behind buildings or well-known places so that
they are in a position to describe exactly where they are and how they are going to move to go to a different place. Have Ss describe their location with respect to each other.
Stages • In pairs ask Ss to write a short dialogue similar to the ones they practiced to ask for and give directions; encourage Ss to include in their dialogues tag questions. Have Ss come
5 and 6 to the front and read their dialogue aloud so that everybody else listens to it, and contributes with ideas to make it better or clearer.
• Have Ss illustrate in their maps the directionality of prepositions previously studied with the aid of arrows.
• In teams Ss may actually walk along, across, round corners on their adapted map in the classroom. Label the different tables with names of real places they are familiar with.
Once they have experienced moving in “their neighborhood,” ask them to compare the different routes they chose and identify which is the shortest or the shortcuts they can
use if necessary.
• Have Ss exchange their quick guides or display them in the classroom in order to share and check them. Using this information, Ss act out dialogues in pairs; while the rest of
the group checks if these dialogues have an introduction, body and conclusion.
Stage 7 • Guide Ss reflection upon their learning processes and the benefit of asking directions and giving instructions appropriately in real-life situations.
• If possible present the quick guides to sixth graders and link this knowledge to instructions to use means of transportation.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México



 Readers

e.g. On Safari

Thematic Frame
 The book shows students the biodiversity in the context of African countries such as Kenya, where the appreciation for natural resources and species that are different from their own is
favored. Moreover, it stimulates observation of relevant characteristics of elements of the African savannah and promotes the care of living things such as impalas, zebras, rhinos and
more. Furthermore, it also fosters an appreciation for cultures and environments others than their own.

e.g. Recycling Race

Thematic Frame
 It promotes responsible use for items that can be recycled for environmental conservation, it promotes strategies for action in the immediate environment such as home and school
community to reduce, reuse and recycle those objects used by students in use everyday life.

 Picture Dictionary

e.g Unit 1 Basic words

e.g Unit 2 ME
e.g. Unit 3 At home
e.g. Unit 4 In the neighborhood
e.g. Unit 5 At school
e.g. Unit 6 Food
e.g. Unit 7 Having fun
e.g. Unit 8 The world

Thematic Frame
 To browse maps of other cities identifying tourist sites that are of interest for the development of routes to follow.
 To divide the group into teams, invite them to establish common reference points from which it is possible to generate indications to exchange them so as to follow the routes proposed by
other teams to check its clarity.
 To socialize the practice producing oral and written proposals.
 To check the structures used in the indications as well as the repertoire of words used for this social practice.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México


Publishing house Teacher’s Book Activity Book Reader’s Book
"Brilliant! five" pp. 114-122 pp. 106-115 Stories
Santillana pp.47-56
"Do it! 5" pp. 111-120 pp. 66-72 Reader
University of Dayton pp.108
"Play and Play 5” pp. 110-119 pp. 96-105 Narrative
Nuevo México pp. 53-64
“Sunshine 5” pp. 92-101 pp. 92-101 Stories
Pearson Education pp. 56-61
"Think! in English 5" Narrative
pp. 106-114 pp. 68-74
Ediciones S.M pp. 125-136
"Yes, we can! 5" Non-Fiction
pp. 76-83 pp. 76-83
Richmond pp. 21-30

Giving directions:

N.B. Website resources and supporting materials enclosed in this file are suggestions which require suitable adjustments and content analysis in order to include them as part of the didactic
sequence according to every particular classroom reality and student´s needs and preferences.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en la Ciudad de México

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