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1. Fig. 1.1 shows three different types of teeth from a human.



(a) (i) Name the types of teeth labelled A and B

(ii) State where in the jaw tooth type C is found.
(b) Explain how regular brushing helps to prevent tooth decay
(c) Explain the roles of chewing and of enzymes in the process of digestion.

2. (a) (i) Name the organ that makes bile.

(ii) State where bile is stored until it is released into the small intestine.
(iii) Name the organ that produces lipase and is joined to the small intestine.
(b) Describe the roles of bile and of lipase in the digestion of fats.

3. Fig. 3.1 shows a diagram of the alimentary canal

(a) Use the letters on Fig. 3.1 to identify:

the colon
The Pancreas
The Stomach

Fig 3.1

(b) State one function for each of these parts of the alimentary canal.

(c) (i) Fig. 3.1 draw a line to show where bile is made. Label it X.
(ii) State the action that bile has on fats in the small intestine.
(iii) Explain how this action speeds up the digestion of fats.

(d) Digested food is absorbed as it passes along the small intestine. Explain how this absorption
takes place

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