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Raibnya Para Dewa,

Kajian Arsitektur Karo


Myth And Fact of Karo

Human life have been noted [by] [in] Nusantara since epoch of Paleoliticum, [is] such as
those which shown by archaeological dig which find Phitecantropus Erectus etcetera. From
other side that there are also nation of Negrito the known as eldest nation. With small body
marking, a dusky skin and curl hair. This nation [is] then insisted on by nation of Weda
coming from India south, which [is] stacked, higher, curly and its uppermost cheekbone to
Area of Karo have been inhabited by nation of Negrito the so-called above, later;then
according to mixed myth with nation of Umang which walk with finger bended
downwards so that which hit land;ground [is] surface of upper toe, they live in stone caves,
they also magician, owning skill develop;build building and is helpful. Later;Then,
[about/around] 3000 SM come nation of Paleo-Mongoloid or Malay of Chinese South. One
of [the] Proto group [of] The Malay above mixed later;then with referred [as] [by] local
resident [of] Karo. Myth and nation group hotchpotch fact of Negrito with Malay nation
drawn [at] some folklore like marriage of princess of Ajinembah the Beru Gungunen with
a Umang ( Neumann 1972: 17), marriage of Sebayak Lau Colossus with female of Umang
( Neumann 1972: 23) and marriage of ancestors of Siwah Sada Ginting with princess of
According to anticipation, as war consequence that happened [among/between] empire of
Haru1 with Ocean of Pasai [among/between] year 1539-1564, have shifted is ethnical [of]
Karo to concentration and hinterland [in] location which we recognize this time. Some of
nation of Karo move to Samosir to Blood-Vessel region and Fishpond Grindings and
believed there they become clanly [of] Haro-Haro and of Munte.

Empire of Haru is believed by some experts as empire of Karo, though Haru word has been found in some
other places as in area of Riau and Rantau Prapat, so that temporarily in this article [of] empire of Haru
considered to be empire which emerge some place by the name of [is] same.

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

In the begining society environment of Karo only there are three consanquinity or group
(merga), namely Ginting, Peranginangin and of Tarigan [in] area of Karo, but [is]
later;then caught up by Karo-Karo merga and of Sembiring, very jell with influence of
Hindu, so that increase to become five consanquinity group, [is] such as those which drawn
[at] local monarchic governance form that is: Empire of Sinembah which [is] its king come
from clan of Sembiring Meliala, monarchic Like from clan of Ginting Like, and empire of
Colossus of clan of Sinulingga. [At] period of Dutch colonial increase with Empire of Kuta
Reed which [is] its king come from clan of Peranginangin.
Other Source, saying that Karo eksistensi estimated [by] mencuat since year 1250, because
at that time have stood a[n so called empire [of] empire of Emotion ( Aru) which according
to some people mastered by Karo. According to its history [of] this strong empire enough
and regional [his/its] very wide [of], strarting from Siak ( Riau) to river of Wampu [in]
Langkat. Heyday and that monarchic age sufficiently long, so that have many times its
king change hereditaryly.

Picturer. 1.1 Map Of Indonesia

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

Picture. 1.2 Map Of Sumatera Utara

But [about/around] year 1539 empire of Emotion fail and fall to pieces to totalize effect of
military attack [of] empire of ocean of Pasai Achenese which have weapons enough
strength. [The] mentioned cause its people go to save x'self of region kerajaaan of Emotion
of keseluruh angle of peaceful assumed place [it].
People which go to save that x'self there [is] which to Singkel, Packages / dairi, Acheh
( Gayo-Alas), Grindings, Simalungun and Plain Highlands of Karo ( Karo Mount). Partly
again go to lowland of[is near by mountain of frontier of Sipis-Pis and High Bank now.
They who go and occupy new place outside Grindings [is] later;then referred [as] [by]
people of Karo which in fact [is] people of[is rest of war of Emotion. Tribe of Karo who
live in lowland of[is near by mountain which [is] broadness of[is more or less 5.000 km2
[is] later;then referred [as] [by] Karo Orchard2 .

Spreading of resident like this almost [is] always believed by each existing ethnical, because supported by "
view world" that them [is] first human being, or first human being by mitologis go down among them

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo




Gambar. 1.3 Division of Region Culture [in] North Sumatra

Gambar. 1.4 Map of Land;Ground of Karo and Division of Region Tribe [in] Land;Ground of Karo.


Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

As does other terms history, because limitation of left information, especially which
concerning prehistory boldness, hence coming [from] tribe of Karo not yet been known
surely, from some source mention that tribe of Karo come from nation of Weda and there
[is] also mentioning to come from mixing of Negrito and Malay and some of again tell to
come from people which fail war and run away to area which we recognize this time.
Nation of Karo from year to year continue to expand and form community alone led by a
king which is [is] ordinary to be referred [as] [by] sibayak. This community continue to
expand and occupy some kampong or area ( new kesain). In society of Karo recognized
[by] some merga, unattached community with one lineage [among/between] one with is
other, referred [as] also by the name of Merga Silima ( Ginting, Peranginangin, Sembiring,
Tarigan, and Karo-Karo) which [is] hand in glove disinyalir [of] its bearing [of] its
[relation/link] with influence of Hindu. Influence of this Hindu bringing many change in
procedures life of society of Karo.

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