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Raibnya Para Dewa,

Kajian Arsitektur Karo



Period Before Existence of Empire

Initially leading each;every area [is] faction founder of kampong or as nation of taneh.
Before recognized [by] king family faction ( people and ginemgem) ( derip). Society
each;every kampong arranged by nation of taneh assisted by child of beru and its.
Kampong which amount of its resident divided, many of some part of kampong the so-
called kesain. Every leader of kesain bow to nation of taneh which later;then pass into "
pengelului" its meaning which pay attention, advocating and protecting.
Some kampong expand and make a move from kampong early, but remain to assume that
chieftain of kampong old ones as its leader because still in a body family pursuant to
lineage with the title " Bapa-Urung". its Urung Meaning one kampong group where all its
founder still in one clan or lineage.
War [among/between] kampong, [among/between] group and between urung, happened
continuous and take place llama. Causing rayat become impecunious because blocked to
work to farm or to rice field. Other [of] [party/ side] [all] society member go to other area
on the quiet look for strength especially look for science quarrel, incantations,
impenetrable science, sorcery and others. This meant as effort defence of x'self for family
and [his/its] group from enemy attack. Source of that moment science [is] Acheh for
impenetrable science and and weapons of Simalungun for the witchraft of philtra science
and able to be ill starred [of] people.
Acheh below/under Sultan head of Iskandar Young have owned obtained fire arm of
Portugis [about/around] year 1607-1636. As empire having an effect on, Acheh have
performed [a] [relation/link] with Karo, in the form of commercial activity by converting
to convert goods with fire arm recognized by society of Karo by the name of " rifle" or "
petrum". Though Karo have recognized " penguras" of a kind and cannon " amunition
It was told, a prominent so called Islam [of] My me [of] Achenese Sekh Lau Bahun come
to Karo for the purpose of peace develop Islam. Pious beside bookish and, pertinent tie to

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

knife rough poke and bullet. Prominent this have visited Colossus, Kabanjahe and of
Surbakti. But in a caused [by] incident [is] hostility that happened between kampong [in]
Karo, My Me [of] Sekh Lau Bahun defeated to be killed with sharp-pointed bamboo at
elbow kampong of Sukanalu. Some years later;then catch up other entourage which
provided with weapons of Sultan Acheh courier below/under head " Mr. We" the above is
true its name [is] remembered [by] people later on [his/its] original name and day
unknown, they look for news situation of my Me [of] Sekh Lau Bahun.
On the way to Karo " Mr. We" finally reach Kampong Colossus and meet local power
( nation of taneh) of group of Karo-Karo Sinulingga which [is] have status [to] as Bapa
Urung. the Bapa Urung lifted by Acheh courier become first king [in] Karo. That King
direct Urung Colossus and of Urung Naman. The Lifting marked with delivery a so called
keris " bawar", witnessed by some pengulu of Urung Colossus and of Urung Naman.
Hereinafter successively Acheh king courier lift kings [in] Karo like Sibayak Barusjahe,
Sibayak Like and Sibayak Sarinembah so that entirely amount to four. Later;Then " Mr.
We" return to Acheh. As making it up to Sibayak Colossus make my Me grave [of] Sekh
Lau Bahun [in] Colossus kampong area which by society of Karo [is] hitherto assumed
[by] keramat. Meanwhile [in] kampong area of Kutabuluh remain a king coming from clan
of Merga Perangin-Angin which dimiciling [in] Kuta Male. Because its big influence and
have been long enough in command [is] finally confessed as or king of sibayak which
dimiciling [him/ it] [is] equal to other kings [in] Karo. So that entirely amount to five

Period After Existence of Empire

With existence of five king [in] Karo that is Sibayak Colossus, Sibayak Barusjahe, Sibayak
Like, Sibayak Sarinembah and of Sibayak Kutabuluh, hence hostility between urung which
during the time happened by gradually decrease. Area power of king have is certain.
Regular society progressively and role of custom increase strength. Because region power
of sibayak so wide [of] hence to assisting [him/ it] specified also some smaller governance
[is] so-called Bapa Urung or King of Urung. With existence of king of urung hence king
duties or of sibayak become lighterly, beside political element in its founding, because
nearer them with kampong society staying in its region so that function as lengthening [of]
of king hand

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

As for monarchic region and its division [of] him [in] Karo [is] as follows:

Table 4.1 Empire (Sibayak) and Dimiciling of it

Kerajaan (Sibayak) Pemerintahan Lokal Kedudukan Keterangan

Lingga Urung XII Kuta Kabanjahe
Urung III Kuta Lingga
Urung Naman Naman
Urung Tiga Pancur Tiga Pancur
Urung Teran Batu Karang
Tiganderket Tiganderket
Barusjahe Urung Si VII Kuta Barusjahe
Urung Si VI Kuta Sukanulu
Suka Urung Suka Suka
Urung Sukapiring Seberaya
Urung Ajinembah Ajinembah
Urung Tongging Tongging
Sarinembah Urung XVII Kuta Sarinembah
Urung Perbesi Perbesi
Urung Juhar Juhar
Urung Kutabangun Kutabangun
Kutabuluh Urung Namohaji Kutabuluh
Urung Liangmelas Mardingding

But there are some area owning except as follows:

Table 4.2 Kampong (Kesain) and Founders

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

Kampung (Kesain) Lokasi Pendiri (Merga) Gelar

Hambur Tanduk Sitepu Pengulu
Rumah Derpih Karo-Karo Purba Sibayak
Rumah Selat Di Karo-Karo Purba Sibayak
Rumah Mbelih Berastepu Karo-Karo Sitepu Pengulu
Rumah Julu Gurukinayan Sembiring Gurukinayan Pengulu
Rumah Julu Kampung Susuk Sembiring Munham Pengulu
Rumah Sinulingga Mardinding Sinulingga Sinukaban Pengulu
Tarigan Pergendengen Tarigan Pengulu
Karo-Karo Sinulingga Bintang Meriah Karo-Karo Sinulingga Pengulu
Rumah Mbelin Sukanalu Karo-Karo Sitepu Pengulu
Rumah Lige Suka Ginting Suka Sibayak
Rumah Anjung-Anjung Bunuraya Karo-Karo Sinuraya Sibayak
Mbelang Singa Ginting Sinusinga Pengulu
Buluh Pancur Ginting Pengulu

Entire/All kesain [at] table above representing otonomous power so that indirectly under
power of king of urung because founder of the kampong [is] one who notable and high
Later;Then lowland day around Town Field ( Karo Ginger), head of kesain parallel with
king level of urung, they [is] also considered to be nation of taneh. Urung which there are
[in] the lowland [is]: Urung XII Kuta, dimiciling [in] Carpet Silver, its clan king [of]
Tarigan, Urung Serbanyaman; dimiciling [in] Sunggal, its clan king [of] Surbakti come
from Telu Kuru ( Monarchic [of] Colossus), Urung Sukapiring; dimiciling [in] New
Kampong [of] its king come from Seberaya, Urung Sinembah Deli; dimiciling [in]
Patumbak, its clan king [of] Barus come from Empire of Barusjahe.

Period of Colonization.
[At] a period of/to colonization, Dutch [party/ side] have exploited this traditional
pemerintaha as a means of to strengthen to dimiciling [him/ it]. So that monarchic system
[of] terkooptasi by system governance of colonization. Thereby everlasting custom sisitem
[at] level under, but tied [at] level to the with governance of colonization.

Period of Paska Independence

Raibnya Para Dewa,
Kajian Arsitektur Karo

After independence, governance of this custom [shall] no longger confess fully, because
governance of unity state, so that governance of custom, only going into effect [at] moral
tataran and of ritual, except things which [do] not be arranged in national law.

Governance of custom of Karo have proceeded and natural slow [of] degradasi, influenced
by Dutch era colonialism and of modernisme after independence, but [at] certain
storey;level still stay with new meaning and new form.


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