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Title : The Association Between Mobile

Game Addiction and Depression,

Social Anxiety, and Loneliness

Author : Jin-Liang Wang , Jia-Rong Sheng and Hai-Zhen Wang

Year of publication: 2019

Summery :

the relationship between mobile game addiction and mental health outcomes, due to a lack of
specified instrument for measuring this new type of behavioural addiction. results revealed that
male adolescents tend to report more social anxiety when they use mobile game addictively. It has
been demonstrated that video game addicts suffered poorer mental health and cognitive
functioning, and increased emotional difficulties, such as enhanced depression and anxiety, as well
as more social isolation. Previous studies of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) have mainly focused on
traditional online gaming addiction based on a desktop computer. However, recent research has
suggested that there were only moderate correlations between the different forms of Internet
addiction . mobile video games are characterized by portability, immediacy, and accessibility, which
may increase the risk for addictive behavioural patterns and thus, more severe mental health
problems. . Evidence has suggested that males have a predilection toward activities that involve
explosive action and combat, while females are drawn toward activities that are more social and
communication focused . Females received more family supervision, which may prevent them from
developing Internet addiction.

Keywords: mobile game addiction, social anxiety, depression, loneliness, adolescents

Title : Playing a video game is more than mere


Author : Kent Nordby, Ronny Andre Løkken and Gerit Pfuhl

Year of publication : 2019


the hours of video gaming was not significantly related to procrastination or the discount rate.
hours of video gaming was not strongly associated with procrastination and delay discounting either.
However, when asked why they play, those answering to escape reality and to reduce stress had
more problems of procrastination than those who play for entertainment, reward or social reasons.
With a multi-billion dollar industry that now far surpasses Hollywood in revenues , game developers
around the world are fighting to find ways to attract gamers to their products and keeping them
there . this experimental study shows that reducing internet gaming can help reduce procrastination
and increase life satisfaction. Some studies have also found that too much video gaming is related to
negative effects such as lower psychosocial well-being and loneliness, poorer social skills, decreased
academic achievement, increased inattention and decreases in verbal memory performance .
However, not everything is negative, as the use of games in teaching and learning is steadily
growing, utilizing some of the same mechanics seen in purely recreational games. playing action
computer games were found to positively affect spatial skills and that these training effects could
transfer to other spatial tasks outside the video game context. The study yielded no strong
association between time spent playing video games and procrastination, nor was there any
association between discounting and procrastination.

Title : The Influence of Video Games on Youth:

Implications for Learning in the New Millennium

Author : Karen E. Dill

Year of publication: NA

Summery : according to this study playing violent video games increases aggression, hostility, and
aggressive thoughts. Games with positive content show positive effects. The study identified
“compulsive” behaviours associated with video game play, finding that about 13% of the
adolescents they surveyed sacrificed other activities and compulsively invested money and time in
gaming. research consistently shows that most popular video games are violent and because of the
potential harm to children, youth and society of this negative influence, much video game research
has focused on the effects of violent video games. found that when a car racing game rewarded
players for violent acts, those players were more likely to attack an opponent than when the same
game punished players for aggression. found that adolescent boys who identified with aggressive
characters in immersive, realistic games were most aggressive, going so far as to blast opponents
with noise levels they believed would cause permanent hearing damage. found a positive
association between violent video game play and anti-women attitudes including attitudes
supporting violence against women. The Researchers in the British journal Nature (1998) report that
the brain releases dopamine, a pleasure chemical, during video game play. However, videogames
are popular with youth and have many characteristics that make them excellent teaching tools.
Educators can take advantage of the positive learning characteristics of games with the use of well-
designed software, but should also be aware of potential negative issues such as anti-social content
and cyber addiction.

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