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Anxiety Disorders in Adolescence

Clinical supervision is the crucible approach in which counselors garner knowledge

and expertise in treating anxiety disorder in adolescents. Anxiety disorder among the youth is

caused by substance abuse and provides a bridge between the classroom and the clinic.

Supervision is essential in social anxiety treatment because it helps in developing a client care

plan. Clinical supervision has been the foundation of quality improvement and assurance

when dealing with social anxiety among adolescents—this paper analysis anxiety disorder

among adolescents, the paper basis its argument on the video interview provided.

Firstly, adolescents are associated with high levels of self-consciousness. From this

basis, adolescents suffering from social anxiety may exhibit deep self-focus in social

relations. McClelland et al. (2015), indicate that adolescents are exceptionally responsive to

an attention training intervention. Since they are sensitive to the environment and social

setting, adolescents tend to get influenced in behaviors like isolation, substance abuse, among

several antisocial behaviors when they get anxiety disorder. Peer influence also leads to a

change of behavior as adolescents try to build confidence and find peers who will help them

cope with the situation. In so doing, they may end up with antisocial behavior and influences

that may require counseling. Upon considering these factors, a councilor must come up with

simple mechanisms that will help to maintain social anxiety and develop preferable


As a condition that is categorized by a continued fear of humiliation and scrutiny,

social anxiety affected adolescents mainly because of the many changes they exhibit as they

transform from childhood to adulthood. McClelland et al., (2015), note that Age-of-onset

points to teenage as a sensitive development phase, and this is the time when the peer group

develops progressively essential. Stahl (2014) argues that social anxiety among teenagers is

related to a weakness that continues through adult life. Arguably, there are definite

improvements in the provision of active intervention to social stress during adolescence.

When an anxiety disorder is prevented from the adolescence period, many adults will have

overcome anxiety-related issues. Adults are treated with an approach to specific treatment

effects. A significant strategy for adolescent anxiety therapy is the use of the cognitive model,

which focuses on social phobia, diagnosis, and assessment of treatment. In keeping with

American AACAP (2012a) Development of sensitive implementation of the cognitive model

among children and adolescents can improve treatment outcomes.

To conclude, social anxiety disorder among adolescents is linked with undesirable

emotional consequences and high levels of weaknesses when matched to psychiatric

disorders. For adolescents, social anxiety disorder affects academics performance, weak

social interactions, and low self-esteem.



American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). (2012a). Practice

parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with

obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child &

Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(1), 98–113. Retrieved


McClelland, M., Crombez, M., Crombez, C., Wenz, C., Lisius, M., Mattia, A., & Marku, S.

(2015). Implications for Advanced Practice Nurses When Pediatric Autoimmune

Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) Is

Suspected: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29(5), 442-452.


Stahl, S. M. (2014). Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.).

New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

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