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World‘s Smartest Criminals

I. Answer the questions.

1. How many crimes can you list in a minute?

2. Have you ever seen a crime being committed?
3. Could you name at least one notorious criminal?

II. Watch the video and fill in the gaps with no more than two words. (20 points)

1. The thieves stole 800 000 1) from the safes of 15 different chain stores using
nothing more but a drill and a 2) .

2. On 30th March, 2010 a group of thieves set up the Credit Lyonnais Bank 3) to
destroy their evidence after they had stolen millions of euros in cash and valuables from 125
4) boxes.

3. The Serbian gang of jewel who is responsible for the robberies of 5) jewellery
stores in 20 different countries has been known for the daring escapes in creative 6) .

4. Friday Night Robber whose criminal career lasted for 3 7) began robbing shops at the
age of 15. Being meticulous with planning, he was caught because of bad luck when two teenagers
discovered his cache of weapons and masks with his 8) on it. He is still serving his
17 –year 9) .

5. The leader of the gang of 10) who committed a record bank robbery and got away
with 230000 pounds was 11) by a member of his gang. However, Derek
12) against his former friends, was offered immunity and avoided jail time.

6. The criminal drove away in a vehicle with 300 mln. yens after he had pretended to be
13) on a motorcycle.

7. On the 18th of March, 1990 two men gained access to the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum and
raided the museum stealing 13 pieces of art including masterpieces of Rembrandt and Monet.
Although it is the largest 14) property theft in history, they could not be charged
with the crime due to fact that the statute of 15) has run out.

8. The gang of thieves from Belgium is responsible for infamous diamond heist. They carefully
planned and 16) the crime grabbing both the diamonds and the paperwork needed to
sell them. Only the leader was convicted on DNA 17) found on a half-eaten
sandwich by the crime scene.

9. The 18) of Baker Street burglars who is said to be a London car dealer has never
been caught. The movie 19) is based on this crime.

10. One of most infamous and mysterious criminals in history 20) a Boeing claiming
he had a bomb in his suitcase. He demanded 200 000 dollars and escaped jumping with a
parachute. It’s the only case in the US when a hijacker could escape.

Video -

World‘s Smartest Criminals

1. The thieves stole 800 000 1) dollars from the safes of 15 different chain stores using nothing more
but a drill and a 2) modified vaccum.
2. On 30th March, 2010 a group of thieves set up the Credit Lyonnais Bank 3) on fire to destroy their
evidence after they had stolen millions of euros in cash and valuables from 125 4) safety deposit
3. The Serbian gang of jewel who is responsible for the robberies of 5) 120 jewellery stores in 20
different countries has been known for the daring escapes in creative 6) break-ins.
4. Friday Night Robber whose criminal career lasted for 3 7) decades began robbing shops at the age
of 15. Being meticulous with planning, he was caught because of bad luck when two teenagers
discovered his cache of weapons and masks with his 8) fingerprints on it. He is still serving his 17
–year 9) sentence.
5. The leader of the gang of 10) thieves who committed a record bank robbery and got away with
230000 pounds was 11) given up by a member of his gang. However, Derek 12) testified against
his former friends, was offered immunity and avoided jail time.
6. The criminal drove away in a vehicle with 300 mln. yens after he had pretended to be 13) a
policeman on a motorcycle.
7. On the 18th of March, 1990 two men gained access to the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum
and raided the museum stealing 13 pieces of art including masterpieces of Rembrandt and
Monet. Although it is the largest 14) private property theft in history, they could not be charged
with the crime due to fact that the statute of 15) limitations has run out.
8. The gang of thieves from Belgium is responsible for infamous diamond heist. They carefully
planned and 16) executed the crime grabbing both the diamonds and the paperwork needed to
sell them. Only the leader was convicted on DNA 17) evidence found on a half-eaten sandwich by
the crime scene.
9. The 18) mastermind of Baker Street burglars who is said to be a London car dealer has never been
caught. The movie 19) Bank Job is based on this crime.
10. One of most infamous and mysterious criminals in history 20) hijacked a Boeing claiming he had a
bomb in his suitcase. He demanded 200 000 dollars and escaped jumping with a parachute. It’s
the only case in the US when a hijacker could escape.

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