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Diary Notes

The Owners - Strata Plan 8711

Date entered from 01/04/2020 to 30/06/2021
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Time Spent Charge
03/12/2020 14:49 Marcello Pisto
11/02/2021 19:56 Marcello Pisto

26/05/2021 12:04 Marcello Pisto 01:00 01:00:00 $198.00

23/03/2021 15:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Addresses on letters 00:15:00 $49.50

07/05/2020 12:30 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owne 00:15:00 $33.00

05/04/2020 12:33 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: 050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue 00:15:00 $49.50

01/10/2020 14:24 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: 12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions 00:15:00 $49.50

24/09/2020 18:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: 14/106 High St water damage 00:15:00 $49.50

23/03/2021 15:57 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues. 00:30:00 $99.00
26/03/2021 12:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues. 00:30:00 $99.00

01/05/2020 12:57 Vicki Oldknow 00:30 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill 00:30:00 $30.00

21/07/2020 16:51 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry 00:15:00 $33.00

23/07/2020 09:10 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry 00:15:00 $33.00

24/07/2020 11:03 Vicki Oldknow Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry HI Vicky, 00:00:00 $0.00

13/07/2020 14:40 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm pay 00:15:00 $33.00

12/03/2021 12:30 John Micalizzi Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement) 00:00:00 $0.00

14/04/2021 10:52 Vanessa Vumbaca Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement) 00:00:00 $0.00

09/04/2020 08:17 Simone Welsh Subject: Approval of Tesnik Quotes 00:00:00 $0.00

29/04/2020 12:35 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Noise 65/100 High Street 00:30:00 $99.00

23/03/2021 16:02 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Breach letter 31/106 incorrect By-Law quoted 00:15:00 $49.50

27/05/2021 15:01 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat 01:30:00 $297.00
27/05/2021 15:02 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat 01:30:00 $297.00

27/05/2021 15:02 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat 01:30:00 $297.00

10/03/2021 12:46 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: breah of By-Law Letters 00:30:00 $99.00

01/09/2020 11:30 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: By Laws emailed to agent 00:15:00 $49.50

26/04/2021 11:52 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: By- Laws emailed to agent lot 17 00:15:00 $49.50

28/09/2020 11:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Law - Access to Common Property Infrastructure 00:30:00 $99.00

22/03/2021 20:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Law Breach tracking and billing 00:30:00 $99.00
23/03/2021 16:25 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Laws Cover page 00:30:00 $99.00

23/03/2021 18:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: By-Laws Cover page 00:15:00 $49.50

29/03/2021 13:06 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: By-Laws issued to agent of Unit 33/100 High Street 00:15:00 $49.50

01/06/2020 12:32 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: bylaw advice 010620 00:15:00 $0.00

09/06/2021 08:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106 00:30:00 $99.00

11/06/2021 11:09 Marcello Pisto 05:00 Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106 05:00:00 $990.00

22/07/2020 12:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Carpet Replcement Letter 00:30:00 $99.00

30/06/2020 11:21 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with agent of 84/100 High Street 00:15:00 $49.50

22/06/2020 14:08 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with agent of unit 82/100 High Stret
Communication with agent of unit 82/100 High Stret re damage to front door
when moving out
06/07/2020 09:20 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communication with Unit 13 re damage caused to
Communication with Unit 13 re damage caused to carpet from accidental
23/06/2020 12:38 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Contacting The Agency and asking them to remove
Contacting The Agency and asking them to remove their sign
23/03/2021 09:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Diagnostech Phase 1 Approval
- Wrote to Diagnostech to confrim we can issue a work order for the works
- They requested that we sign the documents
- Requetsed that they re-issue the documents but with Phase 1 only
- Documents re-issued and sent to the committee for approval
- Approval received and docuements initalled and dated on each page and
signed and common seal attached where required.
- Wrote to the committee to provide the update
18/06/2021 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Diagnostech report
- Email from the Strata Committee
- Requested that Diagnostech be followed up on the report that we are
- Wrote to Diagnostech to follow them up
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to notify of the action taken
09/06/2021 08:33 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: EGM Agenda Clarity
-Email from Shore Partners regarding the EGM agenda
- Requested confirmation on which plan the agenda was for.
- Wrote back to the agent to confirm that the agenda was for 100-106 High
Street North Sydney as per the agenda that was attached via the link
19/05/2021 12:00 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Explaining why CCA invioices are payable by Lot 66
Explaining why CCA invioices are payable by Lot 66
I received a raft of 4 invoices of varying amounts which were sent to my
managing agent Richardson & Wrench regarding a court decision made
against me in July 2020
These matters were settled when the sheriff came to my house and we paid
the amount of $3100.30 on 24th July 2020 under cheque number #5984
01/05/2021 11:12 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 31/100
- Advsied they will be collecting the new fobs
- Wrote back to the owner to confrim where the fobs can be collected and on
which days
- Advised what will occur if they do not collect the fobs
01/05/2021 11:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 24/100
- Advised they were informed by the tenant that there are new security fobs
to collect
- Requested a copy of the notice to allow them to authorise the tennat to
collect the fobs on their behalf
- Letter re-issued to the agent
- Requested confirmation on who will be colecting the fobs on their behalf
- Advised that we need to be notifed to update our spreadsheet for the
building manager so they are aware who will be collecting the fobs
01/05/2021 11:31 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 15/100
- Advsied that they will be collecting the fobs and requested
acknowledgement of the email
- Responded to acknowledge the email
01/05/2021 11:39 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 23/106
- Advised they were the agent and confrimed that the tennat will be
collecting the fobs
- Supplied their details
- Responded to the agent and advised when the 3 dates when the fobs can
be collected and what will happen if the fobs are not collected on those
dates and where they will need to collect them after that time
01/05/2021 11:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 84/106
- Supplied there details and who will be collecting the fobs on their behalf
- Advised that the tenant contact the building manager
- Wrote back to confrim receipt of the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
01/05/2021 11:56 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the tennat of 85/100
- Supplied the details of who will be collecting the fobs for the unit
- Advised the tennat to seek confirmation from the agent that the tenant has
the authority to collect the fobs
- Agent responded to confrim they are happy to collect the agent fobs
- Advised they also manage unit 71/100 and will need to collect fobs for
them as well
- Responded to the agent to confrim that it is 1 person per lot collecting all
the fobs
- Advised taht they will leave it for the tenant in unit 85 to collect and that
they will speak to the tenant in unit 71 as well regarding collecting the fobs
for their lot
01/05/2021 12:02 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 85
- Requested confirmation they were for building 106
- Agent confrimed they are for building 106
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
01/05/2021 12:13 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of Unit 55/106
- Advised they received the link for the letter but were unable to open it
- Requested another copy of the letter to view
- Responded to the owner to advise that the letter was emailed and not sent
as a link
- Advised that the letter has been re-attached for their viewing
- Requested confrimation by COB 7/4/21 who will be collecting the fobs
- Advsied that failure to supply the details will mean that the keys will not be
able to be collected
- Details received from the owner on who will be collecting the fobs for the
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 6
- Email from the owner of unit 51/100
- Advised that they would not be around to collect the fobs as they are away
- Requested that those fobs be left in the letterbox
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that we are unable to do this due to
security reasons
- Advised that he could call the building manager and ask him to hold on to
them and supply them on his retrun
- Resposne from the owner
- Advsied that he had spoken to the building manager and requested that he
be put down on the spreadsheet to collect them on his behalf
- Advised that he also cannot be hone for the inspections and advised that
he would leave his keys for the building manager to access his unit
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge his email and advise that we
would confrim the below points with the building manager
- Wrote to the building manager
- Requested confriamtion he agreed that he would sign off on the fobs for
unit 51/100 and that he would supply access to the unit for the tradesman
- Response from the building manager to confrim both of these points
- Advised the owner of this as well and updated the spreadsheet
02/05/2021 09:01 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 21/106
- Email was to inform who will be collecting the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Responded to the owner
- Requested confirmation if they could provide the tennat and agent details
for their lot
- Advised that in relation to the collection of the fobs that they would need to
supply photo ID as we could not accept a medicare card
- Requested the owners preferred contact number for access as well
- Email received from the owner in response to the request for the tenant
and agent details
- Email and contact number of the owner supplied
- Advised that there are no terms of a lease as no tenant is present and that
Mark Edwards is the agent of the lot
- Further email to the owner requesting details of a tennat
- Resposne received to advsie that the unit is untenanted
- Responded to the owner to request confirmation on how long the unit has
been without a tenant
- Requested confirmartion as to which agency Mark Edwards works for to
enable us to update the records on file
02/05/2021 09:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of 24/100
- Authorised the tenant to collect the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Supplied the contact details for the tenant
- Acknowledged the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 09:07 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 24/106
- Supplied the details of who will be collecting the fobs for the lot
- Acknowledged the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from unit 81/100
- Advised they are the owner and will be collecting the fobs
- Reviewed the records and confrimed this to be correct
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 09:26 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the the agent of unit 42/100
- Advised that they had been informed the building manager will be handing
out new fobs on 8 April for collection
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Email received from the agent to advise they had contacted the email
provider and cc'd me in
- Responded to the agent to re-confrim when the fobs will be handed out on
site and how they can collect them if they miss those times
- Email from the agent to advise they will be able to pick them up from 3pm
on 8.4.21 and if this was ok
- Advised they could organise to have them collected on Saturday at 10am
- Advised if there current swipe would still work as they have open homes
that day
- Responded to advise the times for collection are on the letter and email
and if they are unable to collect them on 8.4.21 that they collect them on the
- Response from the agent to request confirmation who they should look out
for on Saturday and if their current fobs will work at all
- Responded to the agent to re-confrim once again who will be handing out
the fobs
- Confrimed that the old fobs would still work until the new system had been
completely set up
02/05/2021 09:57 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Reveiwed the spreadsheet and identified numerous units who had not
- Collated the emails of the owners and agents of those lots
- Issued a follow up email to them with a copy of the letter and confrimation
of the dates for collection
- Advised that we would be assigning the remaining fobs to the owner on the
lot and should anybody else obtain authority to collect them that they have
the owner wirte to us to advsie of this update so that the building manager
can be made aware
02/05/2021 10:00 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 12/100
- Advised that the director would be collecting the fobs on behalf of the unit
- Wrote to the building manager to advise of the update so that the
spreadsheet can be amended accordingly
- Response received
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie that the building manager had been
notified of this as well
02/05/2021 10:09 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 85/100
- Advised that she had responded to the matter and who would be collecting
the fobs for the lot
- Responded to the agent to advise that they had confirmed for unit 85, but
not unit 71
- Requested confrimation that both sets are being collected by the tenant
- Email from the tenant of unti 71/100
- Advised that they will be collecting the fobs on Friday
- Advised the tenant that the fobs for building 100 were to be collected this
morning 8.4.21
- Advised that the Friday was for building 106
- Informed the tenant that the fobs could be collected on the Saturday at
morning and from where
02/05/2021 10:19 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 41/100
- Advsied that they would be collecting the fobs for the unit
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 10:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owners of unit 54/106
- Owners advsied that they authorsied the building manager to collect the
fobs on their behalf
- Wrote to the building manager to confrim they agree to collect the fobs on
the owners behalf
- Response receievd from the building manager that they confirm they agree
to collect the fobs
- Wrote back to the owners to provide the update on the resposne from the
building manager and confirmation he will collect the fobs
02/05/2021 10:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 81 and 83/106
- Agent advised that they authorsied the building manager to collect the fobs
on their behalf for unit 83
- Agent confirmed that the tenant from unit 81 will be collecting the fobs and
their details
- Wrote to the building manager to confrim they agree to collect the fobs on
the owners behalf
- Response receievd from the building manager that they confirm they agree
to collect the fobs
- Wrote back to the agent to provide the update on the resposne from the
building manager and confirmation he will collect the fobs for unit 83
- Confirmed tha the fobs will also be supplied to the tenant for unit 81/106
02/05/2021 10:51 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 65/106
- Advsied they had only received notification today (8.4.21)
- Requested if they could pick up the keys from out office
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
- Advised that will not have the fobs on Monday and can't confirm when we
will receive them.
- Advised If this is for building 106, this can be collected tomorrow morning
between 7-9am as well.
- Advised if they cannot collect them they can authorise the tenant to do so
on your behalf.
- Response from the agent to advsie that they are unable to collect them or
organise someone to do so
- Advised they only received confirmation of this matter yesterday
- Requested confirmation when they can collect the fobs from our office
- Responded to advise that our office has supplied multipe notices
- Advised when the original letter was issued
- Advised that the building manager also left notes under the unti doors
- Confrimed the latest resposne was just a reminder
- Suggested that they contact the building manager to see if he can hold on
to them and arrange to meet them on site the following week to hand them
02/05/2021 11:04 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 41/106 and unit 42/106
- Advised that they will be collecting the fobs
- Advised that they had cc'd in both owners
- Wrote to the building manager to confirm of the update
- Wrote to the agent to confrim acknowledgement of his email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
02/05/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 31/106
- Requested confirmation they could collect the fobs today (Saturday)
- Responded tot he agent on Modnay to confrim the fobs had been collected
- Email received to confrim this occured
02/05/2021 11:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 64/100
- Confirmed tha the tenant did not collect the fobs on the weekend
- requested confirmation they can collect them today from the building
- Wrote to the agent to confrim that the fobs had been collected
- Resposne from the agent to confrim this had occured
02/05/2021 11:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owners of unit 75/106
- Email was to authorise the tenant to collect the fobs on their behalf
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge the email
- Email from the tenant 12.04.2021 to advise they have arranged to collect
the fobs from the building manager
- Email to the tenant to acknowledge receipt of their email
- Advised the building manager to confirm this has been arranged
02/05/2021 11:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 32/106
- Supplied the details on who will be collecting the fobs on behalf of their lot
- Advised the building manager of the update
- Informed the owner that the building manager has been updated
- Requested that the tenant provide their ID on collection to ensure it
matches the details on the spreadsheet
02/05/2021 11:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 62/100
- Advsied they did not receive the information on the fob collection and that
the last correspondence they received was for the pest control
- Requested to have the 4 fobs split in 2 parts with 2 being handed to the
tenant on the Saturday and the remianing 2 to be posted to their PO Box
- Advised that the fobs can only be collected by 1 person
- Agent confrimed that the fobs be collected by the tenant
- Wrote to the building manager to advise of the update
- Wrote to the agent to advise that the building manager had been updated
and taht the fobs will be ready for collection by the tenant on the Saturday
02/05/2021 12:12 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the managing agent of unit 65/100
- Advised that the owners had requested that the tenant collect the fobs on
behalf of the unit
- Advised that they can collect the fobs next Wednesday 14 April between
- Requested confirmation as to what ID needa to be presented
- Advised that they found the letter hard to follow and requested
confirmation on what they were undertaking
-- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 100 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
- Response from the agent to confrim they have infomred the tenant to
attend on Saturday for the collection of the fobs
- Agent wanted to confrim if the building manager will be handing out the
- Confirmed with the agent that the building manager will be handing out the
- Agent emailed to advsie that the tenant can no longer collect the fobs and
that they will collect them
- Requested if they need ID or if they can provde a business card as the
building manager knows who they are
- Advised any ID they have is fine
02/05/2021 12:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email to the remaining lots who have not collected their fobs
- Advised of teh remaining date and time to collect their fobs
- Advised what will happen if they do not collect them on the day
- Copy of the letter re-attached once again for those who have not
responded to ensure they are aware of the intercom installtion and window
02/05/2021 12:53 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from Di Jones Real Esate
- Advised they will collect the fobs at 10am on the Saturday
- Responded to seek confirmation as to what unit they manage
- Agent responded to confrim they will be collecting for unit 44
- Reveiwed the spreadsheet and records to confrim which Unit 44 they
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie that the building manager had been cc'd
into the email so they are aware that t they will be collecting for unit 44/100
02/05/2021 12:57 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email received from the agent on the morning of the final fob collection
- Advised that their tenant will be collecting them
- Responed to the agent on Monday 12.4.21
- Requested confirmation that the fobs were collected from the building
manager on the Saturday
- Response receievd to confirm that the fobs had been collected
02/05/2021 13:03 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 34/100
- Advised that the tenant will be collecting the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Agent advised that they are providing their consent to updating the
intercom and that the tennat will preovide access on the day
- Responded to the agent on Monday 12.4.21
- Requested confirmation that the fobs were collected by the tenant on the
- Response received to advsie the the Building Manager should deliver
these to the tenant in the morning
- Wrote back to confrim that this was agreed by the building manager
- Confirmed that this was agreed and that the fobs have already been
delivered to the tenant
02/05/2021 13:15 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 42/100
- Requested confirmation if they could have teh fobs collected between
12:30pm and 3:30pm
- Advised that we would seek confirmation from the building manager to see
if he can meet you to supply the fobs
- Agent advised they have collected the fobs and that they were seeking
confirmation on if they could have the intercom and window inspection
undertaken during that time
- Advised they cannot lock i n a specific time and that the units need to be
completed in order
- Agent responded to seek confirmation if they can leave the door unlocked
so they can get in
- Responded to the agent and cc'd in the building manager so they are
aware of what is occuring
02/05/2021 13:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 63/106
- Requested confirmation if the fobs are still able to be picked up by the
tenant on site
- Advised that we would reach out to the building manager to seek
- Agent responed to advise they would like the tennat to collect the fobs
from site and to advsie when he would be around next for the tenant to
collect them
- Email was sent ot Kooper & levi instead of the building manager
- Forwarded email for the building manager to respond regarding availability
for the fob collection
02/05/2021 13:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email to the owner of unit 63//106 following phone call with them out the
- Supplied anotehr copy of letter that was issued
- Advised that as she has supplied the building manager access to her unit
for the window inspection and intercome installation
- Advised that she still needs to collect the fobs and recommended that she
have the building manager leave them within her unit
- Owner agreed and building manager updated about the matter
02/05/2021 13:40 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the building manager with the updated list on the units
remaining for the collection of the allocated fobs
- List had 8 units that were un-accounted for
- Reviewed those units
- Made contact about each unit
- Wrote an update to the building manager on the updates to the 8 units
- Further update on 13.4.2021
- 3 remained still unactioned
- Further follow up to those units updates obtained
- Wrote to the building manager to provide the latest updates on those
02/05/2021 13:51 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 54/100
- Advised they were informed by the building manager that we were awaiting
the owner to confirm they were happy with the installation of the new
- Wrote back to advise that there are 4 fobs to be collected for the lot as well
- Requested confirmation on who will be collecting them so we advsie the
building manager who they need to be supplied to
- Requested that 2 be supplied to the tenant and 2 to the agent
- Responded to the agent
- Advised that the fobs need to be collected by 1 person per lot
- Response received to confrim that all 4 are to go to the tenant
- Supplied the update to the building manager
02/05/2021 13:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 82/106
- Requested that they give authority for the tenant to collect all 4 fobs
- Wrote to the agent to advise that we will inform the building manager of the
- Wrote to the building manager to advsie of the authority to have the fobs
passed on to the tenat
02/05/2021 14:02 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the tennat of unit 52/106
- Advised that they are the tenant and requested confirmation on how they
are able to collect the 4 new fobs
- Wrote back to request that they email their agent and include our office in
the email
- Seek approval from the agent that they can collect the 4 fobs
- Advised that once we have the approval from the agent that we can advise
them where they can collect the fobs
31/03/2021 17:51 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Time spent to update the spreadsheet and advise the 13 respondents
where to collect the fobs for their building
31/03/2021 19:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Time to address the email from the agent of unit 52/100 regarding the the
letters issued
- Advsied whne the fobvs can be collected, what to do if they cannot provde
access for the inspections and when the pest treatment will take place.
31/03/2021 20:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Email received from the tenant of U73/100
- advised that they would be collecting the keys
- Advised who needs to notify us that they will be collecting the fobs and
- requested that they reach out to the agent to contact us abou who will be
collecting the fobs.
09/06/2021 08:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Follow up on EGM Notice
-Email from the Chairman
- Requested that we issue a reminder to all owners regarding the EGM to
appoint a new manager
- Supplied the content that they wanted to be used
- Created 3 emails to send to all owners and agents for the building (108
- Wrote to them to advise of the update on the EGM as per the request of
the Strata Committee
29/09/2020 09:57 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: FW: 43/106 High Street
Hi John,
Thank you for your email. I am unsure how flooring could be a building fault.
Except for floor coverings in communal areas, all internal carpeting, floor
coverings, floating floors, lacquer and staining on surfaces of parquetry
flooring within a lot are the responsibility of the lot owner.
09/06/2020 10:56 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 - Floorboard damage
The Owner of Lot 58 noted damage to the parquetry flooring when they
stayed in the unit in December '19. They state the damage was caused by
the previous tenant. Photos to follow.
ACKNOWLEDGE - 18.5.2020 - Claim lodged with CHU.
20.05.2020 - Coverforce requesting more information.
04.06.2020 - Coverforce requesting details of the tenant and the tenancy
* The agreement was received and emailed to Coverforce Brokers.
02/07/2020 16:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
29.06.2020 - Coverforce are following-up the claim with CHU - to be
27/07/2020 15:24 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
27.07.2020 - Email sent to Coverforce asking for progress of claim.
27/07/2020 16:14 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
27.07.2020 - Response from Coverforce advising the insurance company
requires the previous tenants details - have requested Owner/managing
agent to furnish the information.
28/07/2020 09:10 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 49.50
Response from Lot Owner :
The damage to the floor happened some time before December 2019.
At the time the apartment was being rented on short term, Aibnb type lets.
Our Manager at the time had not noticed the damage until we pointed it out
in December 2019.
We are therefore unable to provide any details for the tenant responsible.
* Emailed Coverforce with reply.
06/08/2020 09:17 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
06.08.2020 - Email received from Coverforce Brokers advising that CHU has
declined the claim - stating the damage was caused by wear and tear. A
report from UBS was enclosed.
* Emailed the Committee asking if the a decline letter was required or to
withdraw the claim.
06/08/2020 15:10 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
06.08.2020 - Committee advised that a denial letter was to be issued.
* Emailed Coverforce requesting same.
02/09/2020 11:01 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
02.09.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting the denial letter be
07/09/2020 16:02 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 03.09.2020 - Coverforce B
chasing it up with the insurer.
25/09/2020 10:49 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 25.09.2020 - Coverforce B
13/10/2020 13:10 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 13.10.2020 - Emailed Cov
20/05/2020 11:02 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS006485 - Lot 58, Unit 43
18.05.2020 - CS006485 Emailed the insurance claim to Coverforce with
photos of damage.
20.05.2020 - Coverforce requested further information - information emailed.
14/07/2020 10:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS006485 - Lot 58, Unit 43 09.07.2020 - Emai
28/09/2020 11:30 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
23.09.2020 - Lot 43 (Uniit 13) & Lot 44 (Unit 14) :
PlumbCity Plumbing attended to investigate water leaking and saturating
carpets/floors in Lot 43 & Lot 44 - it was ascertained there was a crack in
the copper pipe in the riser.
Repairs were undertaken and completed - but there is much damage
caused to the flooring of both Lots.
Could an Assessor be appointed to inspect.
Photos and PlumbCity Plumbing invoice enclosed.
29/09/2020 10:52 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
29.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers confirm that Integrated Claim Services Pty
Ltd - 8019 7027 are the appointed Assessors
for this claim.
* Emailed the Committee and the managing agent of the progress.
07/10/2020 15:40 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 07.10.2020
Claims Services (for CHU) requesting an update on contacting Units 13 &
14 for an inspection.
12/10/2020 14:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 12.10.2020
are trying to contact the Tenants in Unit 13. Consequently, it has been
ascertained ther are no tenants in the Unit and the Building Manager has
the key to the apartment.
The Assessor advises the cost of PlumbCity invoice will not be covered, as
the repair has been deemed a normal wear and tear maintenance issue.
* Advised Michael Thirbin from Integrated Claims Services (CHU) of the
13/04/2021 15:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Invitation to SCM - Diagnostech
- Email from the committee
- Requested if we could arrange to invite the Diagnostech to attend their
next committee meeting
- Wrote to the engineers
- Advsied of the Strata Commiuttee's request and informed them when the
next commmittee meeting will be
- Responses received from 2 people who would be involved in the window
matter to advise they can attend
- Wrote back to the committee to provde the update.
08/07/2020 16:11 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Issue by-laws to agent of 85/106
Issue by-laws to agent of 85/106
21/09/2020 09:37 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Marcello Pisto
Fri 9/11/2020 1:09 PM
Hi Mary,
You’ll likely hear something early next week.
21/09/2020 09:39 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Hi Mary,
The oven won’t effect your renovations.
The over is just replacing an appliance and the costs to use the appliance
are borne by the user and not that of the owners corporation.
21/09/2020 09:41 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Marcello, could you please ask them if they have looked at it as I really need
to get the cabinets made, they might not realise I want this in before
Christmas and they need to start. Maybe they think there is no rush.
Mary Megier
28/09/2020 11:24 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Monday, 28 September 2020 11:23 AM
To: 'Mary Megier' <>
Subject: RE: kitchen renovation for 15/100 High Street, North Sydney
Hi Mary,
This has been approved by the committee.
21/09/2020 10:08 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Letter to all residents
Letter to all residents
Please write a letter to all the owners and agents regarding the by-law that
states pets are not approved.
10/05/2021 08:49 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Letter to U52/100 for renovations
- Time to place letter drafted by the Strata Committee on the KL letterhead,
fromat and email to the owner
- Provided the Strata Committee with confirmation that the letter had been
25/05/2021 08:37 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Levy Enquiry Lot 21
Levy Enquiry Lot 21
Owner does not have levy notice
Checking method of delivery
Confirming when and how the June notice was issued
07/05/2020 15:55 Vicki Oldknow 00:30 Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C
11.4 - Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata Committee for approval
12/05/2020 11:27 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C Hi Vicki,
I approve the payment plan,
John Kelly
Chairman, SP8711
12/05/2020 12:16 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C emailed Paymen
01/05/2020 16:02 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 66 - emailed copy of Owner Ledger to CCA Lot 66 - emaile
14/04/2021 08:59 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Mediation Application U35/106
- Email received from Fair Trading for a mediation application with Unit
35/106 High Street.
- Read and reveiwwed the application provided
- Wrote to Fair Trading to seek an extension for a different date that fell after
the May Strata Committee Meeting
- Mediator advised that they would look at a different date if the Owners
Corporation accepts the the invitation
- Advsied that the date would allow us to consider the application
- Advised that the Owner disagreed to change the date
- Wrote to the committee
- Advised of the application and what we have tried to do to changing the
- Supplied the committee with feedback on what happens if they decline to
- Response from the Strata Committee to add the application to the
upcoming Strata Committee Meeting for a decision to be made
01/06/2021 17:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Mediation Response
- Email from the mediator regarding a response to mediation
- Responded to advise of the decision made by the Owners Corporation
09/06/2021 08:35 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: NCAT Application Unit 35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35/106
- Supplied a copy of an NCAT application that has been lodged against
- Requested that the Chairman's contact number be supplied
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to inform them of the application that had
been supplied
- Informed the Strata Committee of 2 options to progress the matter
- Requested authority from the committee for KL to progress the 2 points

09/06/2021 08:32 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Payment of Chairman Honorarium

- Email from the Chairman requesting confirmation on how they proceed
with their honorarium payment
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provide them with 2 options on how they
can move forward with the request.
15/06/2020 12:34 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Prepare reimbursement for ceiling fixtures
Prepare reimbursement for ceiling fixtures (unit 62)
31/08/2020 16:04 Evelyn Sinai Subject: Prepare reimbursment for Chairperson Prepare reimbursment fo
conference phone
No Charge
01/07/2020 09:35 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Preperation of AGM Agenda
Preperation of AGM Agenda
23/03/2021 15:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Quatrix Spreadsheet
- Time to draft and amend fob spreadsheet for distribution of the fobs for the
27/10/2020 10:19 Simone Welsh Subject: Quote to ix up all our difficult to remove stains Please provide
bubbling/buckling from historical water damage on all floors in both 100 and
106 buildings.
31/08/2020 10:44 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Reissue letter to Lot 55 re installation of carpet
Reissue letter to Lot 55 re installation of carpet on L3
18/05/2021 14:14 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Renovations U22/100
- Email from the owners of unit 22/100
- Supplied a copy of their documents for their renoavtions
- Reviewed their documents and their application
- Responded to the owner to advsie that as the same builder is undertaking
the kitchen and bathroom renovations that they will need to arrange home
warranty insurance as the job is going to exceed $20,000.00
- Advised that once received the renovations would then be passed on to
the committee for their approval
01/06/2021 17:24 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Renovations U52/100
- Phone call from the husband of unit 52/100
- Advised of concerns over what had been requested
- Explained that what he had been informed by the agent was incorrect and
what we actually required
- Emailed the owner to seek the confirmation that they have read the
- Response received from the owner to confirm that was the case
- Email received from the agent to seek confirmation if the renovations were
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to advise of the response from the owner
- Requested confirmation if the renovations were now approved to proceed
- Wrote back to the agent to advise that we had updated the committee and
are seeking confirmation of their approval
- Advised that once a response is received that we will update them
24/09/2020 19:15 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: request for unit 23 details (Unit 13)
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2020 3:53 PM
To: 'phillhagon
Subject: RE: Contact Us Enquiry
Dear Philip,
Please see email from the owner of unit 14 (lot 43).
Could you please contact them directly to have their queires addrssed.
Any issues oplepase do not heistate to reach out.
11/03/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Window remediation
- Time to advsie Robertsons of the direction the committee are going with
the works
- Time to advise Landlay that their quote was unsuccessful
- Time to advise Diagnostech that their quote was successful for phase 1
and what we require to proceed.
- Advised of the date for the works
11/03/2021 11:21 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Unit 23/106 Plumbing matter
- Email sent to the owner to advsie of the emergency works being
undertaken to their unit
- Email was to ensure they were aware as the BM had been communicating
with the tenanta nd plumber only
- Quote for the works being undertaken supplied
- Resposne received from the owner to confrim if the works are owners or
- Confrimed with the owner that the works are a strata cost
11/03/2021 11:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Unit 13/106 Riser Hatch Update
- Time to write to the owner and provide the update on the riser hatch quote
that has been obtiaind
- Advised the owner that the OC will cover the costs and why
- Wrote to the insurer to provde the update on the decision of the strata
committee for the quote
11/03/2021 11:59 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Bannerman's fee Proposal
- Time to email banners to obatin a fee proposal to represent the OC at ncat
should an application come through.
11/03/2021 12:08 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - By-Law template
- Time to draft by-law template for all by-law breaches moving forward for
11/03/2021 12:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time spent trying to arrange work orders for the fence replacements
- Wrote to the Building Manager to seek his assitance in having the work
orders issued
- Supplied the 2 fence agreements and quotes
- Supplied teh details for the split invoicing
11/03/2021 12:45 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Plumbing Letter
- Letter received for plumbing works
- Reveiwed letter and wrote to the strata committee with feedback on the
11/03/2021 12:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - By-Law Consolidation update
- Email from JS Mueller with update on the consoldiated by-laws in word
- Sent to the committee to confrim they are happy with the update prior to
being finalised.
11/03/2021 13:01 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.20 - By-Law updates
- Time to forward on copies of the by-law letters requested to be issued and
by-law tracking spreadsheet
11/03/2021 13:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time spent to write to Coverforce regarding the claim for lot 58 and to seek
confirmation on if the Owners Corpoation can restrict who has the authority
to lodge a claim.
- resposnes received on the authority to lodge a claim and located update
on insurnace claim for lot 58
- Strata Committee updated
11/03/2021 13:33 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 Unit 21/106 Letter
- Time to draft letter for unit 21/106 regardingh by-law breaches, non
compliance, charges and power of attorney
11/03/2021 14:58 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time to provde the Strata Committee with an update on the action items
from the meeting 10.03.2021
15/03/2021 18:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Email from the building manager to advise that the fence contractor for 110
would like the quote signed by both parties prior to commencement of works
- Signed and attached the common seal
- Wrote to the neighbour to advsie of the request to have it sigend and sent
back so the works can be booked in.
15/03/2021 18:15 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time to update SCM minutes and provde feedback on point riased.
28/04/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: SCM Action items 27.04.2021
- Time to draft minutes of the Strata Committee Meeting held 27.04.2021
- Reviewed records to loacte the fee proposal from Diagnostech and added
the appropriate information for stages 2 anmd 3 that were accepted
- Formatted the minutes and amended any spelling erros
12/05/2021 13:25 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items 27.04.2021
- Reveiwed the minuets updated by the Strata Committee
- What was supplied were not minutes, but notes as none of the items were
listed as resolved, not resolved, deffered
- Updated the minutes based on there comments
31/03/2021 16:18 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: SCM action items 30.03.2021
- Time to reveiw by-laws for all strata plans
- Identified several examples of the pets by-laws
- collated and sent them through to the committee for their reveiw
31/03/2021 19:40 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM action items 30.03.2021
- Time to provide an update on the action items from the committee meeting.
08/03/2021 15:38 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: SCM agenda
- Time to create SCM, make requested amendments, obtain sign off and
collate attachemnts in an email for the meeting
09/06/2021 08:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
-Email from the committee regarding the minutes
- Requested that amendments be made again and once done the minutes
can then be issued
- Amendments made and minutes sent to be issued
03/04/2020 09:15 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Smoking letter all residents
Smoking letter all residents
28/09/2020 16:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SP: 8711: Unit: 23/106 High St, Nth Sydney
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2020 5:00 PM
To: 'Penny' <>
Subject: RE: Leak 13/106 HighSt N Sydney
Hi Penny,
Thank you for letting me know.
They are advising us that they haven't done renovations and the leak is from
the base.
I will seek confirmation to have some out to inspect the shower base and
confirm (if any) repairs that need to be done to resolve the issue.
11/03/2021 14:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SP8711: List of By-Law Breach notices not received
- Email from the Chairman with highlighted breaches of letters they have not
- Reviewed the brecahes from 2019/2020 and found 1 of the 3 drafted prior
to take over of management
- Responded to the committee to advsie of the letter received
- Committee advsied of letters still required and reuqested information to
complete letter for tree trimming.
14/09/2020 13:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Strata Plan issued to agent of 106/12
Strata Plan issued to agent of 106/12
20/07/2020 13:22 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Supply by-laws to 85/106 High Street
Supply by-laws to 85/106 High Street
20/08/2020 11:36 Julie Revell Subject: Time re : Lot 5
20.08.2020 - The Lawyers for the Owner requested an update on a Section
184 Certificate and a copy of the current levy.
* Emailed the relevant documents, as requested.
No Charge
16/03/2021 13:28 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time spend to address insurnace queries
- Time spent emailing the Strata Committee and Coverforce to address
queries raised on the premiums paid, commissions and whats included.
22/03/2021 20:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent re: Plumbing letters
- Time spent to laise with the committee and Plumbcity regaring teh letters
to be drafted and issued
- Wrote to the committtee to see confrimation on what would be inclded in
the KL letter attached to the Plumbcity letter
- Advised the committee of the owners obligation in this matter and why
14/07/2020 11:00 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices
Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices- from Nov- June periods
14/07/2020 11:01 Evelyn Sinai Subject: Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices Time spent to cla
22/03/2021 20:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent to seek approval U23/106 quote
- Time spent to laisie with the strata committee to seek approval of the
quoote for works to be doen to unit 23
- Supplied advice on wht should be done to llow a quick approval
30/03/2021 08:54 Evelyn Sinai 00:30 Subject: Time spent to send out Pest control notices
Time spent to send out Pest control notices- these were sent twice as the
pest contractor had an error in the initial notice
02/05/2021 09:53 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to address bathroom correspondence 23/106
- Email from the owner of unit 23/106
- Advised that they had received a call from their agent advising that the
tenants would be without the shower for 2-3 weeks
- Advised they were informed that there was plans to rip up the flooring to
undertake the repair to the membrane in the bathroom
- Requested information on the matter
- Responded to the owner with a copy of the quote for the works
- Advised that our office reached out in relation to the inital stages and the
shower approximately 2 weeks prior to this correspondence
- Advised the owner that they were informed of remedial works that would
need to take place and that the shower would be out of action during this
- Email from the owner requesting details of the time frame of the works and
how the tile selection would be undertaken
- Email sent to the building manager to advsie of the queries raised by the
- Response received from the building manager on the quoestions raised
- Wrote back to the owner to supply the update on the resposnes to their
questions that they raised
21/08/2020 17:39 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address bathroom query
- query raised by the Chairman regarding concerns on a by-law and an
- asked if the by-law could be amended
- reveiwed the invoice and by-laws
- advsied how the matter could be addressed moving forward
- advsied if they would like us to obtain legal advice on the matter as well.
01/06/2021 16:00 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address by-law letter emails from SC
- Email from the Strata Committee regarding breach letters from the SCM
- Wrote back to the Strata Committee and advised of the update on the
- Advsied that the letters for unit 31 and 21 were previously issued to the
Strata Committee prior to the meeting
- Advised that the lettes for the other units have been added to the drop box
for the committee approval
- Email from the committee to advise they dont remeber seeing the letters
- Advised that the letters they have received on the drop box relate to the
parking spaces and the garbage.
- Responded to the committee attached the email issued on the day of the
meetign with the breach letters
- Attached the other email to the committee about the brecah letters that
were added to the drop box
- Informed the Committee what we were advised in relation the new letters
- Awaiting confirmation on any feedback to undertake
25/05/2021 09:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address correspondence - agreement
- Time spent to address emails from the strata committee regarding
management of the building and arranging a meeting to approve a new
management proposal (KL or alternative option)
10/05/2021 08:53 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address correspondence re: renos 52/100
- Email correspondece and calls with the Strata Committee and agent/owner
regarding the renovation application to undertake a kitchen renovation.
12/05/2021 08:03 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to address correspondence re: renos 52/100
- Email repsosne from the agent with an update on the renovations
- Advised the Strata Committee of the update and requested confrimation
how they would like to respond.
- Response receievd from the Strata Committee on how they would like to
- Wrote back to the agent with the update and confrimed with the committee
that we have advsied the agent of their update
26/04/2021 09:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address dog query U41/100
- Email from the agent of unti 41/100
- Agent requested confirmation if pets are allowed
- Wrote back to advsie the agent that they are not permitted based on the
by-law that is on record at the moment.
31/05/2021 20:11 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: time to address invoice matter unit 35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35/106
- Advised of an invoice that is required to be paid by the Owners
- Reviewed the invoice
- Wrote back to the Owner and advsied that the invoice would be passed on
to the Strata Committee
- Informed the owner that with the termination of KL and appoinedment of a
new manager that the Committee would not likely progress anything with
this request till the new agent has been appointed.
- Resposne from the Strata Committee about the matter
- Requested inpit from KL
- Advised the Committee that there is no obligation to pay the invoice as
there was no service provided nor has anything been supplied
- Advsied that the appears to have copied the owner invoice to reciver the
costs that they have paid for the addiotnal fees that have incurred
- Resposne from the owner to advsie that as the manager we still have an
obligation to pass on the matter
- Demanded that the letter be passed on
- Further email from the Owner agan demanding taht we pass on the invoice
and if we dont that they will pass it on to the Chairman
- Owner advised that should the invoice not be passed on that they will pass
it on themselves and that they would make a complaint to fair trading
- Wrote back to the Owner and confrimed that it had been passed on and
- Re-confirmed what was stated in the original email to clear up the
11/03/2021 14:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time spend to draft by-law breach letter for cutting intercome wires
- By-law breached was damage to common property
22/03/2021 18:24 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to address correspondence regarding queries raised from the owner
regarding the costs incurred and passed back on to the owner and payment
of the invoice.
22/03/2021 18:43 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time spent to address queries raised by the owner regarding the owner
invoice and notes for the costs incurred
- Requested for a breakdown of the charges to be passed on
- Advsied the owner they had already been passed on and re-issued the
request to the owner.
23/03/2021 19:16 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to reposnd to the owner of unit 35 regarding the email commenting
on bulling and intimidation.
- Advised the owenr they have asked for further information that relates
only to them as Unit 35/106 owner and not the other 79 units. It will incur
considerable time and cost to collate.
- Advsied that unless we receive their undertaking to meet those costs we
are unable to proceed further.
25/03/2021 17:10 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to issue a breach letter to the owner for cutting down branches of the
neighbours tree.
- Matter occured on 28.05.202, but no letter was issued at the time.
- Letter issued as the actions constituted a by-law breach
29/03/2021 14:03 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Letter updated, signed and issued.
14/05/2021 08:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Emails received from the owner requesting confrimation of who the Kooper
& Levi Finance Manager was as they are lodging an NCAT application
- Responded to the owner to request confirmation on why they require these
- Owner responded making accusation of our refusal to supply that
- Responded to the owner to request clarity on why they require that
information for an NCAT application
01/05/2021 09:29 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address leak matter U22/100
- Email from the agent of unit 22/100 high street
- Advised of damage that was found whne the tennat moved out
- Agent supplied photos of the damage
- Agent also advsied that the owner wanted to undertake kitchen
renovations and requested confirmation on what was required to undertake
those works
- Reveiwed the images and confrimed the leak to be from the bathroom and
damaging an internal wall
- Advised the agent what the cause of the damage would
- Advised the agent that the owner was responsible to repair the damages to
the unit and why
- Informed the agent what was required to have the kitchen renovations
- Confrimed the information that is required and how the approval could be
- Email from the owner to advsie they would like to get the repairs done and
requested confirmation on who could undertake the work
- Recommended that they speak to the building manager to confirm who
trhey have used at the building in the past
- Requested the details of the building manager
- Responded and supplied a copy of the contact details
26/05/2021 07:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address levy query Lot 21
- Time to address levy query raised by the owner of lot 21
03/08/2020 16:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address loan proposal query
- time to email Lannock Finance and request 2 loan proposals for 2 different
amounts with a few different years options
- resposne receievd from Lannock to confirm the amount of lots
- responded to Lannock and proposal received
- supplied a copy of the proposal to the commttee
17/06/2021 14:17 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to address Lot 58 claim query
16.06.2021 - 17.06.2021
- Time to address email from the Chairman regarding works undertaken for
a claim that was withdrawn
- Advised the Chairman of what occurred and why the claim wouold not
- Advised that we would write to the broker to seek an update on what
- Informed the Chairman that as the claim was withdrwan the owner would
be paying for it
- Wrote to the broker to seek an update and find out why the builder
attended when the claim was withdrawn
- Requested confrimation that the claim was in fact withdrawn and if the
insurer and builder was notified
- Further email from the Chairman requested the emails to confrim the claim
had been withdrawn
- Advised that we would follow up at midday with someone higher up should
we not receive a reopsosne from Coverforce
- Follow up email issued to Coverforce requested answers and resposnes
- Reveiwed records to locate correspondence to confrim the claim had been
- Update provided to the Chairman and supplied the documents from
coverforce confriming the claim was withdrawn
02/05/2021 09:15 Marcello Pisto 02:30 Subject: Time to address lot details during inspection
- Time spent to address emails, calls and text messages from the building
manager regarding details for access to a lot where access had not been
15/06/2021 09:02 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address parking matter 43/106
- Email from the owner of unit 43/106
- Advised of the issues they are having witrh their parking and requested
assistance on the matter
- Wrote to the committee to advise of the issue raised
- Informed them that the owner will be notified the committee have been
made aware of the matrer
- Wrote to the owner to inform them that the matter had been passed on to
the committee and that they would respond in due course
- Wrote to the owner to advsie of the update
- Response from the Chairman to advsie that it would be placed on the next
committee meeting for a response on how to action the matter
- Wrote to the owner to advise of the update from the committee on when
the matter will be addressed
24/05/2021 10:12 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address plumbing incident 15/106
- Email from the Chairman
- Advised of incident that occured with U15/106 and their tradesman
- Reviewed the evidence supplied
- Wrote back to the committee on how to address this issue.
22/06/2021 15:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address queries from Secretary
21.06.2021 - 22.06.2021
- Time spent to address queries raised by the Secretary for the Owners
Corporation regarding the EGM
- Addressed comments raiswed regarding the EGM, voting and who they
had voted for
30/06/2020 14:35 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address queries raised by U15
- email receievd from the new owner of unit 15
- advised of the following questions:
* Do I need to organise an electricity and gas supplier to take over from the
1st September?
* Are there any other suppliers, council, or others that we need to notify or
do you do that?
* We have been granted early access to the apartment by the vendor for the
purpose of measuring up for kitchen renovations. From whom do we get a
key to gain access prior to settlement date?
* Do kitchen renovations need approval by strata management and if so, to
whom do we send the plans?
* If we choose to add a washing machine to the bathroom, is that allowed
and can we access plumbing plans from you?
* Can I have a contact mobile number for you for future questions where I
need a quicker answer than emails?
- responded to all questions raised.
29/03/2021 13:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address queries regarding motion 3 on SCM
- Time spent to address the email from the Chairman regarding motion 3 on
the letters
- Supplied the udpate on the letters and what outcome we were anticipating
to have prior to this meeting
- Supplied the Chairman with some recommendations to address it with a
by-law and the steps they should take
30/03/2021 16:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address queries regarding motion 3 on SCM
- Further requests receievd for ltters for motion 3
- Wrote to the Chairman to reiterate the update provded to them yesterday
- Supplied the orioginal plumbing letter and explained why no KL letter has
been actioned
- Advised of the recommendations to undertake with the discussions of a
by-law being drafted
15/03/2021 18:18 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address quert regarding possible claim
- Time spent liaising with the broker, reveiwing old invoices from handover
and supply the committee with an update on lodging of an isnurnace cloaim
for the failed booster pump.
09/06/2021 08:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address query : general meeting quorum
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested confirmation that if KL do not have a quorum if we will wait 30
minutes and call the quorum
- Wrote back to advise the Chairman that should we not have a quorum for
the EGM that we would wait and confirm those present and financial the
quorum to vote at the EGM.
15/03/2021 18:14 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address query on letter wording
- Email from the Chairman regarding queries on the insurnace premiums
and claims
- addressed queries on commissions and what was included in their
- Attached a copy of the invoice for the premium paid
- Wrote to the insurer to request feedback on quereis raised by the
30/04/2021 08:34 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address renovations 42/106
- Email received from the owner of unit 42/106
- Advised they would like to undertake a renovation to their unit
- Advised the owner what was required for their renovations
- Email received from the owner with documents for their renovations
- Reveiwed the documents supplied and informed the owner what else was
- Supplied a copy of the by-laws and requested confrimation they agree to
special by-law 6 and the conditions stated
- Advsied that once confrimation is received that the infomration will be
circulated to the committee for their approval.
29/04/2021 15:59 Marcello Pisto 02:30 Subject: Time to address U52/100 renovations
- Emails receioved from the agent of unit 52/100
- Advised of renovations the owner would like to undertake
- Infomred the agent what documents are required for the renovations to be
- Response received from the agent with the relevant documents for a
kitchen renovation
- On reveiw of the documents identified that there are 2 options for a kitchen
- Requested confirmation which option the owner wanted to proceed with
- Resposne received from the agent to confrim the preferred option
- Advsied the agent that there is a committee meeting and that the
application will be presented for discussion
- Email from the agent and then follow up email from the owner reuqesting if
there was an outcome with the kitchen renovations
- Wrote back to the owner to advise what the outcome was and what
information is required to assit in progressing the matter
- Response received from the owner requesting a copy of the by-laws to
confrinm they consent to the by-law
- located and issued to the owner
30/04/2021 14:47 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address U52/100 renovations
- Phone call from the building manager to advsie that signnage hgad been
placed around to advsie of the renoavtions taking place on Monday.
- Emails sent to the builder and agent that the works are not to proceed until
the consent ahs been obtained by the owner
- Email from the agent with the cover page of the by-laws signed
- Wrote back to re-confrim what we had asked for and that the works will not
proceed until that information is received.
- Update provided to the building manager on what has occurred.
31/03/2021 12:01 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- time to arrange draft minutes from the SCM
13/04/2021 17:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- Time to amend minutes and send to the committee for their approval.
20/04/2021 15:46 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- Email from the Chairman with further updates on the minutes.
- Adjustments made to the minutes and sent chnages to the Chairman for
his approval .
23/03/2021 11:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time spent to arrange draft SCM agenda
- Sent to the committee for approval
26/03/2021 16:28 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Email from the committee
- Requested changes and addiotnal motions to be added.
- Adjustments made and sent back to the committee
26/03/2021 16:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time to collate and email all associated SCM documents and
correspondence for the upcoming meeting.
29/03/2021 13:53 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time to update the SCM agenda and send thought to the committee.
20/05/2021 11:58 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Time to arrange agenda for upcoming SCM
24/05/2021 09:03 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Email from the current Chairman
- Advised that he could not open the agenda and requested the rest of the
committee to reveiw the agenda on his behalf.
- Response from a committee member requesting a copy of the agenda as
they did not have the copy of the agenda to review
- Agenda re-issued on Sunday and advsied the committee to provde their
feedback so the agenda could be upated and signed off asap
- Email received from the committee on Monday 24 with a copy of the
updated motions
- Advised to copy and paste the motions to the agenda
- Updated the agenda
- Wrote to the committee to confirm they are ok with the agenda to be
- Requested confrimation if KL attendance was required based on the
motion regarding tenders for new management
30/03/2021 11:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to clarify query from U15/100
- Email from the owner of unit 15/100
- Advised they were confused over the issuing of the letters for the pest
- The owner specified that there was a confusion over the costs
- Confirmed with the owner what each letter reflected, the cost they would
need to cover to treat their own unit and how the common aras will be
26/03/2021 15:52 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to draft Access Letter
- Time to draft access letter for intercoms and window inspection
29/03/2021 10:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to draft Access Letter
- Email from the Chairman and Building Manager with noted changes for the
- Made the changes and sent the updated letter to the Chairmand and
Building Manager to sign off and approve.
25/05/2021 15:15 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Time spent liaising with the Strata Committee regarding an EGM agenda
regarding the agency agreement
- Requested an EGM agenda be arranged
- EGM drafted and sent to the Strata Committee for their review
- Added motions to re-appoint KL
- Terminate current agent and options to appoint a new agent
26/05/2021 16:37 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Resposne received from the committee
- Advised of amendments to the agenda
- Amendments made and response sent to the committee
27/05/2021 15:52 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Email received from the Strata Committee
- Advised of amendments to the cover letter they had produced
- Amendments made to the cover letter
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to advsie fo the update and what had been
25/04/2021 10:03 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda 27.04.2021
- Time to draft agenda for upcoming Strata Committee Meeting and send to
the Strata Committee for reveiw
26/04/2021 16:36 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda 27.04.2021
- Email from the Chairman with the amendments for the agenda
- Amendments made and missing motions added
- located, uploaded and re-named all attachments for the committee
26/05/2021 16:39 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM minutes
- Time draft SCM minutes
- Issued minutes to the committee and requested confirmation of their
01/06/2021 14:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM minutes
- Email from the Strata Committee regarding chnages to the minutes
- Reveiwed the minutes
- Made the changes and wrote back to the Strata Committee with the
updated minutes
26/04/2021 15:13 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to follw up Diagnostech
- Email from the Chairman
- Advsied that they have not yet received the report from Diagnostech
- Advised that this would delay the Committee decision for works required to
be undertaken
- Wrote to Diagnostech to advsie that we have not received the report from
the window inspection
- Requested the report to be received asap
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provide the update on the report
- Further email sent to Diagnostech to seek an update or acknowledgement
on the email sent Sunday 25.04.2021
- Wrote tp the committee to provide the update
21/09/2020 08:47 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to forward on correspondenec from Lot 55
- email from the owner of lot 55
- requested that their email be forwarded on to the Chairman of the strata
- resposnded to the owner to advsie that the information had been passed
- wrote to the Chairman to advsie of the correspondence
- provided infomation to the Chariman in resposne to the owners points
- advised of the owners corporations obligation to attend mediation and how
a decsion is generally made
- advised what approval is required for the cameras they have on common
property and the approval they required (already undertaken)
- advsied of the update for the carpet requestand what action was taken and
confirmed the owner was aware as they acknowledged the email
- email provided with the carpet update suppllied to the owner following her
- advised that there has been no refusal of the AGM as the owner has
indicated and provded copis of emails sent to the owner in response to their
AGM queries
- supplied advice on the obligation to issue the minutes of the general
meeting and committee meeting minutes.
11/03/2021 10:43 Marcello Pisto 02:15 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time travel to and hold afterhours SCM
11/03/2021 10:44 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time to draft SCM minutes and issue email to the committee wth minutes
and completed list of action items including those left off the minutes.
22/06/2021 15:12 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to hold EGM
- Time to hold EGM to appoint new agent
- Reveiwed all voting papers
- Confrimed who was financial and not financial for the meeting
- Calculated the votes for the motions and resolved the decsions made
- Completed the minutes of the meeting
- Supplied a copy of the minutes to the committee with a copy of the work
papers of the meeting
31/03/2021 08:58 Marcello Pisto 02:28 Subject: Time to hold SCM
- Time to travel and hold SCM
- 5:20PM - 7:48 PM
25/05/2021 15:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letters to SC
- Time spent to loacte and issue copoies of the breach letters previously
issued to offending lots
- Reviewed records, located and issued 3 letters requested by the Strata
22/03/2021 20:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to liaise with Quatrix re: Approved quote
- Time to liaise with quatrix regarding the approved quote and seeking
clarification taht the quote accepted was what they put foreward due to the
cost difference.
16/04/2021 12:28 Marcello Pisto 03:00 Subject: Time to locate documents for term deposit
- Email from CBA requesting several documents
- Documents needed for term deposit were a copy of the agrement,
certificate of title and minutes appointing Kooper & Levi.
- Located the certificate of title and agreement.
- Reveiwed all electronic records to locate the minutes
- Unable to locate the minutes
- Supplied 2/3 documnets for the term deposit
- Obtained an update that the term deposit documents had been submitted
- Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update
- Advised of what was requested and what was issued
- Requested clarification if they had a copy of the minutes
- Resposne received and advised that we would see what alternaotive
documents could be used if required.
04/08/2020 14:53 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Time to prepare reimbursement form
Time to prepare reimbursement form- 5 x CCTV cameras for chairperson
15/03/2021 18:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to provdie SC update on U35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35
- Supplied a letter with comments on the charges
- Wrote to the committee and provided the resposne from the owner as well
as feedback on each point.
23/03/2021 15:43 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to provdie SC update on U35/106
- Email from the owner
- Wrote to the committee to advsie of the response from unt 35/106
- Supplied the committee some feedback on the matter
22/03/2021 20:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply update on fence agreements
- Email to the committee
- Advised of the update on the fence agreements ahead of the meetings and
the resposnes received from the neighbours
28/04/2021 07:56 Marcello Pisto 02:54 Subject: Time to travel and hold SCM
- Time to travel to site and hold Strata Committee Meeting
- 5pm - 7:54pm
26/05/2021 07:41 Marcello Pisto 02:10 Subject: Time to travel and hold SCM
- Time to travel and hold SCM
19/03/2021 17:16 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to update SC on insurnace queries
- Email received from Coverforce with resposnes to the queries
- Wrote to the committee to provide the update on the matter
- Supplied the feedback to each question raised and the comments.
01/05/2020 07:59 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Tree Application North Sydney Council
Tree Application North Sydney Council
10/06/2020 11:08 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: U83 car space dispute 100620
U83 car space dispute 100620
25/09/2020 11:03 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Unit 15 door lock matter
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2020 10:58 AM
To: 'marymegier_in_oz' <>
Subject: RE: Key questions SP8711
Hi Mary,
If you don't have a key, you will need to arrange this with the locksmith or go
back to the agent/owner who you purchased the property from to supply you
the keys.
Is the lock an additional lock that is on the door? Can you please supply a
photo of this?
29/03/2021 13:49 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Update to SC: Insurnace claim U43/106
- Emails sent and receievd from Coverforce on a claimed lodged for stained
- Updates received
- Wrote to the Strata Committee regarding the claim
- Advised of the update from Coverforce
- Supplied recomendations to address the matter.
30/03/2021 14:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Update to SC: Insurnace claim U43/106
- Update receievd from the committee to request that the claim be withdrawn
- Wrote to the broker to advise of the update on the matter
- Wrote back to the committee to advise of the update on the withdrawal
- Advised the committee that we would supply an update and arrange the
13/05/2020 11:29 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Urgent follow up and response to Lot 55 re
Urgent follow up and response to Lot 55 re live wires left over their front
23/09/2020 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Urgent water leak Unit 13 and 14
Hi Funda,
Would this be arranged by Plumb City due to the dust be caused by works
undertaken by the team?
Can you also advise if there are any photos of the completed works ?

- Time to complete minutes of Strata Committee Meeting
- Sent to the Committee for their approval

Subject: Addresses on letters

- Time to reveiw and respond to emails fom the committee on letters and the
layout and content.
Subject: Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owne
8.6 - Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owner to complete and
return to our office
Subject: 050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue
050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue

Subject: 12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions

12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions issued to the agent
We would be grateful If you would provide us with a copy of the Strata plan
for the above property.
We have found a new tenant for the property. Once the lease has been
signed we will provide you with his details

Subject: 14/106 High St water damage

From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Thursday, 24 September 2020 6:46 PM
To: John Kelly
Subject: FW: SP8711 14/106 HIGH ST NORTH SYDNEY
Hi John,
Hope you are well.
Please see below regarding associated damage in relation to the water
issue effecting 13 and 14.
Would you like us to lodge a claim? The excess for water damage is

Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues.

- Email from the committee on the letter regarding from unit 21
- Addressed comments from the committee and amended letter
- Suggested a few suggestions on dealing with the lack of deatils for the lot
Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues.
- Response recieved from the committee
- Advised of the amendments they believed to be necessary
- Amended the letter to update the reponse for the power of attorny
- Amended the letter to have a copy addresseed to the owner
- Both letters sent to the committee for their approval to be issued.
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill
7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill out and return at his earliest
for committee approval.
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent on Levy Enquiry - Owner

Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry

HI Vicky,
We are happy to respond.
Kind Regards
Lauren Ikin
CCA Legal Pty Ltd
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm pay
7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm payment
Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
12/3 JFM Preparation of Inspection notice to be issued to all Owners,
agents ans residents, liasing with contractor to issue notice. date 1/4/2021
Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
12/4 (JFM) Issued work order request to the fire contractor to attend to site
and repair the dislodged Smoke alarm from the ceiling
Subject: Approval of Tesnik Quotes
Approval of Tesnik Quotes for the camera installation
Subject: Breach By-Law Noise 65/100 High Street
Breach By-Law Noise 65/100 High Street

Subject: Breach letter 31/106 incorrect By-Law quoted

- Time to address email from the committee over the breach letter for unit
31/106 and the incorrect by-law number referenced

Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat

- Time to draft breach letters to 65/106
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified 4 by-laws that they had breached
Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat
- Time to draft breach letters to 15/106
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified by-laws that they had breached

Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat

- Time to draft breach letters to 23/100
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified 4 by-laws that they had breached

Subject: breah of By-Law Letters

Unit 12/106 | Flooring by-law
- Resposne from the owner of unit 12 regarding the breach letter issued.
- Agent advised they didnt receive and requested a copy of the letter
- Supplied a copy of the email that was issued to the oiwner
- Resposne from the agent on how this came about
- Responded to advise of how this was raised.
Subject: By Laws emailed to agent
By Laws emailed to agent (lot 24 unit 54)
Subject: By- Laws emailed to agent lot 17
By- Laws emailed to agent lot 17 as requested

Subject: By-Law - Access to Common Property Infrastructure

Hi John,
Please see comments from Adrian regarding the by-law.
He has highlighted these below

Subject: By-Law Breach tracking and billing

- Time spent to address questions raied from the chairman on the by-llaw
tracking spreadsheet
- Addressed queries raised by the chairman on the update on the
spreadsheet and the cost recovery by-law
- Advised of the time frame for issuing a notice to comply from a by-law
breach and the time frame to apply to NCAT if they re-offend
- Advsied the maximum penalty they can apply for to have penalties
- Supplied a recommendation on how to address all costs oncurred from lots
since the cost recivery by-law was introduced
Subject: By-Laws Cover page
- Email from R Shipton regarding the by-laws and queires over notes on the
cover page
- Revewied the notes and advised how a by-law is replaced
- Advsied that we would write to JS Mueller in regards to their coversheet
and the note for amended by-laws
- Wrote to JS Mueller to seek clarifcation on the matter

Subject: By-Laws Cover page

- Resposne received from Adrian Mueller of JS Mueller addressing the
queries raised
- Wrote to the committee to provde the update and advice received
Subject: By-Laws issued to agent of Unit 33/100 High Street
By-Laws issued to agent of Unit 33/100 High Street
Subject: bylaw advice 010620
bylaw advice 010620

Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106

-30 minutes phone call to provide advice and feedback on the application
lodged by the owner of unit 35/106

Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106

- time spent to collate all documents associated with unit 35/106 for the
committee to deal with the upcoming NCAT hearing
- Reviewed and located all emails that were responded to the owner
- Revewed and located all breach letters issued to the onwer
- Located spreadsheets associated to the owners behaviour
- Passed on the details for the insurer and broker
- Collated all diary notes associated with the owner of unit 35/106
- Reviewed all diary notes since appointment and identified all associated
with the lot
Subject: Carpet Replcement Letter
Carpet Replcement Letter
Subject: Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51
Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51 resultant damnage
repair and quote to paint the ceiling in Unit 71
85 - Lot 58 03.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers have not received the denial letter - are

85 - Lot 58 25.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers advise the denial letter should be received

85 - Lot 58 13.10.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting the denial letter.

85 - Lot 58, Unit 43 09.07.2020 - Email sent to Coverforce enquiring of the progress of this

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 07.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers emailed Michael Thurbin from Integrated

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 12.10.2020 - Abril Building Solutions have inspected Unit 14 (Lot 44) and
t Plan to the Strata C emailed Payment Plan to John Turner as approved by committee
Owner Ledger to CCA Lot 66 - emailed copy of Owner Ledger to CCA as requested
Chairperson Prepare reimbursment for Chairperson -for Yealink CP960-2WLM

ficult to remove stains Please provide a quote to fix up all the difficult to remove stains and carpet
eview AGL invoices Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices
Diary Notes
The Owners - Strata Plan 8711
Date entered from 01/04/2020 to 30/06/2021
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Time Spent Charge
03/12/2020 14:49 Marcello Pisto
11/02/2021 19:56 Marcello Pisto
13/10/2020 11:31 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: 8711 Lot 66 communication with owner re
8711 Lot 66 communication with owner re breakdown of levies and issuing
owner ledger for assistance
27/05/2020 10:46 Simone Welsh Subject: Acceptance of quote 402 for $2,110.05 Acceptance of quote 4
-Disconnect and remove 2x Emergency fluro on Level 8.5 and UG foyer,
supply and install new weatherproof LED
emergency light to match exiting fittings.
-Disconnect and remove 2x Emergency fluro oysters and supply and install
new LED emergency oysters to match
exiting fittings.
-Disconnect and remove 3x old failed exit lights and supply and install 3x
new LED exit fittings to match exisiting fittings.
-Re Install 4ft LED fitting at top of fire stairs.
06/12/2020 10:34 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
AFT Fire
North Sydney Council
Peter Armstrong must be present to inspect all testing and be present for
any unit inspections.
Please issue the draft letters to the building manager to proof read prior to
issuing moving forward.
15/10/2020 08:24 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Letter to Unit 31 noise
Breach By-Law Letter to Unit 31 noise
09/02/2021 08:23 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Lot 30
Breach By-Law Lot 30
The complaint is as follows:
I assume nothing will be done about it, as it's been a constant for over a
year now, but I would like to register another complaint about the excessive
noise coming from Unit 65/100 High St. When I arrived home last night
(22.00-23.00), I could hear music when I got out of my car in the
underground car park. It then became apparent that yet again, there was a
full scale party happening in the aforementioned unit. This comprised of loud
music, clapping, yelling etc, as a gathering that was obviously larger than is
legally allowed in Covid times (yet again), took place above me. The event
peaked with some sort of dancing happening up until around 1.00am, with
the crowd cheering on and continual thumping on my ceiling. Thankfully the
police then arrived and it was shutdown.
The by-laws they are in breach are:
" Noise by-law 1
" Behaviour of owners and occupiers -by-law 6
" Behaviour of invitees by-law 8
02/03/2021 09:50 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: breah of By-Law Letters
Tim'e to issue the following breach of by-law letters:
- Unit 31/106 High Street letter to the agent/owner for the ongoing
behaviour of the tenant.
- Unit 12/106 reminder to the resident regarding their requirements
with the flooring by-law
- Unit 83/106 reminder regarding parking.
- Unit 21/106 Split Vomit in the lift and a request for contact details
for the lot.
18/11/2020 16:45 Anna Kristensen 01:00 Subject: By-Law Registration
By-Laws and original CT sent to Muellers
Tracking number: 605 43654975 093
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 3
21/10/2020 09:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51
Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51 resultant damnage
repair and quote to paint the ceiling in Unit 71.
17/12/2020 12:01 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communciation wioth Garwood Real Estate
Communciation wioth Garwood Real Estate to ask them to pick up the sale
10/02/2021 09:31 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Telstra re lift line
Communication with Telstra re lift line.
Asking them to disconnect the line as it is associated with a SP# we don't
30/11/2020 13:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Council re obtaining
Communication with Council re obtaining elevation plans of the building for
window works
22/01/2021 12:40 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Telstra re $55.00 invoice
Communication with Telstra re $55.00 invoice
" Which building lift does it belong to - 100 or 106?
" What is the second Telstra telephone number for the other lift?
Where is its equivalent invoice? Do K&L get two identical bills each month -
one for each lift?
" I called the Telstra Billing dept. - this number entered service
16/07/2002. The lifts were upgraded to new lifts with emergency phones in
Nov. 2007. Why the big time discrepancy?
" Why wasn't it answered when called ? - presumably I was locked
in the lift and needed emergency help
15/10/2020 08:18 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communication with Unit 61 re explianation of
Communication with Unit 61 re explianation of arrears after sending the lot
owner his owner ledger.
Now that we have that corrected I need a breakdown of what the amount of
$2271.94 owing is comprised of
Can you kindly send me the details of what this amount is made up of
11/01/2021 11:35 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Confirming to Lot 59 that the levies have been pai
Confirming to Lot 59 that the levies have been paid on request.
Over the Christmas break I received advice from NAB that I had paid my
strata fees incorrectly - please see attached.
Today I have since re-made the payment - please see EFT advice below -
so sorry - please let me know if payment is unsuccessful this time.
04/03/2021 10:40 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Contacting Telstra re invoive for $55.00 that
Contacting Telstra re invoive for $55.00 that waas sent in for payment after
we disconnected the line
14/10/2020 14:45 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
14.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers emailed with the following progress :
I have just received the following response from the insurer today;
"After a review of this claim with a senior staff member, coverage may be
applicable, however, can you please provide the previous 3 property
inspections for the months leading up to 01.12.2019."
Would you please be able to obtain the property inspections?
*Emailed the Committee with the progress.
* Emailed Lot 58's Owner requesting said inspection reports to be emailed.
30/10/2020 12:56 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
30.10.2020 - Follow-up email to Lot 58's Owner requesting a response.
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
30/10/2020 14:46 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
30.10.2020 - Lot 58's Owner responded citing that no inspection were
carried out as the Lot was used for short term rental.
* Emailed the response to Coverforce Brokers.
16/11/2020 13:44 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
16.11.2020 - Requested an update from Coverforce Brokers.
17/11/2020 11:05 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
17.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers responded (Vikram Shawl)-
I have requested the insurer provide us with the information, UBS will most
likely be in contact with the Unit owner directly and provide them updates.
When I receive a response from the insurer I will advise.
* Advised Lot 58's Owner of progress.
18/11/2020 15:45 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
18.11.2020 - Committee requested an explaination why the claim was
accepted by the insurance company.
* Emailed Coverforce Brokers and spoke at length to Vikram Shrawl -
In regard to the acceptance of this claim - I spoke to Coverforce Brokers at
length and was informed that originally the claim was denied by the
insurance company.
Once this occurs, the denied claim progresses to senior management when
it is examined in detail - in this instance, management decided there was
enough evidence to conclude the damage to the floor was classified as
accidental damage and have conversely accepted the claim.
* Emailed the Committee Coverforce's response.
25/11/2020 13:09 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
25.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers to request a copy of the contract
of works and the excess invoice.
03/12/2020 13:52 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 03/12/2020 - Contract s
the excess has been paid
11/12/2020 12:16 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
2020-11-12 - agent asking for an update on works, comfirmng with the
builder and confirming back to the agent
22/10/2020 15:37 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
22.10.2020 - Email received from CHU's Loss Adjuster stating :
This claim is regarding Lot 43 (Uniit 13) & Lot 44 (Unit 14). To update you
both, Abril Building Solutions have attended both Units and are currently
preparing their quote for the resultant damages.
Abril also advised that they believe structural drying will need to be
undertaken to the subfloor of Unit 14 so we have appointed Abril
Restorations to inspect the Unit and provide their advice on this matter.
* Emailed the Committee the current progress.
05/11/2020 15:47 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 05.11.2020
insurer - if Abril have submitted their quotation.
09/11/2020 15:57 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 09.11.2020
progress of this claim.
13/11/2020 12:47 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
12.11.2020 - Emails received from UBS and Abril Building Solutions with
contracts and invoices to be actioned.
* Emailed all documentation to the Committee for acceptance of contracts.
* Also emailed the correspondence between Lot 44's Owner and CHU's
Loss Adjuster (Michael Thurbin) regarding Lot 44's Owner to undertake the
repairs herself and to be reimbursed by the Owners Corporation. Also
emailed to the Committee for consideration.
18/11/2020 15:36 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
18.11.2020 - The Committee have responded giving permission for Lot 44's
Owner to proceed with the repairs herself. The Lot Owner is to provide the
quotations to the insurer prior to works commencing, to ensure the costing
and accurancey of the quotations are correct.
* Emailed the Lot Owner the progress - the Lot Owner also requests that the
Owners Corporation to pay for the replacerment carpet.
* A previously received email from the Loss Adjuster from CHU stated the
carpets were not covered under the policy and it was an Owner's
responsibility to replace.
* Emailed the Committee the cuurent state of play.
24/11/2020 15:00 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 24.11.20 -
quotation (Blanco Electrical for $4,246) from Unit 14's Owner and to
progress with the works.
* The invoices will be submitted to CHU, payment will be made into the
Owners Corporation's account and then payment to be made to the
25/11/2020 16:01 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
25.11.2020 - Emailed Abril Building Solutions to amend their contract and
services contract and the excess invoice to reflect works to be undertaken to
Unit 13 (Lot 43) only.
30/11/2020 15:09 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 27.11.2020
to Abril Building Solutions.
18/12/2020 07:49 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2020-12
Invoice sent to the borker
12/01/2021 11:05 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01
Hi Maryanne,
Thanks for providing the below.
Caitlin, could you please begin to arrange your trades and advise once a
commencement date is known.
If there are any issues, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Michael Thurbin
Loss Adjuster
22/01/2021 10:54 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01
next Thursday 28/01/2021.
Further updates to follow, Thanks.
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
27/10/2020 15:05 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
Unit 71 - Lot 31.
It was reported by the building manager that a water leak was coming under
the door and flooding the foyer area as well as entering into the Lots below.
The Tenant was at work at the time.
Entry was gained to the unit and it was discovered the hot wter system had
burst. The managing agent organised for the replacement of the HWS as
well as the extraction of water from the foyer carpets.
Damage has been caused to the floorboards in the unit (photos enclosed).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of claim by Coverforce Brokers.
28/10/2020 09:04 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
27.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers confirmed the policy does provide
coverage for fixed floorboards (Floating floors would have no coverage).
* Emailed the managing agent asking to advise on the type of floorboards in
the unit.
28/10/2020 11:37 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
Coverforce Brokers advised MC Flooring on 0416 144 486 on were appointed to quote on the floor repairs.
* Response from the managing agent to verify the floorboards are floating
* Advised Coverforce Brokers of the information and requested if a denial of
claim letter be issued.
02/11/2020 14:38 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.10.2020
Floating floorboards aren't covered by the policy however, the insured
mentioned they were hardwood floors, usually hardwood flooring isn't a lock
system so it's conflicting information. The hot water system, could also
potentially be covered depending on the cause. Here is a copy of the
wording referenced by CHU for burst tanks;
9. Exploratory costs, Replacement of defective parts
We will pay for the reasonable exploratory costs You necessarily incur in
locating the source of bursting, leaking, discharging or overflowing of tanks,
apparatus or pipes used to hold or carry liquid of any kind.
We will also pay for reasonable costs incurred in:
a. repairing the area of Your Insured Property Damaged by such exploratory
b. repairing or replacing the defective part or parts of such tanks, apparatus
or pipes, to a limit of $1,000;
c. rectifying contamination Damage or pollution Damage to land at Your
Situation caused by the escape of liquid, to a limit of $1,000.
10/11/2020 15:11 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
09.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers for an update of the progress of
the claim - as the managing agent is requesting information.
10.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers responded
I spoke with Anna from CHU, and she contacted the flooring repairer who
informed her that she should have their report by mid next week.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
17/11/2020 15:23 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
17.11.2020 - The Managing agent emailed photos showing the floorboards
are lifting and are now a hazard.
* Emailed the photos to Coverforce Brokers.
18/11/2020 11:46 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
18.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers advise that whilst the floorboards are
floating they are glued down, and as such the insurance company will
accept the claim. A second quote is requested by the insurere and Abril
Buildings will submit a quotation. Whilst at the unit, temporary repairs will be
made to make safe the floors.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
26/11/2020 15:00 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
24.11.2020 - Abril Building Solutions have undertaken the inspection and
will provide to the insurers.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
30/11/2020 12:31 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.11.2020
cause of damage to the valve.
02/12/2020 12:43 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
02/12/2020- obtain update from Insurer as tenant is concerned about the
floor due to it bowng
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
23/10/2020 14:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Insurnace policy
- Email from the owner of lot 14/106
- Requested a copy of the insurnace policy for the building
- Located and issued a copy of the strata insurnace policy
25/02/2021 10:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Letter fo Demand Update
- Email receievd from the solicitor acting for the OC
- Advised of the resposne received from the owner of unit 35/106
- Requesred confirmation on next steps if the agreement is broken
- Wrote to the committee with the update
- Provide the advice on what action to take should the issues start to occur
- Supplied the SC with the update on the ownr invoice being issued.
07/12/2020 06:20 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
07/12 (AV) invoice paid
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
07/12/2020 06:20 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Electra Lift
07/12/2020 06:25 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
07/12 (AV) Emailed Electra Lift for SMS. Invoice paid 07/12/2020
11/01/2021 05:11 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
11/01 (AV) Docuemntation sent to Safework
12/01/2021 17:47 Anthony Vumbaca 01:00 Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Apply for new Lift Registration Certificate from SafeWork and send to
Electra Lift todisplay at building
12/01/2021 17:47 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Lift registration received and sent to Electra to display at building.
12/01/2021 17:48 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2022
Electra Lift
01/12/2020 15:54 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lift Renewal with SafeWork NSW
Lift Renewal with SafeWork NSW
26/11/2020 15:06 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lot 2 - investigation and reply to agent
Lot 2 - investigation and reply to agent re alledged wrong owner name on
this lot
Thank you for your time today on the phone. Please find attached incorrect
owner name on the Levy Notice. The name should NOT be Ms. Jan Wylie.
The name on the Levy Notice should be Jason Markwick.
Please amend and re-send, so as we can make payment on 1st December,
13/11/2020 14:28 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Lot 62 - Owner Ledger request
The managing agent for Lot62 (Unit 52) requested a copy of the Owner
Ledger for the Owner's taxation purposes.
* Email sent with the Owner Ledger.
04/02/2021 08:03 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lot 75 responding to levy enquiry
Lot 75 responding to levy enquiry as per below
For some reason I have missed this notice for December.
1. I have paid $1,364.10 Dec Levy today
2. Please adjust Interest on arrears accordingly
3. I notice there is reference to Owner invoices - Could you please
provide details
4. Is it possible to get a copy of December Notice
5. I have scheduled payment of March Levies
06/11/2020 15:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Notice to all residents re inspection of hot water
Notice to all residents re inspection of hot water tanks
13/01/2021 11:01 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Responding to Lot 13 levy enquiry
Responding to Lot 13 levy enquiry and clarifying charges applied.
12/10/2020 15:33 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM agenda
- Email to the Chairman to advise that the agenda needs to be issued by
today to ensure the meeting can proceed next week.
- Sent draft agenda to be signed off
- Respose from the Chairman with additional motions to be addded to the
- Motions and documents added
- Sent to the Chairman for approval
01/12/2020 09:15 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Time to amend SCM minutes and issue
01/12/2020 09:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Time to provide the Chairman an update on the SCM minutes
04/12/2020 17:08 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Resposne received the Chairman on the items raised
- Wrote back to the Chairman with further updates.
- Attacehd uotes that have been obtained
- Drafted the by-law template to identify where each matter is up to.
- awaiting update form the Chairman
07/12/2020 09:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Sending Lot 55 the owner ledger on demand
Sending Lot 55 the owner ledger on demand and advising them that there is
an owners portal avaialble in order o check the status of the levies at any
07/12/2020 09:38 Simone Welsh Subject: Steam Clean Carpet
Quote # 1913 for $2,101 is approved for the following works.
Steam clean carpet in all common hallways in both blocks, 16 in total.
Restrech carpet on level 7 & # in 106 and Level 2 in 100
Replace damaged section of carpet along wall on level 1 in 100
19/11/2020 12:34 Simone Welsh 02:00 Subject: Submission of Annual Fire Safety Statement
Submission of Annual Fire Safety Statement
05/03/2021 09:52 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spend -follow up Window remediation responses
- Time spent to follow up Landlay for a resopposne to the queries raised at
the SCM
- Spoke to Landlay to address queries about what the SC were asking for
- Responses received from Landlay
- Wrote to the Committee to advsie of the resposnes received.
01/12/2020 09:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent liaising with Solicitor re: U35/Lot 55
- Email received from JS Mueller regarding conversation about matters with
unit 55
- Email contained cost disclosure and estimates to take the matter to court
- Wrote to the chairman to advise of this document
- Advised the Chairman of the recommendations from the solicitor to
address this matter by going to Supreme court over NACT and why
- Advised that we can also recover costs in the interim for timer spent by the
Owners Corporation to deal with these matters.
10/12/2020 07:55 Marcello Pisto 02:45 Subject: Time tio attend SCM
- Time to travel and attend SCM
10/12/2020 11:43 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time tio attend SCM
- Time to complete minutes from recent SCM.
02/03/2021 11:22 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address Dividing fences matters
- Time to issue dividing fences agreements and email template approved by
the SC.
15/02/2021 10:38 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address email from SC on renewal
- Email from the Strata Committee to see if items covered under the policy
can be removed.
- Advised the committee what we can do to seek confriamtion from the
- Advised that there is an increase on premiums from what we have seen
come in
- Advsied that the BAAM report would of effected the premiums and
suggested tahtwe recah out to the insurer to see what can be done now to
reduce the premiums.
08/12/2020 09:45 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address insurance query Unit 71/106.
- Emnail from the owner of unit 71
- Advised of issues with the current claim
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie of what action we will be undertaking
- Wrote to the broker and advised of the concerns with the claim and
requested confirmation if the owner could enagge their own contractor
- Wrote back tot he owner to provdie the udpate on the matter.
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
11/02/2021 19:49 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to address insurnace renewal query
- Email from the committee to confrim what claims and defects the insurer is
- Contacted Coverforce about the claims and defects
- Confirmed the claims outstanding and the defects requiring attention
- Requested an update on the claims
- REceived the update from the insurer on the 3 claims outstanding
- Wrote to the committee to provide the list of open claims and the updates
- Confirmed the defects requiring action
11/02/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address legal costs queries
- Time to address queries raised by the committee on possible furtehr legal
costs and apporval for spending
- Addressed queries raised by the committee
- Advsied of the spending limit that the committee has without the need to
take the matter to a general meeting.
07/12/2020 13:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address letter from U14 lot 44 re claim
- Letter received from the owner of lot 44 unit 14.
- Advised of concerns that were received regarding an ongoing claim.
- Further email received from the Chairman about the matter
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provde the update on the matter and what
has occurred so far.
12/10/2020 20:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 55 AGM matters
-Email from the owner of Lot 55
-Requested confirmation of the location of the AGM and the return date for
the responses to the voting paper
- Responded to the owner to advise the due date for responses to be
12/10/2020 20:18 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 55 queries
-Time to review emails from the owner of unit 35 and respond to queries
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13/10/2020 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 62 query
-Email from the selling agent of lot 62
- Advised they have a potential buyer who wants to install an
air-conditioning unit
- Advised they reviewed the by-laws and cannot see anything that could
allow this to occur
- Requested confirmation if there are any restrictions on having an air
conditioning unit installed
- Responded to the agent
- Advised of the 2 options on how air conditioning can be installed
- Advised the agent of the requirements and that we cannot confirm if the
by-law would be approved.
03/12/2020 11:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address pets query
- Email from the Chairman regarding the pet by-lws
- Discussed how the matter can be addressed and supplied examples of pet
by-laws with restriction.
05/03/2021 11:20 Marcello Pisto 01:15 Subject: Time to address Plumbing Hot Water matter
- Time spend to follow up Plumbcity for for marked up quote for building 100
- Also requested confirmation if they could arrange the letter
- Supplied the update to the Strata Committee on this matter.
- Received an email from the committee on the letter and steps
- Requested confrimation on wht we can do if they do not complete the
- Wrote to Coverforce and obtained some information
- Raised further questions
- Supplied the update on what has happened to date and what was raised
with coverforce
-Advsied we had raised addiotnal queries and that we would update them
when received.
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
05/03/2021 13:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Plumbing Hot Water matter
- Furtehr updates received from Coverforce
- Wrote back to the committee to advsie of the additional information
- Furtehr resposnes received from Coverforce and further questions raised.
08/12/2020 13:33 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address U12/106 Hot Water matter
- Email from the agent regarding the recent inspection
- Advsied they will be arranging their own plumber to have it replaced
- Supplide a break down of what would occur
- Wrote to the Chairman to advsie of this and requested confrimation if there
was anything else they wanted included
- Response received to reqest that the building manager indpect the
completed works and that the tradesmen supply something to confirm the
works have been completed per government regulations.
- Wrote back tot he agent to supply the update on the matter.
12/10/2020 20:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 13 (lot 43) Waterproofing
- Email received from the building manager regarding unit 13 (lot 43).
- Advised that the shower floor had already been waterproofed by the
Shower Repair Centre. Wrote back to the owner to confirm the response
from the building manager and received further feedback to advise they
hadn't been to the unit since June.
- Advised the owner if they have a tenant or if their agent can go and view
the unit and advise of there is any new damage.
- Response to advise that the do not have a tenant or agent and that the
building manager has a key to enter
- requested confirmation that they were ok with the building manager going
in to assess the light area to see if there is any water damage.
01/12/2020 09:03 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to address email from unit 35/lot 55
- Queries raised about the hammer noise and stained carpet
- Addressed queries raised
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01/12/2020 09:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to address emails from the owner of unit 35/lot 55 regarding the
inspection by plumb city
- Emails from the owner indicated that the inspection was occurring today
with only 48 hours notice
- Advised the owner on both emails of the dates of the inspection and that
these were indicated on the letter.
01/12/2020 09:07 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised they have tried to contact John Kelly about installing an air
- Reviewed the by-laws and could not identify anything allowing any
approval by the committee
- Wrote to the Chairman to obtain his feedback on the matter
- Wrote to the owner to advise why they can't install the air conditioning unit
and what would occur if they proceeded
01/12/2020 09:08 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised that they notified our office prior and requested a call
- Responded to the owner to confirm that we have addressed all emails
- Advised that we have not had any request for a call and confirmed what
the concerns are with the air conditioning that they want to proceed to install
- Informed the owner what would occur with our office is they were to
proceed with the works
01/12/2020 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email stated requests for calls not being answered
- Requested confirmation why we are refusing to call
- Advised if we can't be bothered to contact them that we have no right to
charge them a fee
- Wrote back to the owner to advise of the previous request for all matters to
be put forward in writing
- Confirmed that all responses have been addressed
- Advised that there have been no request for calls and why their levies
need to be paid and what would occur if they don't make payment
01/12/2020 09:10 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email was regarding a letter issued by our office for the AFSS
re-inspection of missed units
- Responded to the owner about the email issued $49.50
01/12/2020 09:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Requested confirmation of when we will be on site so they can book in a
- Advised when the inspection will take place and by who
01/12/2020 09:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised of the no-attendance from the plumber for the inspection.
- Wrote back to the owner and attached the letter previously issued.
01/12/2020 09:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Requested clarification on the hammer noise matter and when it will be
- Advised we have previously provided an update to this matter
- Located and attached the email previously issued.
01/12/2020 09:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55 advising of banging noise occurring
at the building
- Requested confirmation why they were never informed
- Requested confirmation as to what lot this is coming from so we can
provide an update.
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01/12/2020 09:18 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Received information from the building manager to advise of the reasoning
for the possible banging
- Wrote to the owner of unit 35/lot 55 to advise of the reasoning for the noise
- Informed the owner, why nobody was notified of this and when we would
notify owners of any works being conducted at the building.
01/12/2020 16:04 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email receievd from the owner
- advised of the following questions:
1/What is meant by charges going on owners account?
2/ If this is the case that means Kooper and Levi will be adding on costs and
charging interest as we receive our owners account quarterly is that right?
3/ Due to loss of employment through COVID 19 and a recent accident plus
surgery I literally have no funds available for this "out if the blue"expense on
top of the increased Strata Levies.
What measures and timeframe are in place for lot owners under these
circumstances ?
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie the reason for the inspection
- addressed other questions raised.
01/12/2020 16:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Onwer raised the following points:
1/ Water Heater upgrade/compliance
As this is not common property, as a lot owner I am in my rights to appoint
the replacement or necessary work needed to ensure my water heater is
By legislation it is not legal to add additional costs to an owners ledger or
Levi account other than Levies .
2/ Carpet Level 3
By legislation the owners corporation can not refuse to maintain or repair
common property and are obligated and responsible for the maintenance of
property if it is affecting the appearance of the common property area.
- Respodned to the owner to advsie why the inspection was arranged
- Advised what action is being taken with the carpet.
01/12/2020 16:25 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email receievd from the owner to request why we are denying them the
ability to install air conditioning
- Responded to the owner to advise we are not denying them
- Advised of the requirements and what would occur if they undertook the
renovations illegally.
01/12/2020 17:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner regarding the carpet
- Responded to the owner to advsie why the carpet was not replaced
- Advised of the Owners Corporations obligation under 106 of the act
01/12/2020 17:53 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner threatending legal action
- Responded to all comments raised by the owner
02/12/2020 09:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Additional email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email again refereneced the word document letter issued yesterday
regarding the carpet.
- Again responded to the owner and reinforced the resposne about the
position on the carpet.
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04/12/2020 14:20 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Advsied they had left 13 calls for Kooper & Levi
- Requested confrimation why we don't respond to calls
- Wrote back to the owner and confrimed calls receievd and what they
related to
- Re-confirmed why they did not receive a call last Friday
- Advsied that they have been informed to put all their correspondence in
- Requested that they continue to do so
- Advsied the owner to confirm the dates, times and numbers they called to
get through to K&L so the addiotnal calls unaccounted for can be
04/12/2020 14:30 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner with letter attached regarding the hot water units
- Read the letter and wrote back to the owner to re-confirm the process that
will occur for the p;lumbing audit that was conducted
- Advised the owner what action would be taken with owner reairs that have
been indentified by the plumber.
17/12/2020 15:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner regarding the carpet
- supplied a letter to be passed on to the Chairman
- read the letetr and respodned to the owner about the comments raised.
21/01/2021 10:13 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email recieved from the owner
- Requested that they recieve a letter of the by-laws they are accused of
- Advised that she has not recieved a letter or response to her request for
- Wrote back to the owner and confirmed that all correspondence will be
sent to her by registered post to ensure she receives it and that all
associated costs will be passed on as per the cost recovery by-law
- Recommended that all correspondence continue t be circulated by email
over post to ensure they receive it immeidately and that any questions can
be addressed immediatly as well.
- Re-attached a copy of the breach letter and advsied when it was emailed
to her.
29/01/2021 16:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner advsiing that their gamil accouont is fixed
- Requsted evidence of the noticeboard breach
- Advised that this would b sent across to her
29/01/2021 16:57 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owenr requesting supporting documents from the residents
an neighbours that confirm the accusations listed in our email.
- Requested evidence in the form of cctv, video, police report etc
- Wrote back to the owner to request confrimation on the incident they are
referring to
- Advsied that as they have created a new email it is difficult to keep track of
the allogations
29/01/2021 16:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- requested confriamtion if the cat matter has been addressed with in unit
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that the issue was raised with the agent
and that as far as we were aware there was no cats present in the unit
- Requested any information if they are still present
29/01/2021 17:01 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner requesting evidnece that supports the breach
- requested evidence in the form of cctv images, photos,and recordings of
the conversations weare referring to.
- Requested footage of Mr Kelly approaching tehir apartment to leave a
message under their door
- Wrote back to the owner and requested confrimation when the incident
took place with a copy of the letter left under their door .
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29/01/2021 17:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Advsied that this is ridiculous,I have gone to mediation twice which they
organised to resolve these issues. Each time John Kelly refused to attend.
- Advsied that they then put a letter under his door, he is a neighbour, to ask
him to meet me so we can just get along.
- Advsied that they do not understand why John Kelly refuses to resolve
things and insists on humiliating, harassing and intimidating. This needs to
stop and I strongly suggest a meeting so we can put this behind us and
focus on what is important.
Advsied that what is important is that we all live in this beautiful place . I
asked Mr Kelly to meet me 2 years ago to talk this through and he refused.
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that they have already been made
aware of your obligation with communicating with the Strata Committee and
Mr Kelly based on the agreement signed at mediation with Nicholas
- Infomred them that we also advised them on numerous times that all
communication is to come through me.
If you are emailing me there is no need for you to communicate with Mr
Kelly, any other member of the Strata Committee or the building manager.
- Advsied them that if they do have any concerns with Mr Kelly I would
strongly recommend you put these to me in writing.
- Advsied them that any decision that has been made in relation to your lot
has been make by the strata committee without the input of Mr Kelly.
Advsied that this has been seen this as a conflict of interest and have
requested that he abstain from voting and not participate in any matter to do
with your lot.
- The decisions being made are done so by the other committee members
who represent the Owners Corporation.
If you would like supporting evidence we are more than happy to supply this
you just need to ask.
- Advsied that Mr Kelly is not obligated to meet with you and following the
agreement signed at mediation I would strongly recommend you cease
trying to communicate with Mr Kelly.
- Advsied that as the Strata Manager for SP8711 I will again advise you to
11/02/2021 11:27 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email recieved from the owner with a letter attached that was left under the
door of a committee member
- Respodned to the owner regarding the letter
- Advised the owner of the decision made at mediation and agreemet they
- Infomred the owner again of their obligations and requested confirmation
of the email
11/02/2021 11:29 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner requesting information and evidnece for the
by-law breach letters issued
- Informed the owner again that the matter is with the Strata Lawyer and that
all further information will be issued throgh them.
11/02/2021 11:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner regarding the cats in unit 31
- Requested confirmation if we investigated the matter
- Wrote back to the owner to confirm what action had taken place
- Resposne from the owner to advsie there are 2 cats in apartment 31 of
- Advised she had seen the cats as she had been in the tenants apartment
and that she has had the cats for 3 years.
- Wrote back to the owner to find out when the last time was that she was in
the unit
- requested confirmation if the owner was willing to supply a statutory
declaration to confrim that she has seen the cats after the matter was raised
with the agent
- Reconfimred that the building has never been pet friendly
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02/03/2021 09:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to email the owner regarding the clarification on issuin of
correspondence to the owner
- Advised them of the special by-law and section 70 of the Regulations Act
to allow us the authority to issue correspodnece etc by email
02/03/2021 09:24 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to issue the owner a notice to comply for breach of special by-law 4
04/03/2021 14:41 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 55/100 query
- Email from the agent of unit 55/100 regarding the pest inspection
- Advsied what action is taking place, next steps and when the works will be
12/10/2020 20:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address unt 43 floorbaord matter
-Response from the owner of unit 43 regarding the damage to their
- Advised the owner why they are responsible and when the owners
corporation would be deemed as responsible
-Informed the owner they will need to raise it with their insurer and advised
them to reach out if they required a letter from the broker or our office to
confirm the denial and that the owners corporation are not responsible.
- Email received from the Chairman regarding a floorboard issued that has
been raised with the owner of unit 43
- Advised why the repair is the owners responsibility and why it would not be
considered as a building fault
- Advised the owner as to who is responsible for the repair and maintenance
of the floorboards in the unit.
- Advised when the repair would become a strata issue and why it would not
be worth it to have it submitted through the insurer based on the excess
15/02/2021 10:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to advsie invittees of SCM to bring a mask
- Time spent emailing all 3 parties invited to the Strata Committee Meeting
to ensure they have a mask.
05/03/2021 09:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to advsie SC of Mediation and Interim order
- Email from the onwer of unit 35/106 with letter regarding mediation
- Read letter and wrote to the Strata Committee
- Provided advice to the committee regarding the letter and how to progress.
18/02/2021 17:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange minutes of SCM
- Time to complete minutes of SCM
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24/02/2021 16:29 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange minutes of SCM
- Amendments received from the committee
- Reveiwed amendments and made changes
01/12/2020 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Time to arrange draft SCM agenda for upcoming SCM on 16.11.2020
- Send the agenda to the committee to sign off on
- Amendments made to the agenda
- Approval received from the committee and issued.
07/12/2020 13:44 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda for upcoming meeting
- Time to draft agenda for upcoming SCM meeting
- sent to the committee for their feedback and requested confirmation if
anything needs to be changed.
11/02/2021 15:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to draft SCM notice for upcoming meeting
12/02/2021 15:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Email recieved from the Chairman
- Advsied of items missing from the agenda that should be included
- Made adjustments and inlcuded addiotnal motions to cover those items
- Supplied the update to the Chairman for their approval.
15/02/2021 17:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to make minor adjustments and email SC a copy of the agenda with
additioanl documents for the meeting
- Provided the SC with details of the attachments
16/02/2021 16:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to supply the SC an update on items ahead of the meeting tonight.
- Reviewed items on the agenda for actioning and that required a resposne
and supplied notes to the committee members with an update on where
items are sitting.
03/12/2020 12:54 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: time to execute insurnace contracts
- Time to review contract for units 13 and 14.
- Sign, attached common seal and arrange payment of excess invoice
- provdied executed contract and confrimation of payment to the insurer
01/12/2020 09:51 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to execute painting contract
- Email from Robertson's Painting and Remedial with the contract for
- Sent to the Chairman and building manager to request confirmation if they
would like us to complete the contract
- Response received to confirm this.
- Reviewed, initialled, signed and attached common seal to the contract and
sent back to the painter.
02/03/2021 09:52 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up managing agent U33/106
- Time to follow up the managing agent of unit 33/106 regarding a statutory
declaration that the tenant advsied they would fill out.
- Requested confrimation of the tenant is still willi ng to do so as we have
not had any feedback from them on this.
16/02/2021 17:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up with 110 Owner
- Email from the committee with the email address of the neighbour
- Wrote to the neoghbour to advsie of the request to have the fence
- Advised that th epayment will be 50/50 and supplied the quotes for his
- Supplied the committee with an update
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17/02/2021 16:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up with 110 Owner
- Email received from the neighboour with the agreement on the preferred
fence and why
- Wrote to the committee to advise of the update on the fence
- Informed the owner that the committee had been notified and requested
confirmation they agree to accept the same quote.
21/01/2021 12:25 Marcello Pisto 03:45 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
Time to hold afterhours SCM
Time to travel to the meeting, hold meeting
17/02/2021 09:04 Marcello Pisto 03:20 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time to hold afterhours SCM
21/10/2020 08:19 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
Time to hold Strata Committee meeting 6pm-8pm.
21/10/2020 18:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
- Time to finalise draft minutes and send to the Chairman for approval.
26/10/2020 10:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
- Email back from the Chariman regarding changes to the AGM minutes
- Revewied the required changes
- Made the changes and address the comments from all the committee
members in attendance
- Wrote back to the Chairman with the updated minutes for approval
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01/12/2020 09:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letter U35/Lot 55
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested that we issue the owner of unit 35/ lot 55 a breach of by-laws
letter for removing items from the noticeboard
- Drafted breach letter and included by-law 8 and section 153 of the act
- Sent to the chairman for confirmation of issuing
01/12/2020 09:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letter U35/Lot 55
- Email received regarding the breach of by-law letter drafted
- Added additional by-laws that can be used to address the matter
- Addressed other concerns raised and sent back to the committee for
11/01/2021 15:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to issue by-laws Lot 57
- Email from the owners of unit 42 lot 57
- Requested a copy of the by-laws.
- Located and issued.
25/02/2021 16:22 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to obtain invoices for BM
- Email from the building manager
- Requested electrical invoices from 2 contractors to be passed on.
- Reveiwed the records, locaed and passed on all invoices.
05/03/2021 09:47 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to provdie committee retail re: solar power
- Time to address committee email regarding details for companies who can
install Solar Panels
- Obatined names of 3 companies
- Located their details and passed on the information to the committee
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26/02/2021 19:51 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to provide selling agent U44/100 info
- Email from the selling agent
- Requested calrifcation on the levies for the lot, capital works fund balance
and position on pets
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie of the levies
- Infoirmed them that we could not disclose the financial status of the
building and wha the current by-laws state
- Informed them to undertake a search should they wish to obtain additonal
19/10/2020 17:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to respond to Unit 33/lot 55
- Time to respond to multiple emails receievd from the owner of unit 35/lot
- Emails related to letters left for the Chairman and matters relating to the
AGM, Carpet and pets in the building.
01/12/2020 09:22 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to supply Chairman U31 and U35 emails
- Time to review previous correspondence and locate emails sent to the
owner of unit 31 and unit 35
- Located and attached 23 emails related to the matters
19/02/2021 09:06 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to supply electricity invoices to BM + Chair
- Email from the Building manager and Chairman
- Advised of issues incurred with the lighting
- Requested copies of the electricity invoices from the last 2 years
- Reviewed all invoices and located invoices from 2019 and 2020
- Sent emails to the Building manager and Chairman with copies of the
invoices from 2019 and 2020
01/12/2020 15:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply info on pets-by-law
- Time to advsie the Chairman advice on the no pets by-law and how to
address the matter
26/02/2021 18:56 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply invoices to polcie
- email from the building manager to pass on the invoices for bells
locksmiths to the polcie
- Located the relevant invoices and forwarded on the invoices to the
constable looking after the matter.
01/12/2020 09:26 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to supply Notice to comply/ NCAT procedure
- Time to provide the Chairman with the procedure to have a notice to
comply issued and to take the matter to NCAT
- Motions for the committee meetings provided to approve these steps
- Copies of a notice to comply as well as what a by-law template would look
like that can be used for all by-laws
19/02/2021 09:17 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to write to JS Mueller re letter approval
- Time to write to JS Mueller and Co to advise of the approval for the letter of
- Explained the ongoing issues with the owner of unit 35/106
- Advised of the history and requested confirmation on what action can be
- Advised of the evidence we have and previous matters
01/12/2020 09:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Timr to address insurnace queries
- Time to address insurance query with the Chairman
-Email was based on the owner arranging their own contractor to complete
the insurance repair works
- Advised the Chairman of the process that can be undertaken for the owner
to conduct their repair by their own contractor
30/11/2020 14:04 Simone Welsh 00:45 Subject: Two letters drafted to the neighbours
Two letters drafted to the neighbours
„h Latticework fence between 106 and 110 High St.
- Kooper and Levi to write to the neighbours to advise that we have obtained
1 quote for the fence replacement,
- That we will be obtaining another quote to review, and;
- That we seek confirmation if they would like to obtain their own quotes,
- That we confirm that SP8711 will contribute to 50% of the costs for the
fence replacement
„h Vegetation between 100 and 98 High St.
- That Kooper and Levi write to the neighbours and request that they cut
back their vegetation that has
overgrown and damaged the shared fence beyond repair, and;
- Advise the neighbours that SP8711 will contribute to the replacement of
the shared fence once they have cut
back their hedges.
11/01/2021 15:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Unit 15, lot 5 by-laws
- Time to send a copy of the by-laws to unit 15 lot 5.
13/10/2020 09:11 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Window quotes
-Email from the building manager to confirm the other 2 companies who he
met with to quote on the window replacements
- Responded to him and the Chairman to advise that we would reach out to
them to find out where the quotes are and when we can expect them
- Wrote to both companies and received bounce backs as the emails were
- Searched the companies to locate alternative email addresses
- Obtained relevant email addresses and forwarded the responses to them
-Wrote to the building manager and Chairman to advise of the update
- Response received from Landlady with their quote
- Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update
- Response received from the Jonathan of Apex Diagnostics
- Advised they would provide their quote tomorrow
-Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update on the remaining window
01/12/2020 09:17 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Window Quotes
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested if we can pass on the quotes received for the windows to
Trevor on the strata Committee
- Located and issued a copy of the quotes received
215 hrs 7 min 42,487.50

2,110.05 Acceptance of quote 402 for $2,110.05

Lot 58 03/12/2020 - Contract signed and sent back to the broker, confirmed that

43&44 - Burst pipe 05.11.2020 - Email from Coverforce Brokers requesting progress from the

43&44 - Burst pipe 09.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting an update on the
43&44 - Burst pipe 24.11.20 - CHU's loss adjuster - Michael Thurbin - has accepted the

43&44 - Burst pipe 27.11.2020 - Amended contract received, Strata Manager to sign and return

ots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2020-12-18 - invoice received from Blanco Elecrrical for works completed -

ots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01-12 - Email sent from CHU to Abril advising:

ots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01-22 - advised by ABRIL that we are commencing with the repairs
t 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.10.2020 - Response from Coverforce Brokers :
t 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers have requested from Wilkins Plumbing the
Diary Notes
The Owners - Strata Plan 8711
Date entered from 01/04/2020 to 30/06/2021
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Time Spent Charge
03/12/2020 14:49 Marcello Pisto
11/02/2021 19:56 Marcello Pisto

26/05/2021 12:04 Marcello Pisto 01:00 01:00:00 $198.00

23/03/2021 15:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Addresses on letters 00:15:00 $49.50

07/05/2020 12:30 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owne 00:15:00 $33.00

05/04/2020 12:33 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: 050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue 00:15:00 $49.50

01/10/2020 14:24 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: 12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions 00:15:00 $49.50

24/09/2020 18:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: 14/106 High St water damage 00:15:00 $49.50

23/03/2021 15:57 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues. 00:30:00 $99.00

26/03/2021 12:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues. 00:30:00 $99.00
01/05/2020 12:57 Vicki Oldknow 00:30 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill 00:30:00 $30.00

21/07/2020 16:51 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry 00:15:00 $33.00

23/07/2020 09:10 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry 00:15:00 $33.00

24/07/2020 11:03 Vicki Oldknow Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry HI Vicky, 00:00:00 $0.00

13/07/2020 14:40 Vicki Oldknow 00:15 Subject: 7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm pay 00:15:00 $33.00
13/10/2020 11:31 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: 8711 Lot 66 communication with owner re
8711 Lot 66 communication with owner re breakdown of levies and issuing
owner ledger for assistance
27/05/2020 10:46 Simone Welsh Subject: Acceptance of quote 402 for $2,110.05 Acceptance of qu
-Disconnect and remove 2x Emergency fluro on Level 8.5 and UG foyer,
supply and install new weatherproof LED
emergency light to match exiting fittings.
-Disconnect and remove 2x Emergency fluro oysters and supply and install
new LED emergency oysters to match
exiting fittings.
-Disconnect and remove 3x old failed exit lights and supply and install 3x
new LED exit fittings to match exisiting fittings.
-Re Install 4ft LED fitting at top of fire stairs.
06/12/2020 10:34 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
AFT Fire
North Sydney Council
Peter Armstrong must be present to inspect all testing and be present for
any unit inspections.
Please issue the draft letters to the building manager to proof read prior to
issuing moving forward.
12/03/2021 12:30 John Micalizzi Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
12/3 JFM Preparation of Inspection notice to be issued to all Owners,
agents ans residents, liasing with contractor to issue notice. date 1/4/2021
14/04/2021 10:52 Vanessa Vumbaca Subject: AFSS 2021 (Lodgement)
12/4 (JFM) Issued work order request to the fire contractor to attend to site
and repair the dislodged Smoke alarm from the ceiling.
09/04/2020 08:17 Simone Welsh Subject: Approval of Tesnik Quotes
Approval of Tesnik Quotes for the camera installation
15/10/2020 08:24 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Letter to Unit 31 noise
Breach By-Law Letter to Unit 31 noise
09/02/2021 08:23 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Lot 30
Breach By-Law Lot 30
The complaint is as follows:
I assume nothing will be done about it, as it's been a constant for over a
year now, but I would like to register another complaint about the excessive
noise coming from Unit 65/100 High St. When I arrived home last night
(22.00-23.00), I could hear music when I got out of my car in the
underground car park. It then became apparent that yet again, there was a
full scale party happening in the aforementioned unit. This comprised of loud
music, clapping, yelling etc, as a gathering that was obviously larger than is
legally allowed in Covid times (yet again), took place above me. The event
peaked with some sort of dancing happening up until around 1.00am, with
the crowd cheering on and continual thumping on my ceiling. Thankfully the
police then arrived and it was shutdown.
The by-laws they are in breach are:
" Noise by-law 1
" Behaviour of owners and occupiers -by-law 6
" Behaviour of invitees by-law 8
29/04/2020 12:35 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Breach By-Law Noise 65/100 High Street
Breach By-Law Noise 65/100 High Street
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 2
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
23/03/2021 16:02 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Breach letter 31/106 incorrect By-Law quoted
- Time to address email from the committee over the breach letter for unit
31/106 and the incorrect by-law number referenced.
27/05/2021 15:01 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat
- Time to draft breach letters to 65/106
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified 4 by-laws that they had breached
27/05/2021 15:02 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat
- Time to draft breach letters to 15/106
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified by-laws that they had breached
27/05/2021 15:02 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Breach letters -Owner, agent and tennat
- Time to draft breach letters to 23/100
- Letters were in relation to the behaviour from the residents that occured
from a party
- 3 breach letters drafted and issued to the owner, agent and tenant
- Letters sent to the Strata Committee for their review and approval to be
- Letters identified 4 by-laws that they had breached
02/03/2021 09:50 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: breah of By-Law Letters
Tim'e to issue the following breach of by-law letters:
- Unit 31/106 High Street letter to the agent/owner for the ongoing
behaviour of the tenant.
- Unit 12/106 reminder to the resident regarding their requirements
with the flooring by-law
- Unit 83/106 reminder regarding parking.
- Unit 21/106 Split Vomit in the lift and a request for contact details
for the lot.
10/03/2021 12:46 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: breah of By-Law Letters
Unit 12/106 | Flooring by-law
- Resposne from the owner of unit 12 regarding the breach letter issued.
- Agent advised they didnt receive and requested a copy of the letter
- Supplied a copy of the email that was issued to the oiwner
- Resposne from the agent on how this came about
- Responded to advise of how this was raised.
01/09/2020 11:30 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: By Laws emailed to agent
By Laws emailed to agent (lot 24 unit 54)
26/04/2021 11:52 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: By- Laws emailed to agent lot 17
By- Laws emailed to agent lot 17 as requested
28/09/2020 11:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Law - Access to Common Property Infrastructure
Hi John,
Please see comments from Adrian regarding the by-law.
He has highlighted these below.
22/03/2021 20:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Law Breach tracking and billing
- Time spent to address questions raied from the chairman on the by-llaw
tracking spreadsheet
- Addressed queries raised by the chairman on the update on the
spreadsheet and the cost recovery by-law
- Advised of the time frame for issuing a notice to comply from a by-law
breach and the time frame to apply to NCAT if they re-offend
- Advsied the maximum penalty they can apply for to have penalties
- Supplied a recommendation on how to address all costs oncurred from lots
since the cost recivery by-law was introduced.
18/11/2020 16:45 Anna Kristensen 01:00 Subject: By-Law Registration
By-Laws and original CT sent to Muellers
Tracking number: 605 43654975 093
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 3
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
23/03/2021 16:25 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: By-Laws Cover page
- Email from R Shipton regarding the by-laws and queires over notes on the
cover page
- Revewied the notes and advised how a by-law is replaced
- Advsied that we would write to JS Mueller in regards to their coversheet
and the note for amended by-laws
- Wrote to JS Mueller to seek clarifcation on the matter
23/03/2021 18:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: By-Laws Cover page
- Resposne received from Adrian Mueller of JS Mueller addressing the
queries raised
- Wrote to the committee to provde the update and advice received.
29/03/2021 13:06 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: By-Laws issued to agent of Unit 33/100 High Street
By-Laws issued to agent of Unit 33/100 High Street
01/06/2020 12:32 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: bylaw advice 010620
bylaw advice 010620
09/06/2021 08:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106
-30 minutes phone call to provide advice and feedback on the application
lodged by the owner of unit 35/106
11/06/2021 11:09 Marcello Pisto 05:00 Subject: Call with the Secretary re NCAT Application 35/106
- time spent to collate all documents associated with unit 35/106 for the
committee to deal with the upcoming NCAT hearing
- Reviewed and located all emails that were responded to the owner
- Revewed and located all breach letters issued to the onwer
- Located spreadsheets associated to the owners behaviour
- Passed on the details for the insurer and broker
- Collated all diary notes associated with the owner of unit 35/106
- Reviewed all diary notes since appointment and identified all associated
with the lot
22/07/2020 12:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Carpet Replcement Letter
Carpet Replcement Letter
21/10/2020 09:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51
Chasing SC for a response to quote issued for U51 resultant damnage
repair and quote to paint the ceiling in Unit 71.
17/12/2020 12:01 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communciation wioth Garwood Real Estate
Communciation wioth Garwood Real Estate to ask them to pick up the sale
10/02/2021 09:31 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Telstra re lift line
Communication with Telstra re lift line.
Asking them to disconnect the line as it is associated with a SP# we don't
30/06/2020 11:21 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with agent of 84/100 High Street
Communication with agent of 84/100 High Street re noise transmisson
22/06/2020 14:08 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with agent of unit 82/100 High Stret
Communication with agent of unit 82/100 High Stret re damage to front door
when moving out
30/11/2020 13:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Council re obtaining
Communication with Council re obtaining elevation plans of the building for
window works
22/01/2021 12:40 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Communication with Telstra re $55.00 invoice
Communication with Telstra re $55.00 invoice
" Which building lift does it belong to - 100 or 106?
" What is the second Telstra telephone number for the other lift?
Where is its equivalent invoice? Do K&L get two identical bills each month -
one for each lift?
" I called the Telstra Billing dept. - this number entered service
16/07/2002. The lifts were upgraded to new lifts with emergency phones in
Nov. 2007. Why the big time discrepancy?
" Why wasn't it answered when called ? - presumably I was locked
in the lift and needed emergency help
06/07/2020 09:20 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communication with Unit 13 re damage caused to
Communication with Unit 13 re damage caused to carpet from accidental
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 4
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
15/10/2020 08:18 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Communication with Unit 61 re explianation of
Communication with Unit 61 re explianation of arrears after sending the lot
owner his owner ledger.
Now that we have that corrected I need a breakdown of what the amount of
$2271.94 owing is comprised of
Can you kindly send me the details of what this amount is made up of
11/01/2021 11:35 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Confirming to Lot 59 that the levies have been pai
Confirming to Lot 59 that the levies have been paid on request.
Over the Christmas break I received advice from NAB that I had paid my
strata fees incorrectly - please see attached.
Today I have since re-made the payment - please see EFT advice below -
so sorry - please let me know if payment is unsuccessful this time.
04/03/2021 10:40 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Contacting Telstra re invoive for $55.00 that
Contacting Telstra re invoive for $55.00 that waas sent in for payment after
we disconnected the line
23/06/2020 12:38 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Contacting The Agency and asking them to remove
Contacting The Agency and asking them to remove their sign
23/03/2021 09:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Diagnostech Phase 1 Approval
- Wrote to Diagnostech to confrim we can issue a work order for the works
- They requested that we sign the documents
- Requetsed that they re-issue the documents but with Phase 1 only
- Documents re-issued and sent to the committee for approval
- Approval received and docuements initalled and dated on each page and
signed and common seal attached where required.
- Wrote to the committee to provide the update
18/06/2021 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Diagnostech report
- Email from the Strata Committee
- Requested that Diagnostech be followed up on the report that we are
- Wrote to Diagnostech to follow them up
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to notify of the action taken
09/06/2021 08:33 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: EGM Agenda Clarity
-Email from Shore Partners regarding the EGM agenda
- Requested confirmation on which plan the agenda was for.
- Wrote back to the agent to confirm that the agenda was for 100-106 High
Street North Sydney as per the agenda that was attached via the link
19/05/2021 12:00 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Explaining why CCA invioices are payable by Lot 66
Explaining why CCA invioices are payable by Lot 66
I received a raft of 4 invoices of varying amounts which were sent to my
managing agent Richardson & Wrench regarding a court decision made
against me in July 2020
These matters were settled when the sheriff came to my house and we paid
the amount of $3100.30 on 24th July 2020 under cheque number #5984
01/05/2021 11:12 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 31/100
- Advsied they will be collecting the new fobs
- Wrote back to the owner to confrim where the fobs can be collected and on
which days
- Advised what will occur if they do not collect the fobs
01/05/2021 11:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 24/100
- Advised they were informed by the tenant that there are new security fobs
to collect
- Requested a copy of the notice to allow them to authorise the tennat to
collect the fobs on their behalf
- Letter re-issued to the agent
- Requested confirmation on who will be colecting the fobs on their behalf
- Advised that we need to be notifed to update our spreadsheet for the
building manager so they are aware who will be collecting the fobs
01/05/2021 11:31 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 15/100
- Advsied that they will be collecting the fobs and requested
acknowledgement of the email
- Responded to acknowledge the email
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
01/05/2021 11:39 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 23/106
- Advised they were the agent and confrimed that the tennat will be
collecting the fobs
- Supplied their details
- Responded to the agent and advised when the 3 dates when the fobs can
be collected and what will happen if the fobs are not collected on those
dates and where they will need to collect them after that time
01/05/2021 11:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 84/106
- Supplied there details and who will be collecting the fobs on their behalf
- Advised that the tenant contact the building manager
- Wrote back to confrim receipt of the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
01/05/2021 11:56 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the tennat of 85/100
- Supplied the details of who will be collecting the fobs for the unit
- Advised the tennat to seek confirmation from the agent that the tenant has
the authority to collect the fobs
- Agent responded to confrim they are happy to collect the agent fobs
- Advised they also manage unit 71/100 and will need to collect fobs for
them as well
- Responded to the agent to confrim that it is 1 person per lot collecting all
the fobs
- Advised taht they will leave it for the tenant in unit 85 to collect and that
they will speak to the tenant in unit 71 as well regarding collecting the fobs
for their lot
01/05/2021 12:02 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 85
- Requested confirmation they were for building 106
- Agent confrimed they are for building 106
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
01/05/2021 12:13 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of Unit 55/106
- Advised they received the link for the letter but were unable to open it
- Requested another copy of the letter to view
- Responded to the owner to advise that the letter was emailed and not sent
as a link
- Advised that the letter has been re-attached for their viewing
- Requested confrimation by COB 7/4/21 who will be collecting the fobs
- Advsied that failure to supply the details will mean that the keys will not be
able to be collected
- Details received from the owner on who will be collecting the fobs for the
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 6
Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
02/05/2021 08:47 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 51/100
- Advised that they would not be around to collect the fobs as they are away
- Requested that those fobs be left in the letterbox
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that we are unable to do this due to
security reasons
- Advised that he could call the building manager and ask him to hold on to
them and supply them on his retrun
- Resposne from the owner
- Advsied that he had spoken to the building manager and requested that he
be put down on the spreadsheet to collect them on his behalf
- Advised that he also cannot be hone for the inspections and advised that
he would leave his keys for the building manager to access his unit
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge his email and advise that we
would confrim the below points with the building manager
- Wrote to the building manager
- Requested confriamtion he agreed that he would sign off on the fobs for
unit 51/100 and that he would supply access to the unit for the tradesman
- Response from the building manager to confrim both of these points
- Advised the owner of this as well and updated the spreadsheet
02/05/2021 09:01 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 21/106
- Email was to inform who will be collecting the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Responded to the owner
- Requested confirmation if they could provide the tennat and agent details
for their lot
- Advised that in relation to the collection of the fobs that they would need to
supply photo ID as we could not accept a medicare card
- Requested the owners preferred contact number for access as well
- Email received from the owner in response to the request for the tenant
and agent details
- Email and contact number of the owner supplied
- Advised that there are no terms of a lease as no tenant is present and that
Mark Edwards is the agent of the lot
- Further email to the owner requesting details of a tennat
- Resposne received to advsie that the unit is untenanted
- Responded to the owner to request confirmation on how long the unit has
been without a tenant
- Requested confirmartion as to which agency Mark Edwards works for to
enable us to update the records on file
02/05/2021 09:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of 24/100
- Authorised the tenant to collect the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Supplied the contact details for the tenant
- Acknowledged the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 09:07 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 24/106
- Supplied the details of who will be collecting the fobs for the lot
- Acknowledged the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
02/05/2021 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from unit 81/100
- Advised they are the owner and will be collecting the fobs
- Reviewed the records and confrimed this to be correct
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
02/05/2021 09:26 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the the agent of unit 42/100
- Advised that they had been informed the building manager will be handing
out new fobs on 8 April for collection
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Email received from the agent to advise they had contacted the email
provider and cc'd me in
- Responded to the agent to re-confrim when the fobs will be handed out on
site and how they can collect them if they miss those times
- Email from the agent to advise they will be able to pick them up from 3pm
on 8.4.21 and if this was ok
- Advised they could organise to have them collected on Saturday at 10am
- Advised if there current swipe would still work as they have open homes
that day
- Responded to advise the times for collection are on the letter and email
and if they are unable to collect them on 8.4.21 that they collect them on the
- Response from the agent to request confirmation who they should look out
for on Saturday and if their current fobs will work at all
- Responded to the agent to re-confrim once again who will be handing out
the fobs
- Confrimed that the old fobs would still work until the new system had been
completely set up
02/05/2021 09:57 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Reveiwed the spreadsheet and identified numerous units who had not
- Collated the emails of the owners and agents of those lots
- Issued a follow up email to them with a copy of the letter and confrimation
of the dates for collection
- Advised that we would be assigning the remaining fobs to the owner on the
lot and should anybody else obtain authority to collect them that they have
the owner wirte to us to advsie of this update so that the building manager
can be made aware
02/05/2021 10:00 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 12/100
- Advised that the director would be collecting the fobs on behalf of the unit
- Wrote to the building manager to advise of the update so that the
spreadsheet can be amended accordingly
- Response received
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie that the building manager had been
notified of this as well
02/05/2021 10:09 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 85/100
- Advised that she had responded to the matter and who would be collecting
the fobs for the lot
- Responded to the agent to advise that they had confirmed for unit 85, but
not unit 71
- Requested confrimation that both sets are being collected by the tenant
- Email from the tenant of unti 71/100
- Advised that they will be collecting the fobs on Friday
- Advised the tenant that the fobs for building 100 were to be collected this
morning 8.4.21
- Advised that the Friday was for building 106
- Informed the tenant that the fobs could be collected on the Saturday at
morning and from where
02/05/2021 10:19 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 41/100
- Advsied that they would be collecting the fobs for the unit
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2 dates for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss both dates that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
02/05/2021 10:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owners of unit 54/106
- Owners advsied that they authorsied the building manager to collect the
fobs on their behalf
- Wrote to the building manager to confrim they agree to collect the fobs on
the owners behalf
- Response receievd from the building manager that they confirm they agree
to collect the fobs
- Wrote back to the owners to provide the update on the resposne from the
building manager and confirmation he will collect the fobs
02/05/2021 10:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 81 and 83/106
- Agent advised that they authorsied the building manager to collect the fobs
on their behalf for unit 83
- Agent confirmed that the tenant from unit 81 will be collecting the fobs and
their details
- Wrote to the building manager to confrim they agree to collect the fobs on
the owners behalf
- Response receievd from the building manager that they confirm they agree
to collect the fobs
- Wrote back to the agent to provide the update on the resposne from the
building manager and confirmation he will collect the fobs for unit 83
- Confirmed tha the fobs will also be supplied to the tenant for unit 81/106
02/05/2021 10:51 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 65/106
- Advsied they had only received notification today (8.4.21)
- Requested if they could pick up the keys from out office
- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
- Advised that will not have the fobs on Monday and can't confirm when we
will receive them.
- Advised If this is for building 106, this can be collected tomorrow morning
between 7-9am as well.
- Advised if they cannot collect them they can authorise the tenant to do so
on your behalf.
- Response from the agent to advsie that they are unable to collect them or
organise someone to do so
- Advised they only received confirmation of this matter yesterday
- Requested confirmation when they can collect the fobs from our office
- Responded to advise that our office has supplied multipe notices
- Advised when the original letter was issued
- Advised that the building manager also left notes under the unti doors
- Confrimed the latest resposne was just a reminder
- Suggested that they contact the building manager to see if he can hold on
to them and arrange to meet them on site the following week to hand them
02/05/2021 11:04 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 41/106 and unit 42/106
- Advised that they will be collecting the fobs
- Advised that they had cc'd in both owners
- Wrote to the building manager to confirm of the update
- Wrote to the agent to confrim acknowledgement of his email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 106 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
02/05/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 31/106
- Requested confirmation they could collect the fobs today (Saturday)
- Responded tot he agent on Modnay to confrim the fobs had been collected
- Email received to confrim this occured
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02/05/2021 11:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 64/100
- Confirmed tha the tenant did not collect the fobs on the weekend
- requested confirmation they can collect them today from the building
- Wrote to the agent to confrim that the fobs had been collected
- Resposne from the agent to confrim this had occured
02/05/2021 11:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owners of unit 75/106
- Email was to authorise the tenant to collect the fobs on their behalf
- Responded to the owner to acknowledge the email
- Email from the tenant 12.04.2021 to advise they have arranged to collect
the fobs from the building manager
- Email to the tenant to acknowledge receipt of their email
- Advised the building manager to confirm this has been arranged
02/05/2021 11:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the owner of unit 32/106
- Supplied the details on who will be collecting the fobs on behalf of their lot
- Advised the building manager of the update
- Informed the owner that the building manager has been updated
- Requested that the tenant provide their ID on collection to ensure it
matches the details on the spreadsheet
02/05/2021 11:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 62/100
- Advsied they did not receive the information on the fob collection and that
the last correspondence they received was for the pest control
- Requested to have the 4 fobs split in 2 parts with 2 being handed to the
tenant on the Saturday and the remianing 2 to be posted to their PO Box
- Advised that the fobs can only be collected by 1 person
- Agent confrimed that the fobs be collected by the tenant
- Wrote to the building manager to advise of the update
- Wrote to the agent to advise that the building manager had been updated
and taht the fobs will be ready for collection by the tenant on the Saturday
02/05/2021 12:12 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the managing agent of unit 65/100
- Advised that the owners had requested that the tenant collect the fobs on
behalf of the unit
- Advised that they can collect the fobs next Wednesday 14 April between
- Requested confirmation as to what ID needa to be presented
- Advised that they found the letter hard to follow and requested
confirmation on what they were undertaking
-- Responded to the agent to acknowledge the email
- Advsied that the fobs will be distributed by the building manager
- Advised of the 2nd date for building 100 for when they can be collected
- Advsied that if they miss this date that they will need to collect them from
our office
- Advised that they will need to email our keys tema to arrange a time and
date for their collection
- Advised they are not able to collect the keys on those dates and requested
confirmation if the keys could be collected from our office on the monday
- Response from the agent to confrim they have infomred the tenant to
attend on Saturday for the collection of the fobs
- Agent wanted to confrim if the building manager will be handing out the
- Confirmed with the agent that the building manager will be handing out the
- Agent emailed to advsie that the tenant can no longer collect the fobs and
that they will collect them
- Requested if they need ID or if they can provde a business card as the
building manager knows who they are
- Advised any ID they have is fine
02/05/2021 12:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email to the remaining lots who have not collected their fobs
- Advised of teh remaining date and time to collect their fobs
- Advised what will happen if they do not collect them on the day
- Copy of the letter re-attached once again for those who have not
responded to ensure they are aware of the intercom installtion and window
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02/05/2021 12:53 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from Di Jones Real Esate
- Advised they will collect the fobs at 10am on the Saturday
- Responded to seek confirmation as to what unit they manage
- Agent responded to confrim they will be collecting for unit 44
- Reveiwed the spreadsheet and records to confrim which Unit 44 they
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie that the building manager had been cc'd
into the email so they are aware that t they will be collecting for unit 44/100
02/05/2021 12:57 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email received from the agent on the morning of the final fob collection
- Advised that their tenant will be collecting them
- Responed to the agent on Monday 12.4.21
- Requested confirmation that the fobs were collected from the building
manager on the Saturday
- Response receievd to confirm that the fobs had been collected
02/05/2021 13:03 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 34/100
- Advised that the tenant will be collecting the fobs on behalf of the lot
- Agent advised that they are providing their consent to updating the
intercom and that the tennat will preovide access on the day
- Responded to the agent on Monday 12.4.21
- Requested confirmation that the fobs were collected by the tenant on the
- Response received to advsie the the Building Manager should deliver
these to the tenant in the morning
- Wrote back to confrim that this was agreed by the building manager
- Confirmed that this was agreed and that the fobs have already been
delivered to the tenant
02/05/2021 13:15 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 42/100
- Requested confirmation if they could have teh fobs collected between
12:30pm and 3:30pm
- Advised that we would seek confirmation from the building manager to see
if he can meet you to supply the fobs
- Agent advised they have collected the fobs and that they were seeking
confirmation on if they could have the intercom and window inspection
undertaken during that time
- Advised they cannot lock i n a specific time and that the units need to be
completed in order
- Agent responded to seek confirmation if they can leave the door unlocked
so they can get in
- Responded to the agent and cc'd in the building manager so they are
aware of what is occuring
02/05/2021 13:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 63/106
- Requested confirmation if the fobs are still able to be picked up by the
tenant on site
- Advised that we would reach out to the building manager to seek
- Agent responed to advise they would like the tennat to collect the fobs
from site and to advsie when he would be around next for the tenant to
collect them
- Email was sent ot Kooper & levi instead of the building manager
- Forwarded email for the building manager to respond regarding availability
for the fob collection
02/05/2021 13:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email to the owner of unit 63//106 following phone call with them out the
- Supplied anotehr copy of letter that was issued
- Advised that as she has supplied the building manager access to her unit
for the window inspection and intercome installation
- Advised that she still needs to collect the fobs and recommended that she
have the building manager leave them within her unit
- Owner agreed and building manager updated about the matter
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
02/05/2021 13:40 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the building manager with the updated list on the units
remaining for the collection of the allocated fobs
- List had 8 units that were un-accounted for
- Reviewed those units
- Made contact about each unit
- Wrote an update to the building manager on the updates to the 8 units
- Further update on 13.4.2021
- 3 remained still unactioned
- Further follow up to those units updates obtained
- Wrote to the building manager to provide the latest updates on those
02/05/2021 13:51 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 54/100
- Advised they were informed by the building manager that we were awaiting
the owner to confirm they were happy with the installation of the new
- Wrote back to advise that there are 4 fobs to be collected for the lot as well
- Requested confirmation on who will be collecting them so we advsie the
building manager who they need to be supplied to
- Requested that 2 be supplied to the tenant and 2 to the agent
- Responded to the agent
- Advised that the fobs need to be collected by 1 person per lot
- Response received to confrim that all 4 are to go to the tenant
- Supplied the update to the building manager
02/05/2021 13:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the agent of unit 82/106
- Requested that they give authority for the tenant to collect all 4 fobs
- Wrote to the agent to advise that we will inform the building manager of the
- Wrote to the building manager to advsie of the authority to have the fobs
passed on to the tenat
02/05/2021 14:02 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob collection updates & intercom/window authority
- Email from the tennat of unit 52/106
- Advised that they are the tenant and requested confirmation on how they
are able to collect the 4 new fobs
- Wrote back to request that they email their agent and include our office in
the email
- Seek approval from the agent that they can collect the 4 fobs
- Advised that once we have the approval from the agent that we can advise
them where they can collect the fobs
31/03/2021 17:51 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Time spent to update the spreadsheet and advise the 13 respondents
where to collect the fobs for their building
31/03/2021 19:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Time to address the email from the agent of unit 52/100 regarding the the
letters issued
- Advsied whne the fobvs can be collected, what to do if they cannot provde
access for the inspections and when the pest treatment will take place.
31/03/2021 20:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Fob spreadsheet
- Email received from the tenant of U73/100
- advised that they would be collecting the keys
- Advised who needs to notify us that they will be collecting the fobs and
- requested that they reach out to the agent to contact us abou who will be
collecting the fobs.
09/06/2021 08:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Follow up on EGM Notice
-Email from the Chairman
- Requested that we issue a reminder to all owners regarding the EGM to
appoint a new manager
- Supplied the content that they wanted to be used
- Created 3 emails to send to all owners and agents for the building (108
- Wrote to them to advise of the update on the EGM as per the request of
the Strata Committee
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
29/09/2020 09:57 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: FW: 43/106 High Street
Hi John,
Thank you for your email. I am unsure how flooring could be a building fault.
Except for floor coverings in communal areas, all internal carpeting, floor
coverings, floating floors, lacquer and staining on surfaces of parquetry
flooring within a lot are the responsibility of the lot owner.
09/06/2020 10:56 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 - Floorboard damage
The Owner of Lot 58 noted damage to the parquetry flooring when they
stayed in the unit in December '19. They state the damage was caused by
the previous tenant. Photos to follow.
ACKNOWLEDGE - 18.5.2020 - Claim lodged with CHU.
20.05.2020 - Coverforce requesting more information.
04.06.2020 - Coverforce requesting details of the tenant and the tenancy
* The agreement was received and emailed to Coverforce Brokers.
02/07/2020 16:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
29.06.2020 - Coverforce are following-up the claim with CHU - to be
27/07/2020 15:24 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
27.07.2020 - Email sent to Coverforce asking for progress of claim.
27/07/2020 16:14 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
27.07.2020 - Response from Coverforce advising the insurance company
requires the previous tenants details - have requested Owner/managing
agent to furnish the information.
28/07/2020 09:10 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 49.50
Response from Lot Owner :
The damage to the floor happened some time before December 2019.
At the time the apartment was being rented on short term, Aibnb type lets.
Our Manager at the time had not noticed the damage until we pointed it out
in December 2019.
We are therefore unable to provide any details for the tenant responsible.
* Emailed Coverforce with reply.
06/08/2020 09:17 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
06.08.2020 - Email received from Coverforce Brokers advising that CHU has
declined the claim - stating the damage was caused by wear and tear. A
report from UBS was enclosed.
* Emailed the Committee asking if the a decline letter was required or to
withdraw the claim.
06/08/2020 15:10 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
06.08.2020 - Committee advised that a denial letter was to be issued.
* Emailed Coverforce requesting same.
02/09/2020 11:01 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
02.09.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting the denial letter be
07/09/2020 16:02 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 03.09.2020 - Coverfor
chasing it up with the insurer.
25/09/2020 10:49 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 25.09.2020 - Coverfor
13/10/2020 13:10 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 13.10.2020 - Emailed
14/10/2020 14:45 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
14.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers emailed with the following progress :
I have just received the following response from the insurer today;
"After a review of this claim with a senior staff member, coverage may be
applicable, however, can you please provide the previous 3 property
inspections for the months leading up to 01.12.2019."
Would you please be able to obtain the property inspections?
*Emailed the Committee with the progress.
* Emailed Lot 58's Owner requesting said inspection reports to be emailed.
30/10/2020 12:56 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
30.10.2020 - Follow-up email to Lot 58's Owner requesting a response.
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30/10/2020 14:46 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
30.10.2020 - Lot 58's Owner responded citing that no inspection were
carried out as the Lot was used for short term rental.
* Emailed the response to Coverforce Brokers.
16/11/2020 13:44 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
16.11.2020 - Requested an update from Coverforce Brokers.
17/11/2020 11:05 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
17.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers responded (Vikram Shawl)-
I have requested the insurer provide us with the information, UBS will most
likely be in contact with the Unit owner directly and provide them updates.
When I receive a response from the insurer I will advise.
* Advised Lot 58's Owner of progress.
18/11/2020 15:45 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
18.11.2020 - Committee requested an explaination why the claim was
accepted by the insurance company.
* Emailed Coverforce Brokers and spoke at length to Vikram Shrawl -
In regard to the acceptance of this claim - I spoke to Coverforce Brokers at
length and was informed that originally the claim was denied by the
insurance company.
Once this occurs, the denied claim progresses to senior management when
it is examined in detail - in this instance, management decided there was
enough evidence to conclude the damage to the floor was classified as
accidental damage and have conversely accepted the claim.
* Emailed the Committee Coverforce's response.
25/11/2020 13:09 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
25.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers to request a copy of the contract
of works and the excess invoice.
03/12/2020 13:52 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58 03/12/2020 - Contr
the excess has been paid
11/12/2020 12:16 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Insurance Claim - CS006485 - Lot 58
2020-11-12 - agent asking for an update on works, comfirmng with the
builder and confirming back to the agent
20/05/2020 11:02 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS006485 - Lot 58, Unit 43
18.05.2020 - CS006485 Emailed the insurance claim to Coverforce with
photos of damage.
20.05.2020 - Coverforce requested further information - information emailed.
14/07/2020 10:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS006485 - Lot 58, Unit 43 09.07.2020 - E
28/09/2020 11:30 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
23.09.2020 - Lot 43 (Uniit 13) & Lot 44 (Unit 14) :
PlumbCity Plumbing attended to investigate water leaking and saturating
carpets/floors in Lot 43 & Lot 44 - it was ascertained there was a crack in
the copper pipe in the riser.
Repairs were undertaken and completed - but there is much damage
caused to the flooring of both Lots.
Could an Assessor be appointed to inspect.
Photos and PlumbCity Plumbing invoice enclosed.
29/09/2020 10:52 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
29.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers confirm that Integrated Claim Services Pty
Ltd - 8019 7027 are the appointed Assessors
for this claim.
* Emailed the Committee and the managing agent of the progress.
07/10/2020 15:40 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 07.10.
Claims Services (for CHU) requesting an update on contacting Units 13 &
14 for an inspection.
12/10/2020 14:22 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 12.10.
are trying to contact the Tenants in Unit 13. Consequently, it has been
ascertained ther are no tenants in the Unit and the Building Manager has
the key to the apartment.
The Assessor advises the cost of PlumbCity invoice will not be covered, as
the repair has been deemed a normal wear and tear maintenance issue.
* Advised Michael Thirbin from Integrated Claims Services (CHU) of the
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22/10/2020 15:37 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
22.10.2020 - Email received from CHU's Loss Adjuster stating :
This claim is regarding Lot 43 (Uniit 13) & Lot 44 (Unit 14). To update you
both, Abril Building Solutions have attended both Units and are currently
preparing their quote for the resultant damages.
Abril also advised that they believe structural drying will need to be
undertaken to the subfloor of Unit 14 so we have appointed Abril
Restorations to inspect the Unit and provide their advice on this matter.
* Emailed the Committee the current progress.
05/11/2020 15:47 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 05.11.
insurer - if Abril have submitted their quotation.
09/11/2020 15:57 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 09.11.
progress of this claim.
13/11/2020 12:47 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
12.11.2020 - Emails received from UBS and Abril Building Solutions with
contracts and invoices to be actioned.
* Emailed all documentation to the Committee for acceptance of contracts.
* Also emailed the correspondence between Lot 44's Owner and CHU's
Loss Adjuster (Michael Thurbin) regarding Lot 44's Owner to undertake the
repairs herself and to be reimbursed by the Owners Corporation. Also
emailed to the Committee for consideration.
18/11/2020 15:36 Julie Revell 00:30 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
18.11.2020 - The Committee have responded giving permission for Lot 44's
Owner to proceed with the repairs herself. The Lot Owner is to provide the
quotations to the insurer prior to works commencing, to ensure the costing
and accurancey of the quotations are correct.
* Emailed the Lot Owner the progress - the Lot Owner also requests that the
Owners Corporation to pay for the replacerment carpet.
* A previously received email from the Loss Adjuster from CHU stated the
carpets were not covered under the policy and it was an Owner's
responsibility to replace.
* Emailed the Committee the cuurent state of play.
24/11/2020 15:00 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 24.11.
quotation (Blanco Electrical for $4,246) from Unit 14's Owner and to
progress with the works.
* The invoices will be submitted to CHU, payment will be made into the
Owners Corporation's account and then payment to be made to the
25/11/2020 16:01 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe
25.11.2020 - Emailed Abril Building Solutions to amend their contract and
services contract and the excess invoice to reflect works to be undertaken to
Unit 13 (Lot 43) only.
30/11/2020 15:09 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 27.11.
to Abril Building Solutions.
18/12/2020 07:49 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 202
Invoice sent to the borker
12/01/2021 11:05 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 202
Hi Maryanne,
Thanks for providing the below.
Caitlin, could you please begin to arrange your trades and advise once a
commencement date is known.
If there are any issues, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Michael Thurbin
Loss Adjuster
22/01/2021 10:54 Simone Welsh Subject: Insurance claim - CS010494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 202
next Thursday 28/01/2021.
Further updates to follow, Thanks.
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Entry date & time Entered by Time spent Charge Notes
27/10/2020 15:05 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
Unit 71 - Lot 31.
It was reported by the building manager that a water leak was coming under
the door and flooding the foyer area as well as entering into the Lots below.
The Tenant was at work at the time.
Entry was gained to the unit and it was discovered the hot wter system had
burst. The managing agent organised for the replacement of the HWS as
well as the extraction of water from the foyer carpets.
Damage has been caused to the floorboards in the unit (photos enclosed).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of claim by Coverforce Brokers.
28/10/2020 09:04 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
27.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers confirmed the policy does provide
coverage for fixed floorboards (Floating floors would have no coverage).
* Emailed the managing agent asking to advise on the type of floorboards in
the unit.
28/10/2020 11:37 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
Coverforce Brokers advised MC Flooring on 0416 144 486 on were appointed to quote on the floor repairs.
* Response from the managing agent to verify the floorboards are floating
* Advised Coverforce Brokers of the information and requested if a denial of
claim letter be issued.
02/11/2020 14:38 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.10.2
Floating floorboards aren't covered by the policy however, the insured
mentioned they were hardwood floors, usually hardwood flooring isn't a lock
system so it's conflicting information. The hot water system, could also
potentially be covered depending on the cause. Here is a copy of the
wording referenced by CHU for burst tanks;
9. Exploratory costs, Replacement of defective parts
We will pay for the reasonable exploratory costs You necessarily incur in
locating the source of bursting, leaking, discharging or overflowing of tanks,
apparatus or pipes used to hold or carry liquid of any kind.
We will also pay for reasonable costs incurred in:
a. repairing the area of Your Insured Property Damaged by such exploratory
b. repairing or replacing the defective part or parts of such tanks, apparatus
or pipes, to a limit of $1,000;
c. rectifying contamination Damage or pollution Damage to land at Your
Situation caused by the escape of liquid, to a limit of $1,000.
10/11/2020 15:11 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
09.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers for an update of the progress of
the claim - as the managing agent is requesting information.
10.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers responded
I spoke with Anna from CHU, and she contacted the flooring repairer who
informed her that she should have their report by mid next week.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
17/11/2020 15:23 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
17.11.2020 - The Managing agent emailed photos showing the floorboards
are lifting and are now a hazard.
* Emailed the photos to Coverforce Brokers.
18/11/2020 11:46 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
18.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers advise that whilst the floorboards are
floating they are glued down, and as such the insurance company will
accept the claim. A second quote is requested by the insurere and Abril
Buildings will submit a quotation. Whilst at the unit, temporary repairs will be
made to make safe the floors.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
26/11/2020 15:00 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
24.11.2020 - Abril Building Solutions have undertaken the inspection and
will provide to the insurers.
* Emailed the managing agent the progress.
30/11/2020 12:31 Julie Revell Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.11.2
cause of damage to the valve.
02/12/2020 12:43 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Insurance claim - CS010633 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate
02/12/2020- obtain update from Insurer as tenant is concerned about the
floor due to it bowng
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23/10/2020 14:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Insurnace policy
- Email from the owner of lot 14/106
- Requested a copy of the insurnace policy for the building
- Located and issued a copy of the strata insurnace policy
13/04/2021 15:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Invitation to SCM - Diagnostech
- Email from the committee
- Requested if we could arrange to invite the Diagnostech to attend their
next committee meeting
- Wrote to the engineers
- Advsied of the Strata Commiuttee's request and informed them when the
next commmittee meeting will be
- Responses received from 2 people who would be involved in the window
matter to advise they can attend
- Wrote back to the committee to provde the update.
08/07/2020 16:11 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Issue by-laws to agent of 85/106
Issue by-laws to agent of 85/106
21/09/2020 09:37 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Marcello Pisto
Fri 9/11/2020 1:09 PM
Hi Mary,
You’ll likely hear something early next week.
21/09/2020 09:39 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Hi Mary,
The oven won’t effect your renovations.
The over is just replacing an appliance and the costs to use the appliance
are borne by the user and not that of the owners corporation.
21/09/2020 09:41 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
Marcello, could you please ask them if they have looked at it as I really need
to get the cabinets made, they might not realise I want this in before
Christmas and they need to start. Maybe they think there is no rush.
Mary Megier
28/09/2020 11:24 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Kitchen renovation unit 15
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Monday, 28 September 2020 11:23 AM
To: 'Mary Megier' <>
Subject: RE: kitchen renovation for 15/100 High Street, North Sydney
Hi Mary,
This has been approved by the committee.
25/02/2021 10:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Letter fo Demand Update
- Email receievd from the solicitor acting for the OC
- Advised of the resposne received from the owner of unit 35/106
- Requesred confirmation on next steps if the agreement is broken
- Wrote to the committee with the update
- Provide the advice on what action to take should the issues start to occur
- Supplied the SC with the update on the ownr invoice being issued.
21/09/2020 10:08 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Letter to all residents
Letter to all residents
Please write a letter to all the owners and agents regarding the by-law that
states pets are not approved.
10/05/2021 08:49 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Letter to U52/100 for renovations
- Time to place letter drafted by the Strata Committee on the KL letterhead,
fromat and email to the owner
- Provided the Strata Committee with confirmation that the letter had been
25/05/2021 08:37 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Levy Enquiry Lot 21
Levy Enquiry Lot 21
Owner does not have levy notice
Checking method of delivery
Confirming when and how the June notice was issued
07/12/2020 06:20 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
07/12 (AV) invoice paid
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07/12/2020 06:20 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Electra Lift
07/12/2020 06:25 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
07/12 (AV) Emailed Electra Lift for SMS. Invoice paid 07/12/2020
11/01/2021 05:11 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
11/01 (AV) Docuemntation sent to Safework
12/01/2021 17:47 Anthony Vumbaca 01:00 Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Apply for new Lift Registration Certificate from SafeWork and send to
Electra Lift todisplay at building
12/01/2021 17:47 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2021
Lift registration received and sent to Electra to display at building.
12/01/2021 17:48 Anthony Vumbaca Subject: Lift Registration 2022
Electra Lift
01/12/2020 15:54 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lift Renewal with SafeWork NSW
Lift Renewal with SafeWork NSW
26/11/2020 15:06 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lot 2 - investigation and reply to agent
Lot 2 - investigation and reply to agent re alledged wrong owner name on
this lot
Thank you for your time today on the phone. Please find attached incorrect
owner name on the Levy Notice. The name should NOT be Ms. Jan Wylie.
The name on the Levy Notice should be Jason Markwick.
Please amend and re-send, so as we can make payment on 1st December,
07/05/2020 15:55 Vicki Oldknow 00:30 Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C
11.4 - Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata Committee for approval
12/05/2020 11:27 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C Hi Vicki,
I approve the payment plan,
John Kelly
Chairman, SP8711
12/05/2020 12:16 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 20 - Issued Payment Plan to the Strata C emailed Pa
13/11/2020 14:28 Julie Revell 00:15 Subject: Lot 62 - Owner Ledger request
The managing agent for Lot62 (Unit 52) requested a copy of the Owner
Ledger for the Owner's taxation purposes.
* Email sent with the Owner Ledger.
01/05/2020 16:02 Vicki Oldknow Subject: Lot 66 - emailed copy of Owner Ledger to CCA Lot 66 - e
04/02/2021 08:03 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Lot 75 responding to levy enquiry
Lot 75 responding to levy enquiry as per below
For some reason I have missed this notice for December.
1. I have paid $1,364.10 Dec Levy today
2. Please adjust Interest on arrears accordingly
3. I notice there is reference to Owner invoices - Could you please
provide details
4. Is it possible to get a copy of December Notice
5. I have scheduled payment of March Levies
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14/04/2021 08:59 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Mediation Application U35/106
- Email received from Fair Trading for a mediation application with Unit
35/106 High Street.
- Read and reveiwwed the application provided
- Wrote to Fair Trading to seek an extension for a different date that fell after
the May Strata Committee Meeting
- Mediator advised that they would look at a different date if the Owners
Corporation accepts the the invitation
- Advsied that the date would allow us to consider the application
- Advised that the Owner disagreed to change the date
- Wrote to the committee
- Advised of the application and what we have tried to do to changing the
- Supplied the committee with feedback on what happens if they decline to
- Response from the Strata Committee to add the application to the
upcoming Strata Committee Meeting for a decision to be made
01/06/2021 17:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Mediation Response
- Email from the mediator regarding a response to mediation
- Responded to advise of the decision made by the Owners Corporation
09/06/2021 08:35 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: NCAT Application Unit 35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35/106
- Supplied a copy of an NCAT application that has been lodged against
- Requested that the Chairman's contact number be supplied
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to inform them of the application that had
been supplied
- Informed the Strata Committee of 2 options to progress the matter
- Requested authority from the committee for KL to progress the 2 points
06/11/2020 15:26 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Notice to all residents re inspection of hot water
Notice to all residents re inspection of hot water tanks
09/06/2021 08:32 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Payment of Chairman Honorarium
- Email from the Chairman requesting confirmation on how they proceed
with their honorarium payment
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provide them with 2 options on how they
can move forward with the request.
15/06/2020 12:34 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Prepare reimbursement for ceiling fixtures
Prepare reimbursement for ceiling fixtures (unit 62)
31/08/2020 16:04 Evelyn Sinai Subject: Prepare reimbursment for Chairperson Prepare reimbursm
conference phone
No Charge
01/07/2020 09:35 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Preperation of AGM Agenda
Preperation of AGM Agenda
23/03/2021 15:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Quatrix Spreadsheet
- Time to draft and amend fob spreadsheet for distribution of the fobs for the
27/10/2020 10:19 Simone Welsh Subject: Quote to ix up all our difficult to remove stains Please pro
bubbling/buckling from historical water damage on all floors in both 100 and
106 buildings.
31/08/2020 10:44 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Reissue letter to Lot 55 re installation of carpet
Reissue letter to Lot 55 re installation of carpet on L3
18/05/2021 14:14 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Renovations U22/100
- Email from the owners of unit 22/100
- Supplied a copy of their documents for their renoavtions
- Reviewed their documents and their application
- Responded to the owner to advsie that as the same builder is undertaking
the kitchen and bathroom renovations that they will need to arrange home
warranty insurance as the job is going to exceed $20,000.00
- Advised that once received the renovations would then be passed on to
the committee for their approval
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01/06/2021 17:24 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Renovations U52/100
- Phone call from the husband of unit 52/100
- Advised of concerns over what had been requested
- Explained that what he had been informed by the agent was incorrect and
what we actually required
- Emailed the owner to seek the confirmation that they have read the
- Response received from the owner to confirm that was the case
- Email received from the agent to seek confirmation if the renovations were
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to advise of the response from the owner
- Requested confirmation if the renovations were now approved to proceed
- Wrote back to the agent to advise that we had updated the committee and
are seeking confirmation of their approval
- Advised that once a response is received that we will update them
24/09/2020 19:15 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: request for unit 23 details (Unit 13)
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2020 3:53 PM
To: 'phillhagon
Subject: RE: Contact Us Enquiry
Dear Philip,
Please see email from the owner of unit 14 (lot 43).
Could you please contact them directly to have their queires addrssed.
Any issues oplepase do not heistate to reach out.
13/01/2021 11:01 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Responding to Lot 13 levy enquiry
Responding to Lot 13 levy enquiry and clarifying charges applied.
11/03/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Window remediation
- Time to advsie Robertsons of the direction the committee are going with
the works
- Time to advise Landlay that their quote was unsuccessful
- Time to advise Diagnostech that their quote was successful for phase 1
and what we require to proceed.
- Advised of the date for the works
11/03/2021 11:21 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Unit 23/106 Plumbing matter
- Email sent to the owner to advsie of the emergency works being
undertaken to their unit
- Email was to ensure they were aware as the BM had been communicating
with the tenanta nd plumber only
- Quote for the works being undertaken supplied
- Resposne received from the owner to confrim if the works are owners or
- Confrimed with the owner that the works are a strata cost
11/03/2021 11:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Unit 13/106 Riser Hatch Update
- Time to write to the owner and provide the update on the riser hatch quote
that has been obtiaind
- Advised the owner that the OC will cover the costs and why
- Wrote to the insurer to provde the update on the decision of the strata
committee for the quote
11/03/2021 11:59 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Bannerman's fee Proposal
- Time to email banners to obatin a fee proposal to represent the OC at ncat
should an application come through.
11/03/2021 12:08 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - By-Law template
- Time to draft by-law template for all by-law breaches moving forward for
11/03/2021 12:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time spent trying to arrange work orders for the fence replacements
- Wrote to the Building Manager to seek his assitance in having the work
orders issued
- Supplied the 2 fence agreements and quotes
- Supplied teh details for the split invoicing
11/03/2021 12:45 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - Plumbing Letter
- Letter received for plumbing works
- Reveiwed letter and wrote to the strata committee with feedback on the
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11/03/2021 12:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 - By-Law Consolidation update
- Email from JS Mueller with update on the consoldiated by-laws in word
- Sent to the committee to confrim they are happy with the update prior to
being finalised.
11/03/2021 13:01 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.20 - By-Law updates
- Time to forward on copies of the by-law letters requested to be issued and
by-law tracking spreadsheet
11/03/2021 13:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time spent to write to Coverforce regarding the claim for lot 58 and to seek
confirmation on if the Owners Corpoation can restrict who has the authority
to lodge a claim.
- resposnes received on the authority to lodge a claim and located update
on insurnace claim for lot 58
- Strata Committee updated
11/03/2021 13:33 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
11.03.2021 Unit 21/106 Letter
- Time to draft letter for unit 21/106 regardingh by-law breaches, non
compliance, charges and power of attorney
11/03/2021 14:58 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time to provde the Strata Committee with an update on the action items
from the meeting 10.03.2021
15/03/2021 18:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Email from the building manager to advise that the fence contractor for 110
would like the quote signed by both parties prior to commencement of works
- Signed and attached the common seal
- Wrote to the neighbour to advsie of the request to have it sigend and sent
back so the works can be booked in.
15/03/2021 18:15 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: SCM Action items - 10.03.2021 Meeting
- Time to update SCM minutes and provde feedback on point riased.
28/04/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: SCM Action items 27.04.2021
- Time to draft minutes of the Strata Committee Meeting held 27.04.2021
- Reviewed records to loacte the fee proposal from Diagnostech and added
the appropriate information for stages 2 anmd 3 that were accepted
- Formatted the minutes and amended any spelling erros
12/05/2021 13:25 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Action items 27.04.2021
- Reveiwed the minuets updated by the Strata Committee
- What was supplied were not minutes, but notes as none of the items were
listed as resolved, not resolved, deffered
- Updated the minutes based on there comments
31/03/2021 16:18 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: SCM action items 30.03.2021
- Time to reveiw by-laws for all strata plans
- Identified several examples of the pets by-laws
- collated and sent them through to the committee for their reveiw
31/03/2021 19:40 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM action items 30.03.2021
- Time to provide an update on the action items from the committee meeting.
12/10/2020 15:33 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM agenda
- Email to the Chairman to advise that the agenda needs to be issued by
today to ensure the meeting can proceed next week.
- Sent draft agenda to be signed off
- Respose from the Chairman with additional motions to be addded to the
- Motions and documents added
- Sent to the Chairman for approval
08/03/2021 15:38 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: SCM agenda
- Time to create SCM, make requested amendments, obtain sign off and
collate attachemnts in an email for the meeting
01/12/2020 09:15 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Time to amend SCM minutes and issue
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01/12/2020 09:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Time to provide the Chairman an update on the SCM minutes
04/12/2020 17:08 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
- Resposne received the Chairman on the items raised
- Wrote back to the Chairman with further updates.
- Attacehd uotes that have been obtained
- Drafted the by-law template to identify where each matter is up to.
- awaiting update form the Chairman
09/06/2021 08:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SCM Minutes
-Email from the committee regarding the minutes
- Requested that amendments be made again and once done the minutes
can then be issued
- Amendments made and minutes sent to be issued
07/12/2020 09:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Sending Lot 55 the owner ledger on demand
Sending Lot 55 the owner ledger on demand and advising them that there is
an owners portal avaialble in order o check the status of the levies at any
03/04/2020 09:15 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Smoking letter all residents
Smoking letter all residents
28/09/2020 16:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SP: 8711: Unit: 23/106 High St, Nth Sydney
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2020 5:00 PM
To: 'Penny' <>
Subject: RE: Leak 13/106 HighSt N Sydney
Hi Penny,
Thank you for letting me know.
They are advising us that they haven't done renovations and the leak is from
the base.
I will seek confirmation to have some out to inspect the shower base and
confirm (if any) repairs that need to be done to resolve the issue.
11/03/2021 14:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: SP8711: List of By-Law Breach notices not received
- Email from the Chairman with highlighted breaches of letters they have not
- Reviewed the brecahes from 2019/2020 and found 1 of the 3 drafted prior
to take over of management
- Responded to the committee to advsie of the letter received
- Committee advsied of letters still required and reuqested information to
complete letter for tree trimming.
07/12/2020 09:38 Simone Welsh Subject: Steam Clean Carpet
Quote # 1913 for $2,101 is approved for the following works.
Steam clean carpet in all common hallways in both blocks, 16 in total.
Restrech carpet on level 7 & # in 106 and Level 2 in 100
Replace damaged section of carpet along wall on level 1 in 100
14/09/2020 13:03 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Strata Plan issued to agent of 106/12
Strata Plan issued to agent of 106/12
19/11/2020 12:34 Simone Welsh 02:00 Subject: Submission of Annual Fire Safety Statement
Submission of Annual Fire Safety Statement
20/07/2020 13:22 Simone Welsh 00:15 Subject: Supply by-laws to 85/106 High Street
Supply by-laws to 85/106 High Street
20/08/2020 11:36 Julie Revell Subject: Time re : Lot 5
20.08.2020 - The Lawyers for the Owner requested an update on a Section
184 Certificate and a copy of the current levy.
* Emailed the relevant documents, as requested.
No Charge
05/03/2021 09:52 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spend -follow up Window remediation responses
- Time spent to follow up Landlay for a resopposne to the queries raised at
the SCM
- Spoke to Landlay to address queries about what the SC were asking for
- Responses received from Landlay
- Wrote to the Committee to advsie of the resposnes received.
16/03/2021 13:28 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time spend to address insurnace queries
- Time spent emailing the Strata Committee and Coverforce to address
queries raised on the premiums paid, commissions and whats included.
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01/12/2020 09:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent liaising with Solicitor re: U35/Lot 55
- Email received from JS Mueller regarding conversation about matters with
unit 55
- Email contained cost disclosure and estimates to take the matter to court
- Wrote to the chairman to advise of this document
- Advised the Chairman of the recommendations from the solicitor to
address this matter by going to Supreme court over NACT and why
- Advised that we can also recover costs in the interim for timer spent by the
Owners Corporation to deal with these matters.
22/03/2021 20:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent re: Plumbing letters
- Time spent to laise with the committee and Plumbcity regaring teh letters
to be drafted and issued
- Wrote to the committtee to see confrimation on what would be inclded in
the KL letter attached to the Plumbcity letter
- Advised the committee of the owners obligation in this matter and why
14/07/2020 11:00 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices
Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices- from Nov- June periods
14/07/2020 11:01 Evelyn Sinai Subject: Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices Time spent t
22/03/2021 20:27 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time spent to seek approval U23/106 quote
- Time spent to laisie with the strata committee to seek approval of the
quoote for works to be doen to unit 23
- Supplied advice on wht should be done to llow a quick approval
30/03/2021 08:54 Evelyn Sinai 00:30 Subject: Time spent to send out Pest control notices
Time spent to send out Pest control notices- these were sent twice as the
pest contractor had an error in the initial notice
10/12/2020 07:55 Marcello Pisto 02:45 Subject: Time tio attend SCM
- Time to travel and attend SCM
10/12/2020 11:43 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time tio attend SCM
- Time to complete minutes from recent SCM.
02/05/2021 09:53 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to address bathroom correspondence 23/106
- Email from the owner of unit 23/106
- Advised that they had received a call from their agent advising that the
tenants would be without the shower for 2-3 weeks
- Advised they were informed that there was plans to rip up the flooring to
undertake the repair to the membrane in the bathroom
- Requested information on the matter
- Responded to the owner with a copy of the quote for the works
- Advised that our office reached out in relation to the inital stages and the
shower approximately 2 weeks prior to this correspondence
- Advised the owner that they were informed of remedial works that would
need to take place and that the shower would be out of action during this
- Email from the owner requesting details of the time frame of the works and
how the tile selection would be undertaken
- Email sent to the building manager to advsie of the queries raised by the
- Response received from the building manager on the quoestions raised
- Wrote back to the owner to supply the update on the resposnes to their
questions that they raised
21/08/2020 17:39 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address bathroom query
- query raised by the Chairman regarding concerns on a by-law and an
- asked if the by-law could be amended
- reveiwed the invoice and by-laws
- advsied how the matter could be addressed moving forward
- advsied if they would like us to obtain legal advice on the matter as well.
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01/06/2021 16:00 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address by-law letter emails from SC
- Email from the Strata Committee regarding breach letters from the SCM
- Wrote back to the Strata Committee and advised of the update on the
- Advsied that the letters for unit 31 and 21 were previously issued to the
Strata Committee prior to the meeting
- Advised that the lettes for the other units have been added to the drop box
for the committee approval
- Email from the committee to advise they dont remeber seeing the letters
- Advised that the letters they have received on the drop box relate to the
parking spaces and the garbage.
- Responded to the committee attached the email issued on the day of the
meetign with the breach letters
- Attached the other email to the committee about the brecah letters that
were added to the drop box
- Informed the Committee what we were advised in relation the new letters
- Awaiting confirmation on any feedback to undertake
25/05/2021 09:27 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address correspondence - agreement
- Time spent to address emails from the strata committee regarding
management of the building and arranging a meeting to approve a new
management proposal (KL or alternative option)
10/05/2021 08:53 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address correspondence re: renos 52/100
- Email correspondece and calls with the Strata Committee and agent/owner
regarding the renovation application to undertake a kitchen renovation.
12/05/2021 08:03 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to address correspondence re: renos 52/100
- Email repsosne from the agent with an update on the renovations
- Advised the Strata Committee of the update and requested confrimation
how they would like to respond.
- Response receievd from the Strata Committee on how they would like to
- Wrote back to the agent with the update and confrimed with the committee
that we have advsied the agent of their update
02/03/2021 11:22 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address Dividing fences matters
- Time to issue dividing fences agreements and email template approved by
the SC.
26/04/2021 09:26 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address dog query U41/100
- Email from the agent of unti 41/100
- Agent requested confirmation if pets are allowed
- Wrote back to advsie the agent that they are not permitted based on the
by-law that is on record at the moment.
15/02/2021 10:38 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address email from SC on renewal
- Email from the Strata Committee to see if items covered under the policy
can be removed.
- Advised the committee what we can do to seek confriamtion from the
- Advised that there is an increase on premiums from what we have seen
come in
- Advsied that the BAAM report would of effected the premiums and
suggested tahtwe recah out to the insurer to see what can be done now to
reduce the premiums.
08/12/2020 09:45 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address insurance query Unit 71/106.
- Emnail from the owner of unit 71
- Advised of issues with the current claim
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie of what action we will be undertaking
- Wrote to the broker and advised of the concerns with the claim and
requested confirmation if the owner could enagge their own contractor
- Wrote back tot he owner to provdie the udpate on the matter.
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11/02/2021 19:49 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to address insurnace renewal query
- Email from the committee to confrim what claims and defects the insurer is
- Contacted Coverforce about the claims and defects
- Confirmed the claims outstanding and the defects requiring attention
- Requested an update on the claims
- REceived the update from the insurer on the 3 claims outstanding
- Wrote to the committee to provide the list of open claims and the updates
- Confirmed the defects requiring action
31/05/2021 20:11 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: time to address invoice matter unit 35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35/106
- Advised of an invoice that is required to be paid by the Owners
- Reviewed the invoice
- Wrote back to the Owner and advsied that the invoice would be passed on
to the Strata Committee
- Informed the owner that with the termination of KL and appoinedment of a
new manager that the Committee would not likely progress anything with
this request till the new agent has been appointed.
- Resposne from the Strata Committee about the matter
- Requested inpit from KL
- Advised the Committee that there is no obligation to pay the invoice as
there was no service provided nor has anything been supplied
- Advsied that the appears to have copied the owner invoice to reciver the
costs that they have paid for the addiotnal fees that have incurred
- Resposne from the owner to advsie that as the manager we still have an
obligation to pass on the matter
- Demanded that the letter be passed on
- Further email from the Owner agan demanding taht we pass on the invoice
and if we dont that they will pass it on to the Chairman
- Owner advised that should the invoice not be passed on that they will pass
it on themselves and that they would make a complaint to fair trading
- Wrote back to the Owner and confrimed that it had been passed on and
- Re-confirmed what was stated in the original email to clear up the
11/03/2021 14:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time spend to draft by-law breach letter for cutting intercome wires
- By-law breached was damage to common property
22/03/2021 18:24 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to address correspondence regarding queries raised from the owner
regarding the costs incurred and passed back on to the owner and payment
of the invoice.
22/03/2021 18:43 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time spent to address queries raised by the owner regarding the owner
invoice and notes for the costs incurred
- Requested for a breakdown of the charges to be passed on
- Advsied the owner they had already been passed on and re-issued the
request to the owner.
23/03/2021 19:16 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to reposnd to the owner of unit 35 regarding the email commenting
on bulling and intimidation.
- Advised the owenr they have asked for further information that relates
only to them as Unit 35/106 owner and not the other 79 units. It will incur
considerable time and cost to collate.
- Advsied that unless we receive their undertaking to meet those costs we
are unable to proceed further.
25/03/2021 17:10 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Time to issue a breach letter to the owner for cutting down branches of the
neighbours tree.
- Matter occured on 28.05.202, but no letter was issued at the time.
- Letter issued as the actions constituted a by-law breach
29/03/2021 14:03 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Letter updated, signed and issued.
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14/05/2021 08:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address items associated with U35/106
- Emails received from the owner requesting confrimation of who the Kooper
& Levi Finance Manager was as they are lodging an NCAT application
- Responded to the owner to request confirmation on why they require these
- Owner responded making accusation of our refusal to supply that
- Responded to the owner to request clarity on why they require that
information for an NCAT application
01/05/2021 09:29 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address leak matter U22/100
- Email from the agent of unit 22/100 high street
- Advised of damage that was found whne the tennat moved out
- Agent supplied photos of the damage
- Agent also advsied that the owner wanted to undertake kitchen
renovations and requested confirmation on what was required to undertake
those works
- Reveiwed the images and confrimed the leak to be from the bathroom and
damaging an internal wall
- Advised the agent what the cause of the damage would
- Advised the agent that the owner was responsible to repair the damages to
the unit and why
- Informed the agent what was required to have the kitchen renovations
- Confrimed the information that is required and how the approval could be
- Email from the owner to advsie they would like to get the repairs done and
requested confirmation on who could undertake the work
- Recommended that they speak to the building manager to confirm who
trhey have used at the building in the past
- Requested the details of the building manager
- Responded and supplied a copy of the contact details
11/02/2021 11:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address legal costs queries
- Time to address queries raised by the committee on possible furtehr legal
costs and apporval for spending
- Addressed queries raised by the committee
- Advsied of the spending limit that the committee has without the need to
take the matter to a general meeting.
07/12/2020 13:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address letter from U14 lot 44 re claim
- Letter received from the owner of lot 44 unit 14.
- Advised of concerns that were received regarding an ongoing claim.
- Further email received from the Chairman about the matter
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provde the update on the matter and what
has occurred so far.
26/05/2021 07:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address levy query Lot 21
- Time to address levy query raised by the owner of lot 21
03/08/2020 16:36 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address loan proposal query
- time to email Lannock Finance and request 2 loan proposals for 2 different
amounts with a few different years options
- resposne receievd from Lannock to confirm the amount of lots
- responded to Lannock and proposal received
- supplied a copy of the proposal to the commttee
12/10/2020 20:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 55 AGM matters
-Email from the owner of Lot 55
-Requested confirmation of the location of the AGM and the return date for
the responses to the voting paper
- Responded to the owner to advise the due date for responses to be
12/10/2020 20:18 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 55 queries
-Time to review emails from the owner of unit 35 and respond to queries
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17/06/2021 14:17 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to address Lot 58 claim query
16.06.2021 - 17.06.2021
- Time to address email from the Chairman regarding works undertaken for
a claim that was withdrawn
- Advised the Chairman of what occurred and why the claim wouold not
- Advised that we would write to the broker to seek an update on what
- Informed the Chairman that as the claim was withdrwan the owner would
be paying for it
- Wrote to the broker to seek an update and find out why the builder
attended when the claim was withdrawn
- Requested confrimation that the claim was in fact withdrawn and if the
insurer and builder was notified
- Further email from the Chairman requested the emails to confrim the claim
had been withdrawn
- Advised that we would follow up at midday with someone higher up should
we not receive a reopsosne from Coverforce
- Follow up email issued to Coverforce requested answers and resposnes
- Reveiwed records to locate correspondence to confrim the claim had been
- Update provided to the Chairman and supplied the documents from
coverforce confriming the claim was withdrawn
13/10/2020 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Lot 62 query
-Email from the selling agent of lot 62
- Advised they have a potential buyer who wants to install an
air-conditioning unit
- Advised they reviewed the by-laws and cannot see anything that could
allow this to occur
- Requested confirmation if there are any restrictions on having an air
conditioning unit installed
- Responded to the agent
- Advised of the 2 options on how air conditioning can be installed
- Advised the agent of the requirements and that we cannot confirm if the
by-law would be approved.
02/05/2021 09:15 Marcello Pisto 02:30 Subject: Time to address lot details during inspection
- Time spent to address emails, calls and text messages from the building
manager regarding details for access to a lot where access had not been
15/06/2021 09:02 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address parking matter 43/106
- Email from the owner of unit 43/106
- Advised of the issues they are having witrh their parking and requested
assistance on the matter
- Wrote to the committee to advise of the issue raised
- Informed them that the owner will be notified the committee have been
made aware of the matrer
- Wrote to the owner to inform them that the matter had been passed on to
the committee and that they would respond in due course
- Wrote to the owner to advsie of the update
- Response from the Chairman to advsie that it would be placed on the next
committee meeting for a response on how to action the matter
- Wrote to the owner to advise of the update from the committee on when
the matter will be addressed
03/12/2020 11:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address pets query
- Email from the Chairman regarding the pet by-lws
- Discussed how the matter can be addressed and supplied examples of pet
by-laws with restriction.
05/03/2021 11:20 Marcello Pisto 01:15 Subject: Time to address Plumbing Hot Water matter
- Time spend to follow up Plumbcity for for marked up quote for building 100
- Also requested confirmation if they could arrange the letter
- Supplied the update to the Strata Committee on this matter.
- Received an email from the committee on the letter and steps
- Requested confrimation on wht we can do if they do not complete the
- Wrote to Coverforce and obtained some information
- Raised further questions
- Supplied the update on what has happened to date and what was raised
with coverforce
-Advsied we had raised addiotnal queries and that we would update them
when received.
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05/03/2021 13:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Plumbing Hot Water matter
- Furtehr updates received from Coverforce
- Wrote back to the committee to advsie of the additional information
- Furtehr resposnes received from Coverforce and further questions raised.
24/05/2021 10:12 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address plumbing incident 15/106
- Email from the Chairman
- Advised of incident that occured with U15/106 and their tradesman
- Reviewed the evidence supplied
- Wrote back to the committee on how to address this issue.
22/06/2021 15:09 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address queries from Secretary
21.06.2021 - 22.06.2021
- Time spent to address queries raised by the Secretary for the Owners
Corporation regarding the EGM
- Addressed comments raiswed regarding the EGM, voting and who they
had voted for
30/06/2020 14:35 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address queries raised by U15
- email receievd from the new owner of unit 15
- advised of the following questions:
* Do I need to organise an electricity and gas supplier to take over from the
1st September?
* Are there any other suppliers, council, or others that we need to notify or
do you do that?
* We have been granted early access to the apartment by the vendor for the
purpose of measuring up for kitchen renovations. From whom do we get a
key to gain access prior to settlement date?
* Do kitchen renovations need approval by strata management and if so, to
whom do we send the plans?
* If we choose to add a washing machine to the bathroom, is that allowed
and can we access plumbing plans from you?
* Can I have a contact mobile number for you for future questions where I
need a quicker answer than emails?
- responded to all questions raised.
29/03/2021 13:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address queries regarding motion 3 on SCM
- Time spent to address the email from the Chairman regarding motion 3 on
the letters
- Supplied the udpate on the letters and what outcome we were anticipating
to have prior to this meeting
- Supplied the Chairman with some recommendations to address it with a
by-law and the steps they should take
30/03/2021 16:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address queries regarding motion 3 on SCM
- Further requests receievd for ltters for motion 3
- Wrote to the Chairman to reiterate the update provded to them yesterday
- Supplied the orioginal plumbing letter and explained why no KL letter has
been actioned
- Advised of the recommendations to undertake with the discussions of a
by-law being drafted
15/03/2021 18:18 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address quert regarding possible claim
- Time spent liaising with the broker, reveiwing old invoices from handover
and supply the committee with an update on lodging of an isnurnace cloaim
for the failed booster pump.
09/06/2021 08:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address query : general meeting quorum
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested confirmation that if KL do not have a quorum if we will wait 30
minutes and call the quorum
- Wrote back to advise the Chairman that should we not have a quorum for
the EGM that we would wait and confirm those present and financial the
quorum to vote at the EGM.
15/03/2021 18:14 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address query on letter wording
- Email from the Chairman regarding queries on the insurnace premiums
and claims
- addressed queries on commissions and what was included in their
- Attached a copy of the invoice for the premium paid
- Wrote to the insurer to request feedback on quereis raised by the
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30/04/2021 08:34 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address renovations 42/106
- Email received from the owner of unit 42/106
- Advised they would like to undertake a renovation to their unit
- Advised the owner what was required for their renovations
- Email received from the owner with documents for their renovations
- Reveiwed the documents supplied and informed the owner what else was
- Supplied a copy of the by-laws and requested confrimation they agree to
special by-law 6 and the conditions stated
- Advsied that once confrimation is received that the infomration will be
circulated to the committee for their approval.
08/12/2020 13:33 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address U12/106 Hot Water matter
- Email from the agent regarding the recent inspection
- Advsied they will be arranging their own plumber to have it replaced
- Supplide a break down of what would occur
- Wrote to the Chairman to advsie of this and requested confrimation if there
was anything else they wanted included
- Response received to reqest that the building manager indpect the
completed works and that the tradesmen supply something to confirm the
works have been completed per government regulations.
- Wrote back tot he agent to supply the update on the matter.
29/04/2021 15:59 Marcello Pisto 02:30 Subject: Time to address U52/100 renovations
- Emails receioved from the agent of unit 52/100
- Advised of renovations the owner would like to undertake
- Infomred the agent what documents are required for the renovations to be
- Response received from the agent with the relevant documents for a
kitchen renovation
- On reveiw of the documents identified that there are 2 options for a kitchen
- Requested confirmation which option the owner wanted to proceed with
- Resposne received from the agent to confrim the preferred option
- Advsied the agent that there is a committee meeting and that the
application will be presented for discussion
- Email from the agent and then follow up email from the owner reuqesting if
there was an outcome with the kitchen renovations
- Wrote back to the owner to advise what the outcome was and what
information is required to assit in progressing the matter
- Response received from the owner requesting a copy of the by-laws to
confrinm they consent to the by-law
- located and issued to the owner
30/04/2021 14:47 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address U52/100 renovations
- Phone call from the building manager to advsie that signnage hgad been
placed around to advsie of the renoavtions taking place on Monday.
- Emails sent to the builder and agent that the works are not to proceed until
the consent ahs been obtained by the owner
- Email from the agent with the cover page of the by-laws signed
- Wrote back to re-confrim what we had asked for and that the works will not
proceed until that information is received.
- Update provided to the building manager on what has occurred.
12/10/2020 20:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 13 (lot 43) Waterproofing
- Email received from the building manager regarding unit 13 (lot 43).
- Advised that the shower floor had already been waterproofed by the
Shower Repair Centre. Wrote back to the owner to confirm the response
from the building manager and received further feedback to advise they
hadn't been to the unit since June.
- Advised the owner if they have a tenant or if their agent can go and view
the unit and advise of there is any new damage.
- Response to advise that the do not have a tenant or agent and that the
building manager has a key to enter
- requested confirmation that they were ok with the building manager going
in to assess the light area to see if there is any water damage.
01/12/2020 09:03 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to address email from unit 35/lot 55
- Queries raised about the hammer noise and stained carpet
- Addressed queries raised
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01/12/2020 09:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to address emails from the owner of unit 35/lot 55 regarding the
inspection by plumb city
- Emails from the owner indicated that the inspection was occurring today
with only 48 hours notice
- Advised the owner on both emails of the dates of the inspection and that
these were indicated on the letter.
01/12/2020 09:07 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised they have tried to contact John Kelly about installing an air
- Reviewed the by-laws and could not identify anything allowing any
approval by the committee
- Wrote to the Chairman to obtain his feedback on the matter
- Wrote to the owner to advise why they can't install the air conditioning unit
and what would occur if they proceeded
01/12/2020 09:08 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised that they notified our office prior and requested a call
- Responded to the owner to confirm that we have addressed all emails
- Advised that we have not had any request for a call and confirmed what
the concerns are with the air conditioning that they want to proceed to install
- Informed the owner what would occur with our office is they were to
proceed with the works
01/12/2020 09:09 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email stated requests for calls not being answered
- Requested confirmation why we are refusing to call
- Advised if we can't be bothered to contact them that we have no right to
charge them a fee
- Wrote back to the owner to advise of the previous request for all matters to
be put forward in writing
- Confirmed that all responses have been addressed
- Advised that there have been no request for calls and why their levies
need to be paid and what would occur if they don't make payment
01/12/2020 09:10 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email was regarding a letter issued by our office for the AFSS
re-inspection of missed units
- Responded to the owner about the email issued $49.50
01/12/2020 09:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Requested confirmation of when we will be on site so they can book in a
- Advised when the inspection will take place and by who
01/12/2020 09:12 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Advised of the no-attendance from the plumber for the inspection.
- Wrote back to the owner and attached the letter previously issued.
01/12/2020 09:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Requested clarification on the hammer noise matter and when it will be
- Advised we have previously provided an update to this matter
- Located and attached the email previously issued.
01/12/2020 09:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner of unit 35/lot 55 advising of banging noise occurring
at the building
- Requested confirmation why they were never informed
- Requested confirmation as to what lot this is coming from so we can
provide an update.
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01/12/2020 09:18 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Received information from the building manager to advise of the reasoning
for the possible banging
- Wrote to the owner of unit 35/lot 55 to advise of the reasoning for the noise
- Informed the owner, why nobody was notified of this and when we would
notify owners of any works being conducted at the building.
01/12/2020 16:04 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email receievd from the owner
- advised of the following questions:
1/What is meant by charges going on owners account?
2/ If this is the case that means Kooper and Levi will be adding on costs and
charging interest as we receive our owners account quarterly is that right?
3/ Due to loss of employment through COVID 19 and a recent accident plus
surgery I literally have no funds available for this "out if the blue"expense on
top of the increased Strata Levies.
What measures and timeframe are in place for lot owners under these
circumstances ?
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie the reason for the inspection
- addressed other questions raised.
01/12/2020 16:22 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Onwer raised the following points:
1/ Water Heater upgrade/compliance
As this is not common property, as a lot owner I am in my rights to appoint
the replacement or necessary work needed to ensure my water heater is
By legislation it is not legal to add additional costs to an owners ledger or
Levi account other than Levies .
2/ Carpet Level 3
By legislation the owners corporation can not refuse to maintain or repair
common property and are obligated and responsible for the maintenance of
property if it is affecting the appearance of the common property area.
- Respodned to the owner to advsie why the inspection was arranged
- Advised what action is being taken with the carpet.
01/12/2020 16:25 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email receievd from the owner to request why we are denying them the
ability to install air conditioning
- Responded to the owner to advise we are not denying them
- Advised of the requirements and what would occur if they undertook the
renovations illegally.
01/12/2020 17:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner regarding the carpet
- Responded to the owner to advsie why the carpet was not replaced
- Advised of the Owners Corporations obligation under 106 of the act
01/12/2020 17:53 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner threatending legal action
- Responded to all comments raised by the owner
02/12/2020 09:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Additional email received from the owner of unit 35/lot 55
- Email again refereneced the word document letter issued yesterday
regarding the carpet.
- Again responded to the owner and reinforced the resposne about the
position on the carpet.
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04/12/2020 14:20 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Advsied they had left 13 calls for Kooper & Levi
- Requested confrimation why we don't respond to calls
- Wrote back to the owner and confrimed calls receievd and what they
related to
- Re-confirmed why they did not receive a call last Friday
- Advsied that they have been informed to put all their correspondence in
- Requested that they continue to do so
- Advsied the owner to confirm the dates, times and numbers they called to
get through to K&L so the addiotnal calls unaccounted for can be
04/12/2020 14:30 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner with letter attached regarding the hot water units
- Read the letter and wrote back to the owner to re-confirm the process that
will occur for the p;lumbing audit that was conducted
- Advised the owner what action would be taken with owner reairs that have
been indentified by the plumber.
17/12/2020 15:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner regarding the carpet
- supplied a letter to be passed on to the Chairman
- read the letetr and respodned to the owner about the comments raised.
21/01/2021 10:13 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email recieved from the owner
- Requested that they recieve a letter of the by-laws they are accused of
- Advised that she has not recieved a letter or response to her request for
- Wrote back to the owner and confirmed that all correspondence will be
sent to her by registered post to ensure she receives it and that all
associated costs will be passed on as per the cost recovery by-law
- Recommended that all correspondence continue t be circulated by email
over post to ensure they receive it immeidately and that any questions can
be addressed immediatly as well.
- Re-attached a copy of the breach letter and advsied when it was emailed
to her.
29/01/2021 16:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner advsiing that their gamil accouont is fixed
- Requsted evidence of the noticeboard breach
- Advised that this would b sent across to her
29/01/2021 16:57 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owenr requesting supporting documents from the residents
an neighbours that confirm the accusations listed in our email.
- Requested evidence in the form of cctv, video, police report etc
- Wrote back to the owner to request confrimation on the incident they are
referring to
- Advsied that as they have created a new email it is difficult to keep track of
the allogations
29/01/2021 16:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- requested confriamtion if the cat matter has been addressed with in unit
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that the issue was raised with the agent
and that as far as we were aware there was no cats present in the unit
- Requested any information if they are still present
29/01/2021 17:01 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner requesting evidnece that supports the breach
- requested evidence in the form of cctv images, photos,and recordings of
the conversations weare referring to.
- Requested footage of Mr Kelly approaching tehir apartment to leave a
message under their door
- Wrote back to the owner and requested confrimation when the incident
took place with a copy of the letter left under their door .
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29/01/2021 17:05 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email from the owner
- Advsied that this is ridiculous,I have gone to mediation twice which they
organised to resolve these issues. Each time John Kelly refused to attend.
- Advsied that they then put a letter under his door, he is a neighbour, to ask
him to meet me so we can just get along.
- Advsied that they do not understand why John Kelly refuses to resolve
things and insists on humiliating, harassing and intimidating. This needs to
stop and I strongly suggest a meeting so we can put this behind us and
focus on what is important.
Advsied that what is important is that we all live in this beautiful place . I
asked Mr Kelly to meet me 2 years ago to talk this through and he refused.
- Wrote back to the owner to advsie that they have already been made
aware of your obligation with communicating with the Strata Committee and
Mr Kelly based on the agreement signed at mediation with Nicholas
- Infomred them that we also advised them on numerous times that all
communication is to come through me.
If you are emailing me there is no need for you to communicate with Mr
Kelly, any other member of the Strata Committee or the building manager.
- Advsied them that if they do have any concerns with Mr Kelly I would
strongly recommend you put these to me in writing.
- Advsied them that any decision that has been made in relation to your lot
has been make by the strata committee without the input of Mr Kelly.
Advsied that this has been seen this as a conflict of interest and have
requested that he abstain from voting and not participate in any matter to do
with your lot.
- The decisions being made are done so by the other committee members
who represent the Owners Corporation.
If you would like supporting evidence we are more than happy to supply this
you just need to ask.
- Advsied that Mr Kelly is not obligated to meet with you and following the
agreement signed at mediation I would strongly recommend you cease
trying to communicate with Mr Kelly.
- Advsied that as the Strata Manager for SP8711 I will again advise you to
11/02/2021 11:27 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email recieved from the owner with a letter attached that was left under the
door of a committee member
- Respodned to the owner regarding the letter
- Advised the owner of the decision made at mediation and agreemet they
- Infomred the owner again of their obligations and requested confirmation
of the email
11/02/2021 11:29 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner requesting information and evidnece for the
by-law breach letters issued
- Informed the owner again that the matter is with the Strata Lawyer and that
all further information will be issued throgh them.
11/02/2021 11:41 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Email received from the owner regarding the cats in unit 31
- Requested confirmation if we investigated the matter
- Wrote back to the owner to confirm what action had taken place
- Resposne from the owner to advsie there are 2 cats in apartment 31 of
- Advised she had seen the cats as she had been in the tenants apartment
and that she has had the cats for 3 years.
- Wrote back to the owner to find out when the last time was that she was in
the unit
- requested confirmation if the owner was willing to supply a statutory
declaration to confrim that she has seen the cats after the matter was raised
with the agent
- Reconfimred that the building has never been pet friendly
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02/03/2021 09:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to email the owner regarding the clarification on issuin of
correspondence to the owner
- Advised them of the special by-law and section 70 of the Regulations Act
to allow us the authority to issue correspodnece etc by email
02/03/2021 09:24 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to address Unit 35/Lot 55 emails
- Time to issue the owner a notice to comply for breach of special by-law 4
04/03/2021 14:41 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to address Unit 55/100 query
- Email from the agent of unit 55/100 regarding the pest inspection
- Advsied what action is taking place, next steps and when the works will be
12/10/2020 20:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to address unt 43 floorbaord matter
-Response from the owner of unit 43 regarding the damage to their
- Advised the owner why they are responsible and when the owners
corporation would be deemed as responsible
-Informed the owner they will need to raise it with their insurer and advised
them to reach out if they required a letter from the broker or our office to
confirm the denial and that the owners corporation are not responsible.
- Email received from the Chairman regarding a floorboard issued that has
been raised with the owner of unit 43
- Advised why the repair is the owners responsibility and why it would not be
considered as a building fault
- Advised the owner as to who is responsible for the repair and maintenance
of the floorboards in the unit.
- Advised when the repair would become a strata issue and why it would not
be worth it to have it submitted through the insurer based on the excess
15/02/2021 10:58 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to advsie invittees of SCM to bring a mask
- Time spent emailing all 3 parties invited to the Strata Committee Meeting
to ensure they have a mask.
05/03/2021 09:45 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to advsie SC of Mediation and Interim order
- Email from the onwer of unit 35/106 with letter regarding mediation
- Read letter and wrote to the Strata Committee
- Provided advice to the committee regarding the letter and how to progress.
31/03/2021 12:01 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- time to arrange draft minutes from the SCM
13/04/2021 17:30 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- Time to amend minutes and send to the committee for their approval.
20/04/2021 15:46 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft minutes
- Email from the Chairman with further updates on the minutes.
- Adjustments made to the minutes and sent chnages to the Chairman for
his approval .
23/03/2021 11:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time spent to arrange draft SCM agenda
- Sent to the committee for approval
26/03/2021 16:28 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Email from the committee
- Requested changes and addiotnal motions to be added.
- Adjustments made and sent back to the committee
26/03/2021 16:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time to collate and email all associated SCM documents and
correspondence for the upcoming meeting.
29/03/2021 13:53 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to arrange draft SCM for 30.03.21
- Time to update the SCM agenda and send thought to the committee.
18/02/2021 17:17 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange minutes of SCM
- Time to complete minutes of SCM
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24/02/2021 16:29 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to arrange minutes of SCM
- Amendments received from the committee
- Reveiwed amendments and made changes
01/12/2020 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Time to arrange draft SCM agenda for upcoming SCM on 16.11.2020
- Send the agenda to the committee to sign off on
- Amendments made to the agenda
- Approval received from the committee and issued.
20/05/2021 11:58 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Time to arrange agenda for upcoming SCM
24/05/2021 09:03 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to arrange SCM agenda
- Email from the current Chairman
- Advised that he could not open the agenda and requested the rest of the
committee to reveiw the agenda on his behalf.
- Response from a committee member requesting a copy of the agenda as
they did not have the copy of the agenda to review
- Agenda re-issued on Sunday and advsied the committee to provde their
feedback so the agenda could be upated and signed off asap
- Email received from the committee on Monday 24 with a copy of the
updated motions
- Advised to copy and paste the motions to the agenda
- Updated the agenda
- Wrote to the committee to confirm they are ok with the agenda to be
- Requested confrimation if KL attendance was required based on the
motion regarding tenders for new management
30/03/2021 11:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to clarify query from U15/100
- Email from the owner of unit 15/100
- Advised they were confused over the issuing of the letters for the pest
- The owner specified that there was a confusion over the costs
- Confirmed with the owner what each letter reflected, the cost they would
need to cover to treat their own unit and how the common aras will be
26/03/2021 15:52 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to draft Access Letter
- Time to draft access letter for intercoms and window inspection
29/03/2021 10:46 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to draft Access Letter
- Email from the Chairman and Building Manager with noted changes for the
- Made the changes and sent the updated letter to the Chairmand and
Building Manager to sign off and approve.
25/05/2021 15:15 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Time spent liaising with the Strata Committee regarding an EGM agenda
regarding the agency agreement
- Requested an EGM agenda be arranged
- EGM drafted and sent to the Strata Committee for their review
- Added motions to re-appoint KL
- Terminate current agent and options to appoint a new agent
26/05/2021 16:37 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Resposne received from the committee
- Advised of amendments to the agenda
- Amendments made and response sent to the committee
27/05/2021 15:52 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft EGM agenda
- Email received from the Strata Committee
- Advised of amendments to the cover letter they had produced
- Amendments made to the cover letter
- Wrote to the Strata Committee to advsie fo the update and what had been
25/04/2021 10:03 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda 27.04.2021
- Time to draft agenda for upcoming Strata Committee Meeting and send to
the Strata Committee for reveiw
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26/04/2021 16:36 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda 27.04.2021
- Email from the Chairman with the amendments for the agenda
- Amendments made and missing motions added
- located, uploaded and re-named all attachments for the committee
07/12/2020 13:44 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM agenda for upcoming meeting
- Time to draft agenda for upcoming SCM meeting
- sent to the committee for their feedback and requested confirmation if
anything needs to be changed.
26/05/2021 16:39 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM minutes
- Time draft SCM minutes
- Issued minutes to the committee and requested confirmation of their
01/06/2021 14:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM minutes
- Email from the Strata Committee regarding chnages to the minutes
- Reveiwed the minutes
- Made the changes and wrote back to the Strata Committee with the
updated minutes
11/02/2021 15:59 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to draft SCM notice for upcoming meeting
12/02/2021 15:23 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Email recieved from the Chairman
- Advsied of items missing from the agenda that should be included
- Made adjustments and inlcuded addiotnal motions to cover those items
- Supplied the update to the Chairman for their approval.
15/02/2021 17:34 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to make minor adjustments and email SC a copy of the agenda with
additioanl documents for the meeting
- Provided the SC with details of the attachments
16/02/2021 16:50 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to draft SCM notice for Feb.
- Time to supply the SC an update on items ahead of the meeting tonight.
- Reviewed items on the agenda for actioning and that required a resposne
and supplied notes to the committee members with an update on where
items are sitting.
03/12/2020 12:54 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: time to execute insurnace contracts
- Time to review contract for units 13 and 14.
- Sign, attached common seal and arrange payment of excess invoice
- provdied executed contract and confrimation of payment to the insurer
01/12/2020 09:51 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to execute painting contract
- Email from Robertson's Painting and Remedial with the contract for
- Sent to the Chairman and building manager to request confirmation if they
would like us to complete the contract
- Response received to confirm this.
- Reviewed, initialled, signed and attached common seal to the contract and
sent back to the painter.
02/03/2021 09:52 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up managing agent U33/106
- Time to follow up the managing agent of unit 33/106 regarding a statutory
declaration that the tenant advsied they would fill out.
- Requested confrimation of the tenant is still willi ng to do so as we have
not had any feedback from them on this.
16/02/2021 17:11 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up with 110 Owner
- Email from the committee with the email address of the neighbour
- Wrote to the neoghbour to advsie of the request to have the fence
- Advised that th epayment will be 50/50 and supplied the quotes for his
- Supplied the committee with an update
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17/02/2021 16:49 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to follow up with 110 Owner
- Email received from the neighboour with the agreement on the preferred
fence and why
- Wrote to the committee to advise of the update on the fence
- Informed the owner that the committee had been notified and requested
confirmation they agree to accept the same quote.
26/04/2021 15:13 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to follw up Diagnostech
- Email from the Chairman
- Advsied that they have not yet received the report from Diagnostech
- Advised that this would delay the Committee decision for works required to
be undertaken
- Wrote to Diagnostech to advsie that we have not received the report from
the window inspection
- Requested the report to be received asap
- Wrote back to the Chairman to provide the update on the report
- Further email sent to Diagnostech to seek an update or acknowledgement
on the email sent Sunday 25.04.2021
- Wrote tp the committee to provide the update
21/09/2020 08:47 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to forward on correspondenec from Lot 55
- email from the owner of lot 55
- requested that their email be forwarded on to the Chairman of the strata
- resposnded to the owner to advsie that the information had been passed
- wrote to the Chairman to advsie of the correspondence
- provided infomation to the Chariman in resposne to the owners points
- advised of the owners corporations obligation to attend mediation and how
a decsion is generally made
- advised what approval is required for the cameras they have on common
property and the approval they required (already undertaken)
- advsied of the update for the carpet requestand what action was taken and
confirmed the owner was aware as they acknowledged the email
- email provided with the carpet update suppllied to the owner following her
- advised that there has been no refusal of the AGM as the owner has
indicated and provded copis of emails sent to the owner in response to their
AGM queries
- supplied advice on the obligation to issue the minutes of the general
meeting and committee meeting minutes.
21/01/2021 12:25 Marcello Pisto 03:45 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
Time to hold afterhours SCM
Time to travel to the meeting, hold meeting
17/02/2021 09:04 Marcello Pisto 03:20 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time to hold afterhours SCM
11/03/2021 10:43 Marcello Pisto 02:15 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time travel to and hold afterhours SCM
11/03/2021 10:44 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to hold afterhours SCM
- Time to draft SCM minutes and issue email to the committee wth minutes
and completed list of action items including those left off the minutes.
21/10/2020 08:19 Marcello Pisto 02:00 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
Time to hold Strata Committee meeting 6pm-8pm.
21/10/2020 18:38 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
- Time to finalise draft minutes and send to the Chairman for approval.
26/10/2020 10:40 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to hold Committee Meeting
- Email back from the Chariman regarding changes to the AGM minutes
- Revewied the required changes
- Made the changes and address the comments from all the committee
members in attendance
- Wrote back to the Chairman with the updated minutes for approval
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22/06/2021 15:12 Marcello Pisto 01:30 Subject: Time to hold EGM
- Time to hold EGM to appoint new agent
- Reveiwed all voting papers
- Confrimed who was financial and not financial for the meeting
- Calculated the votes for the motions and resolved the decsions made
- Completed the minutes of the meeting
- Supplied a copy of the minutes to the committee with a copy of the work
papers of the meeting
31/03/2021 08:58 Marcello Pisto 02:28 Subject: Time to hold SCM
- Time to travel and hold SCM
- 5:20PM - 7:48 PM
01/12/2020 09:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letter U35/Lot 55
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested that we issue the owner of unit 35/ lot 55 a breach of by-laws
letter for removing items from the noticeboard
- Drafted breach letter and included by-law 8 and section 153 of the act
- Sent to the chairman for confirmation of issuing
01/12/2020 09:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letter U35/Lot 55
- Email received regarding the breach of by-law letter drafted
- Added additional by-laws that can be used to address the matter
- Addressed other concerns raised and sent back to the committee for
25/05/2021 15:54 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to issue breach letters to SC
- Time spent to loacte and issue copoies of the breach letters previously
issued to offending lots
- Reviewed records, located and issued 3 letters requested by the Strata
11/01/2021 15:06 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to issue by-laws Lot 57
- Email from the owners of unit 42 lot 57
- Requested a copy of the by-laws.
- Located and issued.
22/03/2021 20:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to liaise with Quatrix re: Approved quote
- Time to liaise with quatrix regarding the approved quote and seeking
clarification taht the quote accepted was what they put foreward due to the
cost difference.
16/04/2021 12:28 Marcello Pisto 03:00 Subject: Time to locate documents for term deposit
- Email from CBA requesting several documents
- Documents needed for term deposit were a copy of the agrement,
certificate of title and minutes appointing Kooper & Levi.
- Located the certificate of title and agreement.
- Reveiwed all electronic records to locate the minutes
- Unable to locate the minutes
- Supplied 2/3 documnets for the term deposit
- Obtained an update that the term deposit documents had been submitted
- Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update
- Advised of what was requested and what was issued
- Requested clarification if they had a copy of the minutes
- Resposne received and advised that we would see what alternaotive
documents could be used if required.
25/02/2021 16:22 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to obtain invoices for BM
- Email from the building manager
- Requested electrical invoices from 2 contractors to be passed on.
- Reveiwed the records, locaed and passed on all invoices.
04/08/2020 14:53 Evelyn Sinai 00:15 Subject: Time to prepare reimbursement form
Time to prepare reimbursement form- 5 x CCTV cameras for chairperson
05/03/2021 09:47 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to provdie committee retail re: solar power
- Time to address committee email regarding details for companies who can
install Solar Panels
- Obatined names of 3 companies
- Located their details and passed on the information to the committee
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15/03/2021 18:06 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to provdie SC update on U35/106
- Email from the owner of unit 35
- Supplied a letter with comments on the charges
- Wrote to the committee and provided the resposne from the owner as well
as feedback on each point.
23/03/2021 15:43 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to provdie SC update on U35/106
- Email from the owner
- Wrote to the committee to advsie of the response from unt 35/106
- Supplied the committee some feedback on the matter
26/02/2021 19:51 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to provide selling agent U44/100 info
- Email from the selling agent
- Requested calrifcation on the levies for the lot, capital works fund balance
and position on pets
- Wrote back to the agent to advsie of the levies
- Infoirmed them that we could not disclose the financial status of the
building and wha the current by-laws state
- Informed them to undertake a search should they wish to obtain additonal
19/10/2020 17:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to respond to Unit 33/lot 55
- Time to respond to multiple emails receievd from the owner of unit 35/lot
- Emails related to letters left for the Chairman and matters relating to the
AGM, Carpet and pets in the building.
01/12/2020 09:22 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to supply Chairman U31 and U35 emails
- Time to review previous correspondence and locate emails sent to the
owner of unit 31 and unit 35
- Located and attached 23 emails related to the matters
19/02/2021 09:06 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to supply electricity invoices to BM + Chair
- Email from the Building manager and Chairman
- Advised of issues incurred with the lighting
- Requested copies of the electricity invoices from the last 2 years
- Reviewed all invoices and located invoices from 2019 and 2020
- Sent emails to the Building manager and Chairman with copies of the
invoices from 2019 and 2020
01/12/2020 15:54 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply info on pets-by-law
- Time to advsie the Chairman advice on the no pets by-law and how to
address the matter
26/02/2021 18:56 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply invoices to polcie
- email from the building manager to pass on the invoices for bells
locksmiths to the polcie
- Located the relevant invoices and forwarded on the invoices to the
constable looking after the matter.
01/12/2020 09:26 Marcello Pisto 01:00 Subject: Time to supply Notice to comply/ NCAT procedure
- Time to provide the Chairman with the procedure to have a notice to
comply issued and to take the matter to NCAT
- Motions for the committee meetings provided to approve these steps
- Copies of a notice to comply as well as what a by-law template would look
like that can be used for all by-laws
22/03/2021 20:14 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Time to supply update on fence agreements
- Email to the committee
- Advised of the update on the fence agreements ahead of the meetings and
the resposnes received from the neighbours
28/04/2021 07:56 Marcello Pisto 02:54 Subject: Time to travel and hold SCM
- Time to travel to site and hold Strata Committee Meeting
- 5pm - 7:54pm
26/05/2021 07:41 Marcello Pisto 02:10 Subject: Time to travel and hold SCM
- Time to travel and hold SCM
19/03/2021 17:16 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Time to update SC on insurnace queries
- Email received from Coverforce with resposnes to the queries
- Wrote to the committee to provide the update on the matter
- Supplied the feedback to each question raised and the comments.
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19/02/2021 09:17 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Time to write to JS Mueller re letter approval
- Time to write to JS Mueller and Co to advise of the approval for the letter of
- Explained the ongoing issues with the owner of unit 35/106
- Advised of the history and requested confirmation on what action can be
- Advised of the evidence we have and previous matters
01/12/2020 09:31 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Timr to address insurnace queries
- Time to address insurance query with the Chairman
-Email was based on the owner arranging their own contractor to complete
the insurance repair works
- Advised the Chairman of the process that can be undertaken for the owner
to conduct their repair by their own contractor
01/05/2020 07:59 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Tree Application North Sydney Council
Tree Application North Sydney Council
30/11/2020 14:04 Simone Welsh 00:45 Subject: Two letters drafted to the neighbours
Two letters drafted to the neighbours
„h Latticework fence between 106 and 110 High St.
- Kooper and Levi to write to the neighbours to advise that we have obtained
1 quote for the fence replacement,
- That we will be obtaining another quote to review, and;
- That we seek confirmation if they would like to obtain their own quotes,
- That we confirm that SP8711 will contribute to 50% of the costs for the
fence replacement
„h Vegetation between 100 and 98 High St.
- That Kooper and Levi write to the neighbours and request that they cut
back their vegetation that has
overgrown and damaged the shared fence beyond repair, and;
- Advise the neighbours that SP8711 will contribute to the replacement of
the shared fence once they have cut
back their hedges.
10/06/2020 11:08 Nicholas Johnson 00:15 Subject: U83 car space dispute 100620
U83 car space dispute 100620
25/09/2020 11:03 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Unit 15 door lock matter
From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2020 10:58 AM
To: 'marymegier_in_oz' <>
Subject: RE: Key questions SP8711
Hi Mary,
If you don't have a key, you will need to arrange this with the locksmith or go
back to the agent/owner who you purchased the property from to supply you
the keys.
Is the lock an additional lock that is on the door? Can you please supply a
photo of this?
11/01/2021 15:42 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Unit 15, lot 5 by-laws
- Time to send a copy of the by-laws to unit 15 lot 5.
29/03/2021 13:49 Marcello Pisto 00:45 Subject: Update to SC: Insurnace claim U43/106
- Emails sent and receievd from Coverforce on a claimed lodged for stained
- Updates received
- Wrote to the Strata Committee regarding the claim
- Advised of the update from Coverforce
- Supplied recomendations to address the matter.
30/03/2021 14:28 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Update to SC: Insurnace claim U43/106
- Update receievd from the committee to request that the claim be withdrawn
- Wrote to the broker to advise of the update on the matter
- Wrote back to the committee to advise of the update on the withdrawal
- Advised the committee that we would supply an update and arrange the
13/05/2020 11:29 Simone Welsh 00:30 Subject: Urgent follow up and response to Lot 55 re
Urgent follow up and response to Lot 55 re live wires left over their front
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23/09/2020 09:21 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Urgent water leak Unit 13 and 14
Hi Funda,
Would this be arranged by Plumb City due to the dust be caused by works
undertaken by the team?
Can you also advise if there are any photos of the completed works ?
13/10/2020 09:11 Marcello Pisto 00:30 Subject: Window quotes
-Email from the building manager to confirm the other 2 companies who he
met with to quote on the window replacements
- Responded to him and the Chairman to advise that we would reach out to
them to find out where the quotes are and when we can expect them
- Wrote to both companies and received bounce backs as the emails were
- Searched the companies to locate alternative email addresses
- Obtained relevant email addresses and forwarded the responses to them
-Wrote to the building manager and Chairman to advise of the update
- Response received from Landlady with their quote
- Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update
- Response received from the Jonathan of Apex Diagnostics
- Advised they would provide their quote tomorrow
-Wrote to the Chairman to provide the update on the remaining window
01/12/2020 09:17 Marcello Pisto 00:15 Subject: Window Quotes
- Email from the Chairman
- Requested if we can pass on the quotes received for the windows to
Trevor on the strata Committee
- Located and issued a copy of the quotes received
215 hrs 7 min 42,487.50
29/07/2021 20:02 P Culbi Kooper & Levi Strata Management Page 41

- Time to complete minutes of Strata Committee Meeting
- Sent to the Committee for their approval

Subject: Addresses on letters

- Time to reveiw and respond to emails fom the committee on letters and the
layout and content.
Subject: Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owne
8.6 - Lot 20 - Issue Template Payment Plan to Owner to complete and
return to our office
Subject: 050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue
050420-emails re Lot 55 legal issue

Subject: 12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions

12/106 High Street - SP and move in instructions issued to the agent
We would be grateful If you would provide us with a copy of the Strata plan
for the above property.
We have found a new tenant for the property. Once the lease has been
signed we will provide you with his details

Subject: 14/106 High St water damage

From: Marcello Pisto
Sent: Thursday, 24 September 2020 6:46 PM
To: John Kelly
Subject: FW: SP8711 14/106 HIGH ST NORTH SYDNEY
Hi John,
Hope you are well.
Please see below regarding associated damage in relation to the water
issue effecting 13 and 14.
Would you like us to lodge a claim? The excess for water damage is

Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues.

- Email from the committee on the letter regarding from unit 21
- Addressed comments from the committee and amended letter
- Suggested a few suggestions on dealing with the lack of deatils for the lot

Subject: 21/106 Letter for ongoing issues.

- Response recieved from the committee
- Advised of the amendments they believed to be necessary
- Amended the letter to update the reponse for the power of attorny
- Amended the letter to have a copy addresseed to the owner
- Both letters sent to the committee for their approval to be issued.
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill
7.4 - Lot 66 - issued payment plan for Bob to fill out and return at his earliest
for committee approval.
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry
7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent on Levy Enquiry - Owner

Subject: 7.4 - Lot 66 - Time spent - Owner Levy Enquiry

HI Vicky,
We are happy to respond.
Kind Regards
Lauren Ikin
CCA Legal Pty Ltd
Subject: 7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm pay
7.4 - Lot 9 - Owner Levy Enquiry - Smoke alarm payment

2 for $2,110.05 Acceptance of quote 402 for $2,110.05

85 - Lot 58 03.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers have not received the denial letter - are

85 - Lot 58 25.09.2020 - Coverforce Brokers advise the denial letter should be received
85 - Lot 58 13.10.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting the denial letter.

06485 - Lot 58 03/12/2020 - Contract signed and sent back to the broker, confirmed that
85 - Lot 58, Unit 43 09.07.2020 - Email sent to Coverforce enquiring of the progress of this

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 07.10.2020 - Coverforce Brokers emailed Michael Thurbin from Integrated

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 12.10.2020 - Abril Building Solutions have inspected Unit 14 (Lot 44) and
94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 05.11.2020 - Email from Coverforce Brokers requesting progress from the

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 09.11.2020 - Emailed Coverforce Brokers requesting an update on the

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 24.11.20 - CHU's loss adjuster - Michael Thurbin - has accepted the

94 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 27.11.2020 - Amended contract received, Strata Manager to sign and return

0494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2020-12-18 - invoice received from Blanco Elecrrical for works completed -

0494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01-12 - Email sent from CHU to Abril advising:
0494 Lots 43&44 - Burst pipe 2021-01-22 - advised by ABRIL that we are commencing with the repairs

33 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.10.2020 - Response from Coverforce Brokers :

33 - Unit 71 Lot 31 - Wate 30.11.2020 - Coverforce Brokers have requested from Wilkins Plumbing the
t Plan to the Strata C emailed Payment Plan to John Turner as approved by committee
Owner Ledger to CCA Lot 66 - emailed copy of Owner Ledger to CCA as requested
Chairperson Prepare reimbursment for Chairperson -for Yealink CP960-2WLM

ficult to remove stains Please provide a quote to fix up all the difficult to remove stains and carpet
eview AGL invoices Time spent to clarify and review AGL invoices
The license was expired from 6 October 2020 to 7 March 2021

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