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Code No.

: 18CSE13
B.E. (CSE) VI Sem (Main) Examination June 2021
Soft Computing
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions from Part - A and Part – B at one place in the same order.
Part – A (20 Marks)
1 What is the impact of weight in an artificial neural network? (2) 2 1
2 Differentiate between Supervised and unsupervised learning. (2) 2 4
3 State the activation function used in perceptron network. (2) 2 1
4 What is meant by epoch in training process? (2) 1 1
5 Define bottom-up weight and top-down weight (2) 2 1
6 State the advantages of associative memory. (2) 1 1
7 Differentiate between Crisp set and Fuzzy set. (2) 4 4
8 Mention the various properties of Fuzzy Relation. (2) 4 2
9 Draw the genetic algorithm process cycle. (2) 5 3
10 List the various applications of Genetic algorithm. (2) 6 2

Part – B (50 Marks)

11 (a) Design neural networks wiili only one M-P neuron that (5) 2 4
implements the NAND logic operation.
(b) Compare feed-forward and feedback networks. (5) 1 4
12 (a) Justify- XOR function is non·linearly separable by a single (5) 2 4
decision boundary line.
(b) Design a Hebb net to implement logical AND function. (5) 2 4

13 (a) Design a Neural Network with Perceptron model to implement (5) 2 4

OR function.
(b) Using back-propagation network, find the new weights for the (5) 3 4
network shown in the following figure. The network is presented
with the input pattern [1,0] and target output 1. Use Learning rate
α = 0.3 and binary sigmoidal activation function.

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Code No.: 18CSE13
14 (a) Explain the Perceptron training algorithm for multiple output (5) 2 2
(b) Explain the training algorithm used in Adaline network. (5) 2 2

15 (a) Construct a Kohonen self-organizing feature map to cluster (5) 3 4

fourvectors [0011], [ 1001}, [0101}, [1111}.The maximum
number of clusters t o be formed is 2 and assume learning rate as
0.5. Assume random initial weights.
(b) Mention the three main components of an ART network. (5) 1 3
16 (a) State the testing algorithm of a discrete BAM. (5) 2 1
(b) Construct and test an associative discrete Hop-field network with (5) 3 3
input vector [1 -1 1 1]. Test the network with missing entries in
first and fourth components of the stored vector.

17 (a) Define membership function and state its importance in fuzzy (5) 4 1
(b) Describe how neural network is used to obtain fuzzy membership (5) 4 2
18 (a) Discuss fuzzy composition techniques? (5) 4 3
(b) How is rank ordering used to define membership functions based (5) 4 1
on polling concept?

19 (a) Discuss in detail on the various classifications of Genetic (5) 5 2

(b) With suitable examples, Explain the various types of crossover (5) 5 4
20 (a) What are the various methods of encoding the Chromosome. (5) 5 1
(b) Compare generic algorithm and genetic programming. (5) 5 4


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