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Peat! Lake Protection & Rehabititation Distriet ‘The July 2.200PPRD meeting was eatled to order by Chem Steve Koivula. Minutes were read of the May 28,2011 receting, One correction was 5 acres of milfeil aot $0 acres that was treated. Minutes then accepted. Mark Leissring, treasurer, gave the income & expenses explanation of the PRD financial staus with a net worth of 349,561.18 a8 of June 30, OTT. Report accepted as given Fish report— ern Bertzyk stated Dave Bartz ef the INR has suid no blue gill stocking this year 2011. Possibly stocking in 2012 aficr the ice out survey in April. The DNR is agreeable with trout sincking— but they do mot reproduee. lee ‘fishermen catch trout ower Peretick — Seeci dise report as of 6/13, 3 168 degrees, 45 ft 46 degrees. 7/173 ft74 degrees a lot of pollen in the ‘water. ‘The great American Dip ~ in gSatcllite monitoring is taking place in uly. Ytonoers need for his Se ‘rad Cason of Cason d Asso, who surveyed the lake 7 times spoke and displayed onthe seen, the kinds of aquatic plats inthe lake. Qualicy ofthe water is good, clear and clean, This report was ancepte by all Mark Leissring explained in detail the July 201] to June 30, 2012: proposed budget (Chuck Johannes, retiring Vice Chem was presented with a wil certificate For years of service Sheticy tubiasz was nominated for View Chrm replacing Chuck Johannes, Other BRD officers are Chrm Steve Koivula, ‘Treasurer Mark Lcissring. Commissioners Dave Paulick and Randy Rucks. The 2012 PRM meeting time will be 8:30 A.M,, followed by the lake association meeting. Facer dari whewip Lo aS be Ath

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