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Topic: Crop production and Management

Sub-topic:1. Farming Practices

2. Basic Practices of Crop Cultivation


1. The state of Assam is famous for the production of tea not only in India but the
whole world. Can you mention the harvest festival of this state of India?

2. Drip irrigation method is widely used in our country because it conserves water. Can
you name any other method of irrigation which helps in water conservation?

3. I am better than chemical fertilizer and do not damage the quality of soil. What am I
better known as.

4. Name the type of farming in which chemical fertilizers is not added to soil. ‘Sikkim is
the first state in India to take up this type of farming’.

5. Identify the activity

6. Farmers use me to scare away animals and birds from their fields. Who am I?

7. Nowadays farmers prefer to use HYV seeds? Expand HYV.

8. Name the season between Kharif and Rabi season.


1. Raj is a farmer who grew potato during the Kharif season. However, he found that he
did not get the desired produce? Explain why.

2. Some crops like paddy have to be transplanted from the nursery .Define this process.

3. Name any five traditional implements used in the process of agriculture in your

4. Why is excessive irrigation harmful for crops?

5. There are some plants which grow alongside crops and cause harm to the crops?
What are they called? How can a farmer deal with them? Explain briefly.

6. There are some micro-organisms who supply an important element(gas) to

leguminous plants?Name any two such micro-organisms and also name the process
through which they help these plants.

7. Why is loosening of soil important for the healthy growth of crops?

8. Identify the following parts and also name the agricultural implement.


In January 2016, Sikkim became India’s first “100 per cent organic” state. Today, all farming
in Sikkim is carried out without the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, providing
access to safer food choices and making agriculture a more environment-friendly activity.
The implementation of Sikkim’s policy was successful due to the fact that it combines
mandatory requirements, such as gradually banning chemical fertilizers and pesticides, with
support and incentives, thus providing sustainable alternatives. Political commitment to
support organic farming in Sikkim began in 2003 and was consolidated in 2010 with the
design of the Sikkim Organic Mission. This road map clearly detailed all the measures
necessary to achieve the target of becoming a fully organic state by 2015, a goal that was
reached within just 12 years. Nowadays Sikkim is the first 100% organic state in the world.

More than 66,000 farming families benefitted from the policy, which however reaches
beyond organic production and proves truly transformational. For instance, Sikkim’s tourism
sector benefited greatly from the new organic image: between 2014 and 2017 the number
of tourists increased by over 50 per cent.

1. A. In which year did the state of Sikkim feel the need the need to switch to organic

a. 2005

b. 2003

c. 2010

d. 2020

B. Name any two benefits of organic farming.

C. Which other sector is benefitted as a result of organic farming in Sikkim?

e. Tourism sector

f. Telecommunication sector

g. Transportation

h. Health sector

D. Do you think that organic farming is a success story to all the farmers who have
undertaken it?

a. Yes/no
2. What are good quality seeds? You are given a sample of wheat seeds. How will
you select good, healthy seeds for sowing?

3. What precautions should be taken while spraying weedicides? Why? Name any
chemical weedicides widely used?

4. What is ploughing? Is it different from tilling? State two beneficial effects of

ploughing the fields? Name the traditional tool used in our country for ploughing.

5. Explain how the irrigation requirements depend on the nature of crops? Name
the various sources of irrigation in our country. Mention the most common method
of irrigation used by farmers near you.

6. Name the traditional tool used for the purpose of harvesting paddy in our
country. Why is it necessary to dry the harvested food grains before storage? Name
the structure used for the storage of grains.

7. Name the two agricultural seasons in India? What are the basic requirements for
crops to be grown in these seasons? Name any two crops each grown in the
respective seasons.

8. Explain seed drilling. Why should we maintain proper space during the process of
sowing? In this process seeds are thrown randomly in the soil, name this process?

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