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Covid-19 that which has brought the individual lives of the people to
the brink of destruction, the state is facing social and economic
tribulations also. The epidemic has disturbed every sector at the state
level as well as individual. The educational system has faltered, health
institutions have been disrupted, people have run of business, and
environmental perspective have failed to play their part especially in
developing countries. In short, today this epidemic has disturbed our
.economy in one or another
:Effects in perspective of Migration
From the perspective of migration, this epidemic has shown its
greatest impact on migration, whether individually or collectively.
Throughout history, people have moved from one place to another.
Sometimes they have moved temporarily in search of food or work,
sometimes permanently in search of a better future, sometimes
because they were forced to do so by disaster or conflict. Such human
mobility has been a core tenet of the unprecedented economic growth
of the last 100 years and is critical to our global economy. The
economic crisis induced by COVID‐19 could be long, deep, and
pervasive. Lockdowns, travel bans, and social distancing have
brought global economic activities to a near standstill. Host countries
face additional challenges in many sectors, such as health and
agriculture that depend on the availability of migrant workers.
Migrants face the risk of contagion and also the possible loss of
.employment, wages, and health insurance coverage
:Effects of COVID-19 on migration (Educational purposes)
Thousands of students after college migrate nationally and
internationally each year to pursue a good education. But due to the
corona epidemic, this time the students could not migrate, which led
.to depression and students began to look for ways to earn a living

The progressively comprehensive closure of schools has made online

learning opportunities critical for education at all levels. Although
schools are better equipped with digital tools than ever before, access
to digital learning opportunities is still not equal: children of
immigrants tend to be less equipped to face this new transition,
students with immigrant parents are less likely than students with
native-born parents at the age of 15 to have access to a computer and
an internet connection at home. However, in spite of the gaps, in all
countries, the overwhelming majority of students with immigrant
.parents do have access to a computer and to an internet connection
:Socioeconomic crisis
The pandemic particularly affected employment in a number of
services sectors where immigrants are largely overrepresented. This is
particularly the case for hospitality and security and cleaning services,
 which have been hard hit during the lockdown

Migrants sent an estimated $551 billion home in 2019 in the form of money and
goods also known as remittances. Remittances have a proven positive
effect  on  economic growth

Due to COVID-19, many migrants, especially those originally from

developing countries, have lost or are at risk of losing employment
while having little if any safety net on which to rely. As economic
migrants lose income in the developed world, they will send less
money and goods to the developing world.  A majority of
international migrants come from the developing world, either
moving to another developing country or to a developed country.

 Itis clear that COVID-19 is already resulting in many migrants losing

jobs and income while abroad. This will, in turn, lead to an inevitable
decrease in remittances, which will negatively affect families and
communities in the developing world most acutely. Of particular
concern are countries where COVID-19 is increasing multiple

Businesses also tend to be smaller and to have a lower capital stock.

What is more, as is also the case among workers, many immigrant
.businesses find themselves in the hard-hit hospitality sector
:How to overcome
Almost every sector is affected by this pandemic in various ways. The
only good thing we can say that happened due to this pandemic is
people now start adapting the internet and start believing the fact that
technology is the key to survive in the future. "Technology is future".
We have to utilize these tech works in our daily life so we can
.overcome this pandemic through innovations
New auto-manufacturing plants, State of the art harvesting are major
.or should I say backbone of our GDP
The population must be controlled, which will have the advantage that
employment opportunities will be disturbed on an equal basis within
.one’s own country
The education system should have room for all young people. It
should be the duty of the state to provide opportunities to all the youth
to acquire knowledge so that the youth is not forced to migrate to
.other countries

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